Mnenjska raziskava o priključitvi k EU

Basic Study Information

Main author(s):
  • Tavčar, Rudi
Data file producer:
Gral-Iteo - Tržne raziskave d.o.o. (Ljubljana; 2000)

Funding agency:


Project number:

no information

Study Content


pristop k EU, odnos med EU in našo državo, glasovanje na referendumu za članstvo v EU, področja, ki so pripravljena na pristop k EU, možno leto pristopa k EU, spremembe s pristopom k EU, osebne koristi od članstva v EU, demografija

Keywords ELSST:

Topic Classification CESSDA
POLITIKA - mednarodna politika in organizacije
Topic Classification CERIF
Politične in upravne vede
Topic Classification ADP
Zanimanje za pristop k EU
glasovanje na referendumu za pristop k EU
pričakovanja o pridružitvi države v EU
pripravljenost držav na vstop v EU
osebne koristi


Raziskava ugotavlja mnenja državljanov o vstopu v EU. Je prva široko zastavljena in usklajena evropska raziskava o razpoloženju ljudi v pridruženih članicah in Turčiji (slednja z EU uresičuje carinsko unijo) do Evropske unije. Raziskovalci želijo tudi izvedeli, ali anketirance ta tematika sploh zanima, kakšen je po njihovem mnenju danes odnos med državo in EU, ali bodo državljani po mnenju javnosti pridobili ali izgubili z vstopom v Evropsko unijo.


Collection date: september 2000 - oktober 2000
Date of production: 2000
Country: Slovenija, Bolgarija, Češka, Estonija, Madžarska, Latvija, Litva, Slovaška, Turčija, Poljska, Romunija.
Geographic coverage:

Ozemlje naštetih držav.

Unit of analysis:



Osebe starejše od 18 let.

Excluded: no information
Data collected by:

Tržne raziskave d.o.o., Slovenija

BBSS Plc., Bolgaria

TN SOFRES-FACTUM, s.r.o., Češka

Emor AS, Estonija

TN SOFRES-MODUS Ltd., Madžarska

Baltic Data House Ltd., Latvija

Baltic Surveys, Lithuania

TNS FACTUM-SLOVAKIA s.r.o., Slovaška

TN SOFRES-PIAR Marketing Research CO, Turčija

TNS OBOP, Poljska

CSOP, Romunija

Sampling procedure:

Reprezentativen vzorec po državah po metodologiji tržnih raziskav.

Mode of data collection:

Osebno anketiranje na terenu z vprašalnikom na papirju. , razen v Sloveniji, kjer je bilo izvedeno telefonsko anketiranje.


Uteži so generirane in v datoteki posebej označene.

Access restrictions

Omejeno za potrebe naročnika in raziskovalne skupine. Uporaba je mogoča samo ob predhodnem dogovoru z glavnim avtorjem raziskave in predložitvi pisnega dovoljenja. Avtorske pravice pridržane. Arhiv izroča podatke uporabnikom samo za namen, ki ga posebej opredelijo, ob zagotovitvi spoštovanja profesionalnih etičnih kodeksov. Uporabnik se posebej zaveže, da bo skrbel za tajnost podatkov in opravljal analize brez poskusov identifikacije posameznika.

Pri objavah, ki bi sledile na podlagi podatkov, je potrebno polno citirati avtorja in Arhiv.

Vsak uporabnik je dolžan opozoriti na morebitne pomanjkljivosti gradiva in poslati Arhivu 2 kopiji nastalih besedil.

Uporabnik naj pred uporabo pozorno prebere spremljajočo dokumentacijo in se v primeru nejasnosti obrne na avtorje raziskave ali Arhiv.

Basic Data File Description

Title of Data file: EUACC00 - Podatki za raziskavo EU Accession Opinon Survey [datoteka podatkov], 2000

Format: *.por - prenosljiva SPSS datoteka

  • number of variables: 74
  • number of units: 12207

Variable list


Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0 1 9906 955.068 1341.915

Valid range from 1 to 9906

EU1 eu1-Are you interested in the EU accession concerning our country?

