How to Find and Access data in Europe

Predavanje ADP na dogodku "Workshop at GSERM Summer School, 22 and 29. August 2018", Ekonomska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, Slovenija (2018)


BUCKLEY, Jennifer


Social Science Data Archives (ADP) serves as national repository for social science data and is member of CESSDA ERIC consortium. This interactive workshop introduces types and sources of data useful for social science research, ways we can reuse data and how to identify good quality data for a research project. The workshop will • introduce CESSDA and European data services for the social sciences alongside other key data sources such as Eurostat • help users to identify data for their own research including tools and strategies for finding data • examine how to assess the quality and usefulness of data • explain key information about licenses and conditions of access It is targeted towards anyone interested in data for secondary data analysis, especially students and early career/PhD researchers.

Creative Commons License
To delo je ponujeno pod Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva mednarodno licenco.

Povezane vsebine:


Evrobarometer 76.1, Finančna in gospodarska kriza, finančne storitve, korupcija, razvojna pomoč in enakost med spoloma, september 2011, EC

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ADP je del Inštituta za družbene vede na Fakulteti za družbene vede. Sredstva za delovanje ADP je zagotovil ARRS v okviru infrastrukturnega programa "Mreža raziskovalnih infrastrukturnih centrov Univerze v Ljubljani." ADP je član združenja evropskih arhivov družboslovnih podatkov CESSDA. © ADP (ISSN 2385-9415) | 1997 - 2017 |