List of internal guidelines and instructions

Datum objave: 08. 04. 2017    Datum zadnjega pregleda: 08. 04. 2017

Workflow of handling a new study

  • Procedure of working with study


Obtaining and selecting data for ingest

  • Instructions for submitting data for ADP
  • Instructions for submitting data for data producers
  • Workflow for the protection of data
  • Functioning of the Commission for the protection of confidentiality
  • Main criteria for evaluating studies and marking of scientific successfulness
  • Instructions for checking and storing of holdings
  • Internal instructions for the protection of microdata



  • Instructions on how to add new studies in Jira
  • The procedure for entering a study
  • Additional recommendations for editing the data file
  • Instructions for the program of correcting the Access database
  • Instructions for the creation of CDB
  • Instructions for database export
  • Instructions for database users' export
  • Instructions for publishing on Nesstar
  • Instructions for publishing on web
  • Instructions for the use of programme sintaxe.exe to build SPSS, SAS, STATA and R syntax
  • Instructions on how to prepare the final data files
  • The procedure for preparation of data file and related documentation
  • Instructions on how to process study descriptions in xml format in accordance with DDI DTD standard
  • Instructions on how to process study descriptions


Archival information package

  • Instructions for the programme for the creation of XML for NESSTAR
  • Instructions for the programme for the creation of XML for web
  • Instructions for the use of programme to generate ACU for NESSTAR
  • Instructions for publishing a study on NESSTAR
  • Instructions for publishing a study on webpage ADP
  • Instructions for using the application e-Trajna hramba [eng. e-Long-term curation]



  • Instructions for assigning passwords for access to NESSTAR
  • Instructions on how to use Nesstar
  • Instructions on how to use Nesstar in Slovenian



  • Instructions on how to use the Admin module for users
  • Instructions on how to use export user database
  • JIRA-instructions for use
  • Administration of NESSTAR and Jira server
  • Instructions for using the programme Nesstar_logi
  • Instructions to generate reports from Jira database
  • Instructions to generate reports from web database
  • Instructions on how to use import a CSV file to Excel
  • Diagram of directories on »Linux« server
  • Instructions for maintaining the website of ADP
  • Instructions for adding a new webpage outside of Django
  • Instructions on how to translate website in English
  • Instructions for publishing on the webpage od Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Instructions for administration in Wordpress
  • Instructions on how to be present on the social media)
  • Instructions on how to prepare and send e-News
  • Instructions for saving e-News
  • Instructions for using Google Analytics and preparation of monthly reports
  • Instructions on how to prepare a travel order
  • Instructions on how to set up rights on server directories
  • Instructions on how to deal with frequent problems of users
  • Klinar Prize - Instructions


Technology and Security

  • Diagram of the ADP system
  • Instructions on how to migrate the Nesstar server
  • Instructions on how to migrate Nesstar
  • Instructions on how to deal with a non-functioning webpage, Nesstar or Jira
  • Instructions on how to protect website content with password
  • Instructions on how to provide backup
  • Instructions on how to inspect backup copies


  Kako citiram to stran?

Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov. LETO. List of internal guidelines and instructions. Dostopano prek: (DD. mesec leto).


Slovenski utrip 12/2010, Igre na srečo in aktualni dogodki, FUDS

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ADP je del Inštituta za družbene vede na Fakulteti za družbene vede. Sredstva za delovanje ADP je zagotovil ARRS v okviru infrastrukturnega programa "Mreža raziskovalnih infrastrukturnih centrov Univerze v Ljubljani." ADP je član združenja evropskih arhivov družboslovnih podatkov CESSDA. © ADP (ISSN 2385-9415) | 1997 - 2017 |