D6.5 Report on Stakeholder Series events

Poročilo "Poročilo D6.5", CESSDA, (2021)




The SSHOC stakeholder series aimed to showcase the progress and achievements of the projects and engage with a wider range of SSHOC stakeholders and other European initiatives; to promote the uptake of SSHOC tools, services, and shared data, equip producers, users, and experts with relevant skills and capabilities, and support the collaboration with other initiatives. The events in the series were designed to be cross-stakeholder to maximise the outreach and to foster the dialog and collaboration between SSHOC stakeholders. The central event of the series was the mid-project stakeholder forum. Organised in collaboration with EOSC-hub and FREYA projects, the forum took place in October 2020 as the Realising European Open 1 2 Science Cloud conference. Motivated by the post-event review of the SSHOC stakeholder categories, a plan for the organisation of a series of further events was established, with the aim of reaching all stakeholder categories. The ten events in the stakeholder series are: Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud: What’s in it for research libraries? (Workshop at LIBER2019 conference), 26 June 2019 Language as social and cultural data (talk at the "Culture & Technology" European Summer University in Digital Humanities), 2 August 2019 EOSC services, collaborations, and RDA (co-located event at 14th RDA Plenary), 21 October 2019 Social & Cultural Data – taking the Users’ Perspective (session at the EOSC Symposium 2019), 28 November 2019 Realising the European Open Science Cloud: Towards a FAIR research data landscape for the social sciences, humanities and beyond, 16-19 November 2020 SSH Code of Conduct Workshop, 17 March 2021 The ESFRI Clusters at RDA House of Commons (debate co-located with RDA’s 17th Virtual Plenary Meeting) Round Table of Experts on Data Citation, 20 May 2021 Onboarding Citizen Science and the role of research libraries: barriers and accelerators (workshop at the LIBER2021 Conference), 23 June 2021 SSH Vocabulary Initiative - What users want (workshop at the ICTeSSH 2021 Conference), 28 June 2021 The events in the series range from large conferences to sessions or workshops organised as part of other events attended by specific stakeholder groups or scientific communities. The largest event was The events in the series range from large conferences to sessions or workshops organised as part of other events attended by specific stakeholder groups or scientific communities. The largest event was the Realising European Open Science Cloud conference with an exhibition, networking opportunities, 29 sessions and over 110 speakers and session chairs. In total, the events reached 1283 people. The stakeholder series highlighted the impact of the project activities and developments, placing them in the broader context of European technical and social developments in the social sciences and humanities and EOSC. The events are a major contribution to the promotion of SSHOC project achievements and to the engagement with stakeholders.

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