Historični podatki o delovni sili, 1945-1947: Cona A-AMG-Venezia Giulia (Zvezna vojaška vlada)

Osnovne informacije o raziskavi

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_HDS47_V1
Glavni avtor(ji):
  • Mezzoli, Erica
Izdelal datoteko podatkov:
Filozofska fakulteta - Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani (Ljubljana, Slovenija; 2021)

Finančna podpora:

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, Grant Agreement No. 894257

Številka projekta:

H2020-MSCA-IF-2019 (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships)

Vsebina raziskave

Ključne besede ADP: druga svetovna vojna, zaposlovanje žensk, zaposlovanje mladih, brezposelnost, delitev ozemlja, povojni ukrepi, Trst, ozemlje

Ključne besede ELSST:

Vsebinska področja CESSDA
Vsebinsko področja CERIF
Vsebinska področja ADP


V raziskavi so zbrani podatki o trgu dela v letih 1945 do 1947 v povojnih coni Zavezniške vojaške vlade Julijske Benečije (A-AMG Venezia Giulia). Podatke so od avgusta 1945 do septembra 1947 beležili uradi za delo v coni A-AMG. V ADP so podatki organizirani glede na gospodarski sektor in glede na poklicne kvalifikacije. Za 6 gospodarskih sektorjev (javno zaposlovanje, industrija, trgovina, bančništvo in zavarovalništvo, kmetijstvo in pomorstvo) in 23 poklicev so prikazani podatki o zaposlenosti moških, žensk in mladoletnikov in sicer glede na število registriranih oseb, odstranjenih iz evidence, zaposlenih in brezposelnih. Vir podatkov je iz arhivskih virov, ki so bili ohranjeni v Mestnem arhivu v Trstu (Archivio di Stato di Trieste) in Nacionalni upravi za arhive in evidence (National Archives and Records Administration). Je prva poglobljena študija o delu in zaposlovanju v celotnem obdobju upravljanja Zavezniške vojaške vlade Julijske Benečije (AMG) po drugi svetovni vojni. Podatki so bili zbrani v okviru projekta "MSCA-IF 2019 Zmoremo! Sodelovanje žensk na trgu dela v pomorskem sektorju v zgornjem Jadranu". Povezana raziskava (HDS55 - doi.org/10.17898/ADP_HDS55_V1) vključuje podatke za cono FTT od septembra 1947 do oktobra 1954, za ozemlje Trieste-Trst pa od novembra 1954 do oktobra 1955. Podatkovna datoteka je nastala v okviru projekta H2020 in projekta Marie Skłodowska-Curie "We Can Do It! Women's labour market participation in the maritime sector in the Upper Adriatic after the World Wars in an intersectional perspective" (WeCanIt; št. Pogodbe 89257; gostiteljica projekta: Univerza v Ljubljani).


Čas zbiranja podatkov: januar 2020 - december 2020
Čas izdelave: 2021
Država: Slovenija, Italija, Jugoslavija
Geografsko pokritje:

Območje A-AMG Venezia Giulia.

Enota za analizo:


Ekonomski sektor, poklic in cona/predel bivanja.


Osebe, prijavljene na uradu za delo v coni A-AMG Venezia Giulia (1945-47).

Izključeni: ni podatka
Zbiranje podatkov je opravil:

Originalno zbiranje podatkov so v obdobju 1945-1955 izvajali lokalni uradi za delo in anglo-ameriške oblasti. Organizacijo in digitalizacijo podatkov je v obdobju 2020–21 izvedla Erica Mezzoli.

Tip vzorca:

Zajeta celotna populacija

Način zbiranja podatkov:



Brez uteževanja.

Omejitve dostopa

Podatki in dokumentacija so na voljo pod mednarodno licenco Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva 4.0. Arhiv izroča podatke uporabnikom samo za namen, ki ga posebej opredelijo, ob zagotovitvi spoštovanja profesionalnih etičnih kodeksov. Uporabnik se posebej zaveže, da bo skrbel za tajnost podatkov in opravljal analize brez poskusov identifikacije posameznika.

Kontakt: Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov

Pri objavah, ki bi sledile na podlagi podatkov, je potrebno polno citirati avtorja in Arhiv.

Vsak uporabnik je dolžan opozoriti na morebitne pomanjkljivosti gradiva in poslati Arhivu 2 kopiji nastalih besedil.

Uporabnik naj pred uporabo pozorno prebere spremljajočo dokumentacijo in se v primeru nejasnosti obrne na avtorje raziskave ali Arhiv.

Osnovne informacije o datoteki podatkov

Naslov podatkovne datoteke: Zone A-AMG-Venezia Giulia: ECONOMIC SECTORS, PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Monthly, 10 days), SALARIES, POPULATION CENSUS, COST OF FOOD. 1945-47 [Podatkovna datoteka]

ID datoteke: F1

Avtor podatkovne datoteke: Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov

Format: *.txt - TEKST

  • število spremenljivk: 120
  • število enot: 8713

Licenca: ccby

Verzija: 31. avgust 2022




Vrednost 13 Frekvenca
1 1458
2 1104
3 5888
4 171
5 38
6 54
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8713 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

ZONE The organizational, administrative and governmental structure in rule during the referred period

The organizational, administrative and governmental structure in rule during the referred period

Vrednost 22 Frekvenca
Zone A-AMG Venezia Giulia 8713
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8713 0

SECTOR Economic sectors to which the data refers

Economic sectors to which the data refer

Vrednost 31 Frekvenca
Agriculture 243
Banking and Insurance 243
Commerce 243
Industry 243
Maritime 243
Public employment 243
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1458 0



Vrednost 1120 Frekvenca
1 1458
2 1104
3 5888
4 171
5 38
6 54
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8713 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

ZONE The organizational, administrative and governmental structure in rule during the referred period

The organizational, administrative and governmental structure in rule during the referred period

Vrednost 2119 Frekvenca
Zone A-AMG Venezia Giulia 8713
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8713 0

SECTOR Economic sectors to which the data refers

Economic sectors to which the data refer

Vrednost 3118 Frekvenca
Agriculture 243
Banking and Insurance 243
Commerce 243
Industry 243
Maritime 243
Public employment 243
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1458 0

ID_SECr Codes to identify economic sectors according to the International Standard Industrial Classification

Codes to identify economic sectors according to the International Standard Industrial Classification

Vrednost 4117 Frekvenca
1 A Agriculture 243
2 C Industry 243
3 G Commerce 243
4 H Maritime 243
5 K Banking and Insurance 243
6 O Public employment 243
Sysmiss 7255
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1458 7255

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

START1 Starting date of the period referred to by the data

Starting date of the period referred to by the data

Vrednost 5116 Frekvenca
1945-08-13 54
1945-08-25 6
1945-09-21 54
1945-10-21 24
1945-11-21 54
1945-12-21 54
1946-01-21 36
1946-02-21 54
1946-03-21 54
1946-04-21 54
1946-05-21 54
1946-06-21 54
1946-07-21 54
1946-08-21 54
1946-09-21 54
1946-10-21 54
1946-11-21 54
1946-12-21 54
1946-21-01 18
1947-01-21 54
1947-02-21 54
1947-03-21 54
1947-04-21 54
1947-05-21 54
1947-06-21 54
1947-07-21 54
1947-08-21 54
NA 132
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1326 132

END1 Ending date of the period referred to by the data

Ending date of the period referred to by the data

Vrednost 6115 Frekvenca
1945-08-12 54
1945-08-24 54
1945-09-20 54
1945-10-20 54
1945-11-20 54
1945-12-20 54
1946-01-20 54
1946-02-20 36
1946-03-20 54
1946-04-20 54
1946-05-20 54
1946-06-20 54
1946-07-20 54
1946-08-20 54
1946-09-20 54
1946-10-20 54
1946-11-20 54
1946-12-20 54
1946-20-02 18
1947-01-20 54
1947-02-20 54
1947-03-20 54
1947-04-20 54
1947-05-20 54
1947-06-20 54
1947-07-20 54
1947-08-20 54
1947-09-15 54
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1458 0

SloName1 Slovenian name of the locality where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Slovenian name of the locality where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Vrednost 7114 Frekvenca
Gorica 324
Gradišèe 162
Kanal 162
Kobarid 162
Komen 162
Krmin 162
Pula 162
Trst 162
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1458 0

ItaName1 Italian name of the locality where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Italian name of the locality where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Vrednost 8113 Frekvenca
Canale 162
Caporetto 162
Comeno 162
Cormons 162
Gorizia 324
Gradisca 162
Pola 162
Trieste 162
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1458 0

GeoName1 Links to GeoNames of the geographical database features

Links to GeoNames of the geographical database features

Vrednost 9112 Frekvenca
https://www.geonames.org/11054815/pula-pola.html 162
https://www.geonames.org/3165184/trieste.html 162
https://www.geonames.org/3175985/gorizia.html 162
https://www.geonames.org/3197842/komen.html 162
https://www.geonames.org/3197983/kobarid.html 162
https://www.geonames.org/3198354/kanal.html 162
https://www.geonames.org/6536698/cormons.html 162
https://www.geonames.org/6536700/gradisca-d-isonzo.html 162
https://www.geonames.org/6541866/gorizia.html 162
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1458 0

AREA1 Territorial scope of the data

Territorial scope of the data

Vrednost 10111 Frekvenca
district 972
zone 486
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1458 0

V1_RegM1 Number of unemployed men registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of unemployed men registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 11110 Frekvenca
0 444
1 66
2 25
3 23
4 26
5 21
6 18
7 14
8 13
9 8
10 17
11 13
12 10
13 4
14 12
15 2
16 5
17 2
18 5
19 1
20 5
21 3
22 2
23 3
25 2
26 4
27 4
28 5
29 2
30 3
31 5
32 4
33 9
34 2
35 5
36 1
38 2
39 1
40 2
41 1
42 2
43 3
44 3
46 1
47 2
49 3
50 3
51 3
53 2
54 1
55 2
56 3
57 2
58 3
59 5
60 3
61 2
62 1
63 1
64 3
66 1
67 2
68 2
70 1
71 3
72 1
73 1
74 1
75 2
78 2
80 2
81 2
82 2
84 1
85 3
86 1
88 1
89 4
90 2
91 1
93 2
96 1
99 1
100 1
102 1
103 1
105 2
106 1
107 1
110 1
112 1
113 1
114 1
115 3
116 1
119 1
121 3
122 1
124 1
125 3
133 1
136 1
138 1
139 1
140 1
142 1
143 1
144 1
146 1
149 1
150 1
152 2
153 2
154 2
157 1
158 1
159 3
167 2
169 1
171 1
172 1
173 1
178 1
180 3
186 1
187 1
190 1
194 1
195 1
197 1
209 1
214 1
219 2
220 1
228 1
229 1
230 1
231 1
234 1
242 1
245 1
250 1
251 1
260 2
264 2
278 1
279 1
280 1
285 1
288 2
297 1
312 3
314 1
326 1
329 1
331 1
338 1
339 1
342 1
347 2
350 1
370 1
374 1
381 1
382 1
393 1
400 1
405 2
407 1
410 1
436 1
437 1
440 1
451 1
461 1
464 1
469 1
495 1
497 1
500 1
516 1
522 1
528 1
531 1
533 1
540 1
543 2
547 1
552 2
566 1
569 1
615 1
649 1
650 1
654 1
658 1
722 1
752 1
761 1
783 1
786 1
792 1
799 1
871 1
884 1
928 1
983 1
1015 1
1032 1
1079 1
1087 1
1095 1
1111 1
1113 1
1157 1
1356 1
1381 1
1418 1
1425 1
1599 1
1624 1
Sysmiss 7669
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1044 7669

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1624

V2_RegW1 Number of unemployed women registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of unemployed women registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 12109 Frekvenca
0 537
1 51
2 37
3 35
4 27
5 23
6 27
7 9
8 10
9 5
10 11
11 13
12 7
13 6
14 10
15 6
16 5
17 5
18 4
19 4
20 5
21 2
22 9
23 3
24 3
25 4
26 5
27 4
28 1
29 2
30 2
31 6
32 2
33 2
34 5
35 3
36 4
37 2
38 2
39 1
40 2
41 2
42 2
43 4
44 2
45 3
47 1
48 1
49 1
50 1
52 1
53 1
54 3
55 2
56 2
59 1
61 3
62 1
65 2
66 1
67 1
68 1
72 1
74 1
75 1
79 2
81 1
84 2
85 1
86 1
88 1
89 2
93 1
94 1
97 1
99 2
101 1
104 1
108 1
114 1
118 1
119 1
120 1
121 4
124 1
126 1
127 1
129 3
130 1
131 1
135 1
136 1
140 1
144 1
145 1
147 1
148 1
150 1
151 1
153 2
154 1
156 1
157 1
159 1
165 1
171 3
172 2
175 1
177 1
181 1
186 1
187 1
190 1
201 2
202 1
205 2
208 1
209 1
214 1
216 1
217 1
222 1
225 2
226 1
230 1
231 2
239 1
240 1
242 1
250 1
257 1
260 2
261 1
273 1
293 1
296 1
298 1
314 1
321 1
333 1
335 1
336 1
363 1
366 1
371 1
411 1
445 1
476 1
503 1
511 1
581 1
Sysmiss 7669
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1044 7669

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 581

V3_RegJ1 Number of unemployed jouveniles registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of unemployed jouveniles registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 13108 Frekvenca
0 800
1 30
2 12
3 9
4 7
5 9
6 11
7 7
8 6
9 10
10 4
11 3
12 1
13 4
14 4
15 3
16 4
17 7
18 5
20 6
21 4
22 7
23 3
24 5
25 2
26 2
27 1
28 4
29 3
30 3
31 1
33 2
34 2
35 3
36 2
38 3
40 2
41 1
42 2
43 2
44 2
45 1
46 1
47 1
50 2
51 1
52 2
54 1
58 3
59 2
64 1
65 1
67 3
70 1
75 3
76 1
80 2
85 1
101 2
102 1
104 1
113 1
138 1
140 1
142 1
143 1
146 1
151 1
156 1
161 1
164 1
167 1
174 1
176 1
180 1
190 1
Sysmiss 7669
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1044 7669

