Slovenian folk-pop music, 2022/2: Principles, practices and norms of editorial selection of popular music in Slovenian media

13. 09. 2023

Title of the Study: Slovenian folk-pop music, 2022/2: Principles, practices and norms of editorial selection of popular music in Slovenian media

Authors: Jernej Kaluža in Robert Bobnič

Year of the Study: 2022

Keywordseditorial, media, Slovenian media, mass media, radio stations, radio, radio programme, music, folk-pop music, attitudes towards national folk music, editor, radio station

The aim of the research was to identify the key factors influencing the selection of music in the Slovenian media. When designing the research, the authors drew on the theory of media gatekeeping, as well as on existing research on popular music in Slovenian media. The research is based on the following research questions: 1. Which are the selection norms, practices and principles that have the greatest influence on the formulation of music programming policies, and consequently on the formulation of popular music in Slovenia? 2. What are the relationships between genres, styles and other musical elements that media gatekeepers both observe and establish? 3. How does Slovenian folk-pop music fit into the broader context of popular music? What are the main norms, practices and principles of selection process that determine its placement (or not) in the broader context of popular music?

The data was gathered with interviews with 14 music editors and other influencers in the Slovenian music and media market. 13 interviews are available in the ADP for secondary use.

Cite the Study:
Kaluža, J. and Bobnič, R. (2023). Slovenian folk-pop music, 2022/2: Principles, practices and norms of editorial selection of popular music in Slovenian media [Data file]. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Slovenian Social Science Data Archives. ADP - IDNo: NZG222.


Based on the research data a scientific article was created and is available for reading:

Kaluža, J., & Bobnič, R. (2023). Music on Slovenian Radio: Local Legends, Global Pop Trends, and Regional Influences. Two Homelands, 2023(58).

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