Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije
J5-2556; P5-0413 (ARRS)
Keywords ADP: seksualno delo, poklicna tveganja, stigma, varnost, tveganje, profesionalizacija, delo, zaposlitev
Keywords ELSST:
Topic Classification CESSDA
Delo in zaposlovanje
Topic Classification CERIF
Topic Classification ADP
Stigma je najpomembnejša strukturna determinanta zdravja in varnosti pri delu v seksualnem delu. Čeprav se je koncept stigme v zadnjih desetletjih razvil, še vedno obstajajo vrzeli v razumevanju kompleksnosti tega pojava. Kot odgovor na te vrzeli je bil izveden sistematični pregled literature, pri čemer so raziskovalci upoštevali kvalitativne, kvantitativne in študije z mešanimi metodami, objavljene po vsem svetu med letoma 2010 in 2020. Iskali so povezave med različnimi vrstami stigme in poklicnimi tveganji, pri čemer so upoštevali vpliv pravnega konteksta. Preučili so pričakovano, izkušeno, ponotranjeno, večplastno, zaznano in sekundarno stigmo ter raziskali, kako stigme vplivajo na dostop seksualnih delavk_cev do storitev, na njihova zasebna življenja, zdravje, varnost in kariero. Raziskovali so tudi vpliv stigme na poklicna tveganja v različnih pravnih modelih regulacije seksualnega dela.
Collection date: | 2021 - 2022 |
Date of production: | 2022 |
Country: | Avstralija, Bangladeš, Bolivija, Brazilija, Kanada, Kitajska, Kostarika, Danska, Dominikanska republika, Gvatemala, Indija, Izrael, Kenija, Laos, Libanon, Mongolija, Nepal, Nizozemska, Nova Zelandija, Portoriko, Južna Afrika, Šri Lanka, Tanzanija, Tajska, Uganda, Združeno kraljestvo, Združene države Amerike, Vietnam, Zimbabve |
Geographic coverage: |
Vse naštete države. |
Unit of analysis: |
Medijska enota: besedilo |
Universe: |
Vključeni so znanstveni članki iz celega sveta, ki so izpolnjevali naslednje kriterije: obravnavajo povezave med stigmo in poklicnimi tveganji v seksualnem delu; objavljeni so bili v znanstvenih revijah med leti 2010 in 2020 v angleškem jeziku; imajo dostopen povzetek. |
Excluded: |
Izključene so bile študije, ki niso imele empirične podlage in niso vključevale seksualnih delavk_cev v svoj vzorec; študije, ki so vključevale mladoletne osebe; mednarodno primerjalne študije; študije, ki niso pristopale k seksualnemu delu iz poklicne perspektive; in študije, ki niso eksplicitno obravnavale vpliva stigme na poklicna tveganja ali niso opredelile stigme kot neodvisne ali posredniške spremenljivke v povezavi s poklicnimi tveganji. |
Data collected by: |
Mirovni inštitut |
Sampling procedure: |
Zajeta celotna populacija V prvi fazi je bil izveden pregled znanstvenih člankov, objavljenih v obdobju od 2010 do 2020, z iskanjem v iskalniku mEga, ki ga upravlja Nacionalna in univerzitetna knjižnica Slovenije. Pri iskanju so bile uporabljene naslednje ključne besede v angleškem jeziku: "seksualno delo" in "poklic" in "tveganje" in "stigma". Dodatni članki so bili identificirani z ročnim pregledom bibliografij ustreznih študij in osebnih baz raziskovalcev. V nadaljevanju so bile študije izbrane na podlagi kriterijev za vključitev (kriteriji so navedeni v delu "populacija"). Dva glavna raziskovalca sta neodvisno pregledala članke glede na kriterije za ustreznost v dveh korakih. Najprej sta pregledala naslove in povzetke. Če izbire ni bilo mogoče narediti na podlagi te informacije, je bil izveden tudi pregled celotnega besedila. V primeru nesoglasja glede ustreznosti določenih člankov sta raziskovalca izvedla razpravo s celotno raziskovalno skupino. Kriteriji za zagotavljanje kakovosti vključenih študij: (1) objava v recenzirani akademski reviji; (2) opis metodologije ustreza akademskim standardom (opis raziskovalnega problema, raziskovalna vprašanja ali hipoteze, metode, odgovori na raziskovalna vprašanja); (3) jasen opis demografskih značilnosti vzorca, kot so starost, zakonski stan, izobrazba in kraj zaposlitve. Študije z oceno kakovosti med 2 in 3 so bile ocenjene kot visoko kakovostne in vključene v pregled. Študije, ki niso dosegle ocene 3, a so bile vseeno vključene, so imele predvsem pomanjkljivosti pri opisu vzorca. |
Mode of data collection: |
Kodiranje vsebine |
Weighting: |
Brez uteževanja. |
Podatki in dokumentacija so na voljo pod mednarodno licenco Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva 4.0. Arhiv izroča podatke uporabnikom samo za namen, ki ga posebej opredelijo, ob zagotovitvi spoštovanja profesionalnih etičnih kodeksov. Uporabnik se posebej zaveže, da bo skrbel za tajnost podatkov in opravljal analize brez poskusov identifikacije posameznika.
Contact: Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov
Pri objavah, ki bi sledile na podlagi podatkov, je potrebno polno citirati avtorja in Arhiv.
Vsak uporabnik je dolžan opozoriti na morebitne pomanjkljivosti gradiva in poslati Arhivu 2 kopiji nastalih besedil.
Uporabnik naj pred uporabo pozorno prebere spremljajočo dokumentacijo in se v primeru nejasnosti obrne na avtorje raziskave ali Arhiv.
Title of Data file: Sex work globally, 2022: A systematic review of the international literature on the impact of stigma on occupational risks. Podatki [Podatkovna datoteka]
File ID: F1
Author of Data file: Markelj, Leja; Šori, Iztok; Bajt, Veronika; Bolko, Irena; Hrženjak, Majda; Učakar, Tjaša
Format: *.txt - TEKST
Date and place of production: datum, kraj nastanka
License: Podatki in dokumentacija so na voljo pod licenco Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva 2.5 Slovenija.
