EvroMOdule: Evropska anketa o blaginji

Basic Study Information

Main author(s):
  • Zapf, Wolfgang
  • Toš, Niko
Data file producer:
WZB - Social Science Research Center Berlin = Raziskovalni center za družbene vede Berlin (Berlin, Germany; 2001)

Funding agency:

Ni podatka.

Project number:

no information

Study Content


bivalne razmere, sestava gospodinjstva, družbena aktivnost, prijatelji, življenjski pogoji, dohodek, zdravje, izobrazba in delo, poklic (ISCO), zasebnost, osebna varnost, socialne pravice, indikatorji subjektivne blaginje, zdravstveno zavarovanje, izključenost in vključenost v družbeno življenje, objektivni življenski pogoji, demografija

Keywords ELSST:

Topic Classification CESSDA
DRUŽBA IN KULTURA - družbene razmere in kazalci
Topic Classification CERIF
Družbeni problemi in blagostanje, socialno skrbstvo
Topic Classification ADP


Euromodule je raziskovalna iniciativa katere cilj je nadziranje in sistematska analiza trenutnega stanja in spremembe življenjskih pogojev in kvalitete življenja v Evropi v primerjalni perspektivi.


Collection date: maj 1999
Date of production: 2001
Country: Slovenija
Geographic coverage:

ozemlje Republike Slovenije

Unit of analysis:



Osebe starejše od 18 let, s stalnim prebivališčem v R Sloveniji.


Institucionalizirani prebivalci kot so dijaki in študentje v domovih, osebe na služenju vojaškega roka, osebe na zdravljenju v bolnišnicah in drugi, ki ne živijo na svojem stalnem naslovu.

Data collected by:

raziskava v časovnem preseku

Sampling procedure:

Vzorec oseb vključenih v raziskavo je dobljen po postopku sistematičnega izbora s slučajnim izhodiščem. Vzorec je tristopenjski, najprej je izbranih 140 enot prve stopnje (okoliši), znotraj katerih so izbrane tri skupinice po pet oseb. Načrt vzorca je izdelal Blejec (1970). (140×3×5; ciljna velikost N=2100). Izbor enot v vzorec je bil izveden iz poimenskega vzorčnega okvira posameznikov. Kot vzorčni okvir so uporabili Centralni register prebivalcev Slovenije. Za potrebe pričujoče raziskave je bila uporabljena polovica vzorca izbranih oseb, tako da je velikost ciljne populacije 1050 oseb, druga polovica je bila uporabljena za raziskavo SJM99/1. Raziskavi sta potekali sočasno.

Mode of data collection:

Osebno anketiranje na terenu z vprašalnikom na papirju.


Brez uteževanja.

Access restrictions

Avtorske pravice pridržane. Arhiv izroča podatke uporabnikom samo za namen, ki ga posebej opredelijo, ob zagotovitvi spoštovanja profesionalnih etičnih kodeksov. Uporabnik se posebej zaveže, da bo skrbel za tajnost podatkov in opravljal analize brez poskusov identifikacije posameznika.

Pri objavah, ki bi sledile na podlagi podatkov, je potrebno polno citirati avtorja in Arhiv.

Vsak uporabnik je dolžan opozoriti na morebitne pomanjkljivosti gradiva in poslati Arhivu 2 kopiji nastalih besedil.

Uporabnik naj pred uporabo pozorno prebere spremljajočo dokumentacijo in se v primeru nejasnosti obrne na avtorje raziskave ali Arhiv.

Basic Data File Description

Title of Data file: EMO00 - Data for Slovenia - preliminary [datoteka podatkov], 2002

Format: *.por - prenosljiva SPSS datoteka

  • number of variables: 299
  • number of units: 1012

Variable list

ID case identification


Value 13 Frequency
3393 0
3394 0
3395 0
4401 0
4402 0
4403 0
4404 0

Valid range from 999 to 4404



Value 22 Frequency
1 Germany 0
2 Slovenia 1012
3 Hungary 0
4 Spain 0
5 Switzerland 0
6 Sweden 0

Valid range from 1 to 6

YEAR year of fieldwork


Value 31 Frequency
1999 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

ID case identification


Value 1256 Frequency
3393 0
3394 0
3395 0
4401 0
4402 0
4403 0
4404 0

Valid range from 999 to 4404



Value 2255 Frequency
1 Germany 0
2 Slovenia 1012
3 Hungary 0
4 Spain 0
5 Switzerland 0
6 Sweden 0

Valid range from 1 to 6

YEAR year of fieldwork


Value 3254 Frequency
1999 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V1 number of rooms

V1 How many rooms has your apartment / your house? I mean, without kitchen, bathroom, corridor, storage rooms, and sublet rooms.

