7 EU VET - Raziskava o poklicnem izobraževanju v sedmih evropskih državah

Osnovne informacije o raziskavi

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_EUVET12_V1
Glavni avtor(ji):
  • Dahmen, Caroline
  • Brečko, Barbara
  • Fuchs, Marek
  • Vehovar, Vasja
Ostali (strokovni) sodelavci:
  • Brandstetter, Genoveva
  • Limanauskiene, Virginija
  • Sitikovs, Vjaceslavs
  • Kourgiantakis, Markos
Izdelal datoteko podatkov:
CDI - Center za družboslovno informatiko, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani (Ljubljana, Slovenija; junij 2012)

Finančna podpora:

Evropska komisija-Life long Learning programme (75 %)
Lastni viri sodelujočih inštitucij (25 %)

Številka projekta:

2009-12029 (Evropska komisija-Life long Learning programe)

Vsebina raziskave

Ključne besede:

poklicno izobraževanje, program poklicnega izobraževanja, znanja, kompetence, motivacija, zadovoljstvo, prosti čas, delo, IKT

Ključne besede ELSST:

Vsebinska področja CESSDA
IZOBRAŽEVANJE - poklicno izobraževanje
Vsebinsko področja CERIF
Pedagogika in didaktika
Vsebinska področja ADP
Predhodni program in prehod na sedanji program izobraževanja
Trenutni program izobraževanja
Pridobljeno znanje
O vas in vaši karieri
Pridobljene spretnosti in sposobnosti
Informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije
Vi in vaša družina


Projekt 7EU - VET - Detailed Methodological Approach to Understanding the VET Education, je raziskovalna študija poklicnega izobraževanja, ki temelji na teoretičnih osnovah in sekundarnih analizah obstoječih dokumentov. Prav tako se naslanja na obstoječe nacionalne in EU podatke. Projekt je osnovan na enem od ciljev Lizbonske strategije, ki je promocija in kakovost poklicnega izobraževanja. Projekt odgovarja na naslednja znanstvena in raziskovalna vprašanja: Ali so izobraževalni sistemi dovolj fleksibilni, da se lahko hitro odzivajo na spremembe potreb? Kako učinkoviti in uspešni so sistemi (za svetovanje in obveščanje) in ali lahko ustvarimo uspešen model, ki bi ga lahko implementirali med državami? Kakšne je percepcija mladih o poklicnem izobraževanju in kakšni so njihovi pogledi na prihodnje možnosti, kariero in mobilnost? Na kakšen način je IKT vključen v izobraževanje dijakov? Za menarodno primerjavo je priporočjivo uporabiti podatke 17-18 letnih dijakov.


Čas zbiranja podatkov: september 2011 - december 2011
Čas izdelave: 2012-10
Država: Slovenija, Velika Britanija, Nemčija, Grčija, Litva, Latvija, Avstrija
Geografsko pokritje:


Velika Britanija-Anglija






Enota za analizo:



Dijaki vključeni v program poklicnega izobraževanja, stari 17-18 let

Izključeni: ni podatka
Zbiranje podatkov je opravil:

Center za družboslovno informatiko

Research and consultancy specialists in employment and skills

Technische Universität Darmstadt

Technological educational institute of Crete

Kaunas University of Technology

Riga Technical University

3S Research laboratory

Tip vzorca:

Dvostopenjski vzorec šol in razredov.

Način zbiranja podatkov:

Slovenija: Samoizpolnjevalna anketa poslana po pošti.

Velika Britanija: Spletna anketa.

Nemčija (mešani način): Samoizpolnjevalna anketa poslana po pošti.; Spletna anketa.

Avstrija (mešani način): Samoizpolnjevalna anketa poslana po pošti.; Spletna anketa.

Grčija: Samoizpolnjevalna anketa poslana po pošti.

Litva: Spletna anketa.

Latvia: Samoizpolnjevalna anketa poslana po pošti.


Pripravljeni sta dve uteži: vzorčna utež (w_design) in utež zaradi neodgovorov (w_nonres). Priporočena je splošna uporaba vzorčne uteži. Utež zaradi neodgovorov je produkt vzorčne uteži in korekcijskega faktorja zaradi neodgovorov.

Omejitve dostopa

Podatki in dokumentacija so na voljo pod licenco Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva 2.5 Slovenija. Podatkovna datoteka je uporabnikom dostopna brez registracije. Uporabnik se posebej zaveže, da bo skrbel za tajnost podatkov in opravljal analize brez poskusov identifikacije posameznikov ter spoštoval profesionalne etične kodekse.

Podatki so bili očiščeni pred prevzemom v Arhiv.

Vsak uporabnik je dolžan opozoriti na morebitne pomanjkljivosti gradiva in poslati Arhivu 2 kopiji nastalih besedil.

Uporabnik naj pred uporabo pozorno prebere spremljajočo dokumentacijo in se v primeru nejasnosti obrne na avtorje raziskave ali Arhiv.

Osnovne informacije o datoteki podatkov

Naslov podatkovne datoteke: 7 EU VET - Study on vocational education in seven european countries [datoteka podatkov]

ID datoteke: euvet12_p1_en_v1_r2

Format: *.sav - SPSS 16 in kasnejše verzije za WIN

  • število spremenljivk: 309
  • število enot: 17627

Naslov podatkovne datoteke: 7 EU VET - Study on vocational education in seven european countries: just target population (age 17-18) [datoteka podatkov]

Format: *.sav - SPSS 16 in kasnejše verzije za WIN

  • število spremenljivk: 309
  • število enot: 10052


Country Country


Vrednost 13 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 0
-77 not applicable 0
1 Lithuania 2641
2 Austria 2097
3 Greece 2396
4 Latvia 2926
5 Slovenia 1197
6 Germany 5377
7 UK 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17627 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 7

ScholD ScholD


Vrednost 22 Frekvenca
1001 24
1002 41
1003 28
1004 40
1005 33
1007 38
1008 40
1009 35
1013 44
1014 38
1016 34
1017 41
1018 34
1019 34
1021 38
1022 22
1023 28
1024 41
1025 37
1026 39
1027 25
1028 28
1029 36
1030 71
1033 96
1034 84
1035 69
1036 75
1037 41
1038 115
1039 107
1040 59
1041 40
1042 81
1043 142
1044 59
1045 169
1046 152
1047 28
1048 83
1049 145
1050 136
1051 91
2001 28
2003 40
2005 18
2013 18
2017 27
2018 15
2021 51
2022 26
2023 19
2024 38
2026 47
2027 38
2029 37
2030 27
2031 23
2034 13
2035 20
2039 39
2040 19
2042 23
2044 41
2045 43
2046 41
2047 41
2048 49
2049 39
2051 21
2052 52
2056 50
2058 50
2065 23
2073 10
2075 53
2081 41
2096 29
2097 20
2099 42
2102 28
2103 41
2109 17
2114 56
2116 32
2118 53
2128 27
2130 10
2131 41
2135 25
2139 39
2140 52
2142 43
2143 36
2144 24
2150 52
2155 22
2160 32
2164 54
2165 33
2167 23
2168 37
2169 7
2171 34
2173 33
2174 35
3001 35
3002 37
3003 35
3004 26
3005 22
3006 28
3007 24
3008 35
3009 38
3010 23
3012 40
3013 40
3014 34
3015 34
3016 33
3017 31
3018 22
3019 38
3020 37
3021 40
3022 47
3023 30
3024 20
3025 40
3026 27
3027 39
3028 18
3029 27
3030 35
3031 36
3032 40
3033 32
3034 39
3036 9
3038 39
3039 39
3040 38
3041 24
3042 27
3043 30
3044 16
3046 14
3047 40
3048 25
3049 32
3050 35
3051 36
3052 38
3053 32
3054 40
3056 33
3058 44
3059 32
3060 32
3061 32
3062 33
3063 15
3064 34
3065 23
3066 35
3067 40
3068 42
3069 40
3070 22
3071 38
3072 32
3073 29
3074 17
3075 21
3077 36
3078 26
3079 27
3080 32
3081 24
3082 34
3083 27
4001 39
4002 40
4003 39
4004 27
4005 17
4006 26
4007 47
4008 36
4009 16
4010 93
4011 73
4013 52
4014 30
4016 40
4017 22
4018 38
4019 78
4020 75
4021 31
4022 35
4023 38
4024 79
4025 40
4027 32
4029 33
4030 35
4031 47
4032 39
4033 39
4034 40
4035 53
4036 33
4037 96
4038 54
4040 43
4044 73
4046 32
4047 62
4049 85
4050 117
4051 52
4052 45
4053 28
4054 52
4055 46
4056 84
4057 57
4058 11
4059 40
4060 40
4061 40
4062 40
4063 38
4064 33
4065 35
4066 39
4067 39
4068 34
4081 31
4083 13
4084 39
4094 20
4095 26
4096 56
4097 38
4098 26
5101 35
5102 37
5103 19
5104 31
5105 47
5107 27
5108 43
5109 33
5110 20
5111 50
5113 33
5115 27
5116 38
5117 37
5119 37
5120 30
5125 16
5126 19
5128 41
5131 45
5132 24
5133 46
5136 41
5138 5
5139 32
5140 56
5141 33
5143 10
5145 45
5146 16
5147 33
5148 44
5149 25
5150 30
5151 37
5153 20
5154 35
6002 59
6003 24
6004 42
6007 62
6008 27
6010 58
6013 33
6015 30
6016 20
6017 45
6018 51
6019 45
6020 56
6021 23
6023 34
6025 31
6026 28
6027 42
6028 31
6029 43
6031 52
6033 47
6034 36
6035 48
6036 59
6037 65
6038 32
6040 47
6042 18
6043 64
6044 36
6045 55
6046 46
6047 67
6048 43
6050 30
6051 29
6052 37
6053 37
6054 50
6056 45
6057 34
6063 44
6064 35
6065 51
6066 52
6067 36
6068 43
6069 58
6070 28
6073 59
6074 6
6075 48
6076 39
6077 35
6079 22
6080 13
6081 26
6082 35
6083 36
6084 23
6085 16
6086 31
6087 45
6089 56
6090 45
6091 31
6093 58
6094 55
6096 42
6097 51
6099 18
6100 32
6101 38
6102 36
6105 33
6106 40
6107 30
6108 43
6110 49
6111 47
6112 46
6113 77
6114 39
6115 50
6116 46
6117 23
6119 67
6120 44
6121 39
6123 39
6124 33
6126 30
6130 56
6131 39
6132 26
6133 58
6134 44
6135 35
6136 34
6137 38
6140 31
6141 53
6143 47
6147 53
6148 38
6151 33
6152 61
6154 38
6155 47
6156 45
6157 33
6158 47
6159 40
6160 45
6161 26
6163 55
6164 49
6165 47
6166 35
6167 61
6168 33
6169 36
6170 44
6171 38
6172 48
6174 14
6175 29
6176 51
6177 23
6178 38
6179 30
7002 3
7003 4
7004 15
7005 4
7006 3
7010 2
7015 54
7016 61
7017 21
7018 4
7022 2
7023 25
7025 3
7026 2
7029 52
7030 21
7032 70
7034 292
7037 3
7039 4
7041 37
7042 171
7043 17
7044 60
7045 17
7046 10
7047 6
7048 3
7049 4
7050 4
7051 4
7052 4
7053 5
7054 3
7055 3
-88 not answered 0
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17627 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1001 do 7055

Class Class


Vrednost 31 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Class One 7612
2 Class Two 6703
3 Class Three 2031
4 Class Four 596
5 Class Five 303
6 Class Six 214
7 Class Seven 82
8 Class Eight 84
-88 not answered 2
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17625 2

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 8

Country Country


Vrednost 1690 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 0
-77 not applicable 0
1 Lithuania 2641
2 Austria 2097
3 Greece 2396
4 Latvia 2926
5 Slovenia 1197
6 Germany 5377
7 UK 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17627 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 7

ScholD ScholD


Vrednost 2689 Frekvenca
1001 24
1002 41
1003 28
1004 40
1005 33
1007 38
1008 40
1009 35
1013 44
1014 38
1016 34
1017 41
1018 34
1019 34
1021 38
1022 22
1023 28
1024 41
1025 37
1026 39
1027 25
1028 28
1029 36
1030 71
1033 96
1034 84
1035 69
1036 75
1037 41
1038 115
1039 107
1040 59
1041 40
1042 81
1043 142
1044 59
1045 169
1046 152
1047 28
1048 83
1049 145
1050 136
1051 91
2001 28
2003 40
2005 18
2013 18
2017 27
2018 15
2021 51
2022 26
2023 19
2024 38
2026 47
2027 38
2029 37
2030 27
2031 23
2034 13
2035 20
2039 39
2040 19
2042 23
2044 41
2045 43
2046 41
2047 41
2048 49
2049 39
2051 21
2052 52
2056 50
2058 50
2065 23
2073 10
2075 53
2081 41
2096 29
2097 20
2099 42
2102 28
2103 41
2109 17
2114 56
2116 32
2118 53
2128 27
2130 10
2131 41
2135 25
2139 39
2140 52
2142 43
2143 36
2144 24
2150 52
2155 22
2160 32
2164 54
2165 33
2167 23
2168 37
2169 7
2171 34
2173 33
2174 35
3001 35
3002 37
3003 35
3004 26
3005 22
3006 28
3007 24
3008 35
3009 38
3010 23
3012 40
3013 40
3014 34
3015 34
3016 33
3017 31
3018 22
3019 38
3020 37
3021 40
3022 47
3023 30
3024 20
3025 40
3026 27
3027 39
3028 18
3029 27
3030 35
3031 36
3032 40
3033 32
3034 39
3036 9
3038 39
3039 39
3040 38
3041 24
3042 27
3043 30
3044 16
3046 14
3047 40
3048 25
3049 32
3050 35
3051 36
3052 38
3053 32
3054 40
3056 33
3058 44
3059 32
3060 32
3061 32
3062 33
3063 15
3064 34
3065 23
3066 35
3067 40
3068 42
3069 40
3070 22
3071 38
3072 32
3073 29
3074 17
3075 21
3077 36
3078 26
3079 27
3080 32
3081 24
3082 34
3083 27
4001 39
4002 40
4003 39
4004 27
4005 17
4006 26
4007 47
4008 36
4009 16
4010 93
4011 73
4013 52
4014 30
4016 40
4017 22
4018 38
4019 78
4020 75
4021 31
4022 35
4023 38
4024 79
4025 40
4027 32
4029 33
4030 35
4031 47
4032 39
4033 39
4034 40
4035 53
4036 33
4037 96
4038 54
4040 43
4044 73
4046 32
4047 62
4049 85
4050 117
4051 52
4052 45
4053 28
4054 52
4055 46
4056 84
4057 57
4058 11
4059 40
4060 40
4061 40
4062 40
4063 38
4064 33
4065 35
4066 39
4067 39
4068 34
4081 31
4083 13
4084 39
4094 20
4095 26
4096 56
4097 38
4098 26
5101 35
5102 37
5103 19
5104 31
5105 47
5107 27
5108 43
5109 33
5110 20
5111 50
5113 33
5115 27
5116 38
5117 37
5119 37
5120 30
5125 16
5126 19
5128 41
5131 45
5132 24
5133 46
5136 41
5138 5
5139 32
5140 56
5141 33
5143 10
5145 45
5146 16
5147 33
5148 44
5149 25
5150 30
5151 37
5153 20
5154 35
6002 59
6003 24
6004 42
6007 62
6008 27
6010 58
6013 33
6015 30
6016 20
6017 45
6018 51
6019 45
6020 56
6021 23
6023 34
6025 31
6026 28
6027 42
6028 31
6029 43
6031 52
6033 47
6034 36
6035 48
6036 59
6037 65
6038 32
6040 47
6042 18
6043 64
6044 36
6045 55
6046 46
6047 67
6048 43
6050 30
6051 29
6052 37
6053 37
6054 50
6056 45
6057 34
6063 44
6064 35
6065 51
6066 52
6067 36
6068 43
6069 58
6070 28
6073 59
6074 6
6075 48
6076 39
6077 35
6079 22
6080 13
6081 26
6082 35
6083 36
6084 23
6085 16
6086 31
6087 45
6089 56
6090 45
6091 31
6093 58
6094 55
6096 42
6097 51
6099 18
6100 32
6101 38
6102 36
6105 33
6106 40
6107 30
6108 43
6110 49
6111 47
6112 46
6113 77
6114 39
6115 50
6116 46
6117 23
6119 67
6120 44
6121 39
6123 39
6124 33
6126 30
6130 56
6131 39
6132 26
6133 58
6134 44
6135 35
6136 34
6137 38
6140 31
6141 53
6143 47
6147 53
6148 38
6151 33
6152 61
6154 38
6155 47
6156 45
6157 33
6158 47
6159 40
6160 45
6161 26
6163 55
6164 49
6165 47
6166 35
6167 61
6168 33
6169 36
6170 44
6171 38
6172 48
6174 14
6175 29
6176 51
6177 23
6178 38
6179 30
7002 3
7003 4
7004 15
7005 4
7006 3
7010 2
7015 54
7016 61
7017 21
7018 4
7022 2
7023 25
7025 3
7026 2
7029 52
7030 21
7032 70
7034 292
7037 3
7039 4
7041 37
7042 171
7043 17
7044 60
7045 17
7046 10
7047 6
7048 3
7049 4
7050 4
7051 4
7052 4
7053 5
7054 3
7055 3
-88 not answered 0
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17627 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1001 do 7055

Class Class


Vrednost 3688 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Class One 7612
2 Class Two 6703
3 Class Three 2031
4 Class Four 596
5 Class Five 303
6 Class Six 214
7 Class Seven 82
8 Class Eight 84
-88 not answered 2
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17625 2

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 8

StudenID StudenID


Vrednost 4687 Frekvenca
-88 not answered
-77 not applicable
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17627 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 20010101 do 1051062860

A1_Aus What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (only Austria) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A1. What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (Please write the name of the programme below)(only Austria)

Vrednost 5686 Frekvenca
1 Berufsbildende höhere Schule 185
2 Allgemeinbildende höhere Schule - Oberstufe 94
3 Berufsbildende mittlere Schule 121
4 Allgemeinbildende höhere Schule - Unterstufe 398
5 Lehrlingsausbildung 54
6 Polytechnischer Lehrgang 316
7 Hauptschule, Neue Mittelschule, Kooperative Mittelschule 877
-88 not answered 52
-77 not applicable 15530
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2045 15582

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

A1_Gre What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (only Greece) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A1. What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (Please write the name of the programme below)(only Greece)

Vrednost 6685 Frekvenca
1 Theoretical background usually coming from 1st grade of gene 283
2 More Technical Background, usually coming from grades of EPA 118
-88 not answered 1995
-77 not applicable 15231
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
401 17226

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

A1_Lat What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (only Latvia) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A1. What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (Please write the name of the programme below)(only Latvia)

Vrednost 7684 Frekvenca
-77 14701
-88 714
1. Me?vidu pamatskola 1
1.AVS 1
1.arodvidusskola 1
1.vidusskola 1
11 1
12.vidusskola 1
16.vidusskola vispârçjâ vidçjâ 1
7.pamatskola 1
72.vsk. 1
9 klase 1
9 klases 7
9.klase 1
9.klases 1
9.vidusskola 1
??sanas uz?çmums 1
??to izstr.gatavo?anas tehnolo?. 1
?imnâzija 5
?uvçja arodizglîtîbas programma 2
?uvçjs 1
?uvçju 1
A-1 2kurss 2
Apguldes arodvidusskolâ 1
Baumanu Kâr?a Vi?íenes pamatskola 1
Bilskas pamatskola 1
Birzgales pamatskola 1
Cçsu 1. pamatskola 1
DALP 5. vidusskola 1
Daugavpils 10.vidusskola 1
Daugavpils 10.visusskola 1
Daugavpils 12.VSK 1
Daugavpils 15.vidusskola 1
Daugavpils 17.vidusskola 1
Daugavpils Po?u vidusskola 1
Daugavpils pils.centra ?imnâzija 1
Daugavpils pilsçtas centra ?imnâzija 1
Daugavpils universitâte 1
Daugavpils valsts ?imnâzija 1
Dobeles 1.vidusskola, RTTS 1
Dundagas vidusskola 1
EP 1
Eglaines pamatskola 1
G.Meríe?a Lçdurgas paamtskola 2
J.?akstes Liepâjas pilsçtas 10.vidusskola 1
Jaunaglonas internâtvidusskola 1
Jaunlaicenes pamatskola 2
Kocçnu pamatskola 1
Kr.Valdemâra pamatskola, Gulbenes novads 1
Krimuldas vidusskola 2
Lejasciema vidusskola 1
Lielupes vidusskola 1
Liepupes vidusskola 1
Liepâjas 1. ?imnâzija 1
Liepâjas 15. vidusskola 2
Lizuma vidusskola 1
Ludzas pilsçtas ?imnâzija 1
Lîvânu 2.vidusskola 1
Lîvânu 2.visusskola 1
Matî?u pamatskola 1
Mazsalacas vidusskola 1
Medumu vidusskola 1
Mârsnçnu pamatskola 1
Nautrçnu vsk. 1
Nîtaures vidusskola 1
Ozolmui?as pamatskola 2
P?avi?u ?imnâzija un 2 mçn, Prei?u arodvidusskola 1
P?avinu novada ?imnâzija 1
Pamatskola 1
Pamatskolas 1
Pâles pamatskola 1
R?jienas pamatskola 1
Rai?a Daugavpils 6.vidusskola 1
Rankas pamatskola 1
Rudzâtu visusskola 1
Rçzeknes 5. vidusskola 1
Rîgas Imantas vsk. 1
Saulkrastu vidusskola 1
Skrundas 1. vidusskola 1
Smiltenes ?imnâzija 1
Smiltenes Centra vidusskola 1
Smiltenes tehnikums 2
Spro?u pamatskola 1
Til?as vsk. Vectil?as filiâle 1
Vaidavas pamatskola 1
Valkas ?imnâzija 1
Valkas pamatskola 2
Valmieras 2. vidusskola 1
Valmieras Pârgaujas ?imnâzija 1
Vijciema pamatskola 2
Vircavas vidusskolas Platones filiâle 1
Z.A.Meierovica Kabiles vidusskola 1
ZV? 1
Zir?u pamatskola 1
ang?u valoda 1
apavu labotâjs 1
apdares darbu tehniíis 2
apdares darbu tehniíis, b?vdarbu 1
arhitekti 1
arhitektu tehniíis 1
arodvidusskola 4
audiovizuâlâs un mediju mâksla 1
auto transports 3
autoelektriíis 1
automehâniíis 17
automehâniíis, autotransports 10
autotransports 22
b?vdarbi 9
b?vdarbvi 1
b?vgaldnieks 3
b?vizstrâdâjumu galdnieki 1
b?vizstrâdâjumu galdnieks 1
bakalaura studiju programma"komunikâciju un sabiedriskâs attiecîbas 1
baltinavs vsk. 1
bi?kopîba 1
biotehnolo?ija 3
biotehnologs 1
buvdarbi 8
buvizstradajumu galdnieks 1
ce?ab?ve 1
ce?u b?ves automehâniíis 1
ce?ub?ve 1
celtnieks 1
datora lieto?ana 1
datorsistçmas 2
datorsistçmu tehniíis 3
datortehniíis 2
datortehnolo?ijas meistars 1
datoru programmçtâjs 1
datorzinîbas 1
daugavpils 15.visusskola 1
dârzkopîba 1
dârznieks 2
galdnieka palîgs 1
galdnieks 2
grâmatvedîba 5
in?eniermehânika 7
in?eniermehâniíis 2
in?enieros 2
interjera dizains 1
j?rskolâ 1
kauguru vidusskola 1
klientu apkalpo?anas speciâlists 1
koka izstrâdâjumu dizaineris 1
kokapstrâdes tehniíis 1
komercdarbîbas 2
komerczinîbas 10
ku?u vadîtâjs 1
kuldîgas 2.vsk. 1
kurpnieka arodizglîtîbas programma 3
l/s tehniíis 2
lauksaimniecîbas tehnika 2
lauksaimniecîbas tehniíis 1
lauksaumniecîbas tehniíis 1
lauksimniecîbas tehniíis 1
lauktehnika 1
lauku t?risma apkalp. 1
lauku t?risma speciâlists 10
ma?înb?v 1
ma?înb?ves 1
ma?înzinîbas 19
mazzalves pamatskola 1
me?saimniecîbas mehânika 6
me?saimniecîbas mehâniíis 17
me?saimniecîbas tehnika 1
me?saimniecîbas tehniíis 2
mehanik 1
mehânika 3
metâla apstrâde 1
metâlapstrâde 1
murnieks 1
mçbe?u galdnieks 1
nav 1
nevienâ 1
ogres vakara vsk. 1
pamaskola 9
pamat 4
pamat izglîtîba 2
pamata 1
pamata izglîtîba 1
pamatiglîtîba 12
pamatizgl. 1
pamatizglitîba 9
pamatizglîba 10
pamatizglîtiba 12
pamatizglîtîba 1037
pamatizglîtîbas 72
pamatskola 376
pamatskola Valmierâ 2
pamatskola Vijciemâ 1
pamatskolas 31
pamatskolas izglîtîba 3
pamtizglîtîba 1
patmatizglîtîba 15
pavâra amata izglîtîba 1
pavâra palîgs 1
pavârs 1
pilna laika profesionâlâ vidusskola 1
pmatizglîtîba 1
profesionâlâ arodskola 1
profesionâlâ vidçjâ 2
profesionâlâ vidçjâ programma 1
profesionâlâ vidçjâs izglîtîbas programmma 1
profesionâlâ-vidçjâ 2
profisionâlâ izglîtîba 1
programat?ra 1
programmç?ana 1
programmçtâjs 4
pârtika 2
pârtikas produktu kontrole 1
pârtikas produktu kontroles palîgs 1
reklâmas dizains 3
reklâmas pakalpojumu komercdarbinieks.komerczinîbas 1
reklâmasnoformçtâjs 1
remontstrâdnieks 1
rubenes pamatskola 1
sekretâre 1
sekretâre, biroja darbiniece 1
t?risma pakalpojumi 1
t?risma speciâlists 1
tehnikums 1
teksta redaktora operators 1
v.5.v. 1
ventspils 4.vsk 1
vet.medicîna 1
vides aizsardzîba 3
vidusskola 33
vidusskolas 2
vidçjâ 2
vidçjâ izglîtîba 5
viesmîlîbas pakalp.spec. 1
viesnîcu serviss 1
virpotâjs 2
visparizglîtojo?â 1
vispârizglîtojo?â 55
vispârçjâ 1
vispârçjâ izglîtîba 3
vispârçjâ pamatizglîtîba 16
vispârçjâ vidçjâ 12
vispârçjâ vidçjâ izglîtîba 1
vispârîgâ 1
zîmç?ana ( mâkslas skola) 1
ÇP 1
çdienu gatavo?anas speciâlists 1
çdinâ?.pakalp.serviss 1
çdinâ?ana serviss 3
çdinâ?anas pak.serviss 1
çdinâ?anas pak.spec. 10
çdinâ?anas pakalp. 3
çdinâ?anas pakalp.serviss 1
çdinâ?anas pakalp.spec. 4
çdinâ?anas pakalpojumi 4
çdinâ?anas pakalpojumu speciâlists 3
çdinâ?anas pakalpojumu speciâlitâte 1
çdinâ?anas servisa pakalpojumi 1
çdinâ?anas servisa spec. 1
çdinâ?anas servisa speciâlists 11
çdinâ?anas serviss 26
çdinâ?anas serviss-pavârs 1
çdinâ?anas specialitâte 2
çdinâ?anas speciâlists 4
çku celtnieks 1
íîmijas tehniíis 1
íîmijas tehnologs 2
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17627 0

a1_la0 What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (only Latvia) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A1. What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (Please write the name of the programme below)(only Latvia)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

a1_la1 What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (only Latvia) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A1. What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (Please write the name of the programme below) (only Latvia)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

a1_la2 What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (only Latvia) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A1. What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (Please write the name of the programme below)(only Latvia)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

A1_UK What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (only UK) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A1. What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (Please write the name of the programme below)(only UK)

Vrednost 11680 Frekvenca
-77 16634
-88 7
A Levels 33
A Levels and BTEC 7
A Levels and NVQ 2
A Levels, BTEC and NVQ 2
AS Levels 41
AS Levels and A Level 1
AS Levels and BTEC 1
AS Levels, A levels and BTEC 2
ASDAN Employability Certificate and ASDAN PSD Award 1
ASDAN Employabilty Award 1
BTEC 111
BTEC and diploma 1
CACHE Level 1 Childcare 1
Childcare level 1 1
City and Guilds 1
Diploma 2
Diploma Level 2 and NVQ 1
Diploma in IT 1
ECDL Level 1 and 2 1
Foundation Pathways 1
Foundations Pathways 1
GCSEs 400
GCSEs and A Levels 12
GCSEs and AS Levels 42
GCSEs and BTEC 100
GCSEs and BTEC andLandrover & Jaguar apprentership 1
GCSEs and Cache Level 2 Dipoma in Childcare and Education 1
GCSEs and Hair and beauty diploma 1
GCSEs and NVQ 28
GCSEs and diploma 1
GCSEs and entry levels 1
GCSEs and level 3 diploma 1
GCSEs andCity And Guilds Lvl 2 in ICT 1
GCSEs andlevel 2 diploma 1
GCSEs, A Levels and AS Levels 14
GCSEs, BTEC and A Levels 5
GCSEs, BTEC and AS Levels 5
GCSEs, BTEC, A Levels and AS Levels 3
GCSEs, BTEC, AS levels and A levels 1
GCSEs, BTEC, NVQ, A Levels and AS Levels 2
GCSEs, BTEC, and AS levels 1
GCSEs, NVQ and BTEC 18
Health and social level 2 1
Highers and HNC 1
I left school and had a year out of education 1
I was working 1
Key Skills and NVQ 1
Level 2 Sports 1
Level 2 city and guilds travel and tourism 1
NVQ 86
NVQ and BTEC 10
OCR national diploma in sport 1
Travel and tourism Diploma 1
VRQ level 2, Functional skills Level 2 and 1 1
city and guild motor vehicle level 1 1
city and guilds extended diploma 1
college 1
diploma 1
diploma level 2 1
diploma level 2 in hairdressing 1
dipolma 1
fandation pathways 1
imi level 2 motor vehicle 1
introduction to service and repair of automobiles level 1 and 2 1
leaving cert 1
level 1 catering 1
level 1 hair and beauty diploma 1
mechanics - apprenticeship 1
natational diploma 1
none 1
open college network. 1
other BTEC diploma in administration 1
persol development award 1
working 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17627 0

a1_uk0 What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (only UK) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A1. What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (Please write the name of the programme below)(only UK)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

a1_uk1 What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (only UK) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A1. What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (Please write the name of the programme below)(only UK)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

a1_uk2 What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (only UK) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A1. What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (Please write the name of the programme below)(only UK)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

A2 What is the highest level of schooling you have achieved so far? Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A2. What is the highest level of schooling you have achieved so far? (Please tick just one box)

Vrednost 15676 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 ISCED level 4 18
2 ISCED level 3A 1890
3 ISCED level 3B / 3C 1244
4 ISCED level 2 13640
5 ISCED level 1 or without school leaving certificate 227
6 Other (e.g. foreign degree): 412
-88 not answered 196
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17431 196

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 6

A2_open Other (e.g. foreign degree): Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A2. What is the highest level of schooling you have achieved so far? (Please tick just one box) Other 1:

Vrednost 16675 Frekvenca
-88 17304
12 gadi 12
12 gadi vidusskolâ un 1 gads augstskolâ 1
12 gadi vidçjâ izglîtîba 2
12 gadi vidçjâ vispârçjâ 1
12 gadi vispârçjâ izglîtîba 1
12 gadi vispârçjâ vidçjâ 5
12 gadi vispârçjâ vidçjâ izglîtîba 1
12 kla?u 1
12 kla?u izglîtîba 1
12 pamatizglîtîba,vidusskola 1
12.g.vispârçjâ vidçjâ 1
12.gadi 1
3 Klass an der Bakip 1190 Wien 1
3 gadi vidçjâ izglîtîba 1
3.prof.kv.lîm. 1
9 gadi+viduskola 3 gadi 1
??ÁË 1
??ÁË Ë???é? 1
??ÁÓ 3
??ÁÓ ?Á?Ä 1
??ÁÓ ?Ô?? 1
??ÁÓ ÇË??Ô??Ë??ÉÁ 1
??Ë 1
??ÍÉ?? Ë???É? 1
??á? 1
??á???ë?áôé?? Ó÷?ë? 2
??áë 1
??áó 1
??ë 2
??íé?? ë???é? 1
??íé?ü Ëý??é? 3
?Á?Ä 1
?Á?Ä Á' ???Ë?? 1
?Á?Ä Â' ???Ë?? ??É?Ë???É?Ó 1
?ÉÄÉ??Ó ?Ç×ÁÍ???ÁÖÇ??Í?? Ë??ÉÓÔÇ?É?? 1
?Ó???ÉÍ? Ë???É? 1
?ç÷áíé?ü? (Ëý??é?) 1
?íéáé? ë???é? 3
?ô?÷?ß? ?íéáß?? Ë???ß?? 1
?ô?÷ß? ??ÁË 1
?ô?÷ß? ??ÁË-Á??ë?ô??é? ??ÁË 1
?ô?÷ß? É?? 1
AHS Matura 1
Abitur 1
Allgemein bildende h?¶here Schule - Oberstufe 1
Allgemein bildende h?¶here Schule-Oberstufe 1
Auk?tasis Universitetinis Lietuvoje 1
Ausbildung zur Fachkraft im Gastgewerbe 1
B??rokauffrau 1
Baigiau technikuma 1
BeJ-TQ 1
Berufsbildende höhere Schule 1
Berufsfachschule 1
Betriebswirtschaftlehrer 1
Diplom Studium 1
Diplom-Ingenieur 1
East Richland High School Diploma 1
Elektros automatikis irenginiu specelistas 1
Entry level 3 1
Entry level three 1
Epal 1
Epas 1
GEL 15
H?¶here Handelsschule 1
HBLW 3-jährig Abschlussprüfung 1
Hauptschule 2
Hauptschule in Indien 1
High School Diploma (USA) und 2 Jahre College 1
High school boulgaria 1
Hochschulabschluss 1
Hochulabschluss 1
ILS Deutschland 1
Junior Certificate results 1
Key skills 1
Landwirtschaftliche Fachschule 1
Landwirtschaftsschule für Gesundheit u. Ernährung 1
Lietuvoje igytas socialinio darbuotojo padejeja 1
Matura 2
Matura AHS 1
Middle years program 1
Nebaigtas aukstasis 1
Neuniversitetinis auk?tasis 1
Quali., Mittlere Reife 1
Qualifizierender Abschluss 1
Realschule 1
Russian Gymnasium 1
Seepferdchen 1
Smulkaus verslo paslaug? teik?jas 1
Studium, Abschluss: Diplom 1
TEE Pliroforikis 1
Tschechien 1
Zentrale Klassenarbeiten am Gymnasium 1
aei 1
anglu 1
auk?tasis neuniversitetinis i?silavinimas 1
elektros automatikos irenginiu specialystas 1
eniaio lykeio 3
epal 6
epas 2
gel 1
geniko lykeio 13
geniko lykeio,iek 1
highschool 1
iek 6
iek agglia 1
international baccallaureat 1
kein Zeugnis, Montessorischule ohne Benotung 1
likeio 1
lukeio 17
lykeio 13
mittlerer Schulabschluss 1
oaed 3
otek 1
profesionâlâ vidçjâ 1
sekund?¤rer realschulabschluss 1 1
smulkaus verslo mokymo tiekejas 1
smulkaus verslo paslaug? teik?jas 1
staatl. gepr. kaufm. Assistentin Fremdsprachen 1
tarptautiniu vezimu vairuotojas ekspeditorius 1
techniko lykeio 1
technikos prieziuros verslo darbuotojas 1
tee 8
tee kommotikis 1
tei 7
tel-oaed 1
tes 2
videsizglîtîba 1
vidussk.izgl. 1
vidusskola 1
vidçjâ 1
vidçjâ izglîtîba 7
vidçjâ profesionâlâ 1
vidçjâ vispârçjâ 1
vidçjâ vispârçjâ 12.klases 2
vidçjâ-speciâlâ 1
vispârçjâ vidçja 1
Á??ë?ô??é? ??ÁË ?ëç??ö??é???-Á??ë?ô??é? É?? ?ëç??ö??é??? 1
Á?É 1
Á?É ?é??í??é?ü Í??é??? 1
É?? 4
É?? ÄÇ??ÓÉ? 1
É?? ä??é??í 1
Éäé?ôé?? ó÷?ëç 1
Ë???É? 6
Ëý??é? 7
Ëý??é? ??ÁË 1
Ô?? 5
Ô?? ?ËÇ??Ö??É?ÇÓ 1
Ô?É 2
Ô?É ???íáóôé??? Á?áäç?ßá? 1
Ô?É-É?? 1
Ô?ÉÔ?ÂÁ??ÉÁ ???ÁÉÄ??ÓÇ 1
Ô?Ó 1
Ô?×Í?Ë??É?? ???ÁÉÄ??ÔÉ?? ?Ä???Á 1
á??ö?éô?? ë???é?? 1
á?é 2
áô?é 2
é?? 1
é?? ó?ö 1
ë???é? 4
ô?? 1
ô?? í?óçë??ôé?ç? 1
ô?é 5
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17627 0

a2_op0 Other (e.g. foreign degree): Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A2. What is the highest level of schooling you have achieved so far? (Please tick just one box) Other 2:

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

a2_op1 Other (e.g. foreign degree): Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A2. What is the highest level of schooling you have achieved so far? (Please tick just one box) Other 3:

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

a2_op2 Other (e.g. foreign degree): Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A2. What is the highest level of schooling you have achieved so far? (Please tick just one box) Other 4:

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

A3_1a What was your grade in math in your final certificate of your previous programme? Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A3. What was your grade in the following subjects in your final certificate of your previous programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject)Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details)-Math:

Vrednost 20671 Frekvenca
1 863
2 2644
3 3313
4 3910
5 1979
6 996
7 566
8 367
9 154
10 207
11 196
12 246
13 245
14 272
15 284
16 200
17 158
18 115
19 84
20 42
-88 not answered 447
-77 not applicable 339
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16841 786

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 20

A3_1b What was your grade in math in your final certificate of your previous programme? Wasn't taught Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A3. What was your grade in the following subjects in your final certificate of your previous programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) Wasn't taught-Math:

Vrednost 21670 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 16841
1 Quoted 339
-88 not answered 447
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17180 447

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

A3_1a_1 Previous grade: math pass Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A3. What was your grade in the following subjects in your final certificate of your previous programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) Math ( math pass):

Vrednost 22669 Frekvenca
0 fail 559
1 pass 16282
-88 not answered 447
-77 not applicable 339
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16841 786

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

A3_1a_2 Previous grade: math_comparable Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A3. What was your grade in the following subjects in your final certificate of your previous programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) Math (math_comparable):

Vrednost 23668 Frekvenca
1 1117
2 3902
3 5759
4 5504
5 539
6 20
-88 not answered 447
-77 not applicable 339
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16841 786

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

A3_2a What was your grade in your native language in your final certificate of your previous programme? Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A3. What was your grade in the following subjects in your final certificate of your previous programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details)-Native language:

Vrednost 24667 Frekvenca
1 760
2 2796
3 3700
4 2633
5 1839
6 1513
7 950
8 434
9 134
10 111
11 96
12 247
13 231
14 293
15 355
16 279
17 240
18 160
19 62
20 42
-88 not answered 446
-77 not applicable 306
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16875 752

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 20

A3_2b What was your grade in your native language in your final certificate of your previous programme? Wasn't taught Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A3. What was your grade in the following subjects in your final certificate of your previous programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject)Wasn't taught-Native language:

Vrednost 25666 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 16875
1 Quoted 306
-88 not answered 446
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17181 446

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

A3_2a_1 Previous grade: native language pass Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A3. What was your grade in the following subjects in your final certificate of your previous programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject)Native language (native language pass):

Vrednost 26665 Frekvenca
0 fail 124
1 pass 16751
-88 not answered 446
-77 not applicable 306
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16875 752

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

A3_2a_2 Previous Grade: native language_comparable Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A3. What was your grade in the following subjects in your final certificate of your previous programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject)Native language (native language_comparable):

Vrednost 27664 Frekvenca
1 1031
2 4742
3 7289
4 3689
5 109
6 15
-88 not answered 446
-77 not applicable 306
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16875 752

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

A3_3a What was your grade in your first foreign language in your final certificate of your previous programme? Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A3. What was your grade in the following subjects in your final certificate of your previous programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details)-First foreign language:

Vrednost 28663 Frekvenca
1 830
2 2620
3 3238
4 2497
5 1592
6 1268
7 917
8 633
9 281
10 175
11 82
12 127
13 119
14 172
15 219
16 213
17 220
18 286
19 267
20 236
-88 not answered 607
-77 not applicable 1028
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
15992 1635

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 20

A3_3b What was your grade in your first foreign language in your final certificate of your previous programme? Wasn't taught Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A3. What was your grade in the following subjects in your final certificate of your previous programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) Wasn't taught-First foreign language:

Vrednost 29662 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 15992
1 Quoted 1028
-88 not answered 607
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17020 607

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

A3_3a_1 Previous grade: first foreign language pass Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A3. What was your grade in the following subjects in your final certificate of your previous programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) First foreign language (first foreign language pass):

Vrednost 30661 Frekvenca
0 fail 285
1 pass 15707
-88 not answered 607
-77 not applicable 1028
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
15992 1635

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

A3_3a_2 Previous grade: first foreign language_comparable Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A3. What was your grade in the following subjects in your final certificate of your previous programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) First foreign language (first foreign language_comparable):

Vrednost 31660 Frekvenca
1 1555
2 4361
3 6052
4 3739
5 264
6 21
-88 not answered 607
-77 not applicable 1028
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
15992 1635

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

A4_1 Choice: The programme offered good job prospects Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A4. How important were the following aspects to you when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) The programme offered good job prospects

Vrednost 32659 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 709
2 Slightly 1921
3 Fairly 5547
4 Quite 5450
5 Very 3721
-88 not answered 279
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17348 279

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A4_2 Choice: My previous examination grades prevented me being able to enrol on more preferable programmes Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A4. How important were the following aspects to you when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) My previous examination grades prevented me being able to enrol on more preferable programmes

Vrednost 33658 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 10205
2 Slightly 3376
3 Fairly 2136
4 Quite 1028
5 Very 573
-88 not answered 309
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17318 309

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A4_3 Choice: My parents suggested I enrol on this programme Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A4. How important were the following aspects to you when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) My parents suggested I enrol on this programme

Vrednost 34657 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 8348
2 Slightly 3716
3 Fairly 2861
4 Quite 1494
5 Very 915
-88 not answered 293
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17334 293

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A4_4 Choice: The occupation(s) related to the programme appealed to me Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A4. How important were the following aspects to you when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) The occupation(s) related to the programme appealed to me

Vrednost 35656 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 1296
2 Slightly 2322
3 Fairly 4168
4 Quite 5030
5 Very 4495
-88 not answered 316
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17311 316

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A4_5 Choice: The programme provides a good foundation for further qualifications / education Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A4. How important were the following aspects to you when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) The programme provides a good foundation for further qualifications / education

Vrednost 36655 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 542
2 Slightly 1553
3 Fairly 4230
4 Quite 5751
5 Very 5277
-88 not answered 274
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17353 274

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A4_6 Choice: My friends have chosen to undertake the same programme Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A4. How important were the following aspects to you when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) My friends have chosen to undertake the same programme

Vrednost 37654 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 6650
2 Slightly 4422
3 Fairly 3171
4 Quite 1876
5 Very 1180
-88 not answered 328
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17299 328

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A4_7 Choice: The reputation of the programme was attractive to me Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A4. How important were the following aspects to you when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) The reputation of the programme was attractive to me

Vrednost 38653 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 2257
2 Slightly 3381
3 Fairly 5569
4 Quite 4187
5 Very 1901
-88 not answered 332
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17295 332

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A4_8 Choice: Former teachers encouraged me to enrol on this programme Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A4. How important were the following aspects to you when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) Former teachers encouraged me to enrol on this programme

Vrednost 39652 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 11136
2 Slightly 2758
3 Fairly 1792
4 Quite 1058
5 Very 574
-88 not answered 309
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17318 309

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A4_9 Choice: This programme was the most appropriate within a reasonable distance from my home Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A4. How important were the following aspects to you when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) This programme was the most appropriate within a reasonable distance from my home

Vrednost 40651 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 5877
2 Slightly 2918
3 Fairly 3399
4 Quite 2501
5 Very 2652
-88 not answered 280
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17347 280

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A5_1 Sources: Teachers Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A5. How important were the following information sources when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) Teachers

Vrednost 41650 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 8561
2 Slightly 3891
3 Fairly 2813
4 Quite 1312
5 Very 805
-88 not answered 245
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17382 245

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A5_2 Sources: Parents or family members Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A5. How important were the following information sources when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) Parents or family members

Vrednost 42649 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 3842
2 Slightly 4049
3 Fairly 4467
4 Quite 3073
5 Very 1920
-88 not answered 276
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17351 276

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A5_3 Sources: Friends or classmates Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A5. How important were the following information sources when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) Friends or classmates

Vrednost 43648 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 5741
2 Slightly 4373
3 Fairly 4015
4 Quite 2136
5 Very 1035
-88 not answered 327
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17300 327

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A5_4 Sources: Job centre Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A5. How important were the following information sources when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) Job centre

Vrednost 44647 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 11627
2 Slightly 2281
3 Fairly 1797
4 Quite 1031
5 Very 516
-88 not answered 375
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17252 375

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A5_5 Sources: Informative days / fair / open days at school Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A5. How important were the following information sources when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) Informative days / fair / open days at school

Vrednost 45646 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 7113
2 Slightly 3227
3 Fairly 3158
4 Quite 2373
5 Very 1450
-88 not answered 306
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17321 306

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A5_6 Sources: Online information and/or other public media (e.g. newspapers) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A5. How important were the following information sources when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) Online information and/or other public media (e.g. newspapers)

Vrednost 46645 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 5171
2 Slightly 3524
3 Fairly 3649
4 Quite 3047
5 Very 1946
-88 not answered 290
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17337 290

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A5_7 Sources: An aptitude test offered by an educational establishment Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A5. How important were the following information sources when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) An aptitude test offered by an educational establishment

Vrednost 47644 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 10025
2 Slightly 3229
3 Fairly 2398
4 Quite 1126
5 Very 517
-88 not answered 332
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17295 332

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A5_8 Sources: A previous internship or work placement (not asked in Slo) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A5. How important were the following information sources when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) A previous internship or work placement (not asked in Slo)

Vrednost 48643 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 8185
2 Slightly 2115
3 Fairly 1918
4 Quite 1843
5 Very 2093
-88 not answered 276
-77 not applicable 1197
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16154 1473

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

A5_9 Sources: School counsellors or career advisors (not asked in Aus and Ger) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A5. How important were the following information sources when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) School counsellors or career advisors (not asked in Aus and Ger)

Vrednost 49642 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 5194
2 Slightly 2088
3 Fairly 1414
4 Quite 795
5 Very 459
-88 not answered 203
-77 not applicable 7474
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9950 7677

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

A5_10 Sources: Training facility provider (only asked in Lat and UK) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A5. How important were the following information sources when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) Training facility provider (only asked in Lat and UK)

Vrednost 50641 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 1826
2 Slightly 778
3 Fairly 677
4 Quite 369
5 Very 238
-88 not answered 31
-77 not applicable 13708
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
3888 13739

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

A6 Have you considered any alternative programme when you were selecting your current one? Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A6. Have you considered any alternative programme when you were selecting your current one? (Please tick one box below)

Vrednost 51640 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 No, I didn't considered any alternative programme 5421
2 I was considering one other alternative programme 6896
3 I was considering two other alternative programmes 3344
4 I was considering three other alternative programmes 670
5 I was considering more than three alternative programmes 1143
-88 not answered 153
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17474 153

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B1 What type of school/programme are you enrolled in? Section B: Your current programme

B1. What type of school/programme are you enrolled in? (Please tick only one)

Vrednost 52639 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 school/programme type one 7609
2 school/programme type two 3343
3 school/programme type three 4677
4 school/programme type four 1670
5 school/programme type five 31
6 school/programme type six 81
7 other 139
-88 not answered 77
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17550 77

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 7

B1_cor What type of school/programme are you enrolled in? Section B: Your current programme

B1. What type of school/programme are you enrolled in? (Please tick only one)

Vrednost 53638 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 school/programme type one 7681
2 school/programme type two 3372
3 school/programme type three 4707
4 school/programme type four 1661
5 school/programme type five 31
6 school/programme type six 81
7 other 39
-88 not answered 55
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17572 55

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 7

B1_open Other school type: Section B: Your current programme

B1. What type of school/programme are you enrolled in? (Please tick only one)Open:

Vrednost 54637 Frekvenca
-88 17508
Apdailininkas, statybininkas 1
Ausbildung 1
Ausbildung (Schule) 1
Automechanikas 1
BHS/Kulturtouristik 1
Berufsbildende h?¶here Schule/Berufsschule/Lehrlingsausbildung 2
Berufsfachschule f??r Gesundheit und Sozialwesen 1
Berufsfachschule f??r Soizial-Gesundheitswesen 1
Dailieji odos dirbiniai 1
Duale Berufsoberschule 2
Fachgymnysium f??r gesund heit und soziales 1
Fachhochschule 4
Fachhochschulreife 3
Fachoberschule und duales System 1
Fachschule 12
Fachschule f??r Soziales 3
Fachschule f??r Sozialwesen 9
H?¶here Berufsfachschule 4
H?¶here Berufsfachschule Organisation und Officemangamen´t 1
H?¶here Berufsfachschule ZW 1
H?¶here Handelsschule 3
H?¶hrere Berufsfachschule 1
HTBL Pinkafeld 2
HTBLuVA Pinkafeld 1
HTL Maschinenbau 1
HTL grfaik und design 1
Handelsakademie 2
Handelsschule 3
Hauptchule 1
Hogwarts 1
IT 1
Ja 1
KTLA + Lehre 1
KTLA und Berufsschule 1
KTLA/Lehrlingsausbildung 1
Kompiuterines technikos operatorius 1
Landwirtschaftliche Fachschule Edelhof 1
Maschinenbau 1
Pagrindinis 1
Privatschuele 1
Silberberg 2 Jhg. 1
Smulkaus verslo paslaug? teik?jas 1
Stalius 1
Triales Studium 1
Universit?¤t 1
Verslo paslaug? teik?jas 2
apdailininkas statybininkas 1
automechanikas 1
automobilio kebulo remontininkas 1
autoremontininkas 1
bf2 1
eine Berufsschule und eine Fachoberschule 1
fachgymnasium f??r gesundheit und soziales 1
fachhochschulreife 1
fachschule 2
gimnazija 1
htl 1
igyti pagrindini isilavinima ir igyti specelybe 1
kIRP?JO Mokymo programa 1
keine 1
ktla 1
pflegeassistenz 1
poly 1
privatschule 1
profesinio mokymo programa antrajai kvalifikacijai igyti 1
puffschule 1
suvirintojas jureivis 1
tehnikos prieziuros verslo darbuotojas 1
vadybininko padejeja 1
virejo 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17627 0

b1_op0 Other school type: Section B: Your current programme

B1. What type of school/programme are you enrolled in? (Please tick only one)Open 1:

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

b1_op1 Other school type: Section B: Your current programme

B1. What type of school/programme are you enrolled in? (Please tick only one)Open 2:

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

b1_op2 Other school type: Section B: Your current programme

B1. What type of school/programme are you enrolled in? (Please tick only one)Open 3:

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

B1_ISCED ISCED: What type of school/programme are you enrolled in? Section B: Your current programme

B1. What type of school/programme are you enrolled in? (Please tick only one) ISCED:

Vrednost 58633 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 ISCED 4 67
2 ISCED 4B 332
3 ISCED 3C 4041
4 ISCED 3B 4124
5 ISCED 3A 3109
6 ISCED 2 81
7 ISCED 2A 31
8 ISCED 3A, 3B or 4A 1017
9 ISCED 3B, 4A or 4B 3685
10 ISCED 3A or 3C 924
11 Other 139
-88 not answered 77
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17550 77

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 11

B2a What is the title of the programme you are enrolled on? Section B: Your current programme

B2a. What is the title of the programme you are enrolled on? (Please write the official name in the space below)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon

b2a0 What is the title of the programme you are enrolled on? Section B: Your current programme

B2a. What is the title of the programme you are enrolled on? (Please write the official name in the space below)0

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

b2a1 What is the title of the programme you are enrolled on? Section B: Your current programme

B2a. What is the title of the programme you are enrolled on? (Please write the official name in the space below)1

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

b2a2 What is the title of the programme you are enrolled on? Section B: Your current programme

B2a. What is the title of the programme you are enrolled on? (Please write the official name in the space below)2

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

B2a_ISCO ISCO: What is the title of the programme you are enrolled on? Section B: Your current programme

B2a. What is the title of the programme you are enrolled on? (Please write the official name in the space below)ISCO

Vrednost 63628 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
12 41 OFFICE CLERKS 2303
-88 not answered 1203
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16424 1203

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 28

B2b What is the total duration of this programme? (In years) Section B: Your current programme

B2b. What is the total duration of this programme? (Please write the duration in years in the space below)(In years)

Vrednost 64627 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 328
1.5 33
2 2488
2.5 345
3 7428
3.5 1183
4 3861
4.5 3
5 1058
6 4
-88 not answered 896
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16731 896

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 6

B2c In what year of your programme are you in? Section B: Your current programme

B2c. In what year of your programme are you in? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 65626 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 First year 6248
2 Second year 7256
3 Third year 3116
4 Fourth year 590
-88 not answered 417
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17210 417

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 4

B3_1 How many school hours per week do you spend at school? Section B: Your current programme

B3. How many school hours per week do you spend at school? (Please write the hours for an average school week). Hour(s).

Vrednost 66625 Frekvenca
1 19
2 25
3 24
4 47
5 79
6 102
6.5 2
7 243
7.5 2
8 783
8.5 5
9 321
10 225
11 160
12 583
13 404
14 355
15 141
16 413
17 86
18 256
19 41
20 180
21 34
22 58
23 88
24 94
25 402
26 40
27 53
27.5 1
28 143
28.5 1
29 158
30 1024
31 318
32 999
32.5 2
33 466
33.5 1
34 884
35 1286
36 1374
37 310
37.5 3
38 772
38.5 6
39 278
40 1024
41 33
42 132
43 76
44 18
45 164
46 79
47 58
48 61
49 32
50 21
51 1
52 9
55 3
56 4
57 1
58 1
60 15
-88 not answered 1374
-77 not applicable 1230
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
15023 2604

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 60

B3_2 I attend block release. Section B: Your current programme

B3. How many school hours per week do you spend at school? (Please write the hours for an average school week). Attend block release.

Vrednost 67624 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
0 Not quoted 13894
1 Quoted 3620
-88 not answered 113
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17514 113

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 1

B4_1 My programme ensures employment in the job market. Section B: Your current programme

B4. Now that you know your programme well, to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) My programme ... Ensures employment in the job market

Vrednost 68623 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 952
2 Slightly 2565
3 Fairly 5898
4 Quite 5254
5 Completely 2694
-88 not answered 264
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17363 264

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B4_2 My programme enables me to receive a good starting salary/wage when successfully completed. Section B: Your current programme

B4. Now that you know your programme well, to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) My programme ...My programme enables me to receive a good starting salary/wage when successfully completed.

Vrednost 69622 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 1424
2 Slightly 3527
3 Fairly 5982
4 Quite 4465
5 Completely 1933
-88 not answered 296
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17331 296

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B4_3 My programme provides useful practical experience for entering the workforce. Section B: Your current programme

B4. Now that you know your programme well, to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) My programme ...My programme provides useful practical experience for entering the workforce.

Vrednost 70621 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 523
2 Slightly 1753
3 Fairly 4811
4 Quite 6218
5 Completely 4036
-88 not answered 286
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17341 286

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B4_4 My programme offers me a broad perspective for a professional career. Section B: Your current programme

B4. Now that you know your programme well, to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) My programme ...My programme offers me a broad perspective for a professional career.

Vrednost 71620 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 751
2 Slightly 2630
3 Fairly 5484
4 Quite 5275
5 Completely 3158
-88 not answered 329
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17298 329

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B4_5 My programme prepares me well for further education and training. Section B: Your current programme

B4. Now that you know your programme well, to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) My programme ...My programme prepares me well for further education and training.

Vrednost 72619 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 608
2 Slightly 1951
3 Fairly 4625
4 Quite 5791
5 Completely 4363
-88 not answered 289
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17338 289

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B4_6 My programme prepares me for starting my own business or becoming self-employed. Section B: Your current programme

B4. Now that you know your programme well, to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) My programme ...My programme prepares me for starting my own business or becoming self-employed.

Vrednost 73618 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 2334
2 Slightly 4037
3 Fairly 4836
4 Quite 3648
5 Completely 2484
-88 not answered 288
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17339 288

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B4_7 My programme is recognised within society as having a good reputation. Section B: Your current programme

B4. Now that you know your programme well, to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) My programme ...My programme is recognised within society as having a good reputation.

Vrednost 74617 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 1092
2 Slightly 2815
3 Fairly 5692
4 Quite 4844
5 Completely 2878
-88 not answered 306
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17321 306

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B4_8 My programme prepares me for a job that is important for society. Section B: Your current programme

B4. Now that you know your programme well, to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) My programme ...My programme prepares me for a job that is important for society.

Vrednost 75616 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 884
2 Slightly 2288
3 Fairly 5241
4 Quite 5110
5 Completely 3804
-88 not answered 300
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17327 300

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B5_1 Satisfaction: Most of my classes are interesting. Section B: Your current programme

B5. This question is about your satisfaction with your school. Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) Most of my classes are interesting.

Vrednost 76615 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 1107
2 Slightly 3271
3 Fairly 6619
4 Quite 4786
5 Completely 1700
-88 not answered 144
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17483 144

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B5_2 Satisfaction: Most of my teachers are usually well prepared when teaching their subjects. Section B: Your current programme

B5. This question is about your satisfaction with your school. Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) Most of my teachers are usually well prepared when teaching their subjects.

Vrednost 77614 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 741
2 Slightly 2209
3 Fairly 5277
4 Quite 5894
5 Completely 3311
-88 not answered 195
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17432 195

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B5_3 Satisfaction: Most of my teachers are usually interested in helping me learn. Section B: Your current programme

B5. This question is about your satisfaction with your school. Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) Most of my teachers are usually interested in helping me learn.

Vrednost 78613 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 964
2 Slightly 2776
3 Fairly 5468
4 Quite 5217
5 Completely 2997
-88 not answered 205
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17422 205

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B5_4 Satisfaction: Counsellors/careers advisors are usually helpful (not asked in Aus and Ger) Section B: Your current programme

B5. This question is about your satisfaction with your school. Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) Counsellors/careers advisors are usually helpful (not asked in Aus and Ger)

Vrednost 79612 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 1183
2 Slightly 1961
3 Fairly 2977
4 Quite 2271
5 Completely 1545
-88 not answered 216
-77 not applicable 7474
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9937 7690

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

B5_5 Satisfaction: Information on careers and training is easily accessible at school. Section B: Your current programme

B5. This question is about your satisfaction with your school. Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) Information on careers and training is easily accessible at school.

Vrednost 80611 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 1300
2 Slightly 3800
3 Fairly 6021
4 Quite 4105
5 Completely 2148
-88 not answered 253
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17374 253

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B5_6 Satisfaction: School facilities are well maintained. Section B: Your current programme

B5. This question is about your satisfaction with your school. Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) School facilities are well maintained.

Vrednost 81610 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 1795
2 Slightly 3103
3 Fairly 4989
4 Quite 4778
5 Completely 2730
-88 not answered 232
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17395 232

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B5_7 Satisfaction: The number of computers available at school is adequate for the needs of pupils. Section B: Your current programme

B5. This question is about your satisfaction with your school. Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) The number of computers available at school is adequate for the needs of pupils.

Vrednost 82609 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 2089
2 Slightly 3211
3 Fairly 4421
4 Quite 4380
5 Completely 3260
-88 not answered 266
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17361 266

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B5_8 Satisfaction: The computers at school are up to date. Section B: Your current programme

B5. This question is about your satisfaction with your school. Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) The computers at school are up to date.

Vrednost 83608 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 2409
2 Slightly 3538
3 Fairly 4526
4 Quite 4056
5 Completely 2823
-88 not answered 275
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17352 275

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B5_9 Satisfaction: My school offers enough learning and training material. Section B: Your current programme

B5. This question is about your satisfaction with your school. Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) My school offers enough learning and training material.

Vrednost 84607 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 884
2 Slightly 2705
3 Fairly 5744
4 Quite 5267
5 Completely 2807
-88 not answered 220
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17407 220

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B5_10 Satisfaction: All in all I am satisfied with the programme. Section B: Your current programme

B5. This question is about your satisfaction with your school. Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) All in all I am satisfied with the programme.

