Public opinion poll in 4 border areas of Slovenia, 2010: Italy

24. 01. 2023

Author of Research:  Milan Bufon, Mateja Sedmak, Blaž Simčič, Zorana Medarić and Maja Zadel

Year of Research:  2010

Key words: European Union; native language; main language; border areas; cross-border contacts; Schengen area; Slovenia; contacts with other countries and cultures; contacts between inhabitants; attitudes toward ethnic minorities and foreigners; Italy; international borders; minority groups; minority languages; languages used at home;


The research, carried out in 2010 in the border area between Slovenia and Italy, examines various aspects of cross-border mobility and spatial border permeability and co-dependency, as well as the situation of Slovenian border areas after Slovenia's entry into the EU. The authors also wanted to find out the expectations of the population in the border areas regarding the effects of Slovenia's entry into the Schengen area on the further development of relations. The data were collected with a public opinion telephone poll within the ARRS program group "Areas of cultural contact in integration processes", in the four border areas of Slovenia (the area with Austria, Croatia, Italy and Hungary). Data from all areas are available in ADP (see ADP-IDNo JMOOSH10, JMOOSA10 and JMOOSM10).

Survey was conducted by Public Opinion Research Centre, Science and Research Centre Koper.


More info about the research you can find in ADP Catalogue.

Bufon, M., Sedmak, M., Simčič, B., Medarić, Z. and Zadel, M. (2022). Public opinion poll in 4 border areas of Slovenia, 2010: Italy [Data file]. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani = University of Ljubljana, Slovenian Social Science Data Archives (ADP). ADP - IDNo: JMOOSI10. 

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