Using Dataverse as a (Self-)Repository System for Data Archives

Predavanje na dogodku "SciDataCon 2018: The Digital Frontiers of Global Science", CODATA, Committee on Data for Science and Technology, Gaborone, Bocvana (2018)




One of the identified additional services, needed by the Slovenian Social Science Data Archive (ADP) is to offer a self-archiving tool for researchers and PhD students. The Dataverse application was identified as the best option, meeting most of the needed requirements of such a service. Within the CESSDA 2018 project DataverseEU we are developing additional functionalities of the Dataverse software that include the installation of the software using a Docker container on the CESSDA cloud platform, the enhancement of the system to enable connection with a chosen Persistent Identifier (PID) provider, the enhancement of study and data file descriptions that would follow the CESSDA Metadata Portfolio structure and include the CESSDA Controlled Vocabularies, and the development of a multilingual user interface. The paper will present our experience in adjusting the Dataverse software application to our needs and expose problems and workarounds that repositories should be aware of when wanting to adjust the application to their workflows.

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