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 190

V4_RegT1 Total number of unemployed registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Total number of unemployed registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 14107 Frekvenca
0 417
1 65
2 30
3 19
4 12
5 18
6 19
7 8
8 12
9 7
10 15
11 17
12 12
13 7
14 8
15 8
16 8
17 4
18 6
19 4
20 1
21 7
22 3
23 6
24 3
25 2
26 3
27 4
28 2
29 2
30 3
32 2
33 4
34 4
35 2
36 1
37 2
38 2
39 2
40 3
41 1
43 4
44 2
45 6
46 1
47 2
48 1
49 2
50 1
51 1
53 4
54 2
55 3
57 3
58 1
59 1
60 3
61 3
62 4
63 2
65 2
67 2
70 1
71 2
72 2
73 2
75 1
76 2
77 1
78 2
79 2
81 1
82 1
83 1
84 1
85 1
86 2
87 1
89 2
90 2
91 1
93 2
94 2
95 1
96 3
97 1
98 2
99 2
100 3
104 2
106 1
107 4
110 1
111 3
113 1
114 1
115 2
117 2
119 1
120 1
121 1
126 2
127 2
128 1
129 1
131 1
137 4
138 2
142 2
143 1
149 1
151 2
153 1
154 1
155 1
156 1
157 1
161 3
167 1
169 1
175 1
178 2
182 1
184 1
185 1
187 1
188 2
190 1
194 1
197 2
199 1
200 1
203 1
204 1
209 1
210 1
212 1
215 1
219 1
220 1
223 1
225 1
227 1
231 1
233 1
235 1
236 1
238 1
244 1
245 1
252 1
260 1
266 1
270 1
271 1
272 2
273 1
276 1
284 1
290 1
294 1
315 1
319 1
324 1
343 1
346 1
349 1
356 1
360 3
371 1
372 1
382 1
383 2
388 1
402 1
407 1
411 1
413 1
416 1
417 1
421 1
437 1
441 1
443 1
455 1
469 1
477 1
478 1
480 1
483 1
500 1
505 2
507 1
512 2
535 1
544 1
545 1
554 1
559 1
563 1
573 1
576 1
583 1
601 1
602 1
620 1
636 1
657 1
660 1
679 1
685 1
691 1
700 1
724 1
734 1
744 1
746 1
765 1
800 1
811 1
812 1
820 1
826 1
832 1
838 1
841 1
843 1
854 1
880 1
930 1
934 1
982 1
1012 1
1040 1
1102 1
1158 1
1162 1
1183 1
1186 1
1188 1
1321 1
1330 1
1368 1
1389 1
1472 1
1481 1
1510 1
1531 1
1619 1
1634 1
1691 1
1913 2
2030 1
2074 1
2266 1
2395 1
Sysmiss 7669
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1044 7669

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 2395

V5_EmpM Number of employed (by AMG bodies and civil entities) men with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed (by AMG bodies and civil entities) men with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 15106 Frekvenca
0 448
1 58
2 56
3 22
4 25
5 15
6 13
7 8
8 7
9 1
10 9
11 2
12 4
13 2
14 6
15 3
16 2
17 2
18 5
19 4
20 5
21 9
22 2
23 3
24 7
25 4
26 1
27 1
28 3
29 4
30 1
31 3
32 1
33 5
34 2
35 2
36 2
37 4
38 2
39 4
40 2
41 1
42 2
43 1
44 2
45 1
46 2
47 1
48 3
49 2
50 2
52 2
54 2
56 2
57 2
58 2
59 1
61 2
62 1
64 2
65 1
66 2
68 1
71 2
73 2
75 3
76 1
80 2
81 1
84 1
89 1
90 2
91 4
92 1
93 2
94 3
95 2
96 2
98 2
100 1
107 3
109 1
111 1
112 2
115 1
132 1
135 1
136 1
139 2
140 1
143 1
145 2
147 1
150 1
151 1
152 1
153 1
155 1
156 1
157 1
166 1
167 1
168 1
169 1
171 1
174 1
176 1
177 1
196 1
206 1
207 1
209 1
214 1
215 1
217 2
220 1
222 1
223 1
228 1
229 1
233 1
239 1
245 1
248 1
249 2
259 1
260 1
265 1
284 1
286 1
287 1
292 1
299 1
302 1
306 1
313 1
316 1
324 1
328 1
367 1
370 1
375 1
381 1
394 1
406 1
410 1
416 1
419 1
443 1
452 1
454 1
467 2
478 1
480 1
510 1
520 1
524 1
543 1
546 1
562 1
595 1
640 1
648 1
691 1
705 1
708 1
754 1
808 1
835 1
909 1
985 1
1111 1
1182 1
1241 1
Sysmiss 7783
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
930 7783

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1241

V6_EmpW Number of employed (by AMG bodies and civil entities) women with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed (by AMG bodies and civil entities) women with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 16105 Frekvenca
0 552
1 63
2 53
3 15
4 22
5 12
6 11
7 12
8 4
9 6
10 4
11 6
12 5
13 6
14 7
15 3
16 6
17 3
18 3
19 9
20 6
21 4
23 3
24 3
25 2
27 3
28 2
29 3
30 3
31 1
32 1
33 3
34 1
35 2
36 2
38 1
40 2
41 2
42 1
43 3
44 1
46 1
47 1
48 1
49 1
52 4
56 1
58 1
59 1
60 2
61 1
63 1
64 1
65 1
66 2
69 1
70 1
71 1
72 1
78 1
81 1
84 1
87 1
93 1
94 1
98 1
102 1
104 2
105 1
108 2
111 2
112 1
113 1
114 1
115 1
116 1
117 3
119 1
121 1
123 1
125 1
135 1
136 1
141 1
147 1
148 1
152 1
156 2
159 1
161 2
164 1
166 1
167 1
178 1
179 1
190 1
193 1
195 2
202 1
208 1
234 1
257 1
260 1
266 1
269 1
278 1
286 1
Sysmiss 7783
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
930 7783

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 286

V7_EmpJ Number of employed (by AMG bodies and civil entities) jouveniles with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed (by AMG bodies and civil entities) jouveniles with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 17104 Frekvenca
0 734
1 22
2 15
3 7
4 10
5 12
6 5
7 9
8 2
9 6
10 6
11 7
12 3
13 6
14 5
15 3
16 4
17 2
18 4
19 3
20 3
21 4
22 4
23 3
24 3
25 1
26 1
27 2
29 2
30 2
32 2
34 1
35 2
36 1
38 2
41 2
42 1
44 1
45 1
46 2
48 3
52 1
54 1
57 1
58 1
61 1
63 2
66 1
67 2
68 1
70 1
84 1
86 1
89 1
99 1
101 1
106 1
115 1
116 1
131 1
151 1
Sysmiss 7783
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
930 7783

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 151

V8_EmpT Total number of employed (by AMG bodies and civil entities) with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Total number of employed (by AMG bodies and civil entities) with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 18103 Frekvenca
0 430
1 55
2 35
3 24
4 24
5 17
6 17
7 16
8 9
9 8
10 5
11 4
12 6
13 2
14 7
15 5
16 2
17 1
18 4
19 2
20 2
21 4
22 6
24 4
25 3
26 2
27 4
28 3
29 3
31 4
32 2
33 2
34 3
35 4
36 3
37 3
38 2
39 2
40 2
41 2
42 2
44 3
45 1
47 2
48 2
51 2
52 3
53 1
54 1
56 2
57 3
58 1
59 1
60 1
61 1
62 2
63 3
64 1
65 2
68 1
72 1
73 1
75 1
76 3
77 3
78 2
80 1
83 2
84 2
88 2
89 4
90 3
92 1
93 3
94 2
96 2
97 1
102 2
107 2
109 1
110 6
114 1
115 2
121 1
123 1
124 1
129 1
132 1
135 2
136 1
140 3
144 1
147 3
160 1
168 1
169 1
171 1
174 1
177 1
178 2
180 1
187 1
189 2
191 1
205 1
207 1
210 1
212 1
215 1
217 1
219 1
221 1
228 1
236 1
237 1
238 2
242 1
245 1
249 2
252 1
253 1
257 1
259 1
261 1
274 1
291 1
292 1
298 1
302 1
303 1
313 1
327 2
332 1
339 1
340 1
341 1
367 1
378 1
385 2
391 1
401 1
415 1
426 1
427 1
437 1
441 1
444 2
448 1
465 1
508 1
510 1
527 1
529 1
543 1
546 1
550 1
575 1
590 1
591 1
667 1
676 1
679 1
684 1
702 1
704 1
706 1
728 1
753 1
784 1
790 1
792 1
846 1
854 1
898 1
905 1
907 1
1040 1
1083 1
1126 1
1148 1
1302 1
1382 1
1405 1
1559 1
1590 1
Sysmiss 7783
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
930 7783

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1590

V9_AmgM Number of employed men by the AMG bodies with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed men by the AMG bodies with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 19102 Frekvenca
NA 1458
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 1458

V10_AmgW Number of employed women by the AMG bodies with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed women by the AMG bodies with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 20101 Frekvenca
NA 1458
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 1458

V11_AmgJ Number of employed jouveniles by the AMG bodies with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed jouveniles by the AMG bodies with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 21100 Frekvenca
NA 1458
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 1458

V12_AmgT Total number of employed by the AMG bodies with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Total number of employed by the AMG bodies with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 2299 Frekvenca
NA 1458
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 1458

V13_CeM Number of employed men at the civil entities with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed men at the civil entities with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 2398 Frekvenca
NA 1458
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 1458

V14_CeW Number of employed women at the civil entities with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed women at the civil entities with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 2497 Frekvenca
NA 1458
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 1458

V15_CeJ Number of employed jouveniles at the civil entities with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed jouveniles at the civil entities with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 2596 Frekvenca
NA 1458
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 1458

V16_CeT Total number of employed at the civil entities with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Total number of employed at the civil entities with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 2695 Frekvenca
NA 1458
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 1458

V17_ReM Number of men removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of men removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 2794 Frekvenca
0 529
1 64
2 37
3 21
4 18
5 18
6 12
7 6
8 9
9 6
10 8
11 4
12 7
13 5
14 5
15 8
16 4
17 5
18 1
19 4
20 2
21 5
22 1
23 3
24 8
25 4
27 1
28 4
29 2
30 2
31 1
32 4
33 1
35 1
37 2
41 2
42 2
45 3
46 1
47 1
48 2
49 2
52 4
55 2
56 1
57 1
58 2
62 2
63 3
66 1
67 2
68 2
69 1
72 2
73 2
75 2
77 2
79 2
82 1
83 1
86 2
87 2
88 1
93 2
94 1
96 2
110 2
111 1
112 1
116 1
118 1
120 1
123 1
124 1
128 1
131 1
133 1
136 1
144 1
145 1
146 1
151 1
155 1
158 1
162 1
165 1
166 1
170 1
173 2
174 1
175 1
178 1
195 1
201 1
208 1
218 1
235 1
245 1
279 1
284 1
288 1
305 1
308 1
311 1
325 1
328 1
336 2
339 1
342 1
400 1
425 1
432 1
455 1
478 1
486 1
582 1
621 1
768 1
1053 1
Sysmiss 7789
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
924 7789

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1053

V18_ReW Number of women removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of women removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 2893 Frekvenca
0 624
1 50
2 41
3 17
4 17
5 11
6 10
7 10
8 4
9 6
10 2
11 5
12 3
13 3
14 6
15 6
16 6
17 1
18 2
19 2
20 4
21 2
22 3
24 1
25 3
26 2
27 1
28 3
30 2
32 2
33 2
34 1
35 1
36 1
37 2
38 2
41 2
42 2
43 1
45 1
46 1
47 1
48 2
49 2
51 2
53 2
54 2
55 3
58 4
59 2
60 1
65 2
67 1
68 2
70 1
71 1
79 1
83 1
85 1
103 1
105 2
109 1
113 1
114 1
116 1
118 1
119 1
123 1
125 1
130 1
133 1
136 1
138 1
141 1
143 1
144 1
149 1
152 1
157 1
158 1
159 1
168 1
192 1
230 1
272 1
371 1
Sysmiss 7789
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
924 7789

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 371

V19_ReJ Number of jouveniles removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of jouveniles removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 2992 Frekvenca
0 756
1 46
2 21
3 13
4 11
5 4
6 6
7 8
8 3
9 2
10 6
11 1
12 2
13 3
14 2
15 2
18 3
19 1
21 3
22 1
23 1
24 3
25 2
26 1
28 1
29 2
30 3
32 2
34 1
35 1
37 1
38 1
42 1
52 1
62 1
66 1
67 1
74 2
77 1
84 1
88 1
153 1
Sysmiss 7789
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
924 7789

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 153

V20_ReT Total number of people that were removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Total number of people that were removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 3091 Frekvenca
0 512
1 62
2 27
3 15
4 15
5 19
6 15
7 12
8 13
9 3
10 7
11 7
12 3
13 3
14 8
15 5
16 2
17 6
18 1
19 6
20 3
21 2
22 3
23 5
24 2
25 6
26 5
27 3
28 1
29 3
31 2
32 3
33 2
34 3
35 1
36 2
37 4
38 1
39 1
40 2
43 2
45 1
46 2
47 2
49 2
52 2
55 1
57 2
58 2
60 1
64 1
65 1
66 3
67 1
68 2
69 1
70 1
71 1
72 2
74 1
75 1
77 1
78 1
79 2
80 2
83 1
85 1
91 1
92 2
93 1
95 1
96 1
102 1
107 1
108 1
109 1
113 2
114 2
117 1
118 1
120 2
123 1
125 1
126 1
128 2
129 2
132 1
134 1
135 1
142 1
145 2
153 1
158 1
161 1
170 1
172 1
175 1
180 1
183 1
187 1
188 1
191 1
201 1
213 1
215 1
217 1
221 1
223 1
226 1
234 1
237 2
239 1
240 1
248 2
260 2
272 1
289 1
318 1
330 1
337 1
341 1
353 1
368 1
370 2
385 1
399 1
406 1
413 1
419 1
444 1
450 1
478 1
497 1
532 1
569 1
585 1
602 1
612 1
633 1
704 1
767 1
793 1
977 1
993 1
1577 1
Sysmiss 7789
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
924 7789

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1577

V21_ErM Number of men who were employed (by AMG bodies and civilentities) and removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of men who were employed (by AMG bodies and civilentities) and removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 3190 Frekvenca
0 34
1 2
2 7
3 3
4 1
5 4
6 3
7 2
8 2
9 1
10 1
11 4
12 3
13 2
15 4
17 2
18 3
19 2
23 1
24 1
26 1
28 1
34 1
36 1
38 1
40 1
46 1
63 1
65 1
73 1
75 1
85 1
97 1
108 1
162 1
178 1
187 1
198 1
222 1
262 1
266 1
280 1
287 1
299 1
302 1
319 1
334 1
373 1
437 1
522 1
574 1
1957 1
Sysmiss 8599
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
114 8599

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1957

V22_ErW Number of women who were employed (by AMG bodies and civilentities) and removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of women who were employed (by AMG bodies and civilentities) and removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 3289 Frekvenca
0 56
1 2
2 9
3 4
4 3
5 4
8 1
9 2
10 2
11 2
12 3
13 1
16 1
17 1
26 2
28 1
33 1
34 1
37 2
42 1
43 1
55 1
64 1
67 1
71 1
77 1
133 1
153 1
154 1
218 1
234 1
333 1
351 1
432 1
1778 1
Sysmiss 8599
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
114 8599

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1778

V23_ErJ Number of jouveniles who were employed (by AMG bodies and civilentities) and removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of jouveniles who were employed (by AMG bodies and civilentities) and removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 3388 Frekvenca
0 95
1 1
6 1
7 1
12 1
13 2
14 1
16 1
18 2
24 1
28 1
31 1
32 1
34 1
39 1
50 1
64 1
247 1
Sysmiss 8599
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
114 8599

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 247

V24_ErT Total number of people who were employed (by AMG bodies and civilentities) and removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Total number of people who were employed (by AMG bodies and civilentities) and removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period'

Vrednost 3487 Frekvenca
0 32
2 7
3 5
4 1
5 4
6 4
8 2
9 2
10 1
11 1
12 2
13 1
14 1
15 3
17 2
19 3
20 3
21 1
22 2
26 1
28 2
29 1
35 1
38 1
39 1
40 2
47 1
52 1
73 1
77 1
88 1
130 1
132 1
137 1
141 1
146 1
220 1
229 1
273 1
295 1
308 1
361 1
363 1
384 1
427 1
471 1
536 1
570 1
624 1
656 1
719 1
764 1
783 1
3982 1
Sysmiss 8599
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
114 8599

