Finding and reusing international business data from social science data archives : workshop conducted at the European International Business Academy (EIBA) online conference, 12 December 2020

Organizacija dogodka "European International Business Academy 2020 Online Conference", Vienna University of Economics and Business, WU, (2020)

COBISS-ID: 42426883




The aim of the workshop is to promote reuse of research data from trusted social science data services by equipping participants with the knowledge on how to find, evaluate the quality and efficiently reuse secondary research data. The workshop will introduce types and sources of secondary data useful for international business research. Agenda: (1) Introduction to the session - (2) Data types and sources - (3) Identifying data needs - (4) Searching data archives - (5) Evaluating data: quality and usefulness - (6) Accessing data - (7) Conclusion

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