Version: 7.september 2023
ID_1 ID_1
Entrance number according to the alphabetical order of the author.
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
76 | 105 | 1 | 76 | 38.5 | 22.083 |
Valid range from 1 to 76
AY_1 Author and Year_1
Surname of the first author; et all if several authors. The year of publishing of the study.
Value 22 | Frequency | |
Abel, 2011 | 1 | |
Abel, 2014 | 1 | |
Argento et al., 2018 | 1 | |
Armstrong, 2018 | 1 | |
Aunon et al., 2015 | 1 | |
Bahri, 2019 | 1 | |
Basnyat, 2014 | 1 | |
Basnyat, 2015 | 1 | |
Basu, 2010 | 1 | |
Beckham et al., 2015 | 1 | |
Begum et al., 2014 | 1 | |
Benoit et al., 2017 | 1 | |
Benoit et al., 2019 | 1 | |
Bjønness, 2012 | 1 | |
Blithe and Wolfe, 2016 | 1 | |
Bowen and Bungay, 2016 | 1 | |
Bowen, 2015 | 1 | |
Bungay and Guta, 2018 | 1 | |
Carrasco et al., 2017 | 1 | |
Closson et al., 2015 | 1 | |
Conn et al., 2017 | 1 | |
Dodsworth, 2012 | 1 | |
Faini et al., 2020 | 1 | |
Fernández-Esquer et al., 2012 | 1 | |
Ganju and Saggurti, 2017 | 1 | |
Goldenberg et al., 2015 | 1 | |
Gorry et al., 2010 | 1 | |
Ham et al., 2014 | 1 | |
Ham et al., 2016 | 1 | |
Harris et al., 2011 | 1 | |
Heravian et al., 2012 | 1 | |
Huber et al., 2019 | 1 | |
Hunt et al., 2017 | 1 | |
Jiao and Bungay, 2018 | 1 | |
Jiménez et al., 2011 | 1 | |
Jung et al., 2016 | 1 | |
Karunanayake et al., 2020 | 1 | |
Krüsi et al., 2016 | 1 | |
Lavin, 2014 | 2 | |
Leaker and Dunk West, 2011 | 1 | |
Logie et al., 2011 | 1 | |
Lyons et al., 2017 | 1 | |
Ma and Loke, 2019 | 1 | |
Mastin et al., 2015 | 1 | |
Mavin and Grandy, 2010 | 1 | |
McCausland et al., 2020 | 1 | |
McCray et al., 2011 | 1 | |
McLean, 2012 | 1 | |
Morrow | 1 | |
Murphy et al., 2015 | 1 | |
Murray et al., 2010 | 1 | |
Orchard et al., 2018 | 1 | |
Parmley et al., 2020 | 1 | |
Phrasisombath et al., 2012 | 1 | |
Pitcher, 2019 | 1 | |
Raguparan, 2017 | 1 | |
Rivers-Moore, 2010 | 1 | |
Robillard, 2010 | 1 | |
Sallmann, 2010 | 1 | |
Sardana et al., 2016 | 1 | |
Scorgie et al., 2013a | 1 | |
Scorgie et al., 2013b | 1 | |
Shewly et al., 2020 | 1 | |
Smith et al., 2014 | 1 | |
Ssekamatte et al., 2020 | 1 | |
Tokar et al., 2020 | 1 | |
Trautner and Collett, 2010 | 1 | |
Tsang et al., 2019 | 1 | |
Willis et al., 2014 | 1 | |
Witte et al., 2010 | 1 | |
Wong et al., 2011 | 1 | |
Yu et al., 2016 | 1 | |
Yuen et al., 2014 | 1 | |
Zarhin and Fox, 2017 | 1 | |
Zhang et al., 2015 | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
76 | 0 |
Countr_1 Country_1
The name of the country where the study was conducted.
Value 31 | Frequency | |
Australia | 9 | |
Bangladesh | 2 | |
Bolivia | 1 | |
Brazil | 1 | |
Canada | 13 | |
China | 5 | |
Costa Rica | 1 | |
Denmark | 1 | |
Dominican Republic | 1 | |
Guatemala | 1 | |
India | 4 | |
Israel | 1 | |
Kenya | 1 | |
Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, Zimbabwe | 2 | |
Laos | 1 | |
Lebanon | 1 | |
Mongolia | 1 | |
Nepal | 2 | |
Netherlands | 1 | |
New Zealand | 3 | |
Puerto Rico | 1 | |
South Africa | 1 | |
Sri Lanka | 1 | |
Tanzania | 2 | |
Thailand | 1 | |
UK | 4 | |
USA | 4 | |
USA, Arkansas | 1 | |
USA, Florida | 1 | |
USA, Nevada | 1 | |
USA, Texas | 2 | |
Uganda | 1 | |
Vietnam | 2 | |
Zimbabwe | 2 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
76 | 0 |
ID_1 ID_1
Entrance number according to the alphabetical order of the author.
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
76 | 105 | 1 | 76 | 38.5 | 22.083 |
Valid range from 1 to 76
AY_1 Author and Year_1
Surname of the first author; et all if several authors. The year of publishing of the study.
