MS39 Launch expertise strategy

Poročilo "Poročilo projekta SSHOC, MS39", CESSDA, (2020)


MASTEN, Sergeja
WILLEMS, Marieke


This document describes the launch of D6.2 SSHOC Building Expertise Strategy and the related activities and tasks, proposed after the first year of the SSHOC project. It focuses on planning the initial iteration of the SSHOC Training Toolkit release and efforts to organize Train-the-trainer bootcamps and the SSHOC Stakeholder Forum. This milestone concerns the launching of the expertise strategy. Means of verification as defined in the SSHOC DoA are the activities related to the start of planning of (a) initial iteration of the toolkit release, (b) bootcamps and (c) the Stakeholder Forum. Planning relates to the work done in WP6, T6.2 and T6.4 to set good grounds for mentioned events and toolkit with which the project wants to engage SSH trainers and other stakeholders in developing even better products in the framework of the SSHOC project and raise awareness on the work done so far.

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