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 3982

V25_UnM Number of unemployed men registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of unemployed men registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 3586 Frekvenca
0 314
1 75
2 22
3 31
4 32
5 23
6 32
7 15
8 7
9 5
10 4
11 2
12 3
13 6
14 8
15 10
16 5
17 4
18 6
19 4
20 2
21 1
22 4
23 3
24 4
25 2
26 2
28 5
29 2
30 1
32 4
33 6
34 1
35 5
36 3
38 3
39 1
40 4
41 3
42 2
43 3
44 2
45 4
46 3
47 3
48 3
49 8
50 3
51 6
52 4
53 4
54 7
55 2
56 5
57 2
58 2
59 6
60 4
61 7
62 4
63 4
64 3
65 1
66 2
67 2
68 4
69 4
70 2
71 2
73 2
74 2
75 2
76 2
80 2
81 1
83 2
84 1
85 1
86 2
87 1
88 1
90 2
91 1
94 1
95 3
97 1
98 2
100 1
101 3
102 1
103 1
104 1
105 1
106 2
107 2
109 1
111 1
112 1
115 3
117 1
118 1
122 2
123 2
125 2
127 1
130 1
133 1
137 2
138 1
139 1
141 3
146 1
147 1
151 2
155 1
156 2
157 2
159 2
160 1
161 2
164 1
165 2
167 1
169 1
171 2
173 3
178 2
180 2
181 1
182 1
185 1
186 1
190 1
195 3
197 1
198 1
199 1
200 2
203 1
204 1
205 2
206 1
207 1
208 1
209 1
210 1
211 4
212 2
213 2
216 2
218 1
219 4
220 2
221 1
222 2
223 1
224 1
228 2
229 1
231 1
233 1
235 1
236 2
237 1
239 1
241 1
244 2
245 1
250 1
251 1
253 1
254 2
259 1
261 3
265 1
266 2
267 1
270 1
274 1
275 1
277 1
286 1
289 1
293 1
294 1
300 1
301 1
304 1
308 1
309 2
310 1
314 1
327 1
342 1
345 1
352 1
355 1
356 1
366 1
374 1
375 1
393 1
395 1
400 1
402 1
422 1
424 1
435 1
449 1
452 1
459 1
475 1
477 1
485 1
487 2
492 1
520 1
536 1
549 1
552 1
561 1
590 1
619 1
627 1
631 1
647 1
655 1
674 1
675 1
679 1
707 1
719 1
723 1
729 1
731 1
743 1
760 1
797 1
809 1
816 1
831 1
833 1
855 1
879 1
899 1
910 1
922 1
945 1
961 1
986 1
999 1
1003 1
1011 1
1015 1
1042 1
1063 1
1066 1
1072 1
1076 1
1087 1
1094 1
1113 1
1117 1
1155 1
1190 1
1194 2
1197 1
1222 1
1243 1
1247 1
1248 1
1249 1
1253 1
1269 1
1291 1
1303 1
1319 1
1338 1
1352 1
1353 1
1369 1
1379 1
1425 1
1433 1
1437 1
1461 1
1465 1
1491 1
1595 2
1638 1
1716 1
1769 1
1770 1
1783 1
1833 1
1868 1
1964 1
1996 1
2031 1
2114 1
2160 1
2180 1
2221 1
2226 1
2275 1
2362 1
2436 1
2474 1
2685 1
2716 1
2960 1
3194 1
3221 1
3320 1
3355 1
3504 1
3615 1
Sysmiss 7633
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1080 7633

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 3615

V26_UnW Number of unemployed women registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of unemployed women registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 3685 Frekvenca
0 443
1 63
2 46
3 15
4 24
5 22
6 15
7 19
8 13
9 7
10 4
11 10
12 3
13 2
14 3
16 4
17 1
20 2
21 3
22 3
23 3
24 5
25 6
26 6
27 12
28 3
29 5
30 6
31 1
32 6
33 3
34 2
36 3
37 3
39 1
40 2
41 2
42 7
43 2
46 6
47 1
48 6
49 4
50 1
51 5
52 1
53 1
54 1
55 2
56 1
57 1
58 3
59 2
60 2
61 2
62 1
63 2
64 2
65 1
66 3
67 1
68 4
69 4
70 2
71 3
72 2
73 3
74 2
76 1
77 1
78 2
79 5
80 1
81 2
82 2
83 2
84 2
85 2
86 1
88 1
90 3
91 1
93 2
94 1
96 3
97 1
98 1
99 1
101 3
102 1
104 2
107 2
108 1
111 1
112 3
118 1
119 1
120 1
121 1
124 1
129 1
131 1
132 1
134 1
135 2
136 1
141 2
146 1
148 2
159 1
161 1
165 1
167 1
168 1
175 2
185 1
186 2
189 1
190 1
194 1
198 1
199 2
202 1
203 1
204 1
207 1
211 3
212 2
215 1
221 1
222 1
225 1
227 1
231 1
236 1
241 1
246 1
250 1
256 1
259 1
260 1
262 1
264 1
268 1
270 1
281 1
283 1
284 2
288 1
299 1
300 1
304 1
308 1
310 1
312 1
318 1
323 1
338 1
344 1
348 1
349 1
350 1
359 1
370 1
371 1
375 1
389 1
400 1
415 1
435 1
445 1
447 1
449 1
456 1
457 1
458 1
459 1
462 1
463 2
470 1
472 1
474 1
486 1
494 1
504 1
506 1
508 1
517 1
524 1
529 1
536 1
539 1
546 1
555 1
556 1
559 1
561 1
578 1
582 1
585 1
588 1
592 1
603 1
611 1
618 1
623 1
625 1
627 1
632 2
643 1
650 1
661 1
667 1
672 1
674 1
677 1
708 1
714 1
716 1
722 1
744 1
759 1
760 1
763 1
764 1
766 1
768 1
771 1
785 1
786 1
787 1
804 1
808 1
817 1
837 1
873 2
880 1
882 1
893 1
894 1
897 1
918 1
968 1
1126 1
1245 1
1276 1
1299 1
1305 1
1381 1
1418 1
1435 1
1457 1
1473 1
1484 2
1494 1
1529 1
1531 1
1532 1
1548 1
1589 1
1642 1
1729 1
1826 1
1965 1
Sysmiss 7633
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1080 7633

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1965

V27_UnJ Number of unemployed jouveniles registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of unemployed jouveniles registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 3784 Frekvenca
0 715
1 66
2 45
3 13
4 4
5 16
6 3
7 2
8 3
9 1
10 1
11 2
12 1
13 7
14 4
15 5
17 2
18 3
19 2
20 2
21 3
23 2
24 1
25 5
26 4
27 5
28 3
29 1
31 5
32 3
33 4
34 4
36 1
37 3
38 9
39 5
40 3
42 1
43 3
44 1
45 1
46 3
47 2
49 1
50 2
51 3
52 1
53 1
55 1
56 2
57 2
58 3
59 1
60 3
61 1
62 2
64 2
65 2
68 1
71 2
72 3
73 3
74 3
75 2
76 1
77 2
79 2
80 1
82 1
83 1
84 1
85 2
86 1
91 1
96 1
104 1
107 1
111 1
119 1
121 1
123 1
127 1
132 2
134 1
141 1
146 1
148 2
149 1
153 1
154 1
157 1
158 1
160 1
162 1
164 1
166 1
169 2
172 1
179 1
180 1
183 2
186 1
190 1
200 1
204 1
206 1
208 1
209 1
241 1
248 1
256 1
268 1
270 1
274 1
282 1
288 1
290 1
300 1
317 1
328 1
355 1
357 1
358 1
366 1
382 1
409 1
416 1
Sysmiss 7633
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1080 7633

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 416

V28_UnT Total number of unemployed jouveniles registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Total number of unemployed jouveniles registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 3883 Frekvenca
0 272
1 80
2 33
3 28
4 25
5 9
6 23
7 22
8 16
9 11
10 5
11 2
12 5
13 9
14 13
15 5
16 5
17 10
18 9
19 6
20 3
22 3
23 2
24 2
25 2
26 3
28 2
29 1
30 1
31 1
32 2
33 3
34 2
35 2
36 2
37 1
39 1
40 4
41 1
42 3
43 2
44 2
45 2
48 2
49 5
50 2
53 1
54 1
55 3
56 2
58 3
59 3
60 5
61 4
62 2
63 2
64 2
66 1
67 1
68 4
69 2
70 4
71 2
72 1
73 2
75 8
76 3
78 2
79 1
80 2
81 2
82 4
85 1
86 1
89 1
90 1
91 1
92 2
93 2
94 1
95 1
96 1
101 2
106 1
107 1
108 2
109 1
111 1
112 1
114 2
115 2
116 4
117 1
118 1
119 2
120 3
121 1
122 3
123 1
124 1
125 3
126 1
127 3
129 1
130 1
131 2
135 1
136 1
137 4
140 2
142 1
143 1
145 2
146 1
147 1
148 3
150 1
151 3
152 4
153 1
154 1
155 1
156 1
157 3
158 1
159 2
160 6
161 1
162 1
163 1
168 2
171 1
172 1
175 2
176 1
178 1
181 1
183 2
190 1
191 1
196 1
197 1
200 1
201 1
202 1
203 1
204 1
207 1
208 1
210 1
212 2
213 1
215 1
219 1
220 1
221 1
224 2
229 1
230 3
234 1
237 1
246 1
252 1
254 1
255 1
261 1
272 1
274 1
278 1
285 1
294 1
298 1
299 1
300 1
302 1
304 1
308 2
313 1
314 1
315 1
317 1
326 2
329 1
330 1
331 2
337 1
343 1
346 1
349 3
352 1
353 1
355 1
356 1
357 1
365 1
366 3
368 1
371 1
372 1
377 1
381 1
385 2
400 1
402 1
408 1
410 1
417 1
418 1
420 1
422 1
423 1
424 1
429 1
433 2
435 1
436 1
439 1
440 1
442 1
444 1
445 1
448 1
450 1
457 1
459 1
462 1
465 2
466 1
468 1
471 1
475 1
480 1
481 1
485 1
491 1
492 1
493 1
495 1
499 2
504 1
507 1
508 1
510 1
514 1
521 2
527 1
529 1
539 1
545 1
550 1
557 1
562 1
564 1
577 2
587 1
589 1
592 1
594 1
607 1
608 2
609 1
618 1
644 1
662 1
666 1
678 2
702 1
723 1
727 1
733 1
738 1
747 1
763 1
772 1
775 1
784 1
803 1
811 1
820 1
840 1
878 1
903 1
946 1
971 1
974 1
1010 1
1130 1
1133 1
1158 1
1166 1
1184 1
1189 1
1212 1
1217 1
1227 1
1228 1
1231 1
1244 1
1316 1
1340 1
1349 1
1395 1
1403 1
1430 1
1463 1
1485 1
1504 1
1510 1
1562 1
1624 1
1681 1
1711 1
1752 1
1790 1
1837 1
1872 1
1887 1
1897 1
1922 1
1926 1
1927 1
1993 1
2003 1
2005 1
2025 1
2029 1
2053 1
2062 1
2076 1
2125 1
2128 1
2138 1
2200 1
2233 1
2241 1
2294 1
2299 1
2327 1
2359 1
2433 1
2449 1
2511 1
2524 1
2564 1
2586 1
2623 1
2634 1
2687 1
2718 2
2740 1
2889 1
2905 1
2941 1
2959 1
2970 1
3000 1
3116 1
3133 1
3137 1
3238 1
3265 1
3270 1
3381 1
3396 1
3535 1
3570 1
3612 1
3660 1
3844 1
3898 1
3904 1
4442 1
4475 1
4955 1
4988 1
5060 1
5150 1
5169 1
5280 1
Sysmiss 7633
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1080 7633

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5280

PROFr One of the 23 professions to which the data refers

One of the 23 professions to which the data refers

Vrednost 3982 Frekvenca
1 Agricultural laborers 48
2 Bakers 48
3 Bricklayers 48
4 Carpenters 48
5 Chauffeurs 48
6 Clerical workers 48
7 Cooks 48
8 Electricians 48
9 First Aid and Life guards 48
10 Manual labourers 48
11 Maritime workers 48
12 Metalworkers 48
13 Miscellaneous bar and restaurant workers 48
14 Painters 48
15 Printers 48
16 Sales clerks 48
17 Suspended 48
18 Tailors 48
19 Teachers 48
20 Textile workers 48
21 Uschers-Doormen 48
22 Various occupations 48
23 Waiters 48
Sysmiss 7609
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1104 7609

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 23

Hisco_r Codes to identify occupational titles according to the Historical International Standard of Classification of Occupations model

Codes to identify occupational titles according to the Historical International Standard of Classification of Occupations model

Vrednost 4081 Frekvenca
1 13000 Teachers 48
2 30000 Clerical workers 48
3 45130 Sales clerks 48
4 53100 Cooks 48
5 53210 Waiters 48
6 53290 Miscellaneous bar and restaurant workers 48
7 55125 Uschers-Doormen 48
8 62110 Agricultural laborers 48
9 7190 First Aid and Life guards 48
10 72000 Metalworkers 48
11 75400 Textile workers 48
12 77610 Bakers 48
13 79100 Tailors 48
14 85510 Electricians 48
15 92110 Printers 48
16 93120 Painters 48
17 95135 Bricklayers 48
18 95410 Carpenters 48
19 98100 Maritime workers 48
20 98500 Chauffeurs 48
21 99900 Various occupations 48
22 99910 Manual labourers 48
23 NA 48
Sysmiss 7609
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1056 7657

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 22

START2 Starting date of the period referred to by the data

Starting date of the period referred to by the data

Vrednost 4180 Frekvenca
1945-09-21 46
1945-10-21 46
1945-11-21 46
1945-12-21 46
1946-01-21 46
1946-02-21 46
1946-03-21 46
1946-04-21 46
1946-05-21 46
1946-06-21 46
1946-07-21 46
1946-08-21 46
1946-09-21 46
1946-10-21 46
1946-11-21 46
1946-12-21 46
1947-01-21 46
1947-02-21 46
1947-03-21 46
1947-04-21 46
1947-05-21 46
1947-06-21 46
1947-07-21 46
NA 46
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1058 46

END2 Ending date of the period referred to by the data

Ending date of the period referred to by the data

Vrednost 4279 Frekvenca
1945-09-20 46
1945-10-20 46
1945-11-20 46
1945-12-20 46
1946-01-20 46
1946-02-20 46
1946-03-20 46
1946-04-20 46
1946-05-20 46
1946-06-20 46
1946-07-20 46
1946-08-20 46
1946-09-20 46
1946-10-20 46
1946-11-20 46
1946-12-20 46
1947-01-20 46
1947-02-20 46
1947-03-20 46
1947-04-20 46
1947-05-20 46
1947-06-20 46
1947-07-20 46
1947-08-20 46
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1104 0

SloName2 Slovenian name of the locality where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Slovenian name of the locality where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Vrednost 4378 Frekvenca
Gorica 552
Pula 552
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1104 0

ItaName2 Italian name of the locality where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Italian name of the locality where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Vrednost 4477 Frekvenca
Gorizia 552
Pola 552
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1104 0

GeoName2 Links to GeoNames of the geographical database features

Links to GeoNames of the geographical database features

Vrednost 4576 Frekvenca
https://www.geonames.org/11054815/pula-pola.html 552
https://www.geonames.org/3175985/gorizia.html 552
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1104 0