Value 274 | Frequency | |
Abel, 2011 | 1 | |
Abel, 2014 | 1 | |
Argento et al., 2018 | 1 | |
Armstrong, 2018 | 1 | |
Aunon et al., 2015 | 1 | |
Bahri, 2019 | 1 | |
Basnyat, 2014 | 1 | |
Basnyat, 2015 | 1 | |
Basu, 2010 | 1 | |
Beckham et al., 2015 | 1 | |
Begum et al., 2014 | 1 | |
Benoit et al., 2017 | 1 | |
Benoit et al., 2019 | 1 | |
Bjønness, 2012 | 1 | |
Blithe and Wolfe, 2016 | 1 | |
Bowen and Bungay, 2016 | 1 | |
Bowen, 2015 | 1 | |
Bungay and Guta, 2018 | 1 | |
Carrasco et al., 2017 | 1 | |
Closson et al., 2015 | 1 | |
Conn et al., 2017 | 1 | |
Dodsworth, 2012 | 1 | |
Faini et al., 2020 | 1 | |
Fernández-Esquer et al., 2012 | 1 | |
Ganju and Saggurti, 2017 | 1 | |
Goldenberg et al., 2015 | 1 | |
Gorry et al., 2010 | 1 | |
Ham et al., 2014 | 1 | |
Ham et al., 2016 | 1 | |
Harris et al., 2011 | 1 | |
Heravian et al., 2012 | 1 | |
Huber et al., 2019 | 1 | |
Hunt et al., 2017 | 1 | |
Jiao and Bungay, 2018 | 1 | |
Jiménez et al., 2011 | 1 | |
Jung et al., 2016 | 1 | |
Karunanayake et al., 2020 | 1 | |
Krüsi et al., 2016 | 1 | |
Lavin, 2014 | 2 | |
Leaker and Dunk West, 2011 | 1 | |
Logie et al., 2011 | 1 | |
Lyons et al., 2017 | 1 | |
Ma and Loke, 2019 | 1 | |
Mastin et al., 2015 | 1 | |
Mavin and Grandy, 2010 | 1 | |
McCausland et al., 2020 | 1 | |
McCray et al., 2011 | 1 | |
McLean, 2012 | 1 | |
Morrow | 1 | |
Murphy et al., 2015 | 1 | |
Murray et al., 2010 | 1 | |
Orchard et al., 2018 | 1 | |
Parmley et al., 2020 | 1 | |
Phrasisombath et al., 2012 | 1 | |
Pitcher, 2019 | 1 | |
Raguparan, 2017 | 1 | |
Rivers-Moore, 2010 | 1 | |
Robillard, 2010 | 1 | |
Sallmann, 2010 | 1 | |
Sardana et al., 2016 | 1 | |
Scorgie et al., 2013a | 1 | |
Scorgie et al., 2013b | 1 | |
Shewly et al., 2020 | 1 | |
Smith et al., 2014 | 1 | |
Ssekamatte et al., 2020 | 1 | |
Tokar et al., 2020 | 1 | |
Trautner and Collett, 2010 | 1 | |
Tsang et al., 2019 | 1 | |
Willis et al., 2014 | 1 | |
Witte et al., 2010 | 1 | |
Wong et al., 2011 | 1 | |
Yu et al., 2016 | 1 | |
Yuen et al., 2014 | 1 | |
Zarhin and Fox, 2017 | 1 | |
Zhang et al., 2015 | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
76 | 0 |
Countr_1 Country_1
The name of the country where the study was conducted.
Value 373 | Frequency | |
Australia | 9 | |
Bangladesh | 2 | |
Bolivia | 1 | |
Brazil | 1 | |
Canada | 13 | |
China | 5 | |
Costa Rica | 1 | |
Denmark | 1 | |
Dominican Republic | 1 | |
Guatemala | 1 | |
India | 4 | |
Israel | 1 | |
Kenya | 1 | |
Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, Zimbabwe | 2 | |
Laos | 1 | |
Lebanon | 1 | |
Mongolia | 1 | |
Nepal | 2 | |
Netherlands | 1 | |
New Zealand | 3 | |
Puerto Rico | 1 | |
South Africa | 1 | |
Sri Lanka | 1 | |
Tanzania | 2 | |
Thailand | 1 | |
UK | 4 | |
USA | 4 | |
USA, Arkansas | 1 | |
USA, Florida | 1 | |
USA, Nevada | 1 | |
USA, Texas | 2 | |
Uganda | 1 | |
Vietnam | 2 | |
Zimbabwe | 2 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
76 | 0 |
legal_1 Legislation model_1
Legislation model in place in country when the study was conducted.
Value 472 | Frequency | |
criminalisation of purchase of sex | 12 | |
full criminalisation | 28 | |
full decriminalisation | 4 | |
partial criminalisation | 21 | |
regulator model | 1 | |
regulatory model | 10 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
76 | 0 |
Method_1 Methods
Type of the study (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed) and research methods used.
Value 571 | Frequency | |
Mixed/ in-depth interviews, survey questionnaire | 1 | |
Mixed/focus group discussions, survey questionnaire | 1 | |
Mixed/in-depth interviews, ethnographic network mapping and egocentric network surveying | 1 | |
Mixed/in-depth interviews, survey questionnaire | 1 | |
Qualitative/ ethnographic methods | 1 | |
Qualitative/ focus group discussions | 1 | |
Qualitative/ethnographic methods | 3 | |
Qualitative/focus group discussions | 5 | |
Qualitative/in-depth interviews | 42 | |
Qualitative/in-depth interviews, ethnographic methods | 10 | |
Qualitative/in-depth interviews, focus group discussions | 9 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
75 | 0 |
Sample_1 Sample
The number of sex workers included in the sample and their gender. FSW - female sex workers, MSW - male sex workers, TSW - trans sex workers.
