Emerging data archives: providing data services with limited resources

Predavanje na dogodku "IASSIST 2016. Embracing the Data Revolution: Opportunities and Challenges for Research, 31. May – 3. June 2016", IASSIST, Bergen, Norveška (2016)


GLAVICA, Marijana


The establishment of data services is a long and challenging process. There are two possible approaches in realizing the establishment: top-down and bottom-up. The bottom-up approach is more common and involves development of services within one institution often funded by projects with limited resources and duration. During the initial phase, a potential service provider (SP) is able to gain necessary knowledge and experience, but after that the provider has to offer some services to their users. The problem is that often a newly established SP is not yet fully operational, and it has to be decided which services can and which can not be offered to the potential users. In this paper we will analyze different pathways for providing data services with limited resources. Our main focus will be on two cases of emerging data archives, one in Croatia and one in Serbia. We will offer a systematic review of data services and argument which of them could and should be provided or not. We will identify a minimum set of services and the way in which they must be delivered in order to build trust with users and to provide long-term preservation and availability of deposited data.

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