Official Statistics' Data

Datum objave: 08. 04. 2017    Datum zadnjega pregleda: 08. 04. 2017

The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SORS) is known to be a relatively open organization in relation to the access to official statistics' microdata. As a national statistics provider, SORS collects, processes and distributes microdata from different fields, including microdata, collected by other national statistics providers.

All the official statistics microdata, listed in the in the Annual Programme of Statistical Surveys (from 2001 on), could be accessed in the safe room and by the remote access. Microdata is available to Slovenian and foreign registered researchers who were priorly granted data access by the Data Protection Committee. For more information, contact Nataša Zidar or SORS or read more about it by clicking on this link.

The prepared list of microdata is an overview of the most important SORS microdata for registered researchers. It may be accessed here.


List of microdata from official statistics that are available in our Catalogue

Study ID Study Title List of Studies
ADS Labour Force Survey ADS, ADS14, ADS13, ADS12, ADS11, ADS10, ADS10P, ADS09, ADS08, ADS07, ADS06, ADS05, ADS04, ADS03, ADS02, ADS01, ADS004, ADS003, ADS002, ADS001, ADS00, ADS994, ADS993, ADS992, ADS991, ADS984, ADS983, ADS982, ADS981, ADS974, ADS973, ADS972
MBSSMM Microdataset of Social Statistics for Development of Microsimulation Model

POPIS Register Census POPIS, POPIS11, POPIS11p, POPIS02
APG Household Budget Survey APG00
APC Time Use Survey APC01
AZK Crime Victim Survey AZK01


  Kako citiram to stran?

Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov. LETO. Official Statistics' Data. Dostopano prek: (DD. mesec leto).

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