Research Support and Training Offer for Social Scientists. Activities of CESSDA

Poster na dogodku "ESRA 2019 Conference, Highlighting the contribution of survey research in the changing data environmen, 15.-19.7.2019", European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Zagreb, Croatia (2019)


DOORN, Peter


The Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) is an ERIC in the field of social sciences. CESSDA currently has 17 members and 1 observer and continues to grow. One of the focus areas within the CESSDA ERIC is providing training and knowledge sharing among social science data archives. In addition, CESSDA also provides training to future depositors of data and to (social) scientists who are looking for data to reuse. In this poster, we will give an overview of the CESSDA training offer. Specifically, we will provide information on the Research Data Management (RDM) and data discovery workshops that CESSDA is organizing. In addition, a quick introduction will be given to the online CESSDA Data Management Expert Guide ( and we will present an overview of our webinar offers and train the trainer events. The workshops for researchers which are organised by CESSDA members typically focus on general issues concerning RDM, but CESSDA also provides information about specific topics such as sensitive data, metadata and documentation, preparing data for depositing, guidelines on licensing and citing data, and privacy (GDPR-compliant) in practice. For archivists within CESSDA, we will organise training days on curation of data, controlled vocabularies, metadata and tools. Last but not least there are thematic webinars organized for researchers on data discovery, focusing for instance on data on migration and on poverty.

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