Value 670 | Frequency | |
10 (FSW) | 3 | |
11 (FSW) | 1 | |
12 (FSW) | 2 | |
136 (FSW, MSW, TSW) | 2 | |
14 (FSW) | 2 | |
14 (FSW, TSW) | 1 | |
15 (MSW) | 1 | |
16 (MSW) | 1 | |
17 (FSW) | 1 | |
18 (FSW) | 2 | |
196 (FSW) | 1 | |
203 (FSW) | 1 | |
21 (FSW) | 1 | |
218 (FSW, MSW, TSW) | 2 | |
22 (FSW) | 2 | |
22 (FSW, MSW) | 1 | |
23 (FSW) | 1 | |
23 (MSW) | 2 | |
24 (FSW) | 3 | |
26 (FSW) | 1 | |
28 (FSW) | 1 | |
30 (FSW) | 1 | |
31 (FSW) | 1 | |
31 (FSW, TSW) | 1 | |
32 (FSW) | 1 | |
33 (FSW) | 2 | |
33 (FSW, MSW) | 1 | |
33 (MSW) | 1 | |
33 (TSW) | 1 | |
34 (FSW) | 1 | |
35 (FSW) | 2 | |
371 (FSW, MSW, TSW) | 1 | |
38 (FSW) | 1 | |
39 (FSW) | 1 | |
39 (MSW, TSW) | 1 | |
40 (FSW) | 1 | |
40 (FSW, MSW, TSW) | 1 | |
40 (MSW) | 1 | |
46 (FSW, MSW) | 1 | |
48 (FSW) | 1 | |
5 (FSW) | 3 | |
50 (FSW) | 1 | |
55 (FSW, MSW) | 1 | |
58 (FSW, MSW, TSW) | 1 | |
6 (FSW) | 1 | |
60 (FSW) | 1 | |
63 (FSW) | 1 | |
67 (FSW) | 1 | |
68 (TSW) | 1 | |
7 (FSW) | 2 | |
72 (FSW) | 1 | |
772 (FSW, MSW, TSW) | 1 | |
8 (FSW, MSW) | 1 | |
85 (FSW, MSW, TSW) | 1 | |
9 (FSW) | 2 | |
90 (TSW) | 1 | |
N/A | 2 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
75 | 0 |
Pol_1 Police Violence topic:
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on police violence
Value 769 | Frequency | |
targeted raids | 2 | |
violence and harassment | 5 | |
violence and harassment; targeted raids | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
8 | 0 |
Pol_MD_1 Police_main domain 1 Violence topic:
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on police violence. . See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 868 | Frequency | |
violence and harassment | 7 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
7 | 0 |
Pol_ST_1 Police_Stygma type Violence topic:
Stigma type(s) impacting this occupational risk(s):
Value 967 | Frequency | |
experienced | 8 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
8 | 0 |
Cli_1 Client Clients topic
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on client violence.
Value 1066 | Frequency | |
felt stigma through client interactions | 1 | |
increased vulnerability to violence | 1 | |
normalisation of client violence | 2 | |
normalization of client violence | 2 | |
normalization of client violence; increased vulnerability to violence | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
7 | 0 |
Cli_MD_1 Client_Main domain Clients topic
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on client violence. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 1165 | Frequency | |
normalisation of discrimination and violence | 4 | |
normalization of discrimination and violence; violence and harassment | 1 | |
violence and harassment | 2 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
7 | 0 |
Cli_ST_1 Cleint_Stigma type Clients topic
Stigma type(s) impacting this occupational risk(s):
Value 1264 | Frequency | |
experienced | 1 | |
internalized | 2 | |
perceived | 3 | |
perceived; experienced | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
7 | 0 |
SW1_1 SW
Occupational risks arising from the impact of stigma on violence by sex workers. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 1363 | Frequency | |
intra-industry stigma through hierarchization | 3 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
3 | 0 |
Ge_1 General Private lives topic
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on private lives in general. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 1462 | Frequency | |
leading double lives | 13 | |
leading double lives; negative consequences of disclosure | 1 | |
leading double lives; social isolation | 1 | |
leading double lives; social isolation; negative consequences of disclosure | 1 | |
leading double lives; having to lie about income | 2 | |
negative consequences of disclosure | 2 | |
social isolation | 2 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
22 | 0 |
Ge_MD1_1 General_Main domain 1 Private lives topic
GeneraL. Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on private lives in general. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 1561 | Frequency | |
double lives | 18 | |
negative impact on relationships | 4 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
22 | 0 |
Ge_MD2_1 General_Main domain 2 Private lives topic
General: Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on private lives in general. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 1660 | Frequency | |
negative impact on relationships | 3 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
3 | 0 |
Ge_ST1_1 General_Stigma type 1 Private lives topic
General: Stigma type(s) impacting this occupational risk(s):
Value 1759 | Frequency | |
anticipated | 16 | |
anticipated; | 1 | |
anticipated; experienced | 1 | |
experienced | 4 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
22 | 0 |
Ge_ST2_1 General_Stigma type 2 Private lives topic
Stigma type(s) impacting this occupational risk(s):
Value 1858 | Frequency | |
experienced | 2 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
2 | 0 |
Fam_1 Family Private lives topic
Family: Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on families. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 1957 | Frequency | |
leading double lives | 8 | |
leading double lives; stigmatization of children | 1 | |
leading double lives; motherhood role conflict | 1 | |
leading double lives; negative impact on family relationships | 1 | |
motherhood role conflict | 5 | |
negative impact on family relationships | 5 | |
stigmatization of children | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
22 | 0 |
Fam_MD1_1 Family Maind domain 1 Private lives topic
Family: Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on families. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 2056 | Frequency | |
double lives | 12 | |
negative impact on relationships | 4 | |
role conflict | 4 | |
stigmatization of close persons | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
21 | 0 |
Fam_MD2_1 Family Main domain 2 Private lives topic
Family: Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on families. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 2155 | Frequency | |
negative impact on relationships | 1 | |
role conflict | 2 | |
stigmatization of close persons | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
4 | 0 |
Fam_ST1_1 Family Stigma type 1 Private lives topic
Stigma type(s) impacting this occupational risk(s):
Value 2254 | Frequency | |
anticipated | 11 | |
experienced | 5 | |
internalized | 3 | |
internalzed | 1 | |
perceived | 1 | |
secondary | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
22 | 0 |
Fam_ST2_1 Family Stigma type 2 Private lives topic
Stigma type(s) impacting this occupational risk(s):
Value 2353 | Frequency | |
experienced | 1 | |
perceived | 1 | |
secondary | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
3 | 0 |
Part_1 Partnerships Private lives topic
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on partnerships. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 2452 | Frequency | |
difficulties with maintaining relationship | 3 | |
difficulties with maintaining relationship; termination of relationships; feelings of guilt | 1 | |
leading double lives | 2 | |
stigma as a barrier to leaving unhealthy relationship | 1 | |
stigma as a source of intimate partner violence | 1 | |
stigma as a source of intimate partner violence; stigmatization of partners | 1 | |
stigma as a source of intimate partner violence; termination of relationships | 1 | |
stigmatization of partners | 1 | |
threat of disclosure by intimate partner; difficulties with maintaining relationship; termination of relationships | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12 |