Vrednost 85606 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 740
2 Slightly 1758
3 Fairly 4756
4 Quite 6126
5 Completely 4027
-88 not answered 220
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17407 220

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B6 When you think about your programme, what statement do you agree to the most? My current programme... Section B: Your current programme

B6. When you think about your programme, what statement do you agree to the most? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 86605 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 will guide me to my dream job. 5173
2 is only one of several areas I am interested in 6973
3 is an alternative I didn't think of at first. 2954
4 is a compromise / temporary solution because I didn't qualif 844
5 is a compromise / temporary solution because I didn't know w 1396
-88 not answered 287
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17340 287

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B7 Looking back, if you were to choose again would you choose the same programme? Section B: Your current programme

B7. Looking back, if you were to choose again would you choose the same programme? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 87604 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Definitely not 1297
2 Rather not 1781
3 Maybe 4679
4 Most likely 5510
5 Definitely 4136
-88 not answered 224
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17403 224

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B8 How often have you thought about leaving your current programme? (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B8. How often have you thought about leaving your current programme? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 88603 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 8745
2 Rarely 3595
3 Sometimes 2691
4 Often 867
5 Very often 509
-88 not answered 227
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16407 1220

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

B9_1 Breaking off: I do not enjoy this programme (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I don’t enjoy this programme

Vrednost 89602 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 6194
1 Quoted 1556
-88 not answered 146
-77 not applicable 9731
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7750 9877

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

B9_2 Breaking off: The programme places too high an expectation on me (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) The programme places too high an expectation on me (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 90601 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 6612
1 Quoted 1143
-88 not answered 135
-77 not applicable 9737
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7755 9872

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

B9_3 Breaking off: I have difficulties with my teachers (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I have difficulties with my teachers (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 91600 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 6036
1 Quoted 1721
-88 not answered 135
-77 not applicable 9735
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7757 9870

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

B9_4 Breaking off: I have problems with my class-mates (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I have problems with my class-mates (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 92599 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 7032
1 Quoted 726
-88 not answered 135
-77 not applicable 9734
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7758 9869

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

B9_5 Breaking off: I know of an alternative programme which may be better suited to me (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I know of an alternative programme which may be better suited to me (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 93598 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 5574
1 Quoted 2189
-88 not answered 135
-77 not applicable 9729
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7763 9864

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

B9_6 Breaking off: I do not think I will earn enough money after I complete my current programme (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I do not think I will earn enough money after I complete my current programme (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 94597 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 6007
1 Quoted 1756
-88 not answered 135
-77 not applicable 9729
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7763 9864

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

B9_7 Breaking off: I do not think that my career prospects are good enough after I complete my current programme (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I do not think that my career prospects are good enough after I complete my current programme (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 95596 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 6473
1 Quoted 1283
-88 not answered 136
-77 not applicable 9735
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7756 9871

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

B9_8 Breaking off: I feel I am under too much stress in this programme (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I feel I am under too much stress in this programme (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 96595 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 6440
1 Quoted 1315
-88 not answered 135
-77 not applicable 9737
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7755 9872

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

B9_9 Breaking off: I have family problems (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I have family problems (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 97594 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 7038
1 Quoted 719
-88 not answered 135
-77 not applicable 9735
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7757 9870

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

B9_10 Breaking off: I have health problems (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I have health problems (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 98593 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 7114
1 Quoted 644
-88 not answered 135
-77 not applicable 9734
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7758 9869

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

B9_11 Breaking off: The programme is too challenging/difficult for me (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) The programme is too challenging/difficult for me (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 99592 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 7030
1 Quoted 725
-88 not answered 136
-77 not applicable 9736
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7755 9872

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

B9_12 Breaking off: The programme is not challenging enough (e.g. too boring) (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) The programme is not challenging enough (e.g. too boring) (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 100591 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 135
-77 not applicable 9733
1 Quoted 913
0 Not quoted 6846
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10781 6846

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 1

B9_13 Breaking off: Other: (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Other: (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 101590 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 6229
1 Quoted 1004
-88 not answered 659
-77 not applicable 9735
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7233 10394

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

B9_13op Breaking off: Other:please tell us (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Other:please tell us (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 102589 Frekvenca
*zuviel Mathe 1
-77 11254
-88 5487
???ÁÓÉÁ 1
???áóéá? 1
??berlegung ein Studium anzufangen 1
??á?é? ???áóéá? 1
?oti bie?i uz mâjâm uzdod daudz mâcîties 1
?oti daudz jâstrâdâ ar papîru, jâraksta, nav praktikas interi?çjo?as 1
?¤rger mit Kollegen & Chef 1
?–ftere Probleme auf der arbeit 1
A? nesiruo?iu palikti dabartin?s programos 1
Alle Kollegen hauen sich gegenseitig in die Pfanne.. Jeder fehler den man macht, wird auf die Goldwaage gelegt!! 1
Am Anfang war die umstellung der Arbeitszeiten etwas schwierig. 1
Andere Berufsinteressen bekommen 1
Anderes war wichtiger 1
Anfangsprobleme mit Kollegen 1
Angst vor schlechten Noten in den kommenden Schuljahren 1
Ansehen der Bevölkerung ist gering 1
Arbeit in nicht Ausbildungs entsprechenden Bereichen. (Verpacken von Lieferungen, Aufr?¤umen des Lagers etc.) 1
Arbeite lieber nur praktisch, deswegen freu ich mich auf das Praktikum. 1
Arbeitgeber nicht kompetent 1
Arbeits kilma um betrieb nicht gut 1
Arbeitsklima 2
Arbeitsklima in der Firma 1
Arbeitskolegen 1
Arbeitskollegen 2
Arbeitskollegen intregieren 1
Arbeitskollegen nicht nett 1
Arbeitskollegen nutzen einen als billige Arbeitskraft 1
Arbeitskollegen und Überstunden 1
Arbeitskolleginnen bzw. Chef 1
Arbeitsumfeld in der Firma is mangelhaft. 1
Arbeitsumfeld, Mitarbeiter 1
Arbeitszeit mehr als 10h täglich ohne ausgleich 1
Arbeitszeiten 1
Arbeitszeiten da ich keine zeit hab f??r sport 1
Aus welchen Gr??nden wollten Sie Ihre derzeitige Ausbildung abbrechen? (Bitte kreuzen Sie alle zutreffenden Antworten an) Die Ausbildung macht mir keinen Spa??. Die Ausbildung stellt zu hohe Erwartungen an mich. Ich habe Probleme mit einigen 1
Ausbeutung am Arbeitsplatz 1
Ausbilder 1
Ausbilderin 1
Ausbildung interessiert mich nur wenig!! 1
Ausbildung ist moderne Sklaverei !!! Lehrlinge werden wie billige Arbeitskr?¤fte verheizt und d??rfen nahezu jeden Samstag arbeiten!! 1
Ausbildungsberieb zu Schlecht Chef zu streng 1
Ausbildungsbetrieb gef?¤llt mir nicht 1
Ausbildungsbetrieb stellt zu hohe Erwartungen 1
Ausbildungsleiter 1
Ausbildungsstätte 1
Ausbildungsvergütung 1
Azubis werden ausgenutzt 1
B?na kartais nuobodu klausytis mokytoj? 1
Basics-Fächer werden extrem vernachlässigt (Mathe, Englisch, Biologie, Chemie). Später schwierig für Studium. 1
Bedingungen des Arbeitgebers 1
Beruf gefällt mir nicht, gesundheitsschädlich 1
Berufschule 1
Besuch einer Fachoberschule 1
Betribliches Klima 1
Betrieb f?¶rdert meine Ausbildung so gut wie gar nicht. 1
Betrieb ist nicht gerecht und macht was er will mit den Lehrlingen, haltet sich nicht an die Vorschriften 1
Betrieb ist scheiße 1
Betriebliche Probleme 2
Betriebliche Probleme mit dem Chef 1
Betriebsbedingt 1
Betriebsprobleme 1
Betriebsprobleme (Stundenzahl) 1
Brachte mich einmal an meine Grenzen 1
Bundeswehr bewerben 1
CHEF !!! 1
Chef 3
Chef ist nicht in Ordnung 1
Chef mobbt mich 1
Chef nervt! 1
Chef zahlt unpünktlich 1
Da ich nicht wirklich was im Betrieb beigebacht bekomme 1
Das Anforderungsprofil der Ausbildung deckt sich nicht mit meinen F?¤higkeiten. 1
Das Unternehmen bietet keinen R??ckhalt und Unterst??tzung 1
Das Verh?¤ltnis zu meinem Ausbilder ist gest?¶rt. 1
Das interne Umfeld ( Mitarbeiter etc.) ist mieserabel. 1
Das klima und das denken der lehrer 1
Dass ich die Bef??rchtung hatte zu schlecht zu sein. 1
Demotivation 1
Der Ausbildungsbetrieb beutet die Azubis aus 1
Der Ausbildungsbetrieb ist schlecht 1
Der Betrieb stellt zu hohe Anforderungen an mich. 1
Der Lehrbetrieb ist problematisch 1
Der Lehrmeister ist sehr unqualifiziert 1
Der Unterricht ist zu langweilig gestaltet und f??hrt zu unmotiviertheit. 1
Der Weg zur Schule ist sehr lange 90 min 1
Didziause problema yra aukletoja Juociuniene. kuri izeidineja savo aukletinius mes net turim irodymu :) 1
Die Arbeiten die ich durchf??hre sind nicht meinen Erwartungen entsprechend. 1
Die Arbeitsbedigungen sind nicht optimal 1
Die Arbeitszeit st?¶rt mich ein wenig, da f??r Freizeit nicht viel Zeit bleibt und der Lohn daf??r zu niedrig ist. 1
Die Arbeitszeiten sind zu lang und zu fr??h 1
Die Arbeitszeiten und die Arbeit an sich gef?¤llt mir nicht. 1
Die Ausbildung f?¤llt mir manchmal schwer. 1
Die Ausbildung ist eigentlich ??berfl??ssig 1
Die Ausbildung ist mir zu 'unkreativ'. 1
Die Ausbildung ist nicht so interessant, wie ich sie mir vorgestellt hatte. 1
Die Ausbildung ist nicht zu schwierig, aber schwer herausfordernd 1
Die Ausbildung ist schwierig f??r mich 1
Die Ausbildung ist zu unflexibel und unkreativ. 1
Die Ausbildung verlangt meine Grenzen als Schüler zu überschreiten 1
Die Ausbildung war teilweise uninteressant 1
Die Ausbildung weckt keinerlei Interesse in mir! 1
Die Firma ist da eigentliche Problem, d.h. man wird dort nicht verstanden und man bekommt kein Verst?¤ndnis als Azubi 1
Die Firma ist nicht die passende. 1
Die Lehrer h?¶ren niemanden zu 1
Die Motivation f??r mehrere F?¤cher fehlt 1
Die Qualit?¤t des von dem Ausbildungsbetrieb vermittelten Wissens l?¤sst zu w??nschen ??brig. 1
Die Schule ist weit von meinem Wohnort entfernt, au??erdem ist nur das Abitur f??r meinen weiteren Bildungsgang wichtig. F??r andere Schulen bin ich jedoch mit 25 Jahren zu alt. Daher bin ich mehr oder weniger gezwungen, bei genau dieser Ausbildung zu bl 1
Die Schule ist zu weit von meiner Heimat entfernt (60km, 1,5 Std mit dem Bus) 1
Die atmosph?¤re auf der Arbeit passt mir und auch anderen meist nicht 1
Die faulen Mitarbeiter sind die Probleme 1
Die mitarbeiter sind rassistich, wissen sie ich binn negger 1
Die verst?¤ndnis manscher Themen ist sehr schwierig 1
Differenzen mit dem Arbeitgeber 1
Difficult Lessons 1
Doofe Arbeitszeiten 1
Drogenprobleme 1
Druck, Arbeitszeiten 1
Durch den Stress dachte ich nur im 1. Lj. daran. Jetzt nicht mehr. 1
Eigene dummheit 1
Einstellung der Lehrer 1
Es gibt innerbetriebliche Probleme, vorallem im sozialen Bereich 1
Es herrscht ein nicht so gutes Betriebsklima. 1
Es interessiert mich einfach nicht! 1
Es war eine Notlösung 1
Es wird zu wenig Wissen vermittelt 1
F??r meinen Traumberuf brauche ich einen anderen Abschlu?? 1
Falsch eingesetzt im Betrieb,daher die n?¶tigen Beruflichen erfahrungen nur am rande sammeln k?¶nnen 1
Falscher Ausbildungsbetrieb 1
Familiengründung 1
Financial Problems 1
Finanzielle Probleme, um am Berufsschulunterricht teilzunehmen. 1
Firma 1
Firma ist scheiße 1
Firma sprich Chef gef?¤llt mir nicht 1
Firmen bedingt 1
Firmenprobleme 1
Frima ist nicht sehr gut, f?¶rdert Auszubildende nicht wirklich und man wird st?¤ndig gemobbt 1
Galvoju apie kita specialybe. 1
Gastronomie ist gleichzeitig eine hunderprozentige körperliche und geistige Belastung 1
Gehalt, Arbeitsdauer 1
Gesellen stressen rum 1
Gewisse Lehrer br??llen nur herum, zieht mich runter 1
Gro??e Probleme mit meinem EX-Chef 1
Gründe auf der Arbeit, nicht in der Schule 1
Gurke geht mir auf den geist 1
Habe bereits eine Ausbildung 1
Hatte Probleme mit den Arbeitskollegen 1
Hatte Propleme mit meinen vergangenen Kollegen 1
Heimweh 2
Hin und wieder bin ich mir nicht sicher ob ich doch was anderes machen hätte sollen 1
Hohe k?¶rperliche Belastung 1
I have 2 jobs, no time 1
I have a job 1
I have problem in some subjects 1
I wanted another program 3
I would prefer hair styling if such a class existed in EPAL 1
I'm 25 years old and school seems boring to me 1
I'm not sure for this occupasion, it does not inspire me enough 1
I'm tired from my work 1
I'm working many hours 1
Ich absolviere seit nun mehr als 2 Monaten meine Ausbildung zum B??rokaufmann in der Montage einer anderen Firma 1
Ich bekomme keine Unterstützung zum Lehrgeld 1
Ich bin ganz zufrieden mit meiner Ausbildung. 1
Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob dies die richtige Ausbildung f??r mich ist 1
Ich denke es gibt Ausbildungen die besser zu mir passen würden 1
Ich erwarte mir mehr 1
Ich finde die Schule nicht so gut 1
Ich gehe noch zur Schule !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1
Ich h?¤tte im Nachhinein lieber die Ausbildung Systemintegrator gew?¤hlt. 1
Ich habe ??ber eine andere Ausbildung nachgedacht im nachhinein 1
Ich habe Probleme in der Firma 1
Ich habe Probleme mit dem Unternehmen. 1
Ich habe Probleme mit einigen vorgesetzten 1
Ich habe Probleme mit meinem Ausbildungsbetrieb/Kollegen/Vorgesetzten. 1
Ich habe Probleme mit meiner Chefin 1
Ich habe einfach keine Lust mehr. 1
Ich habe gemerkt das dieser Beruf mich gar nicht interessiert 1
Ich habe gemerkt das ich etwas anderes machen m?¶chte 1
Ich habe h?¶here Anspr??che 1
Ich habe keine Ausbildung, sch?¶?¶?¶r 1
Ich habe teils Probleme mit meinem Gesellen 1
Ich habe zu wenig Zeit für andere Dinge 1
Ich komme mit dem Küchenchef nicht klar 1
Ich komme mit meiner Ausbilderin nicht zurecht. Ich habe schon meine 3Ausbilderin 1
Ich m?¶chte den Studiengang Zahnmedizin studieren 1
Ich m?¶chte einen Beruf aus??ben 1
Ich musste dem Betrieb wechseln, da der alte Betrieb im Sinne der Ausbildung nicht kompetent war 1
Ich möchte arbeiten 1
Ich möchte meine Ausbildung nicht abbrechen 1
Ich verdiene 5 Jahre kein Geld. 1
Ich w??rde lieber studieren. 1
Ich weiss nicht ob es die richtige Ausbildung f??r mich ist 1
Ich werde in der Firma nicht gut ausgebildet. 1
Ich will nicht in dem Ausbildungsgebiet bleiben 1
Ich würde die Ausbildung nie abbrechen 1
Im Betrieb Stress gehabt 1
In diesem Beruf bin ich nach meiner Ausbildung ,,Selbst?¤ndig'. D.h. ich verdiene anfangs keinen Festlohn sondern nur auf Provisionsbasis. 1
Inhalte des Lehrplan 1
Innerbetriebliche Umstrukturierungen 1
Ist eine vorbereitung zur US-Army gehen den da ist der Beruf sehr gut gebraucht. 1
Ist manchmal öde 1
Jeffrey 1
Juk mokytojai neprofesionalai, kad pad?t? mum ka?k± pasiekti ateityje, jie gali tik patarti, bet to ma?a.. 1
Kann sie nicht mehr bezahlen! 1
Kartais manau, kad paprastoje mokykloje pagrindini? dalyk? , kaip lietuvi?, matematika, angl?, i?mokyt? geriau 1
Kein Interesse an Wirtschaft. 1
Kein Mensch kümmert sich um Auszubildende 1
Kein bock 1
Kein erhalt von Lohn, da schulische Ausbildung 1
Kein gutes Verh?¤ltnis mit Arbeitskolegen 1
Kein wirkliches System innerhalb der Firma sowie meiner Ausbildung 1
Keine 1
Keine ausreichende Unterst??tzung vom Betrieb 1
Kitoje perogramoje ismokciau nauju dalyku 1
Klassenklima 1
Klima in der Firma ist schrecklich, man wird als Azubi nicht ernstgenommen. 1
Kollegen 3
Kollegenproblem, Arbeitsproblem 1
Konflikte 1
Konflikte mit Geschäftsleitung 1
Kontraproduktive Lernleistung 1
Kostenfaktor 1
Küchenchef 1
LBS Eggenburg 1
Laiko stoka darbui u?sienyje 1
Lehrbetrieb (Chefin) 1
Lehrer die unfair benoten 1
Lehrer haben was gegen die sch??ler.. 1
Lehrer können nicht gut erklären 1
Lehrgehalt reicht nicht aus f??r Azubis mit Haushalt und Auto 1
Lehrlingsausbilderin im Betrieb kümmert sich nicht um die Lehrlinge 1
Lehrlingsausbildnerprobleme 1
Man darf zu wenig im Betrieb arbeiten 1
Man lernt kaum etwas in den Berufsschulen 1
Man nepatinka mano mokymosi specialybe 1
Man wird meistens wie der letzte Arsch behandelt. Mann ist Arbeiter, statt einer der Ausbildung macht 1
Manche Dinge finde ich zu langweilig, wo ich mir denke, dass ein anderer Beruf sch?¶ner und spa??iger w?¤re. 1
Manche F?¤cher sind zu langweilig f??r mich 1
Manche Lehrer sind unf?¤hr 1
Manchmal kein Spaß 1
Mann wird behandelt wie der letzte Depp 1
Mein Betrieb ist schei??e. 1
Mein Chef behandelt mich scheisse und ich bekomme noch weniger als alle anderen 1
Mein Chef nutzt mich nur aus 1
Mein Lehrer mobbt mich ! 1
Mein Werkstattlehrer hat einen Hass auf mich ! 1
Meine Arbeitskollegen sind richtige Arschl?¶cher, sodass ich den spass an dem Beruf verloren habe.. 1
Meine Faulheit deprimiert mich zunehmend, obwohl die Schule sehr gute M?¶glichkeiten f??r mich bietet, mich weiterzuentwickeln, aber das geht nur mit guten Noten. Ohne eigene Lernmotivation geht dies nicht und es ist eigentlich sinnlos die Zeit 'abzusitz 1
Meine Firma ist ausbildungstechnisch nicht die beste 1
Meine Klassenlehrerin ist ein garstiges Biest und mein Sportlehrer ??bermotiviert 1
Meine Mutter ist krank und brauch mehr unterst??tzung. 1
Meister unsympathisch 1
Mich interessiert eine andere Ausbildung 1
Mir fehlt es an Motivation/Begeisterung. 1
Missverst?¤ndnisse im Betrieb 1
Mit einer Ausbildung h?¤tte ich mehr Berufserfahrung und h?¤tte meiner Meinung nach schon mehr erreicht. 1
Mobbimg auf Arbeit 1
Mobbing 1
Mobbing im Betrieb 1
Mobbing im vorherigen Ausbildungsbetrieb 1
Mobbing ovn Vorgesetzten 1
Mobbing von Arbeitskollegen 1
Mobbing von Kollegen 1
Mobbing weil Frau 1
Mokytoja labai sudetingai dësto profesijos programa ,da?niausiai labai sudëtingomis frazëmis kuriu neina suprasti. 1
Motivation 1
Motivationstechnisch 1
N?ra tam tikru darbo çrankiu 1
Negalvojiu 1
Negalvoju apie programos palikim± 1
Negalvoju palikti specialybes 1
Nein 1
Never?ia 1
Nicht das richtige f??r mich 1
Nicht viel Geld 1
Nimmt zuviel Zeit in anspruch. 1
No Ausbildus ike habeuns! Spastis xD Opfertest :D 1
Noreciau mokintis kyta programa 1
Norisi isbandyti ka nors labiau patinkancio sau 1
Oft zu langweilig, Lehrer unmotiviert 1
Pasiilgstu pie?imo pamok? dail?s gimnazijoje 1
Passt nicht wirklich zu mir 1
Planuoju isvaziuot i uzseni. 1
Pr?¤senzstudium Universit?¤t 1
Private Probleme 1
Problem im Betrieb 1
Problem mit Arbeitskollegen 1
Problem mit dem Ausbilder 1
Problem mit kollegen 1
Probleme AG 2
Probleme Betrieb 1
Probleme am Arbeitsplatz 1
Probleme auf der Arbeit 1
Probleme im Ausbildungsbetrieb 1
Probleme im Betrieb 2
Probleme im Betrieb selber 1
Probleme im Kollegium 1
Probleme in der Arbeitsstelle 1
Probleme in der Ausbildungsst?¤tte 1
Probleme in der Firma 3
Probleme in der Kanzlei 1
Probleme in der firma 1
Probleme mit Arbeitskollegen 3
Probleme mit Ausbilderin 1
Probleme mit CHef und Chefin 1
Probleme mit Chef 8
Probleme mit Chef/ Kolleginnen 1
Probleme mit Chefin/ Kollegen 1
Probleme mit Kollegen 3
Probleme mit Kollegin, alle zu viel verlangt von mir 1
Probleme mit Kolleginnen 1
Probleme mit Mitarbeitern 3
Probleme mit Vorgesetzten (mobbing) 1
Probleme mit dem Ausbilder 1
Probleme mit dem Ausbildungsbetrieb 1
Probleme mit dem Chef 3
Probleme mit dem Laden 1
Probleme mit dem Lehrbetrieb 1
Probleme mit dem Unterrichtsmaterial 1
Probleme mit den Arbeitskollegen, Ausbildungsplan wird nicht 'bearbeitet' 1
Probleme mit den Arbeitskollegen. Ein gutes Betriebsklima interessiert meine Vorgesetzten nicht ausreichend. 1
Probleme mit den Ausbildenden Personen (im Betrieb) 1
Probleme mit den Kollegen und mit der ganzen Arbeitssituation 1
Probleme mit den Vorgesetzten 1
Probleme mit den anderen Angestellten 1
Probleme mit der Chefin 1
Probleme mit der marktleiterin 1
Probleme mit einer Person in meiner ersten Abteilung 1
Probleme mit kolegen 1
Probleme mit kollegen und dem chef 1
Probleme mit manchen Arbeitskollegen 1
Probleme mit meinem Arbeitgeber 1
Probleme mit meinem Ausbilder 1
Probleme mit meinem Ausbilder. 1
Probleme mit meinen ehem Ausbildungsleiter 1
Probleme mit meiner Meisterrin 1
Probleme mti Kollegen, aber jetzt innerhalb des Betriebes geklärt 1
Prokurist ist unmenschlich! 1
Qualität der BS Mollard 1
Restaurantleiterin hintergeht Menschen( sie ist falsch) 1
Schlechte ??bernahme 1
Schlechte Arbeitszeiten 1
Schlechter Lehrbetrieb 1
Schlechter ausbildungsbetrieb 1
Schlechtes Klima 1
Schule 1
Schule ist zu schwer 1
Schule und ??BL sind oft 'asozial' auf Deutsch gesagt 1
Schule und Betrieb passen nicht zusammen 1
Schule zu weit weg 1
Schule/Studium 1
Schulinhalte teilweise zu schwierig. Zus?¤tzlich starkes Tempo. 1
Schwangerschaft 1
Schwierigkeiten im umgang mit Menschen 1
Sehnsucht nach den Freunden in der vorigen Schule 1
Sehr zeitintensiv mit Schule und Hausaufgaben 1
Sekina kelionës i? mokyklos ir ç mokykl? 1
Sekina kelionës á mokykla ir i? mokyklos. 1
Seniorchef nervt 1
Sprache 1
Starker Stress von Chef und Meister 1
Stress mit Kollegen 1
Stress mit einen Arbeitskollegen 1
Stress, Motivation l?¤sst nach 1
Stressig aber ertragbar. 1
Stressige arbeitskollegen 1
Strikes 1
Studium 2
Studium (evtl.) 1
Theoretische Probleme 1
Turiu balta korta 1
Um Abitur zu machen 1
Um einen anderen Weg einzuschlagen und doch noch zu meinem eigentlichen Traumberuf - ohne Umwege - zu kommen. 1
Um t?¤glich Autos zu waschen brauche ich keine Ausbildung !? 1
Umfang Arbeitszeiten 1
Umgang mit Auszubildenden mangelhaft 1
Unpassendes Verhalten meiner Kollegen 1
Unsicher ob es die richtige Wahl war 1
Unsicherheit darüber, wie mein zukünftiger Werdegang sein wird 1
Unstimmigkeiten mit dem Chef usw. 1
Unternehmensbedingt 1
Vater geworden 1
Vater und Sohn Betreib! Nicht immer einfach! 1
Vereinbarung Kind/Job; finanzieller Aspekt W?„HREND der Ausbildung 1
Verhaltensklima gegen??ber chef u Meister 1
Verkaufen verkaufen verkaufen 1
Verpflichtungen zuhause 1
Verstehe mich mit dem Vorgesetzen nicht gut 1
Verwarnungen (5) 1
Visada norejau tureti nuosava triratuka 1
Wegen der Praxis und der Probleme in der der Praxis. 1
Wegen mein emaligen chef 1
Wegen meinem Betrieb 1
Weil es nicht das richtige f??r mich ist 1
Weil jeder Chef es anders haben will und die sich selbst nicht einig sind 1
Weil mann Keine Finanzielle Verg??tung bekommt! 1
Wenig lernstoff in der Firma 1
Ziemlich viel Stre?? weniger Freizeit 1
Ziemlich viel stress mit dem Chef 1
Zu Langes arbeiten (7uhr bis 19 uhr) arbeiten wo nicht zum beruf geh?¶ren z.b Rasen M?¤hen, streichen 1
Zu hohe Entfernung (Wohnort Ausbildungsort), die Kosten daraus 1
Zu wenig Gehalt (RVA) 1
Zustände auf der Arbeit sind schlecht! 1
Zwischen Marktleiter und Azubi stimmt die Chemie gar nicht. 1
ab und zu hat man mal kein Bock mehr 1
ab und zu sehr viel zu lernen! 1
aber nur weil der Chef mich nicht gerecht behandelt 1
affenzirkus 1
aizrauj kaut kas cits, bet ?o programmu atstâju kâ pamatprofesiju 1
alles Bullshit !!!!!!!!! 1
alles langweilig 1
am anfang kamm alles auf einmal und was ich gemacht habe ,hab ich gedacht das ich alles falsch gemacht habe 1
ander muti 1
andere Berufsinteressen 1
andere Interessen entwickelt 1
andere Talente 1
andere Vorstellungen gehabt 1
anfangs zu stressig 1
anfängliche Schwierigkeiten 1
apkârtçjâ tauta ?oti ir domîga. Slikta matemâtikas skolotâja. 1
apnikums 1
apostasi 1
arbeiten die nicht berufsbezogen sind werden d??rchgef??hrt, sonntags arbeiten werden nicht bezahlt und keine ??berstunden werden gegeben und wird als arbeitserhaltendema??nahme geregelt 1
atrodas tâlu no mâjâm 1
atsibosta vazineti 1
auch andere Ausbildungen wären sehr interessant 1
aus Kollegialengründen 1
bad teachers, they dont know their subjects 1
bei der Ausbildung verdient man zu wenig! 1
bekomme zu wenig geld w?¤hrend der ausbildung 1
berufschule is da gr?¶??te schei?? 1
betrib 1
betrieb is unprofessionell 1
betrieb ist nicht gut 1
betriebliche Gründe 1
bija un varb?t ir ?oti pievilcîga alternatîva 1
bin in einer Tochter Firma!! 1
bin zu lange an dieser schule 1
bislang waren die Ausbilder Psychopathen und wollten einem nicht beibringen (nur niedrige Arbeiten erledigen lassen) 1
bl?¶de gesllen 1
brauk?ana uz ârzemçm 1
bumsen 1
chef 1
chef macht probleme 1
cheffin -.- 1
cia mokaus,kad uzbaigt 12 klasiu programa manes visiskai nedomina 1
da etwas anderes mich vielleicht mehr interessiert 1
da?reiz ilgojos pçc mâjâm 1
da?âm mâcîbu stundâm 1
darba piedâvâjumus ârzemçs 1
darbs 1
daudz jâdara pa?mâcîbas ce?â 1
daudzi priek?meti nav piemçroti ?ai programmai 1
demotivierende Chefs 1
den antexei 1
den einai toso apodotiko oso pisteue.. 1
den tha afiso to programma 1
der Ausbildungsplatz stellt zu hohe Erwartungen 1
der Lehrmeister ist sehr unqualifiziert 1
der lehrnstoff ist zu schwer 1
der schulweg ist sehr weit 2
die Anw?¤lte sind zu launisch und haben an allem was auszusetzen 1
die Arbeitszeiten sind zu lang 1
die Ausbildung nutzt einen nur aus 1
die FALSCHE Ausbildung 1
die Firma 1
die Lehrer beonten nach Sympathie und sind somit nicht objektiv. 1
die ausbildung kann manchmal zu stressig werden 1
dienesta viesnîca 1
dienesta viesnîca nav labâ stâvoklî 1
distance reasons 1
dolgo?asen 2
domiuosi kita sritimi,negu esama programa.Esu menink?, o ne verslinink?. 1
domâju, ka ir citas interesantâkas programmas 1
doties uz ârzemçm 1
durch komplette Umstellung, da ich ein Junge bin 1
dçl drauga gribas pamest programmu un iet mâcîties tuvâk vi?am 1
economic reasons 1
ein neuer Beruf, der mich interessiert 1
einzelne Konflikte mit den Kollegen 1
es findet kaum ordentlicher Unterricht statt 1
es gibt keine Grund 1
es gibt probleme mit einer kollegin bei der arbeit 1
es gäbe eine kürzere Variante 1
es interessiert mich einfach nicht mehr. 1
es ist gro??teils fad 1
es ist keine Teamfähigkeit in meiner Praxis vorhanden 1
es passt nicht zu mir 1
es wird zu viel erwartet 1
esu labai talentingas 1
eventueller Umzug 1
evt. Chefin 1
f??hle mich unwohl in dem betrieb 1
falls ich sitzen bleiben sollte, will ich noch mal wiederholen 1
falscher betrieb 1
finanses 1
finanziell Benzingeld 1
finanzielle Gr??nde 1
finanzielle Gründe, nebenbei arbeiten ist begrenzt, wegen Zeit 1
fixe Lehrstelle 1
freizeit 1
früh aufstehen 1
galimybe po 12 klasi? stoti ç auk?t±j± mokykl± 1
gar nicht 1
genitalien verkleinerung 1
gr?ti apvienot ar darbu 1
gr?tîbas ar zinâ?anâm vairâkos priek?metos 1
gribu strâdât 1
gribçju mâcîties citu profesiju 1
gribçtu pastiprinâtas mâcîbas matemâtika, fizika 1
gute weiterbildungsm?¶glichkeiten, doch zu wehnig gehalt...ben?¶tige seminare und kann sie nicht bezahlen...wird in der zukunft finanziell schlecht aussehen 1
h?¤tte lieber direkt studieren sollen 1
hab Angst meine Ausbildung nicht zu schaffen. 1
habe einen Ausbildungsplatz in einem Betrieb bekommen 1
hohe berufliche Belastung 1
hoher Zeitaufwand, da lernbegleitend 1
hosen 1
ich bin dumm 1
ich dachte ich k?¶nnte den anforderungen in bezug auf schulischen kenntnissen die f??r die pr??fung ben?¶tigt werden nicht gerecht werden 1
ich denke immer, dass ich es nicht schaffen würde 1
ich f??hle mich dabei nicht wohl 1
ich h?¤tte doch lieber erst das abitur gemacht 1
ich habe 3Mal den betrieb gewechselt 1
ich habe mir die Ausbildung interessanter vorgestellt 1
ich habe probleme mit Arbeitskollegen 1
ich habe probleme mit arbeitskollegen 1
ich kan mich nicht so entfalten wie ich es will 1
ich komm mit meinen chefs nicht klar 1
ich komme mit ein paar arbeitskollen nicht so gut klar 1
ich lerne nicht genug 1
ich lerne zu wenig im Betrieb 1
ich m?¶chte eher etwas praktisches erlernen 1
ich mit den ausbildern im salon nicht zurecht komme. ausbildung im ??bertragenensinne gleich null 1
ich möchte gar nicht abbrechen 1
ich nixe ausbildung 1
ich verstehe alle Ausbildungsinhalte aber es ist zu viel und dadurch zu stressig 1
ich werde in jeder Hinsicht ausgenommen 1
ich werde sowieso studieren 1
ich will jetzt Geld 1
ich will nicht abbrechen 2
ich wollte meine ausbildung nie abbrechen 1
iespçja braukt uz ârzemçm 1
iespçjama pârvâk?anâs uz citu valsti 1
ir gr?ti mâcîties to ko Tu neizvçlies, bet citu iespçju nav. 1
ir gr?tîbas ar da?iem mâcîbu priek?metiem 1
ir gr?tîbas ar da?iem priek?metiem 1
ir kas cits, kas tomçr interesç vairâk 1
ir problçmas ar apmaksu 1
ir problçmas ar vecâko kursu meitençm 1
ir programmas kuras nepiecie?amâkas un aktuâlâkas darba tirg? 1
ist nicht mein Traumberuf 1
ist nicht sehr abwechslungsreich 1
ist sehr weit weg von zu hause :( 1
jokios priezastys nevercia palikti 1
jâiet strâdât 1
kA 1
kein Geld 1
kein Interesse 1
kein bock auf lernen 1
kein bock den ganzen tag zu hockn 1
kein gutes Verhältnis zu Chefin und Kollegen 1
keine 1
keine Gr??nde 1
keine Mädchen 1
keine anforderungen in allen Bereichen!!! 1
keine faire Behandlung 1
keinen Bock 1
kenkia sveikatai 1
klase galetu buti geresne,daug draugiskesne 1
klases biedri 1
klases biedri, krievi 1
klasesbiedru dç? gr?ti mâcîties 1
kolektyvas nera labai geras 1
komm mit den anderen sch??lern nicht klar sie moppen mich pausen los will nicht mehr kann nicht mehr 1
krîze 1
kursa biedru kaitinâ?ana 1
kâdu laiku bija apnicis mâcîties 1
la la la 1
laba 1
labai ma?ai praktinio darbo 1
labas iespejas citâ valstî 1
lack of another technical school in my region 1
lack of time 1
laika tr?kums,kad jâveic darbi 1
leistungssport 1
likâs ka nevare?u beigt skolu, slikts garastâvoklis ari 1
luck of teachers 1
luck of time 1
m?¶chte nun einen anderen Job nach der Schule machen 1
ma?os perspektyvos toliau ástoti mokytis mano specialybës 1
man ?ajâ skolâ apmierina pilnîgi viss 1
man ist der arsch des betriebes 1
man ji visiskai tinka 1
man patinka si progtama 1
man patîk ?î programma 1
man sâk kaitinât kopmît?u ber?ana 1
man wird nicht "ausgebildet" sondern "arbeitet" nur 1
man wird nicht ernst genommen und wahrscheinlich keine ??bernahme -.- 1
manche sitzen nur rum und bekommen das doppelte Gehalt w?¤hrend ich mich totarbeite und nix krieg 1
manchmal ist es schwierig und zweifel kommen auf ob man es schafft 1
manchmal keine lust mehr gehabt 1
manchmal wegen Arbeitszeiten 1
manchmal überfordert (Kind u. Schule) 1
mane viska tenkina 1
manes nevercia niekas galvoti apie programos palikima 1
mano mieste n?ra pakankamai didelis specialybi? asortimentas 1
many years 1
matemâtika 1
matemâtika, kura man nekad neb?s vajadzîga, piebâ?vienu vârdu sakot galvu ar nevajadzîgâm lietâm, kâ arî vçsture, kura ir 100 reizes pârrakstîta un es zinu, ka tâ nav patiesa 1
mein Chef ist unmenschlich 1
mein betrieb ist beschissen 1
mein sitznachbar spukt mir in mein pausenbrot, und die anderen moppen mich ohne pause. 1
mit der Chefin Probleme 1
mit der Fachhoschulreife h?¤tte ich ebensogute chancen gahabt. Jodoch werde ich letztendlich den Abschliss der 13. Klasse zu erreichen, weil ich mir ??ber mein Berufliches Ziel noch nicht sicher im klaren bin. 1
mit mein gesch?¤ftsf??hrer komme ich net so gut klar 1
mobbing auf der arbeit 1
mokausi, del vidurinio issilavinimo 1
moky?iausi normalioje vidurin?je mokykloje 1
mokytoja durna ekonomikos 1
monotone Arbeit 1
more hours of practice 1
my job does not allow 3
mögliche Lehre 1
n?ra 1
naudas tr?kumi 1
nav 1
nav interesanti, tr?kst visâdi pasâkumi, sports un meitenes 1
nav meite?u 1
nava 1
ne da se mi toliko delat 1
ne dobim prakti?nega znanja 1
ne man atimesne kita parofesija 1
ne mano pasaukimas 1
ne morem ve? na gimnazijo 1
neapmierina dienesta viesnîcas apstak?i 1
neapmierina skolotâju attieksme 1
neatitinka mokimosi laikas 1
neenakovrednost med u?enci 1
neesmu îsti piemçrota programmai. Neatbilst manam nâkotnes biznesa plâna îsteno?anai. 1
negalvoju apie tai 1
nekila man tokiu minciu 1
nekâdi iemesli 1
nelabai ka mokina 1
nenumanau 1
nepaliksiu 1
nepatîk 1
nepatîk citi priek?meti 1
nepatîk vadîba,sistçma,pasâkumi 1
nepietiek lîdzek?i 1
nepotrebni predmeti 1
nera 1
nera mokytoju kurie tai moka 1
nervig 1
netiku lîdzi pârçjiem 1
never?ia 1
neydomus juodadarbiu darbas be pinigu 1
nezinu vai visu laiku vçlos strâdât ?ajâ programmâ, vai ?î programma paredzçta man 1
ni dovolj svobode pri ustvarjanju 1
nicht genug Arbeitsauftr?¤ge, die man durchl?¤uft 1
nicht kreativ 1
nicht schnell genug eingelebt 1
nicht umbedingt der beruf den ich mein ganzes leben machen will. 1
noriu isvykti kuo toliau is sios salies 1
nur saubermachen,immer unbezahlte ??berstunden 1
ob?asno zaradi u?enja 1
ocene 2
oddaljenost od šole 1
odnos u?iteljev do dijakov je nespoštljiv 1
oft ungerechte behandlung der chefs 1
oft zu anstrengend 1
oikonomikoi 1
otrajâ gadâ sajutu aicinâjumu, krasi at?íirîgu programmu 1
par maz brîvdienu 1
parcel?anâ? uz citu valsti 1
partiell zu stressig 1
parâdîjâs vçlme nodarboties ar citu interesantâku un perspektîvaku darbu 1
pasirinkau ?i± program± ,nes toji ç kuri± nor?jau eiti buvo tik po 12klasi? 1
per daug laiko uzima 1
personal reasons 1
personîgi iemesli 1
persönliche Probleme 1
posvetil bi se športni karieri 1
praktische Ausbildung zu gering, keine Zeit der Auszubildenden 1
prehitro gre naprej in premalo razlage 1
premalo strokovnega znanja dolo?enih u?iteljev 1
private gr??nde, denkweise....schon etwas ?¤lter 1
probleme 1
probleme mit Chefin 1
probleme mit alten chef 1
probleme mit dem chef 2
probleme mit dem chef (mobbing) 1
probleme mit der Chefin 1
probleme mit kollegen 1
probleme mit kollegen; arbeitszeiten 1
probleme mit meinen arbeitskollegen 1
problçmas izbraukât uz skolu 1
profesijas mai?a 1
profesorji ne znajo razlagat (aranžerstvo-še vedno ni? ne vem o tem pojmu) 1
program me sploh ne veseli! Ne zanima! 1
program ni tak, kot sem pri?akovala 1
program sem si druga?e predstavljala 1
program zahteva visoko tehnologijo in posledi?no tudi zelo drage programe in opremo 1
programma îsti nesaista 1
programmâ pârâk daudz darbu vienlaicîgi 1
psychische Probleme 1
pârâk izstiepta varçja saîsinât lîdz 3.gadiem 1
pârâk lielas izmaksas 2
pârâk tâlu no mâjâm 1
pârâk tâlu no mâjâm, dârgs ce?? 1
reizçm nesanâk nekas 1
salîdzino?i sare??ita, bet mâca bezjçdzîgas lietas, kas reâli netiek pielietotas un programma pati par sevi ir novecojusi 1
scheis Lehrer 1
schlechtes Arbeitsklima 1
schlechtes Betriebsklima 1
schlechtes arbeitverh?¤ltnis 1
schulnoten 1
schwierigkeiten in der schule. 1
schwul 1
sehr lange Arbeitszeit 1
seit der Ausbildung gesundheitliche Probleme wegen der Ausbildung 1
si programa normali 1
skola kâ stroika 1
skolas vadîba 1
skolotaju attieksme 1
skolotâji un kojâs problçmas 1
slabe ocene 1
slabi u?itelji stroke 1
slikta apmâcîba vidusskolas priek?metos 1
slikts garastâvoklis 1
slinkums 2
sports 1
st?¤ndig alleine, manchmal ??berfordert!! 1
steht noch nicht fest, ob ich ins zweite Jahr komme 1
stinklangweilig 1
stipendija 1
stojau i pardevejas o sdabar turiu buti prekybos vadybininke 1
stosiu y muzikos koncervatorija 1
stress mit mitarbeitern... 1
stundas ilgst ilgi un reti 1
sunki materialine padetis 1
sunku ç j± susikoncentruoti 1
sâk apnikt 1
teachers are not well educated 1
teachers do not have interest for their lessons 1
teilweise sehr hohe anforderungen 1
teilweise stress mit dem chef 1
teilweises Desintresse 1
the distance 1
the school is far away from my house 1
time pressure 2
truksta idomesniu pamoku 1
tâlu no dzîvesvietas 1
tâpat turpina?u; man vienkâr?i neizdodas tas ko daru, jo es pati pietiekami daudz ar sevi nestrâdâju! 1
um feld der arbeit 1
unglaublich eint?¶nig/langweilig 1
uninteressant 1
unkoordinierte Firma 1
unmenschlicher umgang beleidigung, erniedrigung 1
unmotivierte Lehrer 1
uzsienis bet kolkas neglaiu isvykti 1
v?asih dobim 1 in me zgrabi panika. 1
vajag tâlu braukt 1
valodas problçmas 1
varb?t nevajadzçja izvçlçties profesionâlu izglîtîbu. 1
veliko ur 1
veraltete Uterrichtsmethoden 1
viel Druck in der Firma 1
viel drecksarbeit 1
viel zum Lernen 1
viele verabscheuen den beruf und lassen beligge spr??che fallen 1
vielleicht wäre etwas anderes besser gewesen 1
vienkâr?i uznâk besis 1
we have problems with our school building and we do not learn what we have to learn 1
wegen ??berweisung vom geld 1
wegen Arbeitsstelle 1
wegen Firma 1
wegen Lehrbetrieb 1
wegen den Arbeitskollegen 1
wegen den Arbeitszeiten 1
wegen des Betriebes und der Chefität 1
weil friesure einfach ausgen??tzt werden von koleginen und chef.... 1
weil ich andere vorstellungen habe 1
weil ich gerne schon mein eigenes Geld verdienen w??rde 1
weit vom Wohnort entfernt 1
wen ich zu viel ficke tut der arsch weh 1
will ich gar nicht? 1
wir werden sehr stark ??berfordert habe auch sehr oft mal mit meiner cheffin gehabt, z.B st?¤ndiges durarbeiten, nach der karnkenschein 1 woche durscharbeiten als strafe das mann krank war indem sinne!!! 1
wird zu wenig angesehen 1
wiskas ok 1
wollte selbst Geld verdienen 1
working reasons 1
wünschenswert wäre eine bessere Schule 1
zanimajo me še druge stvari 1
zaradi denarja 1
zastarel program 1
zems lîmenis (vivusskolâ) 1
zu anstrengende kunden 1
zu gro??e Entfernung von der Heimat 1
zu hart f??rs ganze leben 1
zu lange Arbeitszeiten (08:30 - 19:00) 1
zu lange Ausbildung 1
zu lange arbeitszeiten im betrieb (55 stunden ) in der woche 1
zu montone Arbeiten und Berufsschule ist f??r einen Abiturienten ??berhaupt nicht f?¶rderlich, da man meistens rumgammelt, da das Wissen, welches vermittelt wird,bis auf die berufsspezifischen Sachen zu 80% bereits am Gymnasium gelehrt worden ist. 1
zu schlechten nc f??r traumberuf 1
zu unfreundliche kollege 1
zu viel Arbeit, nur 1 Tag die Woche frei, Arbeitskollegen lassen ihre schlechte Laune an mir aus 1
zu viel Stress 1
zu viel stress 1
zu viel stress zu lange arbeiten 1
zu viel theoretischer Lernstoff 1
zu viele Stunden in der woche, die Lehrerinnen verlangen zu viel 1
zu viele Unterrichtsstunden 1
zu wenig Disziplin 1
zu wenig Freizeit 2
zu wenig Freizeit im Beruf 1
zu wenig Gehalt 1
zu wenig Geld 2
zu wenig Geld in den Ausbildungsjahren 1
zu wenig Kontakt mit anderen Menschen 1
zu wenig Lohn 1
zu wenig Praxis 1
zu wenig Verdienst 1
zu wenig bezahlt 1
zu wenig lehrgeld. komme nicht mit jedem ausbilder klar 1
zur wenig Freizeit 1
zurück zum Bund 1
zuviel r?¤derwechsel fast nur r?¤derwechsel im betrieb und immer nur die lehrlinge . Gesellen machen fast keine r?¤der bei uns im betrieb. 1
zuviele klassenkameraden 37!!!! 1
zwischenmenschl. Probleme mit dem ersten Ausbilder 1
Ä?í ??Ü?÷??í ??ëëÝ? ?Ýó?é? ???áóßá? ?éá á?ôü ô? ??ü??á??á 1
Überstunden 2
Überstunden (wenig Freizeit, Arbeitskollegen lästern über andere und diese auch) 1
Überstunden mit Kind! 1
Überstunden, eine hohe Flexibilität wird nicht gedankt 1
še drugi interesi 1
šport 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon

b9_130 Breaking off: Other:please tell us (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Other:please tell us (not asked in UK)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

b9_131 Breaking off: Other:please tell us (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Other:please tell us (not asked in UK)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

b9_132 Breaking off: Other:please tell us (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Other:please tell us (not asked in UK)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

C1a_1a What was your grade in maths in the last school year of your current programme? Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1a. What was your grade in the following subjects in the last school year of your current programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details)

Vrednost 106585 Frekvenca
1 784
2 1523
3 1646
4 2891
5 1605
6 954
7 596
8 363
9 160
10 167
11 148
12 205
13 180
14 218
15 194
16 165
17 136
18 106
19 61
20 58
-88 not answered 934
-77 not applicable 4533
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
12160 5467

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 20

C1a_1b What was your grade in maths in the last school year of your current programme? Wasn't taught Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1a. What was your grade in the following subjects in the last school year of your current programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) Wasn't taught

Vrednost 107584 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 12160
1 Quoted 3013
-88 not answered 934
-77 not applicable 1520
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
15173 2454

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

C1a_1a_1 Current grade: math pass_current Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1a. What was your grade in the following subjects in the last school year of your current programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) math pass_current

Vrednost 108583 Frekvenca
0 fail 407
1 pass 11753
-88 not answered 934
-77 not applicable 4533
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
12160 5467

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

C1a_1a_2 Current grade: math_comparable_current Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1a. What was your grade in the following subjects in the last school year of your current programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) math_comparable_current

Vrednost 109582 Frekvenca
1 1020
2 2294
3 3904
4 4535
5 388
6 19
-88 not answered 934
-77 not applicable 4533
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
12160 5467

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C1a_2a What was your grade in your native language in the last school year of your current programme? Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1a. What was your grade in the following subjects in the last school year of your current programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details)

Vrednost 110581 Frekvenca
1 1040
2 2075
3 2138
4 1905
5 1532
6 1416
7 938
8 456
9 134
10 105
11 108
12 176
13 189
14 212
15 270
16 209
17 172
18 124
19 60
20 57
-88 not answered 929
-77 not applicable 3382
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
13316 4311

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 20

C1a_2b What was your grade in your native language in the last school year of your current programme? Wasn't taught Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1a. What was your grade in the following subjects in the last school year of your current programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) Wasn't taught

Vrednost 111580 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 13316
1 Quoted 1825
-88 not answered 929
-77 not applicable 1557
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
15141 2486

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

C1a_2a_1 Current grade: native language pass_current Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1a. What was your grade in the following subjects in the last school year of your current programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) native language pass_current

Vrednost 112579 Frekvenca
0 fail 170
1 pass 13146
-88 not answered 929
-77 not applicable 3382
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
13316 4311

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

C1a_2a_2 Current grade: native language_comparable_current Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1a. What was your grade in the following subjects in the last school year of your current programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) native language_comparable_current

Vrednost 113578 Frekvenca
1 1260
2 3340
3 5321
4 3225
5 154
6 16
-88 not answered 929
-77 not applicable 3382
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
13316 4311

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C1a_3a What was your grade in your first foreign language in the last school year of your current programme? Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1a. What was your grade in the following subjects in the last school year of your current programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details)

Vrednost 114577 Frekvenca
1 979
2 1746
3 1804
4 1817
5 1319
6 1271
7 993
8 668
9 298
10 141
11 70
12 115
13 102
14 141
15 183
16 171
17 170
18 222
19 184
20 204
-88 not answered 1012
-77 not applicable 4017
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
12598 5029

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 20

C1a_3b What was your grade in your first foreign language in the last school year of your current programme? Wasn't taught Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1a. What was your grade in the following subjects in the last school year of your current programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) Wasn't taught

Vrednost 115576 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 12598
1 Quoted 2464
-88 not answered 1012
-77 not applicable 1553
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
15062 2565

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

C1a_3a_1 Current grade: first foreign language pass_current Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1a. What was your grade in the following subjects in the last school year of your current programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) first foreign language pass_current

Vrednost 116575 Frekvenca
0 fail 220
1 pass 12378
-88 not answered 1012
-77 not applicable 4017
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
12598 5029

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

C1a_3a_2 Current grade: first foreign language_comparable_current Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1a. What was your grade in the following subjects in the last school year of your current programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) first foreign language_comparable_current

Vrednost 117574 Frekvenca
1 1554
2 3204
3 4574
4 3046
5 197
6 23
-88 not answered 1012
-77 not applicable 4017
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
12598 5029

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C1b What was your average final grade on your last report / school year in your current programme? Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details) (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1b. What was your average final grade on your last report /school year in your current programme? (Please write your average grade in the space below)

Vrednost 118573 Frekvenca
1 681
2 2425
3 2612
4 780
5 790
6 1567
7 1583
8 707
9 216
10 109
11 98
12 169
13 203
14 270
15 300
16 243
17 175
18 134
19 65
20 24
-88 not answered 1848
-77 not applicable 2628
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
13151 4476

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 20

C1b_int1 Current grades: overall pass_current (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1b. What was your average final grade on your last report /school year in your current programme? (Please write your average grade in the space below) overall pass_current (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 119572 Frekvenca
0 fail 75
1 pass 13076
-88 not answered 1848
-77 not applicable 2628
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
13151 4476

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

C1b_int2 Current grades: overall_comparable_current (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1b. What was your average final grade on your last report /school year in your current programme? (Please write your average grade in the space below) overall_comparable_current (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 120571 Frekvenca
1 886
2 4131
3 6686
4 1373
5 62
6 13
-88 not answered 1848
-77 not applicable 2628
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
13151 4476

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C1c How would you rate this final grade in comparison to other pupils in your class? Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1c. How would you rate this final grade in comparison to other pupils in your class? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 121570 Frekvenca
1 Way below average 437
2 Below average 1372
3 Average 7560
4 Above average 4523
5 Way above average 1382
-88 not answered 1006
-77 not applicable 1347
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
15274 2353

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

C2_1 Study behaviour: I strive for the highest possible marks. Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C2. To what extent do you agree with the following characteristics that apply to your study behaviour? (Please tick only one box in each row) I strive for the highest possible marks.

Vrednost 122569 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 1117
2 Slightly 2671
3 Fairly 5149
4 Quite 5056
5 Completely 3402
-88 not answered 232
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17395 232

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

C2_2 Study behaviour: It is important for me to fully understand what I have to do/learn. Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C2. To what extent do you agree with the following characteristics that apply to your study behaviour? (Please tick only one box in each row) It is important for me to fully understand what I have to do/learn.

Vrednost 123568 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 380
2 Slightly 1730
3 Fairly 4549
4 Quite 5920
5 Completely 4790
-88 not answered 258
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17369 258

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

C2_3 Study behaviour: I want to make a good impression on my teachers by achieving good grades. Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C2. To what extent do you agree with the following characteristics that apply to your study behaviour? (Please tick only one box in each row) I want to make a good impression on my teachers by achieving good grades.

Vrednost 124567 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 2629
2 Slightly 3532
3 Fairly 5002
4 Quite 3839
5 Completely 2363
-88 not answered 262
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17365 262

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

C2_4 Study behaviour: I want to make a good impression on potential employers by achieving good grades. Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C2. To what extent do you agree with the following characteristics that apply to your study behaviour? (Please tick only one box in each row) I want to make a good impression on potential employers by achieving good grades.

Vrednost 125566 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 1283
2 Slightly 2008
3 Fairly 3749
4 Quite 5250
5 Completely 5071
-88 not answered 266
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17361 266

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

C2_5 Study behaviour: I want to keep up with my fellow pupils. Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C2. To what extent do you agree with the following characteristics that apply to your study behaviour? (Please tick only one box in each row) I want to keep up with my fellow pupils.

Vrednost 126565 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 2691
2 Slightly 3110
3 Fairly 4667
4 Quite 4274
5 Completely 2637
-88 not answered 248
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17379 248

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

C2_6 Study behaviour: I enjoy learning. Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C2. To what extent do you agree with the following characteristics that apply to your study behaviour? (Please tick only one box in each row) I enjoy learning.

Vrednost 127564 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 3747
2 Slightly 4535
3 Fairly 5103
4 Quite 2553
5 Completely 1424
-88 not answered 265
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17362 265

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

C2_7 Study behaviour: I am interested in practical subjects. Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C2. To what extent do you agree with the following characteristics that apply to your study behaviour? (Please tick only one box in each row) I am interested in practical subjects.

Vrednost 128563 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 611
2 Slightly 1573
3 Fairly 3918
4 Quite 5421
5 Completely 5873
-88 not answered 231
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17396 231

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

C2_8 Study behaviour: I am interested in general subjects (e.g. maths, foreign language) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C2. To what extent do you agree with the following characteristics that apply to your study behaviour? (Please tick only one box in each row) I am interested in general subjects (e.g. maths, foreign language)

Vrednost 129562 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 2572
2 Slightly 4649
3 Fairly 5834
4 Quite 2999
5 Completely 1316
-88 not answered 257
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17370 257

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

C3 How would you rate the amount of practical training within your programme? Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C3. How would you rate the amount of practical training within your programme? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 130561 Frekvenca
1 Poor 1058
2 Fair 2366
3 Average 5392
4 Good 7100
5 Excellent 1543
-88 not answered 168
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17459 168

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

C4 All in all, how much time in the average school week do you study outside school (e.g. homework or preparation for school)? Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C4. All in all, how much time in the average school week do you study outside school (e.g. homework or preparation for school)? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 131560 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 3687
2 Up to two hours 6585
3 Up to four hours 3705
4 Up to eight hours 2164
5 Up to twelve hours 720
6 Up to sixteen hours 269
7 More than sixteen hours 297
-88 not answered 200
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17427 200

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

C5_1 Average day: Spending time with friends or peers (e.g. socialising) (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C5. How much time on an average day do you usually spend doing the following things? If you don’t do certain things daily, please estimate how much time it is if you distribute on each day. (Please tick only one box in each row) Spending time with friends or peers (e.g. socialising)

Vrednost 132559 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 1010
2 Up to one hour 2216
3 One hour until up to two hours 2810
4 Two hours until up to three hours 2885
5 Three hours until up to four hours 2143
6 Four hours or more 5291
-88 not answered 279
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16355 1272

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C5_2 Average day: Reading books (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C5. How much time on an average day do you usually spend doing the following things? If you don’t do certain things daily, please estimate how much time it is if you distribute on each day. (Please tick only one box in each row) Reading books (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 133558 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 8082
2 Up to one hour 5009
3 One hour until up to two hours 1824
4 Two hours until up to three hours 754
5 Three hours until up to four hours 336
6 Four hours or more 315
-88 not answered 314
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16320 1307

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C5_3 Average day: Watching television (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C5. How much time on an average day do you usually spend doing the following things? If you don’t do certain things daily, please estimate how much time it is if you distribute on each day. (Please tick only one box in each row) Watching television (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 134557 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 1995
2 Up to one hour 4112
3 One hour until up to two hours 4324
4 Two hours until up to three hours 2920
5 Three hours until up to four hours 1408
6 Four hours or more 1561
-88 not answered 314
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16320 1307

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C5_4 Average day: Undertaking paid work (not related to your programme) (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C5. How much time on an average day do you usually spend doing the following things? If you don’t do certain things daily, please estimate how much time it is if you distribute on each day. (Please tick only one box in each row) Undertaking paid work (not related to your programme) (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 135556 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 9660
2 Up to one hour 1720
3 One hour until up to two hours 1237
4 Two hours until up to three hours 1067
5 Three hours until up to four hours 704
6 Four hours or more 1873
-88 not answered 373
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16261 1366

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C5_5 Average day: Exercising (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C5. How much time on an average day do you usually spend doing the following things? If you don’t do certain things daily, please estimate how much time it is if you distribute on each day. (Please tick only one box in each row) Exercising (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 136555 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 3604
2 Up to one hour 5289
3 One hour until up to two hours 3521
4 Two hours until up to three hours 1931
5 Three hours until up to four hours 926
6 Four hours or more 1098
-88 not answered 265
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16369 1258

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C5_6 Average day: Social networking (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C5. How much time on an average day do you usually spend doing the following things? If you don’t do certain things daily, please estimate how much time it is if you distribute on each day. (Please tick only one box in each row) Social networking (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 137554 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 2617
2 Up to one hour 5376
3 One hour until up to two hours 3283
4 Two hours until up to three hours 2014
5 Three hours until up to four hours 1227
6 Four hours or more 1853
-88 not answered 264
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16370 1257

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C5_7 Average day: Surfing the Internet (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C5. How much time on an average day do you usually spend doing the following things? If you don’t do certain things daily, please estimate how much time it is if you distribute on each day. (Please tick only one box in each row) Surfing the Internet (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 138553 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 2162
2 Up to one hour 5582
3 One hour until up to two hours 3417
4 Two hours until up to three hours 2132
5 Three hours until up to four hours 1261
6 Four hours or more 1801
-88 not answered 279
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16355 1272

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C5_8 Average day: Playing computer games (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C5. How much time on an average day do you usually spend doing the following things? If you don’t do certain things daily, please estimate how much time it is if you distribute on each day. (Please tick only one box in each row) Playing computer games (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 139552 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 8699
2 Up to one hour 3150
3 One hour until up to two hours 1744
4 Two hours until up to three hours 1118
5 Three hours until up to four hours 600
6 Four hours or more 998
-88 not answered 325
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16309 1318

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C5_9 Average day: Undertaking voluntary work (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C5. How much time on an average day do you usually spend doing the following things? If you don’t do certain things daily, please estimate how much time it is if you distribute on each day. (Please tick only one box in each row) Undertaking voluntary work (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 140551 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 12015
2 Up to one hour 2066
3 One hour until up to two hours 1020
4 Two hours until up to three hours 608
5 Three hours until up to four hours 295
6 Four hours or more 337
-88 not answered 293
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16341 1286

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C5_10 Average day: Doing something creative (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C5. How much time on an average day do you usually spend doing the following things? If you don’t do certain things daily, please estimate how much time it is if you distribute on each day. (Please tick only one box in each row) Doing something creative (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 141550 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 9389
2 Up to one hour 3360
3 One hour until up to two hours 1643
4 Two hours until up to three hours 935
5 Three hours until up to four hours 485
6 Four hours or more 562
-88 not answered 260
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16374 1253

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C5_11 Average day: Caring for someone else (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C5. How much time on an average day do you usually spend doing the following things? If you don’t do certain things daily, please estimate how much time it is if you distribute on each day. (Please tick only one box in each row) Caring for someone else (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 142549 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 9366
2 Up to one hour 3081
3 One hour until up to two hours 1596
4 Two hours until up to three hours 863
5 Three hours until up to four hours 509
6 Four hours or more 916
-88 not answered 303
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16331 1296

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C5_12 Average day: To commute from home to school (and back) (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C5. How much time on an average day do you usually spend doing the following things? If you don’t do certain things daily, please estimate how much time it is if you distribute on each day. (Please tick only one box in each row) To commute from home to school (and back) (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 143548 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 2601
2 Up to one hour 7884
3 One hour until up to two hours 3510
4 Two hours until up to three hours 1153
5 Three hours until up to four hours 507
6 Four hours or more 718
-88 not answered 261
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16373 1254

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C6a The following questions are about paid work that is not part of your programme. Have you worked for payment during the last year outside your programme (e.g. work that is not part of the completion of the programme)? Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C6a. The following questions are about paid work that is not part of your programme. Have you worked for payment during the last year outside your programme (e.g. work that is not part of the completion of the programme)? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 144547 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Yes, I work regularly. 3729
2 Yes, but I only work during the holidays. 4522
3 No 9079
-88 not answered 297
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17330 297

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 3

C6b_1 On average, how many hours per week do you work (during school year)? Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C6b. On average, how many hours per week do you work (during school year)? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 145546 Frekvenca
0.5 1
1 46
1.5 7
2 132
2.5 3
3 92
3.5 3
4 159
4.5 5
5 156
5.5 1
5.7 1
6 137
6.5 2
7 62
7.5 3
8 220
8.5 3
9 54
9.5 1
10 253
11 25
12 125
12.5 2
13 13
14 39
15 107
15.5 1
16 121
17 6
17.5 2
18 43
19 9
20 198
21 12
22 8
23 7
24 65
25 66
26 7
27 5
28 19
30 111
31 1
32 34
33 3
34 7
35 69
36 29
36.5 1
37 13
37.5 6
38 38
38.5 41
39 25
39.5 1
40 345
40.5 1
41 6
42 22
42.5 1
43 10
44 6
45 57
46 8
47 1
48 39
49 3
50 68
51 3
52 3
52.5 3
53 1
54 4
55 19
56 13
57 1
58 2
60 30
62 1
64 1
65 2
66 1
67 1
70 6
72 1
75 1
79 1
80 3
-88 not answered 989
-77 not applicable 13374
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
3264 14363

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0.5 do 80

C6b_2 I work more during the holidays. Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C6b. On average, how many hours per week do you work (during school year)? (Please tick only one box) I work more during the holidays.

Vrednost 146545 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 1880
1 Quoted 1007
-88 not answered 230
-77 not applicable 14510
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2887 14740

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

C6c Are the tasks of this work similar to those you undertake during your programme? (not asked in Aus and Ger) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C6c. Are the tasks of this work similar to those you undertake during your programme? (not asked in Aus and Ger) (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 147544 Frekvenca
1 Yes, most of them 1297
2 Yes, a few of them 2228
3 No 2417
-88 not answered 539
-77 not applicable 11146
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5942 11685

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

D1_1 Goals: Obtaining solid occupational proficiencies Section D: About yourself and your career

D1. How far do you agree with following statements concerning your professional and life goals? (Please tick one box in each row) I strive towards ... Obtaining solid occupational proficiencies

Vrednost 148543 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 666
2 Slightly 1624
3 Fairly 4710
4 Quite 5688
5 Completely 4642
-88 not answered 297
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17330 297

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D1_2 Goals: Receiving a high income Section D: About yourself and your career

D1. How far do you agree with following statements concerning your professional and life goals? (Please tick one box in each row) I strive towards ... Receiving a high income

Vrednost 149542 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 511
2 Slightly 1321
3 Fairly 3590
4 Quite 5515
5 Completely 6418
-88 not answered 272
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17355 272

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D1_3 Goals: Gaining job security Section D: About yourself and your career

D1. How far do you agree with following statements concerning your professional and life goals? (Please tick one box in each row) I strive towards ... Gaining job security

Vrednost 150541 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 476
2 Slightly 1073
3 Fairly 2927
4 Quite 5016
5 Completely 7838
-88 not answered 297
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17330 297

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D1_4 Goals: Having responsibility at work Section D: About yourself and your career

D1. How far do you agree with following statements concerning your professional and life goals? (Please tick one box in each row) I strive towards ... Having responsibility at work

Vrednost 151540 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 407
2 Slightly 1217
3 Fairly 4138
4 Quite 6277
5 Completely 5264
-88 not answered 324
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17303 324

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D1_5 Goals: Having opportunities to learn new things at work Section D: About yourself and your career

D1. How far do you agree with following statements concerning your professional and life goals? (Please tick one box in each row) I strive towards ... Having opportunities to learn new things at work

Vrednost 152539 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 371
2 Slightly 1216
3 Fairly 3798
4 Quite 6100
5 Completely 5871
-88 not answered 271
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17356 271

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D1_6 Goals: Undertaking interesting tasks in the workplace Section D: About yourself and your career

D1. How far do you agree with following statements concerning your professional and life goals? (Please tick one box in each row) I strive towards ... Undertaking interesting tasks in the workplace

Vrednost 153538 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 435
2 Slightly 1275
3 Fairly 3686
4 Quite 6022
5 Completely 5910
-88 not answered 299
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17328 299

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D1_7 Goals: Having a job that makes me happy Section D: About yourself and your career

D1. How far do you agree with following statements concerning your professional and life goals? (Please tick one box in each row) I strive towards ... Having a job that makes me happy

Vrednost 154537 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 410
2 Slightly 930
3 Fairly 2374
4 Quite 4158
5 Completely 9471
-88 not answered 284
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17343 284

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D1_8 Goals: Having a good relationship with colleagues Section D: About yourself and your career

D1. How far do you agree with following statements concerning your professional and life goals? (Please tick one box in each row) I strive towards ... Having a good relationship with colleagues

Vrednost 155536 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 322
2 Slightly 884
3 Fairly 2612
4 Quite 5336
5 Completely 8164
-88 not answered 309
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17318 309

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D1_9 Goals: Advancing to a high level of status in society Section D: About yourself and your career

D1. How far do you agree with following statements concerning your professional and life goals? (Please tick one box in each row) I strive towards ... Advancing to a high level of status in society

Vrednost 156535 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 800
2 Slightly 1915
3 Fairly 5047
4 Quite 4936
5 Completely 4648
-88 not answered 281
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17346 281

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D1_10 Goals: having enough spare-time to do other things in life Section D: About yourself and your career

D1. How far do you agree with following statements concerning your professional and life goals? (Please tick one box in each row) I strive towards ... having enough spare-time to do other things in life

Vrednost 157534 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 420
2 Slightly 1685
3 Fairly 3965
4 Quite 4787
5 Completely 6471
-88 not answered 299
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17328 299

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D1_11 Goals: Making and maintaining relationships with others (e.g. family and friends) Section D: About yourself and your career

D1. How far do you agree with following statements concerning your professional and life goals? (Please tick one box in each row) I strive towards ... Making and maintaining relationships with others (e.g. family and friends)

Vrednost 158533 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 359
2 Slightly 1118
3 Fairly 3332
4 Quite 4953
5 Completely 7585
-88 not answered 280
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17347 280

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D2_1 Role: A woman should be prepared to cut down on her paid work for the sake of her family (not asked in UK) Section D: About yourself and your career

D2. The following questions deal with the role of men and women. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick one box in each row). A woman should be prepared to cut down on her paid work for the sake of her family (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 159532 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 2833
2 Slightly 3903
3 Fairly 5544
4 Quite 2556
5 Completely 1561
-88 not answered 237
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16397 1230

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D2_2 Role: When jobs are scarce, men should have more right to a job than women (not asked in UK) Section D: About yourself and your career

D2. The following questions deal with the role of men and women. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick one box in each row). When jobs are scarce, men should have more right to a job than women (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 160531 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 7210
2 Slightly 2742
3 Fairly 3075
4 Quite 1704
5 Completely 1657
-88 not answered 246
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16388 1239

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D2_3 Role: There should be many more women in political and public leadership roles (not asked in UK) Section D: About yourself and your career

D2. The following questions deal with the role of men and women. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick one box in each row). There should be many more women in political and public leadership roles (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 161530 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 2323
2 Slightly 3649
3 Fairly 5439
4 Quite 2724
5 Completely 2214
-88 not answered 285
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16349 1278

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D2_4 Role: Men should take as much responsibility as women for the home and children (not asked in UK) Section D: About yourself and your career

D2. The following questions deal with the role of men and women. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick one box in each row). Men should take as much responsibility as women for the home and children (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 162529 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 983
2 Slightly 2240
3 Fairly 3901
4 Quite 3498
5 Completely 5745
-88 not answered 267
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16367 1260

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D2_5 Role: A man who stays at home and runs the household is not a real man (not asked in UK) Section D: About yourself and your career

D2. The following questions deal with the role of men and women. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick one box in each row). A man who stays at home and runs the household is not a real man (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 163528 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 8313
2 Slightly 2736
3 Fairly 2541
4 Quite 1295
5 Completely 1477
-88 not answered 272
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16362 1265

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D2_6 Role: When there are children in the home, parents should stay together even if they do not get along (not asked in UK) Section D: About yourself and your career

D2. The following questions deal with the role of men and women. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick one box in each row). When there are children in the home, parents should stay together even if they do not get along (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 164527 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 5610
2 Slightly 3794
3 Fairly 3429
4 Quite 1798
5 Completely 1744
-88 not answered 259
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16375 1252

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D2_7 Role: A persons family ought to be his or her main priority in life (not asked in UK) Section D: About yourself and your career

D2. The following questions deal with the role of men and women. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick one box in each row). A persons family ought to be his or her main priority in life (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 165526 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 659
2 Slightly 1346
3 Fairly 3305
4 Quite 4097
5 Completely 6977
-88 not answered 250
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16384 1243

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D3 Do you think men and women have the same opportunities to get a job in your aspired occupation? (not asked in UK) Section D: About yourself and your career

D3. Do you think men and women have the same opportunities to get a job in your aspired occupation? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 166525 Frekvenca
1 Yes, both have the same opportunities 6470
2 No, men have better chances/opportunities 7039
3 No, women have better chances/opportunities 1163
-99 don`t know 1824
-88 not answered 138
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
14672 2955

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

D4 What kind of job do you expect to have when you are about 30 years old? Section D: About yourself and your career

D4. What kind of job do you expect to have when you are about 30 years old? Write the job title (For example: Hairdresser, car mechanic, accountant, salesperson, nurse):

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon

d40 What kind of job do you expect to have when you are about 30 years old? Section D: About yourself and your career

D4. What kind of job do you expect to have when you are about 30 years old? Write the job title (For example: Hairdresser, car mechanic, accountant, salesperson, nurse):

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

d41 What kind of job do you expect to have when you are about 30 years old? Section D: About yourself and your career

D4. What kind of job do you expect to have when you are about 30 years old? Write the job title (For example: Hairdresser, car mechanic, accountant, salesperson, nurse):

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

d42 What kind of job do you expect to have when you are about 30 years old? Section D: About yourself and your career

D4. What kind of job do you expect to have when you are about 30 years old? Write the job title (For example: Hairdresser, car mechanic, accountant, salesperson, nurse):

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

D4_ISCO ISCO: What kind of job do you expect to have when you are about 30 years old? Section D: About yourself and your career

D4. What kind of job do you expect to have when you are about 30 years old? Write the job title (For example: Hairdresser, car mechanic, accountant, salesperson, nurse) ISCO:

Vrednost 171520 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
12 41 OFFICE CLERKS 1210
28 01 ARMED FORCES 180
40 UNEMPLOYED (only used in Greece) 32
-88 not answered 3513
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
14114 3513

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 40

D5_1 Sector: Industry (e.g. producing industry, steel, motor, oil) Section D: About yourself and your career

D5. Which sector would you like to work to the most? (Please tick all boxes that apply). Industry (e.g. producing industry, steel, motor, oil)

Vrednost 172519 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 12959
1 Quoted 4455
-88 not answered 213
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17414 213

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D5_2 Sector: Services (e.g. nursing, policing, hairdressing) Section D: About yourself and your career

D5. Which sector would you like to work to the most? (Please tick all boxes that apply). Services (e.g. nursing, policing, hairdressing)

Vrednost 173518 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 10758
1 Quoted 6673
-88 not answered 196
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17431 196

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D5_3 Sector: Trade (e.g. banking, financing, business) Section D: About yourself and your career

D5. Which sector would you like to work to the most? (Please tick all boxes that apply). Trade (e.g. banking, financing, business)

Vrednost 174517 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 12808
1 Quoted 4623
-88 not answered 196
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17431 196

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D5_4 Sector: Agriculture, forestry and fishery Section D: About yourself and your career

D5. Which sector would you like to work to the most? (Please tick all boxes that apply). Agriculture, forestry and fishery

Vrednost 175516 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 15871
1 Quoted 1560
-88 not answered 196
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17431 196

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D5_5 Sector: Public administration (e.g. local government, education) Section D: About yourself and your career

D5. Which sector would you like to work to the most? (Please tick all boxes that apply). Public administration (e.g. local government, education)

Vrednost 176515 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 14574
1 Quoted 2857
-88 not answered 196
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17431 196

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D5_6 Sector: Non-governmental organisation (e.g. charities, not-for-profit organisations) Section D: About yourself and your career

D5. Which sector would you like to work to the most? (Please tick all boxes that apply). Non-governmental organisation (e.g. charities, not-for-profit organisations)

Vrednost 177514 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 16433
1 Quoted 998
-88 not answered 196
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17431 196

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D5_7 Sector: Other Section D: About yourself and your career

D5. Which sector would you like to work to the most? (Please tick all boxes that apply). Other

Vrednost 178513 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 14683
1 Quoted 2749
-88 not answered 195
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17432 195

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D5_7open Sector: Which other sector? Section D: About yourself and your career

D5. Which sector would you like to work to the most? (Please tick all boxes that apply). Which other sector?