Value 22 Frequency
1 Yes, very 3087
2 Not much 5674
3 Not at all 3117
4 D.K. 329
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
11878 329

Valid range from 1 to 3

EU2 eu2-Would you say, nowadays the relationship between our country and EU is:

Value 31 Frequency
1 Very good, 560
2 Rather good 5962
3 Neither good nor bad 3063
4 Rather bad 2152
5 Very bad 470
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5


Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0 1 9906 955.068 1341.915

Valid range from 1 to 9906

EU1 eu1-Are you interested in the EU accession concerning our country?

Value 273 Frequency
1 Yes, very 3087
2 Not much 5674
3 Not at all 3117
4 D.K. 329
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
11878 329

Valid range from 1 to 3

EU2 eu2-Would you say, nowadays the relationship between our country and EU is:

Value 372 Frequency
1 Very good, 560
2 Rather good 5962
3 Neither good nor bad 3063
4 Rather bad 2152
5 Very bad 470
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU3 eu3-If you would take part in referendum on our country EU-membership, would you vote for or against?

Value 471 Frequency
1 For membership 6947
2 Against 2113
3 D.K. 3147
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
9060 3147

Valid range from 1 to 2

EU4A eu4a-Do you mean that our country is ready for the EU accession in following areas: Legislation

Value 570 Frequency
1 Definitely yes 582
2 Rather yes 2323
3 Neither yes nor no 2259
4 Rather no 4231
5 Definitely no 2812
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU4B eu4b-Do you mean that our country is ready for the EU accession in following areas: Abilities of state administration

Value 669 Frequency
1 Definitely yes 528
2 Rather yes 2406
3 Neither yes nor no 2227
4 Rather no 4010
5 Definitely no 3036
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU4C eu4c-Do you mean that our country is ready for the EU accession in following areas: Respect to the rights of national minorities

Value 768 Frequency
1 Definitely yes 1787
2 Rather yes 3596
3 Neither yes nor no 2175
4 Rather no 2674
5 Definitely no 1975
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU4D eu4d-Do you mean that our country is ready for the EU accession in following areas: Respect to the other human rights

Value 867 Frequency
1 Definitely yes 1300
2 Rather yes 3676
3 Neither yes nor no 2013
4 Rather no 3033
5 Definitely no 2185
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU4E eu4e-Do you mean that our country is ready for the EU accession in following areas: Possibilities of the citizens to participate in decision making concerning the public affairs

Value 966 Frequency
1 Definitely yes 702
2 Rather yes 2783
3 Neither yes nor no 2132
4 Rather no 3748
5 Definitely no 2842
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU4F eu4f-Do you mean that our country is ready for the EU accession in following areas: Market economy

Value 1065 Frequency
1 Definitely yes 578
2 Rather yes 2602
3 Neither yes nor no 2141
4 Rather no 3924
5 Definitely no 2962
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU4G eu4g-Do you mean that our country is ready for the EU accession in following areas: Ability of domestic producers to be competitive

Value 1164 Frequency
1 Definitely yes 728
2 Rather yes 2880
3 Neither yes nor no 2172
4 Rather no 3722
5 Definitely no 2705
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU4H eu4h-Do you mean that our country is ready for the EU accession in following areas: Agriculture policy

Value 1263 Frequency
1 Definitely yes 365
2 Rather yes 1503
3 Neither yes nor no 2048
4 Rather no 3607
5 Definitely no 4684
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU4I eu4i-Do you mean that our country is ready for the EU accession in following areas: Protection of environment

Value 1362 Frequency
1 Definitely yes 605
2 Rather yes 3017
3 Neither yes nor no 2137
4 Rather no 3579
5 Definitely no 2869
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU4J eu4j-Do you mean that our country is ready for the EU accession in following areas: Regional self-government

