Linking Web Survey Tool and Data Archives

Predavanje na dogodku "10th Annual European DDI User Conference (EDDI18), 4. - 5. 12. 2018", SOEP - The German Socio-Economic Panel, Berlin, Nemčija (2018)

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2530042




I’m sure you already heard the saying, the less work researcher will have the more likely it is survey data will actually reach data archive. At the Slovenian Social Science Data Archives (ADP), we wanted to take one step closer to researchers. We will present the work done in cooperating with the Centre of Social informatics (CSI) at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. The centre develops an open source tool for online surveys, 1KA – One click survey ( As of 2018, 1KA has over 44,000 users that annually collect more than one million questionnaires. It is used by a large number of Slovenian researchers from all sectors as well as PhD students conducting online surveys for their research. The ambition of ADP and CSI is to enable export of question level metadata, paradata, and general survey information (name, language, survey creator, field period, questionnaire duration etc.) in DDI 2.5 format that could be directly deposited in the archive. The presentation will outline the approach to developing the export of desired survey characteristics from the survey software, demonstrate its implementation and expose the key challenges related to exporting sufficiently detailed and consistent survey description in the DDI format.

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