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon

d5_7o0 Sector: Which other sector? Section D: About yourself and your career

D5. Which sector would you like to work to the most? (Please tick all boxes that apply). Which other sector 2?

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

d5_7o1 Sector: Which other sector? Section D: About yourself and your career

D5. Which sector would you like to work to the most? (Please tick all boxes that apply). Which other sector 3?

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

d5_7o2 Sector: Which other sector? Section D: About yourself and your career

D5. Which sector would you like to work to the most? (Please tick all boxes that apply). Which other sector 4?

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

D6 Do you plan to continue schooling or further education after your programme has ended? Section D: About yourself and your career

D6. Do you plan to continue schooling or further education after your programme has ended (for example doing a specialised programme)? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 183508 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Definitely not 1577
2 Rather not 2413
3 Maybe 6132
4 Most likely 4119
5 Definitely 3164
-88 not answered 222
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17405 222

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

D7_1 Another programme related to what I am doing currently Section D: About yourself and your career

D7. What would you choose to continue learning? (Please tick all boxes that apply). Another programme related to what I am doing currently

Vrednost 184507 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 10011
1 Quoted 3523
-88 not answered 244
-77 not applicable 3849
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
13534 4093

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D7_2 What would you choose to continue learning? Another programme not related to what I am doing currently Section D: About yourself and your career

D7. What would you choose to continue learning? (Please tick all boxes that apply). What would you choose to continue learning? Another programme not related to what I am doing currently

Vrednost 185506 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 11668
1 Quoted 1891
-88 not answered 241
-77 not applicable 3827
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
13559 4068

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D7_3 What would you choose to continue learning? A more specialised programme Section D: About yourself and your career

D7. What would you choose to continue learning? (Please tick all boxes that apply). What would you choose to continue learning? A more specialised programme

Vrednost 186505 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 10386
1 Quoted 3173
-88 not answered 241
-77 not applicable 3827
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
13559 4068

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D7_4 What would you choose to continue learning? A higher level of vocational programme Section D: About yourself and your career

D7. What would you choose to continue learning? (Please tick all boxes that apply). What would you choose to continue learning? A higher level of vocational programme

Vrednost 187504 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 9948
1 Quoted 3611
-88 not answered 241
-77 not applicable 3827
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
13559 4068

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D7_5 What would you choose to continue learning? An academic programme at university or a university of applied science Section D: About yourself and your career

D7. What would you choose to continue learning? (Please tick all boxes that apply). What would you choose to continue learning? An academic programme at university or a university of applied science

Vrednost 188503 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 10400
1 Quoted 3159
-88 not answered 241
-77 not applicable 3827
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
13559 4068

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D7_6 What would you choose to continue learning? A programme to achieve a higher education entrance qualification (not asked in UK) Section D: About yourself and your career

D7. What would you choose to continue learning? (Please tick all boxes that apply). What would you choose to continue learning? A programme to achieve a higher education entrance qualification (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 189502 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 10357
1 Quoted 2402
-88 not answered 200
-77 not applicable 4668
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
12759 4868

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D7_7 What would you choose to continue learning? Don`t know yet Section D: About yourself and your career

D7. What would you choose to continue learning? (Please tick all boxes that apply). What would you choose to continue learning? Don`t know yet

Vrednost 190501 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 11538
1 Quoted 2021
-88 not answered 241
-77 not applicable 3827
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
13559 4068

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D7_8 What would you choose to continue learning? None of the above Section D: About yourself and your career

D7. What would you choose to continue learning? (Please tick all boxes that apply). What would you choose to continue learning? None of the above

Vrednost 191500 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 13280
1 Quoted 297
-88 not answered 241
-77 not applicable 3809
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
13577 4050

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D8_1 FE: Further education enables me to follow my professional interest Section D: About yourself and your career

D8. This is about your opinion regarding further education (e.g. advanced training or studying). How far do you agree with the statements below about undertaking further education (or participate in further training)? (Please tick only one box in each row) Further education enables me to ... Further education enables me to follow my professional interest

Vrednost 192499 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 800
2 Slightly 1597
3 Fairly 4656
4 Quite 5498
5 Completely 3776
-88 not answered 448
-77 not applicable 852
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16327 1300

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D8_2 FE: Further education enables me to gain a good qualification/education Section D: About yourself and your career

D8. This is about your opinion regarding further education (e.g. advanced training or studying). How far do you agree with the statements below about undertaking further education (or participate in further training)? (Please tick only one box in each row) Further education enables me to ... Further education enables me to gain a good qualification/education

Vrednost 193498 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 344
2 Slightly 1169
3 Fairly 3313
4 Quite 5891
5 Completely 5569
-88 not answered 489
-77 not applicable 852
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16286 1341

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D8_3 FE: Further education enables me to take on leadership role later on in life Section D: About yourself and your career

D8. This is about your opinion regarding further education (e.g. advanced training or studying). How far do you agree with the statements below about undertaking further education (or participate in further training)? (Please tick only one box in each row) Further education enables me to ... Further education enables me to take on leadership role later on in life

Vrednost 194497 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 690
2 Slightly 1692
3 Fairly 4362
4 Quite 5171
5 Completely 4354
-88 not answered 506
-77 not applicable 852
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16269 1358

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D8_4 FE: Further education enables me to earn a high income later in life Section D: About yourself and your career

D8. This is about your opinion regarding further education (e.g. advanced training or studying). How far do you agree with the statements below about undertaking further education (or participate in further training)? (Please tick only one box in each row) Further education enables me to ... Further education enables me to earn a high income later in life

Vrednost 195496 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 371
2 Slightly 1126
3 Fairly 3400
4 Quite 5393
5 Completely 5971
-88 not answered 514
-77 not applicable 852
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16261 1366

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D8_5 FE: Further education enables me to become a expert in my field Section D: About yourself and your career

D8. This is about your opinion regarding further education (e.g. advanced training or studying). How far do you agree with the statements below about undertaking further education (or participate in further training)? (Please tick only one box in each row) Further education enables me to ... Further education enables me to become a expert in my field

Vrednost 196495 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 449
2 Slightly 1313
3 Fairly 3703
4 Quite 5439
5 Completely 5364
-88 not answered 507
-77 not applicable 852
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16268 1359

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D8_6 FE: Further education enables me to enhance my career options Section D: About yourself and your career

D8. This is about your opinion regarding further education (e.g. advanced training or studying). How far do you agree with the statements below about undertaking further education (or participate in further training)? (Please tick only one box in each row) Further education enables me to ... Further education enables me to enhance my career options

Vrednost 197494 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 325
2 Slightly 1042
3 Fairly 3349
4 Quite 5877
5 Completely 5667
-88 not answered 515
-77 not applicable 852
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16260 1367

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D8_7 FE: Further education enables me to postpone starting a full-time work Section D: About yourself and your career

D8. This is about your opinion regarding further education (e.g. advanced training or studying). How far do you agree with the statements below about undertaking further education (or participate in further training)? (Please tick only one box in each row) Further education enables me to ... Further education enables me to postpone starting a full-time work

Vrednost 198493 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 2383
2 Slightly 3107
3 Fairly 5595
4 Quite 3245
5 Completely 1848
-88 not answered 597
-77 not applicable 852
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16178 1449

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D8_8 FE: Further education enables me to experience a pupil exchange programme Section D: About yourself and your career

D8. This is about your opinion regarding further education (e.g. advanced training or studying). How far do you agree with the statements below about undertaking further education (or participate in further training)? (Please tick only one box in each row) Further education enables me to ... Further education enables me to experience a pupil exchange programme

Vrednost 199492 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 4110
2 Slightly 3581
3 Fairly 4323
4 Quite 2464
5 Completely 1749
-88 not answered 548
-77 not applicable 852
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16227 1400

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D8_9 FE: Further education enables me to fulfil my parent's expectations Section D: About yourself and your career

D8. This is about your opinion regarding further education (e.g. advanced training or studying). How far do you agree with the statements below about undertaking further education (or participate in further training)? (Please tick only one box in each row) Further education enables me to ... Further education enables me to fulfil my parent's expectations

Vrednost 200491 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 4196
2 Slightly 3119
3 Fairly 4007
4 Quite 2697
5 Completely 2249
-88 not answered 507
-77 not applicable 852
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16268 1359

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D9a Have you ever participated in an international exchange programme for pupils? Section D: About yourself and your career

D9a. Have you ever participated in an international exchange programme for pupils? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 201490 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Yes, at my vocational school 1076
2 Yes, at my general school 1640
3 No 14593
-88 not answered 318
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17309 318

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 3

D9b How far do you agree with the statement below? "The international exchange programme was a valuable experience for me." Section D: About yourself and your career

D9b. How far do you agree with the statement below? “The international exchange programme was a valuable experience for me.” (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 202489 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 175
2 Slightly 240
3 Fairly 364
4 Quite 192
5 Completely 332
-88 not answered 343
-77 not applicable 15981
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1303 16324

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D9c Would you like to participate in an international exchange programme especially for vocational pupils? Section D: About yourself and your career

D9c. Would you like to participate in an international exchange programme especially for vocational pupils? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 203488 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Definitely, I already have plans to participate 1584
2 Most likely, but I have no concrete plans yet 4196
3 Maybe 5953
4 Rather not 3022
5 Definitely not 2305
-88 not answered 567
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17060 567

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

D9d_1 I am not familiar with exchange programmes Section D: About yourself and your career

D9d. If rather not or definitely not: why not? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I am not familiar with exchange programmes

Vrednost 204487 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 4743
1 Quoted 862
-88 not answered 423
-77 not applicable 11599
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5605 12022

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D9d_2 I don't want to leave home Section D: About yourself and your career

D9d. If rather not or definitely not: why not? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I don't want to leave home

Vrednost 205486 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 4221
1 Quoted 1473
-88 not answered 417
-77 not applicable 11516
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5694 11933

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D9d_3 Living abroad is too expensive Section D: About yourself and your career

D9d. If rather not or definitely not: why not? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Living abroad is too expensive

Vrednost 206485 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 4995
1 Quoted 697
-88 not answered 418
-77 not applicable 11517
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5692 11935

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D9d_4 My school doesn't offer these programmes Section D: About yourself and your career

D9d. If rather not or definitely not: why not? (Please tick all boxes that apply) My school doesn't offer these programmes

Vrednost 207484 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 4724
1 Quoted 969
-88 not answered 417
-77 not applicable 11517
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5693 11934

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D9d_5 I don't think that I'll benefit from this Section D: About yourself and your career

D9d. If rather not or definitely not: why not? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I don't think that I'll benefit from this

Vrednost 208483 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 4003
1 Quoted 1690
-88 not answered 417
-77 not applicable 11517
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5693 11934

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D9d_6 I think organising this is too laborious Section D: About yourself and your career

D9d. If rather not or definitely not: why not? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I think organising this is too laborious

Vrednost 209482 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 4836
1 Quoted 856
-88 not answered 418
-77 not applicable 11517
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5692 11935

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D9d_7 Other Section D: About yourself and your career

D9d. If rather not or definitely not: why not? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Other

Vrednost 210481 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 3893
1 Quoted 598
-88 not answered 340
-77 not applicable 12796
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
4491 13136

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D9d_7op Other: please tell us what Section D: About yourself and your career

D9d. If rather not or definitely not: why not? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Other: please tell us what

Vrednost 211480 Frekvenca
-77 12165
-88 4879
1 mal reicht mir 1
40 Jahre alt 1
Alleine:Nein; Mit Kollegen/Freunde:Eher! 1
Als Endzwanziger w?¤re es mir peinlich, an einem Sch??leraustausch teilzunehmen. 1
Alter 4
Alter und Familie 1
Altersbedingt 1
Angst allein zu sein 1
Angst, Unselbst?¤ndigkeit 1
Arbeiter nicht im Stich lassen 1
Asmenines Priezastys 1
Aupair 1
Ausbildung nimmt zuviel Zeit in Anspruch, lieber nach der Ausbildung 1
Ausl?¤nder sind schei??e!!! 1
Ausl?¤nder sind scheise 1
Ausland interessiert mich nicht 1
Ausländer 1
BT Openreach is British and not an international organisation unlike BT, therefore I would not benefit from an 'International Exchange Programme'. As for the IT field, the only other country I would like to study is the United States. 1
Beruflich nicht ins Ausland, wenn dann ehrenamtlich. z.B 2 Jahre Mission in Afrika 1
Berufsbildende Schule nicht f?¤hig. 1
Bin Mutter habe keine Zeit dazu 1
Bin mit der Bundeswehr genug im Ausland 1
Bin so schon regelm?¤??ig in England auf Grund einer Beziehung und Freunde 1
Bin verheiratet 1
Bin zu alt 1
Bindung an Wohnung 1
Da ich schon konkrete Ziel Weiterbildungstechnisch habe und mich voll und ganz darauf konzentrieren will!!! 1
Dass ich es wenn nicht in der Gruppe machen würde 1
Der Austauschzeitraum liegt kurz vor der Abschlu??pr??fung 1
Die Angst, nicht im Ausland verstanden zu werden. 1
Die Ausbildung ist mir wichtiger, da ich bereits an einem Austausch teilgenommen habe, muss ich diese Erfahrungen nicht nochmal machen. 1
Die mit sich folgenden Komplikation w?¤ren f??r mich zu aufwendig, zumal ich lieber das Land, dass zum Austausch zur verf??gung steht, nur bereisen w??rde. 1
Die sprachliche Barriere 1
Don't have a passport and am not very interested in this. 1
Egal 1
Eigene Familie 1
Eigenheim 1
Eigent??merin eines Hauses welches nicht leer stehen soll 1
Englich 1
Erst nach der Ausbildung 1
Erziele durch diesen Austausch keinen Vorteil f??r mich. 1
Es besteht kein Interesse 1
F??r meinen Beruf ist unwahrscheinlich, dass man davon profitieren kann. 1
Famile muss was essen 1
Familie 10
Familie & Freunde w??rden mir zu sehr fehlen 1
Familie (kleine Kinder) 1
Familie / Partner 1
Familie und Hund 1
Firma 1
Fremdsprache 2
Freund 2
Freund, Familie 1
Freund/-in 1
Freunde 1
Freunde / Beziehung 1
Freunde, Familie zur??ckzulassen 1
Freunde, Freund, Familie 1
Freunde, Freundin 1
Freundin 3
Freune/Beziehung 1
Fu??ball etc. 1
Geld verdienen 1
Geldnöte 1
Hab keine Lust, Angst davor nicht verstanden zu werden 1
Habe Familie, keine Zeit 1
Habe ein Pferd, kann also nicht weg ;) 1
Habe eine Tochter 1
Habe eine kleine Tochter, die ich nicht alleine lassen will 1
Habe schon einmal bei einem Austausch progamm teilgenommen. 1
Hartz IV 1
Heimweh und Freundin haut ab 1
Hobbies 1
I don't feel like its the correct time 1
I don't like it 1
I have a child 1
I prefer staying home 1
I'm not interesting 1
IT sprache ist ??berall auf der welt gleich = Englisch 1
Ich bekomme Auslandserfahrung durch Aupair-Aufenthalt, das reicht 1
Ich bin alleinerziehend und habe 2 Kinder 1
Ich bin nicht der richtige Typ Mensch daf??r. 1
Ich bin nur noch 4 Wochen an der Schule 1
Ich bin zu alt, um mich in eine fremde Familie zu integrieren. Ein 18-j?¤hriger kann das eher, als ich mit 25. 1
Ich fahr schon so ins Ausland 1
Ich hab 0 Bock aufs Ausland 1
Ich habe bereits die Erfahrung machen d??rfen. 1
Ich habe bereits eine gute Ausbildung 1
Ich habe die Erfahrung schon mal gemacht bei einem Austausch teilzunehmen. 1
Ich habe einfach keine Lust daruaf. 1
Ich habe mir andere Ziele im Leben gesetzt! 1
Ich habe schon einma daran teil genommen doch dies war nix f??r mich 1
Ich habe sehr viel Negatives dar??ber geh?¶rt! 1
Ich leichte anpassungsprobleme mit mir fremden Umgebungen 1
Ich m?¶chte die Schulausbildung fertig machen und dann erst ins Ausland, wenn ??berhaubt 1
Ich m?¶chte keine fremden Leute bei mir im Haus 1
Ich m?¶chte lieber ohne Austausch mit einer anderen Person ins Ausland gehen 1
Ich m?¶chte mir erst einmal hier ein festes Standbein aufbauen 1
Ich m?¶chte nicht so lange von wichtigen Menschen getrennt sein. 1
Ich m?¶chte selbstst?¤ndig ins Ausland gehen 1
Ich mag keine Ausl?¤nder 1
Ich maturiere nächstes Jahr, da habe ich keine Zeit mehr dazu 1
Ich möchte es auf eigene Faust machen 1
Ich möchte lieber volunteer machen. 1
Ich plane stattdessen ein Auslandssemester an der Hochschule 1
Ich sch?¤tze mein Familienleben und m?¶chte dieses auch wahren. 1
Ich scheiß drauf 1
Ich sehe daraus keinen Nutzen 1
Ich sehe keinen Sinn darin ins Ausland zu gehen. 1
Ich verlasse mein Vaterland nicht 1
Ich war schon als Au-Pair 1 Jahr in Amerika 1
Ich will keine kanacken im haus haben 1
Ich will meine Verlobte nicht allein lassen 1
Ich will nach meinem Studium ein Auslandsjahr in Japan verbringen 1
Ich will nicht raus aus Deutschland (Meine Heimat) 1
Ich wurde falsch informiert und dann war es zu spät! Sehr unorganisiert hier! 1
In meinem Beruf schwierig 1
Interessiert mich nicht 1
Kann die sprache nicht 1
Kann nicht auf meinen Sport verzichten 1
Kein Bo 1
Kein Bock 2
Kein Interesse 8
Kein Interesse daran 1
Kein Interesse ins Ausland zu fahren 1
Kein Interesse, da ich denke dass mir ein Austauschprogramm in meiner Karriere nicht behilflich sein k?¶nnte. 1
Kein Interesse. 1
Kein Intresse 1
Kein geld 1
Kein gutes Berufsfeld f??r Austausch 1
Kein intresse an Menschen mit andere Herkumpft 1
Keine Interesse 4
Keine Lust 5
Keine Lust mehr 1
Keine Lust!! 1
Keine Zeit, schlecht f??r mein pers?¶nliches berufliches weiterkommen 1
Keine ansprechenden Angebote der Schulen 1
Keine guten Vremdsprachen Kentniss 1
Kind 3
Kind/Familie 1
Kinder 2
Krankheit 1
Landwirtschaft 2
Lasse keine Person, die ich nicht kenne, zu meiner Familie 1
Leonardo Programm wurde vom Betrieb abgelehnt 1
M?–?–P 2
Mein ARbeitgeber w?¤re nicht mit meiner Abwesenheit einverstanden! 1
Mein Freund 1
Mein Pferd 1
Meine Eltern w??rdens nicht erlauben 1
Meine Familie braucht mich 1
Meine Sprachkentnisse sind zu schlecht 1
Meine Tochter 1
Meine schw?¤che sind Sprachen 1
Meine zwei Kinder 1
Mich interessiert es nicht 1
Might struggle with different language 1
Mutter von einem Kind 1
Mutter, 1 Tochter, alleinerziehend 1
Nazi 1
Nichts 1
No 1
Not organized by the state 1
Partner 1
Partnerschaft 1
Passt nicht zu meiner Karrierelaufbahn 1
Probleme mit der ausl?¤ndlischen Sprache 1
Rollstuhlfahrer 1
Schlechte Erfahrungen mit vorherigem Austausch. 1
Schuljahr kann nicht im Ausland abgeschlossen werden 1
Schwierigeiten mit fremden Sprachen 1
Sp?¤tere Reisen bevorzugt. 1
Sprache 6
Spricht mich nicht an 1
Stress 1
Unn?¶tig 1
Unnötig, ich kann meine Frau nicht allein lassen 1
Unsicherheit 1
W??rde das Ausland wegen Urlaub/Arbeit besuchen, aber nicht wegen einem Austauschprogramm! 1
Wegen der Landwirtschaft nicht 1
Weil es nur im M??hlviertel sch?¶n ist. 1
Weil ich dafuer zu alt bin 1
Weil ich nicht zu einem Baraber will ! 1
Wenn ich auslandserfahrung machen w??rde, dann lieber eigenst?¤ndig (work&travel/ reisen). 1
Will nicht ins Ausland 1
Wird ??ber Schule nicht angeboten. Habe es im Sportverein gemacht 1
Zeit und Geld 1
Zeitmangel 1
Zeitprobleme 1
Zeitverschwendung 1
Zu Haus ists am schönsten 1
absolutes Desintresse 1
alleine im Ausland 1
alleinerziehend allso unm?¶glich 1
als Umsch??ler kein Interesse 1
andere Interssen 1
andere Sprache 2
anstrengend fremdsprache zu lehrnen 1
au??er dutsche aria sind alles schei?? juden 1
aus famili?¤ren Gr??nden nicht organisierbar 1
because there is no point in doing a programme abroad because i am already benifitting from fulltime work here 1
bei Familie und Partner bleiben 1
bei gott ned 1
berufliche Gr??nde 1
bin Mutter 1
bin ich hier sehr zufrieden 1
bin im deutschen reich zufrieden 1
bin mutter von zwei kindern 1
bin zu alt 1
bo 1
bock auf chillen 1
branje jezika 1
cant be bothered 1
chronische Unlust 1
da gibt es Ausl?¤nder 1
dann wird mir alles zuviel und ich habe angst die schule oder die ausbildung zuvernachl?¤ssigen 1
darum nicht 1
das Leben muss man aufgeben 1
das ist dämlich 1
dasw?¤re einfach nichts f??r mich 1
den ehei tyhei 1
den moy aresei 1
deutsche Ausbildung sollte Vorbild für andere Länder sein 1
die T?¤tigkeit in meinem anderen Beruf w??rde dann zur??ck bleiben und ich ben?¶tige die Stelle um meinen Lebensstandard halten zu k?¶nnen 1
die sprache nicht sprechen k?¶nnen 1
does not exist in my school 1
dont want to 2
economic reasons 1
eigene Kinder 1
eigenes Kind 1
eigenes kind kann nicht einfach mitgenommen werden 1
einfach kein Interesse an so einer zeitaufwendigen Sache. 1
einfach so! 1
es gibt keinen grund f??r mich in so einen falle daf??r zu sein...^^ 1
es interessiert mich nicht 1
es ist scheiße 1
es sollte von Ausbildungsbetrieb angeboten werden 1
f??r eine Berufsausbildung eher nicht sinnvoll 1
familie und eigene Kinder 1
familie und kinder 1
familiär 1
family reasons 1
für mein Alter und Umschulung gibt es kein Austauschprogramm 1
für so einen Blödsinn habe ich nicht Zeit 1
gefällt mir nicht 1
gehe nach der Schule ins Ausland 1
geht Sie nichts an 1
geht dich nichts an 1
geht keinen was an 1
gr?tîbas ar valodâm 1
hab ich schon gemacht 1
habe Hunde und bin zu alt 1
habe bereits teilgenommen, mit negativer Erfahrung: die Austauschsch??lerin hat nur Deutsch sprechen wollen; es wurde nur Party gemacht; konnte in keinster Weise davon profitieren 1
habe eigene Familie 1
habe eigene kinder 1
habe genaue Vorstellunge, wie mein Leben ausschauen soll bzw. was ich nach meiner Ausbildung machen will 1
habe kinder 1
habe meine Familie hier 1
hane keine lust dazu 1
have a child and this job wouldnt fit around him 1
i hoss ausl?¤nda 1
i w?? ned 1
ich bekomme ein Kind 1
ich bin 44 1
ich bin Mama und mein Kind braucht mich 1
ich bin gl??cklich hier 1
ich bin hier erstmal zu frieden mit dem was ich habe und mache 1
ich bin mir nicht so sicher im allgemeinen 1
ich bin mit meiner Ausbildung fertig 1
ich bin mit so eine Austauschprogramm weg von zu Hause geblieben und bin jetzt in Österreich (aus der Ukraine) 1
ich bin mutter und will mein kind nicht alleine lassen 1
ich bin nicht der mensch der zu so ein probramm passt 1
ich bin nicht wirklich interessiert 1
ich bin schon zu alt. 1
ich bin zu alt 1
ich bin zu alt dafür 1
ich bin zu alt:) 1
ich bin zu ertz konservativ 1
ich f??hle mich allein im ausland nicht wohl 1
ich habe ein Kind 1
ich habe ein kind! das lass ich nicht allein 1
ich habe ein kleines Kind 1
ich habe eine adoptivtochter.und die ist zu klein um sie allein zu lassen. 1
ich habe keine lust dadrauf 1
ich hasse Ausländer 1
ich hasse es zu reisen bzw. alleine in ein fremdesland zu reisen 1
ich k?¶nnte mir nicht vorstellen was 1
ich kann keine Fremdsprache 1
ich kann keine fremdsprache 1
ich kann mir nicht vorstellen wie das ablaufen soll 1
ich kann nur deutsch 1
ich m?¶chte einfech nicht 1
ich m?¶chte in meinem Umfeld bleiben 1
ich m?¶chte nicht dahin 1
ich m?¶chte nicht im ausland leben!!! 1
ich m?¶chte nicht so lange und weit von meiner Familie weg 1
ich mag es nicht bei fremden leute zu ??bernachten oder gar im ausland im hotel zu schlafen weil es passiert so viel und da kennt man sichj null komma gar nicht aus 1
ich mag keine ausl?¤nder 1
ich mag nicht 1
ich möchte nicht zu fremden Menschen 1
ich will arbeiten! 1
ich will einfach nicht 2
ich will einmal unter der Br??cke enden 1
ich will nicht 1
in der Schule viel versäumen 1
interessiert mich eigentlich nicht so^^9 -,-6 1
interessiert mich nicht 4
interessiert mich nicht, keine Lust ins Ausland 1
is mir zu doof 1
ist einfach nicht meins 1
ist nichts f??r mich 1
je že mimo 1
jezik 1
jâaudzç bçrns 1
k?¶nnte ich keinen urlaub bekommen 1
kann schlecht andere Sprachen 1
keeeen bock junge 1
kein Bock 2
kein Bock! 1
kein Interesse 24
kein Zeit 1
kein bock 4
kein bock alter 1
kein bock drauf 1
kein bock mehr 1
kein geld 1
kein interesse 2
kein interesse daran 1
kein interresse daran 1
kein intresse 1
kein inzeresse 1
keine Lust 13
keine Lust auf fremde Menschen 1
keine Verständigung möglich 1
keine Zeit 4
keine Zeit (privat) 1
keine Zeit bei Studium neben Ausbildung 1
keine Zeit f??r so ein Zeug 1
keine Zeit. zu lange Pause des Berufslebens 1
keine guten Sprachkenntnisse 1
keine interesse 1
keine lust 8
keine lust auf eine andere leute 1
keine lust im fremden zu leben 1
keine m?¶glickeit gehabt 1
keine zeit 1
keine zeit v??r 1
keinen Nutzen 1
keinen spa?? daran 1
ker mi ne leži angleš?ina in ne nemš?ina 1
l?¤sst sich nicht mit der betreuung meiner kinder vereinbaren 1
langweilig 1
letzter Austausch ;-) 1
luck of time 1
m?¶?¶?¶?¶?¶?¶?¶?¶p !!!!! 1
m?¶?¶?¶?¶?¶?¶?¶ppppp 1
m?¶chte mein Kind nicht alleine lassen 1
m?¶glichst bald zu verdienen / Festanstellung 1
mag keine ausl?¤nder 1
man butu baisu 1
man to nevajag 1
man tâdas apmai?u programmas nepatîk. 1
man weiss nicht zu was für eine Familie man kommt 1
mangel an sprachkenntnisse 1
mangelnde Sprachkenntnisse 1
mani piekautu 1
mano gtyvenimo budas 1
me ne zanim 1
me ne zanima 1
mein 4-j?¤hriger Sohn 1
mein Alter 1
mein Kind 1
mein Mann 1
mein kind 1
meine Kinder wollen das bestimmt nicht 1
meine Tochter 1
meine eigene Familie 1
mi gfreits neid 1
muss arbeiten, Chef braucht mich. 1
muss ich nicht haben 1
möchte ich nach der Ausbildung privat machen 1
nav laika 1
nav tik augstas sekmes lai dotos apmai?as programmâ 1
ne da se mi 1
ne grejo mi jeziki 1
ne razumem dobro angleško 1
ne vem 1
ne, zato ker ne 1
negribu 1
negribçtu 1
nein wegen meiner freundin !!!!!!!!!!!!! 1
neinteresç 3
nej?tos tik dro?a, nav arî tik labs citvalodu lîmenis, manuprât. 1
nemoku kalbos 1
nenor??iau palikti savo draug? 1
nenoriu palikti draugu 1
nepasitikiu savimi ar sugeb??iau 1
nes kiek zinau tai tikrai idomu ir noreciau tai patirti 1
nes turiu drauge 1
nes turiu vaika ir negaleciau isvykti 1
netinkamas mano am?ius 1
neturiu tam galimybiu 1
neturiu tam noro, nemoku kalbos 1
neue Freunde kennenlernen 1
nevajadzîgi 1
nevçlos 1
nevçlos atstât valsti 1
nezinu valodas 1
ni ?asa 1
ni mi vše? 1
ni želje 3
nicht mein Ding 1
nicht scherts mi 1
nisem bila izbrana 1
no money 1
nur Sprachreisen 2
preveliko domotožje 1
schlechte Austauschfamilie 1
schlechte Erfahrungen 3
schlechte Fremdsprachkenntnisse 1
schlicht kein Interesse 1
schon erfahren 1
schon mehrer Austauschprogramme hinter mir und beim sp?¤teren Studium m?¶chte ich ein Auslandssemester machen 1
schonmal dran teilgenommen 1
seh darin keine Notwendigkeit 1
sekmes ne?auj 1
silpnai moku uzsienio kalbas 1
sind meine sprachlichen F?¤higkeiten noch nicht gut genug daf??r. 1
slabo govorim tuje jezike 1
so weit weg, kenn dort keinen. 1
soziales Umfeld 1
turiu ma?ai laisvo laiko 1
um mein Kind nicht alleine zu lassen! 1
unn?¶tig 2
unn?¶tig, langweilig, stressig 1
uz dyka tikrai nieko nedarysiu 1
viel zu alt 1
w??rde lange meine Freundin nicht sehn 1
w??rde nicht mit dem essen und der Fremdsprache klar kommen. 1
war nicht so pralle 1
warum sollte ich? 1
was mach ich mit meiner wohnung... 1
wegen den schlechten kenntiss der fremdspachen 1
wegen mein kind 1
wegen meiner Ausbildung 1
wegen meiner eigenen Familie 1
weil 1
weil meine kollegen alle hier sind 1
weils homo is 1
wen ich erst einmal hier weg komme, dann holt mich nichts mehr zur??ck 1
wenig Interesse 1
wenn das niveau ?¤nnahernd so ist wie an meiner BS dann besteht kein Interesse 1
wenn ich ins Ausland mich umschauen m?¶chte dann kann ich da mal hinreisen 1
will bei meiner Familie bleiben 1
will nicht, kein Interesse 1
wollte, wird aber von meine Ausbildungsstelle nicht unterstüztz 1
wozu? 2
zaht mi ned 1
zeit verschw?¤ndung 1
znanje jezika druge države 1
zu Alt 1
zu alt 4
zu alt daf??r 1
zu alt und allein erziehend 1
zu schlechter Notendurchschnitt 1
zu sehr an Verpflichtungen in der Familie gebunden 1
zu spät 1
zu wenig Zeit 1
zvezda 1
Ä?Í ??? Á?¸Ó?É 1
îpa?i neinteresç 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon

d9d_70 Other: please tell us what Section D: About yourself and your career

D9d. If rather not or definitely not: why not? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Other: please tell us what

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

d9d_71 Other: please tell us what Section D: About yourself and your career

D9d. If rather not or definitely not: why not? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Other: please tell us what

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

d9d_72 Other: please tell us what Section D: About yourself and your career

D9d. If rather not or definitely not: why not? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Other: please tell us what

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

E1a_1 Skill: Being able to manage occupational tasks independently Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E1a. The following question asks for your perception of certain skills and abilities which are listed below. Please assess your current level of these abilities. (Please tick only one box in each row) Being able to manage occupational tasks independently

Vrednost 215476 Frekvenca
1 Poor 784
2 Fair 1367
3 Average 4312
4 Good 7692
5 Excellent 3120
-88 not answered 352
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17275 352

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

E1a_2 Skill: Being able to work as a team member Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E1a. The following question asks for your perception of certain skills and abilities which are listed below. Please assess your current level of these abilities. (Please tick only one box in each row) Being able to work as a team member

Vrednost 216475 Frekvenca
1 Poor 313
2 Fair 1273
3 Average 3226
4 Good 7339
5 Excellent 5086
-88 not answered 390
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17237 390

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

E1a_3 Skill: Being able to quickly familiarize myself with new tasks related to job occupations Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E1a. The following question asks for your perception of certain skills and abilities which are listed below. Please assess your current level of these abilities. (Please tick only one box in each row) Being able to quickly familiarize myself with new tasks related to job occupations

Vrednost 217474 Frekvenca
1 Poor 305
2 Fair 1172
3 Average 4579
4 Good 7511
5 Excellent 3640
-88 not answered 420
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17207 420

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

E1a_4 Skill: Being able to perform well under pressure Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E1a. The following question asks for your perception of certain skills and abilities which are listed below. Please assess your current level of these abilities. (Please tick only one box in each row) Being able to perform well under pressure

Vrednost 218473 Frekvenca
1 Poor 632
2 Fair 1735
3 Average 5270
4 Good 6684
5 Excellent 2894
-88 not answered 412
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17215 412

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

E1a_5 Skill: Being able to communicate ideas and suggestions to others clearly Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E1a. The following question asks for your perception of certain skills and abilities which are listed below. Please assess your current level of these abilities. (Please tick only one box in each row) Being able to communicate ideas and suggestions to others clearly

Vrednost 219472 Frekvenca
1 Poor 411
2 Fair 1683
3 Average 5254
4 Good 6605
5 Excellent 3284
-88 not answered 390
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17237 390

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

E1a_6 Skill: Being able to approach and engage with others with confidence (e.g. networking) Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E1a. The following question asks for your perception of certain skills and abilities which are listed below. Please assess your current level of these abilities. (Please tick only one box in each row) Being able to approach and engage with others with confidence (e.g. networking)

Vrednost 220471 Frekvenca
1 Poor 459
2 Fair 1495
3 Average 4482
4 Good 6432
5 Excellent 4370
-88 not answered 389
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17238 389

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

E1b Overall, to what extent does your current programme prepare you to these activities? Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E1b. Overall, to what extent does your current programme prepare you to these activities? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 221470 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 609
2 Slightly 2053
3 Fairly 6278
4 Quite 6329
5 Very 2047
-88 not answered 311
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17316 311

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

E2a_1 Basic knowledge: English (not asked in UK) Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2a. In which of the following world languages have you acquired at least a basic knowledge? (Please tick all boxes that apply) English (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 222469 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 1907
1 Quoted 14583
-88 not answered 144
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16490 1137

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

E2a_2 Basic knowledge: Spanish Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2a. In which of the following world languages have you acquired at least a basic knowledge? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Spanish

Vrednost 223468 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 15675
1 Quoted 1808
-88 not answered 144
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17483 144

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

E2a_3 Basic knowledge: French Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2a. In which of the following world languages have you acquired at least a basic knowledge? (Please tick all boxes that apply) French

Vrednost 224467 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 14517
1 Quoted 2966
-88 not answered 144
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17483 144

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

E2a_4 Basic knowledge: German (not asked in Aus and Ger) Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2a. In which of the following world languages have you acquired at least a basic knowledge? (Please tick all boxes that apply) German (not asked in Aus and Ger)

Vrednost 225466 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 8058
1 Quoted 2021
-88 not answered 66
-77 not applicable 7482
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10079 7548

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

E2a_5 Basic knowledge: None Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2a. In which of the following world languages have you acquired at least a basic knowledge? (Please tick all boxes that apply) None

Vrednost 226465 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
0 Not quoted 15837
1 Quoted 1645
-88 not answered 145
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17482 145

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 1

E2b In which of the following world languages are you the most proficient? (Answer 4 not asked in Aus and Ger) Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2b. In which of the following world languages are you the most proficient? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 227464 Frekvenca
1 English 14305
2 Spanish 392
3 French 378
4 German 470
-88 not answered 504
-77 not applicable 1578
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
15545 2082

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

E2b_1_La Best language: English (only asked in Lat) Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2b. In which of the following world languages are you the most proficient? (Please tick only one box) English (only asked in Lat)

Vrednost 228463 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 186
1 Quoted 2619
-88 not answered 121
-77 not applicable 14701
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2805 14822

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

E2b_2_La Best language: Spanish (only asked in Lat) Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2b. In which of the following world languages are you the most proficient? (Please tick only one box) Spanish (only asked in Lat)

Vrednost 229462 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 2741
1 Quoted 64
-88 not answered 121
-77 not applicable 14701
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2805 14822

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

E2b_3_La Best language: French (only asked in Lat) Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2b. In which of the following world languages are you the most proficient? (Please tick only one box) French (only asked in Lat)

Vrednost 230461 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 2706
1 Quoted 99
-88 not answered 121
-77 not applicable 14701
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2805 14822

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

E2b_4_La Best language: German (only asked in Lat) Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2b. In which of the following world languages are you the most proficient? (Please tick only one box) German (only asked in Lat)

Vrednost 231460 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 2325
1 Quoted 480
-88 not answered 121
-77 not applicable 14701
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2805 14822

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

E2c For how many years have you been learning the language you are most proficient in (only those mentioned above)? (In years) Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2c. For how many years have you been learning the language you are the most proficient in (only those mentioned above)? (Please write the number of years in the space below)

Vrednost 232459 Frekvenca
0.5 12
1 186
1.5 3
2 352
2.5 7
3 539
3.5 5
4 730
4.5 9
5 1454
5.5 4
5.6 1
6 1895
6.1 1
6.5 22
6.7 1
7 2232
7.5 25
7.8 2
8 2752
8.4 1
8.5 17
8.7 1
9 1915
9.5 11
10 1453
10.5 2
11 489
12 299
13 130
14 59
15 63
16 20
17 34
18 35
19 14
20 23
21 3
22 5
23 6
24 3
25 1
27 1
28 2
30 4
33 2
34 1
35 2
39 1
42 1
45 2
-88 not answered 1201
-77 not applicable 1594
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
14832 2795

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0.5 do 45

E2d_1 Language skills: Speaking this language Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2d. How would you rate your language skills in the language you are the most proficient in? (Please tick only one box in each row) Speaking this language

Vrednost 233458 Frekvenca
1 Poor 946
2 Fair 2314
3 Average 5673
4 Good 5162
5 Excellent 1597
-88 not answered 353
-77 not applicable 1582
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
15692 1935

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

E2d_2 Language skills: Reading leisure books in this language Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2d. How would you rate your language skills in the language you are the most proficient in? (Please tick only one box in each row) Reading leisure books in this language

Vrednost 234457 Frekvenca
1 Poor 1807
2 Fair 2932
3 Average 5082
4 Good 4352
5 Excellent 1465
-88 not answered 407
-77 not applicable 1582
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
15638 1989

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

E2d_3 Language skills: Understanding television or movies in this language with no subtitles Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2d. How would you rate your language skills in the language you are the most proficient in? (Please tick only one box in each row) Understanding television or movies in this language with no subtitles

Vrednost 235456 Frekvenca
1 Poor 1020
2 Fair 2563
3 Average 5157
4 Good 4548
5 Excellent 2376
-88 not answered 381
-77 not applicable 1582
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
15664 1963

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

E2d_4 Language skills: Reading text on websites Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2d. How would you rate your language skills in the language you are the most proficient in? (Please tick only one box in each row) Reading text on websites

Vrednost 236455 Frekvenca
1 Poor 967
2 Fair 2166
3 Average 4773
4 Good 5248
5 Excellent 2497
-88 not answered 394
-77 not applicable 1582
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
15651 1976

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

F1_1 Computer: Using copy and paste tools to duplicate or move information (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F1. Which of the following computer related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Using copy and paste tools to duplicate or move information (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 237454 Frekvenca
0 No 1415
1 Yes 14920
-88 not answered 299
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16335 1292

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F1_2 Computer: Using basic arithmetic formulas in a spreadsheet (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F1. Which of the following computer related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Using basic arithmetic formulas in a spreadsheet (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 238453 Frekvenca
0 No 4232
1 Yes 12092
-88 not answered 310
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16324 1303

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F1_3 Computer: Compressing (or zipping) files (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F1. Which of the following computer related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Compressing (or zipping) files (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 239452 Frekvenca
0 No 5419
1 Yes 10873
-88 not answered 342
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16292 1335

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F1_4 Computer: Connecting and installing new devices (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F1. Which of the following computer related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Connecting and installing new devices (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 240451 Frekvenca
0 No 3161
1 Yes 13145
-88 not answered 328
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16306 1321

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F1_5 Computer: Writing a computer program using a computer language (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F1. Which of the following computer related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Writing a computer program using a computer language (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 241450 Frekvenca
0 No 10107
1 Yes 6179
-88 not answered 348
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16286 1341

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F1_6 Computer: Transferring files between the computer and other devices (e.g. digital camera, mobile phone, mp3) (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F1. Which of the following computer related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Transferring files between the computer and other devices (e.g. digital camera, mobile phone, mp3) (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 242449 Frekvenca
0 No 1646
1 Yes 14668
-88 not answered 320
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16314 1313

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F1_7 Computer: Modifying or verifying the configuration parameters of software (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F1. Which of the following computer related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Modifying or verifying the configuration parameters of software (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 243448 Frekvenca
0 No 7228
1 Yes 9056
-88 not answered 350
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16284 1343

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F1_8 Computer: Using a word processing programme to write and format text (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F1. Which of the following computer related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Using a word processing programme to write and format text (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 244447 Frekvenca
0 No 2125
1 Yes 14176
-88 not answered 333
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16301 1326

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F1_9 Computer: Creating electronic presentations with presentation software (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F1. Which of the following computer related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Creating electronic presentations with presentation software (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 245446 Frekvenca
0 No 3672
1 Yes 12619
-88 not answered 343
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16291 1336

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F1_10 Computer: Installing a new or replacing an old operating system (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F1. Which of the following computer related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Installing a new or replacing an old operating system (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 246445 Frekvenca
0 No 7397
1 Yes 8894
-88 not answered 343
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16291 1336

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F2_1 Web: Using a search engine to find information (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F2. Which of the following Internet related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Using a search engine to find information (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 247444 Frekvenca
0 No 1083
1 Yes 15211
-88 not answered 340
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16294 1333

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F2_2 Web: Sending e-mails with attached files (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F2. Which of the following Internet related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Sending e-mails with attached files (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 248443 Frekvenca
0 No 1696
1 Yes 14606
-88 not answered 332
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16302 1325

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F2_3 Web: Posting messages to chat rooms, newsgroups or an online discussion (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F2. Which of the following Internet related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Posting messages to chat rooms, newsgroups or an online discussion (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 249442 Frekvenca
0 No 2809
1 Yes 13469
-88 not answered 356
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16278 1349

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F2_4 Web: Using the internet to make telephone calls (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F2. Which of the following Internet related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Using the internet to make telephone calls (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 250441 Frekvenca
0 No 5584
1 Yes 10702
-88 not answered 348
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16286 1341

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F2_5 Web: Creating a website (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F2. Which of the following Internet related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Creating a website (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 251440 Frekvenca
0 No 8440
1 Yes 7800
-88 not answered 394
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16240 1387

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F2_6 Web: Uploading text, games, images, films or music to websites (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F2. Which of the following Internet related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Uploading text, games, images, films or music to websites (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 252439 Frekvenca
0 No 3379
1 Yes 12896
-88 not answered 359
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16275 1352

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F2_7 Web: Modifying the security settings of internet browsers (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F2. Which of the following Internet related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Modifying the security settings of internet browsers (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 253438 Frekvenca
0 No 6373
1 Yes 9893
-88 not answered 368
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16266 1361

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F2_8 Web: Using peer-to-peer file sharing for exchanging movies, music etc (not asked in Aus, Ger and UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F2. Which of the following Internet related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Using peer-to-peer file sharing for exchanging movies, music etc (not asked in Aus, Ger and UK)

Vrednost 254437 Frekvenca
0 No 4016
1 Yes 4956
-88 not answered 188
-77 not applicable 8467
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8972 8655

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F3_1 ICT: The ability to use a computer is very important for my future employment. Section F: Information and communication technology

F3. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) The ability to use a computer is very important for my future employment.

Vrednost 255436 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 1155
2 Slightly 2175
3 Fairly 4299
4 Quite 4407
5 Completely 5157
-88 not answered 434
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17193 434

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

F3_2 ICT: The internet makes learning more interesting Section F: Information and communication technology

F3. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) The internet makes learning more interesting

Vrednost 256435 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 636
2 Slightly 2011
3 Fairly 4898
4 Quite 5499
5 Completely 4100
-88 not answered 483
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17144 483

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

F3_3 ICT: I can find more information on the internet than I can in school books Section F: Information and communication technology

F3. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) I can find more information on the internet than I can in school books

Vrednost 257434 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 433
2 Slightly 1346
3 Fairly 4311
4 Quite 5117
5 Completely 5961
-88 not answered 459
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17168 459

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

F3_4 ICT: I can learn more quickly with the use of electronic materials Section F: Information and communication technology

F3. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) I can learn more quickly with the use of electronic materials

Vrednost 258433 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 1070
2 Slightly 2820
3 Fairly 5253
4 Quite 4318
5 Completely 3703
-88 not answered 463
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17164 463

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

F3_5 ICT: In today's world people need to be skilled in information and computer technologies Section F: Information and communication technology

F3. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) In today's world people need to be skilled in information and computer technologies

Vrednost 259432 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 362
2 Slightly 1000
3 Fairly 3166
4 Quite 5258
5 Completely 7383
-88 not answered 458
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17169 458

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

F3_6 ICT: Use of computers and other technologies in teaching makes learning easier Section F: Information and communication technology

F3. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) Use of computers and other technologies in teaching makes learning easier

Vrednost 260431 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 622
2 Slightly 1675
3 Fairly 4810
4 Quite 5246
5 Completely 4807
-88 not answered 467
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17160 467

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

F4_1 ICTuse: To find, acquire and use information Section F: Information and communication technology

F3. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) To find, acquire and use information

Vrednost 261430 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 798
2 Rarely 1443
3 Sometimes 4265
4 Often 5792
5 Very often 4745
-88 not answered 584
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17043 584

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

F4_2 ICTuse: To use information for educational purposes using existing material Section F: Information and communication technology

F3. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) To use information for educational purposes using existing material

Vrednost 262429 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 1734
2 Rarely 3164
3 Sometimes 5367
4 Often 4257
5 Very often 2526
-88 not answered 579
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17048 579

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

F4_3 ICTuse: To produce new material (write papers, drawing, programming, make presentations, creating a website) Section F: Information and communication technology

F3. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) To produce new material (write papers, drawing, programming, make presentations, creating a website)

Vrednost 263428 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 1409
2 Rarely 2747
3 Sometimes 4975
4 Often 4642
5 Very often 3268
-88 not answered 586
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17041 586

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

F4_4 ICTuse: To exchange and to transmit information with other pupils, teachers and others using email and internet or to join discussion and chat with others Section F: Information and communication technology

F3. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) To exchange and to transmit information with other pupils, teachers and others using email and internet or to join discussion and chat with others

Vrednost 264427 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 1521
2 Rarely 2416
3 Sometimes 4514
4 Often 4504
5 Very often 4073
-88 not answered 599
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17028 599

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

F5a How many of your teachers use computers and other technologies in their lessons? Section F: Information and communication technology

F5a. How many of your teachers use computers and other technologies in their lessons? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 265426 Frekvenca
1 None of my teachers 1239
2 A few of my teachers 7432
3 Around half of my teachers 2786
4 Most of my teachers 3905
5 All of my teachers 1819
-88 not answered 446
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17181 446

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

F5b How often do your teachers use computers and other technologies in their lessons? Section F: Information and communication technology

F5b. How often do your teachers use computers and other technologies in their lessons? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 266425 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 987
2 Rarely 3889
3 Sometimes 6024
4 Often 4500
5 Very often 1731
-88 not answered 496
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17131 496

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

G1_gende Are you male or female? Section G: You and your family

G1. Are you male or female?

Vrednost 267424 Frekvenca
1 male 9504
2 female 7689
-88 not answered 434
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17193 434

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G2_age How old are you? Section G: You and your family

G2. How old are you?

Vrednost 268423 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
14 13
15 65
16 1102
17 4977
18 5075
19 1924
20 1147
21 727
22 462
23 307
24 177
25 148
26 79
27 63
28 57
29 36
30 38
31 27
32 30
33 16
34 17
35 25
36 15
37 13
38 11
39 13
40 25
41 7
42 18
43 9
44 11
45 15
46 8
47 10
48 8
49 8
-88 not answered 944
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16683 944

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 49

G2_age_t Target population Section G: You and your family

G2. How old are you? Target population

Vrednost 269422 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
0 Not target 6631
1 Target 10052
-88 not answered 944
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16683 944

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 1

G3a_1 Where were you born? Section G: You and your family

G3a. Where were you born? (Please tick only one box in each column)

Vrednost 270421 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 In this country 15336
2 Other EU country 415
3 Non-EU country 770
-88 not answered 1106
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16521 1106

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 3

G3a_2 Where was your father born? Section G: You and your family

G3a. Where was your father born? (Please tick only one box in each column)

Vrednost 271420 Frekvenca
1 In this country 13525
2 Other EU country 1128
3 Non-EU country 1636
-88 not answered 1338
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16289 1338

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

G3a_3 Where was your mother born? Section G: You and your family

G3a. Where was your mother born? (Please tick only one box in each column)

Vrednost 272419 Frekvenca
1 In this country 13640
2 Other EU country 919
3 Non-EU country 1725
-88 not answered 1343
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16284 1343

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

G3b If you were not born in this country, at what age did you arrive in this country? At age Section G: You and your family

G3b. If you were not born in this country, at what age did you arrive in this country?

Vrednost 273418 Frekvenca
0 21
1 150
2 124
3 118
4 73
5 78
6 70
7 63
8 37
9 40
10 66
11 40
12 45
13 48
14 44
15 29
16 26
17 27
18 30
19 13
20 22
21 11
22 8
23 4
24 3
25 9
26 3
30 5
31 2
32 2
34 1
35 4
36 2
39 1
40 4
46 1
47 1
-88 not answered 1197
-77 not applicable 15205
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1225 16402

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 47

G3c_1 What is your citizenship? Section G: You and your family

G3c. What is your citizenship? (Please write the name below)

Vrednost 274417 Frekvenca
-88 3335
1 181
11 1
12 3
13 1585
17 3
18 1
19 2316
2 2
20 6
22 3
23 16
26 132
30 1
31 1
32 1
33 10
4 1
40 13
41 30
5 7
9 3
???????éóôÜí 1
?????éá 1
?????éáí? 2
????Üíé?ç 1
????áíßá 1
????áíé?ç 2
??ë?íßá 1
??ë?íé?? 1
??ëäáâé?? 1
??óé?ç 1
?¶ster. Staatsb??rgerin 1
?¶sterr. 1
?¶sterrechisch 1
?¶sterreich 29
?¶sterreichisch 6
?¶sterreichische 43
?¶sterreichische Staatsb??rgerschaft 7
?¶sterreichische Statsb??rgerschaft 1
?¶sterreichische staatsb??rgerschaft 2
?¶sterrichische 1
?¶strreichische 1
?ËËÇÍÉ?? 9
?á?éóôÜí 1
?á?éóôáíé?? 1
?ëëçíé?? 78
?– 2
?–st. 1
?–stereich 2
?–stereichische 2
?–sterr. 2
?–sterrecih 1
?–sterreich 495
?–sterreicher 2
?–sterreichisch 8
?–sterreichische 78
?–sterreichische Staatsb??rger 1
?–sterreichische Staatsb??rgerschaft 12
?–sterreichische staatsb??rgerschaft 1
?–sterreichischer 1
?–sterreichischestaats B??rgerschaft 1
?–sterrichische staatsb??rgerschaft 1
?–sterrreich 3
?–stetrreich 1
A 3
AT 1
Afgan 1
Afganastinietis 1
Afghanisch 4
Afghanistan 1
Albanien 1
Albanisch 3
Amerikanisch 2
Argentinisch 1
Armenas 1
Armenien 1
Armenisch 2
Armenische 1
Arrabic 1
Aserbaidschanisch 1
Australia 1
Austria 1
Azarbaidzenietis 1
Belgisch 2
Bosnien 2
Bosnien & Herzegovina 1
Bosnien und Herzegovina 1
Bosnien und Herzegowina 2
Bosnien-Herzegowina 1
Bosnien-Herzogovina 1
Bosnisch 6
Bosnische 2
Brasilianisch 5
Britisch 1
British 979
CIgonas 1
Canadain 1
Cekas 1
Chilenisch 1
Cigonas 1
Ciukcis 1
Deutsch 4119
Deutsche 7
Deutschland 1
Dschibuti 1
Dutch 1
EU 17
Elliniki 16
Eritreisch 1
Finnisch 1
Finnland 1
Ghanaisch 2
Griechisch 9
Groß Britannien 1
Hungarian 1
Iranisch 2
Italienisch 30
Ivorisch 1
Jugoslawisch 1
Kanadisch 1
Kasachisch 2
Kazachas 1
Kenianisch 1
Kentukis 1
Kinietis 1
Kirgisisch 1
Kolumbisch 2
Kongo 1
Kosovarisch 8
Kroatien 8
Kroatisch 8
Kroatische 3
Kurdisch 2
LIetuv? 1
LIetuviu 1
LIetuvos 2
LR 10
LR pilietis 1
LT 9
Latvijos 1
Lenk? 4
Lenkas 17
Lenke 3
Letuvij? 1
Letuviska 1
Letuvos 1
Letuvos Respublikos 1
Li?tuvis 1
Liankas 1
Liatuvos 1
Libanesisch 1
Liechtenstein 1
Liet?vis 1
Lietun? 1
Lietuv? 182
Lietuva 14
Lietuvaite 1
Lietuve 106
Lietuvi? 17
Lietuvi? Respublikos 1
Lietuvi?ka 1
Lietuvio 7
Lietuvis 543
Lietuvis! 1
Lietuviska 4
Lietuvislka 1
Lietuviu 37
Lietuvos 110
Lietuvos Piletibe 1
Lietuvos Respublika 4
Lietuvos Respublikoje 1
Lietuvos Respublikos 12
Lietuvos Respublokos 1
Lietuvos lietuv? 1
Lietuvos piietyb? 1
Lietuvos pilietis 1
Lietuvos pilietyb? 2
Lietuvos respublika 2
Lietuvos respublikos 11
Lietuvos respublikos pilietibe 1
Lietuvos respublikos pilietis 1
Lieuvis 1
Lieuvos respublikos pilietis 1
Lieyuv?s 1
Liietuvis 1
Litauisch 1
Lithuanikas 1
Lituvis 1
Lituvos 1
Luxembourg 1
Malayisch 1
Mazedonien 1
Mazedonisch 2
Mazedonische 1
Mexikanisch 2
Mongolisch 1
Nicht-EU 34
Niederländisch 2
Norwegain 1
Norwegische 1
Oesterreich 1
Osterreich 1
PL 1
Pakistanisch 1
Panevezys 1
Phillipinisch 1
Polisch 1
Polish 2
Polnisch 6
Polnische 1
Portugiesisch 7
R?¶misch Katholisch 1
R?¶mischkatolisch 1
Rasijos 1
Rum?¤nisch 1
Rumania 1
Rumänisch 1
Rumänische 2
Rusas 10
Ruse 4
Rusija 1
Rusijos 1
Rusiska 1
Russijos 1
Russisch 10
Russische F?¶deration 1
Russische Staatsb??rgerschaft 1
Russland 2
Russu 1
Rusu 4
Schweden 1
Schweizerisch 1
Serbien 4
Serbisch 12
Serbische 6
Sierraleonisch 1
Slowakei 2
Slowakeiisch 1
Slowenien 1
Slowenisch 1
Slowenische 1
Spanisch 3
Srilankisch 1
Syrisch 2
T??rkei 1
T??rkisch 3
T??rkische 1
Thailändisch 1
Tschad 1
Tschechisch 2
Turkei 1
Türkei 6
Türkisch 93
Ukraine 1
Ukrainisch 4
Ukrainische 1
Ungarisch 1
Ungarn 2
Usbekisch 2
Vietnamesisch 4
Zigeuner 1
aboudabi 1
afganistanietis 1
aigyptiakh 1
albania 2
albanikh 8
alvanikh 1
amerikanos yphkoos 1
amerikh 1
anglas 1
arabas 1
armenia 1
australia 1
austria 2
azarbaidzianietis 1
azerbaid?aniet? 1
azijietis 1
ba?kiras 1
baltarusas 2
bosnische 1
boulg 2
boulgaros 1
boylgaria 1
deutsch 2
ellada 1
ellhnas 2
ellhnikh 103
ellhniki 4
elliniki 15
estas 1
französisch 3
gyftos 1
irish 1
ispanas 1
japaske 1
karaiviki 1
kazakstan 1
kinas 1
kitaicas 1
kroatische 1
latvis 1
leituve 2
leituviska 1
lenkas 26
lenke 7
lenki?ka 1
lenku 5
lenkë 2
letuv? 1
letuvos 1
letyvis 1
liertuve 1
lietievis 1
lietivis 1
lietovos 1
lietuv? 136
lietuva 17
lietuve 237
lietuves 2
lietuvi 1
lietuvi? 8
lietuvi?ka 1
lietuviai 1
lietuvio 2
lietuvis 436
lietuviska 9
lietuviu 30
lietuvo 1
lietuvoje 1
lietuvos 54
lietuvos piletibe 1
lietuvos pilietis 1
lietuvos resbubliikos 1
lietuvos resbublika 1
lietuvos respublika 4
lietuvos respublikos 7
lietuvos respublikos pilietyb? 1
lietuvos respurblikos 1
lietuvu?ka 1
lietuwe 1
lietuwiska 1
lietuwiu 1
lieuve 1
lieyuvis 1
lirtuvis 1
lituvi?ka 1
lituvis 1
lituviu 1
lituvos 2
liutuvi? 1
ljetuve 1
lr 2
lt 17
mexikanos 1
ne?nau 1
nezianu 1
nigiria 1
oesterreich 2
ostereichische 1
osterreich 1
pakistan 1
pl 1
prancuzas 1
pyderas 1
roumania 1
roumaniki 1
rumänisch 1
rusa 1
rusai 2
rusas 10
ruse 9
rusia 1
rusijos 1
russiska 1
rusu 1
rwsikh 1
serbisch 1
serbische 1
sovietu sajungos 1
t??rkisch 1
türkisch 17
uzbekas 2
voketis 1
Á???é?ç Ç?Á 1
Á?ÓÔ?Á˸?É?Ç 1
Á?óô?áëÝ?é?ç 1
Áëâáíé?? 6
Â??Ë?Á?É?? 1
Â??ë?á?ßá 2
Â??ë?á?é?ç 2
Ägyptisch 1
Äquatorialgianisch 1
Éôáëßá 1
Ô????É?Ç 1
Österreich 487
Österreichische 478
Österreichische Staatsbürgerschaft 1
Österreoch 1
Österrreich 3
á???é?áíé?ç 1
á???íé?ç 1
áëâáíé?? 7
â???á?é?ç 1
â??ë?á?éá 1
éó?áí?? 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17627 0

g3c_10 What is your citizenship? Section G: You and your family

G3c. What is your citizenship 1? (Please write the name below)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

g3c_11 What is your citizenship? Section G: You and your family

G3c. What is your citizenship 2? (Please write the name below)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

g3c_12 What is your citizenship? Section G: You and your family

G3c. What is your citizenship 3? (Please write the name below)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

G3c_2 What is your second citizenship? Section G: You and your family

G3c. What is your citizenship? (Please write the name below) Additional citizenship

Vrednost 278413 Frekvenca
(Brasilien) 1
--- 2
---- 1
-------- 1
---------- 1
-88 16786
/ 1
1 17
10 2
11 1
12 11
13 29
15 1
17 3
18 1
19 10
2 5
20 8
23 3
26 39
28 1
3 2
30 2
32 1
33 5
4 2
40 20
5 11
9 2
? 1
????éá?? 1
??óé?ç 1
?¶sterreich 5
?¶sterreichische 1
?¶xldfhs?¶ydkjfhyskdjgf?¶kysdjfhpieu?¶a 1
?áíáä???? 1
?áóá÷??óÝôç 1
?ëëçíé?? 1
?–sterreich 12
?–sterreichische 2
Afghanisch 2
Afriketis 1
Alle 1
Alytus 1
American 6
Amerikanisch 2
Amerikos 1
Anglas 1
Armenas 1
Australian 2
Australische, Franz?¶sische 1
Baden-W??remberg 1
Baltarusas 2
Bangladeshi 1
Bayern 1
Bosnien 1
Bosnien und Russland 1
Bosnisch 1
Brazil 1
Briedis 1
Brittisch 1
Chile 1
China 1
Deutsch 40
Deutsche 4
Deutschland 8
EN 1
English 1
Franz?¶sich 1
Franz?¶sisch 4
Franz?¶sische 1
Griechenland 1
Griechisch 1
HH 1
Holl?¤ndische 1
Holland 1
Hure 1
IT 1
Indian 1
Indien 1
Irakerin 1
Irish 3
Islam 1
Ist das nicht egal? 1
Italien 1
Italienisch 3
Italienische 2
Jamaikos 1
Juodaakis 1
Kartofel 1
Kasachisch 3
Kasahstan 1
Keine 1
Klaipeda 1
Kolumbianisch 1
Kosowo 1
Kroatien 4
Kroatisch 2
Kroatische 2
LT 1
Latvija 1
Lenk? 1
Lenkas 3
Lenku 1
Liankas 1
Lietuva 3
Lietuvaite 1
Lietuve 2
Lietuvis 9
Lietuviu 2
Lietuvos 1
Mandarinas 1
Marroko 1
Mazedonisch 1
Mazedonische 1
Mexikanische 1
Mongolitisch (Lastkraftwagenfahrer) 1
N?¶?¶ 1
Namibia 1
Nein 1
Nepalese 1
Neturiu 1
Neuseel?¤ndisch 1
Niederl?¤ndisch 2
Norwegisch 1
PL 1
Pakistani 4
Philippinen 2
Polen 3
Polnisch 6
Polnische 1
Polniusch 1
Portugalas 1
Portugiesisch 1
Portugisisch 1
Prancuzas 1
Rum?¤nisch 1
Rus? 1
Rusas 4
Ruse 1
Russisch 7
Rusu 1
Sackratten 1
Sankt-Petersburg 1
Schwabe 1
Schweiz 4
Serbien 2
Slowakei 1
South African 1
Spanien 1
Spanisch 2
T??rkisch 5
T??rkische 1
T??rkische Staatsb??rgerschaft 1
Thailand 1
Thailändische 1
The same 1
Tokia pat 1
Trinidad & Tobagisch 1
Tunesien 1
Turkmenistan employed by Kamil Koc after working for Arcelik 1
Türkei 1
Ukraini?t? 1
Ukrainos 2
Ungarisch 1
Ungarn 1
Uzbekas 1
Zigeunische 1
Zydas 1
afghanisch 1
afriki 1
aire 1
albania 1
albanische 1
americaniki 1
amerikanikh 1
amerikanisch 4
amerikonas 1
andromeda-nebel 1
anglas 1
anglijos, jav 1
arzabaidziano 1
assyrisch 1
aukstaitis 1
australian visa 1
baltarusas 1
baltaruse 2
bengladesas 1
bilarusas 1
bin kein kanacke ! 1
bosnisch 1
brasilianisch 1
britisch 1
chee 1
chilenisch 1
china 1
ciukcia 1
d 1
d?¤nisch 1
deutsch 47
deutsche 3
deutschland 1
dschibuti 1
dziks 1
ecuadorianisch 1
egiptietis 1
ellhnikh 4
ellhnikh k italikh 1
engliscjh 1
eskimas 1
filandikh 1
frans?¶sisch 1
franz?¶se 1
franz?¶sisch 2
gorault 1
grecce 1
griechisch 3
hogworts 1
holländisch 1
ietuvis 1
irakisch 1
ispane 1
italia 1
italien 1
italiener 1
italienisch 6
japaske 1
japonas 1
jokios 1
kamerun 1
kaunas 1
kazahas 1
keine 18
kinas 1
kjg 1
kolumbianisch 1
kurdische 1
kypriakh 1
latv? 1
latvis 2
lenk? 2
lenkas 7
lenke 5
lenkija 1
letuvis 2
letuviska 1
letuviu 1
letuvos 1
lietrpaltis 1
lietuv? 4
lietuva 3
lietuve 9
lietuvi? 2
lietuviai 1
lietuvis 24
lietuviu 3
lietuvos 1
lietuvu 1
litauisch 1
liuetuviu 1
lt 3
marokkianesisch 1
mongolisch 1
moslem 2
n?ra 2
neger 1
nein 1
nera 10
neturiu ! 1
neturiu be lietuviu kitos piybes 1
nichts 1
niederl?¤ndisch 1
niederländisch 1
niera 1
nigeris 1
nigga 1
nope 1
ostmombasisch 1
pakistanietis 1
paraguayanisch 1
polnisch 23
portugiesisch 1
puse lenkas 1
romanian 1
rosiki 1
rum?¤nisch 1
rus? 3
rusa lenkas 1
rusai 1
rusas 4
rusas/anglas/vokietis/lenkas 1
russia 1
russia the best 1
russisch 18
rusu 2
rwsikh 1
schweiz 3
schweizerisch 2
serbisch-montenegrinisch 1
siaulietis 1
spanien 1
spasti 1
t??rke 1
t??rkisch 10
tatarisch 1
test, test deutschtest mathetest immer test 1
thailand 1
toke pat 1
tokia pat 1
totorius 1
tr?¶lf 1
türkisch 4
ukraina 1
ukrainietis 1
ungarisch 1
uruguay 1
uzsienys 1
vieleicht bald deutsche 1
vietnam 1
vokietis 1
vokietis lochas 1
voulgariki 1
®emaitis 1
Á??Ýíé?ç 1
Ägypten 1
ÉÜ??íá? 1
Österreich 7
á?óô?áëéá?? 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17627 0

g3c_20 What is your second citizenship? Section G: You and your family

G3c. What is your citizenship? (Please write the name below) Additional citizenship 1

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

g3c_21 What is your second citizenship? Section G: You and your family

G3c. What is your citizenship? (Please write the name below) Additional citizenship 2

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

g3c_22 What is your second citizenship? Section G: You and your family

G3c. What is your citizenship? (Please write the name below) Additional citizenship 3

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

G3c_nati What is your citizenship? Section G: You and your family

G3c. What is your citizenship? (Please write the name below) Nation

Vrednost 282409 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Albanian 229
2 American 10
3 Austrian 1713
4 Arabian 3
5 Byelorussian 9
6 Bosnian Hercegovina 28
7 Chinese 3
8 Croatian 16
9 English 984
10 Estonian 1
11 French 2
12 German 4131
13 Greek 1894
14 Hungarian 5
15 Indian 0
16 Irish 1
17 Italian 35
18 Jewish 1
19 Latvian 2318
20 Lithuanian 2180
21 Macedonian 11
22 Pakistani 9
23 Polish 99
24 Portuguese 8
25 Roma 7
26 Russian 203
27 Serbian 28
28 Slovenian 932
29 South African 0
30 Spanish 6
31 Tatar 1
32 Turkish 15
33 Ukrainian 17
40 Other 61
41 EU-Citizenship 22
42 Non-EU Citizenship 90
43 Alien - without any citizenship 30
-88 not answered 2525
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
15102 2525

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 43

G4 Where do you live (most of the time)? Section G: You and your family

G4. Where do you live (most of the time)? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 283408 Frekvenca
1 In a House / apartment / flat with my parent(s) or guardian( 12425
2 In my own apartment / house / flat 2714
3 In a shared house / apartment / flat (with friends or other 683
4 In a pupil dormitory 1183
5 In supported accomodation (e.g. funded or run by Social Serv 51
-88 not answered 571
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17056 571

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

G5 How many brothers and sisters do you have? Section G: You and your family

G5. How many brothers and sisters do you have? (including step/half-brothers and -sisters) (Please write the number in the space below)

Vrednost 284407 Frekvenca
0 1128
1 6928
2 4034
3 1961
4 944
5 527
6 245
7 143
8 82
9 69
10 36
11 16
12 22
13 11
14 7
15 15
16 5
17 5
18 5
19 2
20 6
-88 not answered 1436
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16191 1436

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 20

G6 How many people including yourself live in your household? Section G: You and your family

G6. How many people including yourself live in your household (e.g. the place where you live most of the time)? (Please write the number in the space below)

Vrednost 285406 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 941
2 2086
3 3740
4 4921
5 2500
6 1184
7 391
8 178
9 95
10 61
11 29
12 23
13 8
14 8
15 18
16 6
17 4
18 6
19 3
20 12
21 1
22 3
24 3
-88 not answered 1406
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16221 1406

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 24

G7 Which phrase below best describes the area where you live? Section G: You and your family

G7. Which phrase below best describes the area where you live? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 286405 Frekvenca
1 A big city 3628
2 The suburbs of a big city 1815
3 A town or a small village 5566
4 A country village 5086
5 A farm or home in the countryside 975
-88 not answered 557
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17070 557

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

G8_fa What is the highest level of schooling completed by your father? Section G: You and your family

G8. What is the 'highest level of schooling' completed by your father / mother? (Please tick only one box in each column) What is the highest level of schooling completed by your father?