Value 4253 Frequency
99 no answer 1
0 15
1 56
2 256
3 293
4 199
5 102
6 50
7 20
8 12
9 8

Valid range from 1 to 9

V1A Switzerland: number of rooms

V1a CH: How many rooms has your apartment / your house? I mean, without kitchen, bathroom, corridor, storage rooms, and sublet rooms.

Value 5252 Frequency
99 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V2A amenities: kitchen V2 How is your apartment equipped? Does it have the following amenities?

a) a separate kitchen

Value 6251 Frequency
0 no 6
1 yes 1006
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V2B amenities: shower V2 How is your apartment equipped? Does it have the following amenities?

b) a bath or shower

Value 7250 Frequency
0 no 28
1 yes 984
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V2C amenities: toilet V2 How is your apartment equipped? Does it have the following amenities?

c) an indoor flushing toilet

Value 8249 Frequency
0 no 24
1 yes 988
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V2D amenities: hot water V2 How is your apartment equipped? Does it have the following amenities?

d) hot running water

Value 9248 Frequency
0 no 33
1 yes 979
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V2E amenities: heating V2 How is your apartment equipped? Does it have the following amenities?

e) central heating or electric storage heaters

Value 10247 Frequency
0 no 101
1 yes 911
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V2F amenities: balcony V2 How is your apartment equipped? Does it have the following amenities?

f) a place to sit outside, e.g. balcony, terrace or garden

Value 11246 Frequency
0 no 89
1 yes 923
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V3 housing conditions

V3 Please tell me, which item on this list applies to the housing conditions of your household?

Value 12245 Frequency
1 renter of an apartment, 58
2 renter of a house, 12
3 own or family owned apartment, 252
4 own or family owned house 679
5 other? 11
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 1 to 5

V4 satisfaction: apartment

V4 Please tell me, by means of this list, how satisfied you are - all in all - with your apartment or house? In case you are completely satisfied, please answer "10". If you are completely dissatisfied, please answer "0". If you are neither completely satisfied nor completely dissatisfied, please choose one of the options between "1" and "9".

Value 13244 Frequency
0 completely dissatisfied 10
1 1 10
2 2 12
3 3 21
4 4 37
5 5 115
6 6 85
7 7 111
8 8 191
9 9 107
10 completely satisfied 312
99 no answer 1

Valid range from 0 to 10

V5 people in household

HOUSEHOLD COMPOSITION AND DEMOGRAPHY V5 The next questions refer to your household. How many people live in your household including yourself? We mean everyone who lives here normally even if he/she is absent at the moment, e.g. in the hospital or on vacation. Please also include the children. (excluding paid employees and persons who pay for rent)

Value 14243 Frequency
99 no answer 4
1 70
2 186
3 232
4 335
5 104
6 57
7 18
8 1
10 3
11 1
17 1

Valid range from 1 to 17

V6 people in household under 18

V6 How many of them are under 18 years?

Value 15242 Frequency
99 no answer 10
0 560
1 240
2 166
3 25
4 5
5 2
6 2
8 1
11 1

Valid range from 0 to 11

V7 gender

V7 Gender

Value 16241 Frequency
0 female 572
1 male 440
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V8 age

V8 In which year are you born?

Value 17240 Frequency
18 6
19 22
20 29
78 3
79 3
80 4
86 1

Valid range from 18 to 86

V8COL age groups

V8col Age groups

Value 18239 Frequency
1 till 24 years 143
2 25-34 years 193
3 35-44 years 196
4 45-54 years 163
5 55-64 years 166
6 65 years and older 151
9999 no answer 0

Valid range from 1 to 6

V9 parents` citizenship

V9 Were both your parents citizens when you were born?

