Open Science for SSH researchers: How to address legal & ethical issues

Webinar "Open Science for SSH Researchers: from legal obligations to ethical concerns", Net4Society, Online (2018)




The objective of the webinar is to provide additional information to NCPs and SSH researchers on the specific challenges posed by Open Science. The affirmation of Open Science is generally perceived in positive terms. However, the obligations it entails for H2020 applicants are still not completely clear to all. Beyond the most obvious questions related with Open Science – what data needs to be deposited? Where should I deposit it? Where, when and how should I address these elements (during proposal writing or project implementation)? – SSH researchers have also expressed their concern regarding a balance between openness and the ethical principles that guide their work and sometimes, require a protection of the data collected. This webinar aims at clarifying some of these doubts and contribute to a better understanding of Open Science in practices for SSH. Lecturers at the webinar Gwen Frank and Irena Vipavc Brvar. Video is joint.

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Povezane vsebine:


Evrobarometer 77.2, Gospodarska in finančna kriza, telefonske številke za pomoč pri socialnih storitvah, železniška konkurenca, proizvodnja in kakovost hrane ter spletna varnost, marec 2012, EC

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