Vrednost 287404 Frekvenca
1 ISCED level 5A/6 1526
2 ISCED level 5B 1212
3 ISCED level 4 939
4 ISCED level 3B, 3C 3032
5 ISCED level 3A 2448
6 ISCED level 2 3542
7 ISCED level 1 or without school leaving certificate 508
-99 don`t know 1902
-88 not answered 1525
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
13207 4420

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

G8_mo What is the highest level of schooling completed by your mother? Section G: You and your family

G8. What is the 'highest level of schooling' completed by your father / mother? (Please tick only one box in each column) What is the highest level of schooling completed by your mother?

Vrednost 288403 Frekvenca
1 ISCED level 5A/6 1511
2 ISCED level 5B 1226
3 ISCED level 4 966
4 ISCED level 3B, 3C 2731
5 ISCED level 3A 2708
6 ISCED level 2 3840
7 ISCED level 1 or without school leaving certificate 518
-99 don`t know 1585
-88 not answered 1549
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
13500 4127

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

G8_fa_uk What is the highest level of schooling completed by your father? Only UK. Use this variable with caution-data show questionable results Section G: You and your family

G8. What is the 'highest level of schooling' completed by your father / mother? (Please tick only one box in each column) What is the highest level of schooling completed by your father? Only UK. Use this variable with caution-data show questionable results

Vrednost 289402 Frekvenca
1 ISCED level 5A/6 121
4 ISCED level 3B, 3C 126
5 ISCED level 3A 124
6 ISCED level 2 63
-99 don`t know 541
-88 not answered 18
-77 not applicable 16634
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
434 17193

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

G8_mo_uk What is the highest level of schooling completed by your mother? Only UK. Use this variable with caution-data show questionable results Section G: You and your family

G8. What is the 'highest level of schooling' completed by your father / mother? (Please tick only one box in each column) What is the highest level of schooling completed by your mother? Only UK. Use this variable with caution-data show questionable results

Vrednost 290401 Frekvenca
1 ISCED level 5A/6 121
4 ISCED level 3B, 3C 158
5 ISCED level 3A 167
6 ISCED level 2 41
-99 don`t know 490
-88 not answered 16
-77 not applicable 16634
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
487 17140

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

G9_fa What is the employment status of your father? Section G: You and your family

G9. What is the employment status of your parents? (Please tick only one box in each column) What is the employment status of your father?

Vrednost 291400 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Full-time, on a regular basis or self-employed (more than 30 10619
2 Part-time, on a regular basis or self-employed (less than 30 1110
3 Working temporarily 699
4 Not employed, searching for a job 753
5 Not employed, not searching for a job (Housewife/Houseman, R 917
-99 don`t know 1593
-88 not answered 1936
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
14098 3529

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

G9_mo What is the employment status of your mother? Section G: You and your family

G9. What is the employment status of your parents? (Please tick only one box in each column) What is the employment status of your mother?

Vrednost 292399 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Full-time, on a regular basis or self-employed (more than 30 7387
2 Part-time, on a regular basis or self-employed (less than 30 3600
3 Working temporarily 826
4 Not employed, searching for a job 1077
5 Not employed, not searching for a job (Housewife/Houseman, R 2007
-99 don`t know 1132
-88 not answered 1598
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
14897 2730

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

G10_fa Does your father undertake extra paid work in addition to his main job to increase family budget? Section G: You and your family

G10. Does your father/mother undertake extra paid work in addition to his/her main job to increase family budget? (Please tick only one box in each row) Does your father undertake extra paid work in addition to his main job to increase family budget?

Vrednost 293398 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Yes 4092
2 No 9731
-99 don`t know 2238
-88 not answered 1566
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
13823 3804

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 2

G10_mo Does your mother undertake extra paid work in addition to her main job to increase family budget? Section G: You and your family

G10. Does your father/mother undertake extra paid work in addition to his/her main job to increase family budget? (Please tick only one box in each row) Does your mother undertake extra paid work in addition to her main job to increase family budget?

Vrednost 294397 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Yes 3458
2 No 11103
-99 don`t know 1758
-88 not answered 1308
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
14561 3066

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 2

G11_1 In your home: A room of your own Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) A room of your own

Vrednost 295396 Frekvenca
1 Yes 14798
2 No 1898
-88 not answered 931
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16696 931

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_2 In your home: A quiet place to study Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) A quiet place to study

Vrednost 296395 Frekvenca
1 Yes 14009
2 No 2537
-88 not answered 1081
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16546 1081

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_3 In your home: A computer you can use for school work Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) A computer you can use for school work

Vrednost 297394 Frekvenca
1 Yes 15241
2 No 1426
-88 not answered 960
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16667 960

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_4 In your home: Educational software Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) Educational software

Vrednost 298393 Frekvenca
1 Yes 8185
2 No 7998
-88 not answered 1444
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16183 1444

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_5 In your home: Landline Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) Landline

Vrednost 299392 Frekvenca
1 Yes 13219
2 No 3253
-88 not answered 1155
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16472 1155

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_6 In your home: A link to the internet Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) A link to the internet

Vrednost 300391 Frekvenca
1 Yes 14821
2 No 1805
-88 not answered 1001
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16626 1001

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_7 In your home: Classic literature Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) Classic literature

Vrednost 301390 Frekvenca
1 Yes 7758
2 No 8466
-88 not answered 1403
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16224 1403

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_8 In your home: Books of poetry Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) Books of poetry

Vrednost 302389 Frekvenca
1 Yes 6293
2 No 9824
-88 not answered 1510
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16117 1510

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_9 In your home: Works of art (e.g. paintings or prints) Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) Works of art (e.g. paintings or prints)

Vrednost 303388 Frekvenca
1 Yes 8564
2 No 7648
-88 not answered 1415
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16212 1415

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_10 In your home: Books to help with your school work (e.g. dictionary, atlas) Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) Books to help with your school work (e.g. dictionary, atlas)

Vrednost 304387 Frekvenca
1 Yes 12810
2 No 3565
-88 not answered 1252
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16375 1252

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_11 In your home: A DVD or VCR player Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) A DVD or VCR player

Vrednost 305386 Frekvenca
1 Yes 14883
2 No 1674
-88 not answered 1070
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16557 1070

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_12 wealth item 1 (please check codebook for national specific items) Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) wealth item 1 (please check codebook for national specific items)

Vrednost 306385 Frekvenca
1 Yes 10303
2 No 5992
-88 not answered 1332
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16295 1332

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_13 wealth item 2 (please check codebook for national specific items) (not asked in Lit) Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) wealth item 2 (please check codebook for national specific items) (not asked in Lit)

Vrednost 307384 Frekvenca
1 Yes 8517
2 No 5438
-88 not answered 1031
-77 not applicable 2641
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
13955 3672

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_14 wealth item 3 (please check codebook for national specific items (not asked in Aus, Lit and UK) Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) wealth item 3 (please check codebook for national specific items (not asked in Aus, Lit and UK)

Vrednost 308383 Frekvenca
1 Yes 6629
2 No 4489
-88 not answered 778
-77 not applicable 5731
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
11118 6509

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G12_1 Items: Mobile phone(s) Section G: You and your family

G12. How many of the following items are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) Mobile phone(s)

Vrednost 309382 Frekvenca
1 None 353
2 One 1564
3 Two 2218
4 Three or more 12777
-88 not answered 715
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16912 715

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

G12_2 Items: Television(s) Section G: You and your family

G12. How many of the following items are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) Television(s)

Vrednost 310381 Frekvenca
1 None 374
2 One 3447
3 Two 5986
4 Three or more 7047
-88 not answered 773
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16854 773

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

G12_3 Items: Computer(s) Section G: You and your family

G12. How many of the following items are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) Computer(s)

Vrednost 311380 Frekvenca
1 None 910
2 One 6123
3 Two 5058
4 Three or more 4757
-88 not answered 779
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16848 779

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

G12_4 Items: Car(s) Section G: You and your family

G12. How many of the following items are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) Car(s)

Vrednost 312379 Frekvenca
1 None 2524
2 One 5486
3 Two 4922
4 Three or more 3935
-88 not answered 760
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16867 760

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

G13 How many books are there in your home? Section G: You and your family

G13. How many books are there in your home? There are usually about 40 books per metre of shelving. Do not include magazines, newspapers or your schoolbooks. (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 313378 Frekvenca
1 0-10 books 3538
2 11-25 books 3298
3 26-100 books 5277
4 101-200 books 2368
5 201-500 books 1454
6 More than 500 books 1024
-88 not answered 668
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16959 668

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

G14 Which of the description below comes closest to how you feel about your family's income? Section G: You and your family

G14. Which of the description below comes closest to how you feel about your family’s income? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 314377 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Living comfortably on present income. 5739
2 Coping on present income. 6946
3 Finding it difficult on present income. 2526
4 Finding it very difficult on present income. 982
-99 don`t know 664
-88 not answered 770
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16193 1434

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 4

G15_1 Income sources: Parents (pocket money) Section G: You and your family

G15. What are your own income sources? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Parents (pocket money)

Vrednost 315376 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 7162
1 Quoted 10075
-88 not answered 390
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17237 390

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

G15_2 Income sources: A sholarship Section G: You and your family

G15. What are your own income sources? (Please tick all boxes that apply) A sholarship

Vrednost 316375 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 12306
1 Quoted 4931
-88 not answered 390
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17237 390

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

G15_3 Income sources: Own work (not related to programme) Section G: You and your family

G15. What are your own income sources? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Own work (not related to programme)

Vrednost 317374 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 12701
1 Quoted 4535
-88 not answered 391
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17236 391

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

G15_4 Income sources: Own work (related to programme) Section G: You and your family

G15. What are your own income sources? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Own work (related to programme)

Vrednost 318373 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 12064
1 Quoted 5172
-88 not answered 391
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17236 391

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

G15_5 Income sources: Financial support from state Section G: You and your family

G15. What are your own income sources? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Financial support from state

Vrednost 319372 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 15406
1 Quoted 1830
-88 not answered 391
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17236 391

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

G16 Comments Section G: You and your family

G16. Comments If you would like to leave a comment or tell us something about your programme that wasn’t asked in the questionnaire you can write your remarks in the box below.

Vrednost 320371 Frekvenca
'Des hier ist ne Spionage 1
(A1: Apolitirion = Griechisches Abitur) 1
(Die Ausbildung in der Schule ist für meine Verhältnisse total überflüssig, da mir meine Ausbilderin Alles mehr und besser vermitteln kann.) 1
(Fände es besser, wenn man zwei Jahre nur Schule hat, da für 1x und alle 14 Tage 2x in der Woche Schule zu haben, viel zu wenig ist. Die Theorie verlangt viel mehr von einer Hauswirtschaftlerin ab als die Praxis.) 1
(H9: Vater kann nicht arbeiten) 1
(Z10: 570 mit Bafög) 1
(Z10: bisschen beschissen, so wenig zu bekommen) 1
(zu B6: Hätten meine Eltern mir meine Erlaubnis zum Abitur machen unterzeichnet, wäre ich jetzt am studieren und nicht bei dieser Ausbildung.) 1
- ziemlich intime frage - undeutliche frage und antwortenstellungen 1
-88 16618
....in Ordnung!! 1
15. Frage schließt das Verheiratet sein und eine Ausbildung im Alter aus. Mehrere Fragen gehen davon aus, dass man jünger als 30 ist! 1
5754468468hettrdkgjkjkea 1
7 1
7 EU ist schwul. 1
?¶?¤jkl?¤jkp?¤ 1
Ab Frage E2d zweifelhalfte Datenqualität! (Anm.d. Red./F.H.) 1
Abschnitt G/Z war komplett ausgefüllt, aber durchgestrichen! 2
Agagagaga 1
Alles o.k au??er dass man mit einer weit weg gelegenen Ausbildung wenig freizeit hat. 1
Als Friseurin bekommt man zu wenig Gehalt, so dass man schlecht leben kann und noch einen zusätzlichen Job braucht. 1
Als ich von der Haupt abging, wollte ich eine Abendrealschule besuchen, um Abschluss nachzuholen. Doch Jobcenter ließ mich nicht. Begründung, ich wäre zu alt (damals 18) und müsste schnell eine Ausbildung machen. Musste ich eine Ausbildung beginnen, die 1
Also, ich bin der KING hier ne :D 1
Amateur-Fu??ball Vertrag mit Einkommem 1
Anketa gali b?ti geriau suformuluota. Kai kurie klausimai tokie kvaili.... 1
Antwortmöglichkeiten verbebssern 1
As daugiau nenoriu tokiu anketu ok? 1
Ausbildung: Lehrlinge kommen schwer zurecht auf der Baustelle 1
Ausbildungsverg??tung und Ausbildungsbereiche kommen auf den Betrieb an. Ich z.B. arbeite in einem Ger??stbauerbetrieb und gleichzeitig in einem Handel, weshalb ich, da der Betrieb nicht sehr gro?? ist oft im Lager arbeiten muss. 1
B?¤cker ;) 1
Be komentar?, a?i? u? dëmesá. 1
Be komentaru 2
Be komentaru... 1
Beende in 1.5 Jahren meine Berufsmatura, fange im Herbst als Texterin in einer Werbeagentur an, möchte auf der FH studieren 1
Befragung war viel zu lang aber ansonsten ok. 1
Bei den Fahrzeugen im Haushalt k?¶nnten auch Motorr?¤der ber??cksichtigt werden? 1
Bei meiner Ausbildung handelt es sich um eine Dualeausbildung, aber in meinem Betrieb, werde ich nur als billige Arbeitskraft eingesetzt, wodurch berufliche Chancen sehr schlecht gegeben sind, wenn ich nicht ausgezeichnete Leistungen in der Schule gezeig 1
Berufsschulen n?¤her am Wohnort bzw an der Ausbildungsfirma 1
Bitte keine Frauen diskriminieren wie bei der Frage, bei der es um Mann und frau ging! 1
Bitte mehr geld !!!!!! 1
Bitte nächstes Mal nicht so lang! 1
Bla bla bla abla abala lbalnoubfubwfbcuiewfb9ibiugbuibuewfzbiubbjbubiupb HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYY =) 1
Blubb 1
Ch??psche Fragebogen :-* 1
Cia yra technikumas,ko noret:) 1
Crisis 1
Da dies meine 2. Ausbildung ist, sind manche Fragen sehr schwierig zu beantworten gewesen. 1
Da ich in einer "Bedarfsgemeinschaft" lebe, obwohl mein Bruder studiert (gerade seinen Master macht) und ich Azubi bin! Jedoch meine Mutter staatlich geprüfte Schauspielerin ist, aber nicht immer ein festes Einkommen bekommt! hab ich im Monat 90€ und das 1
Da ich schon vor der Ausbildung einen eigenen Haushalt hatte. Verf?¤lscht dieses Ergebnis nur. 1
Da sich viele Fragen auch um das Lernen und Lernmaterialien drehen, möchte ich allgemein dazu sagen, dass ich die Anwendung von Computern im Unterricht nicht für gut heiße, zum Lernen zuhause aber schon wichtig finde. 1
Dafür, dass das anonym ist, werden sehr genaue/persönliche Fragen gestellt. 1
Danke everybody f??r die weltklasse aktion hier :) geht mal voll ab die umfrage...hell yeah 1
Danke f??r die Nachfrage mit freundlichen Gr????en :D 1
Danke f??r die halbe Stunde keine Schule! 1
Danke f??r diese sch?¶ne Unterrichtsstunde! 1
Danke, Betriebswirtschaft musste dran glauben ;) Der Fragebogen ist etwas zu lang. LG 1
Danke, dass wir Freistunden bekommen haben 1
Das Alles geht kan was an! 1
Das Baf?¤g das die Sch??ler bekommen deren Eltern teile Arbeitlos sind sollten den Sch??lern geh?¶ren. In meinem Fall muss ich die H?¤lfte des Baf?¤ogs meiner Eltern geben, weil das Arbeitsamt das Einkommen wegen dem Baf?¶g abzieht.Es sollte eine neue Re 1
Das Einkommen, welches Friseure bzw. Auszubildende erhalten, ist eindetuig viel zu gering. Ich alleine bezahle für den Bus (1 Woche) in die Berufsschule 60€ bzw. zur Arbeit 30€. Dies ist mit 200€ monatlich nicht zu bewältigen. 1
Das Gehalt ist zu gering f??r die Ausbildung bzw T?¤tigkeit die wir ausf??hren. H?¤tte mit mehr gerechnet f??r diesen Beruf. W??rde gerne praktisch mehr in diesem Beruf lernen, von der Schule aus. 1
Das Verhalten der Professoren im Unterricht, ihre soziale Kompetenz etc. sollte auch in den Unterricht bzw. in ihre Ausbildung miteinflie??en. M?¤nner werden in manchen F?¤chern (z.B. Geschichte) bevorzugt. -> Vorurteile Es sollte F?¶rderungen f??r Sch 1
Das ist langweillig 1
Das sind einfach nur Fragen ohne Sinn! 1
Daug klausimu :) 1
Dei mum schluckt 1
Der Altenpflegeberuf ist viel zu schlecht bezahlt, für die Arbeit die wir leisten müssen 1
Der Fragebogen an sich war gut, einige fragen aber zu undeutlich gestellt. Beispiel: H14: Bin ich oder meine Familie (Eltern und Co) gemeint? 1
Der Fragebogen ist etwas zu lang 1
Der Fragebogen ist etwas zu lang und auch teilweise unverst?¤ndlich. 1
Der Fragebogen ist sehr persönlich, manche Fragen sind zu intim. Der Verdienst, den Azubis für die Arbeit bekommen ist eindeutig zu wenig. Andere Berufe erhalten mehr, obwohl sie weniger leisten. 1
Der Fragebogen ist viel zu lang und zeitaufwendig. Zeit die man h?¤tte viel besser in den Unterricht investieren k?¶nnen! 1
Der Fragebogen ist viel zu lange und unverständlich formuliert 1
Der Fragebogen ist zu lang ! 1
Der Fragebogen raubt viel zu viel Zeit. 1
Der Fragebogen war derbe! 1
Der Fragebogen war nicht so gut f??r 2 j?¤hrige Berufsfachschule. 1
Der Fragebogen war viel zu lang, wahrscheinlich f??llen die letzten Fragen nur noch die wenigsten wahrheitsgem?¤?? aus. 1
Der Fragebogen war viel zu lange!!!!! 1
Der Fragebogen war zu lang! 1
Der Fragebogen war zu lange und schlecht formuliert (Bsp: E2d. welche Sprache...) 1
Der Fragenbogen ist zu lang. 1
Der Grund f??r meine unzufriedenheit im Ausbildungsberuf liegt darin begr??ndet, dass ich eigentlich das Ziel habe Zahnmedizin zu studieren, aber auf Grund der mangelnden Studienangebote und des gew??nschten NC´s seitens der Universit?¤ten gezwungen bin 1
Der Staat sollte Schüler/Lehrlinge/Studenten mehr bei den ersten Schritten in der Erwachsenen" Welt zu machen z. B. leistbare Wohnungen! 1
Der Test ist zu lange und zu unverständlich! 1
Der Verdienst im Gegensatz zu unserer Arbeit ist ziemlich wenig. Andere Berufe verdienen viel mehr obwohl diese nicht mehr arbeiten. 1
Der Verdiesnt im Gegensatz zu anderen Diesntleistungsberufen ist sehr gering. Auch im Gegensatz zu den Arbeitszeiten, SWchichtdienst, Sonn- und Feiertag! Danke 1
Der fragebogen ist viel zu lang und derbe schei??e 1
Der war leider viel zu lang ;-) ein paar Fragen haben sich gedoppelt... Viel Erfolg 1
Des hat so lange gedauert, bin fast eingschlafen, i hab iwas gmacht , mia wuaschttttttttttttttttttttttttt :) 1
Des is foi unedi 1
Didesnes stipendijos 1
Didinti stipendijas bei didesniu pamoku kiekç 1
Die Bearbeitung des Fragebogens hat viel zu lange gedauert. Au??erdem war es eine Frechheit einige Fragen zu stellen!!! 1
Die Befragtung finde ich ziehmlich pers?¶nlich.... !!! 1
Die Befragung ist viel zu lange !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1
Die Berufsschule ist die inkompetetnteste Form der Zeitverschwendung die ich jemals erlebt habe. 1
Die Best?¤tigung der Erziehungsberechtigten f??r diesen Test einzuholen habe ich f??r ??bertrieben gehalten da der Test sowieso anonym abgegeben wird. Ich denke das die Jobchancen nicht vom Geschlecht sondern von der individuellen F?¤higkeit abh?¤ngen 1
Die Fragen am Anfang beziehen sich zu sehr auf die Ausbildung im Allgemeinen. Ein Beispiel: Meine Ausbildung ist nicht sehr angesehen und bringt mich in Zukunft nicht viel weiter, aber es war eine gute M?¶glichkeit in den gew??nschten Konzern zu gelangen 1
Die Fragen besser auf die Schulen anpassen. 1
Die Fragen die sich rund um 'Frauenquote' etc. drehen hab in meinen Augen keinen sinn. Da wir in einer Westlichen/ Christlich- Abendl?¤ndischen Kultur leben ist diese Frage insofern 'Schwachsinn' weil es zumindest in meinen Augen dazu geh?¶rt das Frauen 1
Die Fragen sind ein wenig zu lang!!! 1
Die Fragen sind nicht sinnvoll geordnet und verweisen oft auf schon einmal gestellte Fragen (z.B. 'Haben Sie einen Internetanschluss?' und 'Haben sie einen DSL Anschluss?'). Au??erdem sind Fragen oft so formuliert, dass der Verdacht entsteht, dass die Fr 1
Die Fragen waren gut, aber die einigen Fragen waren unverst?¤ndlich, k?¶nnten die Fragen vielleicht besser vormuliert werden.An sonsten ok. 1
Die Fragen, die ich zur Hälfte ausgetrichen habe. haben nur teilweise gepasst. Was nicht zutreffend war, habe ich weggestrichen. 1
Die Lehrer sind ??berfordert, p?¤dagogisch sehr schlecht ausgebildet und haben sehr oft keine Geduld. Aber daf??r Wissen. Der Unterricht ist langweilig, uninteressant und es wird uns st?¤ndig klargemacht, wie schlecht der gegenw?¤rtige Arbeitsmarkt i 1
Die Lehrlingsentschädigung ist viel zu gering! 1
Die Lernmittel, sollten den Entsprechenden Berufsschulklassen entsprechend angepasst werden, und demnach immer auf dem aktuellsten stand sein! Kaufm?¤nnische Schule G?¶ppingen = Internet Explorer 6 VisualBasic 1998 uvm. 1
Die Motivation der Lehrer das 'praktische' Berufsgeschehen mitzuerleben und dementsprechend Unterricht zu gestalten ist oft demotivierend und f??hrt zu 'Schulfrust', da die Schule oft an der Praxis vorbei geht. 1
Die Sanit?¤ren Anlagen sind einfach nur das letzte. Die Mensa ist zu teuer und schmeckt nicht wirklich gut 1
Die Umfrage hat mir gefallen, da sie sehr strukturiert und detailliert war! :) Gute Arbeit :)) lg 1
Die Umfrage war sehr gut 1
Die Ungerechtigkeit mancher Lehrer macht mich immer wieder w??tend. 1
Die aktuelle Ausbildung ist die zweite in meinem Lebenslauf - erste Ausbildung erfolgreich abgeschlossen zur Gro??- & Au??enhandelskauffrau. Nach dem Fachabitur - danach in der freien Wirtschaft gearbeitet. 1
Die ausbildungsverg??tung sollte allgemein in allen ausbildung besser angepasst werden da die azubis meist genauso viel machen wie die vollzeit leute. 1
Die betriebliche und schulische Ausbildung sind in meiner Situation nicht vergleichbar. Die schulischen Anforderungen und Leistungen haben ein geringes Niveau. Trotz beruflicher Umorientierung war diese Ausbildung die Erfahrung wert. 1
Die drei Geschwister sind nur v?¤terlicher seits. 1
Die umfrage ist sehr schwach berufsbezogen. Vill zu lang war di umfrage aaber sonst O.K. P.S.: Sorry f??r meine Rechtschribung 1
Diese Umfrage hat meine Klasse eine gesamte Schulstunde gekostet, in der wir etwas h?¤tten lernen k?¶nnen. 1
Dieser Fragebogen ist der größte Schwachsinn. 1
Dieser Fragebogen ist eher auf junge Azubis zugeschnitten, auf Grund meines Alters sind manche Fragen rein sepkulativ oder nicht beantwortbar. 1
Dieser Fragebogen ist sehr unverständlich. Manche Fragen sind unnötig und was mich noch stört sind die Mittel-Kästchen. 1
Dieser Fragebogen ist viel zu lang und verlangt zu viele private Informationen. 1
Dieser Fragebogen ist zu lang 1
Dieser Fragebogen war nicht auf Sch??ler einer H?¶heren Handelsschule bezogen sondern eher auf Personen, die sich bereits in einer Berufsausbildung befinden. 1
Dieser Fragebogen war nicht genug auf Sch??ler bezogen, die sich noch nicht in einer Ausbildung befinden. 1
Dieser Test ist f??r einen Abiturienten nicht sehr sinnvoll. 1
Dieser Test war voll f??r den Arsch!!!!! Tschau............................. Chill amol..... 1
E wangga sebuaschken 1
EU must recognize our degrees in a better way 1
Eigentlich habe ich hier nichts hinzuzuf??gen. 1
Eigentlich wollte ich und will immer noch Berufssoldat werden. Durch einen Krankheitsfall bei der Aufnahmepr??fung konnte ich die Tests nicht bestehen. Wenn ich die ausbildung beendet habe, werde ich mich voll und ganz darauf konzentrieren soldat zu we 1
Eindeutig zu lange, sonst in ordnung 1
Eine Ausbildung war für mich NICHT die richtige Wahl. Ich hätte gleich studieren sollen. 1
Eine sehr gute Umfrage. =) 1
Einige Fragen waren zu privat!! 1
Einige individuelle Antworten fehlen, aber man kann eben nicht alle Gedankenwege auflisten. Der Gro??teil der Kapitalistisch-Denkenden sollte darin jedoch alles finden... 1
Eltern gechieden, wohne bei meinem Vater, der allerdings nur selten zuhause ist, dh ich muss f??r Nahrungsmittel selbst aufkommen, selbst putzen, waschen, etc. 1
Eltern geschieden / kein Kontakt zum Vater 1
Eltern haben sich scheiden lassen deswegen war ich dazu verpflichtet eigenes geld zu verdienen. Nach der Lehre were ich mich schulisch noch weiterbilden. 1
Eltern sind geschieden, 1
Eltern sind geschieden. Ich habe eine Frau und mit ihr eine eigene Wohnung. 1
Eltern verstorben. Eigener Haushalt. 1
Elternfragen und Geschwisterfragen geh?¶ren defenitiv nicht in diese Umfrage... Mfg 1
Er ist ziemlich lange und geht dehr in das Privatleben des einzelnen ein. 1
Er war auf jeden fall zu lang... 1
Es gab nie ein Bundesheer oder Berufsheer zum ausw?¤hlen 1
Es geht nur mich und meinen Chef was an, wieviel ich verdiene 1
Es gibt gelegentlich unn?¶tige Fragen :) 1
Es h?¤tte mehr auf das Verh?¤ltnis Sch??ler - Ausbilder, eingegangen werden k?¶nnen. 1
Es h?¤tte noch gefragt werden k?¶nnen ob eine Ausbildung vorab schon absolviert worden ist. Ich war mir unsicher bei manchen fragen bez??gl. des Geldes bspw. 1
Es ist ein relativ geordmeter Fragebogen jedoch denke ich aus meiner meinung heraus das sie mehr auf die sp?¤tere berufdswahjl eingehen wollten . mfg..... 1
Es ist jetzt meine zweite Ausbildung erste erfolgreich und mit gutem ergebnis abgeschlossen aber nur zum mindestlohn arbeit bekommen 1
Es ist ziemlich lang und unn??tze fragen dabei zb was meine eltern angeht . 1
Es muss im Friseurberuf ein Mindestlohn eingeführt werden. 1
Es sollte viel mehr Wohnungen für Lehrlinge geben! 1
Es w?¤re gut eine Auswahl f??r Personen einzurichten deren Eltern geschieden sind. 1
Es w?¤re sch?¶n wenn Ausbildungsbetriebe die Fahrtkosten der Auszubildenen, vollst?¤ndig oder zu minimal 50% tragen 1
Es war eindeutig zu persönlich! 1
Es war sehr interessant 1
Es war sehr interessant so einen Fragebogen ausgefüllt zu haben. 1
Es war viel zu lange und es wurde nach der zeit langweili, sodass man nurnoch rumgedr??ckt hat. 1
Es war zur keinem Zeitpunkt eine Frage f??r Umsch??ler dabei. 1
Es waren viel zu viele Fragen! 1
Es wird Sch??ler/innen geben die nur noch einen Elternteil haben oder nur bei einem Elternteil leben. Das muss man ber??cksichtigen ! 1
Es wird zu viel ??ber das private Leben gefragt, was ich pers?¶nlich total schei??e finde, weil das kein arsch was angeht...totaler abschaum sowas...ihr wollt uns doch nur ausspionieren, ihr drecksschweine!!!!! 1
Esu laimingas, kad mokausi ?ios profesijos:) 1
Everything went better than expected!!! http://soshable.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Everything_went_better_than_expected.png 1
F??r was ist das bitte gut!? 1
Fickt euch! Unn??tz, langweilig und viel zu lang! zeitverschw?¤ndung, die ich meinem Studium h?¤tte widmen k?¶nnen! 1
Frage bezügelich Familienstand: zB ledig. (Kenne meinen Vater nicht; wäre auch eine Frage wert) 1
Frage g_12 zu weit ins Privatsphäre 1
Fragebogen f??r Umsch??ler nicht unbedingt geeignet 1
Fragebogen ist sehr ausführlich,familiäre Hintergründe zu genau befragt/eigentlich schon teilweise zu privat;klar strukturierter Fragebogen;StudiLe Maschinenbau ist eine Lehre mit Studium verknüpft, daher war es manchmal schwierig die Fragen aufzuteilen 1
Fragebogen ist zu lang 1
Fragebogen war okay, aber zuviele Fragen auf einer Seite 1
Fragebogen war viel zu lange! 1
Fragebogen zu lang! 1
Fragebogen zu lang!!! 1
Fragebogen zu lang!!!! 1
Fragebogen: zu sehr in Privatsphäre 1
Fragen deutlicher schriebn :D 1
Fragen sind nur f??r junge Leute abgestimmt 1
Fragen sind sehr kompliziert gestellt. Viele Fragen kann man nur schwer beantworten. 1
Fragen sind sehr verwirrend formuliert. 1
Fragen sind v?¶llig sinnfrei gestellt und bauen nicht aufeinander auf, au??erdem werden zu intime Fragen gestellt, wie z.B. nach dem Einkommen. Viele Sch??ler haben noch keine Ausbildung und k?¶nnen nichts ??ber den Verlauf nach ihrer Ausbildung aussagen 1
Fragen waren o.k 1
Frageogen war anstrengend zum Ausfüllen, zu lang 1
Frogts mi ned 1
Für unsere Ausbildung ist ein duales Schulsystem nicht sehr gut. Die Ausbildungsvergütung ist viel zu niedrig für die körperlich schwere Arbeit 1
Gal?jo Buti Tarp daugiau Klausim? savo apra?ym±, Nes Kaikur nesutapo ir nor?josi savo para?yt. 1
Gal?tu ir ma?iau b?ti klausym?. 1
Galetu but daug idomiau ir nereiketu moketi pinig? uz maisto produktus i? kuriu mes mokom?s. 1
Galetu buti didesnis demesys sportui,pamokos galetu buti ivairesnes. 1
Gana çdomi anketa 1
Gera 1
Gera programa 1
Geri klausimai. Bet biski nesamuone 1
Groß- und Außenhandel ist geprägt von unseriösen Menschen und Oputunisten in meiner Branche! 1
Guter Fragebogen 1
Gyvenimas grazus... ) 1
H; Vater verstorben 1
HI @ u 1
HTL- wenig Bezug zum unterrichteten Stoff; Lehrer gehen selten auf Sch??ler ein, bzw benoten unfair etc; Lehrer k?¶nnen den Sch??lern Stoff benahe nicht vermitteln => Sch??ler m??ssen sich Stoff nahezu selbst beibringen; Kompetenzen der Lehrer sollten o 1
Habe bereits eine 3-jährige Berufsausbildung in der landwirtschaft mit großem Lob und Erfolg abgeschlossen. 1
Habe ich keine 1
Habe im Ausland gelebt. Süd-Afrika 1
Habe keine 1
Halbwaise 1
Hallo Baby 1
Hallo, wie gehts? 1
Hasche gelernt alter? Was labersch du? 1
Hat gepasst:) 1
Hat mir gut gefallen 1
Hat passt 1
Hat schon gepasst 1
Have a nice day..:) 1
Heterosexuell 1
Hi! 1
Hoffe es bringt ihnen was 1
I believe that some questions are not necessary. In general good work. Save Greece 1
I hope that the situation in Greece will change, otherwise you wont have the ability to print this questionnaire again... 1
I hope this program will help me in the future 1
I like it 1
I want to go to University - Nursery 1
Ich Lebe mit meinem Fraund in einem Eigen Hausstand- Elternunabh?¤nig!!!!! 1
Ich Liebe meinen Beruf. Bezahle meine weiterbildungs seminare selber. Und arbeite hart! f??r das bekomme ich 345€ in die hand . Friseure werden als dumm abgestempelt und das st?¶rt, den es ist anstrengend und man braucht kraft f??r das, dass man nichts 1
Ich arbeite neben der Schule teilweise bei einem Heurigen von ca. 16.00 Uhr bis 23.00 Uhr deswegen komme ich auf 45 Stunden Arbeit pro Woche. 1
Ich besuche zus?¤tzlich zu meiner Ausbildung als Produktionstechniker noch die KTLA(Kremstaler-Technische-lehrakademie) die es mir erm?¶glicht nach meiner Lehrabschluspr??fung(nach 3,5 Jahren) parallel eine 5-j?¤hrige Schulausbildung mit Matura abzuschli 1
Ich bewerte die Ausbildung so negativ, weil (mich) das Unternehmen, in dem ich arbeite, dazu beiträgt (beeinflusst). 1
Ich bin GOTT!!!! 1
Ich bin aus geseundheitlichen Gründen Umschülerin. Darauf finde ich den Fragebogen gar nicht ausgelegt (obwohl es davon mittlerweile ein....... Anzahl zu geben scheint). Und Männer sollten endlich nicht mehr mehr verdienen als Frauen, sodass Frauen im Fa 1
Ich bin der Meinung, dass gewisse Fragen zu persönlcih sind. Da dies anonym ist, finde ich sollte man auch keine Auskünfte über die Staatsbürgerschaft angeben, usw. Man sollte unsere Bürger nich so mir nichts, dir nichts beurteilen! 1
Ich bin in Frankreich aufgewachsen und nur seit 3 Jahren in Deutschland. 1
Ich bin nicht ostmombasisch sondern nur deutsch ;) 1
Ich borge mir B??cher aus der Bibliothek aus da es Kosteng??nstiger ist 1
Ich danke Ihnen f??r die Einladung zu Ihrer Studie 7 EU. 1
Ich denke der Fragebogen war zu lange 1
Ich es ist unverschämt, dass Sie der Meinung sind solche persönlichen Fragen zu stellen und Menschen auch noch danach zu berurteilen 1
Ich finde die Frage nach der Staatsb??rgerschaft bzw. Geburtsland usw. nicht relavant. Die Unterscheidung zwischen ´'Deutsch' und 'Nicht-deutsch' grenz an bewusster Ausgrenzung. Genauso das Erfragen des Geschlechtes ist unwichtig, denn nur mit solchen A 1
Ich finde die berufsbildenden Schulen wichtig. Ich finde jedoch dass die F?¤che speziell im allgemeinbildenden Bereich nicht besonders gut besetzt sind und zum Teil fehlen den Praxis Lehrern jegliche p?¤dagogische Kompetenz. Es gibt nat??rlich auch sehr 1
Ich finde es eine Frechheit so über die Eltern ausgefragt zu werden. Schon mal darüber nachgedacht, dass wieder alle Erinnerungen hochkommen? 1
Ich finde man ist nach der Hauptschule bzw. Unterstufe Gymnasium zu jung um sich für einen Berufsweg zu entscheiden! (HAK, HLW) Ich kann/will in der Schule keine PowerPoint-Präsentationen sehen! Es werden zu viel Computer im Unterricht verwendet 1
Ich finde solche Fragebögen dienen nur den höheren Politikern die aufgrund dieser Auswertung Handlungen durchführen und dann die niedrigeren Personen abgrenzen. 1
Ich finde, dass dieser Fragebogen eine Frechheit ist und abgeschafft werden sollte! 1
Ich gebe keine Ausk??nfte ??ber die Finanzielle Lebenssituation oder den akteullen Berufsstand meiner Familie ! 1
Ich gebe keine Privaten angaben weiter! Und meine Daten d??rfen nicht zum auswerten genutzt werden! Wird dies trotzdem genutzt oder gelesen werde ich Rechlichte schirtte einleiten! Ich habe nur an der Umfrage teil genommen da unsere Lehrer die Klasse 1
Ich h?¤tte im letzten Moment zwischen Biostudium und BTA-Ausbildung w?¤hlen k?¶nnen und habe mich f??r die Ausbildung enztschieden. Ob das richtig war, kann ich bis jetzt noch nicht beurteilen, jedoch ist die Ausb. nur waage ??ber Abiturniveau. 1
Ich habe Spanisch nicht gelernt sonder bin damit aufgewachsen. 1
Ich habe kein Internet weil ich am Ende der Welt lebe. Normalerweise w?¤re ich den ganzen Tag online. F??r die private Nutzung aber auch f??r die Schule. 1
Ich habe mehrere Jahre studiert, dann aber abgebrochen, und mich jetzt f??r diese Ausbildung als Notl?¶sung entschieden; das d??rfte einige Antworten klarer machen. 1
Ich habe mein Bestes gegeben 1
Ich habe meine Ausbildung in einem sehr gro??en Unternehmen angefangen und in dieser Stadt auch alleine gewohnt. Noch w?¤hrend der Ausbildung habe ich das Unternehmen gewechselt (auf eigenen Wunsch)und arbeite nun in einem kleinen Unternhmen und wohne be 1
Ich halte die Lehre für unnötig und bereue es sehr die höhere berufsbildende Schule abgebrochen zu haben 1
Ich hatte vor meiner jetzigen T?¤tigkeit einen anderen Job geplant, da ich in dieser branche (Goldschmied/in) keine Ausbildung bekommen habe, habe ich mich entschlossen Augenoptiker/in zu werden. Dieser beruf ist mir in der zeit in der ich nun da bin se 1
Ich hätte eigentlich gerne eine andere Ausbildung gemacht, aber es war mir wichtig, nach der Schule gleich einen Beruf zu erlernen, um nicht meinen Eltern auf der Tasche zu liegen und mir langsam eine Zukunft aufbauen zu können. Ein Gesellenbrief ist heu 1
Ich komme aus Sachsen und bin mit 15 300 Kilometer von meinem Heimatort weggezogen. Ich habe die Fragen zum Haushalt, Telefonanschluss... etc. auf meine Wohngemeinschaft bezogen. 1
Ich konnte nicht alles ausf??llen, da ich nicht in einer Berufsausbildung bin, sondern den Realschulabschluss nachhole! 1
Ich lebe alleine in Deutschland seit 3 Jahren. 1
Ich lebe in einem Haushalt mit 4 Personen, w?¤rend der Schulzeit bin ich in einem Sch??lerinternat mit ca 200 Sch??lern und ab n?¤chstem Jahr in einer Wohngemeinschaft mit 3 Personen. 1
Ich lerne nicht für gute Noten, da ich sowieso kein Geld bekomme. Ich arbeite jedes Wochenende inoffiziell. Ich bin computersüchtig. 1
Ich m?¶chte das diese Daten nicht zur auswertung genutzt werden und auch von keiner Pesonen gelesen werden kann. Wird dies nicht eingehalten werde ich Rechlichte schritte einleiten. 1
Ich mach die ausbildung weil man des auch in der us army macht und ich nach meiner ausbildung wieder in die usa gehe 1
Ich mache diese Ausbildugn lediglich, um f??r mein weiteres Leben ein 'Auffangnetz' zu haben. Das hei??t, dass ich, wenn meine weiteren Pl?¤ne durch irgendeinen Fall scheitern / verhindert werden sollten, ich wieder auf diesen Beruf zur??ckgreifen werde 1
Ich mache eine Umschulung. 1
Ich mache keine Ausbildung sondern mein Abitur. 1
Ich mache meine Ausbildung bewusst zur Vorbereitung auf mein folgendes Architekturstudium 1
Ich mag Bier und Fleischwurst. 1
Ich mag Kekse! 1
Ich mag die EU nicht! 1
Ich mag jetzt Hubschrauber fliegen 1
Ich möchte ehrlich gesagt nicht so viel von mir preisgeben (Privatleben) 1
Ich verdiene viel zu wenig !! 1
Ich w??rde die Befragung nach der jeweiligen Ausbildung oder dem momentanen Schulbesuch aufteilen. Sprich, wenn man noch zur Schule geht, dass man dann nicht nach der Ausbildung gefragt wird. 1
Ich werde in ein paar Wochen in meine eigene Wohnung ziehen und Bafög erhalten. 1
Ich wohne alleine (mit Lebensgefährten)-letzte Fragen also nicht sehr passend 1
Ich wollte Nur erw?¤hnen das mein Vater Rentner ist und ich dies nicht ankreuzen konnte. 1
Ihr Bürohengste solltet mal auf die Ausbildung der Jungen schauen sonst geht dieses Land den Berg runter 1
Im Betrieb wird man als Sklave für alles benutzt. Ausbildungsvergütung viel zu wenig, andere bekommen das 3- fache für die selbe Arbeit. 1
In der Beruffschule werden viele Dinge behandelt die im Ausbildungsbetrieb nicht weiterhelfen. 1
In der Berufsschule lernt man rein gar nichts über den Beruf! 1
In der schule kann man nicht wirklich viel lernen, da die lehrer sehr oft fehlen. Nat??rlich sind manche auch immer da. Mit dem gehalt kann ich nicht mal ein halben monat leben! Ich arbeite mehr wie andere bekomme aber das wenigste Geld ! 1
In meine Klasse haben wir eine wette gemacht wer der sieger ist hat red bull bekommen! 1
In meinem Unternehmen werden Überstunden nicht bezahlt und abbauen dürfen wir diese auch nicht. Oft sind am Wochenende Messen, für die man bereitstehen muss. Da dies der Fall ist, finde ich die Bezahlung nicht ausreichend. Desweiteren hat der Chef verbot 1
In meinem Wohngebiet gibt es kein Internet. H?¤tte ich Internet w?¤re ich sehr aktiv. Meine Eltern bekommen schon Rente, ich kann mich nicht daran erinnern dass sie je gearbeitet haben. Dadurch habe ich eigentlich keine Lust selbst zu arbeiten. 1
In my school, my school is interesting and the equipment-facilities very good 1
Interessanter Fragebogen! 1
Is cooming soon ;] 1
Ist ganz gut eine Umfrage zu machen. 1
Ist mir zu perönlich 1
Jason 1
Jei programoje yra mokoma dirbti su tam tikra programine çranga, asmuo turintis patirties su analogi?ka programine çranga yra priverstas taikytis prie programos kuria mokoma. Tai, mano manymu, suvar?o k?rybinç proces± ir asmens komfort±. 1
Jetzige Ausbildung ja , aber an einer anderen Schule 1
Joki? pastab? neturiu. 1
Jokiu pastabu nera 1
Junge Leute sollten lieber eine Arbeit erhalten, als nur Frageb?¶gen auszuf??llen 1
Jus jau u?knisot su savo klausimais. Kiek galima klausin?ti to paties per t± patç. Suderinkite savo test±. 1
Kai kurie mokytojai , beveik nemoko per pamokas. Duoda savaranki?kai dirbti. 1
Kai kurie nesamoningi klausimai 1
Kaimo turizmo program± sie?iau ir su kitomis turizmo formomis (vie?bu?iai, kempingai ir kita) 1
Kein Kommentar 1
Kein Kommentar! 1
Kein Kontakt zum Vater seit 17 Jahren 1
Keine 1
Keine Lust, zu viele Fragen 1
Keine weiteren angaben n?¶tig, der Test war schon sehr gut abgestimmt. 1
Keyboard not found. 1
Klasse Fragebogen freut mich :) 1
Klausimynas gana çdomus 1
Koks ju reikalas apie mano asmenini gyvenima 1
Komische fragen... 1
Kommentar zu H15 Einkommensquellen: Nur die Ausbildung und Kindergeld 1
Koth 1
Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang 1
Labai daug klausimu 1
Labai gera programa 1
Labai gera programa, viskas yra puikiai i?ai?kinama bei pateikiama. 1
Labai gerai, tik gal?jo b?ti trumpesnis. 1
Labai ilgas testas 1
Labai patiko 1
Lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala 1
Lass mich in Ruhe 1
Leben ist scheiße! 1
Lehrer sollten nicht zu teure Materialien verwenden, die sich nicht jeder leisten kann 1
Lehrlinge sind arm 1
Lehrlingswettbewerb ist sinnlos, bringt der Firma 3000€ pro Lehrling und wir sehen nicht davon. Qualifiziertere Lehrer 1
Leider werden Azubis zu oft nur Hiwi-Arbeiten zugetraut. Sie könnten mehr fachliche KOmpetenzen während der Ausbildung erlangen, wenn sie dürften. Zu groß ist der Focus auf soziale Kompetenzen 1
M??las yra ateitis!!!1! 1
Man hat das lange gedauert! 1
Man labai patinka 1
Man labaj patiko. Jus axujeni. Xuj vam v rot 1
Man patinka is programa 1
Man patinka mano profesija 1
Man si programa labai patiko ,ji mane paskatino nusisneket ir pazymet neteisingus atsakymus kai kurius :D dar be to siam testui padejo Girmantas Pakalnis :)jis girdejau ciulpe bybius ir krapsto kiausius aplinkinesms :D 1
Man sollte eine Person nicht immer auf ihren Schulabschluss reduzieren, da z.B. auch ein Hauptschüler einen Intelligenzquotienten von 125 haben kann. 1
Man sollte einen Fragebogen machen die keine Ausbildungsplatz haben 1
Manau , kad ?ie klausimai yra visai çdom?s, bet gal?jote lyties paklausti prad?ioja testo. Ir galejo b?ti daugiau klausim?. 1
Manau, kad klausimai per daug asmeniski. 1
Manche Fragen ein bisschen verst?¤ndlicher stellen. 1
Manche Fragen kann man besser situationsgebunden beantworten. 1
Manche Fragen sind schwer zu verstehen bzw. unn?¶tig, z.B. wieviel B??cher man im Haushalt hat!! 1
Manche Fragen waren sehr schwer zu beantworten, da ich nicht wusste, wie diese auf mich zutreffen! 1
Manche Fragen wie z.B. stundenanzahl der Tage/Woche waren ganz sch?¶n ungenau... 1
Mano manimu tai nieko nepades...Nes tiesiog zmone snera ant tiek pasiryze atsakinet i situos klausymus tieseiai sweisiai ... Tad sekmes jum su rezultatais bet 80 % wisus atsakymu but klaidinga.. Tad manau jus negausit to ko norejot ;) 1
Mano manymu viskas yra gerai svarbiausias dalykas ka mama?iau tai tikslas , kad norit pamatyti koks vaiku i?silavinimas ir ka jie nori daryti tolesniam gyvenime ir kuo jie siekia.Ate :D 1
Mano mokykla kurioje mokausi man labai patinka,joje jauku ir gera. Ir turiu pacia geriausia aukletoja. 1
Manyciau jums reiktu placiai plest mokymosi, bei profesines prorgamas, nes specialybes kurios yra, niekam tikusios, mokyniai eina, vien del to , kad pabaigt vidurine. 1
Matematikos mokytoja reke ant musu ir raso blogus pazimius. 1
Mehr Gehalt für Azubis und im Allgemeinen 1
Mehr Gehalt für Lehrlinge und Gesellen. 1
Mehr Geld für LAW-Lehrlinge 1
Mehr höhere Löhne! 1
Mein Ausbildungsbedtrieb ist leider nicht gerade angenehm, man wird f??r etwas verantwortlich gemacht, obwohl man nichts daf??r kann, wenn man krank ist, glauben Sie es nicht, wenn man was falsch macht, egal was, ist es der Welt Untergang 1
Mein Ausbildungsbetrieb bringt mir nicht alles bei, was ich für den Beruf brauche 1
Mein Betrieb ist scheiße 1
Mein Vater ist vor vier Jahren gestorben, daher keine Angaben! 1
Mein Vater kommt aus Asien, deswegen weiß ich nicht genau, welche Schulabschlüsse er hat. (Aber er ist Chefkoch im Restaurant.) 1
Mein Vater und Mutter sind getrennt 1
Meine Ausbildung förder mich. Ich kann auch anders zu meinem Traumberuf gelangen 1
Meine Ausbildung ist an sich gut aber das arbeitsklim im betieb ist schei??e und kotzt mich an .Meine Arbeitskollegen wollen mich raus mobben weil ich meine meinung und mein standpunkt vertrete und regelros dursezten 1
Meine Eltern haben einen landwirtschaftlichen Betrieb mit Spezialisierung auf Sonderkulturen. Wir leben mit 4 Generationen in 2 Häusern außerhalb einer Kleinstadt. Meine Geschwister und ich haben jeweils 1 Wohnung im elterlichen Haus zur verfügung 1
Meine Mutter macht einen 1,50€ Job -> H10 1
Meine Schule braucht mehr Plotter (Drucker) HTL-Imst 1
Meine Schule finde ich nicht sch?¶n. W??rde ich k?¶nnen,w??rde ich sie sofort wechseln oder verlassen. Sanit?¤re Anlagen sind sehr schlecht, die M?¶bel ebenfalls & die Lehrer hetzen um Ihren Schulstoff uns zu vermittel, k?¶nnen bei weiteren fragen aber n 1
Meiner Meinung gibt es einige unkompetente Lehrer. Nur die guten Schüler zählen. Ich finde, es gibt keine schlechten Schüler, sondern nur Lehrer, die an der Ausbildung kein Interesse haben. 1
Meiner Meinung nach werden viele Auszubildende gemobbt und ausgenutzt, mit nur putzen und Überstunden machen, am Tag mehr als 2 Stunden, keine Pausen, keine richtige Hilfe. Es werden nicht rechtliche Sachen gemacht wie schon im ersten Semester Blutabnehm 1
Meiner Meinung nach, liegt die meiste Schuld an den Lehrern, denn die meisten machen nur Druck und vergessen das die Sch??ler keinen Spa?? mehr am lernen haben. Au??erdem bei manchen Lehrern lernt man garnichts und bei Schularbeiten wollen sie dann sovie 1
Mindestlohn für Friseuren 1
Mit meinem Ausbildungbetrieb bin ich sehr zufrieden, ich habe bereits viel Verantwortung und das ist gut so. Die Schule k?¶nnte das lernen meiner Meinung nach etwas forcierien, so minimiertt man die M?¶glichkeit des 'zur??cklehnens' 1
Mit meiner Ausbildung bin ich voll und ganzn zufrieden. 1
Mokymo programa nebloga, del klausimyno komentaru neturiu... 1
Mokymo programa nedaug moko. Pvz. praktikos labai ma?ai o teorijos daug is teorijos nieko beveik nei?moksti 1
Mokymo programoje maza praktinio darbo neuztenka darbo vietu mokiniams 1
Mokymosi programa gal ir gera, ta?iau jos atsiskaitymas yra nes±moningas, u? vien± darb± gauni kiekvien± savait? po dvejet±, jeigu jo neatsiskaitai, didesn?s nes±mon?s b?ti gal negali 1
Mokymosi programa yra gera, bet biologijos mokytja tj nekokia... 1
Mokymosi programa yra labai gera. 1
Mokytojos nesupranta mokini? 1
Molymosi programa yra gera. 1
Mutter von einem fast 2j?¤hrigen Sohn - getrennt lebend vom Kindsvater (leider noch verheiratet) 1
Muttersprache: Türkisch; Lehrer sollten nicht mit Materialien arbeiten, die sich nicht alle Schüler leisten können und die sie nie brauchen werden 1
My school is full of immigrants 2
Myliu savo mokykla :D 1
N?ra Rus? kalbos pasirinkimo, nors jos daug kas mok?si ir moka. 1
N?– 1
NE 3
Na anketos klausimynas tikrai labai sudomina skaitytoja. Tikrai sutik?iau su visais kas taip mano. Na ko gero jai taip visuomet bus pateikiama mokiniams tai many?iau jog ir mokyklose ir mokymo programose reputacija pasimatys i?karto nuo mokini? susidaran 1
Nach meinem Realschulabschluss habe ich bereits eine Friseurausbildung gemacht.Nun besuche ich ein berufliches Gymnasium um mein Abitur zu erlangen. 1
Ne. 1
Neidom?s klausimai... 1
Nein 1
Nein hab kein Kommentare 1
Nein! 1
Nein:-) 1
Nenoriu 1
Nera jokiu komentaru 1
Nereikalinga daug klausimu 1
Nesamone kazkokia.... 1
Netto bildet nicht gut aus, ist ein schlechter Ausbildungsbetrieb 1
Neturi? joki? nusiskundim?. 1
Neturiu 2
Nicht ernstgenommen! 1
Nicht schlecht 1
Nicht zuviel aus dem privaten Leben des Befragten erfragen! 1
Nichts 2
Nieko priekaistingo neturiu ,klausimai labai ydomus ,ir gan suprantami. 1
Nix 1
Nix arbeiten 1
No good relationships between pupils and teachers. This program is waste of time 1
Nor??iau kad nebut? taip sugrie?tintas pamok? lankomumas 1
Nor??iau, jog mokymosi programoje b?t? daugiau bendrojo lavinimo pamok?. 1
Noriu,kad daugiau butu skiriama laiko sportui 1
Nuostabi programa nesigailiu ja pasirink?s 1
Nö war eh schonzu viel! 1
Padidinti stipendijas. bei profesiniu pamoku kieki. 1
Pakelkit stipendijas 1
Papierflieger sind auch im fortgeschrittenen Alter spannend 1
Paprastas komentaras butu toksai. Kita karta kuriant apklausas padarykite bent muzikelia netaip tas laikas prailgsta :D 1
Pastab? neturiu 1
Patiko. Pakankamai ai?kus klausimai. 1
Peace und lange Haare 1
Per daug klausimu 1
Per daug reikalaujanti programa 1
Per ilga anketa.per daug klausim? 1
Per ilgas testas, nesamoningi klausimai, nuobodu toki testa daryti, per daug skaityti 1
Per plat?s klausimai, reiktu labiau apibendrintai klausti. Per didelis atsakymu pasirinkimas, arba kartais per menkas. 1
Perdaug skaiciavimo 1
Praktia sind super um sich einen tiefern Einblick in das Berufsbild zu machen. Ich w??rde es jedem weiter empfehlen! Aber was noch wichtig ist, man sollte sich vor seiner Ausbildung ??ber das Betriebsklima (unter Kollegen) informieren.. (wenn es i-wie m? 1
Praktikos mokytojai ne visi isaiskina viska iki galo todel kartais sunku suprasti ko jie reikalauja. 1
Praktiniai dalykai yra mokami labai gerai, bendrieji dalykai puikiai, si programa pilnai paruosia profesiniam darbui pabaigus programa 1
Problema su klausimu logika - jei as tik pirmam kurse tai as negaliu turet sios mokymo programos praetu metu pazymiu . 1
Programa atitinka mano norus 1
Programa kaip programa. dar normaliai. 1
Qualifikation/Fachkompetenz der Lehrer: schlecht. M?¶glichkeit f??r verbesserung in der Berufsschule: gar keine. 1
Questions ?11, ?12, ?14 should not exist in the questionnaire 1
Reiketu mazesneanketa padaryti 1
Schafft die Ausbildungsvergütung ab und zahlt wie in der Industrie! 1
School should emfasize to the personality of the students 1
Schulausbildung ist sehr wichtig für das spätere Leben. Jeder der sie Chance dazu hat, sollte sie auch nutzen 1
Sehr individuell 1
Sehr schlechtes Internet (384) 1
Senin shishman g?¶t??n var ! 1
Sexistischer Fragebogen 1
Sie k?¶nnten beachten das es uch Vollzeitschuleuntericht gibt der als Ausbildung angesehen wird. 1
Sie kennt Vater nicht, sie wohnt mit arbeitslosem Freund zusammen, 2. Ausbildung, kein BAB deswegen Geldprobleme. Außerdem hat sie eine Hautkrankheit und Asthma, was den Traumberuf Köchin erschwert. 1
Sie sind verst?¤ndlich. 1
Sie sollten die Fragen ein wenig reduzieren! 1
Soweit alles in ordnung .... 1
Specialyb?s mokytojai gal?tu b?ti, b?tent t± darba atliekantis ?mon?s, o ne atliekantis j? begales, ir mokantis dirbti su jaunimu. 1
Späteinsteigerin, Selbstversorgerin, älter als 40, zeitaufwendige Kinder, zeitaufwendiger Haushalt, aber sonst alles ganz easy 1
Staatliche f?¶rderung f??r Auszubildende die alleine wohnen ist nahezu nicht zu bekommen, jedes mal der verwei?? auf die eltern. doch wie will man da selbst?¤ndig werden und selber lernen auf den beinen zu stehen wenn man ohne hilfe nicht auskommt. 1
Students should have higher level 1
Teilweise sehr private Fragen, die man nicht immer gerne beantwortet und die Fremde auch nichts angehen!! 1
Teilweise zu pers?¶nlich !!! Fasst schon eine Frechheit 1
Test ist viel zu lang. Da wird man ja bekloppt bei den Fragen. 1
Test sei die Zeit nicht wert, "ich will die Zeit meines Lebens zurück", es käme doch sowieso kein Ergebnis raus, Fragen sind sinnbefreit und unverschämt. "Ihr seid euer Geld nicht wert" 1
Testas per ilgas 1
Teste yra perdaug klausimu atsibodo ç juos atsakyn?ti................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1
The facilities in the school are not sufficient and the laboratory hours are a few, so no practical training 1
Theoretische Arbeiten in der Schule werden in meinem Betrieb garnicht praktisch vertieft. In meinem Betrieb arbeite ich sozusagen schon als Arbeiter und werde nur in die betriebsspezifischen Produnkte eingelernt. 1
This questionnaire is not for students after 20-25 1
Tipp: Wenn man eine Ausbildung anstrebt, sollte man sich den Betrieb genau anschauen,um nicht nur als billige Arbeitskraft ausgenutzt zu werden. Es sollte ein Betrieb sein der einem was beibringen will und sich wirklich AUSBILDUNGSBETRIEB nennen kann!!! 1
Trumpesne anketa labiau domintu. 1
Unn?¶tig!!! 1
Unnot 1
Unnötig 1
Unnötiger Fragebogen 1
Unsere Schule ist unhygienisch (Geb?¤ude sowie Sanit?¤re Anlagen). Viele Lehrer hetzten durch den Unterrichtsstoff ohne auf Fragen einzugehen, weil sie den Stoff schaffen m??ssen. 1
Unsere hat Schule hat doofe Lehrer ist unhygenisch und einfach nur dumm.!!!!! 1
Unterstützuung durch Ehemann 1
VET education is underestimated in Greece 1
Vater 1999 verstorben 1
Vater = Rentner 1
Vater ist verstorben, schwanger 1
Vater verstorben 1
Vater verstorben. Mutter kein Kontakt. 1
Verbesserungen an Schulen 1
Verstehe den Sinn des Fragebogens nicht! 1
Viecha san grauslich und Blumen haum kane Augen 1
Viel Geld und schnell bekommen... schnell! 40 Jahre noch zu arbeiten frustriert einen. Wo hat man den wirklich Zeit zum 'Leben'? Man ist 40 Stunden am arbeiten und dann ist man Platt, wann hat man Freizeit? Zum Kotzen! 1
Viel zu lang der Bogen. 1
Viel zu lang und viel zu viele Fragen! 1
Viel zu lang, Unterricht wurde gestört dadurch, Unterricht verpasst 1
Viel zu lang... Ab dem 4ten Bogen geht es den Sch??lern auf den Sack und sie dr??cken einfach den Bogen durch ohne nachzudenken! Ihr seit spitze! xD 1
Viel zu pers?¶nlich. Es geht sie nichts an! 1
Viel zu viel zum lesen 1
Viele Fragen sind zu persönlich und deskriminierend 1
Viele Fragen, die sich überdecken 1
Vielen Dank für den Anonymen Frgagebogen und Viel Spaß bei der statistischen Bewerutung 1
Vieles geht Sie nichts an 1
Visai nieko 1
Visishka nesamone 1
Viskas buvo labai gerai, kalusimai buvo gan ir çdomus. Lyties ir kitus asmeninius klausimus apie ?eim± gal?jote paklausiti i?prad?i? daug patogiau b?t? buve. Dar gal?jote paklausti paie tai kaip gyvenimas sekasis mokykloje, ar mokykloje yra tinkomos s±ly 1
Viskas gerai 2
Viskas gerai,n?ra komentaru. 1
Viskas gerai. 2
Viskas puiku 1
Viskas puiku :))))))) 1
Viskas yra normaliai.. 1
Von meiner Schule wird bis zum Eintritt in die 5. Schulstufe ein 8 w?¶chiges fachspezifisches Praktikum gefordert (Best?¤tigung der Firma ben?¶tigt). 1
WAr gut 1
War gut ;D 1
War sehr interessant 1
Warum ist der Besitz einer Videokamera wichtig? 1
Warum will eine Umfrage ??ber Schulbildung wissen, wieviel Fernseher/Handys/Telefone ich zuhause habe? Das geht sie nichts an. 1
Was bringt dieser Fragebogen? Wozu, diese ganzen Informationen? 1
Was gehen Sie meine Eltern an??? 1
Was geht euch mein Haushalt an ??????????????????????????????????????? 1
Was w??rdest du an deiner Schule ver?¤ndern? 1
We do not have books and teachers do not help pupils 1
We need Books! 1
We need better PCs 1
We need new computers, funding for the school and a more beautiful world 1
Welcher Depp denkt sich die Fragen aus? 1
Wenig Freizeit und unregelm?¤??ige Abl?¤ufe auf der Arbeit z.b Arbeitszeiten oder Informationsfluss. Bei den Gro??eltern aufgewachsen und Pflege des Gro??vaters mit ??bernommen. Kein Vater und wenig Konatk zur Mutter 1
Wenn Sie fragen was das wichtigste im Leben ist (so oder so ?¤hnlich war die Frage) war zwar Familie anw?¤hlbar, warum nutzen Sie nicht trotzdem noch die M?¶glichkeit nach der Wichtigkeit der Religion bzw. des Glaubens? Schade, dass das immer unwichtige 1
Wenn man keine Lehre macht, sollen die Lehr-bezogenen Fragen ??bersprungen werden. 1
Wenn man keine Lehre macht, sollte man die Fragen irgendwie ??berspringen k?¶nnen ohne dauernd klicken zu m??ssen. 1
Whats up 1
Wieso wiederholen sich manche Fragen? Greift das in die Privatsphäre ein? 1
Wir sind zu sehr versichert 1
Wir verdienen viel, bekommen aber zu wenig! 1
Wohne mit meiner Freundinn im Haushalt, bekomme Unterhalt meines Vaters 1
Zeitverschwendung 1
Zu Lang aber nicht schlecht 1
Zu lange 1
Zu viel. unn?¶tige fragen 1
Zu viele Fragen 3
Zu viele Fragen. 1
Zu wenig Geld! 1
Zulanger Fragebogen!!! 1
Zum Teil gehen die Fragen zu sehr ins Privatleben herein, vor allem wenn es sich um Fragen rund um die Familie handelt. 1
Zum ersten ist mein Vater vor meiner Geburt verstorben, daher war ich nicht in der Lage Fragen ??ber seine derzeitigen T?¤tigkeiten ad?¤quat zu beantworten. Letztlich w?¤re noch ??ber die oft zu vielseitig-interpretierbaren Fragestellung zu informieren. 1
Zuviel Fragen Sch??ler werden schnell demotiviert 1
Zuviele Fragen und komische Fragen 1
a dreck 1
a lot of classes in short time 1
aciu uz demesi 1
ad A4+A5 bin zufällig hier gelandet - Schulwechsel im 1.Semester 1
alle fragen zu LANGWEILIG -.- 1
alles schei??e 1
als ob sich etwas ändern würde mit diesem Fragebogen. Alle HGA Lehrlinge arbeiten weiterhin im Service. Politiker interessieren sich sowiewo nicht für das Gastgewerbe, sind herablassend. Wenn man Zeitung liest, fragt man sich wer hier der Dümmere ist, 1
as ju nesakysiu 1
atcibodo atsakineti i klausius 1
bad teachers 1
be komentaru 1
bei G15 zusätzlich: "Einkommen meines Mannes" 1
bessere formulation der fragen 1
bin alleinerziehend ohne unterst??tzung des Vaters aber mit lebensgef?¤hrten der vollzeit arbeitet, daher keine unterst??tzung vom staat, tochter ist 7 jahre alt, sie besucht die grundschule, Teilzeitausb. m?¶glich aber nicht in anspruch genommen 1
bissle viel 1
bitte bitte sorgen sie daf??r das das schulsystem schon in den unteren stufen der ausbildung verbessert wird. zB kleinere klassen bzw. teilungen f??r einzelne unterrichtsstunden..., biologieunterricht in der freien natur, musik selbermachen (rythmusgef?? 1
bla bla 1
bla bla bla Ihr fotzen 1
blablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablabl 1
bliblablubb 1
bloedsin unoetige fragen 1
blöde Fragen, blöde Antworten. 1
boring questionnaire with useless questions 1
butu neblogai kad nebutu langu vyduri pamoku eigus geriau padarytu paskutines pamokas langais ir panasiai. Ir , kad padidintumet stipendijas ne mazokos! 1
bzgl. Einkommen der Eltern: meine Mutter lebt nicht mehr 1
cool cool zeitvertreibe junge 1
da ich eine umschulung mache , hab ich kein normales Ausbildungsgehalt, da ich ??bers Arbeitsamt laufe. 1
danke f??r die freie stunde 1
dankesch?¶n 1
das is der gr?¶??te hurrensohn fragenbogen der welt ihr lappen ich habe keine ausbildung du eierkopf 1
das ist zuviel, aber interessant 1
das sind scheiß Fragen! 1
das war fad 1
das waren gut 1
daug klausimu ir galetu buti nepasikartojantys 1
daug klausymu 1
daug nesamoningu klausimu 1
daugiau darbo su kompiuteriais, main? programios... 1
deine mudda xD 1
deine mutter stinkt nach fisch du hund 1
der bogen war schei??e 1
der fragebogen dauert zu lange und die letzten 10-15 fragen sind etwas privat 1
der fragebogen ist ??nn?¶tig! 1
der fragebogen war sehr anstrengend, da manche fragen unverst?¤ndlich waren, es hat nicht immer die richtigen antwortm?¶glichkeiten gegeben und die fragen waren sehr m??hvoll zu lesen! 1
der test ist zu lang manche fragen zb ??ber die eltern finde ich zu pers?¶nlich 1
der test war vieeeel zu lang -.- 1
die Ausbildung ist Unterbezahlt sonst macht es mir spas und die urlaubstage werden nicht gesetzt m?¤sig verrechnet 1
die berufschulen sollten mehr praktisch was bei bringen und die sch??hler fitt f??r den abschluss machen .,es kommt vor das ausbildende im betriben nicht dazu kommen und nur kleine dinge erledigen m??ssen . 1
die frage deutlicher schreiben 1
dies ist meine 2te Ausbildung, meine erste Ausbildung als Vermessungstechnikerin habe ich 2000 erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Wegen der schlechten Arbeitslage beschloss ich eine zweite Ausbildung zu machen. 1
difficult questionnaire 1
echt zach! 1
ein tr?¤umchen!!! 1
eine bitte die auszubildenden vor mobbing usw zu sch??tzen oder anlaufquellen schaffen 1
einige Fragen konnte ich nicht beantworten, da ich selbst schon Familie habe2 kinder 1
einige Fragen sind echt unnötig. 1
es ging 1
es tut uns leid das wir leben 1
es wird sich zu sehr in die privatsph?¤re iengemischt!!!! 1
f??r was is des ganze da? 1
famili?¤re Situation tut nichts zur Sache 1
fick dass system! 1
forschung ist auch ein wichtiges fachgebiet (frage ist weiter am anfang) 1
fragen ??ber die entern sind zu pers?¶nlich 1
friseur muss mehr geld verdienen 1
fuck you 1
gaggu maihviosd 1
gal?t? palikti didesni? arbatpinigi? 1
galetu b?ti daugiau profesinio mokymo. 1
galetu but tikslesnis klausimai 1
galetu buti jaunesniu mokytoju jie idomiau desto pamokas 1
galetu buti maziau klausimu ir biski samoningesni.... 1
gar keine 1
gar keine !!!! 1
geht eigentlich 1
geht leicht in die Privatsph?¤re!! 1
genug Fragen! 1
gera 2
gera mokymo pograma 1
gera programa 1
gerai 1
gerai viskas puiku 1
geras 1
geras testas. 1
geri 1
gjbnnbmnbdsvbnrtzjnhzwtnmzgfshtfgjgfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 1
good 2
good job 1
greek education system is very bad 1
gryna nesamone mazinkit klausimus..!!!!! 1
gut 2
gute Sache ! ! ! 1
gute befragung, aber bitte setzt auch einiges um ! 1
habe das Gymnasium mangels Interesse abgebrochen und habe mit 18 die Lehre begonnen. Habe seit Feber 2011 Lehrzeitende, die Pr??fung habe ich allerdings erst im Sommer 2011 (wegen positiven Abschluss der Berufsschule) 1
habe keine exakte Vorstellung des Berufes, welchen ich mit 30 ausf??hren werde. k?¶nnte neben Grafik-Designer genauso Art Director, CGI-Artist, 3D Animateur usw sein. 1
habt ihr ??berhaupt gel?¤?¤?¤?¤?¤?¤rnt! was du laaaaaabersch! 1
hallo=) 2
halt deine fresse du depp 1
hf 1
http://www.allmystery.de/dateien/gg66792,1287091377,400px-Trollface.jpg 1
htyjuidyui 1
huj 1
ich arbeite nebenbei der Ausbildung 1
ich bekomme arbeitlosengeld!!!!! 1
ich bin der Meinung das schon in der schule z.B. regelschule viel mehr wert auf praktische und berufsorientierte Kenntnisse und fertigkeiten gelegt wird. Damit mann so fr??h wie m?¶glich eine Ahnung bekommt was mann machen kann oder vielleicht sogar mach 1
ich bin verheiratet und mein Mann hat auch Einkommen. Meine Tochter ist 19 und fängt jetzt ihr Studium an. Ich habe Zeit. Die Ausbildung ist meine dritte. 1
ich finde diese Fragenbogen sehr gut. 1
ich hasse die scheiss umfrage 1
ich hatte schon ein Austauschjahr (6 Monate) in den USA absolviert 1
ich mag euch, nehmt meinen test bitte nicht in die wertung mit auf ! 1
ich spreche zuhause polnisch 1
ich wei?? nicht wozu das gut sein soll ? 1
ich werde mir einen Computer und ein Auto noch kaufen. 1
idomi anketa.... 1
idomi apklausa. 1
ihr bitches was sollen die schei?? fragen ??ber meine eltern, und fragt ned alles doppelt 1
ilgas 1
in zukunft auf so etwas verzichten 1
interessanter als der Unterricht in der Freistunde 1
istmireigentlich egal 1
j.-k- 1
ja 1
ja es waren einige fragen sooooo unn?¶tig formuliert ;) 1
jega myliu savo profesija ir profke 1
jei is klases ismestumet 'galiorkos' chebra, butu visai ramu mokintis dabar mokytoja pratildo galiorka puse pamokos, o likusia puse jau nebera noro, nes issiblaskai 1
k??rzerer Fragebogen, weniger pers?¶nliche Informationen! 1
ka jus? 1
ka. 1
kaikurie mokytojei esa perdaug griezti 1
kein Kommentar 3
keine 5
keine Mitteilungen 1
keine m?¶glichkeit f??r einen elternteil in ausbildung zu sein (in der studie) 1
keine zus?¤tzlichen angaben 1
keins 1
keks 1
klasse sache ^^ 1
klausimai buvo retoriniai 1
kokiu tikslu si anketa buvo daroma? 1
kolkas neblogai :) 1
komentaru neturiu 1
kompliziert. Mit 25 min kommt man nicht aus 1
kp 1
krw jus pidarai per jus prapisau l2, piskit su savo nesamoningais klausimai, lodariai jus, daugiau nekurkit , pagarbiai jusu petriukas :D 1
kundendienst ist auch ein wichtiger angabenpunkt 1
l 1
laba diena, gero vakaro 1
labai daug klausimu 2
labai faina 1
labai gera 1
labai gera mokykla:D 1
labai gera mokymo programa 1
labai gera mokymosi programa 2
labai gerai 1
labai idomu 1
labai puiki programa 1
labai çdomu yra mokytis ?ioje mokykloje.:D 1
labas a? krabas 1
labas, buwai kadais grazi mergaiote... 1
lange Fragen, schwere Fragen, unn?¶tige Fragen 1
lehrausbildung bei bfi (??berbetriebliche lehrausbildung.) Bezahlung flop ausbildung top. ich arbeite 40 stunden pro woche in einer lehrwerksdt?¤tte bin aber ??ber das bfi angestellt und habe keinen kolektiv- sondern nur einen ausbildungsvertrag der dem 1
leiwand euda 1
liewi 1
litt jahrelang an schweren depressionen, gest?¶rtes Familienverh?¤ltnis 1
lol 2
luck of practise facilities and luck of teachers 1
lutscht eier 1
man labai patiko 1
man labai patinka mokintis mano mokykloja 1
man mano profesija nepatinka, ir negirdejau tokios profesijos kuri man patiktu 1
man patinka cia mokytis 1
man pochui ant pakalnio. jis gaidys 1
man viskasw zjb 1
manche fragen gehen zu sehr ins detail. 1
manche fragen sollten besser auf die antworten abgestimmt werden.... 1
manchmal sehr pers?¶nliche Fragen, zb. Einkommen oder ??ber Eltern, welcher abschluss, einkommen usw 1
mano mokykloje kaikurios mokytojos isreiskia savo nuomone ant visos klases kai kaikuriems mokiniams yra nesmagu kad visi kiti suzino.. 1
mehr Gehalt!!! 1
mehr fragen dann haben wir weniger unterricht dankesch?¶n einen sch?¶nen tag noch 1
mein netto einkommen, geht Sie nichts an. 1
mein vater ist verstorben und konnte deshalb keine genauen angaben kunft geben 1
meine Mutter lebt vom Arbeitsamt und mein Vater Lebt nicht mehr 1
mhm... Cia kiba papirkta? :D 1
mk visai programa sita 1
moe practical lessons 1
mokimosi programa man patinka 1
mokimosi programa patinkla 1
mokymo programa ne visai suteikia galimybes pabaigus programa stoti i aukstasias mokyklas.Galetu buti daugiau bendro lavinimo pamoku 1
mokymo programa patinka 1
mokymosi programa neatitinka mano nor? 1
mokymosi programa nuostabi, o apklausa per ilga 1
mokymosi programa patinka 1
more lessons in learning language 1
more practice 1
my program has no future in the market 1
my program has no professional future 1
my program is not so good for my professional life 1
my program is very interesting 1
möchte lieber kreativ arbeiten, Gehalt reicht kaum 1
mööp 1
n??x 1
n?¶ 2
n?¶n?¶ 1
naja die ftragen k?¶nnten besser sein 1
ne 8
ne komentar? neturiu. 1
ne.!!! 1
neBLOGAS testaS 1
nein 1
nein ich habe kaum noch was zu vermerken, ihre fragen waren klar und unmissverst?¤ndlich 1
nein will ich nicht 1
nekomentuosiu 1
nenoriu 2
ner tokiu 1
nera 3
nera pastabu 1
nesamone 2
nesukisti daug pamoku i viena diena nes paskutinese jau niekas netelpa i galva. 1
nesuprantu kam to reikia ir kodel kitiems rupi musu asmeninis gyvenimas 1
netriu 1
netuRiu 1
neturiu 6
neturiu ka pasakiti 1
neturiu ka pasakyt 1
neturiu komentaru 2
neturiu k± pridurti ... 1
neturiu nei pasi?lym? ir komentar? 1
neturiu nieko daugiau pasakyti 1
neturiu tikrai viskas gerai 1
neturiu viskas gerai 1
neturiu....man viskas sekasi,esu gabi tik trumpu nervu ir man tai trukdo mokytis. 1
nezinau ka parasyti 1
nicht so viele sinnlose Fragen stellen, viel zu viel, totaler Chaos 1
nichts 2
nieko 2
nieko neturiu jokiu klausimu 1
nix 1
nix arbeiten 1
nk 1
nk gero 1
nm.lkm; 1
no comment 2
no money, no education 1
no practise laboratories and a few professors 1
noreciau tik sudalivauti mainu programojie. 1
noriu buti ginekologas arba porno zvaigzde kad dirbciau ir gauciau dideli pasitenkinima savo pimpaliukui 1
noriu turet kompiuteri ir mikisuas geriau 1
norml tiek kl 1
norëtusi , kad b?t? stipresni pagrindini? dalyk? mokytojai ir kad mokyt? A lygiais 1
nu ka as galiu pasakyt sunku buva gal gausiu 3 1
nunja. da haben sie meine daten :p hoffentlich haten sie spa?? beim lesen :p .... ps: ich werde am 1.9.2011 meine ausbildung beginen, und nich im bogen dabei bin =) also ciao 1
nusibodo atsakineti per dauk klausimu 1
o man patinka mano profesija ir net labai 1
oh mein gott ihr habt kenny get?¶det...ihr schweine!!! 1
ohne Worte 1
ok 1
pakelkite stipendijas ;D 1
pastabu neturiu 1
patenkinama 1
patinka 1
per ilga si anketa 1
perdaug privaret jus cea 1
perdauk klausimu 1
puiki programa 1
rasta klaid? 1
reiketu pakeisti seima ir ismesti kubiliu 1
sch?¶nes formular nur nicht standertgem?¤?? sicher l?¤sst sich zwar auf https umstellen aber einige daten werden immernoch unverschl??sselt ??bertragen. au??erdem stellt es au??er mir wohl keiner auf https um. das ist nicht sehr toll! kont.: treaki@gmail 1
schade, dass dies meine finanzielle und als alleinerziehende meinen familiären Zustand nicht verbessert! Der deutsche Staat lässt und ganz schön im Stich!!! 1
schei?? Test 1
scheisse wie jeder fragebogen den ich beantworte 1
schul is so scheise da wirst nur verarscht 1
seas 1
sehr persönlich 1
seit 16 allein lebend. wenig kontakt zu eltern. 1
si anketa nuobodi per daug neaiskiu sakiniu(zodziu) kuriuos sunku suprasti 1
si programa man patinka 1
sinnvoll? 1
sis testas buvo visikai nesamoningas :) 1
sita mokikla labai gera 1
some questions were repeated 1
sprite 1
sudas 1
sukti klausymai. 1
super ist des! 1
supi fragebogen 1
supiii 1
taip turiu... 1
teip as noru 1
test, test deutschtest mathetest immer test.....hasche ??berhaupt gelernt ???? 1
the occupations in schools are not favor in the market 1
the program has no the proper structures and the school faces many problems 1
the questionnaire was completed / full 1
the questionnaire was huge 1
the questionnaire was tiring 1
the questionnaire was tiring and huge 1
the questionnaire was very big 1
the questionnaires have no questions for laboratories 1
the situation is a tragedy 1
tip top..;) 1
tl;dr 1
too many quesions 1
top 1
trotz dass mein Vater nicht mehr lebt, habe ich Angaben dazu geschrieben 1
truksta praktinio mokymo pasirinkta profesija 1
tschau 1
umfrage zu lang!!!!!!!!! 1
unn?¶tig 1
unnötig 1
unnötig! 1
unnötig, wofür ist das? 1
uzkniso tie klausimai akis skauda:D 1
uzkniso, nes labai ilgas testas ....trumpinkit gal ? 1
vISKAS ATvarkoje tik pakeiskite Mums Aukletoja 1
vermutlich alle in dieser Klasse 25-30 Stunden Arbeitszeit + 13 Stunden Schulzeit 1
very good program 1
viel Zeit zum ausfüllen 1
viel lzu viele Fragen 1
viel zu lang 1
viel zu lang dieser Fragebogen 1
viel zu lang! 1
viel zu lang!!!! 1
viel zu lang!!!!!!!!!!! 1
viel zu lang.... 1
viel zu lange 1
viel zu lange und schei??e 1
viel zu lange! 1
viel zu viele Fragen da antwortet doch eh jeder nur mittel oder so weil sie kein bock haben!!! 1
viele der hier gefragten fragen machen f??r mich keinen sinn 1
viele unnötige Fragen 1
vienu zodziu viskas yra gerai 2
visai nieko 1
visai pochui 1
visaj geri klausimaj 1
viskas bus gerai 1
viskas gerai 3
viskas gerai. 1
viskas gerai.viskas patinka 1
viskas labai gerai 1
viskas man tinka 1
viskas tvarkoi 1
w??rde in zukunft gerne genauer wissn warum sie mir solche fragen stellen :) 1
war OK 1
war echt super :D 1
war eigentlich recht in ordnung. vielleicht etwas zu 1
war gut 1
war gut aber zu privat 1
war sehr cool 1
warum ich ???? ihr habt sie doch nicht mehr alle !!!!!! 1
was ist das ein Kack, voll fürn Arsch 1
we don't have heat in classroom 1
we have some bad teachers 1
we have to change our educational system. We need books 1
we need better facilities 1
we need pupils exchange programs 1
we need school facilities where we can read and make our homeworks 1
werde versuchen nach meiner Ausbildung wenn ich geselle bin in andere bereiche unter zu kommen Sozialenbereich oder in die Modelbranche zu kommen.. jetzige Ausbildung diente nur als Vormerk das ich was nachzuweisen hab 1
wir m??ssen mehr geld bekommen voll und ganz(. ankreuzen 1
wis nicht 1
woa unedig 1
xxx 1
ya 1
you dont have questions about the suggestions of the pupils for a better future 1
you have to ask us about our life in Greece the last 2 years 1
you have to put Italian in foreign language question 1
you may had to put some questions for the future job finding 1
yra gera 1
ziemlich ungeeignet f??r Umsch??ler !!! 1
zu C5:es wäre besser gewesen Stunden pro Woche angeben zu können/sollen 1
zu D2: Frage 1: auch Männer sollten dazu bereit sein 1
zu H8: Vater: Landwirtschaftsmeister 1
zu Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1
zu laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang 1
zu lang 3
zu lang und ein paar unnötige Fragen 1
zu lang!! 1
zu lang, Fragen deren Antwort ich nicht weiß 1
zu lang, schwer verständlich 1
zu lang, sehr viel zu lesen 1
zu lange 1
zu lange Fragen! 1
zu lange und teilweise zu un??bersichtliche Fragenstellung 1
zu lange! 1
zu lange, zu viel zum lesen. 1
zu langer Fragebogen 1
zu persönliche fragen!!! 1
zu viel 2
zu viel Text 1
zu viele Fragen 1
zu viele Fragen ! 1
zu viele Fragen und viele sind privat 1
zu viele Fragen! 1
zu viele Fragen, mühsam zu beantworten 1
zu viele Fragen, zu langer Zeitaufwand 1
zu viele fragen 2
zu viele fragen bischen nervig und sonst ganz okay 1
zu viele sinnlose fragen!!! wa aber klar das sowas von studenten kommt ;) 1
©i specialyb? gan?tinai çdomi,ta?iau daug kas priklauso nuo mokytoj?, kaip jie sugeba paai?kinti m?s? specialyb?s pliusus ir minusus. Kiek laiko mokausi ?ia tai dar n? karto negird?jau kur gal??iau stoti toliau, kad tai b?t? susij? su mano specialyb?. Ma 1
©ia programa esu labai patenkintas 1
´... 1
Ô? ???ôç?áô?ëü?é? á?ôü ?? ?Üë??? ?ë???? 1
über die Hygiene und Cafeteria in den Schulen sprechen (Ankreuzaufgaben), da die sehr widerlich sind. 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon

