FAIRness of (Linked) Social Media Data

Predavanje na dogodku "ESRA 2019 Conference, Highlighting the contribution of survey research in the changing data environmen, 15.-19.7.2019", European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Zagreb, Croatia (2019)


ŠTEBE, Janez


TAn extended family of FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) guide the assessment of data readiness for reuse as discussed also in recent EC Expert Group report on Turning FAIR Data into Reality. The purpose of the paper is operationalising those principles into the realm of social science use and sharing of (linked or not) social media (SM) data. Some of the key considerations sharing SM data are about following the Term of Service of commercial companies, assessment of users’ perception about privacy of communication, personal data protection and gained consent options. A variety of archiving and access options has been proposed, including the secure data access to personal (linkable) data, or storing the social network posts ID’s, or providing access to full content of SM data if ethical and legal conditions permit. We will search for comprehensive set of examples of SM data sharing, and analyse and evaluate the options by applying the FAIRness criteria to measure general utility of data for the end user, including sufficient quality and appropriates for given purpose. The FAIRness considerations will be balanced against the data curation service costs estimation, which will be based on established models (e.g. 4C project - http://www.4cproject.eu/). The outcome will be a recommendation for the data sharing options according to the types of SM data. The results synthesises some of the work in the SERISS project WP6: New forms of data – legal, ethical and quality issues.

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