D6 – Report on integration of technical system: Serbia

Poročilo FORS, (2017)


MALIĆ, Larisa
TASIC, Bojana


The aim of WP1 of the SEEDS project is to implement the various features of the data service establishment plans. This includes organisational, policy, and technical developments, all geared up toward preparing for “day one” of the new data services in partner countries. The last activity of WP1 is the integration of the archiving system (chosen in D9 - Report on technical improvements) into the technical infrastructure of the partner institutions. Besides creating a set of policy documents for the data services (see D5 - Policy and procedures document) and new individual websites (see D11), it involves the development of a technical prototype that will allow for the basic archiving functions, following the OAIS model: ingest, preservation, and dissemination. Thus, as a key result of the SEEDS project, institutions in charge for data research archiving (each in their country) have now chosen the tools and have the capacity to take in new social science data, and then to properly document, store, and distribute these data on a national level, all according to international standards. For this purpose, Serbian team established the Serbian Social Science Data Centre (SER.DAC) in 2014 as an organizational unit within the Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade (IES). The SER.DAC is output of FP7: SERSCIDA project – Support for Establishment of National/Regional Social Sciences Data Archives (2012-2014). SERSCIDA was designed as a strategic project for supporting the cooperation and exchange of knowledge between the EU countries associated within the Council of European Social Sciences Data Archives (CESSDA) and the Western Balkan Countries in the field of social science data archiving. The project addresses the issues of potential for use of information-communication technologies for the benefit of scientific research and the exchange of knowledge as laid down in the call for proposals. SER.DAC activities are: Preservation and dissemination of quantitative and qualitative data; Provision of access and support for both users and data providers including mediation between the demands of data users and data providers; Permanent monitoring of compliance with the international standards in the field of data management and preservation; Collaboration with the wider scientific community in the field of collecting and distributing data and Open Access Initiative promotion. This deliverable describes the technical prototype and its related processes. The purpose is to provide the tools and processes that will allow the new data services to begin building their data collections, to structure their data and metadata in ways to allow for discovery and reuse, to store and secure data for the long-term, and to provide the conditions and platforms for data access for their future users. In sum, the prototype supplies a basic archiving infrastructure, with all needed hardware and software. As has been the case in all previous project outputs, the intention was to maintain as much commonalities as possible across the six new data services, and this is especially true for the established technical platform. Common and compatible tools will allow for future data and information sharing, as well as for synergies across the national services.

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