g160 Comments Section G: You and your family

G16. Comments 1 If you would like to leave a comment or tell us something about your programme that wasn’t asked in the questionnaire you can write your remarks in the box below.

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

g161 Comments Section G: You and your family

G16. Comments 2 If you would like to leave a comment or tell us something about your programme that wasn’t asked in the questionnaire you can write your remarks in the box below.

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

g162 Comments Section G: You and your family

G16. Comments 3 If you would like to leave a comment or tell us something about your programme that wasn’t asked in the questionnaire you can write your remarks in the box below.

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

Mode Mode of data collection

Mode of data collection

Vrednost 324367 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 0
1 web 8764
2 paper 8863
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17627 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 2

Region_L Regions of Lithuania

Regions of Lithuania

Vrednost 325366 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 0
1 Alytus 210
2 Kaunas 568
3 Klaipeda+Telsiai 331
4 Marijampole 136
5 Panevezys 232
6 Siauliai 246
7 Taurage 97
8 Telsiai 0
9 Utena 202
10 Vilnius 619
-77 not applicable 14986
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2641 14986

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 10

Size_Lit Size of sampled schools Lithuania

Size of sampled schools Lithuania

Vrednost 326365 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 0
1 < 599 pupils 798
2 600-799 pupils 547
3 800-1799 pupils 694
4 over 1799 pupils 602
-77 not applicable 14986
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2641 14986

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 4

Region_A States of Austria

States of Austria

Vrednost 327364 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 0
1 Burgenland 86
2 Carinthia 60
3 Lower Austria 674
4 Upper Austria 300
5 Salzburg 29
6 Styria 289
7 Tyrol 103
8 Vorarlberg 194
9 Vienna 362
-77 not applicable 15530
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2097 15530

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 9

Regio_La Regions of Latvia

Regions of Latvia

Vrednost 328363 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 0
1 Daugavpils 317
2 Jekabpils 38
3 Jelgava 134
4 Jurmala 26
5 Kurzemes region 197
6 Latgales region 304
7 Liepaja 91
8 Rezekne 82
9 Riga 617
10 Rigas region 317
11 Valmiera 106
12 Ventspils 33
13 Vidzemes region 396
14 Zemgales region 268
-77 not applicable 14701
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2926 14701

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 14

Size_Lat Size of sampled schools Latvia

Size of sampled schools Latvia

Vrednost 329362 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 0
1 < 599 pupils 1873
2 > 600 pupils 1053
-77 not applicable 14701
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2926 14701

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 2

Region_S Regions of Slovenia

Regions of Slovenia

Vrednost 330361 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 0
1 Central Slovenia 402
2 Gorenjska 142
3 Goriska regija 0
4 SE Region 76
5 Koroska 0
6 W and SW Region / Goriska regija 115
7 Podravska regija / Korosa 167
8 Pomurska regija 240
9 Savinjska and spodnjeposavska regija 20
10 Zasavska regija 35
-77 not applicable 16430
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1197 16430

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 10

Region_G Federal States of Germany

Federal States of Germany

Vrednost 331360 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 0
1 Baden-Wüttemberg 741
2 Bavaria 891
3 Berlin 129
4 Brandenburg 79
5 Bremen 103
6 Hamburg 165
7 Hessen 319
8 Mecklenburg-West Pomerania 115
9 Lower Saxony 495
10 North Rhine-Westphalia 1203
11 Rhineland-Palatinate 185
12 Saarland 85
13 Saxony 295
14 Saxony-Anhalt 257
15 Schleswig-Holstein 173
16 Thuringia 142
-77 not applicable 12250
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5377 12250

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 16

Type_Ger Type of Schools Germany

Type of Schools Germany

Vrednost 332359 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 0
1 Part-time vocational schools (Berufsschule) 3791
2 Full-time vocational schools (Berufsfachschulen) 991
3 Senior technical schools (Fachoberschulen) 264
4 Vocational grammar schools / trade and technical grammar sch 331
-77 not applicable 12250
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5377 12250

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 4

Regio_Gr Regions of Greece

Regions of Greece

Vrednost 333358 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 0
1 Attika 935
2 East Macedonia & Thraki 147
3 North Aegean 9
4 Western Greece 140
5 Western Macedonia 57
6 Ipiros 16
7 Thessally 146
8 Ionion Islands 36
9 Central Macedonia 463
10 Crete 174
11 South Aegean 67
12 Peloponnesse 89
13 Central Greece 117
-77 not applicable 15231
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2396 15231

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 13

Regio_UK Regions of UK

Regions of UK

Vrednost 334357 Frekvenca
1 North East 28
2 North West 275
3 Yorkshire and Humber 117
4 East Midlands 89
5 West Midlands 255
6 East of England 6
7 South East 103
8 South West 43
9 London 75
-88 not answered 2
-77 not applicable 16634
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
991 16636

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

ver_st_i vertical structure - international

vertical structure - international

Vrednost 335356 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 less demanding 8655
2 more demanding 7561
-88 not answered 1411
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
16216 1411

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 2

li_ver_s vertical structure Lithuania - see codebook for details

vertical structure Lithuania - see codebook for details

Vrednost 336355 Frekvenca
1 less demanding 119
2 medium demanding 1984
3 more demanding 339
-88 not answered 199
-77 not applicable 14986
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2442 15185

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

at_ver_s vertical structure Austria - see codebook for details

vertical structure Austria - see codebook for details

Vrednost 337354 Frekvenca
1 less demanding - dual 886
2 less demanding 95
3 more demanding 1002
-88 not answered 114
-77 not applicable 15530
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1983 15644

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

gr_ver_s vertical structure Greece - see codebook for details

vertical structure Greece - see codebook for details

Vrednost 338353 Frekvenca
1 less demanding 1044
2 more demanding 1173
-88 not answered 179
-77 not applicable 15231
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2217 15410

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

la_ver_s vertical structure Latvia - see codebook for details

vertical structure Latvia - see codebook for details

Vrednost 339352 Frekvenca
1 less demanding 218
2 medium demanding 245
3 more demanding 2370
-88 not answered 93
-77 not applicable 14701
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2833 14794

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

sl_ver_s vertical structure Slovenia - see codebook for details

vertical structure Slovenia - see codebook for details

Vrednost 340351 Frekvenca
1 less demanding 307
2 more demanding 796
-88 not answered 94
-77 not applicable 16430
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1103 16524

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

de_ver_s vertical structure Germany - see codebook for details

vertical structure Germany - see codebook for details

Vrednost 341350 Frekvenca
1 less demanding 3623
2 medium demanding 946
3 more demanding 513
-88 not answered 295
-77 not applicable 12250
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5082 12545

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

uk_ver_s vertical structure UK - see codebook for details

vertical structure UK - see codebook for details

Vrednost 342349 Frekvenca
1 less demanding 242
2 medium demanding 98
3 more demanding 359
4 very demanding 63
-88 not answered 231
-77 not applicable 16634
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
762 16865

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

w_design Design Weight

Design Weight

Vrednost 343348 Frekvenca
0.256289842398874 36
0.425251287282201 52
0.440294117912297 59
0.590609404019176 165
0.601307378245698 85
0.605299971539906 49
0.615572975179957 30
0.631771067119877 41
0.669320550921387 44
0.675848171995276 268
0.699773261283462 248
0.725874896550788 18
0.738555102315347 103
0.742067360045758 108
0.743024733757457 38
0.743417690101809 115
0.759248939649424 142
0.762703985144763 106
0.769721940434689 29
0.771042138607372 111
0.77287840581176 304
0.773574391690028 38
0.790326391998707 91
0.805539943834431 124
0.816363668012614 758
0.817971965684558 197
0.818366402213237 84
0.82960836891033 224
0.847842346010514 53
0.863814216147363 56
0.8709429772584 147
0.87437174650047 20
0.87483403497507 82
0.876152475498598 58
0.877029504660474 141
0.885065160453821 174
0.885221732295408 300
0.901554583423454 175
0.902437312215967 242
0.907642974060106 402
0.910016460376995 115
0.918459405414692 140
0.929412833269612 57
0.930268954901202 463
0.930814420976888 134
0.942937574886521 132
0.959812805133063 86
0.961163773493324 75
0.961365604773066 287
0.961913431860583 77
0.962930570978267 389
0.970037687046757 289
0.980384933865532 126
0.980499245349092 33
0.982331656864166 142
0.98597746950916 362
0.987885156752074 113
0.995095485757024 300
0.99687503347549 360
0.997519137298698 674
0.997983767443454 167
0.998746730443291 136
1 993
1.00956550186199 935
1.01034284164329 89
1.01476934957489 29
1.02591537080831 35
1.02727470891238 76
1.03538506167435 103
1.0419002354784 60
1.05483584774091 96
1.07071407648924 194
1.07907455659503 75
1.08306578552762 287
1.0833309645168 120
1.08835201872343 114
1.090146591649 115
1.0915273217411 117
1.11470934090124 152
1.11946694633583 826
1.12243672105425 240
1.12849314303078 191
1.13649463543198 55
1.14470541326134 146
1.15877735745054 35
1.18291518657807 87
1.20271280234902 39
1.21284163619938 151
1.2646182207252 67
1.27592224353853 59
1.28210571435799 220
1.28345075804824 112
1.30271653297405 209
1.3274721626104 34
1.33241155436326 33
1.35783887731075 466
1.37041088330668 24
1.42218514552992 36
1.42875769759305 152
1.46898478398103 46
1.47897128256726 16
1.48456882421549 9
1.49141039539509 45
1.5528841725755 145
1.56369963637455 18
1.60003904400824 30
1.68845578247414 169
1.72393391488431 102
1.84447391752598 24
1.86093921866042 26
2.09434690519 33
2.16232117699872 18
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17627 17626.87 0 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0.256289842398874 do 2.16232117699872

w_nonres Nonresponse Weigth

Nonresponse Weigth

Vrednost 344347 Frekvenca
0.35675274927896 48
0.363727356893498 52
0.415056595989272 200
0.483011355732855 194
0.491639162806429 85
0.511641394946795 35
0.542248773757234 44
0.54245208055344 674
0.548761022098079 197
0.570517150952178 41
0.577317300743822 155
0.582729299955592 40
0.614896392410644 49
0.624556846459088 6
0.66044586407913 96
0.671667854380225 75
0.680761434693712 75
0.6966676 1
0.699813508356955 169
0.708042533788178 142
0.712310187184781 115
0.725416310147585 36
0.756547338231017 24
0.763859077817533 106
0.770540784654707 33
0.772592464594137 248
0.776279016876692 826
0.786911338789268 115
0.787899025934226 84
0.796591246397855 52
0.801040870018777 58
0.80328700898272 152
0.811806253989625 117
0.81225571675197 36
0.820578989293716 191
0.821969513225637 112
0.824976234810313 59
0.838725642559638 86
0.847527442262845 38
0.852684255256991 29
0.859374449889375 242
0.868181400653791 268
0.869425283318164 300
0.872082295061443 240
0.873758178658823 174
0.878949349306602 38
0.889478052003779 402
0.891151023624834 146
0.896032560607152 132
0.905363322265896 145
0.908500111411869 134
0.910087201250858 165
0.914457849532958 152
0.915170520344311 53
0.922729337385956 124
0.927686266755658 935
0.933058166988737 360
0.934343900519705 209
0.941152178984172 304
0.943005224751999 77
0.943481461460111 142
0.952289364873806 147
0.954615579264442 287
0.967248114441128 362
0.967800552625472 287
0.986493928543665 33
0.990579805995385 26
0.990892738441497 758
0.991607104421323 113
1.00900339994145 136
1.01069290562605 83
1.01469307490478 67
1.01826006020241 77
1.01840540521778 220
1.02371294254974 17
1.02925659549792 30
1.04263408590783 224
1.0531467803517 114
1.05516170610419 289
1.05894810184585 57
1.05991453735473 115
1.06817260390347 120
1.07305876325514 102
1.08552607316767 175
1.09944464366543 463
1.11785503193466 140
1.12738657 1
1.13831566417547 39
1.13965750148869 91
1.18730725554954 55
1.20427636178989 89
1.20988406253594 466
1.21259011493607 76
1.21910982162573 389
1.28756203287541 18
1.28808674660264 103
1.31090287766386 46
1.32212480052459 56
1.37330569128255 20
1.37953867217097 24
1.38161705056785 300
1.38639784437433 34
1.41954361756441 167
1.43038169991757 18
1.43583134240825 82
1.46426824545104 141
1.46477511025212 108
1.49226709694372 87
1.50375375419563 25
1.51139638882032 59
1.52709696487964 75
1.5321576471587 111
1.60229609738057 3
1.62486318812248 86
1.70606895694501 151
1.71299474408009 33
1.72216140044362 126
1.79156031417296 45
1.81082746303182 75
1.83063762025578 103
2.12413105429346 18
2.43345863517585 18
2.46608676027323 60
2.5929253798372 25
2.84567181409448 16
3.01498675496616 30
3.48994038430296 35
3.97535593595794 9
5.4929472839392 29
17.4364400805598 6
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17627 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0.35675274927896 do 17.4364400805598

classID ClassID


Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
17625 2 100101 705501 408954.51 195253.121

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 100101 do 705501

Country Country


Vrednost 346345 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 0
-77 not applicable 0
1 Lithuania 2097
2 Austria 1399
3 Greece 937
4 Latvia 1867
5 Slovenia 993
6 Germany 1766
7 UK 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10052 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 7

ScholD SchoolID


Vrednost 347344 Frekvenca
1002 18
1003 25
1004 32
1005 18
1007 26
1008 26
1009 29
1013 30
1014 35
1016 34
1017 37
1018 32
1019 25
1021 32
1022 21
1023 27
1024 24
1025 34
1026 37
1027 22
1028 23
1029 28
1030 40
1033 69
1034 73
1035 58
1036 63
1037 36
1038 92
1039 92
1040 48
1041 35
1042 67
1043 139
1044 55
1045 124
1046 134
1047 18
1048 81
1049 111
1050 76
1051 71
2001 22
2003 35
2005 14
2013 4
2017 13
2018 3
2021 50
2022 9
2023 18
2024 31
2026 37
2027 30
2029 36
2030 21
2031 23
2034 7
2035 17
2039 35
2040 15
2042 11
2044 27
2045 30
2046 32
2047 19
2048 48
2049 21
2051 17
2052 42
2056 41
2058 31
2065 15
2073 5
2075 35
2081 23
2096 12
2097 4
2099 35
2102 22
2103 27
2109 15
2114 39
2116 24
2118 39
2128 25
2130 7
2131 31
2135 9
2139 33
2140 17
2142 34
2143 19
2144 7
2150 34
2155 14
2160 22
2164 20
2165 14
2167 12
2168 16
2169 1
2171 16
2173 10
2174 24
3001 17
3002 17
3003 14
3004 12
3005 9
3006 10
3007 11
3008 8
3009 20
3010 15
3012 13
3013 17
3014 23
3015 8
3016 14
3017 24
3018 7
3019 3
3020 16
3021 16
3022 18
3023 5
3025 9
3026 11
3027 14
3028 10
3029 1
3030 9
3031 25
3032 9
3033 17
3034 20
3036 4
3038 29
3039 18
3040 10
3041 9
3042 6
3044 7
3046 2
3047 20
3048 6
3049 13
3050 8
3051 17
3052 16
3053 24
3054 25
3056 4
3058 31
3059 14
3060 6
3061 12
3062 7
3063 9
3064 18
3065 3
3066 3
3067 10
3068 20
3069 10
3070 6
3071 20
3072 18
3073 2
3074 4
3075 13
3077 15
3078 14
3079 21
3080 13
3081 4
3082 13
3083 11
4001 21
4002 7
4003 37
4004 8
4005 15
4006 22
4007 33
4008 23
4009 13
4010 68
4011 39
4013 22
4014 20
4016 23
4017 8
4018 35
4019 50
4020 39
4021 15
4022 18
4023 10
4024 41
4025 22
4027 26
4029 12
4030 27
4031 44
4032 20
4033 18
4034 35
4035 36
4036 19
4037 63
4038 20
4040 41
4044 27
4046 24
4047 42
4049 63
4050 102
4051 44
4052 41
4053 20
4054 35
4055 32
4056 67
4057 17
4058 5
4059 18
4060 40
4061 23
4062 35
4063 13
4064 19
4065 20
4066 25
4067 13
4068 28
4081 27
4083 12
4084 22
4094 11
4095 12
4096 45
4097 20
4098 15
5101 29
5102 31
5103 9
5104 18
5105 42
5107 26
5108 31
5109 29
5110 15
5111 46
5113 24
5115 22
5116 36
5117 32
5119 29
5120 24
5125 16
5126 9
5128 37
5131 37
5132 23
5133 36
5136 39
5138 4
5139 25
5140 55
5141 24
5143 7
5145 41
5146 15
5147 30
5148 37
5149 24
5150 12
5151 32
5153 16
5154 31
6002 26
6003 7
6004 16
6007 39
6008 10
6010 19
6013 8
6015 19
6016 3
6017 4
6018 25
6019 27
6021 7
6023 18
6025 23
6026 22
6027 33
6028 22
6029 26
6031 35
6033 8
6034 16
6035 14
6036 21
6037 19
6038 14
6040 17
6042 6
6043 30
6044 15
6045 35
6046 13
6047 42
6048 19
6050 5
6051 23
6052 16
6053 27
6054 11
6056 7
6057 16
6064 2
6065 3
6066 10
6067 6
6068 10
6069 10
6070 11
6073 5
6075 20
6076 5
6077 13
6079 2
6080 3
6081 17
6082 18
6083 27
6084 7
6085 3
6086 13
6087 11
6089 7
6090 5
6091 6
6093 22
6094 1
6096 3
6097 2
6099 4
6100 7
6101 12
6102 7
6105 10
6106 5
6107 7
6110 5
6111 10
6112 14
6113 20
6114 14
6115 13
6116 8
6117 4
6119 31
6120 3
6121 22
6123 6
6126 9
6130 34
6131 4
6132 9
6133 35
6134 6
6135 9
6136 20
6137 6
6140 5
6141 5
6143 7
6147 23
6148 13
6151 10
6152 14
6154 14
6155 27
6156 21
6157 19
6158 12
6159 11
6160 17
6161 13
6163 3
6164 37
6165 11
6166 14
6167 12
6168 4
6169 18
6170 15
6171 10
6172 19
6174 13
6175 7
6176 22
6177 5
6178 10
6179 16
7002 3
7003 4
7004 15
7005 4
7006 3
7010 2
7015 54
7016 61
7017 21
7018 4
7022 2
7023 25
7025 3
7026 2
7029 52
7030 21
7032 70
7034 292
7037 3
7039 4
7041 37
7042 171
7043 17
7044 60
7045 17
7046 10
7047 6
7048 3
7049 4
7050 4
7051 4
7052 4
7053 5
7054 3
7055 3
-88 not answered 0
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10052 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1002 do 7055

Class Class


Vrednost 348343 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Class One 4485
2 Class Two 3597
3 Class Three 1014
4 Class Four 405
5 Class Five 248
6 Class Six 185
7 Class Seven 65
8 Class Eight 51
-88 not answered 2
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10050 2

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 8

StudenID StudentID


Vrednost 349342 Frekvenca
-88 not answered
-77 not applicable
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10052 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 20010101 do 1051062860

A1_Aus What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (only Austria) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A1. What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (Please write the name of the programme below)(only Austria)

Vrednost 350341 Frekvenca
1 Berufsbildende höhere Schule 109
2 Allgemeinbildende höhere Schule - Oberstufe 42
3 Berufsbildende mittlere Schule 61
4 Allgemeinbildende höhere Schule - Unterstufe 293
5 Lehrlingsausbildung 23
6 Polytechnischer Lehrgang 220
7 Hauptschule, Neue Mittelschule, Kooperative Mittelschule 620
-88 not answered 31
-77 not applicable 8653
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1368 8684

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

A1_Gre What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (only Greece) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A1. What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (Please write the name of the programme below)(only Greece)

Vrednost 351340 Frekvenca
1 Theoretical background usually coming from 1st grade of gene 81
2 More Technical Background, usually coming from grades of EPA 11
-88 not answered 845
-77 not applicable 9115
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
92 9960

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

A1_Lat What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (only Latvia) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A1. What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (Please write the name of the programme below)(only Latvia)

Vrednost 352339 Frekvenca
-77 8185
-88 429
1. Me?vidu pamatskola 1
1.arodvidusskola 1
1.vidusskola 1
7.pamatskola 1
72.vsk. 1
9 klase 1
9 klases 4
9.klase 1
9.klases 1
9.vidusskola 1
?imnâzija 4
Apguldes arodvidusskolâ 1
Baumanu Kâr?a Vi?íenes pamatskola 1
Bilskas pamatskola 1
Birzgales pamatskola 1
Cçsu 1. pamatskola 1
Daugavpils 10.vidusskola 1
Daugavpils Po?u vidusskola 1
Dundagas vidusskola 1
EP 1
Eglaines pamatskola 1
G.Meríe?a Lçdurgas paamtskola 1
Jaunlaicenes pamatskola 1
Kocçnu pamatskola 1
Krimuldas vidusskola 2
Lielupes vidusskola 1
Liepupes vidusskola 1
Liepâjas 1. ?imnâzija 1
Lizuma vidusskola 1
Ludzas pilsçtas ?imnâzija 1
Matî?u pamatskola 1
Medumu vidusskola 1
Mârsnçnu pamatskola 1
Nautrçnu vsk. 1
Ozolmui?as pamatskola 2
P?avi?u ?imnâzija un 2 mçn, Prei?u arodvidusskola 1
P?avinu novada ?imnâzija 1
Pamatskola 1
Pamatskolas 1
Pâles pamatskola 1
R?jienas pamatskola 1
Rankas pamatskola 1
Rudzâtu visusskola 1
Rçzeknes 5. vidusskola 1
Rîgas Imantas vsk. 1
Saulkrastu vidusskola 1
Smiltenes ?imnâzija 1
Til?as vsk. Vectil?as filiâle 1
Valmieras 2. vidusskola 1
Vijciema pamatskola 1
Z.A.Meierovica Kabiles vidusskola 1
ang?u valoda 1
apdares darbu tehniíis 1
apdares darbu tehniíis, b?vdarbu 1
arhitekti 1
arhitektu tehniíis 1
arodvidusskola 4
audiovizuâlâs un mediju mâksla 1
auto transports 1
autoelektriíis 1
automehâniíis 8
automehâniíis, autotransports 6
autotransports 13
b?vdarbi 2
b?vdarbvi 1
b?vgaldnieks 3
b?vizstrâdâjumu galdnieki 1
baltinavs vsk. 1
biotehnolo?ija 3
biotehnologs 1
buvdarbi 7
buvizstradajumu galdnieks 1
celtnieks 1
datorsistçmas 2
datorsistçmu tehniíis 3
datortehniíis 2
datortehnolo?ijas meistars 1
datoru programmçtâjs 1
datorzinîbas 1
dârznieks 1
galdnieka palîgs 1
galdnieks 1
grâmatvedîba 5
in?eniermehânika 5
in?eniermehâniíis 2
in?enieros 1
interjera dizains 1
j?rskolâ 1
klientu apkalpo?anas speciâlists 1
koka izstrâdâjumu dizaineris 1
komerczinîbas 5
kuldîgas 2.vsk. 1
lauksaimniecîbas tehnika 1
lauksaimniecîbas tehniíis 1
lauksaumniecîbas tehniíis 1
lauktehnika 1
lauku t?risma speciâlists 5
ma?înb?ves 1
ma?înzinîbas 15
me?saimniecîbas mehânika 2
me?saimniecîbas mehâniíis 9
me?saimniecîbas tehnika 1
me?saimniecîbas tehniíis 2
mehânika 1
murnieks 1
nevienâ 1
pamaskola 7
pamat izglîtîba 1
pamatiglîtîba 11
pamatizgl. 1
pamatizglitîba 2
pamatizglîba 8
pamatizglîtiba 10
pamatizglîtîba 698
pamatizglîtîbas 56
pamatskola 262
pamatskola Vijciemâ 1
pamatskolas 20
pamatskolas izglîtîba 1
pamtizglîtîba 1
patmatizglîtîba 7
profesionâlâ vidçjâ 2
profesionâlâ vidçjâ programma 1
profesionâlâ-vidçjâ 2
profisionâlâ izglîtîba 1
programat?ra 1
programmç?ana 1
programmçtâjs 2
pârtika 1
pârtikas produktu kontrole 1
pârtikas produktu kontroles palîgs 1
reklâmas dizains 2
reklâmasnoformçtâjs 1
rubenes pamatskola 1
t?risma pakalpojumi 1
t?risma speciâlists 1
ventspils 4.vsk 1
vides aizsardzîba 2
vidusskola 20
vidusskolas 2
vidçjâ izglîtîba 1
viesmîlîbas pakalp.spec. 1
viesnîcu serviss 1
virpotâjs 1
visparizglîtojo?â 1
vispârizglîtojo?â 38
vispârçjâ 1
vispârçjâ izglîtîba 1
vispârçjâ pamatizglîtîba 6
vispârîgâ 1
zîmç?ana ( mâkslas skola) 1
ÇP 1
çdienu gatavo?anas speciâlists 1
çdinâ?.pakalp.serviss 1
çdinâ?ana serviss 2
çdinâ?anas pak.serviss 1
çdinâ?anas pak.spec. 4
çdinâ?anas pakalp. 3
çdinâ?anas pakalp.serviss 1
çdinâ?anas pakalp.spec. 2
çdinâ?anas pakalpojumi 4
çdinâ?anas pakalpojumu speciâlists 3
çdinâ?anas pakalpojumu speciâlitâte 1
çdinâ?anas servisa pakalpojumi 1
çdinâ?anas servisa spec. 1
çdinâ?anas servisa speciâlists 9
çdinâ?anas serviss 15
çdinâ?anas specialitâte 2
çdinâ?anas speciâlists 4
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10052 0

a1_la0 What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (only Latvia) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A1. What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (Please write the name of the programme below)(only Latvia)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

a1_la1 What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (only Latvia) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A1. What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (Please write the name of the programme below)(only Latvia)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

a1_la2 What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (only Latvia) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A1. What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (Please write the name of the programme below)(only Latvia)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

A1_UK What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (only UK) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A1. What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (Please write the name of the programme below)(only UK)

Vrednost 356335 Frekvenca
-77 9059
-88 7
A Levels 33
A Levels and BTEC 7
A Levels and NVQ 2
A Levels, BTEC and NVQ 2
AS Levels 41
AS Levels and A Level 1
AS Levels and BTEC 1
AS Levels, A levels and BTEC 2
ASDAN Employability Certificate and ASDAN PSD Award 1
ASDAN Employabilty Award 1
BTEC 111
BTEC and diploma 1
CACHE Level 1 Childcare 1
Childcare level 1 1
City and Guilds 1
Diploma 2
Diploma Level 2 and NVQ 1
Diploma in IT 1
ECDL Level 1 and 2 1
Foundation Pathways 1
Foundations Pathways 1
GCSEs 400
GCSEs and A Levels 12
GCSEs and AS Levels 42
GCSEs and BTEC 100
GCSEs and BTEC andLandrover & Jaguar apprentership 1
GCSEs and Cache Level 2 Dipoma in Childcare and Education 1
GCSEs and Hair and beauty diploma 1
GCSEs and NVQ 28
GCSEs and diploma 1
GCSEs and entry levels 1
GCSEs and level 3 diploma 1
GCSEs andCity And Guilds Lvl 2 in ICT 1
GCSEs andlevel 2 diploma 1
GCSEs, A Levels and AS Levels 14
GCSEs, BTEC and A Levels 5
GCSEs, BTEC and AS Levels 5
GCSEs, BTEC, A Levels and AS Levels 3
GCSEs, BTEC, AS levels and A levels 1
GCSEs, BTEC, NVQ, A Levels and AS Levels 2
GCSEs, BTEC, and AS levels 1
GCSEs, NVQ and BTEC 18
Health and social level 2 1
Highers and HNC 1
I left school and had a year out of education 1
I was working 1
Key Skills and NVQ 1
Level 2 Sports 1
Level 2 city and guilds travel and tourism 1
NVQ 86
NVQ and BTEC 10
OCR national diploma in sport 1
Travel and tourism Diploma 1
VRQ level 2, Functional skills Level 2 and 1 1
city and guild motor vehicle level 1 1
city and guilds extended diploma 1
college 1
diploma 1
diploma level 2 1
diploma level 2 in hairdressing 1
dipolma 1
fandation pathways 1
imi level 2 motor vehicle 1
introduction to service and repair of automobiles level 1 and 2 1
leaving cert 1
level 1 catering 1
level 1 hair and beauty diploma 1
mechanics - apprenticeship 1
natational diploma 1
none 1
open college network. 1
other BTEC diploma in administration 1
persol development award 1
working 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10052 0

a1_uk0 What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (only UK) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A1. What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (Please write the name of the programme below)(only UK)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

a1_uk1 What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (only UK) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A1. What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (Please write the name of the programme below)(only UK)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

a1_uk2 What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (only UK) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A1. What programme were you enrolled on directly prior to this one? (Please write the name of the programme below)(only UK)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

A2 What is the highest level of schooling you have achieved so far? Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A2. What is the highest level of schooling you have achieved so far? (Please tick just one box)

Vrednost 360331 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 ISCED level 4 9
2 ISCED level 3A 514
3 ISCED level 3B / 3C 1051
4 ISCED level 2 8158
5 ISCED level 1 or without school leaving certificate 135
6 Other (e.g. foreign degree): 74
-88 not answered 111
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9941 111

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 6

A2_open Other (e.g. foreign degree): Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A2. What is the highest level of schooling you have achieved so far? (Please tick just one box) Other 1:

Vrednost 361330 Frekvenca
-88 9999
12 gadi vidçjâ izglîtîba 1
3.prof.kv.lîm. 1
??ÁË 1
??ÁÓ ?Á?Ä 1
??ÁÓ ?Ô?? 1
??áó 1
??íé?ü Ëý??é? 1
Allgemein bildende h?¶here Schule-Oberstufe 1
East Richland High School Diploma 1
Elektros automatikis irenginiu specelistas 1
Entry level 3 1
Entry level three 1
Hauptschule 1
Junior Certificate results 1
Key skills 1
Landwirtschaftsschule für Gesundheit u. Ernährung 1
Lietuvoje igytas socialinio darbuotojo padejeja 1
Middle years program 1
Qualifizierender Abschluss 1
Russian Gymnasium 1
Smulkaus verslo paslaug? teik?jas 1
Zentrale Klassenarbeiten am Gymnasium 1
elektros automatikos irenginiu specialystas 1
epal 3
geniko lykeio 3
highschool 1
iek agglia 1
international baccallaureat 1
lukeio 3
mittlerer Schulabschluss 1
oaed 1
smulkaus verslo mokymo tiekejas 1
smulkaus verslo paslaug? teik?jas 1
technikos prieziuros verslo darbuotojas 1
videsizglîtîba 1
vidçjâ 1
Ë???É? 2
Ëý??é? 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10052 0

a2_op0 Other (e.g. foreign degree): Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A2. What is the highest level of schooling you have achieved so far? (Please tick just one box) Other 2:

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

a2_op1 Other (e.g. foreign degree): Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A2. What is the highest level of schooling you have achieved so far? (Please tick just one box) Other 3:

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

a2_op2 Other (e.g. foreign degree): Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A2. What is the highest level of schooling you have achieved so far? (Please tick just one box) Other 4:

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

A3_1a What was your grade in math in your final certificate of your previous programme? Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A3. What was your grade in the following subjects in your final certificate of your previous programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject)Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details)-Math:

Vrednost 365326 Frekvenca
1 520
2 1365
3 1645
4 2487
5 1365
6 724
7 421
8 273
9 95
10 95
11 87
12 105
13 118
14 112
15 97
16 71
17 62
18 34
19 29
20 14
-88 not answered 180
-77 not applicable 153
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9719 333

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 20

A3_1b What was your grade in math in your final certificate of your previous programme? Wasn't taught Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A3. What was your grade in the following subjects in your final certificate of your previous programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) Wasn't taught-Math:

Vrednost 366325 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 9719
1 Quoted 153
-88 not answered 180
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9872 180

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

A3_1a_1 Previous grade: math pass Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A3. What was your grade in the following subjects in your final certificate of your previous programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) Math ( math pass):

Vrednost 367324 Frekvenca
0 fail 208
1 pass 9511
-88 not answered 180
-77 not applicable 153
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9719 333

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

A3_1a_2 Previous grade: math_comparable Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A3. What was your grade in the following subjects in your final certificate of your previous programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) Math (math_comparable):

Vrednost 368323 Frekvenca
1 681
2 2272
3 3137
4 3421
5 203
6 5
-88 not answered 180
-77 not applicable 153
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9719 333

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

A3_2a What was your grade in your native language in your final certificate of your previous programme? Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A3. What was your grade in the following subjects in your final certificate of your previous programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details)-Native language:

Vrednost 369322 Frekvenca
1 442
2 1370
3 1775
4 1710
5 1359
6 1114
7 691
8 307
9 92
10 58
11 42
12 109
13 105
14 125
15 129
16 120
17 93
18 51
19 26
20 6
-88 not answered 181
-77 not applicable 147
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9724 328

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 20

A3_2b What was your grade in your native language in your final certificate of your previous programme? Wasn't taught Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A3. What was your grade in the following subjects in your final certificate of your previous programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject)Wasn't taught-Native language:

Vrednost 370321 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 9724
1 Quoted 147
-88 not answered 181
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9871 181

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

A3_2a_1 Previous grade: native language pass Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A3. What was your grade in the following subjects in your final certificate of your previous programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject)Native language (native language pass):

Vrednost 371320 Frekvenca
0 fail 38
1 pass 9686
-88 not answered 181
-77 not applicable 147
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9724 328

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

A3_2a_2 Previous Grade: native language_comparable Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A3. What was your grade in the following subjects in your final certificate of your previous programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject)Native language (native language_comparable):

Vrednost 372319 Frekvenca
1 626
2 2742
3 4063
4 2255
5 33
6 5
-88 not answered 181
-77 not applicable 147
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9724 328

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

A3_3a What was your grade in your first foreign language in your final certificate of your previous programme? Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A3. What was your grade in the following subjects in your final certificate of your previous programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details)-First foreign language:

Vrednost 373318 Frekvenca
1 434
2 1298
3 1581
4 1462
5 1106
6 915
7 668
8 471
9 195
10 96
11 32
12 48
13 58
14 74
15 86
16 87
17 82
18 115
19 105
20 91
-88 not answered 271
-77 not applicable 777
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9004 1048

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 20

A3_3b What was your grade in your first foreign language in your final certificate of your previous programme? Wasn't taught Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A3. What was your grade in the following subjects in your final certificate of your previous programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) Wasn't taught-First foreign language:

Vrednost 374317 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 9004
1 Quoted 777
-88 not answered 271
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9781 271

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

A3_3a_1 Previous grade: first foreign language pass Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A3. What was your grade in the following subjects in your final certificate of your previous programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) First foreign language (first foreign language pass):

Vrednost 375316 Frekvenca
0 fail 81
1 pass 8923
-88 not answered 271
-77 not applicable 777
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9004 1048

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

A3_3a_2 Previous grade: first foreign language_comparable Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A3. What was your grade in the following subjects in your final certificate of your previous programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) First foreign language (first foreign language_comparable):

Vrednost 376315 Frekvenca
1 809
2 2425
3 3458
4 2231
5 75
6 6
-88 not answered 271
-77 not applicable 777
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9004 1048

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

A4_1 Choice: The programme offered good job prospects Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A4. How important were the following aspects to you when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) The programme offered good job prospects

Vrednost 377314 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 373
2 Slightly 1118
3 Fairly 3146
4 Quite 3106
5 Very 2153
-88 not answered 156
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9896 156

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A4_2 Choice: My previous examination grades prevented me being able to enrol on more preferable programmes Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A4. How important were the following aspects to you when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) My previous examination grades prevented me being able to enrol on more preferable programmes

Vrednost 378313 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 6083
2 Slightly 1853
3 Fairly 1116
4 Quite 527
5 Very 304
-88 not answered 169
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9883 169

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A4_3 Choice: My parents suggested I enrol on this programme Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A4. How important were the following aspects to you when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) My parents suggested I enrol on this programme

Vrednost 379312 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 4350
2 Slightly 2347
3 Fairly 1768
4 Quite 911
5 Very 510
-88 not answered 166
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9886 166

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A4_4 Choice: The occupation(s) related to the programme appealed to me Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A4. How important were the following aspects to you when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) The occupation(s) related to the programme appealed to me

Vrednost 380311 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 692
2 Slightly 1420
3 Fairly 2397
4 Quite 2733
5 Very 2635
-88 not answered 175
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9877 175

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A4_5 Choice: The programme provides a good foundation for further qualifications / education Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A4. How important were the following aspects to you when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) The programme provides a good foundation for further qualifications / education

Vrednost 381310 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 297
2 Slightly 939
3 Fairly 2409
4 Quite 3207
5 Very 3035
-88 not answered 165
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9887 165

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A4_6 Choice: My friends have chosen to undertake the same programme Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A4. How important were the following aspects to you when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) My friends have chosen to undertake the same programme

Vrednost 382309 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 3647
2 Slightly 2570
3 Fairly 1852
4 Quite 1100
5 Very 704
-88 not answered 179
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9873 179

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A4_7 Choice: The reputation of the programme was attractive to me Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A4. How important were the following aspects to you when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) The reputation of the programme was attractive to me

Vrednost 383308 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 1138
2 Slightly 1935
3 Fairly 3222
4 Quite 2416
5 Very 1160
-88 not answered 181
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9871 181

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A4_8 Choice: Former teachers encouraged me to enrol on this programme Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A4. How important were the following aspects to you when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) Former teachers encouraged me to enrol on this programme

Vrednost 384307 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 6242
2 Slightly 1669
3 Fairly 1057
4 Quite 588
5 Very 330
-88 not answered 166
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9886 166

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A4_9 Choice: This programme was the most appropriate within a reasonable distance from my home Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A4. How important were the following aspects to you when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) This programme was the most appropriate within a reasonable distance from my home

Vrednost 385306 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 3287
2 Slightly 1682
3 Fairly 1903
4 Quite 1436
5 Very 1585
-88 not answered 159
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9893 159

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A5_1 Sources: Teachers Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A5. How important were the following information sources when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) Teachers

Vrednost 386305 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 4577
2 Slightly 2367
3 Fairly 1721
4 Quite 764
5 Very 476
-88 not answered 147
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9905 147

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A5_2 Sources: Parents or family members Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A5. How important were the following information sources when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) Parents or family members

Vrednost 387304 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 1898
2 Slightly 2402
3 Fairly 2671
4 Quite 1832
5 Very 1095
-88 not answered 154
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9898 154

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A5_3 Sources: Friends or classmates Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A5. How important were the following information sources when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) Friends or classmates

Vrednost 388303 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 3115
2 Slightly 2612
3 Fairly 2305
4 Quite 1241
5 Very 592
-88 not answered 187
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9865 187

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A5_4 Sources: Job centre Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A5. How important were the following information sources when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) Job centre

Vrednost 389302 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 6917
2 Slightly 1252
3 Fairly 906
4 Quite 517
5 Very 243
-88 not answered 217
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9835 217

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A5_5 Sources: Informative days / fair / open days at school Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A5. How important were the following information sources when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) Informative days / fair / open days at school

Vrednost 390301 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 3634
2 Slightly 1811
3 Fairly 1925
4 Quite 1537
5 Very 980
-88 not answered 165
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9887 165

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A5_6 Sources: Online information and/or other public media (e.g. newspapers) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A5. How important were the following information sources when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) Online information and/or other public media (e.g. newspapers)

Vrednost 391300 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 2992
2 Slightly 2168
3 Fairly 2117
4 Quite 1642
5 Very 960
-88 not answered 173
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9879 173

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A5_7 Sources: An aptitude test offered by an educational establishment Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A5. How important were the following information sources when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) An aptitude test offered by an educational establishment

Vrednost 392299 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 5358
2 Slightly 1984
3 Fairly 1479
4 Quite 720
5 Very 328
-88 not answered 183
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9869 183

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

A5_8 Sources: A previous internship or work placement (not asked in Slo) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A5. How important were the following information sources when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) A previous internship or work placement (not asked in Slo)

Vrednost 393298 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 4919
2 Slightly 1199
3 Fairly 1015
4 Quite 825
5 Very 935
-88 not answered 166
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8893 1159

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

A5_9 Sources: School counsellors or career advisors (not asked in Aus and Ger) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A5. How important were the following information sources when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) School counsellors or career advisors (not asked in Aus and Ger)

Vrednost 394297 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 3586
2 Slightly 1409
3 Fairly 915
4 Quite 526
5 Very 314
-88 not answered 137
-77 not applicable 3165
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
6750 3302

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

A5_10 Sources: Training facility provider (only asked in Lat and UK) Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A5. How important were the following information sources when you were choosing your current programme? (Please tick only one box in each row) Training facility provider (only asked in Lat and UK)

Vrednost 395296 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 1401
2 Slightly 544
3 Fairly 477
4 Quite 262
5 Very 154
-88 not answered 22
-77 not applicable 7192
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2838 7214

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

A6 Have you considered any alternative programme when you were selecting your current one? Section A: Your previous programme and the transition into your current programme

A6. Have you considered any alternative programme when you were selecting your current one? (Please tick one box below)

Vrednost 396295 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 No, I didn't considered any alternative programme 3224
2 I was considering one other alternative programme 4023
3 I was considering two other alternative programmes 1916
4 I was considering three other alternative programmes 336
5 I was considering more than three alternative programmes 487
-88 not answered 66
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9986 66

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B1 What type of school/programme are you enrolled in? Section B: Your current programme

B1. What type of school/programme are you enrolled in? (Please tick only one)

Vrednost 397294 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 school/programme type one 3277
2 school/programme type two 2059
3 school/programme type three 3199
4 school/programme type four 1331
5 school/programme type five 24
6 school/programme type six 63
7 other 62
-88 not answered 37
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10015 37

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 7

B1_cor What type of school/programme are you enrolled in? Section B: Your current programme

B1. What type of school/programme are you enrolled in? (Please tick only one)

Vrednost 398293 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 school/programme type one 3256
2 school/programme type two 2114
3 school/programme type three 3208
4 school/programme type four 1329
5 school/programme type five 24
6 school/programme type six 63
7 other 29
-88 not answered 29
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10023 29

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 7

B1_open Other school type: Section B: Your current programme

B1. What type of school/programme are you enrolled in? (Please tick only one)Open:

Vrednost 399292 Frekvenca
-88 10002
Automechanikas 1
BHS/Kulturtouristik 1
Berufsbildende h?¶here Schule/Berufsschule/Lehrlingsausbildung 2
Dailieji odos dirbiniai 1
Duale Berufsoberschule 1
Fachgymnysium f??r gesund heit und soziales 1
Fachhochschule 4
Fachhochschulreife 1
H?¶here Berufsfachschule ZW 1
H?¶here Handelsschule 2
HTBL Pinkafeld 2
HTBLuVA Pinkafeld 1
HTL Maschinenbau 1
Handelsakademie 2
IT 1
KTLA + Lehre 1
KTLA/Lehrlingsausbildung 1
Kompiuterines technikos operatorius 1
Landwirtschaftliche Fachschule Edelhof 1
Maschinenbau 1
Pagrindinis 1
Smulkaus verslo paslaug? teik?jas 1
Stalius 1
Verslo paslaug? teik?jas 2
apdailininkas statybininkas 1
automechanikas 1
automobilio kebulo remontininkas 1
autoremontininkas 1
gimnazija 1
htl 1
igyti pagrindini isilavinima ir igyti specelybe 1
kIRP?JO Mokymo programa 1
ktla 1
suvirintojas jureivis 1
vadybininko padejeja 1
virejo 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10052 0

b1_op0 Other school type: Section B: Your current programme

B1. What type of school/programme are you enrolled in? (Please tick only one)Open 1:

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

b1_op1 Other school type: Section B: Your current programme

B1. What type of school/programme are you enrolled in? (Please tick only one)Open 2:

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

b1_op2 Other school type: Section B: Your current programme

B1. What type of school/programme are you enrolled in? (Please tick only one)Open 3:

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

B1_ISCED ISCED: What type of school/programme are you enrolled in? Section B: Your current programme

B1. What type of school/programme are you enrolled in? (Please tick only one) ISCED:

Vrednost 403288 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 ISCED 4 43
2 ISCED 4B 212
3 ISCED 3C 2151
4 ISCED 3B 2753
5 ISCED 3A 2403
6 ISCED 2 63
7 ISCED 2A 24
8 ISCED 3A, 3B or 4A 371
9 ISCED 3B, 4A or 4B 1009
10 ISCED 3A or 3C 924
11 Other 62
-88 not answered 37
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10015 37

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 11

B2a What is the title of the programme you are enrolled on? Section B: Your current programme

B2a. What is the title of the programme you are enrolled on? (Please write the official name in the space below)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon

b2a0 What is the title of the programme you are enrolled on? Section B: Your current programme

B2a. What is the title of the programme you are enrolled on? (Please write the official name in the space below)0

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

b2a1 What is the title of the programme you are enrolled on? Section B: Your current programme

B2a. What is the title of the programme you are enrolled on? (Please write the official name in the space below)1

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

b2a2 What is the title of the programme you are enrolled on? Section B: Your current programme

B2a. What is the title of the programme you are enrolled on? (Please write the official name in the space below)2

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

B2a_ISCO ISCO: What is the title of the programme you are enrolled on? Section B: Your current programme

B2a. What is the title of the programme you are enrolled on? (Please write the official name in the space below)ISCO

Vrednost 408283 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
12 41 OFFICE CLERKS 1015
-88 not answered 695
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9357 695

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 28

B2b What is the total duration of this programme? (In years) Section B: Your current programme

B2b. What is the total duration of this programme? (Please write the duration in years in the space below)(In years)

Vrednost 409282 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 273
1.5 4
2 1194
2.5 86
3 4014
3.5 511
4 2584
5 821
6 3
-88 not answered 562
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9490 562

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 6

B2c In what year of your programme are you in? Section B: Your current programme

B2c. In what year of your programme are you in? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 410281 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 First year 3861
2 Second year 3445
3 Third year 2077
4 Fourth year 428
-88 not answered 241
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9811 241

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 4

B3_1 How many school hours per week do you spend at school? Section B: Your current programme

B3. How many school hours per week do you spend at school? (Please write the hours for an average school week). Hour(s).