Value 1461 Frequency
1 Definitely yes 509
2 Rather yes 2737
3 Neither yes nor no 2857
4 Rather no 3492
5 Definitely no 2612
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU5A eu5a-People in our country can image quite well what the EU-accession will mean for them

Value 1560 Frequency
1 Definitely agree 1026
2 Rather agree 2695
3 Neither agree nor disagree 1723
4 Rather disagree 4049
5 Definitely disagree 2714
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU5B eu5b-Our EU-membership will demand a lot of changes in our legislation

Value 1659 Frequency
1 Definitely agree 4445
2 Rather agree 4352
3 Neither agree nor disagree 1895
4 Rather disagree 1093
5 Definitely disagree 422
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU5C eu5c-If we are the EU-member, somebody else will make decision about us than our government and parliament

Value 1758 Frequency
1 Definitely agree 2103
2 Rather agree 3527
3 Neither agree nor disagree 2366
4 Rather disagree 2776
5 Definitely disagree 1435
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU5D eu5d-If we are the EU-member, we will obtain another means from different EU - funds

Value 1857 Frequency
1 Definitely agree 2597
2 Rather agree 4491
3 Neither agree nor disagree 2437
4 Rather disagree 1913
5 Definitely disagree 769
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU5E eu5e-Our EU accessions would help to export products our country´s industry

Value 1956 Frequency
1 Definitely agree 2630
2 Rather agree 4343
3 Neither agree nor disagree 2261
4 Rather disagree 2087
5 Definitely disagree 886
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU5F eu5f-If we are the EU-member, people from other EU countries like French, Portuguese or German will be alowed to settle down in our country

Value 2055 Frequency
1 Definitely agree 2920
2 Rather agree 3773
3 Neither agree nor disagree 2521
4 Rather disagree 1864
5 Definitely disagree 1129
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU5G eu5g-If we are the EU-member the unemployment in our country will increase

Value 2154 Frequency
1 Definitely agree 1686
2 Rather agree 2711
3 Neither agree nor disagree 2763
4 Rather disagree 3305
5 Definitely disagree 1742
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU5H eu5h-The EU-accession will ensure stability of our currency

Value 2253 Frequency
1 Definitely agree 1771
2 Rather agree 3770
3 Neither agree nor disagree 3216
4 Rather disagree 2301
5 Definitely disagree 1149
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU5I eu5i-The EU-accession will increase prestige of our country in the world

Value 2352 Frequency
1 Definitely agree 3124
2 Rather agree 4489
3 Neither agree nor disagree 2223
4 Rather disagree 1645
5 Definitely disagree 726
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU5J eu5j-After our accessing to EU, the influence of big nations will dominate and our culture will pass away step by step

Value 2451 Frequency
1 Definitely agree 1442
2 Rather agree 2463
3 Neither agree nor disagree 2253
4 Rather disagree 3267
5 Definitely disagree 2782
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU5K eu5k-If we are EU - member it will cost us a lot of money and our standard of living will drop off

Value 2550 Frequency
1 Definitely agree 2019
2 Rather agree 3007
3 Neither agree nor disagree 2478
4 Rather disagree 2970
5 Definitely disagree 1733
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU5L eu5l-Our EU-accession would give our country more possibilities to influence on the events in the world

Value 2649 Frequency
1 Definitely agree 1765
2 Rather agree 3647
3 Neither agree nor disagree 2520
4 Rather disagree 2657
5 Definitely disagree 1618
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU6 eu6-What time will our country become EU member?