AREA2 Territorial scope of the data

Territorial scope of the data

Vrednost 4675 Frekvenca
zone 1104
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1104 0

V1_RegM2 Number of unemployed men registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of unemployed men registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 4774 Frekvenca
0 196
1 74
2 52
3 38
4 36
5 33
6 24
7 24
8 27
9 19
10 19
11 22
12 18
13 15
14 16
15 13
16 15
17 13
18 7
19 6
20 5
21 6
22 1
23 7
24 4
25 6
26 5
27 6
28 11
29 4
30 1
31 2
32 5
33 4
34 1
35 4
36 3
37 1
38 1
39 5
41 2
42 3
43 4
44 1
45 3
46 2
47 4
50 4
51 2
52 2
53 1
54 2
56 1
57 1
59 1
60 1
61 1
62 5
64 3
65 2
66 2
67 3
68 3
69 3
71 1
72 1
73 2
74 3
75 1
76 1
77 1
78 1
80 2
81 2
82 3
83 1
84 1
85 2
87 2
88 4
89 1
94 2
98 1
99 1
101 1
103 1
104 2
105 1
106 1
107 1
108 1
109 2
110 1
111 5
113 3
114 1
115 1
117 1
118 1
119 1
121 1
123 2
124 1
125 1
126 1
129 1
131 2
132 1
133 1
134 1
135 2
136 1
138 1
139 1
140 1
144 2
145 1
147 1
148 1
153 2
158 1
159 2
161 1
162 2
163 1
164 1
167 3
169 1
173 1
174 1
176 3
180 1
184 1
187 1
189 1
193 1
194 1
195 1
198 1
200 1
217 1
221 1
230 1
232 1
234 1
235 1
262 1
278 1
295 1
316 1
317 1
327 1
333 1
378 1
431 1
469 1
547 1
558 1
577 1
608 1
618 1
644 1
748 1
750 1
753 1
783 1
836 1
867 1
878 1
1089 1
Sysmiss 7770
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
943 7770

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1089

V2_RegW2 Number of unemployed women registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of unemployed women registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 4873 Frekvenca
0 572
1 53
2 30
3 25
4 20
5 15
6 20
7 8
8 15
9 14
10 9
11 6
12 10
13 2
14 10
15 4
16 3
17 4
18 4
19 4
20 4
21 3
22 2
23 2
24 4
25 1
26 1
27 2
28 3
29 1
30 1
32 4
34 2
35 2
36 1
37 1
38 1
39 1
40 2
41 2
42 2
43 1
45 2
46 2
47 1
48 1
49 1
51 1
55 1
56 1
57 1
65 1
67 2
68 1
72 3
74 1
76 2
79 1
80 1
86 1
89 1
95 1
98 1
101 1
105 1
110 1
112 1
115 1
118 1
124 1
125 1
128 1
129 2
130 1
134 1
140 1
141 1
144 1
150 2
160 1
164 1
172 1
174 1
180 1
183 1
184 1
198 1
204 1
207 1
218 1
220 1
223 1
225 2
232 1
246 1
255 1
277 1
280 1
285 1
304 1
314 1
319 1
422 1
461 1
Sysmiss 7771
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
942 7771

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 461

V3_RegJ2 Number of unemployed jouveniles registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of unemployed jouveniles registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 4972 Frekvenca
0 693
1 43
2 33
3 11
4 12
5 12
6 4
7 16
8 9
9 5
10 5
11 6
12 6
13 12
14 2
15 4
16 7
17 5
18 3
19 5
20 2
21 2
22 1
24 2
25 1
26 3
27 1
28 2
29 1
30 3
31 1
32 1
33 2
34 3
36 1
38 3
40 2
42 2
43 1
44 1
45 1
47 1
48 2
50 2
58 1
60 2
62 1
65 1
67 1
71 1
81 1
83 1
Sysmiss 7770
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
943 7770

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 83

V4_EmpM Number of employed (by AMG bodies and civil entities) men with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed (by AMG bodies and civil entities) men with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 5071 Frekvenca
0 98
1 42
2 34
3 23
4 14
5 16
6 9
7 9
8 11
9 10
10 10
11 7
12 5
13 5
14 4
15 6
16 1
17 4
18 2
19 1
20 3
21 3
22 5
23 6
24 4
25 2
26 3
27 2
28 1
29 2
30 4
32 2
33 1
35 3
36 3
38 1
39 1
40 1
42 1
43 1
44 1
46 1
47 1
48 1
49 3
51 2
52 1
55 4
57 1
58 2
60 1
63 2
64 1
65 2
66 1
68 1
71 1
73 1
74 2
75 3
77 1
78 1
79 1
80 1
81 2
82 3
83 2
84 2
85 1
86 1
87 2
88 1
90 1
92 3
94 1
95 1
96 1
97 1
100 1
106 1
110 1
111 2
113 1
114 1
118 3
122 1
126 1
130 2
133 1
144 1
145 1
172 1
173 1
174 1
176 1
188 1
201 1
210 1
227 1
263 1
273 1
278 1
319 1
324 1
362 1
382 1
403 1
413 1
474 1
476 1
511 1
526 1
612 1
636 1
645 1
655 1
Sysmiss 8253
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
460 8253

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 655

V5_EmpW Number of employed (by AMG bodies and civil entities) women with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed (by AMG bodies and civil entities) women with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 5170 Frekvenca
0 247
1 43
2 29
3 13
4 16
5 14
6 8
7 5
8 3
9 7
10 5
11 3
12 3
13 2
15 2
16 2
17 3
20 1
21 1
22 1
24 2
25 2
26 2
29 2
30 1
31 1
37 1
39 1
41 2
44 1
47 2
48 1
49 1
51 1
53 1
56 1
58 1
65 2
66 1
68 2
73 1
75 1
81 3
83 1
84 1
88 1
90 1
100 1
123 1
125 1
130 1
135 1
146 1
151 1
154 1
165 1
182 1
186 1
188 1
191 1
204 1
294 1
Sysmiss 8253
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
460 8253

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 294

V6_EmpJ Number of employed (by AMG bodies and civil entities) jouveniles with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed (by AMG bodies and civil entities) jouveniles with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 5269 Frekvenca
0 268
1 36
2 28
3 12
4 17
5 13
6 10
7 7
8 7
9 1
10 8
11 6
12 5
13 5
14 2
15 2
16 2
17 1
18 2
19 3
21 2
22 1
23 3
24 4
25 3
28 3
29 1
35 1
38 1
39 1
42 1
43 1
46 3
Sysmiss 8253
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
460 8253

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 46

V7_AmgM Number of employed men by the AMG bodies with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed men by the AMG bodies with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 5368 Frekvenca
0 424
1 129
2 72
3 47
4 43
5 31
6 22
7 21
8 15
9 15
10 11
11 14
12 11
13 4
14 6
15 7
16 7
17 3
18 8
19 2
20 5
21 2
22 8
23 5
24 4
25 2
26 1
27 3
28 1
29 3
30 2
32 2
37 3
39 1
40 1
41 1
43 1
46 1
47 1
51 1
55 1
83 1
88 1
Sysmiss 7770
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
943 7770

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 88

V8_AmgW Number of employed women by the AMG bodies with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed women by the AMG bodies with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period'

Vrednost 5467 Frekvenca
0 725
1 74
2 40
3 20
4 12
5 11
6 12
7 3
8 5
9 2
10 3
11 3
15 2
16 3
17 1
19 2
20 1
21 1
22 2
23 2
25 1
26 1
28 1
29 1
30 1
35 1
38 2
42 1
44 1
46 1
52 1
53 2
56 1
60 1
61 1
83 1
94 1
Sysmiss 7770
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
943 7770

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 94

V9_AmgJ Number of employed jouveniles by the AMG bodies with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed jouveniles by the AMG bodies with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 5566 Frekvenca
0 877
1 32
2 6
3 6
4 6
5 6
6 6
7 2
8 1
12 1
Sysmiss 7770
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
943 7770

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 12

V10_CeM Number of employed men at the civil entities with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed men at the civil entities with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 5665 Frekvenca
0 324
1 96
2 73
3 47
4 33
5 20
6 19
7 27
8 21
9 15
10 12
11 7
12 14
13 3
14 11
15 8
16 4
17 7
18 7
19 6
20 10
21 7
22 3
23 3
24 3
25 5
26 8
27 3
28 3
29 4
30 2
31 1
32 2
33 3
34 2
35 1
37 5
38 2
39 1
40 1
41 3
42 5
43 3
45 2
46 2
48 3
49 2
50 1
51 2
52 1
53 2
55 1
56 5
58 1
59 3
60 4
62 2
65 1
66 4
67 3
68 2
69 1
72 2
73 1
76 1
77 1
78 1
79 2
81 2
82 1
85 1
86 3
87 2
89 1
90 2
94 1
95 2
98 1
100 1
104 1
105 1
106 2
108 1
111 1
112 1
113 1
114 1
119 1
121 1
125 1
128 2
141 1
169 2
174 2
175 1
185 1
186 1
201 1
210 1
233 1
246 1
249 1
268 1
277 1
307 1
382 1
385 1
396 1
418 1
471 1
472 1
493 1
520 1
604 1
609 1
640 1
655 1
Sysmiss 7770
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
943 7770

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 655

V11_CeW Number of employed women at the civil entities with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed women at the civil entities with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 5764 Frekvenca
0 687
1 70
2 34
3 15
4 16
5 12
6 12
7 8
8 5
9 6
10 3
11 3
12 3
13 3
14 3
15 4
16 2
18 1
19 2
20 1
21 2
22 5
23 1
24 1
25 1
26 1
28 1
29 2
33 2
36 1
37 1
40 1
44 2
45 1
46 1
47 1
49 1
51 1
56 1
61 1
63 1
64 1
71 1
75 1
80 2
81 1
87 1
92 1
103 1
108 1
112 1
120 1
132 1
133 1
138 1
143 1
145 1
149 1
153 1
159 1
170 1
176 1
201 1
211 1
Sysmiss 7770
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
943 7770

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 211

V12_CeJ Number of employed jouveniles at the civil entities with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed jouveniles at the civil entities with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 5863 Frekvenca
0 731
1 38
2 27
3 18
4 16
5 14
6 9
7 13
8 3
9 5
10 8
11 11
12 6
13 6
14 1
15 3
16 1
17 1
18 2
19 4
20 1
21 3
22 2
23 2
24 3
25 3
28 3
29 1
30 1
37 1
38 1
40 2
42 1
45 2
Sysmiss 7770
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
943 7770

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 45

V13_ReM Number of men removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of men removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 5962 Frekvenca
0 446
1 95
2 64
3 38
4 34
5 28
6 18
7 12
8 15
9 12
10 12
11 10
12 7
13 9
14 5
15 7
16 5
17 6
18 5
19 1
21 5
22 1
23 2
24 1
25 1
26 2
27 4
28 4
29 2
30 1
31 2
32 1
33 1
34 3
35 1
36 3
37 1
38 2
39 2
40 2
41 1
42 2
43 1
44 2
45 3
46 1
47 2
49 1
50 2
51 2
52 1
54 1
55 2
57 2
58 1
61 2
62 1
63 1
64 1
65 3
66 2
70 1
71 2
72 1
75 1
76 1
78 1
80 1
83 1
84 1
85 1
87 1
90 1
96 1
101 1
102 1
107 1
108 1
111 1
115 1
125 1
134 1
135 1
136 1
146 1
166 1
167 1
171 1
210 1
227 1
248 1
257 1
284 1
324 1
370 1
434 1
498 1
565 1
649 1
Sysmiss 7770
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
943 7770

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 649

V14_ReW Number of women removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of women removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 6061 Frekvenca
0 689
1 58
2 39
3 22
4 18
5 16
6 10
7 6
8 6
9 3
10 5
11 3
12 2
13 5
14 1
15 3
18 1
19 1
20 3
22 4
23 1
24 1
26 1
27 2
28 3
29 1
33 2
36 1
37 3
38 1
40 1
46 1
51 1
55 1
57 2
66 2
69 1
70 2
78 1
79 1
82 1
84 1
91 1
96 1
99 1
105 1
110 2
153 1
165 1
180 3
208 1
218 1
238 1
299 1
408 1
1506 1
Sysmiss 7770
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
943 7770

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1506

V15_ReJ Number of jouveniles removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of jouveniles removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 6160 Frekvenca
0 801
1 48
2 18
3 13
4 11
5 5
6 6
7 4
8 4
9 4
10 2
11 2
12 2
13 4
14 3
15 1
16 1
17 2
19 1
21 1
23 1
25 2
26 1
31 1
35 1
46 1
49 1
53 1
231 1
Sysmiss 7770
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
943 7770

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 231

V16_ErM Number of men who were employed (by AMG bodies and civilentities) and removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of men who were employed (by AMG bodies and civilentities) and removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 6259 Frekvenca
0 143
1 35
2 28
3 20
4 24
5 18
6 15
7 12
8 13
9 6
10 8
11 8
12 10
13 4
14 7
15 7
16 6
17 6
18 2
19 6
20 6
21 6
22 3
23 2
24 2
25 4
26 2
27 2
28 2
29 2
30 1
31 2
33 1
34 1
35 2
36 4
37 1
39 3
40 2
42 1
45 1
46 1
48 1
51 1
52 1
53 2
54 1
59 1
61 1
62 2
64 1
65 2
68 1
69 1
70 2
71 1
72 2
73 1
75 2
76 2
77 1
79 2
82 1
83 1
84 1
85 1
88 1
90 1
92 1
94 1
96 1
98 1
104 2
110 1
116 1
123 1
128 1
131 1
144 2
150 1
176 1
233 1
270 1
375 1
390 1
767 1
Sysmiss 8230
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
483 8230

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 767

V17_ErW Number of women who were employed (by AMG bodies and civilentities) and removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of women who were employed (by AMG bodies and civilentities) and removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 6358 Frekvenca
0 361
1 32
2 14
3 15
4 5
5 5
6 1
7 3
8 3
9 4
10 2
12 2
13 1
14 1
15 1
16 2
18 1
23 1
25 2
26 1
27 1
28 2
29 1
30 1
32 1
35 1
38 1
39 1
42 1
50 1
59 1
62 1
68 1
70 2
137 1
145 1
203 1
214 1
216 2
303 1
334 1
414 1
1556 1
Sysmiss 8230
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
483 8230

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1556

V18_ErJ Number of jouveniles who were employed (by AMG bodies and civilentities) and removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of jouveniles who were employed (by AMG bodies and civilentities) and removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 6457 Frekvenca
0 461
1 2
6 1
7 1
12 1
13 2
14 1
16 2
18 2
24 1
28 1
31 1
32 1
34 1
39 1
44 1
50 1
64 1
247 1
Sysmiss 8230
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
483 8230

