Perspectives on the Implementation of the CESSDA Metadata Model

Predavanje na dogodku "EDDI17 – 9th Annual European DDI User Conference, 5.-6.12.2017", FORS, GESIS, IDSC of IZA, Lausanne, Switzerland (2017)


BOLKO, Irena


We present the results of the concluding task of Phase 1 of the CMM project, where we analysed the impact of the proposed Portfolio solution and identified the challenges for its implementation. 13 CEESDA members and 2 additional stakeholders participated in the survey and provided feedback on the proposed model. We evaluated the Mandatory elements of the Portfolio, applied the (adjusted) System Usability Scale (SUS) and investigated the metadata availability. We were interested in how SPs use DDI, especially to what extent they already provide metadata and whether they would be able to adapt the existing solutions to the one proposed in the model. Moreover, we asked SPs about their usage of CV (DDI and ISO). Based on the results we gathered, we also drew some comparisons between Service Providers (SP) at different stages of development. Our presentation concludes with discussing further work in the following Phase 2, where we plan to upgrade our evaluation survey. Moreover, a special focus will be given to exploring the Metadata Model usage possibilities in other organizations apart from CEESDA SP (e.g. domain stakeholders and related organizations).

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