Value 2748 Frequency
1 Before 2003 614
2 2003 1104
3 2004 or 2005 3318
4 2006 up to 2010 2347
5 Later 1393
6 Never 663
7 D.K. 2768
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
9439 2768

Valid range from 1 to 6

EU7A eu7a-You personally and/or your relatives are likely to benefit or lose out if our country becomes member of the EU: Education opportunities

Value 2847 Frequency
1 Definitely benefit 3461
2 Rather benefit 4511
3 Neither benefit nor lose out 2560
4 Rather lose out 1122
5 Definitely lose out 553
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU7B eu7b-You personally and/or your relatives are likely to benefit or lose out if our country becomes member of the EU: Travelling opportunities

Value 2946 Frequency
1 Definitely benefit 4600
2 Rather benefit 4430
3 Neither benefit nor lose out 2030
4 Rather lose out 749
5 Definitely lose out 398
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU7C eu7c-You personally and/or your relatives are likely to benefit or lose out if our country becomes member of the EU: Position in the labour market

Value 3045 Frequency
1 Definitely benefit 2582
2 Rather benefit 4068
3 Neither benefit nor lose out 2649
4 Rather lose out 2102
5 Definitely lose out 806
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU7D eu7d-You personally and/or your relatives are likely to benefit or lose out if our country becomes member of the EU: Price level of consumer goods

Value 3144 Frequency
1 Definitely benefit 1848
2 Rather benefit 3235
3 Neither benefit nor lose out 2969
4 Rather lose out 2940
5 Definitely lose out 1215
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU7E eu7e-You personally and/or your relatives are likely to benefit or lose out if our country becomes member of the EU: Enviroment of your place

Value 3243 Frequency
1 Definitely benefit 2013
2 Rather benefit 3909
3 Neither benefit nor lose out 2937
4 Rather lose out 1774
5 Definitely lose out 651
Sysmiss 923
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
11284 923

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU7F eu7f-You personally and/or your relatives are likely to benefit or lose out if our country becomes member of the EU: Standard of living

Value 3342 Frequency
1 Definitely benefit 2012
2 Rather benefit 3563
3 Neither benefit nor lose out 2559
4 Rather lose out 2251
5 Definitely lose out 899
Sysmiss 923
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
11284 923

Valid range from 1 to 5

EU7G eu7g-You personally and/or your relatives are likely to benefit or lose out if our country becomes member of the EU: Feeling of pride in our country

Value 3441 Frequency
1 Definitely benefit 2585
2 Rather benefit 3484
3 Neither benefit nor lose out 2838
4 Rather lose out 1577
5 Definitely lose out 800
Sysmiss 923
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
11284 923

Valid range from 1 to 5

Q1 Q1-Age

Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0 18 99 44.411 17.137

Valid range from 18 to 99

Q2_BG Q2-Education Bulgaria

Value 3639 Frequency
1 Basic unskilled 143
2 Basic skilled 313
3 Secondary without le 146
4 Secondary with le 319
5 University 169
Sysmiss 11117
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1090 11117

Valid range from 1 to 5

Q2_CZ Q2-Education Czech Republic

Value 3738 Frequency
1 Basic unskilled 122
2 Basic skilled 450
3 Secondary without le 182
4 Secondary with le 255
5 University 77
9 N.A. 1
Sysmiss 11120
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1086 11121

Valid range from 1 to 5

Q2_EST Q2-Education Estonia

Value 3837 Frequency
1 Basic unskilled 47
2 Basic skilled 151
3 Secondary without le 253
4 Secondary with le 322
5 University 153
Sysmiss 11281
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
926 11281

Valid range from 1 to 5

Q2_HU Q2-Education Hungary

Value 3936 Frequency
1 Basic unskilled 355
2 Basic skilled 193
3 Secondary without le 94
4 Secondary with le 225
5 University 99
Sysmiss 11241
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
966 11241

Valid range from 1 to 5

Q2_LAT Q2-Education Latvia

Value 4035 Frequency
1 Primary incomplete 78
2 Primary complete or secondary incomplete 176
3 Secondary complete 259
4 Vocational school/secondary special 269
5 University 183
6 N.A. 0
9 1
Sysmiss 11241
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
965 11242

Valid range from 1 to 6

Q2_LITH Q2-Education Lithuania

Value 4134 Frequency
1 Basic unskilled 62
2 Basic skilled 128
3 Secondary without le 229
4 Secondary with le 339
5 University 180
Sysmiss 11269
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
938 11269