Value 19238 Frequency
1 both citizens 936
2 one non 24
3 both non 46
9 no answer 6

Valid range from 1 to 3

V9_CH respondent's citizenship

V9 CH: respondents citizenship

Value 20237 Frequency
1 Swiss citizenship 0
2 other citizenship 0
3 Swiss + other citizenship 0
9 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 3

V10 voting

V10 Did you vote in the last general parliamentary election?

Value 21236 Frequency
1 yes 763
2 no 228
3 no right to vote [Spain: under age] 14
9 no answer 7

Valid range from 1 to 3

V10_E voting (general elections March 1996)

V10e in Spain: Could you tell me which party or coalition you voted for at the general elections in March 1996?

Value 22235 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V11_CH Switzerland: Type of community V11 Type of specific


Value 23234 Frequency
0 more than 300.000 inhabitants (Zurich) 0
1 100.000 to 299.999 inhabitants 0
2 50.000-99.999 inhabitants 0
3 20.000-49.999 inhabitants 0
4 10.000-19.999 inhabitants 0
5 5.000-9.999 inhabitants 0
6 2.000-4.999 inhabitants 0
7 1.000-1.999 inhabitants 0
8 less than 1.000 inhabitants 0
9 no answer 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 0 to 9

V11_D1 Germany: Type of community


Value 24233 Frequency
0 500.000 and more inhabitants (without suburbs) 0
1 500.000 and more inhabitants (suburbs) 0
2 100.000-499.999 inhabitants (without suburbs) 0
3 100.000-499.999 inhabitants (suburbs) 0
4 50.000-99.999 inhabitants (without suburbs) 0
5 50.000-99.999 inhabitants (suburbs) 0
6 20.000-49.999 inhabitants 0
7 5.000-19.999 inhabitants 0
8 2.000-4.999 inhabitants 0
9 less than 2.000 inhabitants 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 0 to 9

V11_D2 Germany: political size of community

Germany: political size of community

Value 25232 Frequency
10 H1 Greater Stockholm Area 0
28 H2 Greater G teborg 0
29 H2 Greater Malm 0
30 H3 Larger cities 0
40 H4 Other Southern Sweden 0
50 H5 Northern cities 0
60 H6 Other Northern Sweden 0
9 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V11_E Spain: Type of community


Value 26231 Frequency
1 up to 2000 inhabitants 0
2 2001- 10000 0
3 10001 - 50000 0
4 50001 - 100000 0
5 100001 - 400000 0
6 400001 - 1000000 0
7 more than 1000000 inhabitants 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 7

V11_H Hungary: Type of community


Value 27230 Frequency
1 Budapest 0
2 more than 100000 inhabitants 0
3 50001-100000 0
4 20001-50000 0
5 10001-20000 0
6 5001-10000 0
7 2001-5000 0
8 1001-2000 0
9 up to 1000 inhabitants 0
99 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 9

V11_SLO Slovenia: Type of community


Value 28229 Frequency
1 large city 102
2 suburb of large city 91
3 middle-size city 114
4 small city 130
5 village 434
6 rural area 141
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 1 to 6

V12A membership: trade union SOCIAL RELATIONS V12 Are you currently a member of an organisation or association? Please look at this list and tell me if you are a member of a:

a) trade union

Value 29228 Frequency
0 no 725
1 yes 287
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V12B membership: political party SOCIAL RELATIONS V12 Are you currently a member of an organisation or association? Please look at this list and tell me if you are a member of a:

b) political party

Value 30227 Frequency
0 no 966
1 yes 46
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V12C membership: neighbourhood association SOCIAL RELATIONS V12 Are you currently a member of an organisation or association? Please look at this list and tell me if you are a member of a:

c) neighbourhood association

Value 31226 Frequency
0 no 0
1 yes 0
9 no answer 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 0 to 1