PartMD1_1 Partnerships Main domain 1 Private lives topic
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on partnerships. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 2551 | Frequency | |
difficulties with maintaining relationship | 1 | |
double lives | 2 | |
negative impact on relationship | 1 | |
negative impact on relationships | 2 | |
normalization of discrimination and violence | 1 | |
stigmatization of close persons | 1 | |
violence and harassment | 4 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12 | 0 |
PartMD2_1 Partnerships Main domain 2 Private lives topic
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on partnerships. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 2650 | Frequency | |
difficulties with maintaining relationship | 1 | |
negative impact on relationships | 3 | |
stigmatization of close persons | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
5 | 0 |
P_ST1_1 Partnerships Stigma type 1 Private lives topic
Stigma type(s) impacting this occupational risk(s):
Value 2749 | Frequency | |
anticipated | 3 | |
experienced | 7 | |
internalized | 1 | |
secondary | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
12 | 0 |
P_ST2_1 Partnerships Stigma type 2 Private lives topic
Stigma type(s) impacting this occupational risk(s):
Value 2848 | Frequency | |
experienced | 1 | |
internalized | 1 | |
secondary | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
3 | 0 |
Fr_1 Friendships Private lives topic
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on friendships. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 2947 | Frequency | |
inability to form friendships outside the industry | 4 | |
inability to form friendships outside the industry; termination of relationships | 1 | |
negative impact on friendship | 1 | |
termination of relationships | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
7 | 0 |
Fr_MD1_1 Friendships Main domain 1 Private lives topic
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on friendships. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 3046 | Frequency | |
negative impact on relationships | 7 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
7 | 0 |
Fr_MD2_1 Friendships Main domain 2 Private lives topic
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on friendships. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 3145 | Frequency | |
negative impact on relationships | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1 | 0 |
Fr_ST1_1 Friendships Stigma type 1 Private lives topic
Stigma type(s) impacting this occupational risk(s):
Value 3244 | Frequency | |
anticipated | 5 | |
experienced | 2 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
7 | 0 |
Fr_ST2_1 Friendships Stigma type 2 Private lives topic
Stigma type(s) impacting this occupational risk(s):
Value 3343 | Frequency | |
experienced | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1 | 0 |
Car_1 Career
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on careers. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 3442 | Frequency | |
denied or limited job opportunities | 3 | |
leading double lives | 2 | |
limited job opportunities | 1 | |
negative impact on job satisfaction; leading double lives | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
7 | 0 |
Car_MD1_1 Career Main domain 1
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on careers. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 3541 | Frequency | |
discrimination | 3 | |
double lives | 2 | |
job satisfaction | 1 | |
negative impact on sense of self/self-esteem | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
7 | 0 |
Car_MD2_1 Career Main domain 2
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on careers. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 3640 | Frequency | |
double lives | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1 | 0 |
Car_ST_1 Career Stigma type
Stigma type(s) impacting this occupational risk(s):
Value 3739 | Frequency | |
anticipated | 3 | |
experienced | 3 | |
internalized | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
7 | 0 |
Men_1 Mental health
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on mental health. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 3838 | Frequency | |
mental distress | 11 | |
mental distress; living on the line of (un)acceptable causes psychological vulnerability | 1 | |
mental distress; negative impact on sense of self/self-esteem | 1 | |
negative impact on sense of self/self-esteem | 4 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
17 | 0 |
Men_MD1_1 Mental health Main domain 1
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on mental health. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 3937 | Frequency | |
mental distress | 13 | |
negative impact on sense of self/self-esteem | 4 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
17 | 0 |
Men_MD2_1 Mental health Main domain 2
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on mental health. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 4036 | Frequency | |
mental distress | 1 | |
negative impact on sense of self/self-esteem | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
2 | 0 |
Men_ST1_1 Mental health Stigma type 1
Stigma type(s) impacting this occupational risk(s):
Value 4135 | Frequency | |
anticipated | 8 | |
anticipated, | 1 | |
experienced | 3 | |
internalized; perceived | 1 | |
perceived | 4 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
17 | 0 |
Men_ST2_1 Mental health stigma type 2
Stigma type(s) impacting this occupational risk(s):
Value 4234 | Frequency | |
perceived | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1 | 0 |
AD_1 Alcohol and drugs
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on alcohol and drug use. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 4333 | Frequency | |
form of self-medication | 10 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
10 | 0 |
AD_MD_1 Alcohol and drugs Main domain
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on alcohol and drug use. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 4432 | Frequency | |
form of self-medication | 9 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
9 | 0 |
AD_ST_1 Alcohol and drugs Main domain
Stigma type(s) impacting this occupational risk(s):
Value 4531 | Frequency | |
internalized | 10 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
10 | 0 |
Sex_1 Sexual health
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on sexual health. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 4630 | Frequency | |
increased vulnerability for STI | 2 | |
threat of HIV increasing stigma | 2 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
4 | 0 |
Sex_MD_1 Sexual health Main domain
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on sexual health. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 4729 | Frequency | |
STI | 4 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
4 | 0 |
Sex_ST_1 Sexual health Stigma type
Stigma type(s) impacting this occupational risk(s):
Value 4828 | Frequency | |
layered | 2 | |
perceived/ internalized | 1 | |
perceived/internalized | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
4 | 0 |
Se_1 Services
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on access to services. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 4927 | Frequency | |
denied or delayed services; normalisation of discrimination | 1 | |
denied or delayed services; disclosure by professionals | 1 | |
disclosure by professionals | 1 | |
discriminatory treatment | 3 | |
discriminatory treatment; stigma as a barrier to utilization of services | 1 | |
discriminatory treatment; denied or delayed services | 1 | |
discriminatory treatment; denied or delayed services; inadequate services | 1 | |
