Different aspects of valuating research data

Predavanje na dogodku "7th Conference of Slovenian Consortia for International Scientific Literature, Focus on Open Science: Citizen Science, Research Data, Access to Knowledge and Beyond, 24. 11. 2017", CTK, Centralna tehniška knjižnica Univerze v Ljubljani, Ljubljana (2017)


ŠTEBE, Janez


Increasing number of data publications encourages reconsideration of the quality, the costs and the value of research data, both for the researcher and the research community. Research data archives deal with questions, such as, which data to select for long-term curation and how to develop measures of expert reevaluation of research data. In the first part, the paper will present the measures of the research data evaluation that were developed by the European social science data archives. Specifically, it will focus on the research data evaluation procedure of the Slovenian Social Science Data Archives (ADP) for the purpose of publishing a data collection in the catalogue of the ADP, and additionally, on the possibilities of cataloguing the data collections in the COBISS system. In the second part, the paper will discuss the available services that help to provide metrics of research data after their publication (for example data citation index etc.) , since it is well-known that the visibility of scientific results and their influence in the scientific community may be of key importance for the development of an individual’s research career.

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