Vrednost 411280 Frekvenca
1 5
2 12
3 17
4 25
5 41
6 58
6.5 1
7 125
7.5 2
8 248
8.5 2
9 134
10 95
11 22
12 156
13 157
14 101
15 67
16 225
17 59
18 158
19 35
20 130
21 29
22 36
23 44
24 57
25 232
26 23
27 37
28 105
28.5 1
29 105
30 750
31 265
32 757
32.5 2
33 331
33.5 1
34 622
35 760
36 883
37 209
37.5 3
38 489
38.5 4
39 175
40 635
41 21
42 99
43 48
44 9
45 109
46 61
47 39
48 44
49 24
50 14
51 1
52 7
56 3
57 1
58 1
60 10
-88 not answered 609
-77 not applicable 522
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8921 1131

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 60

B3_2 I attend block release. Section B: Your current programme

B3. How many school hours per week do you spend at school? (Please write the hours for an average school week). Attend block release.

Vrednost 412279 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
0 Not quoted 8477
1 Quoted 1504
-88 not answered 71
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9981 71

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 1

B4_1 My programme ensures employment in the job market. Section B: Your current programme

B4. Now that you know your programme well, to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) My programme ... Ensures employment in the job market

Vrednost 413278 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 517
2 Slightly 1580
3 Fairly 3374
4 Quite 2914
5 Completely 1517
-88 not answered 150
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9902 150

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B4_2 My programme enables me to receive a good starting salary/wage when successfully completed. Section B: Your current programme

B4. Now that you know your programme well, to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) My programme ...My programme enables me to receive a good starting salary/wage when successfully completed.

Vrednost 414277 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 721
2 Slightly 1983
3 Fairly 3415
4 Quite 2608
5 Completely 1160
-88 not answered 165
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9887 165

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B4_3 My programme provides useful practical experience for entering the workforce. Section B: Your current programme

B4. Now that you know your programme well, to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) My programme ...My programme provides useful practical experience for entering the workforce.

Vrednost 415276 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 266
2 Slightly 994
3 Fairly 2719
4 Quite 3401
5 Completely 2509
-88 not answered 163
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9889 163

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B4_4 My programme offers me a broad perspective for a professional career. Section B: Your current programme

B4. Now that you know your programme well, to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) My programme ...My programme offers me a broad perspective for a professional career.

Vrednost 416275 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 399
2 Slightly 1484
3 Fairly 3078
4 Quite 2985
5 Completely 1912
-88 not answered 194
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9858 194

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B4_5 My programme prepares me well for further education and training. Section B: Your current programme

B4. Now that you know your programme well, to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) My programme ...My programme prepares me well for further education and training.

Vrednost 417274 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 330
2 Slightly 1141
3 Fairly 2626
4 Quite 3251
5 Completely 2536
-88 not answered 168
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9884 168

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B4_6 My programme prepares me for starting my own business or becoming self-employed. Section B: Your current programme

B4. Now that you know your programme well, to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) My programme ...My programme prepares me for starting my own business or becoming self-employed.

Vrednost 418273 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 1215
2 Slightly 2291
3 Fairly 2778
4 Quite 2151
5 Completely 1448
-88 not answered 169
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9883 169

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B4_7 My programme is recognised within society as having a good reputation. Section B: Your current programme

B4. Now that you know your programme well, to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) My programme ...My programme is recognised within society as having a good reputation.

Vrednost 419272 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 601
2 Slightly 1606
3 Fairly 3127
4 Quite 2801
5 Completely 1738
-88 not answered 179
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9873 179

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B4_8 My programme prepares me for a job that is important for society. Section B: Your current programme

B4. Now that you know your programme well, to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) My programme ...My programme prepares me for a job that is important for society.

Vrednost 420271 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 479
2 Slightly 1301
3 Fairly 2920
4 Quite 2955
5 Completely 2219
-88 not answered 178
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9874 178

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B5_1 Satisfaction: Most of my classes are interesting. Section B: Your current programme

B5. This question is about your satisfaction with your school. Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) Most of my classes are interesting.

Vrednost 421270 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 625
2 Slightly 1926
3 Fairly 3795
4 Quite 2613
5 Completely 1015
-88 not answered 78
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9974 78

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B5_2 Satisfaction: Most of my teachers are usually well prepared when teaching their subjects. Section B: Your current programme

B5. This question is about your satisfaction with your school. Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) Most of my teachers are usually well prepared when teaching their subjects.

Vrednost 422269 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 403
2 Slightly 1220
3 Fairly 2901
4 Quite 3396
5 Completely 2030
-88 not answered 102
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9950 102

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B5_3 Satisfaction: Most of my teachers are usually interested in helping me learn. Section B: Your current programme

B5. This question is about your satisfaction with your school. Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) Most of my teachers are usually interested in helping me learn.

Vrednost 423268 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 546
2 Slightly 1596
3 Fairly 3063
4 Quite 2900
5 Completely 1828
-88 not answered 119
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9933 119

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B5_4 Satisfaction: Counsellors/careers advisors are usually helpful (not asked in Aus and Ger) Section B: Your current programme

B5. This question is about your satisfaction with your school. Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) Counsellors/careers advisors are usually helpful (not asked in Aus and Ger)

Vrednost 424267 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 695
2 Slightly 1327
3 Fairly 2036
4 Quite 1619
5 Completely 1084
-88 not answered 126
-77 not applicable 3165
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
6761 3291

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

B5_5 Satisfaction: Information on careers and training is easily accessible at school. Section B: Your current programme

B5. This question is about your satisfaction with your school. Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) Information on careers and training is easily accessible at school.

Vrednost 425266 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 618
2 Slightly 1974
3 Fairly 3412
4 Quite 2534
5 Completely 1384
-88 not answered 130
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9922 130

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B5_6 Satisfaction: School facilities are well maintained. Section B: Your current programme

B5. This question is about your satisfaction with your school. Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) School facilities are well maintained.

Vrednost 426265 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 898
2 Slightly 1620
3 Fairly 2802
4 Quite 2850
5 Completely 1755
-88 not answered 127
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9925 127

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B5_7 Satisfaction: The number of computers available at school is adequate for the needs of pupils. Section B: Your current programme

B5. This question is about your satisfaction with your school. Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) The number of computers available at school is adequate for the needs of pupils.

Vrednost 427264 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 1129
2 Slightly 1691
3 Fairly 2491
4 Quite 2487
5 Completely 2116
-88 not answered 138
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9914 138

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B5_8 Satisfaction: The computers at school are up to date. Section B: Your current programme

B5. This question is about your satisfaction with your school. Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) The computers at school are up to date.

Vrednost 428263 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 1234
2 Slightly 1852
3 Fairly 2466
4 Quite 2397
5 Completely 1965
-88 not answered 138
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9914 138

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B5_9 Satisfaction: My school offers enough learning and training material. Section B: Your current programme

B5. This question is about your satisfaction with your school. Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) My school offers enough learning and training material.

Vrednost 429262 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 434
2 Slightly 1378
3 Fairly 3111
4 Quite 3144
5 Completely 1858
-88 not answered 127
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9925 127

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B5_10 Satisfaction: All in all I am satisfied with the programme. Section B: Your current programme

B5. This question is about your satisfaction with your school. Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) All in all I am satisfied with the programme.

Vrednost 430261 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Not at all 370
2 Slightly 929
3 Fairly 2654
4 Quite 3416
5 Completely 2556
-88 not answered 127
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9925 127

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B6 When you think about your programme, what statement do you agree to the most? My current programme... Section B: Your current programme

B6. When you think about your programme, what statement do you agree to the most? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 431260 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 will guide me to my dream job. 3150
2 is only one of several areas I am interested in 4075
3 is an alternative I didn't think of at first. 1451
4 is a compromise / temporary solution because I didn't qualif 358
5 is a compromise / temporary solution because I didn't know w 871
-88 not answered 147
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9905 147

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B7 Looking back, if you were to choose again would you choose the same programme? Section B: Your current programme

B7. Looking back, if you were to choose again would you choose the same programme? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 432259 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Definitely not 712
2 Rather not 969
3 Maybe 2654
4 Most likely 3106
5 Definitely 2485
-88 not answered 126
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9926 126

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

B8 How often have you thought about leaving your current programme? (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B8. How often have you thought about leaving your current programme? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 433258 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 4737
2 Rarely 1999
3 Sometimes 1533
4 Often 433
5 Very often 230
-88 not answered 127
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8932 1120

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

B9_1 Breaking off: I do not enjoy this programme (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I don't enjoy this programme

Vrednost 434257 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 3382
1 Quoted 851
-88 not answered 91
-77 not applicable 5728
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
4233 5819

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

B9_2 Breaking off: The programme places too high an expectation on me (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) The programme places too high an expectation on me (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 435256 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 3572
1 Quoted 660
-88 not answered 90
-77 not applicable 5730
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
4232 5820

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

B9_3 Breaking off: I have difficulties with my teachers (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I have difficulties with my teachers (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 436255 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 3191
1 Quoted 1042
-88 not answered 90
-77 not applicable 5729
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
4233 5819

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

B9_4 Breaking off: I have problems with my class-mates (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I have problems with my class-mates (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 437254 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 3828
1 Quoted 404
-88 not answered 90
-77 not applicable 5730
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
4232 5820

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

B9_5 Breaking off: I know of an alternative programme which may be better suited to me (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I know of an alternative programme which may be better suited to me (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 438253 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 2936
1 Quoted 1301
-88 not answered 90
-77 not applicable 5725
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
4237 5815

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

B9_6 Breaking off: I do not think I will earn enough money after I complete my current programme (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I do not think I will earn enough money after I complete my current programme (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 439252 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 3324
1 Quoted 912
-88 not answered 90
-77 not applicable 5726
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
4236 5816

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

B9_7 Breaking off: I do not think that my career prospects are good enough after I complete my current programme (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I do not think that my career prospects are good enough after I complete my current programme (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 440251 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 3519
1 Quoted 713
-88 not answered 91
-77 not applicable 5729
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
4232 5820

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

B9_8 Breaking off: I feel I am under too much stress in this programme (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I feel I am under too much stress in this programme (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 441250 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 3534
1 Quoted 699
-88 not answered 90
-77 not applicable 5729
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
4233 5819

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

B9_9 Breaking off: I have family problems (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I have family problems (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 442249 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 3899
1 Quoted 333
-88 not answered 90
-77 not applicable 5730
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
4232 5820

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

B9_10 Breaking off: I have health problems (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I have health problems (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 443248 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 3900
1 Quoted 336
-88 not answered 90
-77 not applicable 5726
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
4236 5816

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

B9_11 Breaking off: The programme is too challenging/difficult for me (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) The programme is too challenging/difficult for me (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 444247 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 3821
1 Quoted 410
-88 not answered 91
-77 not applicable 5730
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
4231 5821

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

B9_12 Breaking off: The programme is not challenging enough (e.g. too boring) (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) The programme is not challenging enough (e.g. too boring) (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 445246 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 90
-77 not applicable 5728
0 Not quoted 3838
1 Quoted 396
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10052 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 1

B9_13 Breaking off: Other: (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Other: (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 446245 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 3634
1 Quoted 479
-88 not answered 212
-77 not applicable 5727
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
4113 5939

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

B9_13op Breaking off: Other:please tell us (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Other:please tell us (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 447244 Frekvenca
*zuviel Mathe 1
-77 6321
-88 3336
?oti daudz jâstrâdâ ar papîru, jâraksta, nav praktikas interi?çjo?as 1
?–ftere Probleme auf der arbeit 1
A? nesiruo?iu palikti dabartin?s programos 1
Alle Kollegen hauen sich gegenseitig in die Pfanne.. Jeder fehler den man macht, wird auf die Goldwaage gelegt!! 1
Am Anfang war die umstellung der Arbeitszeiten etwas schwierig. 1
Andere Berufsinteressen bekommen 1
Anfangsprobleme mit Kollegen 1
Arbeitskollegen nicht nett 1
Arbeitszeiten 1
Ausbildung interessiert mich nur wenig!! 1
B?na kartais nuobodu klausytis mokytoj? 1
Basics-Fächer werden extrem vernachlässigt (Mathe, Englisch, Biologie, Chemie). Später schwierig für Studium. 1
Berufschule 1
Besuch einer Fachoberschule 1
Betrieb ist scheiße 1
Betriebliche Probleme mit dem Chef 1
Betriebsprobleme 1
Brachte mich einmal an meine Grenzen 1
Chef 1
Chef nervt! 1
Chef zahlt unpünktlich 1
Das interne Umfeld ( Mitarbeiter etc.) ist mieserabel. 1
Das klima und das denken der lehrer 1
Dass ich die Bef??rchtung hatte zu schlecht zu sein. 1
Demotivation 1
Der Ausbildungsbetrieb ist schlecht 1
Der Lehrbetrieb ist problematisch 1
Der Weg zur Schule ist sehr lange 90 min 1
Didziause problema yra aukletoja Juociuniene. kuri izeidineja savo aukletinius mes net turim irodymu :) 1
Die Ausbildung ist eigentlich ??berfl??ssig 1
Die Ausbildung ist mir zu 'unkreativ'. 1
Die Ausbildung ist nicht so interessant, wie ich sie mir vorgestellt hatte. 1
Die Ausbildung ist nicht zu schwierig, aber schwer herausfordernd 1
Die Ausbildung ist schwierig f??r mich 1
Die Ausbildung verlangt meine Grenzen als Schüler zu überschreiten 1
Die Ausbildung war teilweise uninteressant 1
Die Lehrer h?¶ren niemanden zu 1
Die Schule ist zu weit von meiner Heimat entfernt (60km, 1,5 Std mit dem Bus) 1
Die mitarbeiter sind rassistich, wissen sie ich binn negger 1
Die verst?¤ndnis manscher Themen ist sehr schwierig 1
Druck, Arbeitszeiten 1
Durch den Stress dachte ich nur im 1. Lj. daran. Jetzt nicht mehr. 1
Es interessiert mich einfach nicht! 1
Es war eine Notlösung 1
F??r meinen Traumberuf brauche ich einen anderen Abschlu?? 1
Falscher Ausbildungsbetrieb 1
Financial Problems 1
Firma 1
Firma ist scheiße 1
Firmenprobleme 1
Galvoju apie kita specialybe. 1
Gastronomie ist gleichzeitig eine hunderprozentige körperliche und geistige Belastung 1
Gewisse Lehrer br??llen nur herum, zieht mich runter 1
Gurke geht mir auf den geist 1
Hatte Propleme mit meinen vergangenen Kollegen 1
Heimweh 1
Hin und wieder bin ich mir nicht sicher ob ich doch was anderes machen hätte sollen 1
I have 2 jobs, no time 1
I have problem in some subjects 1
I wanted another program 3
I would prefer hair styling if such a class existed in EPAL 1
I'm not sure for this occupasion, it does not inspire me enough 1
Ich bin ganz zufrieden mit meiner Ausbildung. 1
Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob dies die richtige Ausbildung f??r mich ist 1
Ich denke es gibt Ausbildungen die besser zu mir passen würden 1
Ich erwarte mir mehr 1
Ich gehe noch zur Schule !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1
Ich habe einfach keine Lust mehr. 1
Ich habe keine Ausbildung, sch?¶?¶?¶r 1
Ich habe teils Probleme mit meinem Gesellen 1
Ich habe zu wenig Zeit für andere Dinge 1
Ich m?¶chte einen Beruf aus??ben 1
Ich möchte meine Ausbildung nicht abbrechen 1
Ich verdiene 5 Jahre kein Geld. 1
Ich w??rde lieber studieren. 1
Ist manchmal öde 1
Juk mokytojai neprofesionalai, kad pad?t? mum ka?k± pasiekti ateityje, jie gali tik patarti, bet to ma?a.. 1
Kann sie nicht mehr bezahlen! 1
Kartais manau, kad paprastoje mokykloje pagrindini? dalyk? , kaip lietuvi?, matematika, angl?, i?mokyt? geriau 1
Kein Mensch kümmert sich um Auszubildende 1
Kein bock 1
Kein erhalt von Lohn, da schulische Ausbildung 1
Keine ausreichende Unterst??tzung vom Betrieb 1
Kitoje perogramoje ismokciau nauju dalyku 1
Kollegen 1
Kostenfaktor 1
LBS Eggenburg 1
Lehrer die unfair benoten 1
Man lernt kaum etwas in den Berufsschulen 1
Man nepatinka mano mokymosi specialybe 1
Manche Dinge finde ich zu langweilig, wo ich mir denke, dass ein anderer Beruf sch?¶ner und spa??iger w?¤re. 1
Manche Lehrer sind unf?¤hr 1
Mein Werkstattlehrer hat einen Hass auf mich ! 1
Meine Firma ist ausbildungstechnisch nicht die beste 1
Mit einer Ausbildung h?¤tte ich mehr Berufserfahrung und h?¤tte meiner Meinung nach schon mehr erreicht. 1
Mobbing ovn Vorgesetzten 1
Mobbing von Kollegen 1
Mokytoja labai sudetingai dësto profesijos programa ,da?niausiai labai sudëtingomis frazëmis kuriu neina suprasti. 1
Motivation 1
N?ra tam tikru darbo çrankiu 1
Negalvojiu 1
Negalvoju palikti specialybes 1
Never?ia 1
Nicht das richtige f??r mich 1
Nimmt zuviel Zeit in anspruch. 1
Noreciau mokintis kyta programa 1
Norisi isbandyti ka nors labiau patinkancio sau 1
Pasiilgstu pie?imo pamok? dail?s gimnazijoje 1
Planuoju isvaziuot i uzseni. 1
Private Probleme 1
Problem im Betrieb 1
Problem mit dem Ausbilder 1
Probleme am Arbeitsplatz 1
Probleme im Betrieb 1
Probleme im Kollegium 1
Probleme in der Firma 2
Probleme mit Arbeitskollegen 2
Probleme mit Chef 1
Probleme mit Chefin/ Kollegen 1
Probleme mit Kollegin, alle zu viel verlangt von mir 1
Probleme mit Mitarbeitern 1
Probleme mit den Kollegen und mit der ganzen Arbeitssituation 1
Probleme mit den anderen Angestellten 1
Probleme mit der Chefin 1
Probleme mit kollegen und dem chef 1
Probleme mit meinem Arbeitgeber 1
Probleme mit meinem Ausbilder. 1
Restaurantleiterin hintergeht Menschen( sie ist falsch) 1
Schlechte Arbeitszeiten 1
Schlechter ausbildungsbetrieb 1
Schlechtes Klima 1
Schule 1
Schule und ??BL sind oft 'asozial' auf Deutsch gesagt 1
Schwierigkeiten im umgang mit Menschen 1
Sehnsucht nach den Freunden in der vorigen Schule 1
Sekina kelionës i? mokyklos ir ç mokykl? 1
Sekina kelionës á mokykla ir i? mokyklos. 1
Seniorchef nervt 1
Sprache 1
Stress mit einen Arbeitskollegen 1
Stress, Motivation l?¤sst nach 1
Stressige arbeitskollegen 1
Theoretische Probleme 1
Um Abitur zu machen 1
Umfang Arbeitszeiten 1
Unsicher ob es die richtige Wahl war 1
Unstimmigkeiten mit dem Chef usw. 1
Verhaltensklima gegen??ber chef u Meister 1
Verpflichtungen zuhause 1
Verstehe mich mit dem Vorgesetzen nicht gut 1
Wegen meinem Betrieb 1
Weil mann Keine Finanzielle Verg??tung bekommt! 1
Ziemlich viel stress mit dem Chef 1
Zwischen Marktleiter und Azubi stimmt die Chemie gar nicht. 1
ab und zu hat man mal kein Bock mehr 1
affenzirkus 1
aizrauj kaut kas cits, bet ?o programmu atstâju kâ pamatprofesiju 1
alles Bullshit !!!!!!!!! 1
andere Berufsinteressen 1
andere Talente 1
apkârtçjâ tauta ?oti ir domîga. Slikta matemâtikas skolotâja. 1
arbeiten die nicht berufsbezogen sind werden d??rchgef??hrt, sonntags arbeiten werden nicht bezahlt und keine ??berstunden werden gegeben und wird als arbeitserhaltendema??nahme geregelt 1
atrodas tâlu no mâjâm 1
atsibosta vazineti 1
auch andere Ausbildungen wären sehr interessant 1
aus Kollegialengründen 1
berufschule is da gr?¶??te schei?? 1
bija un varb?t ir ?oti pievilcîga alternatîva 1
bl?¶de gesllen 1
bumsen 1
chef macht probleme 1
cheffin -.- 1
cia mokaus,kad uzbaigt 12 klasiu programa manes visiskai nedomina 1
da etwas anderes mich vielleicht mehr interessiert 1
da?reiz ilgojos pçc mâjâm 1
da?âm mâcîbu stundâm 1
darbs 1
daudz jâdara pa?mâcîbas ce?â 1
daudzi priek?meti nav piemçroti ?ai programmai 1
den einai toso apodotiko oso pisteue.. 1
den tha afiso to programma 1
der Lehrmeister ist sehr unqualifiziert 1
der schulweg ist sehr weit 1
die FALSCHE Ausbildung 1
die Lehrer beonten nach Sympathie und sind somit nicht objektiv. 1
dienesta viesnîca nav labâ stâvoklî 1
distance reasons 1
dolgo?asen 2
domiuosi kita sritimi,negu esama programa.Esu menink?, o ne verslinink?. 1
dçl drauga gribas pamest programmu un iet mâcîties tuvâk vi?am 1
es gibt probleme mit einer kollegin bei der arbeit 1
es interessiert mich einfach nicht mehr. 1
es ist gro??teils fad 1
es passt nicht zu mir 1
es wird zu viel erwartet 1
eventueller Umzug 1
evt. Chefin 1
finanses 1
galimybe po 12 klasi? stoti ç auk?t±j± mokykl± 1
gr?ti apvienot ar darbu 1
gribu strâdât 1
gribçju mâcîties citu profesiju 1
gribçtu pastiprinâtas mâcîbas matemâtika, fizika 1
gute weiterbildungsm?¶glichkeiten, doch zu wehnig gehalt...ben?¶tige seminare und kann sie nicht bezahlen...wird in der zukunft finanziell schlecht aussehen 1
ich h?¤tte doch lieber erst das abitur gemacht 1
ich habe mir die Ausbildung interessanter vorgestellt 1
ich habe probleme mit Arbeitskollegen 1
ich kan mich nicht so entfalten wie ich es will 1
ich lerne nicht genug 1
ich möchte gar nicht abbrechen 1
ich nixe ausbildung 1
ich werde sowieso studieren 1
ich will jetzt Geld 1
ich will nicht abbrechen 2
ich wollte meine ausbildung nie abbrechen 1
iespçja braukt uz ârzemçm 1
ir gr?tîbas ar da?iem mâcîbu priek?metiem 1
ir kas cits, kas tomçr interesç vairâk 1
ir programmas kuras nepiecie?amâkas un aktuâlâkas darba tirg? 1
jokios priezastys nevercia palikti 1
jâiet strâdât 1
kein Geld 1
kein Interesse 1
kein bock den ganzen tag zu hockn 1
keine 1
keine Gr??nde 1
kenkia sveikatai 1
klase galetu buti geresne,daug draugiskesne 1
kolektyvas nera labai geras 1
kursa biedru kaitinâ?ana 1
kâdu laiku bija apnicis mâcîties 1
labai ma?ai praktinio darbo 1
laika tr?kums,kad jâveic darbi 1
leistungssport 1
likâs ka nevare?u beigt skolu, slikts garastâvoklis ari 1
m?¶chte nun einen anderen Job nach der Schule machen 1
ma?os perspektyvos toliau ástoti mokytis mano specialybës 1
man ?ajâ skolâ apmierina pilnîgi viss 1
man ji visiskai tinka 1
man patinka si progtama 1
man patîk ?î programma 1
man sâk kaitinât kopmît?u ber?ana 1
manche sitzen nur rum und bekommen das doppelte Gehalt w?¤hrend ich mich totarbeite und nix krieg 1
manchmal ist es schwierig und zweifel kommen auf ob man es schafft 1
manchmal keine lust mehr gehabt 1
manchmal wegen Arbeitszeiten 1
manes nevercia niekas galvoti apie programos palikima 1
many years 1
matemâtika, kura man nekad neb?s vajadzîga, piebâ?vienu vârdu sakot galvu ar nevajadzîgâm lietâm, kâ arî vçsture, kura ir 100 reizes pârrakstîta un es zinu, ka tâ nav patiesa 1
mein betrieb ist beschissen 1
mit der Chefin Probleme 1
mobbing auf der arbeit 1
mokausi, del vidurinio issilavinimo 1
moky?iausi normalioje vidurin?je mokykloje 1
mokytoja durna ekonomikos 1
n?ra 1
nav 1
nav interesanti, tr?kst visâdi pasâkumi, sports un meitenes 1
nav meite?u 1
nava 1
ne da se mi toliko delat 1
ne dobim prakti?nega znanja 1
ne man atimesne kita parofesija 1
ne mano pasaukimas 1
neapmierina skolotâju attieksme 1
neenakovrednost med u?enci 1
neesmu îsti piemçrota programmai. Neatbilst manam nâkotnes biznesa plâna îsteno?anai. 1
negalvoju apie tai 1
nekila man tokiu minciu 1
nelabai ka mokina 1
nepaliksiu 1
nepatîk 1
nepatîk vadîba,sistçma,pasâkumi 1
nepotrebni predmeti 1
nera 1
nera mokytoju kurie tai moka 1
netiku lîdzi pârçjiem 1
never?ia 1
neydomus juodadarbiu darbas be pinigu 1
ni dovolj svobode pri ustvarjanju 1
nicht schnell genug eingelebt 1
noriu isvykti kuo toliau is sios salies 1
ob?asno zaradi u?enja 1
ocene 2
oddaljenost od šole 1
odnos u?iteljev do dijakov je nespoštljiv 1
oft ungerechte behandlung der chefs 1
oft zu anstrengend 1
otrajâ gadâ sajutu aicinâjumu, krasi at?íirîgu programmu 1
parâdîjâs vçlme nodarboties ar citu interesantâku un perspektîvaku darbu 1
pasirinkau ?i± program± ,nes toji ç kuri± nor?jau eiti buvo tik po 12klasi? 1
per daug laiko uzima 1
personal reasons 1
personîgi iemesli 1
persönliche Probleme 1
posvetil bi se športni karieri 1
premalo strokovnega znanja dolo?enih u?iteljev 1
probleme mit alten chef 1
probleme mit kollegen 1
probleme mit kollegen; arbeitszeiten 1
probleme mit meinen arbeitskollegen 1
profesijas mai?a 1
profesorji ne znajo razlagat (aranžerstvo-še vedno ni? ne vem o tem pojmu) 1
program ni tak, kot sem pri?akovala 1
program sem si druga?e predstavljala 1
program zahteva visoko tehnologijo in posledi?no tudi zelo drage programe in opremo 1
programma îsti nesaista 1
pârâk lielas izmaksas 2
reizçm nesanâk nekas 1
salîdzino?i sare??ita, bet mâca bezjçdzîgas lietas, kas reâli netiek pielietotas un programma pati par sevi ir novecojusi 1
scheis Lehrer 1
schlechtes Arbeitsklima 1
schlechtes arbeitverh?¤ltnis 1
si programa normali 1
skolas vadîba 1
skolotaju attieksme 1
skolotâji un kojâs problçmas 1
slabe ocene 1
slabi u?itelji stroke 1
slikta apmâcîba vidusskolas priek?metos 1
slikts garastâvoklis 1
slinkums 2
st?¤ndig alleine, manchmal ??berfordert!! 1
stinklangweilig 1
stojau i pardevejas o sdabar turiu buti prekybos vadybininke 1
stosiu y muzikos koncervatorija 1
stundas ilgst ilgi un reti 1
sunku ç j± susikoncentruoti 1
teilweise sehr hohe anforderungen 1
teilweise stress mit dem chef 1
truksta idomesniu pamoku 1
tâlu no dzîvesvietas 1
tâpat turpina?u; man vienkâr?i neizdodas tas ko daru, jo es pati pietiekami daudz ar sevi nestrâdâju! 1
uninteressant 1
unmotivierte Lehrer 1
uzsienis bet kolkas neglaiu isvykti 1
v?asih dobim 1 in me zgrabi panika. 1
vajag tâlu braukt 1
valodas problçmas 1
varb?t nevajadzçja izvçlçties profesionâlu izglîtîbu. 1
veliko ur 1
veraltete Uterrichtsmethoden 1
viel Druck in der Firma 1
viel drecksarbeit 1
viel zum Lernen 1
viele verabscheuen den beruf und lassen beligge spr??che fallen 1
vienkâr?i uznâk besis 1
wegen ??berweisung vom geld 1
wegen Arbeitsstelle 1
wegen Lehrbetrieb 1
wegen den Arbeitskollegen 1
wegen den Arbeitszeiten 1
weil ich andere vorstellungen habe 1
weil ich gerne schon mein eigenes Geld verdienen w??rde 1
wird zu wenig angesehen 1
wiskas ok 1
wollte selbst Geld verdienen 1
wünschenswert wäre eine bessere Schule 1
zanimajo me še druge stvari 1
zaradi denarja 1
zastarel program 1
zems lîmenis (vivusskolâ) 1
zu gro??e Entfernung von der Heimat 1
zu hart f??rs ganze leben 1
zu lange Ausbildung 1
zu montone Arbeiten und Berufsschule ist f??r einen Abiturienten ??berhaupt nicht f?¶rderlich, da man meistens rumgammelt, da das Wissen, welches vermittelt wird,bis auf die berufsspezifischen Sachen zu 80% bereits am Gymnasium gelehrt worden ist. 1
zu viel Stress 1
zu viel stress 1
zu viel theoretischer Lernstoff 1
zu wenig Disziplin 1
zu wenig Freizeit 1
zu wenig Geld 1
zu wenig Kontakt mit anderen Menschen 1
zu wenig Praxis 1
zu wenig Verdienst 1
zu wenig lehrgeld. komme nicht mit jedem ausbilder klar 1
zuviel r?¤derwechsel fast nur r?¤derwechsel im betrieb und immer nur die lehrlinge . Gesellen machen fast keine r?¤der bei uns im betrieb. 1
Ä?í ??Ü?÷??í ??ëëÝ? ?Ýó?é? ???áóßá? ?éá á?ôü ô? ??ü??á??á 1
Überstunden 1
še drugi interesi 1
šport 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon

b9_130 Breaking off: Other:please tell us (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Other:please tell us (not asked in UK)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

b9_131 Breaking off: Other:please tell us (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Other:please tell us (not asked in UK)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

b9_132 Breaking off: Other:please tell us (not asked in UK) Section B: Your current programme

B9. What were the reasons that made you think about leaving your current programme? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Other:please tell us (not asked in UK)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

C1a_1a What was your grade in maths in the last school year of your current programme? Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1a. What was your grade in the following subjects in the last school year of your current programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details)

Vrednost 451240 Frekvenca
1 393
2 903
3 1031
4 2026
5 1189
6 712
7 457
8 267
9 108
10 89
11 71
12 102
13 92
14 110
15 73
16 64
17 56
18 46
19 21
20 20
-88 not answered 415
-77 not applicable 1807
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7830 2222

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 20

C1a_1b What was your grade in maths in the last school year of your current programme? Wasn't taught Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1a. What was your grade in the following subjects in the last school year of your current programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) Wasn't taught

Vrednost 452239 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 7830
1 Quoted 1195
-88 not answered 415
-77 not applicable 612
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9025 1027

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

C1a_1a_1 Current grade: math pass_current Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1a. What was your grade in the following subjects in the last school year of your current programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) math pass_current

Vrednost 453238 Frekvenca
0 fail 200
1 pass 7630
-88 not answered 415
-77 not applicable 1807
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7830 2222

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

C1a_1a_2 Current grade: math_comparable_current Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1a. What was your grade in the following subjects in the last school year of your current programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) math_comparable_current

Vrednost 454237 Frekvenca
1 551
2 1408
3 2539
4 3132
5 194
6 6
-88 not answered 415
-77 not applicable 1807
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7830 2222

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C1a_2a What was your grade in your native language in the last school year of your current programme? Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1a. What was your grade in the following subjects in the last school year of your current programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details)

Vrednost 455236 Frekvenca
1 445
2 1032
3 1234
4 1304
5 1128
6 1056
7 692
8 332
9 93
10 58
11 57
12 80
13 95
14 98
15 113
16 97
17 83
18 48
19 19
20 14
-88 not answered 419
-77 not applicable 1555
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8078 1974

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 20

C1a_2b What was your grade in your native language in the last school year of your current programme? Wasn't taught Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1a. What was your grade in the following subjects in the last school year of your current programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) Wasn't taught

Vrednost 456235 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 8078
1 Quoted 926
-88 not answered 419
-77 not applicable 629
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9004 1048

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

C1a_2a_1 Current grade: native language pass_current Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1a. What was your grade in the following subjects in the last school year of your current programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) native language pass_current

Vrednost 457234 Frekvenca
0 fail 72
1 pass 8006
-88 not answered 419
-77 not applicable 1555
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8078 1974

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

C1a_2a_2 Current grade: native language_comparable_current Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1a. What was your grade in the following subjects in the last school year of your current programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) native language_comparable_current

Vrednost 458233 Frekvenca
1 568
2 1913
3 3374
4 2151
5 67
6 5
-88 not answered 419
-77 not applicable 1555
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8078 1974

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C1a_3a What was your grade in your first foreign language in the last school year of your current programme? Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1a. What was your grade in the following subjects in the last school year of your current programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details)

Vrednost 459232 Frekvenca
1 423
2 931
3 1052
4 1180
5 933
6 920
7 731
8 516
9 223
10 82
11 33
12 54
13 43
14 63
15 75
16 77
17 76
18 104
19 90
20 81
-88 not answered 460
-77 not applicable 1905
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7687 2365

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 20

C1a_3b What was your grade in your first foreign language in the last school year of your current programme? Wasn't taught Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1a. What was your grade in the following subjects in the last school year of your current programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) Wasn't taught

Vrednost 460231 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 7687
1 Quoted 1279
-88 not answered 460
-77 not applicable 626
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8966 1086

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

C1a_3a_1 Current grade: first foreign language pass_current Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1a. What was your grade in the following subjects in the last school year of your current programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) first foreign language pass_current

Vrednost 461230 Frekvenca
0 fail 92
1 pass 7595
-88 not answered 460
-77 not applicable 1905
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7687 2365

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

C1a_3a_2 Current grade: first foreign language_comparable_current Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1a. What was your grade in the following subjects in the last school year of your current programme? (Please write your grade in the space next to the subject) first foreign language_comparable_current

Vrednost 462229 Frekvenca
1 754
2 1908
3 2928
4 2005
5 87
6 5
-88 not answered 460
-77 not applicable 1905
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7687 2365

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C1b What was your average final grade on your last report / school year in your current programme? Grade (grading systems differ between countries, please check codebook for details) (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1b. What was your average final grade on your last report /school year in your current programme? (Please write your average grade in the space below)

Vrednost 463228 Frekvenca
1 279
2 1092
3 1415
4 489
5 547
6 1140
7 1215
8 533
9 148
10 57
11 49
12 74
13 105
14 120
15 129
16 104
17 70
18 47
19 20
20 5
-88 not answered 779
-77 not applicable 1635
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7638 2414

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 20

C1b_int1 Current grades: overall pass_current (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1b. What was your average final grade on your last report /school year in your current programme? (Please write your average grade in the space below) overall pass_current (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 464227 Frekvenca
0 fail 28
1 pass 7610
-88 not answered 779
-77 not applicable 1635
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7638 2414

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

C1b_int2 Current grades: overall_comparable_current (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1b. What was your average final grade on your last report /school year in your current programme? (Please write your average grade in the space below) overall_comparable_current (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 465226 Frekvenca
1 413
2 2213
3 4194
4 790
5 26
6 2
-88 not answered 779
-77 not applicable 1635
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7638 2414

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C1c How would you rate this final grade in comparison to other pupils in your class? Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C1c. How would you rate this final grade in comparison to other pupils in your class? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 466225 Frekvenca
1 Way below average 210
2 Below average 757
3 Average 4671
4 Above average 2694
5 Way above average 756
-88 not answered 428
-77 not applicable 536
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9088 964

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

C2_1 Study behaviour: I strive for the highest possible marks. Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C2. To what extent do you agree with the following characteristics that apply to your study behaviour? (Please tick only one box in each row) I strive for the highest possible marks.

Vrednost 467224 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 614
2 Slightly 1612
3 Fairly 2950
4 Quite 2819
5 Completely 1940
-88 not answered 117
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9935 117

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

C2_2 Study behaviour: It is important for me to fully understand what I have to do/learn. Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C2. To what extent do you agree with the following characteristics that apply to your study behaviour? (Please tick only one box in each row) It is important for me to fully understand what I have to do/learn.

Vrednost 468223 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 212
2 Slightly 1046
3 Fairly 2737
4 Quite 3288
5 Completely 2627
-88 not answered 142
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9910 142

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

C2_3 Study behaviour: I want to make a good impression on my teachers by achieving good grades. Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C2. To what extent do you agree with the following characteristics that apply to your study behaviour? (Please tick only one box in each row) I want to make a good impression on my teachers by achieving good grades.

Vrednost 469222 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 1419
2 Slightly 2011
3 Fairly 2829
4 Quite 2201
5 Completely 1449
-88 not answered 143
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9909 143

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

C2_4 Study behaviour: I want to make a good impression on potential employers by achieving good grades. Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C2. To what extent do you agree with the following characteristics that apply to your study behaviour? (Please tick only one box in each row) I want to make a good impression on potential employers by achieving good grades.

Vrednost 470221 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 771
2 Slightly 1220
3 Fairly 2235
4 Quite 2844
5 Completely 2831
-88 not answered 151
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9901 151

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

C2_5 Study behaviour: I want to keep up with my fellow pupils. Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C2. To what extent do you agree with the following characteristics that apply to your study behaviour? (Please tick only one box in each row) I want to keep up with my fellow pupils.

Vrednost 471220 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 1468
2 Slightly 1742
3 Fairly 2657
4 Quite 2407
5 Completely 1646
-88 not answered 132
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9920 132

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

C2_6 Study behaviour: I enjoy learning. Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C2. To what extent do you agree with the following characteristics that apply to your study behaviour? (Please tick only one box in each row) I enjoy learning.

Vrednost 472219 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 2230
2 Slightly 2580
3 Fairly 2840
4 Quite 1393
5 Completely 858
-88 not answered 151
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9901 151

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

C2_7 Study behaviour: I am interested in practical subjects. Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C2. To what extent do you agree with the following characteristics that apply to your study behaviour? (Please tick only one box in each row) I am interested in practical subjects.

Vrednost 473218 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 350
2 Slightly 930
3 Fairly 2179
4 Quite 2996
5 Completely 3469
-88 not answered 128
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9924 128

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

C2_8 Study behaviour: I am interested in general subjects (e.g. maths, foreign language) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C2. To what extent do you agree with the following characteristics that apply to your study behaviour? (Please tick only one box in each row) I am interested in general subjects (e.g. maths, foreign language)

Vrednost 474217 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 1411
2 Slightly 2678
3 Fairly 3387
4 Quite 1677
5 Completely 755
-88 not answered 144
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9908 144

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

C3 How would you rate the amount of practical training within your programme? Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C3. How would you rate the amount of practical training within your programme? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 475216 Frekvenca
1 Poor 531
2 Fair 1268
3 Average 2962
4 Good 4201
5 Excellent 1006
-88 not answered 84
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9968 84

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

C4 All in all, how much time in the average school week do you study outside school (e.g. homework or preparation for school)? Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C4. All in all, how much time in the average school week do you study outside school (e.g. homework or preparation for school)? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 476215 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 2036
2 Up to two hours 3671
3 Up to four hours 2106
4 Up to eight hours 1328
5 Up to twelve hours 459
6 Up to sixteen hours 173
7 More than sixteen hours 169
-88 not answered 110
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9942 110

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

C5_1 Average day: Spending time with friends or peers (e.g. socialising) (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C5. How much time on an average day do you usually spend doing the following things? If you don't do certain things daily, please estimate how much time it is if you distribute on each day. (Please tick only one box in each row) Spending time with friends or peers (e.g. socialising)

Vrednost 477214 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 422
2 Up to one hour 1117
3 One hour until up to two hours 1469
4 Two hours until up to three hours 1561
5 Three hours until up to four hours 1231
6 Four hours or more 3115
-88 not answered 144
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8915 1137

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C5_2 Average day: Reading books (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C5. How much time on an average day do you usually spend doing the following things? If you don't do certain things daily, please estimate how much time it is if you distribute on each day. (Please tick only one box in each row) Reading books (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 478213 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 4591
2 Up to one hour 2659
3 One hour until up to two hours 941
4 Two hours until up to three hours 386
5 Three hours until up to four hours 163
6 Four hours or more 146
-88 not answered 173
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8886 1166

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C5_3 Average day: Watching television (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C5. How much time on an average day do you usually spend doing the following things? If you don't do certain things daily, please estimate how much time it is if you distribute on each day. (Please tick only one box in each row) Watching television (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 479212 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 1096
2 Up to one hour 2325
3 One hour until up to two hours 2353
4 Two hours until up to three hours 1591
5 Three hours until up to four hours 744
6 Four hours or more 787
-88 not answered 163
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8896 1156

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C5_4 Average day: Undertaking paid work (not related to your programme) (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C5. How much time on an average day do you usually spend doing the following things? If you don't do certain things daily, please estimate how much time it is if you distribute on each day. (Please tick only one box in each row) Undertaking paid work (not related to your programme) (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 480211 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 5311
2 Up to one hour 1003
3 One hour until up to two hours 680
4 Two hours until up to three hours 579
5 Three hours until up to four hours 392
6 Four hours or more 901
-88 not answered 193
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8866 1186

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C5_5 Average day: Exercising (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C5. How much time on an average day do you usually spend doing the following things? If you don't do certain things daily, please estimate how much time it is if you distribute on each day. (Please tick only one box in each row) Exercising (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 481210 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 1883
2 Up to one hour 2948
3 One hour until up to two hours 1960
4 Two hours until up to three hours 1071
5 Three hours until up to four hours 496
6 Four hours or more 566
-88 not answered 135
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8924 1128

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C5_6 Average day: Social networking (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C5. How much time on an average day do you usually spend doing the following things? If you don't do certain things daily, please estimate how much time it is if you distribute on each day. (Please tick only one box in each row) Social networking (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 482209 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 1225
2 Up to one hour 2966
3 One hour until up to two hours 1898
4 Two hours until up to three hours 1129
5 Three hours until up to four hours 713
6 Four hours or more 995
-88 not answered 133
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8926 1126

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C5_7 Average day: Surfing the Internet (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C5. How much time on an average day do you usually spend doing the following things? If you don't do certain things daily, please estimate how much time it is if you distribute on each day. (Please tick only one box in each row) Surfing the Internet (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 483208 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 1093
2 Up to one hour 3033
3 One hour until up to two hours 1908
4 Two hours until up to three hours 1195
5 Three hours until up to four hours 729
6 Four hours or more 953
-88 not answered 148
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8911 1141

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C5_8 Average day: Playing computer games (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C5. How much time on an average day do you usually spend doing the following things? If you don't do certain things daily, please estimate how much time it is if you distribute on each day. (Please tick only one box in each row) Playing computer games (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 484207 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 4592
2 Up to one hour 1830
3 One hour until up to two hours 991
4 Two hours until up to three hours 619
5 Three hours until up to four hours 326
6 Four hours or more 534
-88 not answered 167
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8892 1160

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C5_9 Average day: Undertaking voluntary work (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C5. How much time on an average day do you usually spend doing the following things? If you don't do certain things daily, please estimate how much time it is if you distribute on each day. (Please tick only one box in each row) Undertaking voluntary work (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 485206 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 6490
2 Up to one hour 1175
3 One hour until up to two hours 578
4 Two hours until up to three hours 342
5 Three hours until up to four hours 143
6 Four hours or more 173
-88 not answered 158
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8901 1151

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C5_10 Average day: Doing something creative (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C5. How much time on an average day do you usually spend doing the following things? If you don't do certain things daily, please estimate how much time it is if you distribute on each day. (Please tick only one box in each row) Doing something creative (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 486205 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 5000
2 Up to one hour 1917
3 One hour until up to two hours 939
4 Two hours until up to three hours 519
5 Three hours until up to four hours 267
6 Four hours or more 282
-88 not answered 135
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8924 1128

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C5_11 Average day: Caring for someone else (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C5. How much time on an average day do you usually spend doing the following things? If you don't do certain things daily, please estimate how much time it is if you distribute on each day. (Please tick only one box in each row) Caring for someone else (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 487204 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 5182
2 Up to one hour 1783
3 One hour until up to two hours 846
4 Two hours until up to three hours 470
5 Three hours until up to four hours 250
6 Four hours or more 371
-88 not answered 157
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8902 1150

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C5_12 Average day: To commute from home to school (and back) (not asked in UK) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C5. How much time on an average day do you usually spend doing the following things? If you don't do certain things daily, please estimate how much time it is if you distribute on each day. (Please tick only one box in each row) To commute from home to school (and back) (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 488203 Frekvenca
1 No time at all 1537
2 Up to one hour 4134
3 One hour until up to two hours 1953
4 Two hours until up to three hours 629
5 Three hours until up to four hours 290
6 Four hours or more 381
-88 not answered 135
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8924 1128

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

C6a The following questions are about paid work that is not part of your programme. Have you worked for payment during the last year outside your programme (e.g. work that is not part of the completion of the programme)? Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C6a. The following questions are about paid work that is not part of your programme. Have you worked for payment during the last year outside your programme (e.g. work that is not part of the completion of the programme)? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 489202 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Yes, I work regularly. 1784
2 Yes, but I only work during the holidays. 2899
3 No 5231
-88 not answered 138
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9914 138

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 3

C6b_1 On average, how many hours per week do you work (during school year)? Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C6b. On average, how many hours per week do you work (during school year)? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 490201 Frekvenca
0.5 1
1 24
1.5 3
2 66
3 50
3.5 2
4 84
4.5 1
5 87
5.7 1
6 77
6.5 1
7 30
8 110
9 26
10 131
11 14
12 62
13 6
14 18
15 60
15.5 1
16 69
17 2
18 24
19 5
20 112
21 8
22 4
23 4
24 35
25 36
26 5
27 3
28 12
30 56
31 1
32 14
33 3
34 4
35 26
36 13
37 8
37.5 2
38 18
38.5 19
39 12
39.5 1
40 106
40.5 1
41 1
42 3
43 5
44 2
45 14
46 3
47 1
48 5
49 1
50 20
51 1
53 1
54 1
55 5
56 4
60 14
70 2
75 1
80 2
-88 not answered 464
-77 not applicable 8044
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1544 8508

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0.5 do 80

C6b_2 I work more during the holidays. Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C6b. On average, how many hours per week do you work (during school year)? (Please tick only one box) I work more during the holidays.

Vrednost 491200 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 819
1 Quoted 593
-88 not answered 128
-77 not applicable 8512
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1412 8640

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

C6c Are the tasks of this work similar to those you undertake during your programme? (not asked in Aus and Ger) Section C: Acquired Knowledge

C6c. Are the tasks of this work similar to those you undertake during your programme? (not asked in Aus and Ger) (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 492199 Frekvenca
1 Yes, most of them 773
2 Yes, a few of them 1342
3 No 1427
-88 not answered 278
-77 not applicable 6232
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
3542 6510

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

D1_1 Goals: Obtaining solid occupational proficiencies Section D: About yourself and your career

D1. How far do you agree with following statements concerning your professional and life goals? (Please tick one box in each row) I strive towards ... Obtaining solid occupational proficiencies

Vrednost 493198 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 317
2 Slightly 977
3 Fairly 2782
4 Quite 3148
5 Completely 2689
-88 not answered 139
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9913 139

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D1_2 Goals: Receiving a high income Section D: About yourself and your career

D1. How far do you agree with following statements concerning your professional and life goals? (Please tick one box in each row) I strive towards ... Receiving a high income

Vrednost 494197 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 240
2 Slightly 735
3 Fairly 2075
4 Quite 3121
5 Completely 3747
-88 not answered 134
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9918 134

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D1_3 Goals: Gaining job security Section D: About yourself and your career

D1. How far do you agree with following statements concerning your professional and life goals? (Please tick one box in each row) I strive towards ... Gaining job security

Vrednost 495196 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 233
2 Slightly 612
3 Fairly 1810
4 Quite 2923
5 Completely 4327
-88 not answered 147
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9905 147

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D1_4 Goals: Having responsibility at work Section D: About yourself and your career

D1. How far do you agree with following statements concerning your professional and life goals? (Please tick one box in each row) I strive towards ... Having responsibility at work

Vrednost 496195 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 210
2 Slightly 690
3 Fairly 2351
4 Quite 3517
5 Completely 3112
-88 not answered 172
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9880 172

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D1_5 Goals: Having opportunities to learn new things at work Section D: About yourself and your career

D1. How far do you agree with following statements concerning your professional and life goals? (Please tick one box in each row) I strive towards ... Having opportunities to learn new things at work

Vrednost 497194 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 179
2 Slightly 670
3 Fairly 2150
4 Quite 3409
5 Completely 3508
-88 not answered 136
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9916 136

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D1_6 Goals: Undertaking interesting tasks in the workplace Section D: About yourself and your career

D1. How far do you agree with following statements concerning your professional and life goals? (Please tick one box in each row) I strive towards ... Undertaking interesting tasks in the workplace

Vrednost 498193 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 237
2 Slightly 755
3 Fairly 2104
4 Quite 3319
5 Completely 3479
-88 not answered 158
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9894 158

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D1_7 Goals: Having a job that makes me happy Section D: About yourself and your career

D1. How far do you agree with following statements concerning your professional and life goals? (Please tick one box in each row) I strive towards ... Having a job that makes me happy

Vrednost 499192 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 221
2 Slightly 518
3 Fairly 1372
4 Quite 2303
5 Completely 5488
-88 not answered 150
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9902 150

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D1_8 Goals: Having a good relationship with colleagues Section D: About yourself and your career

D1. How far do you agree with following statements concerning your professional and life goals? (Please tick one box in each row) I strive towards ... Having a good relationship with colleagues

Vrednost 500191 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 161
2 Slightly 488
3 Fairly 1475
4 Quite 2945
5 Completely 4822
-88 not answered 161
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9891 161

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D1_9 Goals: Advancing to a high level of status in society Section D: About yourself and your career

D1. How far do you agree with following statements concerning your professional and life goals? (Please tick one box in each row) I strive towards ... Advancing to a high level of status in society

Vrednost 501190 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 360
2 Slightly 998
3 Fairly 2633
4 Quite 2907
5 Completely 3008
-88 not answered 146
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9906 146

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D1_10 Goals: having enough spare-time to do other things in life Section D: About yourself and your career

D1. How far do you agree with following statements concerning your professional and life goals? (Please tick one box in each row) I strive towards ... having enough spare-time to do other things in life

Vrednost 502189 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 204
2 Slightly 895
3 Fairly 2129
4 Quite 2767
5 Completely 3898
-88 not answered 159
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9893 159

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D1_11 Goals: Making and maintaining relationships with others (e.g. family and friends) Section D: About yourself and your career

D1. How far do you agree with following statements concerning your professional and life goals? (Please tick one box in each row) I strive towards ... Making and maintaining relationships with others (e.g. family and friends)

Vrednost 503188 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 174
2 Slightly 594
3 Fairly 1765
4 Quite 2725
5 Completely 4649
-88 not answered 145
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9907 145

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D2_1 Role: A woman should be prepared to cut down on her paid work for the sake of her family (not asked in UK) Section D: About yourself and your career

D2. The following questions deal with the role of men and women. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick one box in each row). A woman should be prepared to cut down on her paid work for the sake of her family (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 504187 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 1522
2 Slightly 2206
3 Fairly 2940
4 Quite 1439
5 Completely 851
-88 not answered 101
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8958 1094

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D2_2 Role: When jobs are scarce, men should have more right to a job than women (not asked in UK) Section D: About yourself and your career

D2. The following questions deal with the role of men and women. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick one box in each row). When jobs are scarce, men should have more right to a job than women (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 505186 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 3867
2 Slightly 1454
3 Fairly 1734
4 Quite 978
5 Completely 916
-88 not answered 110
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8949 1103

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D2_3 Role: There should be many more women in political and public leadership roles (not asked in UK) Section D: About yourself and your career

D2. The following questions deal with the role of men and women. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick one box in each row). There should be many more women in political and public leadership roles (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 506185 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 1290
2 Slightly 2111
3 Fairly 2867
4 Quite 1477
5 Completely 1174
-88 not answered 140
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8919 1133

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D2_4 Role: Men should take as much responsibility as women for the home and children (not asked in UK) Section D: About yourself and your career

D2. The following questions deal with the role of men and women. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick one box in each row). Men should take as much responsibility as women for the home and children (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 507184 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 532
2 Slightly 1301
3 Fairly 2085
4 Quite 1825
5 Completely 3192
-88 not answered 124
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8935 1117

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D2_5 Role: A man who stays at home and runs the household is not a real man (not asked in UK) Section D: About yourself and your career

D2. The following questions deal with the role of men and women. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick one box in each row). A man who stays at home and runs the household is not a real man (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 508183 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 4533
2 Slightly 1517
3 Fairly 1415
4 Quite 708
5 Completely 758
-88 not answered 128
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8931 1121

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D2_6 Role: When there are children in the home, parents should stay together even if they do not get along (not asked in UK) Section D: About yourself and your career

D2. The following questions deal with the role of men and women. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick one box in each row). When there are children in the home, parents should stay together even if they do not get along (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 509182 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 2777
2 Slightly 2201
3 Fairly 1915
4 Quite 1056
5 Completely 991
-88 not answered 119
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8940 1112

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D2_7 Role: A persons family ought to be his or her main priority in life (not asked in UK) Section D: About yourself and your career

D2. The following questions deal with the role of men and women. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick one box in each row). A persons family ought to be his or her main priority in life (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 510181 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 359
2 Slightly 807
3 Fairly 1813
4 Quite 2283
5 Completely 3681
-88 not answered 116
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8943 1109

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D3 Do you think men and women have the same opportunities to get a job in your aspired occupation? (not asked in UK) Section D: About yourself and your career

D3. Do you think men and women have the same opportunities to get a job in your aspired occupation? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 511180 Frekvenca
1 Yes, both have the same opportunities 3659
2 No, men have better chances/opportunities 3777
3 No, women have better chances/opportunities 572
-99 don`t know 997
-88 not answered 54
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8008 2044

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

D4 What kind of job do you expect to have when you are about 30 years old? Section D: About yourself and your career

D4. What kind of job do you expect to have when you are about 30 years old? Write the job title (For example: Hairdresser, car mechanic, accountant, salesperson, nurse):

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon

d40 What kind of job do you expect to have when you are about 30 years old? Section D: About yourself and your career

D4. What kind of job do you expect to have when you are about 30 years old? Write the job title (For example: Hairdresser, car mechanic, accountant, salesperson, nurse):

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

d41 What kind of job do you expect to have when you are about 30 years old? Section D: About yourself and your career

D4. What kind of job do you expect to have when you are about 30 years old? Write the job title (For example: Hairdresser, car mechanic, accountant, salesperson, nurse):

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

d42 What kind of job do you expect to have when you are about 30 years old? Section D: About yourself and your career

D4. What kind of job do you expect to have when you are about 30 years old? Write the job title (For example: Hairdresser, car mechanic, accountant, salesperson, nurse):

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

D4_ISCO ISCO: What kind of job do you expect to have when you are about 30 years old? Section D: About yourself and your career

D4. What kind of job do you expect to have when you are about 30 years old? Write the job title (For example: Hairdresser, car mechanic, accountant, salesperson, nurse) ISCO:

Vrednost 516175 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
28 01 ARMED FORCES 109
40 UNEMPLOYED (only used in Greece) 15
-88 not answered 1710
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8342 1710

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 40

D5_1 Sector: Industry (e.g. producing industry, steel, motor, oil) Section D: About yourself and your career

D5. Which sector would you like to work to the most? (Please tick all boxes that apply). Industry (e.g. producing industry, steel, motor, oil)

Vrednost 517174 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 7372
1 Quoted 2555
-88 not answered 125
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9927 125

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D5_2 Sector: Services (e.g. nursing, policing, hairdressing) Section D: About yourself and your career

D5. Which sector would you like to work to the most? (Please tick all boxes that apply). Services (e.g. nursing, policing, hairdressing)

Vrednost 518173 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 6164
1 Quoted 3765
-88 not answered 123
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9929 123

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D5_3 Sector: Trade (e.g. banking, financing, business) Section D: About yourself and your career

D5. Which sector would you like to work to the most? (Please tick all boxes that apply). Trade (e.g. banking, financing, business)

Vrednost 519172 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 7142
1 Quoted 2787
-88 not answered 123
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9929 123

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D5_4 Sector: Agriculture, forestry and fishery Section D: About yourself and your career

D5. Which sector would you like to work to the most? (Please tick all boxes that apply). Agriculture, forestry and fishery

Vrednost 520171 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 9023
1 Quoted 906
-88 not answered 123
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9929 123

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D5_5 Sector: Public administration (e.g. local government, education) Section D: About yourself and your career

D5. Which sector would you like to work to the most? (Please tick all boxes that apply). Public administration (e.g. local government, education)

Vrednost 521170 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 8433
1 Quoted 1496
-88 not answered 123
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9929 123

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D5_6 Sector: Non-governmental organisation (e.g. charities, not-for-profit organisations) Section D: About yourself and your career

D5. Which sector would you like to work to the most? (Please tick all boxes that apply). Non-governmental organisation (e.g. charities, not-for-profit organisations)

Vrednost 522169 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 9401
1 Quoted 528
-88 not answered 123
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9929 123

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D5_7 Sector: Other Section D: About yourself and your career

D5. Which sector would you like to work to the most? (Please tick all boxes that apply). Other

Vrednost 523168 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 8449
1 Quoted 1480
-88 not answered 123
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9929 123

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D5_7open Sector: Which other sector? Section D: About yourself and your career

D5. Which sector would you like to work to the most? (Please tick all boxes that apply). Which other sector?