V12D membership: environmental association SOCIAL RELATIONS V12 Are you currently a member of an organisation or association? Please look at this list and tell me if you are a member of a:

d) environmental association

Value 32225 Frequency
0 no 993
1 yes 19
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V12E membership: charity association SOCIAL RELATIONS V12 Are you currently a member of an organisation or association? Please look at this list and tell me if you are a member of a:

e) charity association

Value 33224 Frequency
0 no 930
1 yes 82
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V12F membership: church related association SOCIAL RELATIONS V12 Are you currently a member of an organisation or association? Please look at this list and tell me if you are a member of a:

f) church related association

Value 34223 Frequency
0 no 973
1 yes 39
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V12G membership: cultural group SOCIAL RELATIONS V12 Are you currently a member of an organisation or association? Please look at this list and tell me if you are a member of a:

g) cultural group like music or theatre group

Value 35222 Frequency
0 no 935
1 yes 77
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V12H membership: sports club SOCIAL RELATIONS V12 Are you currently a member of an organisation or association? Please look at this list and tell me if you are a member of a:

h) sports club or leisure club

Value 36221 Frequency
0 no 867
1 yes 145
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V12I membership: other SOCIAL RELATIONS V12 Are you currently a member of an organisation or association? Please look at this list and tell me if you are a member of a:

i) other

Value 37220 Frequency
0 no 804
1 yes 208
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V12J membership: none SOCIAL RELATIONS V12 Are you currently a member of an organisation or association? Please look at this list and tell me if you are a member of a:

j) not a member of any organisation or association?

Value 38219 Frequency
0 no 593
1 yes 419
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V13 close friends

V13 Thinking now of close friends - not your husband, or wife, or partner, or family members - but people you feel fairly close to. Do you have a close friend with whom you can discuss intimate and important matters?

Value 39218 Frequency
0 no 268
1 yes 744
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V14 number close friends

V14 And how many close friends do you have?

Value 40217 Frequency
98 does not apply 263
99 no answer 4
1 136
2 202
3 179
4 72
5 79
6 9
7 8
8 6
9 1
10 32
11 1
12 2
15 6
20 8
22 1
30 1
50 2

Valid range from 1 to 50

V15 contact friends

V15 How often do you contact your close friends?

Value 41216 Frequency
1 infrequently [Germany, Spain, Switzerland: less often] 22
2 at least once a month 83
3 at least once a week 214
4 nearly daily 429
8 does not apply 263
9 no answer 1

Valid range from 1 to 4

V16 people can be trusted

V16 Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted or that you can't be too careful in dealing with people?

Value 42215 Frequency
1 can't be too careful 832
2 most people can be trusted 140
9 no answer 40

Valid range from 1 to 2

V17A conflicts: rich - poor V17 In all countries there are differences or even conflicts between different social groups. In your opinion, how much conflict is there between...

a) poor and rich people?

Value 43214 Frequency
1 no conflicts 82
2 only weak conflicts 406
3 strong conflicts 281
4 very strong conflicts 107
9 no answer 136

Valid range from 1 to 4

V17B conflicts: unemployed - employed V17 In all countries there are differences or even conflicts between different social groups. In your opinion, how much conflict is there between...

b) the unemployed and people with jobs?

Value 44213 Frequency
1 no conflicts 122
2 only weak conflicts 401
3 strong conflicts 258
4 very strong conflicts 72
9 no answer 159

Valid range from 1 to 4

V17C conflicts: management - workers V17 In all countries there are differences or even conflicts between different social groups. In your opinion, how much conflict is there between...

c) management and workers?

Value 45212 Frequency
1 no conflicts 33
2 only weak conflicts 260
3 strong conflicts 415
4 very strong conflicts 171
9 no answer 133

Valid range from 1 to 4

V17D conflicts: young - old V17 In all countries there are differences or even conflicts between different social groups. In your opinion, how much conflict is there between...

d) young people and older people?

Value 46211 Frequency
1 no conflicts 144
2 only weak conflicts 524
3 strong conflicts 206
4 very strong conflicts 54
9 no answer 84

Valid range from 1 to 4

V17E conflicts: men - women V17 In all countries there are differences or even conflicts between different social groups. In your opinion, how much conflict is there between...

e) men and women?

Value 47210 Frequency
1 no conflicts 251
2 only weak conflicts 519
3 strong conflicts 112
4 very strong conflicts 19
9 no answer 111

Valid range from 1 to 4

V17F conflicts: nationals - foreigners V17 In all countries there are differences or even conflicts between different social groups. In your opinion, how much conflict is there between...

f) and immigrants?

