Improvements in a Long-term Preservation System in a Collaborative Environment. Social Science Data Archives (ADP) and National and University Library (NUK)

Poster na dogodku "IASSIST 2012-Data Science for a Connected World. Unlocking and Harnessing the Power of Information. 38th Annual Conference, 4.-8. June 2012", International Association for Social Science Information Services & Technology (IASSIST), Washington, USA (2012)

COBISS-ID: 32717917


ŠTEBE, Janez


Abstract: In a Social Science Data Archives (ADP) of Slovenia increased attention is paid to meeting the requirements of long-term preservation by OAIS standard, and the accompanying use of technological solutions, proposed metadata standards, strategies and policies, and best practices. The purpose of this paper is to present improvements in procedures of handling digital objects in ADP. Those improvements follow a review and self-assessment of existing workflows and strategic organisational framework in ADP, compared to examples of solutions in organizations of similar mission. The revisions are being introduced gradually to avoid too much inference with existing workflows. Key characteristics of improved system are: 1. Development of application that control workflows and is integrated with Fedora repository storage; 2. Additional level of preservation description information thus introduced such as provenance and fixity information. 3. Introduction of URN for additional version control and citation. 4. Exchange and duplication of AIP with a robust storage environment. The last two points are result of collaboration with National and University Library's Digital Library project. We believe that the results will be useful for others who are seeking practical solutions to similar problems.

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