Vrednost 524167 Frekvenca
-88 8745
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?efpavârs 1
?iuolaikinis menas 1
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A? Nori? Dirbti Tyk Prie Statyb?, Apdailos, mes Man Tai |patink± ir Nenori? keisti. 1
Animal Care Industry 1
Anything that involves working with computers 1
Ap?çrbu dizainere 1
Apdailininkas, padalinio vadovas 1
Apotheke 1
Arbeitslosenwelt 1
Architekt 1
Architektin, Kultur 1
Architektur 1
Armed forces 1
Army 2
Arts 1
Arts/ Performance 1
Autoh?¤user 1
Automechanikas 1
Automobilhandel (Lackierung, KFZler, Kauffrau) 1
Automobiliu 1
Autotechnik 1
B??ro 1
B??roarbeit 1
Bank 1
Bau 5
Baubranche 1
Baugeschäft 1
Baugewerbe 5
Baustelle 1
Bautechnik 2
Bauwesen, Raumgestaltung 1
Bereich Marketing 1
Berufsfeuerwehr 2
Berufsheer, Bundesheer 1
Berufssoldat 1
Biologie 1
Boxer 1
Bundesheer 4
Bundeswehr 4
Bundeswehr / Deutschland 1
Busfahrer 1
Business 1
Büro 1
Cabin Crew, something to do with air crafts or the airport 1
Cabin crew 1
Car Engineering 1
Catering 6
Catering & Hospitality 1
Catering Industry 1
Catering and Hospitality 2
Chef 4
Chef von einer Firma 1
Chemie 1
Coiffure 1
Commercial clearances 1
Commercial/Design 1
Computerbranche 2
Computers 1
Computing 1
Computing indistry 1
Computing sector 1
Cooker 1
Criminal Law 1
Customer Service 3
Darstellende Kunst 1
Design 2
Design and Creative 1
Design industry 1
Design, Catering 1
Designer 1
Dirbti kas susije su futbolu ir sportu 1
Dirbti labaratorijoj 1
Dizain?r? 1
Education 1
Eigenständig, Verkauf 1
Eiti i jura 1
Elektro pastotese 1
Energieversorgung 1
Energiewirtschaft 1
Energy 1
English Teacher 1
Entertainment 3
Entertainment industry 1
Entertainment/Events Management 1
Entwicklung 1
Ernährung 2
Evenetmanagement 1
Eventbranche, P?¤dagogig, Juristik 1
Events Management 1
Fahrlehrer 1
Farmbesitzer 1
Feuerwehr 3
Film 1
Film industry 1
Finanzwirtschaft 1
Floristin 1
Fluggesellschaft 1
Flughafen 1
Flugorganisation 1
Forschung 9
Forschung und Entwicklung 1
Forschungseinrichtung 1
Forschungsunternehmen 1
Friseurin 1
Fu??ball 1
Game-Industrie 1
Games 1
Games Developing 1
Gaming 1
Gastgewerbe 2
Gastronomie 9
Gastronomie, Tourismus 1
Gemeinde,Stadt 1
Gesundheit 3
Gesundheitsbereich 1
Gesundheitswesen 1
Gewerbe 1
Globos namuose 1
Grafik-Branche 1
Grafik/Werbung/Druck 1
Grafikbereich 2
Grafiker 2
Handwek 1
Handwerk 18
Handwerk bzw. Kunst 1
Handwerk oder Feuerwehr 1
Handwerk,Baugewerbe 1
Handwerker 1
Handwerksberufe 1
Hanrwerk 1
Hausfrau 1
Haustechnikbranche 1
Heer 1
Hobis Ma?inos,o kai bus 30 metu b?ti ba?nycios pasturiumi 1
Home 1
Hospitality 1
Hotel Service 1
Hotel und Gastgewerbe 1
Hotelbrange 1
Hotelgewerbe 1
Hotellerie/ Gastronomie 1
Hotellerie/Gastronomie 1
Hotels 1
I.T 1
IT 5
IT Agent 2
IT Bereich 1
IT Industry 1
IT Sector 1
IT bereich 1
IT jomâ 1
IT nozare 1
IT-Branche 1
Im Bereich Fitness 1
Immobilienbranche 1
In einem Krankenhaus 1
Informatik 1
Informatika 1
Informatikos 1
Information Technology 1
Information Technology related jobs 1
Information und Telekommunikation 1
Installateur 1
Interjero dizaine 1
It-Branche 1
Izklaides 1
Journalismus 1
Justiz 1
K??nstlerische T?¤tigkeiten (z.B. Fotografin, Grafikdesignerin) 1
K?rybos- muzikos 1
KFZ-Techniker 1
Kareivis 1
Karininku 1
Kariuomeneje 1
Kariuomenes 1
Karuomene 1
Kaska su tehnika 1
Kaufm. Berufe 1
Kaufm?¤nnischen Bereich in der Industrie 1
Keine Ahnung 1
Kelionu atgenturoje 1
Kernkraftwerk 1
Kinderg?¤rten, Heim, Jugendhaus... 1
Kindergarten 7
Kindergarten P?¤dagogik 1
Kindergärtnerin 1
Kommunikationsdesign 2
Kompiuteriai 1
Kosmetik 1
Kosmetik/Film 1
Kranken- u. Altenpflege 1
Krankenhaus 1
Krankenhausbabystation 1
Kultur oder Kongress 1
Kultureller Sektor 1
Kunst 1
Kunst und Unterhaltung 1
Kunst, Musik, Literatur 1
Kunst, Theater, Musik 1
Körperpflege 1
Labor 1
Laborarbeit 1
Lebensmittelbereich 1
Lehrerin 1
Lengvosios atletikos federacijoje 1
Logistik 1
Lokal 1
Maisto gaminimas 1
Malerin 1
Management 5
Management oder Beratung f??r SAP 1
Marketing 1
Marketing und Werbung 1
Marketing, Werbung 1
Masinu vadyba 1
Media 8
Media indusrty 1
Media industry 1
Medicinoje 1
Medicinos 1
Medien 9
Medizin 1
Medizinische Fachangestellte 1
Medizinischer Bereich 1
Meister 1
Meno 1
Meno(aktore) 1
Metall 1
Mikrobiologie 1
Milit?¤r 2
Million?¤r^^ 1
Missionar 1
Mit meinem Hobby Geld verdienen 1
Mod 1
Modebranche 1
Model Industry, Fashion, television. 1
Mokslu 1
Mokymo çstaigoje 1
Montage 1
Moto gp lenktynese 1
Music 2
Music Industry 1
Musick 1
Musik 4
Musik Branche 1
Musikbranche 1
Musikproduktion 1
Natur und Tiere 1
Naturwissenschaft 1
Naturwissenschaften 1
Nedirbti 1
Paslaugu teikimo kompiuteriu taisytoju, pardaveju 1
Pension 1
Performer 1
Performing Arts Industry 1
Performing arts 2
Pflegedienst 1
Pharmazie 1
Photography 1
Physical instruction 1
Physiotherapeut 1
Policeman 1
Politik 7
Polizei 1
Pramog? pasaulyje 1
Pramogu verslas 1
Praxis 1
Pri Kompiuteriu 1
Priva?ioje çmon?je 1
Privat 1
Privatwirtschaft (Controlling) 1
Profession Photographer 1
Recording Studio Engineer 1
Reiseb??ro 1
Rennsport 1
Restaurant 1
Restorane 2
Retail/companies 1
Rotlichmillieu 1
Rotlicht, dikkah ! 1
Rotlichtviertel 1
Sch?¶nheit 1
Schauspiel 1
Schule 2
Schulen 1
Sektor Sozialarbeit 1
Selbsst?¤ndig 1
Selbstst?¤ndig 1
Selbstst?¤ndig machen 1
Selbstständig 1
Selbständig 1
Sofa 1
Software-entwicklung 1
Softwareentwicklung 1
Solicitor 1
Sozial 2
Sozialbereich 1
Sozialenbereich 1
Soziales 2
Sozialwesen 1
Sport 8
Sport treneriu, kinezeterepiautu, sport mediku. 1
Sport, Jura 1
Sportbereich 1
Sportmanagement 1
Sportmanagment 1
Sporto 1
Sports 2
Sports industry 1
Statibos pramoneje 1
Statybininkas 1
Statybose 1
Susij? kas nors su statyba 2
Tagebau 1
Taip kokios çmon?s, kuriose b?t? kuriama kokia nors organizacin? çranga 1
Technik 5
Technological services 1
Technologij? skyriuje 1
Technology 1
Tierpfleger 1
Tierpflegerin 1
Tourism 2
Tourismus 23
Tourismus u. Wirtschaft 1
Tourist Agent 1
Transport-Unternehmen 1
Transporte 1
Travel 5
Travel & Tourism 1
Travel Agent 1
Travel Industry 2
Travel and Tourim 1
Travel and Tourism 4
Travel and tourism 1
Travel and tourism industry 1
Tätoowiererin 1
Unterhaltung 2
Unterhaltung (Musik) 1
Unternehmenskommunikation 1
Vadovauti kitiems 1
Verkauf 1
Versicherungsbranche 1
Viezbucio administratoriaus,kambariu tvarkymo 1
Vir?jas 1
Visokiose 1
Wenn Lehrer zu Dienstleistung z?¤hlen 1
Werbebranche 2
Werbung 1
Werbung/ Marketing 1
Werkstatt 2
Wirtschaft 1
Wissenschaft 1
Working in a Airport 1
a driving job 1
ainavu arhitekti 1
aisthitikos 1
altenpfleger 1
am liebsten Fu??ballprofi 1
amatniecîba 1
amatniecîbas 1
animal care 2
apdailininkas 1
apkalpo?anas sfçrâ 1
apsauginiu 1
apsaugos tarniboje 1
architekt 1
armed forces 1
armija 1
armijoj 1
armijâ 1
army 2
army royal logistics corp 1
art 1
art company 1
astrolo?ijâ 1
athlitikografos 1
atomwissenschaft 1
atp?tas 1
augsti kvalificçtu datorsistçmtehniíi 1
aukles darbs 1
auto electrican 1
auto lietâs 1
auto mehâniía 1
auto michaniko 1
auto remontininkas 1
auto servise 2
auto tirdzniecîba 1
autohandel mechaniker 1
automechaniku 1
automehânikâ 1
automehâniíis 4
automobili? auto elektrikas 1
automobili? mechanikas 1
automobili? servise (automobili? mechanikas),(vadybininkas) 1
automobiliu gamykloje 1
automobiliu remontininku 1
autosalonâ 1
autotehnikas nozarç 1
autotransports 1
aviation 2
avtomehanik, gradbeni tehnik 1
avtoprevozništvo 1
azartiniu losimu 1
b?daris, konstukcijas 1
b?vdarbi 10
b?vniecîba 8
banka 1
barmene 1
bau 1
beamtenhockn ch??????n 1
being a photographer 1
being in the royal navy 1
berufsheer 1
bet kokeme bare 1
bolnišnice, zdravstveni domovi 1
brîvmâkslinieks 1
buchalteria 1
bundeswehr 1
bâra 1
bârmenis 1
bîdît biznesu 1
cabin crew 2
catering 5
catering and hospitality 2
ce?u da?â 1
ce?ub?ve 1
celt gu?b?ves 1
celtniecîba 1
celtniecîbâ 3
chef 4
computer also technisches 1
computer gaming, 1
computer work 1
computing 3
cooking 1
customer service 1
darbs ar dzîvniekiem 1
darbs ar labu atalgojumu 1
daryti veido valymus 1
datori 2
datorprogrammçtajs 1
datorsistçmas 1
delo z ljudmi, umetniška smer - aranžer 1
design 1
diafimistikh etairia 1
diki mou ergasia 1
diko mou grafeio 1
dirbti toky darba, kuris suteiktu kitiems dziauksma, o man didesny dziaugsma nes kiti laimingi. 1
dizainers 1
državna služba 1
education 2
eleftheros epaggelmatias 1
elektrarna 1
elektro 1
elektronikas in?enierija 1
elfu apr?pes nozare 1
emporiko naytiko 1
entdecken, Dienstleistung, Unterhaltung 1
entertaining 1
entertainment 4
fitnes 2
floristikos 1
floristikos,veterinarijos 1
fotografe, psichologe, zurnaliste 1
fotografija 1
freelance designer 1
friedhofsg?¤rtnerin 1
friseur 1
frizerstvo 1
frizierim 1
front of house 1
funeral care 1
futbolistu 1
galdniecîba 1
games 1
games design 1
gar nicht 1
gastronomie 1
gatavo?anâ (pavâre) 1
geodezija 1
glasba 4
google 1
gorništvo 1
gostilna 1
gostinstvo 4
gradbeništvo 6
grafistiki 1
grozio salone 1
hairdressing 1
handwerk 2
handwerk ( friseur) 1
handwerker handwerk 1
hausfrau 1
horeagrâfs 1
hospitality 3
hospitality and catering 1
ich weiß es nicht 1
idioktitis touristikou grafeiou 1
idiwtikos tomeas 1
iespçjams pa?reizçjâ profesijâ 1
igralstvo 1
im Ausland 1
im Sportbreich 1
im eigenem B??ro 1
in the catering and hospitality indistry 1
in?enieris 1
informatik 1
informatika 1
informâcijas tehnolo?ijas 1
interior designer 1
interjera dizainere 1
interjera izveide 1
interjero dizainere 1
inšpektorske zadeve 1
izglîtîba 1
izklaides industrija 2
izobraževanje 1
j?rniecîba 3
j?rniecîbâ 1
jumiía 1
juriste 1
just not any of them 1
kA 2
ka 1
kafejnîcâs 1
karinej tarnyboj 1
karininkystes 1
kariuomine 1
kariuomineje 1
kasnors susije su menu 1
kathigitis kitharas 1
kaut kur kur b?s labi 1
kavinese,klubuose 1
keine von denen 1
kelioniu agenturoje 1
kemije 1
kerami?ar 1
kfz-gewerbe 1
kirpejas 1
kjerkoli 1
kmetijstvo 1
koinoniologia 1
kompiuteriai 1
kompiuterio sritis 1
konditoreja 1
kosmetika 1
kosmetologe,diatologe 1
kosmoss 1
krasto apsaugos 1
kreativ 1
krepsinio treneriu 1
ku?im 1
ku?niecîbâ 1
ku?u mehâniíis 2
kult?ra 1
kult?ra un mâksla 1
kult?ra,mâksla 1
kult?ras attîstîbâ 1
kult?ras joma 1
kultura 1
kultureller Sektor 1
laisvo oro direktorius 1
lastno podjetje 1
legal sector 1
leisure/sports 1
lesarstvo 1
lidostâ 1
logistics and improting 1
lygonineja dirbti slaugitoj 1
m?rdarbu tirgus 1
m?zika 3
m?zikas biznesâ 1
ma guggen 1
mada 1
magement 1
magenment 1
make up artist 1
masa?uotojos darb± 1
mea 1
mechanikas 1
media 4
media industry 1
medical 1
medicîna 1
mediji 1
mediji, oglaševanje, televizija 1
medijska industrija 1
menedžment 1
meno 1
meno sritys 1
meno, floristika, dizainas, daile 1
metal branche 1
michanikos 1
michanikos autokiniton 1
militârajâ 1
militârâ organizâcija 1
militârânozare 1
mizar 1
mizarstvo 1
moda 2
modna industrija 1
mokykloje, restorane 1
mousikh 1
music 1
music industry 1
muzikantu 1
mâklsa, m?zika, floristika 1
mâksla 7
mâksla, kult?ra 1
mâksla, rado?ums 1
mâksla, reklâma 1
mâksla,m?zika 1
mâkslas 9
mâkslas nozare 1
mâkslas nozarç 1
mâkslas, komunikâcijas 1
mçbe?u galdnieka lînija 1
mçdiji 1
namu kuryba ir puosyba 1
nautiko 1
naytilia 8
ne vem 2
ne vem še 1
nekâdâ 2
nera man tokio as noreciau dirbti su vaikais bet tokios specialybes nebuvo :D 1
neu aufsteigendes Gewerbe 1
nezinu 3
nichts 1
nogomet 2
nosavame servise 1
nosileutria 1
nosokoma 1
novinarstvo 1
nurse 1
oblikovanje 2
obrtništvo 1
odontotexntiths 1
oglaševanje 1
pa?darbîba 1
pagal savo norus 1
par datoriem 1
partei 1
pastry chef cooking 1
pasâkumu rorganizators 1
pavâri 1
pavârs 6
pavârs, kasieris 1
pedagogija 1
pedagoginis 1
performing arts 1
pesništvo 1
pflege 1
pliroforiki 1
plovba 2
poklicni nogometaš 1
poklicni športnik 1
policija 2
politikon domikon ergon 1
povsod 1
pramogu verslo 1
pravo 1
pre?u pârvadâ?ana 1
prevajalstvo 1
prevozništvo, lesarstvo v doma?i obrti 1
prie ma?in? 1
privâts uz?çmums reklâmas jomâ 1
profesionalni šport 1
programmç?anâ 1
projektiva 1
psichologe 1
psihologija 1
psihologs 1
psihološko delo 1
pyrosbestiko swma 1
pyrosvestiki 1
pârdevçja 1
pârtikas 1
pârtikas nozare 1
ra?. podjetje 1
ra?unalni?ar 1
ra?unalniška firma 1
ra?unalništvo 4
rado?a vaida darbâ 1
rado?â 1
rado?â, kur var izpausties 1
razvoj 1
reklamos 1
reli?iskajâ 1
reportieris, ?urnâlists 1
restoranai, maisto istaigos 1
restuarant food service 1
retail 1
retail or marketing. 1
retail/shop designer 1
risanje 2
rokomet 1
rubu dizainas 1
s.p. 7
sabiedriskâs attiecîbas 1
saistîbâ ar skatuvi 1
saistîbâ ar sportu 1
saistîtâ ar sportu 1
sales 1
samostojni podjetnik 1
satytbinkas 1
savas verslas 1
savo versle 2
savs bizness 1
savâ uz?çmumâ 1
sazi?a 1
sazi?â ar cilvçkiem 1
selbstst?¤ndig 1
selbstständig 2
servise 1
sevize 1
skaistumkop?ana 1
skaistumkop?anâ, kaut ko, kas ir saistîts ar sabiedrîbu 1
skolotâja 1
skolotâjs 1
slaš?i?arstvo 3
slaš?i?arstvo, oblikovna 1
snemanje videov in glasbe 1
snemanje, montaža, show bussines 1
socialin? darbuotoja 1
socialiniu darbus 1
socialiniu moksl? 1
sociâlâ 1
sou 1
sozial 1
sozialbereich 1
soziale Dienste 1
soziale Einrichtung 1
sozialen 1
sozialer Bereich 2
sozialer bereich 1
sport 4
sport and receration 1
sporta 1
sportists 1
sporto 2
sporto (pvz., kuno kulturos mokytojas) 1
sports 7
sports and leisure 1
statibininko 1
statiboje 1
statibose 1
statyba,,,,autoservisas 1
statybininkas 1
statybininku 1
statyboi 1
statyboja 1
statyboje 4
statybos 3
stilists (mode) 1
sto xoro tou theamatos 1
strâdâtu tur, kur ir lielâka alga 1
studio tatoo 1
su muzika noriu dirpti 1
su?u dresçtâju 1
susijuse su statiba 1
susijusio su menu 1
suvirintoju 1
svoje podjetje 1
sxoleio 1
syntirhths ksenodoxeiwn 1
t?rismâ un pasâkumu organizç?anâ 1
tattooing 1
tatu meistars 1
tekstilizstrâdâjumu dizains 1
telekomunikâcijas 1
ten kur darbas susijes su automatika 1
tetovçtâja 1
tetovçtâji 1
teâtris 1
the food industry 1
tieslietas 1
tinklin?je rinkodaroje 1
touristische und juristische Unternehmen (z.B. Airlines, Anwaltskanzleien, Reiseveranstalter, Reiseagenturen, mein eigenes Unternehmen) 1
tovarna, trgovina - prehranska industrija 1
tovarne, inštituti, fakultete, bolnišnice... 1
transport 1
travel 6
travel and tourism 2
travel industry 3
travel sectors 1
traveling 1
trener 1
trenere 1
treneris 2
treniruoti 1
trgovina 1
tuolemu reisu vairuotaju 1
tur?ti çmon? 1
turet savo autoservisa 1
turisti?ni vodi? 1
turizem 3
turizem, šolstvo 1
u?sienio kalbos 1
ugunsdzçsçjs 1
umetnost 6
umetnost (risanje,slikanje,glasba) 1
untergrund 1
utomehâniíis 1
uz ku?a par st?rmani/kapteini 1
uz?çmumdarbîba 1
uz?çmçjdarbîba 4
uz?çmçjs 1
uz?çmçjs vai sporta skolotâjs 1
uzsienyje 1
v kakšnem športnem podjetju 1
v podjetju 1
v zvezi s športom 1
va?ineti ç tolimus reisus 1
vaiku dar?eliuose 1
vaiku darzely 1
vaituotojo 1
verschiedene kulturen 1
verslas 1
verslininku 1
verslo 2
vertrieb 1
veterinarija 1
veterinârârsts 1
vie?o maitinimo imon?je 1
viel Kreativit?¤t & mit der Natur im Zusammenhang 1
viele 1
vienkâr?i domât! 1
viesmîle 1
viesmîlîba, çdinâ?anas bizness 1
viesnîcas 1
viesnîcas mened?ere, vadîtâja 1
viesnîcu pakalpojumu nozare 1
viesu apkalpo?ana 1
vilkiko kabinoje 1
vinogradništvo 1
virejas 1
vireju 1
viss ar datortehniku 1
vlada 1
vojska 5
vrefokomia 1
vrtci, šole 1
vrtec 2
weiß ich nicht 2
weiß ich noch nicht 1
weiß nicht 2
werbung 1
werbung, Grafiik 1
werkstatt 1
wissenschaft 1
workin in a call centre 1
wprking in an airport 1
ypalhlos d.e.h 1
z ljudmi, otroki 1
zabavne storitve 1
zdravstvo 2
zemessargs 1
zinâtne 1
zinâtniskajâ 1
zirgininkistes 1
znanstveno podro?je 1
Áóô?í??ßá 1
ÄÇ??ÓÉ???ÁÖ?Ó 1
Äé?? ??? ??é÷?ß?çóç 1
ÇË??Ô??ÍÉ?Á 1
Çë??ô??ë??ßá 2
Éáô?é?? 1
ÍÇ?ÉÁ?????Á - ?ÁÉÄÉ???Ó ÓÔÁ????Ó 2
Ó?Í????É? Á?Ô??ÉÍÇÔ?Í 1
Óô?áôü? - Áóô?í??ßá 1
Ô?×Í?Ë??ÉÁ 1
Ô?×ÍÉ??Ó Ô??ÖÉ??Í 1
Ö?Ô???ÁÖÉÁ 1
Ö?ô???Üö?? 1
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel 1
×ÁÓ??ÇÓ 1
á?áó÷üëçóç óôá ô?üöé?á 1
áéó?çôé?ç 1
â??ö?é 1
ârzemçs jebkur 1
çdinâ?ana 2
çdinâ?anas 1
çdinâ?anas bizness 1
çdinâ?anas jomâ 1
çdinâ?anas nozarç 1
çdinâ?anas pakalp. 1
çdinâ?anas pakalpojumi 1
çdinâ?anas serviss 1
çdinâ?anas servisâ 1
çë??ô??ëü??? 2
çë??ô??íé??? 1
çë??ô?é?Ý? ?áôáó???Ý? 1
íinolo?ija(su?u dres?ra) 1
óô?áôü 1
ö?óé????á??éá 1
ö?ô???áö?? 1
ö?ô???áöéá 1
öffentlicher Verkehr 1
šola 5
šola, vrtec 1
šolstvo 1
šport 6
štromarstvo 1
živilska industrija 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon

d5_7o0 Sector: Which other sector? Section D: About yourself and your career

D5. Which sector would you like to work to the most? (Please tick all boxes that apply). Which other sector 2?

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

d5_7o1 Sector: Which other sector? Section D: About yourself and your career

D5. Which sector would you like to work to the most? (Please tick all boxes that apply). Which other sector 3?

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

d5_7o2 Sector: Which other sector? Section D: About yourself and your career

D5. Which sector would you like to work to the most? (Please tick all boxes that apply). Which other sector 4?

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

D6 Do you plan to continue schooling or further education after your programme has ended? Section D: About yourself and your career

D6. Do you plan to continue schooling or further education after your programme has ended (for example doing a specialised programme)? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 528163 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Definitely not 838
2 Rather not 1408
3 Maybe 3587
4 Most likely 2332
5 Definitely 1789
-88 not answered 98
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9954 98

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

D7_1 Another programme related to what I am doing currently Section D: About yourself and your career

D7. What would you choose to continue learning? (Please tick all boxes that apply). Another programme related to what I am doing currently

Vrednost 529162 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 5607
1 Quoted 2128
-88 not answered 130
-77 not applicable 2187
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7735 2317

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D7_2 What would you choose to continue learning? Another programme not related to what I am doing currently Section D: About yourself and your career

D7. What would you choose to continue learning? (Please tick all boxes that apply). What would you choose to continue learning? Another programme not related to what I am doing currently

Vrednost 530161 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 6594
1 Quoted 1150
-88 not answered 128
-77 not applicable 2180
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7744 2308

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D7_3 What would you choose to continue learning? A more specialised programme Section D: About yourself and your career

D7. What would you choose to continue learning? (Please tick all boxes that apply). What would you choose to continue learning? A more specialised programme

Vrednost 531160 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 6202
1 Quoted 1542
-88 not answered 128
-77 not applicable 2180
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7744 2308

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D7_4 What would you choose to continue learning? A higher level of vocational programme Section D: About yourself and your career

D7. What would you choose to continue learning? (Please tick all boxes that apply). What would you choose to continue learning? A higher level of vocational programme

Vrednost 532159 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 5800
1 Quoted 1944
-88 not answered 128
-77 not applicable 2180
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7744 2308

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D7_5 What would you choose to continue learning? An academic programme at university or a university of applied science Section D: About yourself and your career

D7. What would you choose to continue learning? (Please tick all boxes that apply). What would you choose to continue learning? An academic programme at university or a university of applied science

Vrednost 533158 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 5955
1 Quoted 1789
-88 not answered 128
-77 not applicable 2180
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7744 2308

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D7_6 What would you choose to continue learning? A programme to achieve a higher education entrance qualification (not asked in UK) Section D: About yourself and your career

D7. What would you choose to continue learning? (Please tick all boxes that apply). What would you choose to continue learning? A programme to achieve a higher education entrance qualification (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 534157 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 5572
1 Quoted 1372
-88 not answered 87
-77 not applicable 3021
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
6944 3108

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D7_7 What would you choose to continue learning? Don`t know yet Section D: About yourself and your career

D7. What would you choose to continue learning? (Please tick all boxes that apply). What would you choose to continue learning? Don`t know yet

Vrednost 535156 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 6473
1 Quoted 1271
-88 not answered 128
-77 not applicable 2180
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7744 2308

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D7_8 What would you choose to continue learning? None of the above Section D: About yourself and your career

D7. What would you choose to continue learning? (Please tick all boxes that apply). What would you choose to continue learning? None of the above

Vrednost 536155 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 7608
1 Quoted 146
-88 not answered 128
-77 not applicable 2170
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7754 2298

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D8_1 FE: Further education enables me to follow my professional interest Section D: About yourself and your career

D8. This is about your opinion regarding further education (e.g. advanced training or studying). How far do you agree with the statements below about undertaking further education (or participate in further training)? (Please tick only one box in each row) Further education enables me to ... Further education enables me to follow my professional interest

Vrednost 537154 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 407
2 Slightly 918
3 Fairly 2594
4 Quite 3031
5 Completely 2366
-88 not answered 201
-77 not applicable 535
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9316 736

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D8_2 FE: Further education enables me to gain a good qualification/education Section D: About yourself and your career

D8. This is about your opinion regarding further education (e.g. advanced training or studying). How far do you agree with the statements below about undertaking further education (or participate in further training)? (Please tick only one box in each row) Further education enables me to ... Further education enables me to gain a good qualification/education

Vrednost 538153 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 159
2 Slightly 606
3 Fairly 1915
4 Quite 3239
5 Completely 3362
-88 not answered 236
-77 not applicable 535
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9281 771

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D8_3 FE: Further education enables me to take on leadership role later on in life Section D: About yourself and your career

D8. This is about your opinion regarding further education (e.g. advanced training or studying). How far do you agree with the statements below about undertaking further education (or participate in further training)? (Please tick only one box in each row) Further education enables me to ... Further education enables me to take on leadership role later on in life

Vrednost 539152 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 367
2 Slightly 979
3 Fairly 2523
4 Quite 2924
5 Completely 2501
-88 not answered 223
-77 not applicable 535
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9294 758

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D8_4 FE: Further education enables me to earn a high income later in life Section D: About yourself and your career

D8. This is about your opinion regarding further education (e.g. advanced training or studying). How far do you agree with the statements below about undertaking further education (or participate in further training)? (Please tick only one box in each row) Further education enables me to ... Further education enables me to earn a high income later in life

Vrednost 540151 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 183
2 Slightly 606
3 Fairly 1891
4 Quite 3023
5 Completely 3576
-88 not answered 238
-77 not applicable 535
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9279 773

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D8_5 FE: Further education enables me to become a expert in my field Section D: About yourself and your career

D8. This is about your opinion regarding further education (e.g. advanced training or studying). How far do you agree with the statements below about undertaking further education (or participate in further training)? (Please tick only one box in each row) Further education enables me to ... Further education enables me to become a expert in my field

Vrednost 541150 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 222
2 Slightly 711
3 Fairly 2054
4 Quite 3025
5 Completely 3275
-88 not answered 230
-77 not applicable 535
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9287 765

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D8_6 FE: Further education enables me to enhance my career options Section D: About yourself and your career

D8. This is about your opinion regarding further education (e.g. advanced training or studying). How far do you agree with the statements below about undertaking further education (or participate in further training)? (Please tick only one box in each row) Further education enables me to ... Further education enables me to enhance my career options

Vrednost 542149 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 171
2 Slightly 556
3 Fairly 1873
4 Quite 3248
5 Completely 3427
-88 not answered 242
-77 not applicable 535
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9275 777

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D8_7 FE: Further education enables me to postpone starting a full-time work Section D: About yourself and your career

D8. This is about your opinion regarding further education (e.g. advanced training or studying). How far do you agree with the statements below about undertaking further education (or participate in further training)? (Please tick only one box in each row) Further education enables me to ... Further education enables me to postpone starting a full-time work

Vrednost 543148 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 1151
2 Slightly 1707
3 Fairly 3200
4 Quite 2008
5 Completely 1177
-88 not answered 274
-77 not applicable 535
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9243 809

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D8_8 FE: Further education enables me to experience a pupil exchange programme Section D: About yourself and your career

D8. This is about your opinion regarding further education (e.g. advanced training or studying). How far do you agree with the statements below about undertaking further education (or participate in further training)? (Please tick only one box in each row) Further education enables me to ... Further education enables me to experience a pupil exchange programme

Vrednost 544147 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 1980
2 Slightly 1981
3 Fairly 2582
4 Quite 1541
5 Completely 1173
-88 not answered 260
-77 not applicable 535
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9257 795

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D8_9 FE: Further education enables me to fulfil my parent's expectations Section D: About yourself and your career

D8. This is about your opinion regarding further education (e.g. advanced training or studying). How far do you agree with the statements below about undertaking further education (or participate in further training)? (Please tick only one box in each row) Further education enables me to ... Further education enables me to fulfil my parent's expectations

Vrednost 545146 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 2033
2 Slightly 1800
3 Fairly 2334
4 Quite 1628
5 Completely 1488
-88 not answered 234
-77 not applicable 535
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9283 769

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D9a Have you ever participated in an international exchange programme for pupils? Section D: About yourself and your career

D9a. Have you ever participated in an international exchange programme for pupils? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 546145 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Yes, at my vocational school 607
2 Yes, at my general school 771
3 No 8556
-88 not answered 118
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9934 118

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 3

D9b How far do you agree with the statement below? "The international exchange programme was a valuable experience for me." Section D: About yourself and your career

D9b. How far do you agree with the statement below? "The international exchange programme was a valuable experience for me." (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 547144 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 81
2 Slightly 108
3 Fairly 199
4 Quite 107
5 Completely 198
-88 not answered 137
-77 not applicable 9222
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
693 9359

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

D9c Would you like to participate in an international exchange programme especially for vocational pupils? Section D: About yourself and your career

D9c. Would you like to participate in an international exchange programme especially for vocational pupils? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 548143 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Definitely, I already have plans to participate 954
2 Most likely, but I have no concrete plans yet 2452
3 Maybe 3639
4 Rather not 1546
5 Definitely not 1174
-88 not answered 287
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9765 287

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

D9d_1 I am not familiar with exchange programmes Section D: About yourself and your career

D9d. If rather not or definitely not: why not? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I am not familiar with exchange programmes

Vrednost 549142 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 2305
1 Quoted 526
-88 not answered 220
-77 not applicable 7001
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2831 7221

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D9d_2 I don't want to leave home Section D: About yourself and your career

D9d. If rather not or definitely not: why not? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I don't want to leave home

Vrednost 550141 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 2066
1 Quoted 781
-88 not answered 219
-77 not applicable 6986
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2847 7205

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D9d_3 Living abroad is too expensive Section D: About yourself and your career

D9d. If rather not or definitely not: why not? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Living abroad is too expensive

Vrednost 551140 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 2474
1 Quoted 372
-88 not answered 220
-77 not applicable 6986
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2846 7206

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D9d_4 My school doesn't offer these programmes Section D: About yourself and your career

D9d. If rather not or definitely not: why not? (Please tick all boxes that apply) My school doesn't offer these programmes

Vrednost 552139 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 2365
1 Quoted 482
-88 not answered 219
-77 not applicable 6986
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2847 7205

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D9d_5 I don't think that I'll benefit from this Section D: About yourself and your career

D9d. If rather not or definitely not: why not? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I don't think that I'll benefit from this

Vrednost 553138 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 1972
1 Quoted 874
-88 not answered 220
-77 not applicable 6986
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2846 7206

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D9d_6 I think organising this is too laborious Section D: About yourself and your career

D9d. If rather not or definitely not: why not? (Please tick all boxes that apply) I think organising this is too laborious

Vrednost 554137 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 2392
1 Quoted 454
-88 not answered 220
-77 not applicable 6986
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2846 7206

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D9d_7 Other Section D: About yourself and your career

D9d. If rather not or definitely not: why not? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Other

Vrednost 555136 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 2097
1 Quoted 256
-88 not answered 179
-77 not applicable 7520
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2353 7699

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

D9d_7op Other: please tell us what Section D: About yourself and your career

D9d. If rather not or definitely not: why not? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Other: please tell us what

Vrednost 556135 Frekvenca
-77 7355
-88 2477
1 mal reicht mir 1
Angst, Unselbst?¤ndigkeit 1
Asmenines Priezastys 1
Aupair 1
Ausl?¤nder sind schei??e!!! 1
Ausl?¤nder sind scheise 1
BT Openreach is British and not an international organisation unlike BT, therefore I would not benefit from an 'International Exchange Programme'. As for the IT field, the only other country I would like to study is the United States. 1
Dass ich es wenn nicht in der Gruppe machen würde 1
Die Angst, nicht im Ausland verstanden zu werden. 1
Die mit sich folgenden Komplikation w?¤ren f??r mich zu aufwendig, zumal ich lieber das Land, dass zum Austausch zur verf??gung steht, nur bereisen w??rde. 1
Don't have a passport and am not very interested in this. 1
Erziele durch diesen Austausch keinen Vorteil f??r mich. 1
Familie 3
Firma 1
Freund 2
Freund, Familie 1
Freunde 1
Freunde / Beziehung 1
Fu??ball etc. 1
Geldnöte 1
Hab keine Lust, Angst davor nicht verstanden zu werden 1
Habe ein Pferd, kann also nicht weg ;) 1
Hobbies 1
I don't feel like its the correct time 1
I have a child 1
IT sprache ist ??berall auf der welt gleich = Englisch 1
Ich bekomme Auslandserfahrung durch Aupair-Aufenthalt, das reicht 1
Ich fahr schon so ins Ausland 1
Ich hab 0 Bock aufs Ausland 1
Ich habe bereits eine gute Ausbildung 1
Ich habe die Erfahrung schon mal gemacht bei einem Austausch teilzunehmen. 1
Ich habe einfach keine Lust daruaf. 1
Ich habe mir andere Ziele im Leben gesetzt! 1
Ich m?¶chte die Schulausbildung fertig machen und dann erst ins Ausland, wenn ??berhaubt 1
Ich m?¶chte nicht so lange von wichtigen Menschen getrennt sein. 1
Ich m?¶chte selbstst?¤ndig ins Ausland gehen 1
Ich maturiere nächstes Jahr, da habe ich keine Zeit mehr dazu 1
Ich möchte es auf eigene Faust machen 1
Ich will meine Verlobte nicht allein lassen 1
In meinem Beruf schwierig 1
Kein Bock 1
Kein Interesse 7
Kein Interesse daran 1
Keine Interesse 2
Keine Lust 1
Keine Lust mehr 1
Landwirtschaft 2
M?–?–P 2
Mein Freund 1
Mein Pferd 1
Meine Familie braucht mich 1
Meine Sprachkentnisse sind zu schlecht 1
Mich interessiert es nicht 1
Might struggle with different language 1
Nazi 1
No 1
Passt nicht zu meiner Karrierelaufbahn 1
Probleme mit der ausl?¤ndlischen Sprache 1
Rollstuhlfahrer 1
Schuljahr kann nicht im Ausland abgeschlossen werden 1
Sprache 1
Stress 1
Unsicherheit 1
Wegen der Landwirtschaft nicht 1
Weil ich nicht zu einem Baraber will ! 1
Zeitmangel 1
Zu Haus ists am schönsten 1
andere Sprache 2
anstrengend fremdsprache zu lehrnen 1
because there is no point in doing a programme abroad because i am already benifitting from fulltime work here 1
bei Familie und Partner bleiben 1
bei gott ned 1
bin ich hier sehr zufrieden 1
bo 1
bock auf chillen 1
branje jezika 1
cant be bothered 1
chronische Unlust 1
da gibt es Ausl?¤nder 1
das Leben muss man aufgeben 1
das ist dämlich 1
dont want to 2
einfach kein Interesse an so einer zeitaufwendigen Sache. 1
einfach so! 1
es ist scheiße 1
für so einen Blödsinn habe ich nicht Zeit 1
gefällt mir nicht 1
gehe nach der Schule ins Ausland 1
geht keinen was an 1
gr?tîbas ar valodâm 1
habe bereits teilgenommen, mit negativer Erfahrung: die Austauschsch??lerin hat nur Deutsch sprechen wollen; es wurde nur Party gemacht; konnte in keinster Weise davon profitieren 1
habe genaue Vorstellunge, wie mein Leben ausschauen soll bzw. was ich nach meiner Ausbildung machen will 1
hane keine lust dazu 1
have a child and this job wouldnt fit around him 1
i hoss ausl?¤nda 1
i w?? ned 1
ich bin gl??cklich hier 1
ich bin mir nicht so sicher im allgemeinen 1
ich bin nicht wirklich interessiert 1
ich bin zu ertz konservativ 1
ich habe ein Kind 1
ich habe keine lust dadrauf 1
ich hasse Ausländer 1
ich hasse es zu reisen bzw. alleine in ein fremdesland zu reisen 1
ich kann keine Fremdsprache 1
ich kann nur deutsch 1
ich m?¶chte einfech nicht 1
ich m?¶chte nicht so lange und weit von meiner Familie weg 1
ich mag keine ausl?¤nder 1
ich mag nicht 1
ich will nicht 1
in der Schule viel versäumen 1
interessiert mich nicht 1
je že mimo 1
jezik 1
kein Bock 1
kein Interesse 14
kein bock 2
kein interesse 1
kein intresse 1
keine Lust 5
keine Lust auf fremde Menschen 1
keine Zeit 2
keine interesse 1
keine lust 5
ker mi ne leži angleš?ina in ne nemš?ina 1
m?¶?¶?¶?¶?¶?¶?¶?¶p !!!!! 1
m?¶glichst bald zu verdienen / Festanstellung 1
man to nevajag 1
man tâdas apmai?u programmas nepatîk. 1
mangel an sprachkenntnisse 1
mangelnde Sprachkenntnisse 1
me ne zanim 1
me ne zanima 1
mein Mann 1
muss arbeiten, Chef braucht mich. 1
nav tik augstas sekmes lai dotos apmai?as programmâ 1
ne grejo mi jeziki 1
ne razumem dobro angleško 1
ne vem 1
neinteresç 1
nej?tos tik dro?a, nav arî tik labs citvalodu lîmenis, manuprât. 1
nemoku kalbos 1
nenor??iau palikti savo draug? 1
nenoriu palikti draugu 1
nepasitikiu savimi ar sugeb??iau 1
nes kiek zinau tai tikrai idomu ir noreciau tai patirti 1
nes turiu drauge 1
neturiu tam galimybiu 1
neturiu tam noro, nemoku kalbos 1
neue Freunde kennenlernen 1
nevajadzîgi 1
nevçlos 1
nezinu valodas 1
ni ?asa 1
ni mi vše? 1
ni želje 3
nicht scherts mi 1
nisem bila izbrana 1
no money 1
nur Sprachreisen 2
preveliko domotožje 1
schlechte Erfahrungen 1
schlechte Fremdsprachkenntnisse 1
schlicht kein Interesse 1
silpnai moku uzsienio kalbas 1
sind meine sprachlichen F?¤higkeiten noch nicht gut genug daf??r. 1
slabo govorim tuje jezike 1
so weit weg, kenn dort keinen. 1
turiu ma?ai laisvo laiko 1
um mein Kind nicht alleine zu lassen! 1
uz dyka tikrai nieko nedarysiu 1
w??rde lange meine Freundin nicht sehn 1
will nicht, kein Interesse 1
wozu? 1
znanje jezika druge države 1
zu spät 1
zvezda 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon

d9d_70 Other: please tell us what Section D: About yourself and your career

D9d. If rather not or definitely not: why not? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Other: please tell us what

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

d9d_71 Other: please tell us what Section D: About yourself and your career

D9d. If rather not or definitely not: why not? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Other: please tell us what

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

d9d_72 Other: please tell us what Section D: About yourself and your career

D9d. If rather not or definitely not: why not? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Other: please tell us what

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

E1a_1 Skill: Being able to manage occupational tasks independently Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E1a. The following question asks for your perception of certain skills and abilities which are listed below. Please assess your current level of these abilities. (Please tick only one box in each row) Being able to manage occupational tasks independently

Vrednost 560131 Frekvenca
1 Poor 366
2 Fair 780
3 Average 2707
4 Good 4295
5 Excellent 1789
-88 not answered 115
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9937 115

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

E1a_2 Skill: Being able to work as a team member Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E1a. The following question asks for your perception of certain skills and abilities which are listed below. Please assess your current level of these abilities. (Please tick only one box in each row) Being able to work as a team member

Vrednost 561130 Frekvenca
1 Poor 150
2 Fair 663
3 Average 1990
4 Good 4098
5 Excellent 3011
-88 not answered 140
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9912 140

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

E1a_3 Skill: Being able to quickly familiarize myself with new tasks related to job occupations Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E1a. The following question asks for your perception of certain skills and abilities which are listed below. Please assess your current level of these abilities. (Please tick only one box in each row) Being able to quickly familiarize myself with new tasks related to job occupations

Vrednost 562129 Frekvenca
1 Poor 148
2 Fair 683
3 Average 2743
4 Good 4172
5 Excellent 2144
-88 not answered 162
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9890 162

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

E1a_4 Skill: Being able to perform well under pressure Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E1a. The following question asks for your perception of certain skills and abilities which are listed below. Please assess your current level of these abilities. (Please tick only one box in each row) Being able to perform well under pressure

Vrednost 563128 Frekvenca
1 Poor 358
2 Fair 1065
3 Average 3183
4 Good 3659
5 Excellent 1633
-88 not answered 154
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9898 154

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

E1a_5 Skill: Being able to communicate ideas and suggestions to others clearly Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E1a. The following question asks for your perception of certain skills and abilities which are listed below. Please assess your current level of these abilities. (Please tick only one box in each row) Being able to communicate ideas and suggestions to others clearly

Vrednost 564127 Frekvenca
1 Poor 203
2 Fair 964
3 Average 3055
4 Good 3696
5 Excellent 1987
-88 not answered 147
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9905 147

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

E1a_6 Skill: Being able to approach and engage with others with confidence (e.g. networking) Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E1a. The following question asks for your perception of certain skills and abilities which are listed below. Please assess your current level of these abilities. (Please tick only one box in each row) Being able to approach and engage with others with confidence (e.g. networking)

Vrednost 565126 Frekvenca
1 Poor 234
2 Fair 854
3 Average 2633
4 Good 3615
5 Excellent 2573
-88 not answered 143
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9909 143

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

E1b Overall, to what extent does your current programme prepare you to these activities? Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E1b. Overall, to what extent does your current programme prepare you to these activities? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 566125 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 299
2 Slightly 1244
3 Fairly 3872
4 Quite 3394
5 Very 1126
-88 not answered 117
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9935 117

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

E2a_1 Basic knowledge: English (not asked in UK) Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2a. In which of the following world languages have you acquired at least a basic knowledge? (Please tick all boxes that apply) English (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 567124 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 921
1 Quoted 8098
-88 not answered 40
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9019 1033

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

E2a_2 Basic knowledge: Spanish Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2a. In which of the following world languages have you acquired at least a basic knowledge? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Spanish

Vrednost 568123 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 9152
1 Quoted 861
-88 not answered 39
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10013 39

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

E2a_3 Basic knowledge: French Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2a. In which of the following world languages have you acquired at least a basic knowledge? (Please tick all boxes that apply) French

Vrednost 569122 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 8709
1 Quoted 1304
-88 not answered 39
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10013 39

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

E2a_4 Basic knowledge: German (not asked in Aus and Ger) Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2a. In which of the following world languages have you acquired at least a basic knowledge? (Please tick all boxes that apply) German (not asked in Aus and Ger)

Vrednost 570121 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 5438
1 Quoted 1424
-88 not answered 25
-77 not applicable 3165
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
6862 3190

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

E2a_5 Basic knowledge: None Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2a. In which of the following world languages have you acquired at least a basic knowledge? (Please tick all boxes that apply) None

Vrednost 571120 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
0 Not quoted 8810
1 Quoted 1202
-88 not answered 40
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10012 40

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 1

E2b In which of the following world languages are you the most proficient? (Answer 4 not asked in Aus and Ger) Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2b. In which of the following world languages are you the most proficient? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 572119 Frekvenca
1 English 7954
2 Spanish 209
3 French 201
4 German 341
-88 not answered 180
-77 not applicable 1167
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8705 1347

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

E2b_1_La Best language: English (only asked in Lat) Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2b. In which of the following world languages are you the most proficient? (Please tick only one box) English (only asked in Lat)

Vrednost 573118 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 97
1 Quoted 1698
-88 not answered 72
-77 not applicable 8185
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1795 8257

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

E2b_2_La Best language: Spanish (only asked in Lat) Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2b. In which of the following world languages are you the most proficient? (Please tick only one box) Spanish (only asked in Lat)

Vrednost 574117 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 1764
1 Quoted 31
-88 not answered 72
-77 not applicable 8185
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1795 8257

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

E2b_3_La Best language: French (only asked in Lat) Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2b. In which of the following world languages are you the most proficient? (Please tick only one box) French (only asked in Lat)

Vrednost 575116 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 1739
1 Quoted 56
-88 not answered 72
-77 not applicable 8185
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1795 8257

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

E2b_4_La Best language: German (only asked in Lat) Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2b. In which of the following world languages are you the most proficient? (Please tick only one box) German (only asked in Lat)

Vrednost 576115 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 1511
1 Quoted 284
-88 not answered 72
-77 not applicable 8185
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1795 8257

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

E2c For how many years have you been learning the language you are most proficient in (only those mentioned above)? (In years) Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2c. For how many years have you been learning the language you are the most proficient in (only those mentioned above)? (Please write the number of years in the space below)

Vrednost 577114 Frekvenca
0.5 6
1 103
1.5 1
2 187
2.5 1
3 258
3.5 1
4 378
4.5 2
5 759
5.5 3
6 1125
6.1 1
6.5 14
6.7 1
7 1410
7.5 19
7.8 1
8 1760
8.5 7
8.7 1
9 1117
9.5 4
10 723
10.5 1
11 239
12 125
13 47
14 19
15 15
16 3
17 19
18 19
19 1
20 2
25 1
33 1
34 1
45 2
-88 not answered 502
-77 not applicable 1173
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8377 1675

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0.5 do 45

E2d_1 Language skills: Speaking this language Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2d. How would you rate your language skills in the language you are the most proficient in? (Please tick only one box in each row) Speaking this language

Vrednost 578113 Frekvenca
1 Poor 468
2 Fair 1283
3 Average 3234
4 Good 2859
5 Excellent 915
-88 not answered 122
-77 not applicable 1171
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8759 1293

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

E2d_2 Language skills: Reading leisure books in this language Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2d. How would you rate your language skills in the language you are the most proficient in? (Please tick only one box in each row) Reading leisure books in this language

Vrednost 579112 Frekvenca
1 Poor 989
2 Fair 1668
3 Average 2910
4 Good 2336
5 Excellent 833
-88 not answered 145
-77 not applicable 1171
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8736 1316

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

E2d_3 Language skills: Understanding television or movies in this language with no subtitles Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2d. How would you rate your language skills in the language you are the most proficient in? (Please tick only one box in each row) Understanding television or movies in this language with no subtitles

Vrednost 580111 Frekvenca
1 Poor 502
2 Fair 1353
3 Average 2874
4 Good 2541
5 Excellent 1473
-88 not answered 138
-77 not applicable 1171
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8743 1309

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

E2d_4 Language skills: Reading text on websites Section E: Acquired skills and abilities

E2d. How would you rate your language skills in the language you are the most proficient in? (Please tick only one box in each row) Reading text on websites

Vrednost 581110 Frekvenca
1 Poor 490
2 Fair 1187
3 Average 2651
4 Good 2921
5 Excellent 1494
-88 not answered 138
-77 not applicable 1171
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8743 1309

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

F1_1 Computer: Using copy and paste tools to duplicate or move information (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F1. Which of the following computer related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Using copy and paste tools to duplicate or move information (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 582109 Frekvenca
0 No 674
1 Yes 8307
-88 not answered 78
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8981 1071

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F1_2 Computer: Using basic arithmetic formulas in a spreadsheet (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F1. Which of the following computer related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Using basic arithmetic formulas in a spreadsheet (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 583108 Frekvenca
0 No 2376
1 Yes 6608
-88 not answered 75
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8984 1068

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F1_3 Computer: Compressing (or zipping) files (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F1. Which of the following computer related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Compressing (or zipping) files (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 584107 Frekvenca
0 No 2753
1 Yes 6213
-88 not answered 93
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8966 1086

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F1_4 Computer: Connecting and installing new devices (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F1. Which of the following computer related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Connecting and installing new devices (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 585106 Frekvenca
0 No 1645
1 Yes 7328
-88 not answered 86
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8973 1079

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F1_5 Computer: Writing a computer program using a computer language (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F1. Which of the following computer related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Writing a computer program using a computer language (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 586105 Frekvenca
0 No 5469
1 Yes 3491
-88 not answered 99
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8960 1092

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F1_6 Computer: Transferring files between the computer and other devices (e.g. digital camera, mobile phone, mp3) (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F1. Which of the following computer related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Transferring files between the computer and other devices (e.g. digital camera, mobile phone, mp3) (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 587104 Frekvenca
0 No 777
1 Yes 8195
-88 not answered 87
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8972 1080

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F1_7 Computer: Modifying or verifying the configuration parameters of software (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F1. Which of the following computer related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Modifying or verifying the configuration parameters of software (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 588103 Frekvenca
0 No 3993
1 Yes 4973
-88 not answered 93
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8966 1086

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F1_8 Computer: Using a word processing programme to write and format text (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F1. Which of the following computer related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Using a word processing programme to write and format text (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 589102 Frekvenca
0 No 1095
1 Yes 7869
-88 not answered 95
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8964 1088

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F1_9 Computer: Creating electronic presentations with presentation software (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F1. Which of the following computer related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Creating electronic presentations with presentation software (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 590101 Frekvenca
0 No 2057
1 Yes 6916
-88 not answered 86
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8973 1079

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F1_10 Computer: Installing a new or replacing an old operating system (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F1. Which of the following computer related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Installing a new or replacing an old operating system (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 591100 Frekvenca
0 No 4012
1 Yes 4951
-88 not answered 96
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8963 1089

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F2_1 Web: Using a search engine to find information (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F2. Which of the following Internet related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Using a search engine to find information (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 59299 Frekvenca
0 No 488
1 Yes 8471
-88 not answered 100
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8959 1093

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F2_2 Web: Sending e-mails with attached files (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F2. Which of the following Internet related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Sending e-mails with attached files (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 59398 Frekvenca
0 No 835
1 Yes 8127
-88 not answered 97
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8962 1090

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F2_3 Web: Posting messages to chat rooms, newsgroups or an online discussion (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F2. Which of the following Internet related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Posting messages to chat rooms, newsgroups or an online discussion (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 59497 Frekvenca
0 No 1381
1 Yes 7564
-88 not answered 114
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8945 1107

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F2_4 Web: Using the internet to make telephone calls (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F2. Which of the following Internet related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Using the internet to make telephone calls (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 59596 Frekvenca
0 No 2998
1 Yes 5950
-88 not answered 111
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8948 1104

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F2_5 Web: Creating a website (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F2. Which of the following Internet related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Creating a website (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 59695 Frekvenca
0 No 4685
1 Yes 4238
-88 not answered 136
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8923 1129

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F2_6 Web: Uploading text, games, images, films or music to websites (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F2. Which of the following Internet related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Uploading text, games, images, films or music to websites (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 59794 Frekvenca
0 No 1750
1 Yes 7194
-88 not answered 115
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8944 1108

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F2_7 Web: Modifying the security settings of internet browsers (not asked in UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F2. Which of the following Internet related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Modifying the security settings of internet browsers (not asked in UK)

Vrednost 59893 Frekvenca
0 No 3593
1 Yes 5346
-88 not answered 120
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8939 1113

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F2_8 Web: Using peer-to-peer file sharing for exchanging movies, music etc (not asked in Aus, Ger and UK) Section F: Information and communication technology

F2. Which of the following Internet related activities have you already carried out? (Please tick one box in each row) Using peer-to-peer file sharing for exchanging movies, music etc (not asked in Aus, Ger and UK)

Vrednost 59992 Frekvenca
0 No 2538
1 Yes 3264
-88 not answered 92
-77 not applicable 4158
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5802 4250

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

F3_1 ICT: The ability to use a computer is very important for my future employment. Section F: Information and communication technology

F3. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) The ability to use a computer is very important for my future employment.

Vrednost 60091 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 599
2 Slightly 1242
3 Fairly 2548
4 Quite 2508
5 Completely 3033
-88 not answered 122
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9930 122

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

F3_2 ICT: The internet makes learning more interesting Section F: Information and communication technology

F3. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) The internet makes learning more interesting

Vrednost 60190 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 331
2 Slightly 1111
3 Fairly 2799
4 Quite 3156
5 Completely 2506
-88 not answered 149
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9903 149

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

F3_3 ICT: I can find more information on the internet than I can in school books Section F: Information and communication technology

F3. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) I can find more information on the internet than I can in school books

Vrednost 60289 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 235
2 Slightly 764
3 Fairly 2418
4 Quite 2850
5 Completely 3644
-88 not answered 141
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9911 141

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

F3_4 ICT: I can learn more quickly with the use of electronic materials Section F: Information and communication technology

F3. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) I can learn more quickly with the use of electronic materials

Vrednost 60388 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 546
2 Slightly 1509
3 Fairly 2965
4 Quite 2536
5 Completely 2362
-88 not answered 134
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9918 134

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

F3_5 ICT: In today's world people need to be skilled in information and computer technologies Section F: Information and communication technology

F3. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) In today's world people need to be skilled in information and computer technologies

Vrednost 60487 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 193
2 Slightly 579
3 Fairly 1930
4 Quite 2971
5 Completely 4238
-88 not answered 141
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9911 141

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

F3_6 ICT: Use of computers and other technologies in teaching makes learning easier Section F: Information and communication technology

F3. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) Use of computers and other technologies in teaching makes learning easier

Vrednost 60586 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 312
2 Slightly 934
3 Fairly 2742
4 Quite 2914
5 Completely 3009
-88 not answered 141
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9911 141

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

F4_1 ICTuse: To find, acquire and use information Section F: Information and communication technology

F3. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) To find, acquire and use information

Vrednost 60685 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 377
2 Rarely 802
3 Sometimes 2357
4 Often 3361
5 Very often 2963
-88 not answered 192
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9860 192

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

F4_2 ICTuse: To use information for educational purposes using existing material Section F: Information and communication technology

F3. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) To use information for educational purposes using existing material

Vrednost 60784 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 818
2 Rarely 1617
3 Sometimes 3063
4 Often 2646
5 Very often 1726
-88 not answered 182
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9870 182

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

F4_3 ICTuse: To produce new material (write papers, drawing, programming, make presentations, creating a website) Section F: Information and communication technology

F3. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) To produce new material (write papers, drawing, programming, make presentations, creating a website)

Vrednost 60883 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 703
2 Rarely 1500
3 Sometimes 2811
4 Often 2721
5 Very often 2129
-88 not answered 188
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9864 188

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

F4_4 ICTuse: To exchange and to transmit information with other pupils, teachers and others using email and internet or to join discussion and chat with others Section F: Information and communication technology

F3. How far do you agree with the following statements? (Please tick only one box in each row) To exchange and to transmit information with other pupils, teachers and others using email and internet or to join discussion and chat with others

Vrednost 60982 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 760
2 Rarely 1337
3 Sometimes 2584
4 Often 2648
5 Very often 2528
-88 not answered 195
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9857 195

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

F5a How many of your teachers use computers and other technologies in their lessons? Section F: Information and communication technology

F5a. How many of your teachers use computers and other technologies in their lessons? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 61081 Frekvenca
1 None of my teachers 510
2 A few of my teachers 4009
3 Around half of my teachers 1626
4 Most of my teachers 2546
5 All of my teachers 1258
-88 not answered 103
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9949 103

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

F5b How often do your teachers use computers and other technologies in their lessons? Section F: Information and communication technology

F5b. How often do your teachers use computers and other technologies in their lessons? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 61180 Frekvenca
1 Not at all 374
2 Rarely 1944
3 Sometimes 3465
4 Often 2936
5 Very often 1173
-88 not answered 160
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9892 160

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

G1_gende Are you male or female? Section G: You and your family

G1. Are you male or female?

Vrednost 61279 Frekvenca
1 male 5585
2 female 4411
-88 not answered 56
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9996 56

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G2_age How old are you? Section G: You and your family

G2. How old are you?

Vrednost 61378 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
17 4977
18 5075
-88 not answered 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10052 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 18

G2_age_t Target population Section G: You and your family

G2. How old are you? Target population

Vrednost 61477 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
0 Not target 0
1 Target 10052
-88 not answered 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10052 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 1

G3a_1 Where were you born? Section G: You and your family

G3a. Where were you born? (Please tick only one box in each column)

Vrednost 61576 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 In this country 9235
2 Other EU country 165
3 Non-EU country 267
-88 not answered 385
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9667 385

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 3

G3a_2 Where was your father born? Section G: You and your family

G3a. Where was your father born? (Please tick only one box in each column)

Vrednost 61675 Frekvenca
1 In this country 8257
2 Other EU country 527
3 Non-EU country 764
-88 not answered 504
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9548 504

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

G3a_3 Where was your mother born? Section G: You and your family

G3a. Where was your mother born? (Please tick only one box in each column)

Vrednost 61774 Frekvenca
1 In this country 8322
2 Other EU country 440
3 Non-EU country 803
-88 not answered 487
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9565 487

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

G3b If you were not born in this country, at what age did you arrive in this country? At age Section G: You and your family

G3b. If you were not born in this country, at what age did you arrive in this country?

Vrednost 61873 Frekvenca
0 9
1 59
2 47
3 54
4 24
5 30
6 23
7 32
8 12
9 15
10 26
11 15
12 16
13 22
14 14
15 13
16 6
17 16
18 15
20 4
21 1
22 1
25 1
26 1
30 1
35 1
40 1
-88 not answered 416
-77 not applicable 9177
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
459 9593

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 40

G3c_1 What is your citizenship? Section G: You and your family

G3c. What is your citizenship? (Please write the name below)

Vrednost 61972 Frekvenca
-88 1854
1 69
11 1
12 2
13 648
17 1
19 1512
20 6
22 1
23 6
26 80
31 1
33 5
40 5
41 19
5 3
????áíé?ç 1
??ë?íßá 1
??ë?íé?? 1
??ëäáâé?? 1
?¶ster. Staatsb??rgerin 1
?¶sterr. 1
?¶sterreich 22
?¶sterreichisch 1
?¶sterreichische 33
?¶sterreichische Staatsb??rgerschaft 5
?¶sterreichische staatsb??rgerschaft 2
?¶strreichische 1
?ËËÇÍÉ?? 3
?ëëçíé?? 42
?– 2
?–st. 1
?–stereich 1
?–stereichische 2
?–sterr. 1
?–sterrecih 1
?–sterreich 375
?–sterreicher 2
?–sterreichisch 4
?–sterreichische 58
?–sterreichische Staatsb??rger 1
?–sterreichische Staatsb??rgerschaft 9
?–sterreichische staatsb??rgerschaft 1
?–sterreichischestaats B??rgerschaft 1
?–sterrichische staatsb??rgerschaft 1
?–sterrreich 1
A 2
Afghanisch 2
Afghanistan 1
Albanisch 2
Argentinisch 1
Armenas 1
Armenien 1
Austria 1
Azarbaidzenietis 1
Bosnien 2
Bosnien und Herzegovina 1
Bosnien und Herzegowina 2
Bosnien-Herzogovina 1
Bosnisch 2
Bosnische 1
British 979
Canadain 1
Ciukcis 1
Deutsch 1444
Deutsche 3
Dutch 1
EU 6
Elliniki 3
Finnland 1
Griechisch 2
Hungarian 1
Iranisch 1
Italienisch 8
Kinietis 1
Kolumbisch 1
Kosovarisch 3
Kroatien 5
Kroatisch 4
Kroatische 3
LIetuv? 1
LIetuvos 2
LR 6
LR pilietis 1
LT 8
Latvijos 1
Lenk? 4
Lenkas 12
Lenke 3
Letuvij? 1
Letuviska 1
Letuvos 1
Letuvos Respublikos 1
Liankas 1
Liatuvos 1
Libanesisch 1
Liet?vis 1
Lietun? 1
Lietuv? 155
Lietuva 13
Lietuvaite 1
Lietuve 84
Lietuvi? 13
Lietuvi? Respublikos 1
Lietuvi?ka 1
Lietuvio 6
Lietuvis 473
Lietuvis! 1
Lietuviska 4
Lietuvislka 1
Lietuviu 30
Lietuvos 98
Lietuvos Piletibe 1
Lietuvos Respublika 3
Lietuvos Respublikoje 1
Lietuvos Respublikos 10
Lietuvos piietyb? 1
Lietuvos pilietyb? 2
Lietuvos respublika 2
Lietuvos respublikos 10
Lietuvos respublikos pilietibe 1
Lietuvos respublikos pilietis 1
Lieuvis 1
Lieuvos respublikos pilietis 1
Lieyuv?s 1
Liietuvis 1
Lituvis 1
Luxembourg 1
Mazedonien 1
Mazedonische 1
Nicht-EU 14
Norwegain 1
Oesterreich 1
Osterreich 1
PL 1
Pakistanisch 1
Panevezys 1
Polish 2
Polnisch 1
Portugiesisch 2
R?¶mischkatolisch 1
Rasijos 1
Rum?¤nisch 1
Rumänische 1
Rusas 9
Ruse 4
Rusija 1
Rusijos 1
Russijos 1
Russisch 1
Russische F?¶deration 1
Russische Staatsb??rgerschaft 1
Russu 1
Rusu 4
Serbien 2
Serbisch 2
Serbische 3
Slowakei 1
Slowenien 1
Slowenische 1
Spanisch 1
T??rkei 1
Thailändisch 1
Türkei 1
Türkisch 23
Ungarn 2
Vietnamesisch 3
afganistanietis 1
albania 1
albanikh 6
australia 1
austria 2
azarbaidzianietis 1
azerbaid?aniet? 1
azijietis 1
ba?kiras 1
baltarusas 2
bosnische 1
boulg 1
boulgaros 1
deutsch 1
ellada 1
ellhnikh 34
ellhniki 3
elliniki 7
estas 1
französisch 2
irish 1
japaske 1
kinas 1
kroatische 1
leituve 2
leituviska 1
lenkas 20
lenke 7
lenki?ka 1
lenku 4
lenkë 1
letuvos 1
liertuve 1
lietievis 1
lietivis 1
lietovos 1
lietuv? 106
lietuva 16
lietuve 178
lietuves 2
lietuvi 1
lietuvi? 8
lietuvi?ka 1
lietuviai 1
lietuvio 1
lietuvis 348
lietuviska 6
lietuviu 25
lietuvo 1
lietuvoje 1
lietuvos 46
lietuvos piletibe 1
lietuvos resbublika 1
lietuvos respublika 3
lietuvos respublikos 6
lietuvos respublikos pilietyb? 1
lietuvos respurblikos 1
lietuvu?ka 1
lietuwe 1
lietuwiska 1
lieuve 1
lieyuvis 1
lirtuvis 1
lituvi?ka 1
lituvis 1
lituviu 1
lituvos 2
liutuvi? 1
ljetuve 1
lr 2
lt 11
mexikanos 1
ne?nau 1
nezianu 1
oesterreich 1
ostereichische 1
osterreich 1
roumania 1
roumaniki 1
rusai 2
rusas 7
ruse 7
rusijos 1
russiska 1
rusu 1
serbisch 1
serbische 1
türkisch 1
Á?ÓÔ?Á˸?É?Ç 1
Áëâáíé?? 1
Â??Ë?Á?É?? 1
Ägyptisch 1
Ô????É?Ç 1
Österreich 342
Österreichische 317
Österreichische Staatsbürgerschaft 1
Österreoch 1
Österrreich 2
á???é?áíé?ç 1
áëâáíé?? 5
â???á?é?ç 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10052 0

g3c_10 What is your citizenship? Section G: You and your family

G3c. What is your citizenship 1? (Please write the name below)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

g3c_11 What is your citizenship? Section G: You and your family

G3c. What is your citizenship 2? (Please write the name below)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

g3c_12 What is your citizenship? Section G: You and your family

G3c. What is your citizenship 3? (Please write the name below)

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

G3c_2 What is your second citizenship? Section G: You and your family

G3c. What is your citizenship? (Please write the name below) Additional citizenship

Vrednost 62368 Frekvenca
(Brasilien) 1
--- 1
-------- 1
---------- 1
-88 9623
1 10
10 1
12 4
13 10
17 1
19 8
2 2
20 3
23 1
26 22
28 1
3 1
30 2
32 1
33 2
4 2
40 10
5 8
9 1
? 1
????éá?? 1
?¶sterreich 3
?¶sterreichische 1
?¶xldfhs?¶ydkjfhyskdjgf?¶kysdjfhpieu?¶a 1
?–sterreich 10
?–sterreichische 1
Alytus 1
American 6
Amerikanisch 1
Amerikos 1
Anglas 1
Armenas 1
Australian 1
Australische, Franz?¶sische 1
Baltarusas 2
Bangladeshi 1
Bosnien 1
Deutsch 18
Deutsche 3
Deutschland 7
EN 1
English 1
Franz?¶sich 1
Franz?¶sisch 2
Indian 1
Irish 3
Ist das nicht egal? 1
Italienisch 1
Italienische 1
Jamaikos 1
Kasachisch 1
Klaipeda 1
Kosowo 1
Kroatien 1
Kroatisch 2
Kroatische 2
Lenk? 1
Lenkas 1
Lenku 1
Liankas 1
Lietuva 3
Lietuvaite 1
Lietuve 2
Lietuvis 8
Lietuviu 2
Lietuvos 1
Mandarinas 1
Mazedonisch 1
Mazedonische 1
N?¶?¶ 1
Namibia 1
Nein 1
Nepalese 1
Neturiu 1
PL 1
Pakistani 4
Philippinen 1
Polen 1
Polnisch 1
Polniusch 1
Rum?¤nisch 1
Rus? 1
Rusas 3
Ruse 1
Russisch 3
Schweiz 3
Serbien 1
Slowakei 1
South African 1
Spanien 1
T??rkisch 3
T??rkische 1
T??rkische Staatsb??rgerschaft 1
Thailändische 1
Trinidad & Tobagisch 1
Turkmenistan employed by Kamil Koc after working for Arcelik 1
Türkei 1
Ukrainos 1
Ungarn 1
Zydas 1
afghanisch 1
aire 1
albania 1
amerikanisch 1
anglijos, jav 1
aukstaitis 1
australian visa 1
baltarusas 1
baltaruse 2
bengladesas 1
bilarusas 1
bosnisch 1
britisch 1
china 1
ciukcia 1
deutsch 16
deutsche 1
egiptietis 1
ellhnikh k italikh 1
frans?¶sisch 1
franz?¶sisch 2
ietuvis 1
italia 1
italienisch 2
japaske 1
jokios 1
keine 9
kinas 1
kjg 1
latv? 1
latvis 2
lenkas 7
lenke 4
lenkija 1
letuviska 1
letuviu 1
letuvos 1
lietuv? 2
lietuva 3
lietuve 7
lietuvi? 2
lietuviai 1
lietuvis 18
lietuviu 3
lietuvos 1
lietuvu 1
lt 1
n?ra 2
nein 1
nera 7
neturiu ! 1
nichts 1
niera 1
nope 1
ostmombasisch 1
pakistanietis 1
polnisch 5
portugiesisch 1
puse lenkas 1
romanian 1
rus? 2
rusai 1
rusas 1
rusas/anglas/vokietis/lenkas 1
russisch 6
rusu 2
rwsikh 1
schweiz 2
t??rkisch 6
thailand 1
toke pat 1
tokia pat 1
totorius 1
türkisch 1
ukraina 1
ukrainietis 1
uzsienys 1
vieleicht bald deutsche 1
vokietis 1
voulgariki 1
®emaitis 1
Ägypten 1
Österreich 2
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10052 0

g3c_20 What is your second citizenship? Section G: You and your family

G3c. What is your citizenship? (Please write the name below) Additional citizenship 1

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

g3c_21 What is your second citizenship? Section G: You and your family

G3c. What is your citizenship? (Please write the name below) Additional citizenship 2

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

g3c_22 What is your second citizenship? Section G: You and your family

G3c. What is your citizenship? (Please write the name below) Additional citizenship 3

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

G3c_nati What is your citizenship? Section G: You and your family

G3c. What is your citizenship? (Please write the name below) Nation

Vrednost 62764 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Albanian 93
2 American 2
3 Austrian 1216
4 Arabian 0
5 Byelorussian 5
6 Bosnian Hercegovina 17
7 Chinese 2
8 Croatian 10
9 English 979
10 Estonian 1
11 French 1
12 German 1448
13 Greek 767
14 Hungarian 4
15 Indian 0
16 Irish 1
17 Italian 10
18 Jewish 0
19 Latvian 1513
20 Lithuanian 1800
21 Macedonian 9
22 Pakistani 3
23 Polish 67
24 Portuguese 3
25 Roma 2
26 Russian 126
27 Serbian 11
28 Slovenian 799
29 South African 0
30 Spanish 1
31 Tatar 1
32 Turkish 3
33 Ukrainian 7
40 Other 25
41 EU-Citizenship 6
42 Non-EU Citizenship 26
43 Alien - without any citizenship 19
-88 not answered 1075
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8977 1075

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 43

G4 Where do you live (most of the time)? Section G: You and your family

G4. Where do you live (most of the time)? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 62863 Frekvenca
1 In a House / apartment / flat with my parent(s) or guardian( 7830
2 In my own apartment / house / flat 951
3 In a shared house / apartment / flat (with friends or other 265
4 In a pupil dormitory 852
5 In supported accomodation (e.g. funded or run by Social Serv 29
-88 not answered 125
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9927 125

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

G5 How many brothers and sisters do you have? Section G: You and your family

G5. How many brothers and sisters do you have? (including step/half-brothers and -sisters) (Please write the number in the space below)

Vrednost 62962 Frekvenca
0 566
1 4198
2 2355
3 1137
4 534
5 319
6 147
7 81
8 45
9 33
10 18
11 10
12 5
13 5
14 1
15 8
16 2
17 2
18 2
19 1
-88 not answered 583
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9469 583

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 19

G6 How many people including yourself live in your household? Section G: You and your family

G6. How many people including yourself live in your household (e.g. the place where you live most of the time)? (Please write the number in the space below)

Vrednost 63061 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 323
2 993
3 2207
4 3145
5 1597
6 771
7 248
8 123
9 63
10 31
11 18
12 11
13 3
14 2
15 10
16 1
17 2
18 1
20 8
-88 not answered 495
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9557 495

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 20

G7 Which phrase below best describes the area where you live? Section G: You and your family

G7. Which phrase below best describes the area where you live? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 63160 Frekvenca
1 A big city 1948
2 The suburbs of a big city 995
3 A town or a small village 3220
4 A country village 3158
5 A farm or home in the countryside 616
-88 not answered 115
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9937 115

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 5

G8_fa What is the highest level of schooling completed by your father? Section G: You and your family

G8. What is the 'highest level of schooling' completed by your father / mother? (Please tick only one box in each column) What is the highest level of schooling completed by your father?