Valid range from 1 to 5

Q2_POL Q2-Education Poland

Value 4233 Frequency
1 Primary or incomplete primary 298
2 Vocational 269
3 Incomplete secondary 24
4 Secondary 297
5 Post secondary (diploma) 39
6 Incomplete university/B.A. 19
7 University/M.A. 102
Sysmiss 11159
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1048 11159

Valid range from 1 to 7

Q2_ROM Q2-Education Romania

Value 4332 Frequency
1 Basic unskilled 309
2 Basic skilled 229
3 Secondary without le 62
4 Secondary with le 408
5 University 151
9 N.A. 4
Sysmiss 11044
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1159 11048

Valid range from 1 to 5

Q2_SI Q2-Education Slovenia

Value 4431 Frequency
1 Basic unskilled 29
2 Basic skilled 204
3 Secondary without le 26
4 Secondary with le 639
5 University 165
9 N.A. 10
Sysmiss 11134
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1063 11144

Valid range from 1 to 5

Q2_SR Q2-Education Slovakia

Value 4530 Frequency
1 Basic unskilled 92
2 Basic skilled 235
3 Secondary without le 149
4 Secondary with le 333
5 University 114
Sysmiss 11284
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
923 11284

Valid range from 1 to 5

Q2_TUR Q2-Education Turkey

Value 4629 Frequency
1 Illiterate/literate but uneducated 464
2 Primary school graduate 1020
3 Secondary school graduate 178
4 Lycee graduate 270
5 University graduate 95
Sysmiss 10180
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
2027 10180

Valid range from 1 to 5

Q3_BG Q3-Occupation Bulgaria

Value 4728 Frequency
1 Blue collar 229
2 White collar 96
3 Self employed 43
4 Farmer 13
5 Student 43
6 Housewife 21
7 Retired 410
8 Unemployed 235
Sysmiss 11117
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1090 11117

Valid range from 1 to 8

Q3_CZ Q3-Occupation Czech Republlic

Value 4827 Frequency
1 Blue collar 365
2 White collar 208
3 Self employed 94
4 Farmer 11
5 Student 60
6 Housewife 11
7 Retired 279
8 Unemployed 58
9 N.A. 1
Sysmiss 11120
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1086 11121

Valid range from 1 to 8

Q3_EST Q3-Occupation Estonia

Value 4926 Frequency
1 Blue collar 212
2 White collar 240
3 Self employed 47
4 Farmer 1
5 Student 42
6 Housewife 59
7 Retired 259
8 Unemployed 66
Sysmiss 11281
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
926 11281

Valid range from 1 to 8

Q3_HU Q3-Occupation Hungary

Value 5025 Frequency
1 Blue collar 200
2 White collar 143
3 Self employed 27
4 Farmer 4
5 Student 24
6 Housewife 52
7 Retired 474
8 Unemployed 37
9 N.A. 5
Sysmiss 11241
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
961 11246

Valid range from 1 to 8

Q3_LAT Q3-Occupation Latvia

Value 5124 Frequency
1 Blue collar 213
2 White collar 176
3 Self employed 18
4 Farmer 17
5 Student 53
6 Housewife 51
7 Retired 321
8 Unemployed 114
9 N.A. 3
Sysmiss 11241
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
963 11244

Valid range from 1 to 8

Q3_LITH Q3-Occupation Lithuania

Value 5223 Frequency
1 Blue collar 210
2 White collar 211
3 Self employed 45
4 Farmer 22
5 Student 56
6 Housewife 56
7 Retired 213
8 Unemployed 125
Sysmiss 11269
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
938 11269

Valid range from 1 to 8

Q3_POL Q3-Occupation Poland

Value 5322 Frequency
1 Blue collar 137
2 White collar 201
3 Self employed 45
4 Farmer 55
5 Student 55
6 Housewife 41
7 Retired 389
8 Unemployed 123
9 N.A. 2
Sysmiss 11159
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1046 11161