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 247

V19_UnM Number of unemployed men registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of unemployed men registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 6556 Frekvenca
0 143
1 27
2 16
3 12
4 14
5 26
6 24
7 22
8 16
9 9
10 17
11 10
12 13
13 16
14 9
15 8
16 9
17 7
18 13
19 15
20 9
21 12
22 22
23 13
24 22
25 12
26 11
27 13
28 9
29 11
30 6
31 8
32 4
33 10
34 5
35 3
36 4
37 5
38 2
39 2
40 1
41 6
42 3
43 3
44 8
45 4
46 3
47 5
48 7
49 8
50 3
51 7
52 4
53 3
55 2
56 1
58 2
59 3
60 4
61 3
62 6
63 3
64 4
65 4
66 4
67 1
68 3
70 2
72 2
73 2
74 2
75 1
76 1
78 1
81 1
82 3
84 1
85 2
86 1
88 1
89 1
90 1
91 3
93 3
94 2
95 3
98 1
99 2
100 1
101 1
102 3
104 2
105 1
106 1
107 5
108 2
109 2
110 2
111 1
112 1
113 1
114 3
115 2
117 1
118 1
122 1
123 1
125 1
126 2
127 2
130 1
131 1
132 3
133 2
134 1
135 1
136 1
138 1
139 1
143 3
144 1
146 1
149 1
156 3
158 1
159 1
160 2
162 1
168 1
170 1
173 1
175 1
178 1
184 2
185 2
186 1
188 1
189 1
192 1
197 1
198 1
201 2
202 1
207 2
209 1
210 2
213 1
215 1
216 1
219 1
220 1
225 1
226 1
232 2
233 1
234 2
236 2
238 1
244 1
249 1
262 1
266 1
268 1
272 1
276 2
282 1
285 1
289 2
290 1
293 2
295 1
297 1
300 1
301 1
303 1
306 1
308 1
309 2
310 1
312 1
318 2
320 2
321 1
322 1
325 1
329 1
336 2
340 1
341 3
342 1
344 1
345 1
353 1
366 1
367 1
370 1
374 1
375 1
378 1
379 1
381 1
383 1
386 1
387 1
389 1
394 1
396 1
397 1
399 1
400 1
403 1
407 1
414 1
416 2
420 1
422 1
426 2
428 1
432 1
436 1
440 1
443 1
445 1
447 1
454 2
455 1
458 1
465 1
466 3
467 1
468 1
478 2
480 1
485 1
490 1
493 1
495 2
496 1
500 1
503 1
504 1
511 1
516 1
523 1
530 1
534 2
535 1
536 1
539 1
544 1
545 1
562 1
563 1
565 1
572 1
573 2
577 1
579 1
583 1
645 1
688 1
703 1
719 1
762 1
795 1
831 1
899 1
953 1
992 1
1067 1
1070 1
1147 1
1239 1
1492 1
1504 1
1604 1
1655 1
1685 1
Sysmiss 7724
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
989 7724

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1685

V20_UnW Number of unemployed women registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of unemployed women registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 6655 Frekvenca
0 509
1 37
2 28
3 13
4 9
5 14
6 12
7 11
8 13
9 16
10 7
11 3
12 5
13 9
14 3
15 5
16 7
17 4
18 3
19 5
20 4
21 4
22 8
23 7
24 3
25 2
26 5
27 11
28 8
29 2
30 3
31 7
32 2
33 3
34 2
35 2
36 1
37 3
38 2
39 2
40 1
41 1
42 1
45 3
46 3
47 1
48 3
49 3
50 2
51 2
52 3
53 2
54 4
55 2
56 3
57 3
58 3
59 2
60 1
66 1
68 2
70 1
71 2
72 1
76 1
77 1
80 1
82 1
88 1
90 1
93 1
96 1
97 2
99 1
101 1
102 1
103 3
105 1
108 1
110 2
113 1
115 1
116 2
118 1
119 2
120 3
124 3
125 1
131 1
133 1
135 1
136 1
140 1
141 1
150 1
151 2
152 1
154 1
155 1
158 1
166 1
168 1
170 1
174 1
177 1
178 1
192 1
200 1
205 1
212 1
213 1
214 1
216 1
220 1
224 1
231 1
240 1
254 1
263 1
267 1
269 1
271 1
272 1
273 1
276 1
279 2
280 1
281 1
284 1
285 1
288 2
295 1
297 2
306 1
310 2
311 1
313 2
314 2
316 1
318 1
319 1
320 1
334 1
339 1
341 1
350 1
352 1
355 1
370 1
379 1
402 1
427 1
452 1
475 1
486 1
530 1
550 1
560 1
614 1
617 1
672 1
695 2
726 1
749 1
765 1
778 1
847 1
866 1
881 1
888 1
944 1
951 1
968 1
1061 1
1191 1
1194 1
1258 1
1268 2
1324 1
1330 1
1333 1
1352 1
1355 1
1364 1
1406 1
1413 1
1467 1
1545 1
1624 1
1725 1
Sysmiss 7724
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
989 7724

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1725

V21_UnJ Number of unemployed jouveniles registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of unemployed jouveniles registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 6754 Frekvenca
0 698
1 26
2 17
3 9
4 17
5 18
6 11
7 8
8 7
9 2
10 7
11 9
12 8
13 6
14 2
15 4
16 6
17 7
18 3
19 2
20 6
21 2
22 3
23 4
24 4
25 2
26 4
27 2
28 5
29 2
30 3
31 4
32 2
33 2
34 2
35 3
36 3
37 2
39 3
40 5
42 1
43 5
44 3
45 1
48 2
49 2
50 2
51 1
53 1
57 1
58 2
61 3
62 1
65 1
73 1
95 1
98 1
101 1
140 1
143 3
146 1
149 1
150 1
154 1
158 1
160 2
166 1
169 1
172 1
176 1
179 1
180 1
183 1
186 1
190 1
193 1
197 1
200 1
206 1
211 1
215 1
233 1
248 1
256 1
Sysmiss 7724
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
989 7724

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 256

PROF3r One of the 23 professions to which the data refers

One of the 23 professions to which the data refers

Vrednost 6853 Frekvenca
1 Agricultural laborers 256
2 Bakers 256
3 Bricklayers 256
4 Carpenters 256
5 Chauffeurs 256
6 Clerical workers 256
7 Cooks 256
8 Electricians 256
9 First Aid and Life guards 256
10 Manual labourers 256
11 Maritime workers 256
12 Metalworkers 256
13 Miscellaneous bar and restaurant workers 256
14 Painters 256
15 Printers 256
16 Sales clerks 256
17 Suspended 256
18 Tailors 256
19 Teachers 256
20 Textile workers 256
21 Uschers-Doormen 256
22 Various occupations 256
23 Waiters 256
Sysmiss 2825
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5888 2825

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 23

Hisco3_r Codes to identify occupational titles according to the Historical International Standard of Classification of Occupations model

Codes to identify occupational titles according to the Historical International Standard of Classification of Occupations model

Vrednost 6952 Frekvenca
1 13000 Teachers 256
2 30000 Clerical workers 256
3 45130 Sales clerks 256
4 53100 Cooks 256
5 53210 Waiters 256
6 53290 Miscellaneous bar and restaurant workers 256
7 55125 Uschers-Doormen 256
8 62110 Agricultural laborers 256
9 7190 First Aid and Life guards 256
10 72000 Metalworkers 256
11 75400 Textile workers 256
12 77610 Bakers 256
13 79100 Tailors 256
14 85510 Electricians 256
15 92110 Printers 256
16 93120 Painters 256
17 95135 Bricklayers 256
18 95410 Carpenters 256
19 98100 Maritime workers 256
20 98500 Chauffeurs 256
21 99900 Various occupations 256
22 99910 Manual labourers 256
23 NA 256
Sysmiss 2825
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5632 3081

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 22

START3 Starting date of the period referred to by the data

Starting date of the period referred to by the data

Vrednost 7051 Frekvenca
1945-12-21 92
1946-01-01 92
1946-01-11 92
1946-01-21 92
1946-02-01 92
1946-02-11 92
1946-02-21 92
1946-03-01 92
1946-03-11 92
1946-03-21 92
1946-04-01 92
1946-04-11 92
1946-04-21 92
1946-05-01 92
1946-05-11 92
1946-05-21 92
1946-06-01 92
1946-06-11 92
1946-06-21 92
1946-07-01 92
1946-07-11 92
1946-07-21 92
1946-08-01 92
1946-08-11 92
1946-08-21 92
1946-09-01 92
1946-09-11 92
1946-09-21 92
1946-10-01 92
1946-10-11 92
1946-10-21 92
1946-11-01 92
1946-11-11 92
1946-11-21 92
1946-12-01 92
1946-12-11 92
1946-12-21 92
1947-01-01 92
1947-01-11 92
1947-01-21 92
1947-02-01 92
1947-02-11 92
1947-02-21 92
1947-03-01 92
1947-03-11 92
1947-03-21 92
1947-04-01 92
1947-04-11 92
1947-04-21 92
1947-05-01 92
1947-05-11 92
1947-05-21 92
1947-06-01 92
1947-06-11 92
1947-06-21 92
1947-07-01 92
1947-07-11 92
1947-07-21 92
1947-08-01 92
1947-08-11 92
1947-08-21 92
1947-09-01 92
1947-09-11 92
NA 92
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5796 92

END3 Ending date of the period referred to by the data

Ending date of the period referred to by the data

Vrednost 7150 Frekvenca
1945-12-20 92
1945-12-31 92
1946-01-10 92
1946-01-20 92
1946-01-31 92
1946-02-10 92
1946-02-20 92
1946-02-28 92
1946-03-10 92
1946-03-20 92
1946-03-31 92
1946-04-10 92
1946-04-20 92
1946-04-30 92
1946-05-10 92
1946-05-20 92
1946-05-31 92
1946-06-10 92
1946-06-20 92
1946-06-30 92
1946-07-10 92
1946-07-20 92
1946-07-31 92
1946-08-10 92
1946-08-20 92
1946-08-31 92
1946-09-10 92
1946-09-20 92
1946-09-30 92
1946-10-10 92
1946-10-20 92
1946-10-31 92
1946-11-10 92
1946-11-20 92
1946-11-30 92
1946-12-10 92
1946-12-20 92
1946-12-31 92
1947-01-10 92
1947-01-20 92
1947-01-31 92
1947-02-10 92
1947-02-20 92
1947-02-28 92
1947-03-10 92
1947-03-20 92
1947-03-31 92
1947-04-10 92
1947-04-20 92
1947-04-30 92
1947-05-10 92
1947-05-20 92
1947-05-31 92
1947-06-10 92
1947-06-20 92
1947-06-30 92
1947-07-10 92
1947-07-20 92
1947-07-31 92
1947-08-10 92
1947-08-20 92
1947-08-31 92
1947-09-10 92
1947-09-20 92
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5888 0

SloName3 Slovenian name of the locality where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Slovenian name of the locality where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Vrednost 7249 Frekvenca
Milje 1472
Trst 2944
Tržiè 1472
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5888 0

ItaName3 Italian name of the locality where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Italian name of the locality where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Vrednost 7348 Frekvenca
Monfalcone 1472
Muggia 1472
Trieste 2944
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5888 0

GeoName3 Links to GeoNames of the geographical database features

Links to GeoNames of the geographical database features

Vrednost 7447 Frekvenca
https://www.geonames.org/3165184/trieste.html 1472
https://www.geonames.org/3165186/trieste.html 1472
https://www.geonames.org/3172484/muggia.html 1472
https://www.geonames.org/6539938/monfalcone.html 1472
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5888 0

AREA3 Territorial scope of the data

Territorial scope of the data

Vrednost 7546 Frekvenca
district 4416
zone 1472
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5888 0

V1_RegM3 Number of unemployed men registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of unemployed men registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 7645 Frekvenca
0 837
1 193
2 107
3 93
4 63
5 53
6 46
7 36
8 31
9 34
10 21
11 30
12 15
13 26
14 23
15 25
16 28
17 21
18 18
19 19
20 15
21 9
22 7
23 12
24 15
25 9
26 10
27 4
28 7
29 7
30 6
31 6
32 8
33 7
34 4
35 8
36 6
37 3
38 6
39 4
40 7
41 13
42 8
43 9
44 4
45 6
46 6
47 4
48 9
49 7
50 2
51 5
52 3
53 7
54 2
55 8
56 6
57 3
58 2
59 1
60 5
61 2
62 6
63 6
64 4
65 1
66 1
67 2
68 6
69 2
70 1
71 2
72 3
73 1
74 2
75 1
76 3
77 2
78 3
79 1
80 2
81 1
82 4
83 1
84 5
85 3
86 1
87 2
88 2
89 2
90 3
91 1
92 3
93 2
95 3
96 2
98 1
101 1
103 2
106 2
107 1
108 1
109 1
110 1
111 3
112 1
116 2
117 1
119 4
120 2
121 2
122 4
124 2
129 2
130 3
131 2
132 1
135 1
139 1
140 2
141 2
142 4
144 1
145 2
146 3
147 2
148 2
149 1
150 3
151 1
152 2
154 4
155 1
159 1
160 2
161 1
162 4
163 3
164 1
165 2
168 2
169 1
171 1
173 2
175 1
177 2
178 2
179 2
180 1
182 2
184 1
185 1
188 2
190 1
191 3
193 1
194 1
195 1
196 1
197 2
198 1
199 2
200 2
201 1
205 1
206 2
207 2
210 2
211 1
212 1
213 1
215 2
216 1
217 1
220 1
223 1
224 2
227 1
230 1
232 1
233 2
234 1
235 1
236 1
237 2
241 1
244 3
245 1
248 1
249 1
252 1
254 2
255 1
259 2
260 1
261 1
266 1
267 2
268 1
270 3
271 1
272 1
274 2
276 1
277 1
278 1
290 2
292 1
294 1
298 1
299 1
300 1
303 1
304 1
306 1
307 1
314 1
315 1
320 1
321 1
322 1
324 1
325 1
327 2
331 1
332 1
337 1
338 1
344 1
355 1
357 1
361 1
368 1
370 1
379 1
384 1
393 1
394 1
395 1
407 1
414 1
418 1
419 1
423 1
432 2
439 2
451 1
482 1
513 1
Sysmiss 6413
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2300 6413

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 513

V2_RegW3 Number of unemployed women registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of unemployed women registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 7744 Frekvenca
0 1436
1 127
2 56
3 36
4 39
5 42
6 24
7 25
8 24
9 18
10 20
11 16
12 4
13 20
14 10
15 10
16 12
17 14
18 11
19 18
20 5
21 12
22 10
23 5
24 11
25 7
26 6
27 4
28 9
29 5
30 3
31 2
33 5
34 6
35 3
36 5
38 6
39 3
40 3
41 2
42 1
43 2
44 5
45 3
46 6
47 2
48 1
49 3
50 4
51 1
52 1
54 1
55 1
56 2
57 2
58 1
59 7
60 4
61 1
62 1
64 2
65 2
67 1
69 2
70 3
71 1
73 1
74 1
76 1
77 1
78 1
79 2
81 2
82 2
83 1
84 4
85 1
86 1
87 2
88 3
90 4
91 2
92 1
93 1
94 1
96 2
97 3
98 1
100 3
102 1
103 1
105 3
106 1
107 3
113 1
114 2
117 1
118 1
119 2
120 1
122 1
125 4
126 1
127 1
129 1
131 2
140 1
146 2
148 1
149 3
152 1
154 1
155 1
159 1
161 1
163 1
164 1
169 1
170 1
172 1
175 1
176 1
181 1
183 1
184 1
187 1
190 2
193 1
196 2
197 1
205 2
207 1
208 1
209 1
211 1
214 1
216 1
221 1
225 1
226 1
227 1
228 1
231 1
233 3
235 1
236 2
240 1
243 1
244 1
245 1
248 2
249 1
251 1
256 1
258 1
260 1
273 1
277 1
278 1
279 1
280 1
282 1
292 1
298 1
303 2
310 2
331 1
337 1
342 2
350 1
353 1
356 1
358 1
365 1
385 1
398 1
412 1
420 1
455 1
460 1
490 1
503 1
506 1
512 1
513 1
525 1
578 1
725 1
765 1
838 1
1027 1
Sysmiss 6413
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2300 6413