Value 48209 Frequency
1 no conflicts 103
2 only weak conflicts 384
3 strong conflicts 295
4 very strong conflicts 109
9 no answer 121

Valid range from 1 to 4

V17G conflicts: Roma-Non Roma V17 In all countries there are differences or even conflicts between different social groups. In your opinion, how much conflict is there between...

g) Roma-Non Roma; only asked in Hungary

Value 49208 Frequency
1 no conflicts 0
2 only weak conflicts 0
3 strong conflicts 0
4 very strong conflicts 0
9 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 4

V18 marital status

V18 At present, are you...

Value 50207 Frequency
1 single 274
2 married and living with your spouse [Germany: 'married'] 621
3 married but separated from your spouse 12
4 widowed 73
5 or divorced 31
9 no answer 1

Valid range from 1 to 5

V18_D Germany: marital status

V18d At present, are you ... [Germany: 'married']

Value 51206 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V19 living with partner

V19 Do you live with a partner?

Value 52205 Frequency
0 no 346
1 yes 616
9 no answer 50

Valid range from 0 to 1

V20A necessities: own room STANDARD OF LIVING V20 There are different views/opinions about what one needs for a decent living. What is your opinion: What items on this list should every household in your country be able to afford? What could be renounced, what is desirable but not necessarily needed, and what is absolutely necessary?

a) an apartment in which every household member has his own room

Value 53204 Frequency
1 could be renounced 123
2 desirable 554
3 necessary 325
9 no answer 10

Valid range from 1 to 3

V20B necessities: bath STANDARD OF LIVING V20 There are different views/opinions about what one needs for a decent living. What is your opinion: What items on this list should every household in your country be able to afford? What could be renounced, what is desirable but not necessarily needed, and what is absolutely necessary?

b) WC and bath or shower in the apartment

Value 54203 Frequency
1 could be renounced 9
2 desirable 98
3 necessary 905
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 1 to 3

V20C necessities: garden STANDARD OF LIVING V20 There are different views/opinions about what one needs for a decent living. What is your opinion: What items on this list should every household in your country be able to afford? What could be renounced, what is desirable but not necessarily needed, and what is absolutely necessary?

c) garden, balcony or terrace

Value 55202 Frequency
1 could be renounced 168
2 desirable 681
3 necessary 160
9 no answer 3

Valid range from 1 to 3

V20D necessities: vacation STANDARD OF LIVING V20 There are different views/opinions about what one needs for a decent living. What is your opinion: What items on this list should every household in your country be able to afford? What could be renounced, what is desirable but not necessarily needed, and what is absolutely necessary?

d) one week vacational travel per year

Value 56201 Frequency
1 could be renounced 212
2 desirable 504
3 necessary 291
9 no answer 5

Valid range from 1 to 3

V20E necessities: newspaper STANDARD OF LIVING V20 There are different views/opinions about what one needs for a decent living. What is your opinion: What items on this list should every household in your country be able to afford? What could be renounced, what is desirable but not necessarily needed, and what is absolutely necessary?

e) subscription to a newspaper

Value 57200 Frequency
1 could be renounced 342
2 desirable 477
3 necessary 189
9 no answer 4

Valid range from 1 to 3

V20F necessities: phone STANDARD OF LIVING V20 There are different views/opinions about what one needs for a decent living. What is your opinion: What items on this list should every household in your country be able to afford? What could be renounced, what is desirable but not necessarily needed, and what is absolutely necessary?

f) phone

Value 58199 Frequency
1 could be renounced 79
2 desirable 333
3 necessary 600
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 1 to 3

V20G necessities: new clothes STANDARD OF LIVING V20 There are different views/opinions about what one needs for a decent living. What is your opinion: What items on this list should every household in your country be able to afford? What could be renounced, what is desirable but not necessarily needed, and what is absolutely necessary?

g) to be able to buy new clothes regularly

Value 59198 Frequency
1 could be renounced 400
2 desirable 507
3 necessary 97
9 no answer 8

Valid range from 1 to 3

V20H necessities: replace furniture STANDARD OF LIVING V20 There are different views/opinions about what one needs for a decent living. What is your opinion: What items on this list should every household in your country be able to afford? What could be renounced, what is desirable but not necessarily needed, and what is absolutely necessary?

h) to be able to replace worn-out furniture

Value 60197 Frequency
1 could be renounced 359
2 desirable 575
3 necessary 59
9 no answer 19

