Supporting EOSC : putting institutions in the driving seat

Predavanje na dogodku "52nd LIBER annual conference 2022, 6. - 8. 7. 2022", LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche – Association of European Research Libraries), Odense, Danska (2022)

COBISS-ID: 134756611
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6818021


JONES, Sarah
LEGAT, Dunja


bstract: EOSC provides multi-faceted solutions to a range of users to discover, access, share and reuse vast swathes of data. This infrastructure will also require an intensive effort to support potential and current users. Institutions and libraries have a natural role here given their vital position in outreach to researchers. This panel session for ‘EOSC solutions (or support)’ will provide an opportunity to find out more about EOSC. It will cover existing outreach and training for EOSC, describe technical solutions, touch on scholarly communication aspects, as well as discuss researcher perspectives. It will provide an ideal opportunity for librarians to hear about the latest EOSC developments, brainstorm how to move forward and what tools they need at their fingertips to promote EOSC. . Panel session objectives: ● Learn how EOSC is relevant to librarians - it’s more than just a harvester! ● See practical examples of how researchers are using EOSC as a way to encourage and support uptake within your institution ● Promote interactive discussions to learn how a librarian could use EOSC - learn about tools - and provide library resources to EOSC ● Get feedback from the audience on EOSC questions These talks will cover what EOSC provides for libraries and how you could get your resources to the EOSC catalogue/portal/Knowledge Hub. It will showcase the first outcomes from the EOSC Observatory and present an outline of the EOSC training programme for institutions. It will also focus on practical information on how to become an EOSC research product provider, under preparation in EOSC future project, highlighting also lessons learnt from previous EOSC related projects.

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