The Slovenian open science community : a cooperative approach for common benefits

Poster na dogodku "52nd LIBER annual conference 2022, 6. - 8. 7. 2022", LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche – Association of European Research Libraries), Odense, Danska (2022)

COBISS-ID: 134754563


LEGAT, Dunja


Addressing today's societal challenges, the transfer and circulation of knowledge in society are possible only with an integrated, cooperative approach, interdisciplinary cooperation, and the introduction of open science principles. In order to achieve better research results and international competitiveness, the proposal of the new Slovenian Research and Innovation Strategy envisions the establishment of a national open science community as an integrated, cooperative open science ecosystem of all Slovenian key stakeholders, including infrastructures, research libraries, and other participants in public and private services in the field of open science. The aim of the Slovenian Open Science Community (SOSC) is to establish a modern, internationally relevant, and competitive ecosystem based on the principles of open science, which is harmonized and connected with the European Research Area and relevant European initiatives. The comprehensive and transparent open science ecosystem will operate in a complementary way in the field of services, infrastructures, and training to improve the working conditions of researchers, encourage the dissemination, exchange, and reuse of knowledge through open access, develop open science-related skills, and set up a training system for target users. The main objectives at the European level is the cooperation of the Slovenian research community in the adoption of strategic visions of European and international initiatives, especially the European Open Science Cloud and other pan-European (ESFRI) and international research infrastructures and EDI related projects. The Slovenian Open Science Community also envisions the establishment of a comprehensive national and EOSC-related helpdesk and catalogue of Slovenian services in a national EOSC-like marketplace. The Slovenian Open Science Community will offer end-users a common entry point to e- and research infrastructures, high-performance resources, different tools for data visualization, analyzing and archiving, research data and publications, as well as training for using the services. It will also boost interdisciplinary collaboration and connections between different levels of stakeholders. In the poster, we will present our vision and paths to its realization and how libraries and archives can act as open science facilitators by coordinating activities with their knowledge of managing research outputs.

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