Data on Gender and Labour in Social Science Data Archives

Predavanje na dogodku "Predavanje na delavnici, 14. 5. 2021", Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, (2021)


MASTEN, Sergeja


The workshop [WO]MENPOWER! Frontier research approaches in gender and labour histories intends to highlight the different aspects of epistemological nature that characterize the current gender and labour histories. The papers will be structured around the most innovative and original methodological approaches such as intersectionality, anthropology, economy, oral history, data science, micro-spatial, and public history. In the communications, particular attention will be paid to the situation of the Upper Adriatic. The workshop is organized in the framework of the MSCA-IF Project 2019 “We Can Do It! Women’s labour market participation in the maritime sector in the Upper Adriatic after the World Wars in an intersectional perspective” (acronym: WeCanIt; grant agreement no. 894257).

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