Slovenian Public Opinion, 2021/1: Mirror of Public Opinion, Health and Health Care (ISSP 2021), Attitudes towards work of the public prosecutor's, Attitudes towards Sport, Attitudes towards music

26. 04. 2022

Authors of Research: Mitja Hafner Fink, Slavko Kurdija, Brina Malnar, Samo Uhan, Peter Stanković, Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre

Year of Research
: 2021

Keywords: trust, attitudes towards national folk music, trust in institutions, life satisfaction, trust in healthcare system, satisfaction with medical care, health self-assessment, attitude towards democracy, political participation, values, sport and recreation, demography, attitudes towards public prosecution, access and utilization of healthcare services, beliefs about health, health behaviour, e-Health, attitudes towards vaccination and Covid-19 pandemic

Like previous SJM surveys, this survey was conducted in the form of a standardized social survey on the probability sample of the adult population of Slovenia. A combination of online and postal surveys was used to collect data. The survey comprises of a set of various topics: a) 'The Mirror of Public Opinion', which includes a longitudinal set of standard topics of the SJM survey; b) ISSP (2021) – Health and Health care module; c) module about Attitudes towards work of the public prosecutor's; d) attitudes towards sports; and e) attitudes towards music. 'The Mirror of Public Opinion' covers the following topics: satisfaction with selected aspects of life (including self-assessment of health, assessment of the material situation of the household, personal wellbeing), assessment of selected social subsystems, attitude towards democracy, attitude towards immigration, interpersonal trust, trust in institutions, political orientations and values etc. The Health and Health care (ISSP 2021 – Health) core module mainly deals with attitudes towards trust in the healthcare system; satisfaction with medical care; access and utilization of health care; beliefs about health; health behaviour; e-health; subjective health assessment; attitudes towards vaccination and Covid-19 pandemic. The set of questions on the attitude towards the prosecution and the judiciary was designed in cooperation with the Institute of Criminology, as the initiator of the survey. Questions relate mainly on the assessment of the work of the public prosecutor's (professionalism, speed, responsiveness, transparency) and the level of trust for this institution. The set of questions about the frequency of engaging in sports activities while providing exact choice between different sports also measures the way (organized, unorganized) and detailed frequency of sports engagement of the respondent. This set of items has longitudinal character in a comparative basis for several decades. Given the situation at the time of the survey, a question about consequences of the pandemic on sports activities was also added. A set of questions about listening to music genres with an emphasis on national folk music. The questions initially measure listening to different musical genres and how the respondent accesses music content (media, platforms, etc.). The continuation of the set is dedicated exclusively to the relationship between folk music in Slovenia as a nationally specific musical genre. The questions also refer to the situations in which the respondent listens to folk music, how often, through which media (specifically), whether he is also actively involved in music and whether this genre of music should be included in the tourist promotion of Slovenia. Like other SJM surveys, it includes a comprehensive set of demographic questions (from gender and age to household composition, employment, work situation etc.).


Hafner Fink, M., Kurdija, S., Malnar, B., Uhan, S. and Stankovič, P. (2022). Slovenian Public Opinion, 2021/1: Mirror of Public Opinion, Health and Health Care (ISSP 2021), Attitudes towards work of the public prosecutor's, Attitudes towards Sport, Attitudes towards music [Data file]. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Slovenian Social Science Data Archives. ADP - IDNo: SJM211.

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