CESSDA SaW D4.4: Report on DSA Certification for CESSDA

Poročilo CESSDA, (2017)


L'HOURS, Hervé
SCHUMANN, Natascha
ŠTEBE, Janez


The two key issues covered by task 4.3 of the SaW project were: 1. Provide support, assistance and monitoring of progress by all CESSDA Service Providers (SPs) towards compliance with Trustworthy Digital Repository (TDR) requirements, by undertaking CESSDA-internal peer review of self-assessments against the CoreTrustSeal (formerly Data Seal of Approval-DSA) 2. Map related concepts between the CESSDA Annex II obligations and the TDR requirements The work on these two issues, carried out during the SaW project, is addressed in this report.

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