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1027

V3_RegJ3 Number of unemployed jouveniles registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of unemployed jouveniles registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 7843 Frekvenca
0 1350
1 219
2 104
3 66
4 47
5 34
6 32
7 21
8 23
9 18
10 23
11 23
12 15
13 21
14 16
15 21
16 22
17 9
18 10
19 8
20 16
21 15
22 14
23 11
24 12
25 10
26 4
27 5
28 7
29 12
30 5
31 6
32 5
33 4
34 6
35 1
36 2
37 5
38 3
39 3
40 1
41 3
42 4
44 2
46 3
47 3
49 3
51 1
53 2
55 3
56 1
61 1
62 2
63 1
68 1
69 2
70 2
71 1
72 2
73 1
74 2
76 1
82 3
83 1
85 1
87 1
89 1
91 1
92 1
95 1
96 1
101 1
103 1
108 1
111 1
113 1
114 1
115 1
116 2
118 2
140 2
148 1
151 1
153 1
154 1
160 1
162 1
Sysmiss 6413
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2300 6413

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 162

V4_EmpM3 Number of employed (by AMG bodies and civil entities) men with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed (by AMG bodies and civil entities) men with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 7942 Frekvenca
NA 5888
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 5888

V5_EmpW3 Number of employed (by AMG bodies and civil entities) women with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed (by AMG bodies and civil entities) women with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 8041 Frekvenca
NA 5888
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 5888

V6_EmpJ3 Number of employed (by AMG bodies and civil entities) jouveniles with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed (by AMG bodies and civil entities) jouveniles with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 8140 Frekvenca
NA 5888
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 5888

V7_AmgM3 Number of employed men by the AMG bodies with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed men by the AMG bodies with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 8239 Frekvenca
0 1559
1 158
2 93
3 54
4 49
5 37
6 35
7 26
8 26
9 19
10 13
11 13
12 11
13 19
14 12
15 6
16 10
17 12
18 19
19 5
20 5
21 9
22 11
23 9
24 5
25 7
26 6
27 7
29 2
30 4
31 2
32 7
33 2
34 3
35 1
36 3
37 3
38 1
39 2
41 4
42 2
43 2
45 2
46 4
47 2
49 1
50 2
53 1
54 1
57 2
61 2
63 2
64 1
66 1
82 1
85 1
109 1
111 1
119 2
Sysmiss 6413
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2300 6413

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 119

V8_AmgW3 Number of employed women by the AMG bodies with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed women by the AMG bodies with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 8338 Frekvenca
0 1940
1 131
2 62
3 40
4 34
5 25
6 17
7 5
8 13
9 6
10 7
11 3
12 3
13 2
15 1
16 5
17 3
18 1
29 2
Sysmiss 6413
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2300 6413

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 29

V9_AmgJ3 Number of employed jouveniles by the AMG bodies with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed jouveniles by the AMG bodies with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 8437 Frekvenca
0 2159
1 64
2 36
3 11
4 11
5 6
6 1
7 2
9 4
13 2
14 2
16 2
Sysmiss 6413
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2300 6413

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 16

V10_CeM3 Number of employed men at the civil entities with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed men at the civil entities with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 8536 Frekvenca
0 980
1 196
2 121
3 66
4 58
5 57
6 47
7 46
8 48
9 26
10 30
11 28
12 13
13 15
14 17
15 22
16 17
17 10
18 13
19 17
20 13
21 5
22 12
23 8
24 14
25 7
26 13
27 8
28 9
29 8
30 2
31 5
32 5
33 8
34 8
35 4
36 2
37 6
38 3
39 7
40 10
41 6
42 9
43 3
44 3
45 8
46 5
47 3
48 12
49 2
50 4
51 5
52 3
53 6
54 1
55 4
56 4
57 4
58 2
59 4
60 3
61 3
62 3
63 5
64 4
65 1
66 2
67 3
68 1
69 1
70 1
71 1
72 2
73 2
74 2
75 4
76 2
77 2
78 1
79 2
80 1
81 2
82 5
83 4
84 1
86 1
87 4
88 3
89 2
90 2
91 3
92 1
93 1
94 3
95 3
96 1
97 1
98 1
99 3
100 2
101 1
102 2
103 4
104 1
105 2
106 1
107 2
108 1
109 1
110 2
111 1
112 1
113 1
114 1
115 4
116 2
117 2
118 1
119 1
120 2
122 1
123 1
124 2
125 2
126 3
127 1
128 2
130 4
131 2
132 1
137 1
138 3
139 1
140 1
142 1
143 1
146 3
147 2
149 1
150 1
152 1
154 1
156 2
157 1
158 1
160 2
163 2
165 1
166 2
168 2
169 2
170 2
176 2
177 1
179 2
180 1
181 1
182 1
183 1
184 1
185 1
186 1
187 1
188 1
193 2
194 1
198 1
199 1
200 1
201 1
203 1
212 3
213 1
214 2
218 3
221 1
238 1
240 1
244 1
246 1
255 1
258 2
261 1
272 1
273 1
284 1
290 1
297 1
300 1
305 1
308 1
311 1
313 1
331 1
338 1
340 1
Sysmiss 6413
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2300 6413

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 340

V11_CeW3 Number of employed women at the civil entities with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed women at the civil entities with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period'

Vrednost 8635 Frekvenca
0 1639
1 166
2 69
3 40
4 49
5 26
6 30
7 24
8 30
9 23
10 9
11 10
12 13
13 8
14 8
15 8
16 7
17 7
18 7
19 4
20 2
21 8
22 4
23 9
24 5
25 1
26 3
27 4
28 1
29 7
30 1
31 6
32 1
33 4
34 5
35 1
36 4
38 4
39 1
40 3
41 2
42 1
43 3
44 3
45 3
48 1
49 3
56 1
57 4
58 3
59 1
60 3
62 1
64 1
65 2
67 1
74 1
79 1
80 1
89 1
92 1
108 1
117 1
121 1
130 1
148 1
243 1
247 1
270 1
313 1
735 1
1120 1
Sysmiss 6413
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2300 6413

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1120

V12_CeJ3 Number of employed jouveniles at the civil entities with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of employed jouveniles at the civil entities with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 8734 Frekvenca
0 1498
1 196
2 117
3 67
4 59
5 43
6 36
7 35
8 17
9 36
10 20
11 19
12 9
13 13
14 13
15 5
16 3
17 7
18 5
19 7
20 4
21 3
22 1
23 1
24 5
25 2
26 5
27 3
28 4
29 1
31 4
32 2
35 1
37 3
38 1
39 2
40 2
41 2
42 4
43 2
44 2
45 1
48 2
50 2
51 3
52 1
53 1
54 3
56 2
58 2
59 1
60 1
63 1
64 1
66 2
67 2
70 1
71 1
74 1
79 2
81 1
82 1
83 1
94 1
104 1
107 1
130 1
289 1
Sysmiss 6416
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2297 6416

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 289

V13_ReM3 Number of men removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of men removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 8833 Frekvenca
0 1628
1 207
2 83
3 39
4 27
5 25
6 17
7 16
8 11
9 18
10 3
11 8
12 3
13 11
14 4
15 5
16 10
17 7
18 6
19 5
20 1
22 1
23 4
24 7
25 1
26 4
27 2
29 5
30 4
31 3
32 1
33 2
34 2
35 6
36 6
37 5
38 1
39 2
40 4
41 1
42 1
43 1
44 5
49 1
52 1
54 2
56 1
60 1
62 2
63 4
66 2
67 1
68 2
69 1
72 1
77 1
92 2
93 1
94 1
97 2
99 1
101 2
102 1
104 1
106 1
107 1
113 1
131 3
142 2
158 2
160 2
170 1
178 1
180 1
184 1
185 1
190 1
191 1
193 1
200 1
206 1
207 2
211 1
212 1
213 1
222 1
235 1
253 2
287 1
288 1
290 1
294 1
318 1
321 1
323 1
324 2
326 1
328 1
335 1
346 1
349 3
352 1
361 1
362 1
380 1
389 1
405 1
463 1
493 2
504 2
543 1
650 1
706 1
781 1
905 1
964 1
994 1
1242 1
1355 1
Sysmiss 6413
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2300 6413

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1355

V14_ReW3 Number of women removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of women removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 8932 Frekvenca
0 1938
1 82
2 39
3 31
4 11
5 16
6 8
7 3
8 2
9 1
10 2
11 1
12 6
14 4
15 1
16 1
17 5
18 5
19 4
20 2
21 6
22 3
23 4
24 4
26 1
27 1
31 4
32 1
33 2
34 2
36 2
38 1
39 2
40 2
41 1
42 2
44 1
46 1
47 3
48 3
49 1
55 3
56 2
68 1
69 5
72 2
73 1
75 1
78 1
81 2
82 2
87 1
93 1
94 3
96 1
99 1
102 2
103 2
107 1
108 1
113 1
114 2
119 1
126 1
153 2
154 2
160 1
161 1
166 2
169 1
180 1
181 1
182 1
183 2
189 1
206 1
217 1
224 2
225 1
235 1
245 1
247 1
253 1
291 1
301 1
313 1
315 1
320 1
383 2
480 1
481 1
497 1
506 1
525 1
587 1
588 1
591 2
600 1
601 1
840 1
896 1
898 1
900 1
923 1
927 1
953 1
991 1
1287 1
2291 1
2387 1
Sysmiss 6413
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2300 6413

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 2387

V15_ReJ3 Number of jouveniles removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of jouveniles removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 9031 Frekvenca
0 2017
1 84
2 23
3 22
4 9
5 7
6 8
7 12
8 5
9 9
10 3
11 2
12 3
14 3
15 8
16 3
17 3
18 4
19 1
20 2
22 3
24 4
26 4
27 3
28 2
30 1
31 3
33 2
34 1
35 1
36 1
42 2
43 2
46 1
47 1
48 1
50 3
51 4
52 1
59 2
60 3
66 1
68 2
74 1
78 2
79 1
80 2
81 1
89 1
100 1
102 1
104 1
107 1
108 1
113 1
117 1
133 1
137 1
213 1
238 1
243 1
257 1
260 1
358 1
613 1
Sysmiss 6413
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2300 6413

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 613

V16_ErM3 Number of men who were employed (by AMG bodies and civilentities) and removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of men who were employed (by AMG bodies and civilentities) and removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 9130 Frekvenca
0 901
1 190
2 119
3 64
4 71
5 43
6 37
7 32
8 30
9 40
10 28
11 26
12 23
13 18
14 14
15 19
16 18
17 15
18 5
19 14
20 14
21 14
22 11
23 4
24 12
25 10
26 11
27 10
28 9
29 5
30 6
31 7
32 6
33 7
34 12
35 3
36 2
37 6
38 7
39 7
40 6
41 9
42 7
43 7
44 3
45 10
46 6
47 3
48 9
49 7
50 5
51 6
52 9
53 6
54 3
55 3
56 6
57 1
58 5
59 4
60 4
61 4
62 4
63 4
64 5
65 3
66 2
67 1
68 4
69 2
70 2
72 5
73 4
74 6
75 1
76 2
77 1
78 4
79 2
80 1
81 1
82 3
83 2
84 1
85 3
86 1
87 1
88 1
89 2
90 3
91 2
92 2
94 1
95 1
96 2
97 1
98 1
99 1
100 1
102 1
103 2
104 4
105 1
106 3
107 2
108 1
109 1
110 3
111 3
112 4
113 1
115 1
116 3
118 2
120 2
121 4
122 1
123 1
124 1
125 1
126 2
127 3
128 1
129 1
133 3
134 1
135 4
137 3
138 2
139 1
141 1
142 1
144 1
146 1
147 1
148 2
149 1
150 1
151 2
153 1
155 1
157 1
158 1
159 2
160 2
162 1
164 1
165 1
166 1
167 1
169 2
170 2
171 1
173 2
175 1
178 2
179 2
181 2
182 1
183 2
184 2
187 1
188 2
189 2
191 1
192 1
193 1
196 1
198 2
200 1
202 1
203 1
206 1
209 1
211 1
212 1
214 3
215 2
216 1
218 2
219 2
222 1
224 1
225 1
226 2
227 2
229 1
232 1
233 1
234 1
235 1
239 2
240 1
242 1
245 1
251 2
261 1
263 1
264 1
266 1
278 1
284 1
288 1
292 1
293 1
295 1
303 1
306 1
309 1
316 1
317 1
324 1
325 1
333 1
335 1
339 1
340 1
342 1
345 1
346 1
354 2
355 1
364 1
365 1
371 1
373 1
374 1
395 1
397 1
399 1
400 1
404 1
411 1
430 1
446 1
448 1
453 1
457 1
458 1
461 1
470 1
474 1
489 1
499 1
505 1
514 1
518 1
525 1
570 1
596 1
621 1
672 1
676 1
691 1
722 1
729 1
730 1
775 1
785 1
881 1
1080 1
1115 1
1123 1
1231 1
1408 1
1537 1
Sysmiss 6413
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2300 6413

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1537

V17_ErW3 Number of women who were employed (by AMG bodies and civilentities) and removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of women who were employed (by AMG bodies and civilentities) and removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 9229 Frekvenca
0 1557
1 139
2 76
3 40
4 47
5 30
6 18
7 20
8 16
9 17
10 15
11 11
12 13
13 8
14 4
15 5
16 5
17 8
18 8
19 9
20 5
21 10
22 7
23 6
24 4
25 6
26 6
27 4
28 4
29 7
30 3
31 5
32 5
33 3
34 5
35 2
36 4
37 1
38 3
39 3
40 3
41 5
42 5
43 2
44 2
45 3
46 2
47 3
48 1
50 6
51 6
52 1
56 1
59 1
60 3
61 4
62 2
63 3
65 2
67 3
69 2
70 3
71 1
72 3
73 1
74 2
82 1
83 2
85 1
86 1
87 2
88 3
92 2
93 1
97 1
100 1
103 1
104 1
105 1
106 1
107 1
109 1
111 1
119 2
133 1
155 1
159 2
161 1
164 1
166 1
167 2
171 3
172 1
174 1
182 1
187 1
205 1
208 1
210 1
211 1
222 1
229 1
242 1
246 1
248 1
250 1
251 1
254 1
260 1
270 1
280 1
284 1
297 1
313 1
314 1
334 1
344 1
376 1
427 1
444 1
445 1
489 1
490 1
498 1
551 1
571 1
582 1
646 1
652 1
674 1
685 1
710 1
714 1
736 1
882 1
921 1
925 1
965 1
970 1
971 1
981 1
1020 1
1121 1
1422 1
2330 1
2456 1
Sysmiss 6414
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2299 6414