discriminatory treatment; denied or delayed services; prejudiced or biased services; inadequate services; disclosure causing additional costs for treatment; disclosure by professionals | 1 | |
discriminatory treatment; disclosure by professionals; stigma as a barrier to utilization of services | 1 | |
discriminatory treatment; prejudiced or biased services; denied or delayed services | 1 | |
inadequate services | 3 | |
inadequate services; discriminatory treatment | 1 | |
leading double lives | 1 | |
leading double lives; discriminatory treatment; prejudices or biased services | 1 | |
leading double lives; inadequate services; denied or delayed services; prejudiced or biased services | 1 | |
leading double lives; denied or delayed services | 1 | |
leading double lives; inadequate services | 1 | |
leading double lives; stigma as a barrier to utilization of services; inadequate services; fear for children custody; discriminatory treatment; prejudiced or biased services; denied or delayed services; disclosure by professionals; children receive p | 1 | |
normalisation of discrimination; discriminatory treatment, prejudiced or biased services | 1 | |
prejudiced or biased services | 1 | |
prejudiced or biased services; disclosure causing additional costs for treatment | 1 | |
prejudiced or biased services; inadequate services | 1 | |
stigma as a barrier to utilization of services | 6 | |
stigma as a barrier to utilization of services; discriminatory treatment | 4 | |
stigma as a barrier to utilization of services; inadequate services | 3 | |
stigma as a barrier to utilization of services; prejudiced or biased services | 1 | |
stigma as a barrier to utilization of services; inadequate services | 1 | |
stigma as a barrier to utilization of services; prejudiced or biased services | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
42 |
Se_MD1_1 Services Main domain 1
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on access to services. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 5026 | Frequency | |
barriers to utilization of services | 16 | |
discrimination | 8 | |
discrimination; | 1 | |
discrimination; prejudiced or inadequate treatment; violence and harassment | 1 | |
discrimination; violence and harassment | 1 | |
double lives | 4 | |
double lives; barriers to utilization of services; prejudiced or inadequate treatment; role conflict | 1 | |
double lives; prejudiced or inadequate treatment | 1 | |
normalisation of discrimination and violence | 1 | |
prejudiced or biased services; discrimination | 1 | |
prejudiced or inadequate treatment | 5 | |
prejudiced or inadequate treatments | 1 | |
violence and harassment | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
42 | 0 |
Se_MD2_1 Services Main domain 2
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on access to services. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 5125 | Frequency | |
barriers to utilization of services | 2 | |
barriers to utilization of services; double lives | 1 | |
discrimination | 8 | |
discrimination; prejudiced or inadequate treatment; violence and harassment | 1 | |
normalisation of discrimination and violence | 1 | |
prejudiced or inadequate treatment | 8 | |
prejudiced or inadequate treatment, discrimination | 1 | |
prejudiced or inadequate treatment; violence and harassment | 1 | |
violence and harassment | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
24 | 0 |
Se_MD3_1 Services Main domain 3
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on access to services. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 5224 | Frequency | |
discrimination | 2 | |
prejudiced or inadequate treatmen | 2 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
4 | 0 |
SE_ST1_1 Services Stigma type 1
Stigma type(s) impacting this occupational risk(s):
Value 5323 | Frequency | |
anticipated | 22 | |
anticipated; | 1 | |
anticipated; experienced | 2 | |
experienced | 16 | |
internalized | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
42 | 0 |
SE_ST2_1 Services Stigma type 2
Stigma type(s) impacting this occupational risk(s):
Value 5422 | Frequency | |
anticipated | 2 | |
experienced | 14 | |
internalized | 2 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
18 | 0 |
SE_ST3_1 Services Stigma type 3
Stigma type(s) impacting this occupational risk(s):
Value 5521 | Frequency | |
secondary | 2 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
2 | 0 |
H_1 Housing
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on housing. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 5620 | Frequency | |
difficulties with obtaining secure housing | 2 | |
difficulties with obtaining secure housing ; leading double lives | 1 | |
difficulties with obtaining secure housing; harassment, surveillance or eviction | 1 | |
harassment, surveillance, eviction | 1 | |
leading double lives | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
6 | 0 |
H_MD1_1 Housing Main domain 1
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on housing. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 5719 | Frequency | |
discrimination | 4 | |
double lives | 1 | |
violence and harassment | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
6 | 0 |
H_MD2_1 Housing Main domain 2
Occupational risk(s) arising from the impact of stigma on housing. See the supplementary document with occupational risks and main domains.
Value 5818 | Frequency | |
double lives | 1 | |
violence and harassment | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
2 | 0 |
H_ST1_1 Housing Stigma type 1
Stigma type(s) impacting this occupational risk(s):
Value 5917 | Frequency | |
anticipated | 1 | |
experienced | 5 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
6 | 0 |
H_ST2_1 Housing Stigma type 2
Stigma type(s) impacting this occupational risk(s):
Value 6016 | Frequency | |
anticipated | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
1 | 0 |
ID_2 ID 2
Entrance number according to the alphabetical order of the author.
Value 6115 | Frequency | |
1 | 1 | |
2 | 1 | |
3 | 1 | |
4 | 1 | |
5 | 1 | |
6 | 1 | |
7 | 1 | |
8 | 1 | |
9 | 1 | |
10 | 1 | |
11 | 1 | |
12 | 1 | |
13 | 1 | |
14 | 1 | |
Sysmiss | 167 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
14 | 167 |
Valid range from 1 to 14
Auth_2 Author_2
Surname of the first author; et all if several authors. The year of publishing of the study.
Value 6214 | Frequency | |
Carlson et al., 2017 | 1 | |
Carrasco et al., 2018 | 1 | |
Kamise, 2013 | 1 | |
King et al., 2013 | 1 | |
Lazarus et al., 2012 | 1 | |
Moazzami et al., 2019 | 1 | |
Nyblade et al., 2017 | 1 | |
Poliah et al., 2017 | 1 | |
Rössler et al., 2010 | 1 | |
Schwartz et al., 2016 | 1 | |
Valente et al., 2020 | 1 | |
Zhang et al., 2017 | 1 | |
Zulliger et al., 2015a | 1 | |
Zulliger et al., 2015b | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
14 | 0 |
Count_2 Country_2
The name of the country where the study was conducted.
Value 6313 | Frequency | |
Canada | 1 | |
China | 1 | |
Dominican Republic | 3 | |
Japan | 1 | |
Kenya | 1 | |
Lesotho | 1 | |
Mongolia | 1 | |
Russia | 1 | |
South Africa | 2 | |
Switzerland | 1 | |
USA | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
14 | 0 |
Legal_2 Legal model_2
Legislation model in place in country when the study was conducted:
Value 6412 | Frequency | |
Full criminalisation | 8 | |
Partial criminalisation | 5 | |
Regulatory model | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
14 | 0 |
Samp_2_1 Methodology & Sample_2_1
Type of the study (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed), research methods used, number and gender of sex workers included in the sample of the study. FSW - female sex workers, MSW - male sex workers, TSW - trans sex workers.