Valid range from 1 to 8

Q3_ROM Q3-Occupation Romania

Value 5421 Frequency
1 Blue collar 222
2 White collar 260
3 Self employed 63
4 Farmer 81
5 Student 56
6 Housewife 106
7 Retired 325
8 Unemployed 48
9 N.A. 2
Sysmiss 11044
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1161 11046

Valid range from 1 to 8

Q3_SI Q3-Occupation Slovenia

Value 5520 Frequency
1 Blue collar 273
2 White collar 264
3 Self employed 13
4 Farmer 16
5 Student 127
6 Housewife 54
7 Retired 263
8 Unemployed 62
9 N.A. 1
Sysmiss 11134
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1072 11135

Valid range from 1 to 8

Q3_SR Q3-Occupation Slovakia

Value 5619 Frequency
1 Blue collar 247
2 White collar 239
3 Self employed 43
4 Farmer 0
5 Student 75
6 Housewife 11
7 Retired 205
8 Unemployed 88
9 N.A. 15
Sysmiss 11284
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
908 11299

Valid range from 1 to 8

Q3_TUR Q3-Occupation Turkey

Value 5718 Frequency
1 Owner of a large business (25+) 0
2 Owner a medium business (10-24) 1
3 Small business owner (<10) 38
4 Farmers 99
5 Independent professionals 8
6 Drivers (owners) 6
7 Freelance shopkeeper 232
8 Artist 0
9 Tradesman /Wholesale/Retail 0
10 High level executives 1
11 Medium level executives 7
12 Professionals 16
13 Teachers/Instructors 17
14 University Professors/Instructors 0
15 Sales Representatives 39
16 Official/clerks in public CO`s 24
17 Official/clerks in private CO`s 99
18 Skilled/semi-skilled workers 131
19 Unskilled workers 297
20 Drivers (non-owners) 35
21 Policemen 1
22 Soldiers (Officers) 0
23 Soldiers (NCO, other ranks) 1
24 Student 63
25 Housewives 608
26 Retired 85
27 Rental Income receivers 0
28 Unemployed 218
29 Others 1
Sysmiss 10180
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
2027 10180

Valid range from 1 to 29

Q4 Q4-Gender

Value 5817 Frequency
1 Male 5665
2 Female 6542
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 2

Q5_BG Q5-City size Bulgaria

Value 5916 Frequency
1 0-4 999 inhabitants 405
2 5 000-19 999 inhabitants 163
3 20 000-99 999 inhabitants 213
4 100 000+ inhabitants 309
Sysmiss 11117
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1090 11117

Valid range from 1 to 4

Q5_CZ Q5-City size Czech Republic

Value 6015 Frequency
1 0-4 999 inhabitants 375
2 5 000-19 999 inhabitants 222
3 20 000-99 999 inhabitants 266
4 100 000+ inhabitants 224
Sysmiss 11120
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1087 11120

Valid range from 1 to 4

Q5_EST Q5-City size Estonia

Value 6114 Frequency
1 0-4 999 inhabitants 328
2 5 000-19 999 inhabitants 129
3 20 000-99 999 inhabitants 136
4 100 000+ inhabitants 333
Sysmiss 11281
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
926 11281

Valid range from 1 to 4

Q5_HU Q5-City size Hungary

Value 6213 Frequency
1 0-4 999 inhabitants 313
2 5 000-19 999 inhabitants 171
3 20 000-99 999 inhabitants 203
4 100 000+ inhabitants 279
Sysmiss 11241
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
966 11241

Valid range from 1 to 4

Q5_LAT Q5-City size Latvia

Value 6312 Frequency
1 Capital 317
2 Big town 165
3 District centre 82
4 Other town 134
5 Small village, rural area 268
Sysmiss 11241
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
966 11241