Vrednost 63259 Frekvenca
1 ISCED level 5A/6 820
2 ISCED level 5B 640
3 ISCED level 4 713
4 ISCED level 3B, 3C 2258
5 ISCED level 3A 1306
6 ISCED level 2 1475
7 ISCED level 1 or without school leaving certificate 195
-99 don`t know 1069
-88 not answered 583
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7407 2645

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

G8_mo What is the highest level of schooling completed by your mother? Section G: You and your family

G8. What is the 'highest level of schooling' completed by your father / mother? (Please tick only one box in each column) What is the highest level of schooling completed by your mother?

Vrednost 63358 Frekvenca
1 ISCED level 5A/6 891
2 ISCED level 5B 788
3 ISCED level 4 684
4 ISCED level 3B, 3C 2035
5 ISCED level 3A 1393
6 ISCED level 2 1644
7 ISCED level 1 or without school leaving certificate 178
-99 don`t know 871
-88 not answered 575
-77 not applicable 993
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7613 2439

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 7

G8_fa_uk What is the highest level of schooling completed by your father? Only UK. Use this variable with caution-data show questionable results Section G: You and your family

G8. What is the 'highest level of schooling' completed by your father / mother? (Please tick only one box in each column) What is the highest level of schooling completed by your father? Only UK. Use this variable with caution-data show questionable results

Vrednost 63457 Frekvenca
1 ISCED level 5A/6 121
4 ISCED level 3B, 3C 126
5 ISCED level 3A 124
6 ISCED level 2 63
-99 don`t know 541
-88 not answered 18
-77 not applicable 9059
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
434 9618

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

G8_mo_uk What is the highest level of schooling completed by your mother? Only UK. Use this variable with caution-data show questionable results Section G: You and your family

G8. What is the 'highest level of schooling' completed by your father / mother? (Please tick only one box in each column) What is the highest level of schooling completed by your mother? Only UK. Use this variable with caution-data show questionable results

Vrednost 63556 Frekvenca
1 ISCED level 5A/6 121
4 ISCED level 3B, 3C 158
5 ISCED level 3A 167
6 ISCED level 2 41
-99 don`t know 490
-88 not answered 16
-77 not applicable 9059
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
487 9565

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

G9_fa What is the employment status of your father? Section G: You and your family

G9. What is the employment status of your parents? (Please tick only one box in each column) What is the employment status of your father?

Vrednost 63655 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Full-time, on a regular basis or self-employed (more than 30 6231
2 Part-time, on a regular basis or self-employed (less than 30 711
3 Working temporarily 434
4 Not employed, searching for a job 464
5 Not employed, not searching for a job (Housewife/Houseman, R 403
-99 don`t know 1023
-88 not answered 786
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8243 1809

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

G9_mo What is the employment status of your mother? Section G: You and your family

G9. What is the employment status of your parents? (Please tick only one box in each column) What is the employment status of your mother?

Vrednost 63754 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Full-time, on a regular basis or self-employed (more than 30 4574
2 Part-time, on a regular basis or self-employed (less than 30 2013
3 Working temporarily 432
4 Not employed, searching for a job 653
5 Not employed, not searching for a job (Housewife/Houseman, R 1057
-99 don`t know 735
-88 not answered 588
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8729 1323

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 5

G10_fa Does your father undertake extra paid work in addition to his main job to increase family budget? Section G: You and your family

G10. Does your father/mother undertake extra paid work in addition to his/her main job to increase family budget? (Please tick only one box in each row) Does your father undertake extra paid work in addition to his main job to increase family budget?

Vrednost 63853 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Yes 2402
2 No 5663
-99 don`t know 1331
-88 not answered 656
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8065 1987

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 2

G10_mo Does your mother undertake extra paid work in addition to her main job to increase family budget? Section G: You and your family

G10. Does your father/mother undertake extra paid work in addition to his/her main job to increase family budget? (Please tick only one box in each row) Does your mother undertake extra paid work in addition to her main job to increase family budget?

Vrednost 63952 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Yes 2001
2 No 6540
-99 don`t know 1018
-88 not answered 493
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
8541 1511

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 2

G11_1 In your home: A room of your own Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) A room of your own

Vrednost 64051 Frekvenca
1 Yes 8573
2 No 1172
-88 not answered 307
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9745 307

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_2 In your home: A quiet place to study Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) A quiet place to study

Vrednost 64150 Frekvenca
1 Yes 8169
2 No 1475
-88 not answered 408
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9644 408

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_3 In your home: A computer you can use for school work Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) A computer you can use for school work

Vrednost 64249 Frekvenca
1 Yes 8943
2 No 778
-88 not answered 331
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9721 331

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_4 In your home: Educational software Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) Educational software

Vrednost 64348 Frekvenca
1 Yes 5053
2 No 4395
-88 not answered 604
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9448 604

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_5 In your home: Landline Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) Landline

Vrednost 64447 Frekvenca
1 Yes 7618
2 No 1980
-88 not answered 454
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9598 454

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_6 In your home: A link to the internet Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) A link to the internet

Vrednost 64546 Frekvenca
1 Yes 8723
2 No 975
-88 not answered 354
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9698 354

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_7 In your home: Classic literature Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) Classic literature

Vrednost 64645 Frekvenca
1 Yes 4529
2 No 4943
-88 not answered 580
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9472 580

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_8 In your home: Books of poetry Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) Books of poetry

Vrednost 64744 Frekvenca
1 Yes 3847
2 No 5576
-88 not answered 629
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9423 629

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_9 In your home: Works of art (e.g. paintings or prints) Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) Works of art (e.g. paintings or prints)

Vrednost 64843 Frekvenca
1 Yes 5066
2 No 4402
-88 not answered 584
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9468 584

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_10 In your home: Books to help with your school work (e.g. dictionary, atlas) Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) Books to help with your school work (e.g. dictionary, atlas)

Vrednost 64942 Frekvenca
1 Yes 7502
2 No 2058
-88 not answered 492
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9560 492

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_11 In your home: A DVD or VCR player Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) A DVD or VCR player

Vrednost 65041 Frekvenca
1 Yes 8733
2 No 932
-88 not answered 387
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9665 387

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_12 wealth item 1 (please check codebook for national specific items) Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) wealth item 1 (please check codebook for national specific items)

Vrednost 65140 Frekvenca
1 Yes 6861
2 No 2689
-88 not answered 502
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9550 502

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_13 wealth item 2 (please check codebook for national specific items) (not asked in Lit) Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) wealth item 2 (please check codebook for national specific items) (not asked in Lit)

Vrednost 65239 Frekvenca
1 Yes 4756
2 No 2847
-88 not answered 352
-77 not applicable 2097
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
7603 2449

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G11_14 wealth item 3 (please check codebook for national specific items (not asked in Aus, Lit and UK) Section G: You and your family

G11. Which of the following are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) wealth item 3 (please check codebook for national specific items (not asked in Aus, Lit and UK)

Vrednost 65338 Frekvenca
1 Yes 2816
2 No 2494
-88 not answered 253
-77 not applicable 4489
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
5310 4742

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

G12_1 Items: Mobile phone(s) Section G: You and your family

G12. How many of the following items are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) Mobile phone(s)

Vrednost 65437 Frekvenca
1 None 142
2 One 644
3 Two 956
4 Three or more 8110
-88 not answered 200
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9852 200

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

G12_2 Items: Television(s) Section G: You and your family

G12. How many of the following items are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) Television(s)

Vrednost 65536 Frekvenca
1 None 156
2 One 1743
3 Two 3593
4 Three or more 4324
-88 not answered 236
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9816 236

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

G12_3 Items: Computer(s) Section G: You and your family

G12. How many of the following items are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) Computer(s)

Vrednost 65635 Frekvenca
1 None 491
2 One 3530
3 Two 2961
4 Three or more 2830
-88 not answered 240
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9812 240

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

G12_4 Items: Car(s) Section G: You and your family

G12. How many of the following items are in your home? (Please tick only one box in each row) Car(s)

Vrednost 65734 Frekvenca
1 None 1403
2 One 3173
3 Two 2982
4 Three or more 2278
-88 not answered 216
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9836 216

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

G13 How many books are there in your home? Section G: You and your family

G13. How many books are there in your home? There are usually about 40 books per metre of shelving. Do not include magazines, newspapers or your schoolbooks. (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 65833 Frekvenca
1 0-10 books 2050
2 11-25 books 1910
3 26-100 books 3122
4 101-200 books 1422
5 201-500 books 834
6 More than 500 books 525
-88 not answered 189
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9863 189

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 6

G14 Which of the description below comes closest to how you feel about your family's income? Section G: You and your family

G14. Which of the description below comes closest to how you feel about your family's income? (Please tick only one box)

Vrednost 65932 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 Living comfortably on present income. 3555
2 Coping on present income. 4060
3 Finding it difficult on present income. 1318
4 Finding it very difficult on present income. 452
-99 don`t know 433
-88 not answered 234
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9385 667

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 4

G15_1 Income sources: Parents (pocket money) Section G: You and your family

G15. What are your own income sources? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Parents (pocket money)

Vrednost 66031 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 3280
1 Quoted 6640
-88 not answered 132
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9920 132

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

G15_2 Income sources: A sholarship Section G: You and your family

G15. What are your own income sources? (Please tick all boxes that apply) A sholarship

Vrednost 66130 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 6327
1 Quoted 3593
-88 not answered 132
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9920 132

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

G15_3 Income sources: Own work (not related to programme) Section G: You and your family

G15. What are your own income sources? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Own work (not related to programme)

Vrednost 66229 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 7242
1 Quoted 2677
-88 not answered 133
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9919 133

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

G15_4 Income sources: Own work (related to programme) Section G: You and your family

G15. What are your own income sources? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Own work (related to programme)

Vrednost 66328 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 7740
1 Quoted 2179
-88 not answered 133
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9919 133

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

G15_5 Income sources: Financial support from state Section G: You and your family

G15. What are your own income sources? (Please tick all boxes that apply) Financial support from state

Vrednost 66427 Frekvenca
0 Not quoted 9015
1 Quoted 904
-88 not answered 133
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9919 133

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0 do 1

G16 Comments Section G: You and your family

G16. Comments If you would like to leave a comment or tell us something about your programme that wasn't asked in the questionnaire you can write your remarks in the box below.

Vrednost 66526 Frekvenca
- ziemlich intime frage - undeutliche frage und antwortenstellungen 1
-88 9509
....in Ordnung!! 1
7 1
Abschnitt G/Z war komplett ausgefüllt, aber durchgestrichen! 1
Also, ich bin der KING hier ne :D 1
Antwortmöglichkeiten verbebssern 1
Be komentar?, a?i? u? dëmesá. 1
Be komentaru 2
Be komentaru... 1
Beende in 1.5 Jahren meine Berufsmatura, fange im Herbst als Texterin in einer Werbeagentur an, möchte auf der FH studieren 1
Bei den Fahrzeugen im Haushalt k?¶nnten auch Motorr?¤der ber??cksichtigt werden? 1
Berufsschulen n?¤her am Wohnort bzw an der Ausbildungsfirma 1
Bitte keine Frauen diskriminieren wie bei der Frage, bei der es um Mann und frau ging! 1
Bitte nächstes Mal nicht so lang! 1
Bla bla bla abla abala lbalnoubfubwfbcuiewfb9ibiugbuibuewfzbiubbjbubiupb HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYY =) 1
Ch??psche Fragebogen :-* 1
Cia yra technikumas,ko noret:) 1
Da ich in einer "Bedarfsgemeinschaft" lebe, obwohl mein Bruder studiert (gerade seinen Master macht) und ich Azubi bin! Jedoch meine Mutter staatlich geprüfte Schauspielerin ist, aber nicht immer ein festes Einkommen bekommt! hab ich im Monat 90€ und das 1
Dafür, dass das anonym ist, werden sehr genaue/persönliche Fragen gestellt. 1
Danke f??r die halbe Stunde keine Schule! 1
Danke f??r diese sch?¶ne Unterrichtsstunde! 1
Danke, Betriebswirtschaft musste dran glauben ;) Der Fragebogen ist etwas zu lang. LG 1
Danke, dass wir Freistunden bekommen haben 1
Das Verhalten der Professoren im Unterricht, ihre soziale Kompetenz etc. sollte auch in den Unterricht bzw. in ihre Ausbildung miteinflie??en. M?¤nner werden in manchen F?¤chern (z.B. Geschichte) bevorzugt. -> Vorurteile Es sollte F?¶rderungen f??r Sch 1
Daug klausimu :) 1
Der Fragebogen ist etwas zu lang 1
Der Fragebogen ist etwas zu lang und auch teilweise unverst?¤ndlich. 1
Der Fragebogen ist sehr persönlich, manche Fragen sind zu intim. Der Verdienst, den Azubis für die Arbeit bekommen ist eindeutig zu wenig. Andere Berufe erhalten mehr, obwohl sie weniger leisten. 1
Der Fragebogen ist viel zu lange und unverständlich formuliert 1
Der Fragebogen raubt viel zu viel Zeit. 1
Der Fragebogen war derbe! 1
Der Fragebogen war nicht so gut f??r 2 j?¤hrige Berufsfachschule. 1
Der Fragebogen war viel zu lange!!!!! 1
Der Fragebogen war zu lange und schlecht formuliert (Bsp: E2d. welche Sprache...) 1
Der Test ist zu lange und zu unverständlich! 1
Der fragebogen ist viel zu lang und derbe schei??e 1
Des is foi unedi 1
Didesnes stipendijos 1
Didinti stipendijas bei didesniu pamoku kiekç 1
Die Bearbeitung des Fragebogens hat viel zu lange gedauert. Au??erdem war es eine Frechheit einige Fragen zu stellen!!! 1
Die Best?¤tigung der Erziehungsberechtigten f??r diesen Test einzuholen habe ich f??r ??bertrieben gehalten da der Test sowieso anonym abgegeben wird. Ich denke das die Jobchancen nicht vom Geschlecht sondern von der individuellen F?¤higkeit abh?¤ngen 1
Die Fragen besser auf die Schulen anpassen. 1
Die Fragen sind nicht sinnvoll geordnet und verweisen oft auf schon einmal gestellte Fragen (z.B. 'Haben Sie einen Internetanschluss?' und 'Haben sie einen DSL Anschluss?'). Au??erdem sind Fragen oft so formuliert, dass der Verdacht entsteht, dass die Fr 1
Die Fragen, die ich zur Hälfte ausgetrichen habe. haben nur teilweise gepasst. Was nicht zutreffend war, habe ich weggestrichen. 1
Die Lehrer sind ??berfordert, p?¤dagogisch sehr schlecht ausgebildet und haben sehr oft keine Geduld. Aber daf??r Wissen. Der Unterricht ist langweilig, uninteressant und es wird uns st?¤ndig klargemacht, wie schlecht der gegenw?¤rtige Arbeitsmarkt i 1
Die Lehrlingsentschädigung ist viel zu gering! 1
Die Umfrage hat mir gefallen, da sie sehr strukturiert und detailliert war! :) Gute Arbeit :)) lg 1
Die Umfrage war sehr gut 1
Die Ungerechtigkeit mancher Lehrer macht mich immer wieder w??tend. 1
Die umfrage ist sehr schwach berufsbezogen. Vill zu lang war di umfrage aaber sonst O.K. P.S.: Sorry f??r meine Rechtschribung 1
Dieser Fragebogen ist der größte Schwachsinn. 1
Dieser Fragebogen ist sehr unverständlich. Manche Fragen sind unnötig und was mich noch stört sind die Mittel-Kästchen. 1
Dieser Fragebogen ist viel zu lang und verlangt zu viele private Informationen. 1
Dieser Fragebogen ist zu lang 1
Eigentlich habe ich hier nichts hinzuzuf??gen. 1
Eigentlich wollte ich und will immer noch Berufssoldat werden. Durch einen Krankheitsfall bei der Aufnahmepr??fung konnte ich die Tests nicht bestehen. Wenn ich die ausbildung beendet habe, werde ich mich voll und ganz darauf konzentrieren soldat zu we 1
Eindeutig zu lange, sonst in ordnung 1
Eine sehr gute Umfrage. =) 1
Einige Fragen waren zu privat!! 1
Einige individuelle Antworten fehlen, aber man kann eben nicht alle Gedankenwege auflisten. Der Gro??teil der Kapitalistisch-Denkenden sollte darin jedoch alles finden... 1
Eltern sind geschieden, 1
Eltern verstorben. Eigener Haushalt. 1
Elternfragen und Geschwisterfragen geh?¶ren defenitiv nicht in diese Umfrage... Mfg 1
Er war auf jeden fall zu lang... 1
Es gab nie ein Bundesheer oder Berufsheer zum ausw?¤hlen 1
Es gibt gelegentlich unn?¶tige Fragen :) 1
Es ist ein relativ geordmeter Fragebogen jedoch denke ich aus meiner meinung heraus das sie mehr auf die sp?¤tere berufdswahjl eingehen wollten . mfg..... 1
Es muss im Friseurberuf ein Mindestlohn eingeführt werden. 1
Es w?¤re gut eine Auswahl f??r Personen einzurichten deren Eltern geschieden sind. 1
Es war sehr interessant so einen Fragebogen ausgefüllt zu haben. 1
Es waren viel zu viele Fragen! 1
Es wird zu viel ??ber das private Leben gefragt, was ich pers?¶nlich total schei??e finde, weil das kein arsch was angeht...totaler abschaum sowas...ihr wollt uns doch nur ausspionieren, ihr drecksschweine!!!!! 1
Everything went better than expected!!! http://soshable.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Everything_went_better_than_expected.png 1
F??r was ist das bitte gut!? 1
Fragebogen ist zu lang 1
Fragebogen war okay, aber zuviele Fragen auf einer Seite 1
Fragebogen zu lang! 1
Fragebogen zu lang!!! 1
Fragebogen zu lang!!!! 1
Fragebogen: zu sehr in Privatsphäre 1
Fragen sind sehr verwirrend formuliert. 1
Frageogen war anstrengend zum Ausfüllen, zu lang 1
Frogts mi ned 1
Gal?jo Buti Tarp daugiau Klausim? savo apra?ym±, Nes Kaikur nesutapo ir nor?josi savo para?yt. 1
Gal?tu ir ma?iau b?ti klausym?. 1
Galetu but daug idomiau ir nereiketu moketi pinig? uz maisto produktus i? kuriu mes mokom?s. 1
Galetu buti didesnis demesys sportui,pamokos galetu buti ivairesnes. 1
Gana çdomi anketa 1
Gera 1
Gera programa 1
Geri klausimai. Bet biski nesamuone 1
HTL- wenig Bezug zum unterrichteten Stoff; Lehrer gehen selten auf Sch??ler ein, bzw benoten unfair etc; Lehrer k?¶nnen den Sch??lern Stoff benahe nicht vermitteln => Sch??ler m??ssen sich Stoff nahezu selbst beibringen; Kompetenzen der Lehrer sollten o 1
Habe keine 1
Hallo Baby 1
Hasche gelernt alter? Was labersch du? 1
Have a nice day..:) 1
Heterosexuell 1
Hi! 1
Hoffe es bringt ihnen was 1
I want to go to University - Nursery 1
Ich Liebe meinen Beruf. Bezahle meine weiterbildungs seminare selber. Und arbeite hart! f??r das bekomme ich 345€ in die hand . Friseure werden als dumm abgestempelt und das st?¶rt, den es ist anstrengend und man braucht kraft f??r das, dass man nichts 1
Ich arbeite neben der Schule teilweise bei einem Heurigen von ca. 16.00 Uhr bis 23.00 Uhr deswegen komme ich auf 45 Stunden Arbeit pro Woche. 1
Ich bin der Meinung, dass gewisse Fragen zu persönlcih sind. Da dies anonym ist, finde ich sollte man auch keine Auskünfte über die Staatsbürgerschaft angeben, usw. Man sollte unsere Bürger nich so mir nichts, dir nichts beurteilen! 1
Ich bin nicht ostmombasisch sondern nur deutsch ;) 1
Ich borge mir B??cher aus der Bibliothek aus da es Kosteng??nstiger ist 1
Ich es ist unverschämt, dass Sie der Meinung sind solche persönlichen Fragen zu stellen und Menschen auch noch danach zu berurteilen 1
Ich finde die Frage nach der Staatsb??rgerschaft bzw. Geburtsland usw. nicht relavant. Die Unterscheidung zwischen ´'Deutsch' und 'Nicht-deutsch' grenz an bewusster Ausgrenzung. Genauso das Erfragen des Geschlechtes ist unwichtig, denn nur mit solchen A 1
Ich finde die berufsbildenden Schulen wichtig. Ich finde jedoch dass die F?¤che speziell im allgemeinbildenden Bereich nicht besonders gut besetzt sind und zum Teil fehlen den Praxis Lehrern jegliche p?¤dagogische Kompetenz. Es gibt nat??rlich auch sehr 1
Ich finde man ist nach der Hauptschule bzw. Unterstufe Gymnasium zu jung um sich für einen Berufsweg zu entscheiden! (HAK, HLW) Ich kann/will in der Schule keine PowerPoint-Präsentationen sehen! Es werden zu viel Computer im Unterricht verwendet 1
Ich gebe keine Ausk??nfte ??ber die Finanzielle Lebenssituation oder den akteullen Berufsstand meiner Familie ! 1
Ich gebe keine Privaten angaben weiter! Und meine Daten d??rfen nicht zum auswerten genutzt werden! Wird dies trotzdem genutzt oder gelesen werde ich Rechlichte schirtte einleiten! Ich habe nur an der Umfrage teil genommen da unsere Lehrer die Klasse 1
Ich habe kein Internet weil ich am Ende der Welt lebe. Normalerweise w?¤re ich den ganzen Tag online. F??r die private Nutzung aber auch f??r die Schule. 1
Ich habe mein Bestes gegeben 1
Ich halte die Lehre für unnötig und bereue es sehr die höhere berufsbildende Schule abgebrochen zu haben 1
Ich hätte eigentlich gerne eine andere Ausbildung gemacht, aber es war mir wichtig, nach der Schule gleich einen Beruf zu erlernen, um nicht meinen Eltern auf der Tasche zu liegen und mir langsam eine Zukunft aufbauen zu können. Ein Gesellenbrief ist heu 1
Ich komme aus Sachsen und bin mit 15 300 Kilometer von meinem Heimatort weggezogen. Ich habe die Fragen zum Haushalt, Telefonanschluss... etc. auf meine Wohngemeinschaft bezogen. 1
Ich konnte nicht alles ausf??llen, da ich nicht in einer Berufsausbildung bin, sondern den Realschulabschluss nachhole! 1
Ich lebe in einem Haushalt mit 4 Personen, w?¤rend der Schulzeit bin ich in einem Sch??lerinternat mit ca 200 Sch??lern und ab n?¤chstem Jahr in einer Wohngemeinschaft mit 3 Personen. 1
Ich lerne nicht für gute Noten, da ich sowieso kein Geld bekomme. Ich arbeite jedes Wochenende inoffiziell. Ich bin computersüchtig. 1
Ich verdiene viel zu wenig !! 1
Ich w??rde die Befragung nach der jeweiligen Ausbildung oder dem momentanen Schulbesuch aufteilen. Sprich, wenn man noch zur Schule geht, dass man dann nicht nach der Ausbildung gefragt wird. 1
In der Beruffschule werden viele Dinge behandelt die im Ausbildungsbetrieb nicht weiterhelfen. 1
In der Berufsschule lernt man rein gar nichts über den Beruf! 1
In meinem Wohngebiet gibt es kein Internet. H?¤tte ich Internet w?¤re ich sehr aktiv. Meine Eltern bekommen schon Rente, ich kann mich nicht daran erinnern dass sie je gearbeitet haben. Dadurch habe ich eigentlich keine Lust selbst zu arbeiten. 1
Interessanter Fragebogen! 1
Ist ganz gut eine Umfrage zu machen. 1
Ist mir zu perönlich 1
Joki? pastab? neturiu. 1
Jokiu pastabu nera 1
Jus jau u?knisot su savo klausimais. Kiek galima klausin?ti to paties per t± patç. Suderinkite savo test±. 1
Kai kurie mokytojai , beveik nemoko per pamokas. Duoda savaranki?kai dirbti. 1
Kai kurie nesamoningi klausimai 1
Kaimo turizmo program± sie?iau ir su kitomis turizmo formomis (vie?bu?iai, kempingai ir kita) 1
Kein Kommentar 1
Kein Kontakt zum Vater seit 17 Jahren 1
Keine 1
Keyboard not found. 1
Klausimynas gana çdomus 1
Komische fragen... 1
Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang 1
Labai daug klausimu 1
Labai gera programa 1
Labai gera programa, viskas yra puikiai i?ai?kinama bei pateikiama. 1
Labai gerai, tik gal?jo b?ti trumpesnis. 1
Labai ilgas testas 1
Labai patiko 1
Leben ist scheiße! 1
Lehrer sollten nicht zu teure Materialien verwenden, die sich nicht jeder leisten kann 1
Lehrlingswettbewerb ist sinnlos, bringt der Firma 3000€ pro Lehrling und wir sehen nicht davon. Qualifiziertere Lehrer 1
Man labai patinka 1
Man labaj patiko. Jus axujeni. Xuj vam v rot 1
Man patinka is programa 1
Man patinka mano profesija 1
Manau , kad ?ie klausimai yra visai çdom?s, bet gal?jote lyties paklausti prad?ioja testo. Ir galejo b?ti daugiau klausim?. 1
Manau, kad klausimai per daug asmeniski. 1
Manche Fragen sind schwer zu verstehen bzw. unn?¶tig, z.B. wieviel B??cher man im Haushalt hat!! 1
Mano manimu tai nieko nepades...Nes tiesiog zmone snera ant tiek pasiryze atsakinet i situos klausymus tieseiai sweisiai ... Tad sekmes jum su rezultatais bet 80 % wisus atsakymu but klaidinga.. Tad manau jus negausit to ko norejot ;) 1
Mano manymu viskas yra gerai svarbiausias dalykas ka mama?iau tai tikslas , kad norit pamatyti koks vaiku i?silavinimas ir ka jie nori daryti tolesniam gyvenime ir kuo jie siekia.Ate :D 1
Mano mokykla kurioje mokausi man labai patinka,joje jauku ir gera. Ir turiu pacia geriausia aukletoja. 1
Manyciau jums reiktu placiai plest mokymosi, bei profesines prorgamas, nes specialybes kurios yra, niekam tikusios, mokyniai eina, vien del to , kad pabaigt vidurine. 1
Matematikos mokytoja reke ant musu ir raso blogus pazimius. 1
Mehr Gehalt für Lehrlinge und Gesellen. 1
Mehr höhere Löhne! 1
Mein Ausbildungsbetrieb bringt mir nicht alles bei, was ich für den Beruf brauche 1
Mein Betrieb ist scheiße 1
Mein Vater ist vor vier Jahren gestorben, daher keine Angaben! 1
Mein Vater und Mutter sind getrennt 1
Meine Ausbildung förder mich. Ich kann auch anders zu meinem Traumberuf gelangen 1
Meiner Meinung gibt es einige unkompetente Lehrer. Nur die guten Schüler zählen. Ich finde, es gibt keine schlechten Schüler, sondern nur Lehrer, die an der Ausbildung kein Interesse haben. 1
Meiner Meinung nach, liegt die meiste Schuld an den Lehrern, denn die meisten machen nur Druck und vergessen das die Sch??ler keinen Spa?? mehr am lernen haben. Au??erdem bei manchen Lehrern lernt man garnichts und bei Schularbeiten wollen sie dann sovie 1
Mindestlohn für Friseuren 1
Mit meiner Ausbildung bin ich voll und ganzn zufrieden. 1
Mokymo programa nebloga, del klausimyno komentaru neturiu... 1
Mokymo programa nedaug moko. Pvz. praktikos labai ma?ai o teorijos daug is teorijos nieko beveik nei?moksti 1
Mokymo programoje maza praktinio darbo neuztenka darbo vietu mokiniams 1
Mokymosi programa gal ir gera, ta?iau jos atsiskaitymas yra nes±moningas, u? vien± darb± gauni kiekvien± savait? po dvejet±, jeigu jo neatsiskaitai, didesn?s nes±mon?s b?ti gal negali 1
Mokymosi programa yra gera, bet biologijos mokytja tj nekokia... 1
Mokymosi programa yra labai gera. 1
Mokytojos nesupranta mokini? 1
Molymosi programa yra gera. 1
Muttersprache: Türkisch; Lehrer sollten nicht mit Materialien arbeiten, die sich nicht alle Schüler leisten können und die sie nie brauchen werden 1
My school is full of immigrants 1
N?ra Rus? kalbos pasirinkimo, nors jos daug kas mok?si ir moka. 1
N?– 1
NE 3
Na anketos klausimynas tikrai labai sudomina skaitytoja. Tikrai sutik?iau su visais kas taip mano. Na ko gero jai taip visuomet bus pateikiama mokiniams tai many?iau jog ir mokyklose ir mokymo programose reputacija pasimatys i?karto nuo mokini? susidaran 1
Ne. 1
Neidom?s klausimai... 1
Nein! 1
Nein:-) 1
Nereikalinga daug klausimu 1
Nesamone kazkokia.... 1
Neturi? joki? nusiskundim?. 1
Neturiu 2
Nicht schlecht 1
Nichts 1
No good relationships between pupils and teachers. This program is waste of time 1
Nor??iau kad nebut? taip sugrie?tintas pamok? lankomumas 1
Nor??iau, jog mokymosi programoje b?t? daugiau bendrojo lavinimo pamok?. 1
Noriu,kad daugiau butu skiriama laiko sportui 1
Nuostabi programa nesigailiu ja pasirink?s 1
Nö war eh schonzu viel! 1
Padidinti stipendijas. bei profesiniu pamoku kieki. 1
Pakelkit stipendijas 1
Paprastas komentaras butu toksai. Kita karta kuriant apklausas padarykite bent muzikelia netaip tas laikas prailgsta :D 1
Pastab? neturiu 1
Patiko. Pakankamai ai?kus klausimai. 1
Per daug klausimu 1
Per daug reikalaujanti programa 1
Per ilga anketa.per daug klausim? 1
Per ilgas testas, nesamoningi klausimai, nuobodu toki testa daryti, per daug skaityti 1
Per plat?s klausimai, reiktu labiau apibendrintai klausti. Per didelis atsakymu pasirinkimas, arba kartais per menkas. 1
Perdaug skaiciavimo 1
Praktia sind super um sich einen tiefern Einblick in das Berufsbild zu machen. Ich w??rde es jedem weiter empfehlen! Aber was noch wichtig ist, man sollte sich vor seiner Ausbildung ??ber das Betriebsklima (unter Kollegen) informieren.. (wenn es i-wie m? 1
Praktiniai dalykai yra mokami labai gerai, bendrieji dalykai puikiai, si programa pilnai paruosia profesiniam darbui pabaigus programa 1
Programa atitinka mano norus 1
Questions ?11, ?12, ?14 should not exist in the questionnaire 1
Reiketu mazesneanketa padaryti 1
Schulausbildung ist sehr wichtig für das spätere Leben. Jeder der sie Chance dazu hat, sollte sie auch nutzen 1
Sie k?¶nnten beachten das es uch Vollzeitschuleuntericht gibt der als Ausbildung angesehen wird. 1
Specialyb?s mokytojai gal?tu b?ti, b?tent t± darba atliekantis ?mon?s, o ne atliekantis j? begales, ir mokantis dirbti su jaunimu. 1
Students should have higher level 1
Teilweise sehr private Fragen, die man nicht immer gerne beantwortet und die Fremde auch nichts angehen!! 1
Testas per ilgas 1
Teste yra perdaug klausimu atsibodo ç juos atsakyn?ti................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1
Theoretische Arbeiten in der Schule werden in meinem Betrieb garnicht praktisch vertieft. In meinem Betrieb arbeite ich sozusagen schon als Arbeiter und werde nur in die betriebsspezifischen Produnkte eingelernt. 1
Trumpesne anketa labiau domintu. 1
Unn?¶tig!!! 1
Unsere Schule ist unhygienisch (Geb?¤ude sowie Sanit?¤re Anlagen). Viele Lehrer hetzten durch den Unterrichtsstoff ohne auf Fragen einzugehen, weil sie den Stoff schaffen m??ssen. 1
Unsere hat Schule hat doofe Lehrer ist unhygenisch und einfach nur dumm.!!!!! 1
Verstehe den Sinn des Fragebogens nicht! 1
Viecha san grauslich und Blumen haum kane Augen 1
Viel zu pers?¶nlich. Es geht sie nichts an! 1
Viel zu viel zum lesen 1
Viele Fragen, die sich überdecken 1
Visai nieko 1
Visishka nesamone 1
Viskas buvo labai gerai, kalusimai buvo gan ir çdomus. Lyties ir kitus asmeninius klausimus apie ?eim± gal?jote paklausiti i?prad?i? daug patogiau b?t? buve. Dar gal?jote paklausti paie tai kaip gyvenimas sekasis mokykloje, ar mokykloje yra tinkomos s±ly 1
Viskas gerai 2
Viskas gerai. 1
Viskas puiku 1
Viskas puiku :))))))) 1
Viskas yra normaliai.. 1
Von meiner Schule wird bis zum Eintritt in die 5. Schulstufe ein 8 w?¶chiges fachspezifisches Praktikum gefordert (Best?¤tigung der Firma ben?¶tigt). 1
War gut ;D 1
Warum ist der Besitz einer Videokamera wichtig? 1
Warum will eine Umfrage ??ber Schulbildung wissen, wieviel Fernseher/Handys/Telefone ich zuhause habe? Das geht sie nichts an. 1
Was geht euch mein Haushalt an ??????????????????????????????????????? 1
We do not have books and teachers do not help pupils 1
We need Books! 1
We need better PCs 1
We need new computers, funding for the school and a more beautiful world 1
Wenn man keine Lehre macht, sollen die Lehr-bezogenen Fragen ??bersprungen werden. 1
Wenn man keine Lehre macht, sollte man die Fragen irgendwie ??berspringen k?¶nnen ohne dauernd klicken zu m??ssen. 1
Whats up 1
Wieso wiederholen sich manche Fragen? Greift das in die Privatsphäre ein? 1
Wir verdienen viel, bekommen aber zu wenig! 1
Zu Lang aber nicht schlecht 1
Zu lange 1
Zu viele Fragen 3
Zum ersten ist mein Vater vor meiner Geburt verstorben, daher war ich nicht in der Lage Fragen ??ber seine derzeitigen T?¤tigkeiten ad?¤quat zu beantworten. Letztlich w?¤re noch ??ber die oft zu vielseitig-interpretierbaren Fragestellung zu informieren. 1
Zuviel Fragen Sch??ler werden schnell demotiviert 1
Zuviele Fragen und komische Fragen 1
a lot of classes in short time 1
aciu uz demesi 1
ad A4+A5 bin zufällig hier gelandet - Schulwechsel im 1.Semester 1
as ju nesakysiu 1
be komentaru 1
bla bla 1
bla bla bla Ihr fotzen 1
blablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablabl 1
boring questionnaire with useless questions 1
butu neblogai kad nebutu langu vyduri pamoku eigus geriau padarytu paskutines pamokas langais ir panasiai. Ir , kad padidintumet stipendijas ne mazokos! 1
danke f??r die freie stunde 1
das is der gr?¶??te hurrensohn fragenbogen der welt ihr lappen ich habe keine ausbildung du eierkopf 1
das sind scheiß Fragen! 1
das war fad 1
daug klausimu ir galetu buti nepasikartojantys 1
daug nesamoningu klausimu 1
deine mudda xD 1
der fragebogen dauert zu lange und die letzten 10-15 fragen sind etwas privat 1
die frage deutlicher schreiben 1
eine bitte die auszubildenden vor mobbing usw zu sch??tzen oder anlaufquellen schaffen 1
es ging 1
es wird sich zu sehr in die privatsph?¤re iengemischt!!!! 1
f??r was is des ganze da? 1
forschung ist auch ein wichtiges fachgebiet (frage ist weiter am anfang) 1
gaggu maihviosd 1
galetu b?ti daugiau profesinio mokymo. 1
galetu but tikslesnis klausimai 1
galetu buti jaunesniu mokytoju jie idomiau desto pamokas 1
galetu buti maziau klausimu ir biski samoningesni.... 1
gar keine !!!! 1
geht leicht in die Privatsph?¤re!! 1
genug Fragen! 1
gera 2
gera mokymo pograma 1
gera programa 1
gerai 1
gerai viskas puiku 1
geras testas. 1
geri 1
good 1
gryna nesamone mazinkit klausimus..!!!!! 1
gut 1
habe keine exakte Vorstellung des Berufes, welchen ich mit 30 ausf??hren werde. k?¶nnte neben Grafik-Designer genauso Art Director, CGI-Artist, 3D Animateur usw sein. 1
habt ihr ??berhaupt gel?¤?¤?¤?¤?¤?¤rnt! was du laaaaaabersch! 1
huj 1
ich hatte schon ein Austauschjahr (6 Monate) in den USA absolviert 1
ich spreche zuhause polnisch 1
ich werde mir einen Computer und ein Auto noch kaufen. 1
idomi anketa.... 1
idomi apklausa. 1
ilgas 1
in zukunft auf so etwas verzichten 1
istmireigentlich egal 1
j.-k- 1
ja 1
jega myliu savo profesija ir profke 1
jei is klases ismestumet 'galiorkos' chebra, butu visai ramu mokintis dabar mokytoja pratildo galiorka puse pamokos, o likusia puse jau nebera noro, nes issiblaskai 1
k??rzerer Fragebogen, weniger pers?¶nliche Informationen! 1
ka jus? 1
ka. 1
kaikurie mokytojei esa perdaug griezti 1
kein Kommentar 3
keine Mitteilungen 1
kokiu tikslu si anketa buvo daroma? 1
kolkas neblogai :) 1
komentaru neturiu 1
kompliziert. Mit 25 min kommt man nicht aus 1
kp 1
krw jus pidarai per jus prapisau l2, piskit su savo nesamoningais klausimai, lodariai jus, daugiau nekurkit , pagarbiai jusu petriukas :D 1
l 1
laba diena, gero vakaro 1
labai faina 1
labai gera mokykla:D 1
labai gera mokymo programa 1
labai gera mokymosi programa 2
labai gerai 1
labai idomu 1
labai puiki programa 1
labai çdomu yra mokytis ?ioje mokykloje.:D 1
labas a? krabas 1
lange Fragen, schwere Fragen, unn?¶tige Fragen 1
lehrausbildung bei bfi (??berbetriebliche lehrausbildung.) Bezahlung flop ausbildung top. ich arbeite 40 stunden pro woche in einer lehrwerksdt?¤tte bin aber ??ber das bfi angestellt und habe keinen kolektiv- sondern nur einen ausbildungsvertrag der dem 1
leiwand euda 1
litt jahrelang an schweren depressionen, gest?¶rtes Familienverh?¤ltnis 1
lutscht eier 1
man labai patiko 1
man labai patinka mokintis mano mokykloja 1
man mano profesija nepatinka, ir negirdejau tokios profesijos kuri man patiktu 1
man patinka cia mokytis 1
manche fragen sollten besser auf die antworten abgestimmt werden.... 1
mano mokykloje kaikurios mokytojos isreiskia savo nuomone ant visos klases kai kaikuriems mokiniams yra nesmagu kad visi kiti suzino.. 1
mehr fragen dann haben wir weniger unterricht dankesch?¶n einen sch?¶nen tag noch 1
mein netto einkommen, geht Sie nichts an. 1
meine Mutter lebt vom Arbeitsamt und mein Vater Lebt nicht mehr 1
mhm... Cia kiba papirkta? :D 1
mk visai programa sita 1
mokimosi programa man patinka 1
mokimosi programa patinkla 1
mokymo programa patinka 1
mokymosi programa neatitinka mano nor? 1
mokymosi programa nuostabi, o apklausa per ilga 1
mokymosi programa patinka 1
my program has no future in the market 1
my program is very interesting 1
mööp 1
n??x 1
n?¶ 1
ne 7
ne komentar? neturiu. 1
ne.!!! 1
neBLOGAS testaS 1
nein 1
nein ich habe kaum noch was zu vermerken, ihre fragen waren klar und unmissverst?¤ndlich 1
nenoriu 2
ner tokiu 1
nera 2
nera pastabu 1
nesamone 1
nesukisti daug pamoku i viena diena nes paskutinese jau niekas netelpa i galva. 1
nesuprantu kam to reikia ir kodel kitiems rupi musu asmeninis gyvenimas 1
netuRiu 1
neturiu 5
neturiu ka pasakiti 1
neturiu ka pasakyt 1
neturiu komentaru 1
neturiu k± pridurti ... 1
neturiu nei pasi?lym? ir komentar? 1
neturiu nieko daugiau pasakyti 1
neturiu viskas gerai 1
neturiu....man viskas sekasi,esu gabi tik trumpu nervu ir man tai trukdo mokytis. 1
nichts 1
nieko 2
nieko neturiu jokiu klausimu 1
nix 1
nk gero 1
nm.lkm; 1
no comment 1
noriu buti ginekologas arba porno zvaigzde kad dirbciau ir gauciau dideli pasitenkinima savo pimpaliukui 1
noriu turet kompiuteri ir mikisuas geriau 1
norml tiek kl 1
norëtusi , kad b?t? stipresni pagrindini? dalyk? mokytojai ir kad mokyt? A lygiais 1
nunja. da haben sie meine daten :p hoffentlich haten sie spa?? beim lesen :p .... ps: ich werde am 1.9.2011 meine ausbildung beginen, und nich im bogen dabei bin =) also ciao 1
nusibodo atsakineti per dauk klausimu 1
o man patinka mano profesija ir net labai 1
oh mein gott ihr habt kenny get?¶det...ihr schweine!!! 1
ohne Worte 1
pakelkite stipendijas ;D 1
patinka 1
per ilga si anketa 1
perdaug privaret jus cea 1
puiki programa 1
reiketu pakeisti seima ir ismesti kubiliu 1
sch?¶nes formular nur nicht standertgem?¤?? sicher l?¤sst sich zwar auf https umstellen aber einige daten werden immernoch unverschl??sselt ??bertragen. au??erdem stellt es au??er mir wohl keiner auf https um. das ist nicht sehr toll! kont.: treaki@gmail 1
schei?? Test 1
scheisse wie jeder fragebogen den ich beantworte 1
si anketa nuobodi per daug neaiskiu sakiniu(zodziu) kuriuos sunku suprasti 1
si programa man patinka 1
sinnvoll? 1
sis testas buvo visikai nesamoningas :) 1
some questions were repeated 1
sprite 1
sukti klausymai. 1
super ist des! 1
supi fragebogen 1
supiii 1
taip turiu... 1
teip as noru 1
the program has no the proper structures and the school faces many problems 1
the questionnaire was tiring 1
the questionnaire was tiring and huge 1
the questionnaire was very big 1
the questionnaires have no questions for laboratories 1
the situation is a tragedy 1
too many quesions 1
top 1
truksta praktinio mokymo pasirinkta profesija 1
tschau 1
unn?¶tig 1
unnötig 1
unnötig! 1
uzkniso tie klausimai akis skauda:D 1
uzkniso, nes labai ilgas testas ....trumpinkit gal ? 1
vISKAS ATvarkoje tik pakeiskite Mums Aukletoja 1
very good program 1
viel Zeit zum ausfüllen 1
viel lzu viele Fragen 1
viel zu lang 1
viel zu lang! 1
viel zu lang!!!! 1
viel zu lang!!!!!!!!!!! 1
viel zu lang.... 1
viel zu lange 1
viele unnötige Fragen 1
visai nieko 1
visai pochui 1
visaj geri klausimaj 1
viskas bus gerai 1
viskas gerai 3
viskas gerai. 1
viskas labai gerai 1
viskas man tinka 1
viskas tvarkoi 1
w??rde in zukunft gerne genauer wissn warum sie mir solche fragen stellen :) 1
war OK 1
war eigentlich recht in ordnung. vielleicht etwas zu 1
war gut aber zu privat 1
war sehr cool 1
warum ich ???? ihr habt sie doch nicht mehr alle !!!!!! 1
we have some bad teachers 1
we have to change our educational system. We need books 1
woa unedig 1
you have to ask us about our life in Greece the last 2 years 1
zu D2: Frage 1: auch Männer sollten dazu bereit sein 1
zu H8: Vater: Landwirtschaftsmeister 1
zu laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang 1
zu lang 2
zu lang!! 1
zu lang, Fragen deren Antwort ich nicht weiß 1
zu lange 1
zu lange Fragen! 1
zu lange, zu viel zum lesen. 1
zu langer Fragebogen 1
zu persönliche fragen!!! 1
zu viele Fragen 1
zu viele Fragen ! 1
zu viele Fragen und viele sind privat 1
zu viele Fragen! 1
zu viele Fragen, mühsam zu beantworten 1
zu viele Fragen, zu langer Zeitaufwand 1
zu viele fragen bischen nervig und sonst ganz okay 1
©i specialyb? gan?tinai çdomi,ta?iau daug kas priklauso nuo mokytoj?, kaip jie sugeba paai?kinti m?s? specialyb?s pliusus ir minusus. Kiek laiko mokausi ?ia tai dar n? karto negird?jau kur gal??iau stoti toliau, kad tai b?t? susij? su mano specialyb?. Ma 1
©ia programa esu labai patenkintas 1
´... 1
Ô? ???ôç?áô?ëü?é? á?ôü ?? ?Üë??? ?ë???? 1
über die Hygiene und Cafeteria in den Schulen sprechen (Ankreuzaufgaben), da die sehr widerlich sind. 1
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon

g160 Comments Section G: You and your family

G16. Comments 1 If you would like to leave a comment or tell us something about your programme that wasn't asked in the questionnaire you can write your remarks in the box below.

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

g161 Comments Section G: You and your family

G16. Comments 2 If you would like to leave a comment or tell us something about your programme that wasn't asked in the questionnaire you can write your remarks in the box below.

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

g162 Comments Section G: You and your family

G16. Comments 3 If you would like to leave a comment or tell us something about your programme that wasn't asked in the questionnaire you can write your remarks in the box below.

Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
0 0

Mode Mode of data collection

Mode of data collection

Vrednost 66922 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 0
1 web 5182
2 paper 4870
-77 not applicable 0
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10052 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 2

Region_L Regions of Lithuania

Regions of Lithuania

Vrednost 67021 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 0
1 Alytus 168
2 Kaunas 450
3 Klaipeda+Telsiai 308
4 Marijampole 76
5 Panevezys 169
6 Siauliai 176
7 Taurage 83
8 Telsiai 0
9 Utena 172
10 Vilnius 495
-77 not applicable 7955
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2097 7955

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 10

Size_Lit Size of sampled schools Lithuania

Size of sampled schools Lithuania

Vrednost 67120 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 0
1 < 599 pupils 615
2 600-799 pupils 438
3 800-1799 pupils 599
4 over 1799 pupils 445
-77 not applicable 7955
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
2097 7955

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 4

Region_A States of Austria

States of Austria

Vrednost 67219 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 0
1 Burgenland 71
2 Carinthia 20
3 Lower Austria 517
4 Upper Austria 209
5 Salzburg 12
6 Styria 205
7 Tyrol 72
8 Vorarlberg 110
9 Vienna 183
-77 not applicable 8653
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1399 8653

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 9

Regio_La Regions of Latvia

Regions of Latvia

Vrednost 67318 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 0
1 Daugavpils 181
2 Jekabpils 35
3 Jelgava 95
4 Jurmala 22
5 Kurzemes region 128
6 Latgales region 189
7 Liepaja 70
8 Rezekne 63
9 Riga 447
10 Rigas region 180
11 Valmiera 73
12 Ventspils 19
13 Vidzemes region 217
14 Zemgales region 148
-77 not applicable 8185
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1867 8185

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 14

Size_Lat Size of sampled schools Latvia

Size of sampled schools Latvia

Vrednost 67417 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 0
1 < 599 pupils 1157
2 > 600 pupils 710
-77 not applicable 8185
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1867 8185

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 2

Region_S Regions of Slovenia

Regions of Slovenia

Vrednost 67516 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 0
1 Central Slovenia 322
2 Gorenjska 121
3 Goriska regija 0
4 SE Region 62
5 Koroska 0
6 W and SW Region / Goriska regija 96
7 Podravska regija / Korosa 147
8 Pomurska regija 198
9 Savinjska and spodnjeposavska regija 16
10 Zasavska regija 31
-77 not applicable 9059
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
993 9059

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 10

Region_G Federal States of Germany

Federal States of Germany

Vrednost 67615 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 0
1 Baden-Wüttemberg 328
2 Bavaria 401
3 Berlin 34
4 Brandenburg 2
5 Bremen 13
6 Hamburg 37
7 Hessen 110
8 Mecklenburg-West Pomerania 34
9 Lower Saxony 86
10 North Rhine-Westphalia 311
11 Rhineland-Palatinate 60
12 Saarland 41
13 Saxony 116
14 Saxony-Anhalt 76
15 Schleswig-Holstein 64
16 Thuringia 53
-77 not applicable 8286
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1766 8286

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 16

Type_Ger Type of Schools Germany

Type of Schools Germany

Vrednost 67714 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 0
1 Part-time vocational schools (Berufsschule) 1020
2 Full-time vocational schools (Berufsfachschulen) 374
3 Senior technical schools (Fachoberschulen) 169
4 Vocational grammar schools / trade and technical grammar sch 203
-77 not applicable 8286
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1766 8286

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 4

Regio_Gr Regions of Greece

Regions of Greece

Vrednost 67813 Frekvenca
-88 not answered 0
1 Attika 351
2 East Macedonia & Thraki 71
3 North Aegean 4
4 Western Greece 66
5 Western Macedonia 6
6 Ipiros 7
7 Thessally 49
8 Ionion Islands 17
9 Central Macedonia 182
10 Crete 74
11 South Aegean 19
12 Peloponnesse 50
13 Central Greece 41
-77 not applicable 9115
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
937 9115

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -88 do 13

Regio_UK Regions of UK

Regions of UK

Vrednost 67912 Frekvenca
1 North East 28
2 North West 275
3 Yorkshire and Humber 117
4 East Midlands 89
5 West Midlands 255
6 East of England 6
7 South East 103
8 South West 43
9 London 75
-88 not answered 2
-77 not applicable 9059
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
991 9061

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 9

ver_st_i vertical structure - international

vertical structure - international

Vrednost 68011 Frekvenca
-77 not applicable 0
1 less demanding 4347
2 more demanding 4800
-88 not answered 905
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
9147 905

Vrednosti spremenljivk od -77 do 2

li_ver_s vertical structure Lithuania - see codebook for details

vertical structure Lithuania - see codebook for details

Vrednost 68110 Frekvenca
1 less demanding 99
2 medium demanding 1664
3 more demanding 218
-88 not answered 116
-77 not applicable 7955
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1981 8071

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

at_ver_s vertical structure Austria - see codebook for details

vertical structure Austria - see codebook for details

Vrednost 6829 Frekvenca
1 less demanding - dual 526
2 less demanding 38
3 more demanding 779
-88 not answered 56
-77 not applicable 8653
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1343 8709

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

gr_ver_s vertical structure Greece - see codebook for details

vertical structure Greece - see codebook for details

Vrednost 6838 Frekvenca
1 less demanding 399
2 more demanding 470
-88 not answered 68
-77 not applicable 9115
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
869 9183

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

la_ver_s vertical structure Latvia - see codebook for details

vertical structure Latvia - see codebook for details

Vrednost 6847 Frekvenca
1 less demanding 133
2 medium demanding 144
3 more demanding 1555
-88 not answered 35
-77 not applicable 8185
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1832 8220

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

sl_ver_s vertical structure Slovenia - see codebook for details

vertical structure Slovenia - see codebook for details

Vrednost 6856 Frekvenca
1 less demanding 224
2 more demanding 712
-88 not answered 57
-77 not applicable 9059
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
936 9116

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 2

de_ver_s vertical structure Germany - see codebook for details

vertical structure Germany - see codebook for details

Vrednost 6865 Frekvenca
1 less demanding 991
2 medium demanding 332
3 more demanding 312
-88 not answered 131
-77 not applicable 8286
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
1635 8417

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 3

uk_ver_s vertical structure UK - see codebook for details

vertical structure UK - see codebook for details

Vrednost 6874 Frekvenca
1 less demanding 242
2 medium demanding 98
3 more demanding 359
4 very demanding 63
-88 not answered 231
-77 not applicable 9059
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
762 9290

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 1 do 4

w_design Design Weight

Design Weight

Vrednost 6883 Frekvenca
0.256289842398874 18
0.425251287282201 35
0.440294117912297 25
0.590609404019176 101
0.601307378245698 9
0.605299971539906 37
0.615572975179957 5
0.631771067119877 16
0.675848171995276 148
0.699773261283462 208
0.725874896550788 4
0.738555102315347 66
0.742067360045758 79
0.743024733757457 35
0.743417690101809 92
0.759248939649424 139
0.762703985144763 73
0.769721940434689 7
0.771042138607372 22
0.77287840581176 189
0.773574391690028 35
0.790326391998707 71
0.805539943834431 21
0.816363668012614 330
0.817971965684558 42
0.818366402213237 67
0.82960836891033 167
0.847842346010514 34
0.863814216147363 34
0.8709429772584 71
0.87437174650047 16
0.87483403497507 63
0.876152475498598 34
0.877029504660474 98
0.885065160453821 74
0.885221732295408 154
0.901554583423454 131
0.902437312215967 141
0.907642974060106 322
0.910016460376995 34
0.918459405414692 66
0.929412833269612 6
0.930268954901202 182
0.930814420976888 95
0.942937574886521 100
0.959812805133063 71
0.961163773493324 63
0.961365604773066 127
0.961913431860583 52
0.962930570978267 137
0.970037687046757 205
0.980384933865532 35
0.980499245349092 10
0.982331656864166 121
0.98597746950916 183
0.987885156752074 61
0.995095485757024 209
0.99687503347549 51
0.997519137298698 517
0.997983767443454 147
0.998746730443291 76
1 993
1.00956550186199 351
1.01034284164329 50
1.01476934957489 12
1.02591537080831 31
1.02727470891238 62
1.03538506167435 72
1.0419002354784 20
1.05483584774091 63
1.07071407648924 110
1.07907455659503 39
1.08306578552762 249
1.0833309645168 43
1.08835201872343 106
1.090146591649 96
1.0915273217411 41
1.11470934090124 134
1.11946694633583 130
1.12243672105425 198
1.12849314303078 76
1.13649463543198 3
1.14470541326134 49
1.15877735745054 2
1.18291518657807 80
1.20271280234902 20
1.21284163619938 113
1.2646182207252 19
1.27592224353853 48
1.28210571435799 91
1.28345075804824 37
1.30271653297405 45
1.3274721626104 20
1.33241155436326 19
1.35783887731075 334
1.37041088330668 14
1.42218514552992 17
1.42875769759305 80
1.46898478398103 32
1.47897128256726 7
1.48456882421549 4
1.49141039539509 38
1.5528841725755 111
1.56369963637455 12
1.60003904400824 16
1.68845578247414 124
1.72393391488431 25
1.84447391752598 16
1.86093921866042 22
2.09434690519 6
2.16232117699872 11
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10052 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0.256289842398874 do 2.16232117699872

w_nonres Nonresponse Weigth

Nonresponse Weigth

Vrednost 6892 Frekvenca
0.35675274927896 48
0.363727356893498 52
0.415056595989272 200
0.483011355732855 110
0.491639162806429 9
0.511641394946795 31
0.54245208055344 517
0.548761022098079 42
0.570517150952178 16
0.577317300743822 155
0.582729299955592 40
0.614896392410644 37
0.624556846459088 6
0.66044586407913 63
0.671667854380225 75
0.680761434693712 39
0.6966676 1
0.699813508356955 124
0.708042533788178 139
0.712310187184781 92
0.725416310147585 18
0.756547338231017 14
0.763859077817533 73
0.770540784654707 6
0.772592464594137 208
0.776279016876692 130
0.786911338789268 34
0.787899025934226 67
0.796591246397855 35
0.801040870018777 34
0.80328700898272 80
0.811806253989625 41
0.81225571675197 17
0.820578989293716 76
0.821969513225637 37
0.824976234810313 48
0.838725642559638 71
0.847527442262845 35
0.852684255256991 7
0.859374449889375 141
0.868181400653791 148
0.869425283318164 154
0.872082295061443 198
0.873758178658823 74
0.878949349306602 35
0.889478052003779 322
0.891151023624834 49
0.896032560607152 100
0.905363322265896 111
0.908500111411869 95
0.910087201250858 101
0.914457849532958 134
0.915170520344311 34
0.922729337385956 21
0.927686266755658 351
0.933058166988737 51
0.934343900519705 45
0.941152178984172 189
0.943005224751999 77
0.943481461460111 121
0.952289364873806 71
0.954615579264442 127
0.967248114441128 183
0.967800552625472 249
0.986493928543665 19
0.990579805995385 22
0.990892738441497 330
0.991607104421323 61
1.00900339994145 76
1.01069290562605 83
1.01469307490478 19
1.01826006020241 52
1.01840540521778 91
1.02371294254974 17
1.02925659549792 16
1.04263408590783 167
1.0531467803517 106
1.05516170610419 205
1.05894810184585 6
1.05991453735473 96
1.06817260390347 43
1.07305876325514 25
1.08552607316767 131
1.09944464366543 182
1.11785503193466 66
1.12738657 1
1.13831566417547 20
1.13965750148869 71
1.18730725554954 3
1.20427636178989 50
1.20988406253594 334
1.21259011493607 62
1.21910982162573 137
1.28756203287541 11
1.28808674660264 66
1.31090287766386 32
1.32212480052459 34
1.37330569128255 16
1.37953867217097 16
1.38161705056785 209
1.38639784437433 20
1.41954361756441 147
1.43038169991757 12
1.43583134240825 63
1.46426824545104 98
1.46477511025212 79
1.49226709694372 80
1.50375375419563 25
1.51139638882032 25
1.52709696487964 63
1.5321576471587 22
1.60229609738057 3
1.62486318812248 86
1.70606895694501 113
1.71299474408009 10
1.72216140044362 35
1.79156031417296 38
1.81082746303182 75
1.83063762025578 72
2.12413105429346 4
2.43345863517585 18
2.46608676027323 20
2.5929253798372 25
2.84567181409448 7
3.01498675496616 5
3.48994038430296 2
3.97535593595794 4
5.4929472839392 12
17.4364400805598 6
Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10052 0

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 0.35675274927896 do 17.4364400805598

classID ClassID


Veljavni odgovori Neveljavni odgovori Minimum Maksimum Aritmetična sredina Standardni odklon
10050 2 100201 705501 380949.548 204921.036

Vrednosti spremenljivk od 100201 do 705501

Gradiva o izvedbi raziskave

  1. 7EU VET project group (2011). 7 EU VET – Study on vocational education in seven european countries [Vprašalnik].
  2. 7EU VET project group (2011). 7 EU VET – Berufsbildungssysteme in Europa - Austrian [Vprašalnik].
  3. 7EU VET project group (2011). 7 EU VET – Raziskava o poklicnem izobraževanju v sedmih evropskih državah - Slovenian - vet [Vprašalnik].
  4. 7EU VET project group (2011). 7 EU VET – Raziskava o poklicnem izobraževanju v sedmih evropskih državah - Slovenian - gimnasium [Vprašalnik].
  5. 7EU VET project group (2011). 7 EU - Berufsschüler in Europa - German [Vprašalnik].
  6. 7EU VET project group (2011). 7 EU VET – Αλαιπηηθή, κεζνδνινγηθή πξνζέγγηζε γηα ηελ θαηαλφεζε ηεο ηερληθήο – επαγγεικαηηθήο εθπαίδεπζεο ζε 7 επξσπατθέο ρψξεο - Greek [Vprašalnik].
  7. 7EU VET project group (2011). 7 EU VET – Detalizēta metodoloģiskā pieeja PIE izpratnei- pētījums par profesionālo izglītību un apmācību - Latvian [Vprašalnik].
  8. 7EU VET project group (2011). 7 EU VET – Septynių Europos šalių profesinio mokymo sistemų išsami tyrimo metodologija - Lithuanian [Vprašalnik].
  9. 7EU VET project group (2011). 7 EU VET – Detailed Methodological Approach to Understanding Vocational Education and Training Systems - UK [Vprašalnik].
  10. 7EU VET (2012). 7EU VET Coding for Master Questionnaire [pdf].
  11. 7EU VET (2012). 7EU VET Coding of answer categories [xls].
  12. 7EU VET (2012). Manual for Entering and Cleaning Data.
  13. 7EU VET (2012). Sample design.

Rezultati raziskave

  1. Dahmen, Caroline, Neuert, Cornelia in Fuchs, Marek (2012). 7EU VET Technical Report.

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4 - Polni opis raziskave in kodirna knjiga spremenljivk s polnim besedilom vprašanj.


8 - teoretsko ali praktično pomembne raziskave, zapolnjujejo raziskovalno praznino ali imajo široko uporabnost za več praktičnih problemov, imajo dolgoročno vrednost za znanost

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Dahmen, C., Brečko, B., Fuchs, M. in Vehovar, V. (2012). 7 EU VET - Raziskava o poklicnem izobraževanju v sedmih evropskih državah [Podatkovna datoteka]. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov. ADP - IDNo: EUVET12. https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_EUVET12_V1

Cobiss tip: 2.20
Datum prve podatkovne objave: 2012
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