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 2456

V18_ErJ3 Number of jouveniles who were employed (by AMG bodies and civilentities) and removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of jouveniles who were employed (by AMG bodies and civilentities) and removed from the records of the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 9328 Frekvenca
0 1432
1 185
2 114
3 65
4 62
5 49
6 32
7 34
8 15
9 25
10 20
11 21
12 12
13 9
14 12
15 14
16 6
17 7
18 8
19 8
20 7
21 2
22 4
23 1
24 3
25 6
26 7
27 7
28 4
29 1
31 5
32 4
33 3
35 1
36 1
37 3
38 4
39 2
40 4
41 1
42 2
43 3
45 5
46 2
47 3
48 4
50 5
51 2
52 3
53 2
54 2
55 3
57 1
59 3
60 2
61 1
63 1
64 2
65 2
66 6
67 1
68 1
69 2
73 1
74 2
76 1
77 1
79 3
82 1
84 1
86 1
92 1
93 1
94 1
104 1
106 1
108 1
111 1
117 1
120 1
122 1
126 1
127 1
128 1
134 1
137 1
141 1
143 1
146 1
160 1
172 2
180 1
215 1
228 1
246 1
248 1
261 1
290 1
413 1
694 1
Sysmiss 6414
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2299 6414

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 694

V19_UnM3 Number of unemployed men registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of unemployed men registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 9427 Frekvenca
0 496
1 123
2 41
3 97
4 80
5 48
6 40
7 39
8 39
9 61
10 20
11 24
12 21
13 23
14 28
15 30
16 15
17 18
18 21
19 17
20 17
21 11
22 13
23 7
24 9
25 14
26 15
27 14
28 24
29 15
30 14
31 10
32 8
33 7
34 16
35 12
36 17
37 14
38 20
39 7
40 7
41 6
42 9
43 7
44 5
45 5
46 4
47 9
48 11
49 8
50 6
51 8
52 7
53 6
54 2
55 4
56 8
57 5
58 3
59 1
60 7
61 3
62 5
63 6
64 4
65 4
66 7
67 4
68 5
69 8
70 4
71 1
72 4
73 4
74 5
75 1
76 6
77 6
78 3
79 2
80 5
81 1
83 3
84 6
85 3
86 5
87 3
88 5
89 2
90 3
91 2
92 3
93 1
94 1
95 2
97 2
98 3
99 1
100 1
103 3
104 1
105 1
106 1
107 2
110 1
111 2
112 4
113 1
114 1
115 2
118 4
119 3
121 4
122 4
123 2
124 5
125 2
126 2
127 5
129 3
130 2
131 4
132 5
133 3
135 2
136 1
137 2
138 4
139 4
140 3
141 5
142 3
144 3
145 6
146 1
147 1
148 3
149 4
150 1
151 3
152 1
153 4
154 4
155 1
156 2
158 4
159 4
160 3
161 3
162 2
164 2
165 1
166 3
167 2
168 2
169 2
170 2
171 4
172 4
173 4
174 1
176 3
177 2
178 2
179 4
180 2
181 5
182 3
183 4
184 2
185 2
186 3
187 1
188 2
189 3
190 2
192 1
199 2
200 1
201 1
202 1
203 1
206 1
207 1
208 3
210 3
211 3
212 2
213 1
214 1
215 1
216 1
225 1
226 2
227 1
228 3
229 1
230 1
231 1
233 1
234 1
235 2
236 1
237 1
238 1
240 1
241 1
244 2
245 2
246 1
247 3
249 4
250 5
251 3
253 3
254 2
255 2
257 2
258 1
259 2
262 5
263 2
266 2
267 1
268 2
269 2
270 2
272 2
273 1
274 4
276 3
277 2
278 1
279 1
280 2
281 1
282 5
283 3
284 1
288 2
290 1
291 2
293 1
294 1
295 2
296 2
297 1
298 3
301 3
302 2
303 2
304 1
306 1
309 1
310 3
311 1
312 3
313 2
314 1
315 1
317 1
318 1
320 1
321 1
322 1
323 1
325 1
329 2
330 1
332 1
333 1
334 1
339 2
340 2
341 1
343 2
344 2
345 1
346 2
347 1
348 1
349 3
351 2
353 2
354 1
356 1
359 3
360 1
361 1
363 2
364 3
366 3
368 5
369 2
370 1
371 5
373 6
374 1
375 1
376 1
377 2
378 1
379 1
380 1
381 2
382 1
383 1
384 2
387 1
388 1
389 2
390 2
391 1
392 1
395 3
396 1
397 2
400 1
402 1
405 1
406 1
407 1
409 2
411 1
413 1
415 1
416 1
422 1
423 4
428 2
429 1
430 2
431 1
435 1
437 1
438 1
441 1
442 1
445 2
447 1
451 2
453 1
454 2
457 1
458 1
459 1
460 2
461 2
462 2
467 3
472 1
484 1
486 1
493 1
494 2
502 1
505 1
506 1
517 1
521 2
524 2
531 1
626 1
630 2
645 1
650 1
652 1
653 1
662 1
667 2
674 1
676 1
686 1
691 1
692 1
693 1
708 1
710 1
720 1
721 1
732 2
741 1
752 1
754 1
758 1
763 1
775 1
777 1
778 1
781 1
786 1
789 1
797 1
803 1
809 1
813 1
826 1
839 2
843 1
852 1
865 1
866 1
878 1
882 1
887 1
894 1
897 1
930 1
932 1
934 1
943 1
950 1
953 1
966 1
967 1
986 2
987 1
995 1
996 1
1000 1
1001 1
1017 1
1024 2
1034 2
1035 1
1037 1
1038 2
1041 1
1043 1
1054 1
1065 1
1086 1
1092 1
1098 2
1107 1
1108 1
1109 1
1110 1
1123 1
1124 1
1133 1
1136 1
1145 1
1148 1
1165 1
1166 1
1171 1
1176 1
1187 1
1197 1
1209 1
1210 1
1211 1
1220 1
1224 2
1243 1
1249 1
1256 1
1268 1
1283 1
1288 1
1291 1
1301 1
1318 1
1319 1
1360 1
1398 2
1401 1
1428 1
1435 1
1440 1
1453 1
1460 1
1467 1
1474 1
1478 1
1479 1
1485 1
1487 1
1488 1
1496 1
1498 1
1505 1
1515 1
1520 2
1521 1
1528 1
1545 1
1547 1
1553 1
1556 2
1559 1
1560 1
1561 1
1564 1
1569 2
1570 1
1599 1
1600 1
1601 2
1607 1
1612 1
1621 1
1622 1
1625 1
1629 1
1631 1
1637 1
1640 1
1641 1
1650 1
1653 1
1669 1
1676 1
1685 1
1686 2
1688 1
1694 1
1695 2
1696 1
1702 1
1709 1
1719 1
1720 2
1723 1
1724 1
1730 1
1737 1
1742 1
1752 1
1761 1
1764 1
1784 1
1792 1
1797 1
1802 1
1814 1
1817 1
1820 1
1828 1
1831 1
1842 2
1862 1
1863 1
1871 1
1877 1
1879 1
1887 1
1888 1
1896 1
1900 1
1904 1
1908 1
1910 1
1914 1
1923 1
1931 1
1943 1
1946 2
1947 1
1954 1
1968 1
1970 1
1979 1
1983 1
1985 1
2003 1
2026 1
2029 1
2039 1
2045 1
2054 1
2060 1
2085 1
2105 1
2114 1
2124 2
2156 1
2181 1
2200 1
2202 1
2205 3
2206 1
2216 1
2220 1
2226 1
2246 1
2250 1
2251 1
2264 1
2267 1
2296 1
2308 1
2325 1
2340 1
2351 1
2354 1
2375 1
2393 1
2403 1
2422 1
2426 1
2430 1
2436 1
2445 1
2446 1
2454 1
2456 1
2463 1
2485 1
2487 1
2490 1
2497 1
2503 1
2515 1
2516 1
2566 1
2607 1
2627 1
2647 1
2666 1
2680 1
2698 1
2822 1
2830 1
2837 1
2862 1
2877 1
2884 1
2891 1
2973 1
3044 1
3061 2
3104 1
3113 1
3126 1
3136 1
3144 1
3159 1
3163 1
3176 1
3183 1
3192 1
3235 1
3341 1
3376 1
3380 1
3467 1
3480 1
3483 2
3555 1
3627 1
3634 1
3655 1
3848 1
3914 1
Sysmiss 6068
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2645 6068

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 3914

V20_UnW3 Number of unemployed women registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of unemployed women registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 9526 Frekvenca
0 1128
1 242
2 88
3 42
4 37
5 51
6 34
7 22
8 14
9 6
10 9
11 5
12 11
13 10
14 3
15 2
16 5
17 15
19 6
20 6
21 2
22 5
23 8
24 3
25 1
26 3
27 4
28 1
29 3
30 6
32 5
33 6
34 12
35 4
36 3
37 2
38 3
39 5
40 7
41 10
42 11
43 6
44 3
45 8
46 6
47 1
48 5
49 4
51 5
52 6
53 3
55 1
57 3
58 1
59 1
61 2
62 1
63 2
64 2
66 1
69 2
70 1
71 1
72 1
74 1
76 2
77 1
79 2
80 2
81 3
82 2
84 1
85 3
86 1
87 1
88 4
90 2
91 1
92 2
93 1
94 2
95 2
96 2
98 1
99 1
100 2
101 3
102 5
103 1
104 1
105 2
106 3
107 3
109 7
110 3
111 5
112 1
113 2
115 1
116 4
117 2
118 3
119 4
120 3
121 2
122 8
123 2
124 1
125 3
126 2
127 8
128 1
129 3
130 2
131 10
132 1
133 2
134 6
135 2
136 1
137 3
138 3
139 3
140 6
141 3
142 3
143 2
144 3
145 2
146 2
148 2
149 1
150 2
151 3
153 1
154 3
156 3
158 4
159 4
160 2
161 4
162 2
165 5
166 4
167 1
168 1
169 2
170 1
171 2
172 3
173 5
174 3
176 5
177 1
178 3
179 1
181 3
182 1
184 1
185 3
186 4
187 6
188 2
190 2
194 2
196 1
197 1
199 2
201 3
202 1
203 2
204 5
205 1
206 2
207 1
208 4
209 1
210 1
212 1
214 2
215 2
216 2
217 3
218 3
219 2
220 1
221 3
224 3
227 4
228 1
229 1
231 2
233 2
234 1
236 1
237 1
238 1
240 2
243 3
246 1
251 2
252 1
255 1
259 1
260 1
261 3
264 1
266 2
268 3
270 1
271 1
272 3
273 1
275 2
276 1
278 3
281 1
283 3
286 3
295 1
298 1
311 1
312 1
314 2
317 2
320 2
323 1
324 2
330 2
332 2
338 2
343 2
351 1
358 1
360 2
370 1
372 2
378 1
393 1
394 1
399 2
404 1
407 1
409 1
412 1
414 1
416 1
418 3
427 3
434 1
437 1
439 1
448 1
452 1
459 2
460 1
468 2
469 2
470 1
471 1
472 2
474 1
475 2
482 2
483 1
487 1
488 2
490 1
491 1
493 2
496 1
497 1
505 1
507 3
513 3
515 1
516 1
518 2
519 1
521 1
527 1
528 1
530 1
531 1
533 1
535 2
541 2
542 1
552 2
554 1
556 1
557 1
560 2
561 1
562 1
566 1
578 1
579 1
588 2
591 2
594 1
595 2
597 1
604 1
618 1
619 2
621 1
625 1
628 1
630 1
639 1
643 2
648 1
658 1
660 1
661 1
671 1
681 1
685 1
704 1
706 1
717 1
721 1
775 1
777 1
784 1
787 1
795 1
802 1
817 1
837 2
844 1
855 2
870 1
874 1
893 1
894 1
897 1
903 1
918 1
932 1
940 2
941 1
943 2
948 1
955 1
964 2
970 1
973 2
974 2
979 1
984 1
1001 1
1006 1
1015 1
1021 1
1025 1
1037 1
1043 1
1045 1
1052 2
1065 1
1067 1
1089 1
1090 1
1091 1
1123 1
1139 1
1143 1
1153 1
1154 1
1174 1
1263 1
1287 1
1295 1
1304 1
1307 1
1320 1
1345 1
1356 1
1373 1
1385 1
1386 2
1393 1
1402 1
1403 1
1418 1
1444 1
1468 1
1480 1
1543 1
1665 1
1708 1
1727 1
1733 1
1785 1
1794 1
1813 2
1822 1
1861 1
1868 1
1875 1
1883 1
1896 1
1903 1
1912 1
1946 1
1956 1
1970 1
1986 1
1992 1
2000 1
2030 1
2043 1
2051 1
2058 1
2063 1
2075 1
2101 1
2103 1
2109 1
2134 1
2145 1
2146 1
2164 1
2170 1
2181 1
2182 1
2194 1
2206 1
2212 1
2220 1
2223 1
2271 1
2285 1
2294 1
2298 1
2308 1
2310 1
2319 1
2332 1
2345 1
2352 1
2357 1
2360 1
2368 1
2370 1
2387 1
2395 1
2401 1
2407 1
2415 1
2428 1
2472 1
2514 1
2535 2
2553 1
2554 1
2562 1
2571 1
2585 1
2621 1
2670 1
2673 1
2734 1
2767 1
2861 1
2877 2
2948 1
2992 1
2999 1
3043 1
3046 1
3080 1
3118 1
3210 1
3249 1
3252 2
3265 1
3269 1
3288 1
3291 1
3310 1
3362 1
3363 1
3389 1
3407 1
3431 1
3437 1
3475 1
3538 1
3544 1
3582 1
3600 1
3604 1
3626 1
3629 1
3677 1
3769 1
3776 1
3838 1
3855 1
3962 1
3969 1
3978 1
4008 1
4065 1
4071 1
4104 1
4127 1
4268 1
4275 1
4285 1
4287 1
4298 1
4317 1
4320 1
4377 1
4462 1
4473 1
4481 1
4497 1
4551 1
4595 1
4721 1
4793 1
4853 2
4935 1
4985 1
4998 1
5008 1
5139 1
5144 1
5159 1
5225 1
5288 1
5334 1
5364 1
Sysmiss 6068
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2645 6068

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 5364

V21_UnJ3 Number of unemployed jouveniles registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Number of unemployed jouveniles registered with the Labour Office that collected the data during the relevant period