Valid range from 1 to 5

Q5_LITH Q5-City size Lithuania

Value 6411 Frequency
1 0-4 999 inhabitants 308
2 5 000-19 999 inhabitants 147
3 20 000-99 999 inhabitants 103
4 100 000+ inhabitants 380
Sysmiss 11269
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
938 11269

Valid range from 1 to 4

Q5_POL Q5-City size Poland

Value 6510 Frequency
1 Village 392
2 Town up to 20.000 inhabitants 117
3 Town 21.000-100.000 inhabitants 200
4 Town 101000-500.000 inhabitants 232
5 City with more than 500.000 inhabitants 107
Sysmiss 11159
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1048 11159

Valid range from 1 to 5

Q5_ROM Q5-City size Romania

Value 669 Frequency
1 Small village 377
2 Large village 145
3 City, less 30.000 inhabitants 84
4 City, 30.000-100.000 150
5 City, 100.001-200.000 110
6 City, 200.001-400.000 169
7 Bucharest 116
9 N.A. 12
Sysmiss 11044
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1151 11056

Valid range from 1 to 7

Q5_SI Q5-City size Slovenia

Value 678 Frequency
1 Less than 2000 inhabitants (non-rural) 287
2 Less than 2000 inhabitants (rural) 247
3 2-10.000 inhabitants 171
4 More than 10.000 inhabitants 152
5 Maribor 61
6 Ljubljana 155
Sysmiss 11134
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
1073 11134

Valid range from 1 to 6

Q5_SR Q5-City size Slovakia

Value 687 Frequency
1 0-4 999 inhabitants 328
2 5 000-19 999 inhabitants 183
3 20 000-99 999 inhabitants 304
4 100 000+ inhabitants 108
Sysmiss 11284
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
923 11284

Valid range from 1 to 4

Q5_TUR Q5-City size Turkey

Value 696 Frequency
1 Up to 10.000 inhabitants 791
2 10.000-25.000 132
3 25.001-100.000 183
4 100.001-500.000 227
5 500.001 and more 694
Sysmiss 10180
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
2027 10180

Valid range from 1 to 5

Q6 Q6-Country

Value 705 Frequency
1 Bulgaria 1090
2 Czech republic 1087
3 Estonia 926
4 Hungary 966
5 Latvia 966
6 Lithuania 938
7 Poland 1048
8 Romania 1163
9 Slovakia 923
10 Slovenia 1073
11 Turkey 2027
Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0

Valid range from 1 to 11

WEIGHT Weight for sociodemographics

Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
6040 6167 0.224 7.946 0.996 0.315

Valid range from 0.22375 to 7.946042

INDEXRF Index of readiness' feeling

Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0 0 1 0.397 0.205

Valid range from 0 to 1

INDEXPO Index of personal opportunities

Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0 -0.107 1 0.599 0.233

Valid range from -0.107142857142857 to 1

W_STATE Weight for all countries - proportional

Valid cases Invalid cases Minimum Maximum Arithmetic mean Standard deviation
12207 0 0.054 21.451 0.998 0.961

Valid range from 0.0539531403769396 to 21.4510236218032

Materials of the Study

  1. Tavčar, Rudi (2000). EUACC00 - Vprašalnik za raziskavo EU Accession Opinon Survey [vprašalnik].

Study Results Materials

  1. Tavčar, Rudi (2000). EUACC00 - Poročilo za raziskavo EU Accession Opinon Survey [ostali dokumenti].

Related Publications

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Access to data and documentation - Nesstar


4 - Polni opis raziskave in kodirna knjiga spremenljivk s polnim besedilom vprašanj.


9 - najvišji rang, primerjalne ali kontinuirane raziskave, pomembne populacije, metodološko ustrezne

  How to CITE this study?

Tavčar, R. (2002). Mnenjska raziskava o priključitvi k EU [Data file]. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Slovenian Social Science Data Archives. ADP - IDNo: EUACC00.

Publication date: 2002
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