Guidelines for the implementation of scientific publishing policies of research data citation in scientific publications and assuring access to primary data, used in publications

E-publikacija (2020)

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3757282


ŠTEBE, Janez


Preparation of Guidelines for the formulation of scientific publishing policies of citing research data in scientific publications and for providing access to primary data on which scientific discussions are based is one of the goals of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) Node Slovenia. The Guidelines are intended for scientific publishers and editors of scientific journals to assist them in policy-making of the so-called open access to research data requirements as a starting point for the preparation of any journal-adapted guidance for authors, reviewers and editors. They are accompanied by an example of detailed instructions for authors, to which editorial boards may refer to authors when preparing their instructions and, where appropriate, direct authors to extract from their guidelines independent Explanations for understanding the policies of scientific publishers in providing access to primary data used in articles. We thank the Working Group of the RDA Node Slovenia and all participating representatives of the editorial offices for their comments and suggestions.

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