Vrednost 9625 Frekvenca
0 1095
1 161
2 64
3 117
4 82
5 27
6 68
7 84
8 37
9 34
10 15
11 9
12 28
13 18
14 8
15 15
16 14
17 14
18 8
19 8
20 7
21 2
22 12
23 5
24 10
25 23
26 10
27 14
28 15
29 5
30 2
31 1
32 5
33 2
35 8
36 5
37 4
38 4
39 5
40 3
41 6
42 4
43 9
44 6
45 10
46 6
47 4
48 5
49 4
50 10
51 7
52 5
53 8
54 4
55 4
56 5
57 4
58 4
59 2
60 6
61 5
62 1
63 3
64 3
66 2
69 1
70 2
71 1
72 1
73 3
74 1
75 3
76 2
77 3
78 1
79 1
80 2
81 2
82 2
83 3
85 3
86 1
87 2
88 3
89 2
90 3
91 2
93 6
94 3
95 4
96 1
97 1
98 2
99 1
100 2
101 2
102 5
105 2
106 1
108 3
109 5
110 1
111 3
112 4
113 2
114 1
116 2
117 3
118 1
119 3
120 3
121 2
122 1
123 5
124 2
125 2
126 2
127 5
128 2
129 3
130 1
131 4
132 4
133 6
134 2
135 2
136 2
138 4
140 2
141 2
142 1
143 3
144 2
145 4
146 2
147 2
148 4
149 4
150 2
151 2
152 4
153 2
154 2
155 3
156 2
158 1
159 2
160 3
161 3
162 2
163 6
164 2
165 1
166 4
167 3
168 2
169 2
170 2
171 3
172 4
173 2
175 2
176 1
177 4
178 1
179 1
180 3
181 3
182 3
183 1
185 5
186 3
187 1
188 2
189 1
190 1
191 1
192 1
193 3
194 2
195 1
196 3
198 2
199 5
200 1
201 2
204 2
206 5
207 2
209 1
211 1
217 1
218 2
219 2
220 2
222 1
227 3
232 2
233 2
235 2
236 1
237 1
238 3
239 1
241 2
243 1
244 3
245 2
251 2
256 1
258 1
259 1
281 1
289 1
297 1
298 3
299 2
300 1
301 2
302 1
304 1
307 1
308 2
312 4
313 1
314 2
315 2
317 2
319 1
331 1
332 1
336 1
337 1
339 1
341 1
342 1
346 1
347 2
349 1
356 2
357 2
364 1
369 1
371 1
373 1
377 1
378 1
381 1
383 1
386 1
389 1
390 1
393 1
397 1
399 1
400 1
403 1
406 1
407 1
408 1
409 1
410 1
420 1
421 1
431 2
433 1
434 1
438 1
439 1
444 1
446 1
449 1
453 1
455 1
460 2
464 1
468 1
475 2
478 1
486 1
487 2
497 1
517 1
520 1
529 1
538 1
554 1
566 1
575 1
577 1
592 1
595 1
621 1
624 1
653 1
667 1
669 1
677 1
690 1
692 1
694 1
697 1
698 1
706 1
714 1
729 1
764 1
770 1
771 1
787 1
788 1
848 1
875 1
876 1
1191 1
1264 1
1268 1
1282 1
1292 1
1333 1
1347 1
1413 2
1448 1
Sysmiss 6069
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2644 6069

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1448

YEAR The year that the data refers to

The year that the data refers to

Vrednost 9724 Frekvenca
1945 45
1946 108
1947 18
Sysmiss 8542
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
171 8542

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1945 do 1947

MONTH The month that the data refers to

The month that the data refers to

Vrednost 9823 Frekvenca
April 9
August 18
December 18
February 18
January 18
July 9
June 9
March 9
May 9
November 18
October 18
September 18
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
171 0

SloName4 Slovenian name of the locality where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Slovenian name of the locality where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Vrednost 9922 Frekvenca
Gorica 57
Pula 57
Trst 57
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
171 0

ItaName4 Italian name of the locality where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Italian name of the locality where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Vrednost 10021 Frekvenca
Gorizia 57
Pola 57
Trieste 57
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
171 0

GeoName4 Links to GeoNames of the geographical database features

Links to GeoNames of the geographical database features

Vrednost 10120 Frekvenca
https://www.geonames.org/11054815/pula-pola.html 57
https://www.geonames.org/3165184/trieste.html 57
https://www.geonames.org/3175985/gorizia.html 57
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
171 0

AREA4 Territorial scope of the data

Territorial scope of the data

Vrednost 10219 Frekvenca
zone 171
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
171 0

Employed Class of employees in the industrial sector during the speficic period

Class of employees in the industrial sector during the speficic period

Vrednost 10318 Frekvenca
Clerical 57
Manual 57
Women 57
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
171 0

LireMax The maximum salaries in Italian Lira for clerical workers, manual workers and women employed in the industrial sector

The maximum salaries in Italian Lira for clerical workers, manual workers and women employed in the industrial sector

Vrednost 10417 Frekvenca
3734.57 3
3931 1
3931.14 3
4203.8 3
4908.24 3
5241.53 3
5242 1
5495.83 3
5731 2
5756 1
5831 1
6220 2
6318 1
6447 3
6455 1
7020 1
7144 1
7325 2
7406 1
7448 1
7528 2
7584 5
7692 1
7730 2
7973 1
8026 1
8102 3
8118 2
8177 2
8206 1
8211 3
8299 1
8360.38 3
8606 2
9090 2
9153.97 3
9154 1
9304 1
9305 4
9345 3
9422 2
9522.57 3
9665 1
9713 2
9841 1
9890 1
9891 1
10162 1
10172 1
10237 1
10271 2
10281 1
10288 3
10473 3
10856 2
10933 1
11266 1
11422 3
11501 1
11502 3
11511 2
11870 1
11967 2
11979 1
12133 3
12244 1
12271 2
12541 2
12788 2
13015 2
13314 1
13319 1
14688 1
14776 3
14833 1
15087 4
15745 4
16208 2
16224 2
16389 1
16872 3
17456 2
17863 2
18007 1
18091 2
19333 2
19393 1
26509 2
26520 2
28311 1
29043 1
Sysmiss 8542
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
171 8542

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 3734.57 do 29043

LireMin The minimum salaries in Italian Lira for clerical workers, manual workersand women employed in the industrial sector

The minimum salaries in Italian Lira for clerical workers, manual workersand women employed in the industrial sector

Vrednost 10516 Frekvenca
3552 1
3552.25 3
3570 3
3777.38 3
4337.06 3
4477.4 3
4567.56 3
4568 1
4736.91 3
4737 1
4886.66 3
4936.16 3
5452 1
5552 3
6017 2
6020 3
6086 1
6246 1
6449 3
6601 1
6680 1
6745 1
6788 1
6894 2
6943 1
6946 1
6950 1
7209 2
7226 2
7227 3
7326 1
7385 1
7395 1
7499 1
7500 3
7528 1
7544 1
7547 3
7604 3
7639 1
7644 2
7647 1
7672 3
7676 1
7723 2
7732 1
7789 1
7855 1
8167 2
8519 2
8520 3
8605 1
8705 2
8720 1
8733 1
8777 2
8868 1
8869 1
8923 3
9141 3
9206 1
9212 2
9213 1
9222 2
9394 1
9544 1
10041 2
10274 3
10509 2
10707 3
10910 2
10949 1
10984 4
11244 2
11499 4
12185 1
12303 2
12306 2
12429 2
12438 1
12620 2
12628 3
13135 1
13284 2
13977 1
14110 1
14980 2
14989 2
15106 1
16778 1
18362 2
18443 2
19246 1
20966 1
Sysmiss 8542
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
171 8542

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 3552 do 20966

ItaName5 Italian name of the municipality where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Italian name of the municipality where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Vrednost 10615 Frekvenca
Bergogna 1
Canale d'Isonzo 1
Caporetto 1
Capriva di Cormons 1
Castel Dobra 1
Comeno (District) 1
Cormons 1
Doberd? del Lago 1
Dolegna del Collio 1
Duino Aurisina 1
Farra d'Isonzo 1
Fogliano 1
Gorizia 1
Gradisca d'Isonzo 1
Grado 1
Mariano del Friuli 1
Merna (District) 1
Monfalcone 1
Muggia 1
Plezzo 1
Romans d'Isonzo 1
Ronchi 1
S. Martino di Quisca 1
Sagrado 1
Salona 1
San Canziano d'Isonzo 1
San Dorligo della Valle 1
San Pier d'Isonzo 1
Sesana (District) 1
Sgonico 1
Staranzano 1
Trieste 1
Turriaco 1
Volzana 1
Zone A - AMG Venezia Giulia 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
38 0

SloName5 Slovenian name of the municipality where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Slovenian name of the municipality where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Vrednost 10714 Frekvenca
Bovec 1
Breginj 1
Cona A - ZVU Julijska Krajina 1
Devin Nabrežina 1
Doberdob 1
Dobrovo 1
Dolenje v Brdih 1
Dolina 1
Fara 1
Foljanu 1
Gorica 1
Gradež 1
Gradišèe ob Soèi 1
Kanal ob Soèi 1
Kobarid 1
Komen (District) 1
Koprivno 1
Krmin 1
Milje 1
Miren (District) 1
Romans 1
Ronke 1
Sežana (District) 1
Trst 1
Tržiè 1
Turjak 1
Volèe 1
Zagraj 1
Zgonik 1
Škocjan ob Soèi 1
Šmartno v Brdih 1
Špetr ob Soèi 1
Štarancan 1
NA 2
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
36 2

GeoName5 Links to GeoNames of the geographical database features

Links to GeoNames of the geographical database features

Vrednost 10813 Frekvenca
https://www.geonames.org/11054815/pula-pola.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/3165184/trieste.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/3165186/trieste.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/3166565/sgonico-zgonik.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/3168409/san-dorligo-della-valle-dolina.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/3168506/san-canzian-d-isonzo.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/3172484/muggia.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/3175985/gorizia.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/3177450/duino-aurisina-devin-nabre?ina.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/3190944/obcina-sezana.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/3239078/komen.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/3239080/miren-kostanjevica.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/3239086/kanal.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/3239098/obcina-kobarid.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/3239100/obcina-bovec.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/6536259/fogliano-redipuglia.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/6536326/mariano-del-friuli.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/6536328/ronchi-dei-legionari.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/6536330/staranzano.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/6536697/capriva-del-friuli.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/6536698/cormons.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/6536699/doberdo-del-lago-doberdob.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/6536700/gradisca-d-isonzo.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/6538406/san-pier-d-isonzo.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/6538407/turriaco.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/6539651/grado.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/6539938/monfalcone.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/6539939/sagrado.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/6541866/gorizia.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/6542134/romans-d-isonzo.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/6542251/dolegna-del-collio.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/6543580/farra-d-isonzo.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/maps/wikipedia_46.0057_13.5562.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/maps/wikipedia_46.1742_13.712.html 1
https://www.geonames.org/maps/wikipedia_46.2633_13.424.html 1
NA 3
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
35 3

PopPres The number of people (population) present in a given area at that time

The number of people (population) present in a given area at that time

Vrednost 10912 Frekvenca
881 1
1342 1
1689 1
1751 1
1810 1
1879 1
2096 1
2234 1
2292 1
2395 1
2669 1
2816 1
2893 1
3021 1
3346 1
4021 1
4259 1
4451 1
4578 1
4799 1
4949 1
5165 1
5295 1
5398 1
7263 1
7801 1
8072 1
8209 1
8708 1
11654 1
12813 1
22594 1
32748 1
52012 1
128559 1
263143 1
349739 1
511046 1
Sysmiss 8675
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
38 8675

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 881 do 511046

PopRes The number of residents present in a given area at that time

The number of residents present in a given area at that time

Vrednost 11011 Frekvenca
888 1
1660 1
1810 1
1900 1
2230 1
2381 1
2394 1
2896 1
3007 1
4419 1
4469 1
4925 1
5134 1
5251 1
5449 1
7686 1
8117 1
8587 1
12775 1
23324 1
47917 1
260245 1
Sysmiss 8691
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
22 8691

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 888 do 260245

ItaZone Italian name of the zone where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Italian name of the zone where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Vrednost 11110 Frekvenca
Gorizia 20
Pola 1
Trieste 16
NA 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
37 1

SloZone Slovenian name of the zone where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Slovenian name of the zone where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Vrednost 1129 Frekvenca
Gorica 20
Pula 1
Trst 16
NA 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
37 1

YEAR6 The year that the data refers to

The year that the data refers to

Vrednost 1138 Frekvenca
1945 12
1946 36
1947 6
Sysmiss 8659
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
54 8659

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1945 do 1947

MONTH6 The month that the data refers to

The month that the data refers to

Vrednost 1147 Frekvenca
April 3
August 3
December 6
February 6
January 6
July 3
June 3
March 3
May 3
November 6
October 6
September 6
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
54 0

SloName6 Slovenian name of the locality where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Slovenian name of the locality where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Vrednost 1156 Frekvenca
Gorica 18
Pula 18
Trst 18
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
54 0

ItaName6 Italian name of the locality where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Italian name of the locality where the Labour Office that collected the data was located

Vrednost 1165 Frekvenca
Gorizia 18
Pola 18
Trieste 18
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
54 0

GeoName6 Links to GeoNames of the geographical database features

Links to GeoNames of the geographical database features

Vrednost 1174 Frekvenca
https://www.geonames.org/11054815/pula-pola.html 18
https://www.geonames.org/3165184/trieste.html 18
https://www.geonames.org/3175985/gorizia.html 18
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
54 0

AREA6 Territorial scope of the data

Territorial scope of the data

Vrednost 1183 Frekvenca
zone 54
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
54 0

Food The cost of food in Italian lira

The cost of food in Italian lira

Vrednost 1192 Frekvenca
0 1
8655.2 1
9240.4 1
9372.7 1
9457.35 1
9471.83 1
9504.4 1
9517.7 1
9539 1
9683.21 1
9719.59 1
9740.41 1
9832.14 1
9956.91 1
10017.65 1
10042.65 1
10314.3 1
10349.3 1
10357.72 1
10365.65 1
10473.83 1
10600.32 1
10733.88 1
10748 1
10860.96 1
10878 1
10908.45 1
11001.6 1
11029.68 1
11186 1
11222.35 1
11231.19 1
11241.62 1
11279.96 1
11354.7 1
11398.2 1
11405.64 1
11433.41 1
11518.04 1
11599.9 1
11658.45 1
11859.91 1
11889.5 1
11989.86 1
12055.81 1
12309.35 1
12470.77 1
12802.28 1
13351.5 1
13369.15 1
14829.52 1
15613.38 1
15724.06 1
16508.52 1
Sysmiss 8659
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
54 8659

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 16508.52

INDEX A fixed base index (a percentage) used for the comparison of the cost of food (January 1946 was chosen as the base month for all the 3 zones)

A fixed base index (a percentage) used for the comparison of the cost of food (January 1946 was chosen as the base month for all the 3 zones)

Vrednost 1201 Frekvenca
0 1
86.98 1
87.28 1
87.86 1
91.35 1
91.69 1
91.89 1
91.93 1
92.75 1
93.67 1
95.02 1
97.71 1
98.22 1
98.81 1
99.73 1
100 3
101.26 1
101.28 1
101.43 1
103.23 2
103.79 1
105.58 1
105.77 1
105.95 1
106.15 1
107.6 1
107.86 1
108.41 1
108.68 1
108.91 1
109.98 1
110.1 1
110.71 1
111.62 1
112.18 1
113.03 1
116.32 1
117.56 1
117.65 1
117.72 1
118.05 1
121.45 1
122.07 1
122.88 1
123.35 1
133.67 1
136.18 1
143.37 1
144.68 1
148.34 1
155.74 1
Sysmiss 8659
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
54 8659

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 155.74

Gradiva o izvedbi raziskave

Ni povezanih gradiv!

Rezultati raziskave

  1. Mezzoli, Erica (2021). HDS47 - Labour Data for the Zone A-AMG Venezia Giulia and the Zone A-Free Territory of Trieste, 1945-1955.
  2. Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov (2022). Zone A-AMG-Venezia Giulia: ECONOMIC SECTORS, PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Monthly, 10 days), SALARIES, POPULATION CENSUS, COST OF FOOD, 1945-47. Code list.

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4 - Polni opis raziskave in kodirna knjiga spremenljivk s polnim besedilom vprašanj.


8 - teoretsko ali praktično pomembne raziskave, zapolnjujejo raziskovalno praznino ali imajo široko uporabnost za več praktičnih problemov, imajo dolgoročno vrednost za znanost

  Kako citiram to RAZISKAVO?

Mezzoli, E. (2022). Historični podatki o delovni sili, 1945-1947: Cona A-AMG-Venezia Giulia (Zvezna vojaška vlada) [Podatkovna datoteka]. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov. ADP - IDNo: HDS47. https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_HDS47_V1

Cobiss tip: 2.20
Datum prve podatkovne objave: 2022
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