Value 6511 | Frequency | |
Quantitative/ computer-assisted self-interviewing and interviewer administered questionnaire, voluntary HIV and STI testing | 1 | |
Quantitative/ face-to-face administered survey questionnaire | 1 | |
Quantitative/ survey questionnaire | 1 | |
Quantitative/ survey questionnaire, voluntary HIV and STI screening | 1 | |
Quantitative/computer-based, interviewer-administered assessment | 1 | |
Quantitative/face-to-face administered survey questionnaire | 1 | |
Quantitative/interviewer-administered questionnaire | 1 | |
Quantitative/interviewer-administered questionnaire, HIV testing | 1 | |
Quantitative/interviewer-administered questionnaire, health assessment by a nurse, syphilis testing, | 1 | |
Quantitative/self-administered survey questionnaire | 1 | |
Quantitative/survey questionnaire | 3 | |
Quantitative/survey questionnaire, voluntary HIV screening | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
14 |
Samp_2_2 Methodology & Sample_2_2
Type of the study (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed), research methods used, number and gender of sex workers included in the sample of the study. FSW - female sex workers, MSW - male sex workers, TSW - trans sex workers.
Value 6610 | Frequency | |
Binary analyses (chi-square and sample t-test), linear regression | 1 | |
Bivariate analysis, Pearson chi-square test, 2-sided t-test, simple and multiple logistic regression | 1 | |
Bivariate analysis, multivariate linear regression analyses, structural equation modelling (SEM) | 1 | |
Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression | 1 | |
Chi-square and Fisher’s exact test, cluster analysis | 1 | |
Logistic regression | 1 | |
Logistic regression, cluster analyses | 1 | |
Logistic regression, descriptive statistical analysis, bivariate analysis | 1 | |
Multivariable negative binominal regression | 1 | |
Path analysis, cluster analysis | 1 | |
Pearson chi-square test, two-sided ANOVA test, simple and multiple logistic regression | 1 | |
Robust Poisson regression | 2 | |
Structural equation modelling (SEM) | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
14 | 0 |
Samp_2_3 Methodology & Sample_2_3
Type of the study (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed), research methods used, number and gender of sex workers included in the sample of the study. FSW - female sex workers, MSW - male sex workers, TSW - trans sex workers.
Value 679 | Frequency | |
139 (FSW) | 1 | |
155 (FSW, MSW) | 1 | |
193 (FSW) | 1 | |
222 (FSW) | 1 | |
228 (FSW) | 1 | |
252 (FSW) | 1 | |
268 (FSW) | 2 | |
410 (FSW) | 1 | |
729 (FSW, MSW) | 1 | |
744 (FSW) | 1 | |
92 (FSW) | 1 | |
971 (FSW) | 1 | |
98 (MSW) | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
14 | 0 |
Stig_2 Stigma measurement
Analysis techniques used in the study to measure the impact of stigma.
Value 688 | Frequency | |
FSW-related internalized stigma scale, 7 items on a 5-point Likert scale | 1 | |
FSW-related internalized stigma, 8 items on a 5-point Likert scale and one factor with Cronbach’s alpha = 0.88. In addition binary questions were applied to assess experienced stigma | 2 | |
Perceived occupational stigma scale, 6 items on a 4-point scale | 1 | |
Scale with binary responses, namely sex work-related stigma scale binary responses (up to 25 points). In addition binary questions were applied to assess experienced and anticipated stigma | 1 | |
Scale with binary responses, two items were applied (with calculated Cronbach’s alpha = 0.86) | 1 | |
Single or several binary questions measuring stigma | 2 | |
Stigma Awareness scale, 5 items on a 4-point Likert scale (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.80; Stereotype Threat, 6 items (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.79). | 1 | |
Stigma scale with no details given about the scale, but it is mentioned that “stigma metrics were evaluated using a previously validated index covering various stigma factorsâ€. | 1 | |
Stigma scale, 15 items on a 4-point scale (referring to amount of people), and two factors (following EFA and PCA): "devalue" (6 items, Cronbach’s alpha = 0.61), "discredit" (9 items, Cronbach’s alpha = 0.80) | 1 | |
Stigma scale, 6 items, 4-point Likert scale, Cronbach’s α = 0.73 | 1 | |
Stigma scale, anticipated stigma: 2 items, and experienced stigma: 7 items, both scales with binary responses (FSW: Cronbach’s alpha = 0.865, MSW: Cronbach’s alpha = 0.822) | 1 | |
Stigma scale, experienced stigma: 9 items, perceived stigma: 5 items, and anticipated stigma: 4 items, all scales with binary responses | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
14 |
ST_2_1 Stigma type_2_1
Stigma type(s) measured in the study.
Value 697 | Frequency | |
anticipated | 1 | |
experienced | 7 | |
internalized | 2 | |
perceived | 4 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
14 | 0 |
ST_2_2 Stigma type_2_2
Stigma type(s) measured in the study.
Value 706 | Frequency | |
anticipated | 1 | |
experienced | 1 | |
internalized | 2 | |
perceived | 3 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
7 | 0 |
ST_2_3 Stigma type_2_3
Stigma type(s) measured in the study.
Value 715 | Frequency | |
anticipated | 2 | |
internalized | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
3 | 0 |
ODR_2 Occupational Domain/Risk_2
Occupational domain affected by stigma: access to services, private life, violence, health, career).
