Access and licencing of data

Predavanje na dogodku "UKDS workshop for doctoral students: Research data management and open data, 6 - 7 October 2015", UK Data Service, Manchester, United Kingdom (2015)




Dilemmas related to sharing research data were presented. We talked about fraud and misuse and examples of retracted journal articles because of proven fraud. Licences for research data were introduced and requests from journals about open access policies. Researchers need to check and verify journal in which they will published. They should use DOAJ for that. Unfortunately there are more and more hijacked journals. When making data available for secondary use researchers should confirm that distribution is in compliance with ethical norms and legal system.

Event was one of Foster Cessda training events for doctoral students.

Creative Commons License
To delo je ponujeno pod Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva mednarodno licenco.

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