D6.3 Final report on the outcome of the awareness raising workshops

Poročilo "Deliverable D6.3", CESSDA, (2021)




The awareness raising workshops were part of the SSHOC stakeholder engagement and awareness raising activities, aimed towards fostering communities in the Social Sciences and Humanities. The aim of the workshops was to raise awareness on SSHOC services and tools in development, gather feedback from various participants (e.g., data producers, data users, data experts, researchers, research librarians, secure data facility professionals, policy makers and civil society), and to inform project work based on the received feedback. Awareness workshops introduced SSHOC services and tools that were still under development and were therefore a way to maximise active contribution of the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) communities in the project. The content of the workshops was delivered by task partners and invited experts, while task 6.2 “Fostering Communities: Engaging New & Existing Users” provided communicational and technical support, assisted moderators in facilitating the discussions, and applied a standardized workflow to document the events. After the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the workshops were adapted to take place online, while keeping the interactive elements and more extensive character of a workshop, as compared to webinars. The awareness raising workshops comprised a total of 9 events: LR4SSHOC: LREC2020 workshop about Language Resources for the SSH Cloud Agile Development of the SSH Open Marketplace: User Workshop, 30 June 2020 SSHOC Considerations for the Vocabulary Platforms, 6 November 2020 SSHOC Speech-to-text Workshop - Linking Social Survey and Linguistic Infrastructures Through Speech Interviews, 16April 2021 SSHOC Archaeological Case Study Workshop - The Roman Theatre in Catania from Survey to Interactive 4D Visualisation, 25 May 2021 SSHOC Dataverse Translation Workshop, 2 June 2021 SSHOC Dataverse Translation follow-up event 1, 8 September 2021 SSHOC Workshop: Providing canonical training materials for secure data facility professionals, 21 September 2021 SSHOC Dataverse Translation follow-up event 2, 7 December 2021 The awareness workshops were a successful format for the introduction of SSHOC developments and interaction with the relevant audiences. The guiding principle of the workshops was to present the work that was still in progress, which meant that the organisers were able to receive valuable feedback from the participants that could be applied to future work. For the SSH communities, the awareness workshops were an opportunity to engage with the developers of innovative products, learn of the latest progress in their fields, and contribute to the development of SSHOC services and tools.

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