Value 724 | Frequency | |
Access to services/ experienced stigma associated with avoidance and delay of services (anticipated stigma mainly not associated) | 1 | |
Access to services/ stigma associated with ART interruption | 1 | |
Access to services/stigma affects HIV testing | 1 | |
Access to services/stigma as barrier to accessing health care services | 1 | |
Access to services/stigma associated with retention in HIV care | 1 | |
Mental health/greater prevalence of experienced stigma in group of SWs with depressed symptoms | 1 | |
Mental health/stigma a risk factor for depressive symptoms | 1 | |
Mental health/stigma as predictor of psychiatry disorder diagnosis | 1 | |
Mental health/stigma awareness has a significant negative path to general self-esteem | 1 | |
Mental health/stigma predicting suicide ideation/attempts, depressive symptoms, and loneliness | 1 | |
Sexual health/ stigma not associated with ART use | 1 | |
Sexual health/ stigma; associated with CAVS with any non-paying partners | 1 | |
Sexual health/greater prevalence of HIV sero-status in SWs with higher stigma score | 1 | |
Sexual health/stigma undermines consistent condom use with clients and steady partners | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
14 |
Res2_1 Results_2_1
Summary of key data from results.
Value 733 | Frequency | |
FSW: [Experienced HSW stigma & avoidance of HIV C&T services] OR = 1.21; 95 percent CI = 1.01, 1.46, p p=less than .05 [Experienced HSW stigma & delay of non-HIV services] OR = 1.10; 95 percent CI = 1.01, 1.21, p=less than .05 [Experienced HSW stigma & avoidance of non-HIV servic | 1 | |
[Enacted stigma score & HIV sero-status] PR = 1.1; 95percent CI = 1.0, 1.3 (0/ 1 score) PR = 1.1; 95 percent CI = 0.9., 1.2, (0/ 1 score) PR = 1.0; 95 percent CI = 0.9, 1.2. (0/ 2 score) PR = 1.1; 95percent CI = 1.0, 1.2 (0/ 2-4 score) PR = 1.3; 95percent CI = 1.1, 1.5, (0/ 5-9 s | 1 | |
[Experience of stigma & depressed/not depressed score on SRQ] p = 0.036 [Experience of stigma & depressed/not depressed score on PHQ 9] p = 0.012 (phi = 0.22) | 1 | |
[FSW-related discrimination in clinic & interruption of ART] OR = 3.99; 95 percent CI = 1.79, 8.89, p=less than .01 aOR = 3.24; 95 percent CI = 1.28, 8.20, p=less than .01 [FW self-stigma scale & interruption of ART] OR = 1.08; 95percent CI=1.02, 1.14, less than .05 aOR=1.09; 95percent CI=1.02, 1.1 | 1 | |
[FSW-related discrimination in clinic & retention in HIV care] OR = 0.62; 95 percent CI = 0.30, 1.28, [FW self-stigma scale & retention in HIV care] OR = 0.93; 95 percent CI = 0.89, 0.98, p=less than .01 aOR = 0.93; 95 percent CI = 0.88, 0.98, p=less than .01 | 1 | |
[Felt excluded by acquaintances & Diagnosis of any psychiatric disorder] OR = 3.20; 95 percent CI = 1.76, 5.82, p=less than .001 [Felt excluded by society & Diagnosis of any psychiatric disorder] OR = 3.65; 95 percent CI = 1.97, 6.75, p=less than .001 | 1 | |
[Occupation SW stigma & barriers to accessing health services] OR = 1.76; 95percent CI = 1.05, 2.95, p=less than .01 aOR = 1.85 CI = 1.07, 3.20, p=less than .05 | 1 | |
[Perceived occupational stigma & depressive symptoms] | 1 | |
[SW stigma & CAVS acts w/ any non-paying partners] IRR=1.15; 95percent CI=1.04, 1.27, p= 0.007 aIRR=1.18; 95 percent CI=1.06, 1.32, p-= 0.003 [SW stigma & CAS acts w/ male non-paying partners] IRR = 1.11; 95 percent CI = .96, 1.27, p = 0.16 aIRR=1.18; 95 percent CI = .98, | 1 | |
[SW stigma & CCU w/clients] Stand. coef. = -0.48; SE = 0.15, p = .001 [SW stigma & CCU w/steady partners] Stand. coef. = - 0.35; SE = 0.12, p = .004 | 1 | |
[Stigma & suicide] β = .095, 95 percent CI = 0.020, 1.00, p= less than.01 [Stigma & depressive symptoms] β = .261, 95percent CI = 0.177, 0.286, p=less than .001 [Stigma & loneliness] β = .148, 95percent CI = 0.062, 0.154, p =less than .001 | 1 | |
[Stigma Awareness & General self-esteem] | 1 | |
[Stigma index score & ART use] PR = 0.88; 95 percent CI =0 .68, 1.14, p = 0.700 (low/ medium stigma) PR = 3.65; 95 percent CI = 0.46, 1.53, p = 0.691 (low/ high stigma) | 1 | |
[Stigma related to sex work & recent HIV Testing] [Refused medical care & recent HIV testing] aOR = 1.37 (0.47, 3.99), p = .56 [Fear of being treated badly at the doctor & recent HIV testing] aOR = 2.45 (0.92, 6.55), p = .07 | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
14 |
Res2_2 Results_2_2
Summary of key data from results.
Value 742 | Frequency | |
R ² = -.338, p=less than.001 | 1 | |
aOR = 1.33, 95percent (1.10, 1.60)], p = .004 | 1 | |
β (S.E) = .12 (0.06), p = .05 | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
3 | 0 |
MD_2 Main domain_2
Main domains of occupational risks.
Value 751 | Frequency | |
Barriers to utilization of services | 5 | |
Increased risk for STI | 4 | |
Mental distress | 4 | |
Negative impact on sense of self/ self-esteem | 1 |
Valid cases | Invalid cases | Minimum | Maximum | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation |
14 | 0 |
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4 - Polni opis raziskave in kodirna knjiga spremenljivk s polnim besedilom vprašanj.
7 - teoretsko ali praktično pomembne raziskave, omejene na manj splošno populacijo, manj vplivne
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Markelj, L., Šori, I., Bajt, V., Bolko, I., Hrženjak, M. and Učakar, T. (2023). Seksualno delo globalno, 2022: Sistematični pregled mednarodne literature o vplivu stigme na poklicna tveganja [Data file]. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Slovenian Social Science Data Archives. ADP - IDNo: SDSLO22. https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_SDSLO22_V1
Renovation and furnishing of dwellings and attitude to climate change, 2023
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