Valid range from 1 to 3

V20I necessities: cooked meal STANDARD OF LIVING V20 There are different views/opinions about what one needs for a decent living. What is your opinion: What items on this list should every household in your country be able to afford? What could be renounced, what is desirable but not necessarily needed, and what is absolutely necessary?

i) to have on average one cooked meal per day

Value 61196 Frequency
1 could be renounced 9
2 desirable 97
3 necessary 905
9 no answer 1

Valid range from 1 to 3

V20J necessities: invite friends STANDARD OF LIVING V20 There are different views/opinions about what one needs for a decent living. What is your opinion: What items on this list should every household in your country be able to afford? What could be renounced, what is desirable but not necessarily needed, and what is absolutely necessary?

j) to be able to invite friends for dinner once a month

Value 62195 Frequency
1 could be renounced 393
2 desirable 544
3 necessary 63
9 no answer 12

Valid range from 1 to 3

V20K necessities: take out family STANDARD OF LIVING V20 There are different views/opinions about what one needs for a decent living. What is your opinion: What items on this list should every household in your country be able to afford? What could be renounced, what is desirable but not necessarily needed, and what is absolutely necessary?

k) to be able to take the family out for dinner once a month

Value 63194 Frequency
1 could be renounced 410
2 desirable 528
3 necessary 61
9 no answer 13

Valid range from 1 to 3

V20L necessities: car STANDARD OF LIVING V20 There are different views/opinions about what one needs for a decent living. What is your opinion: What items on this list should every household in your country be able to afford? What could be renounced, what is desirable but not necessarily needed, and what is absolutely necessary?

l) car

Value 64193 Frequency
1 could be renounced 86
2 desirable 343
3 necessary 581
9 no answer 2

Valid range from 1 to 3

V20M necessities: television STANDARD OF LIVING V20 There are different views/opinions about what one needs for a decent living. What is your opinion: What items on this list should every household in your country be able to afford? What could be renounced, what is desirable but not necessarily needed, and what is absolutely necessary?

m) television

Value 65192 Frequency
1 could be renounced 83
2 desirable 434
3 necessary 492
9 no answer 3

Valid range from 1 to 3

V20N necessities: washing machine STANDARD OF LIVING V20 There are different views/opinions about what one needs for a decent living. What is your opinion: What items on this list should every household in your country be able to afford? What could be renounced, what is desirable but not necessarily needed, and what is absolutely necessary?

n) washing machine

Value 66191 Frequency
1 could be renounced 11
2 desirable 152
3 necessary 849
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 1 to 3

V20O necessities: dishwasher STANDARD OF LIVING V20 There are different views/opinions about what one needs for a decent living. What is your opinion: What items on this list should every household in your country be able to afford? What could be renounced, what is desirable but not necessarily needed, and what is absolutely necessary?

o) dishwasher

Value 67190 Frequency
1 could be renounced 401
2 desirable 478
3 necessary 130
9 no answer 3

Valid range from 1 to 3

V20P necessities: save money STANDARD OF LIVING V20 There are different views/opinions about what one needs for a decent living. What is your opinion: What items on this list should every household in your country be able to afford? What could be renounced, what is desirable but not necessarily needed, and what is absolutely necessary?

p) to be able to save at least (50 Euro)* per month

Value 68189 Frequency
1 could be renounced 90
2 desirable 648
3 necessary 258
9 no answer 16

Valid range from 1 to 3

V20Q necessities: private pension plan STANDARD OF LIVING V20 There are different views/opinions about what one needs for a decent living. What is your opinion: What items on this list should every household in your country be able to afford? What could be renounced, what is desirable but not necessarily needed, and what is absolutely necessary?

q) private pension plan

Value 69188 Frequency
1 could be renounced 117
2 desirable 501
3 necessary 348
9 no answer 46

Valid range from 1 to 3

V20R necessities: video-recorder STANDARD OF LIVING V20 There are different views/opinions about what one needs for a decent living. What is your opinion: What items on this list should every household in your country be able to afford? What could be renounced, what is desirable but not necessarily needed, and what is absolutely necessary?

r) video-recorder

Value 70187 Frequency
1 could be renounced 704
2 desirable 277
3 necessary 23
9 no answer 8

Valid range from 1 to 3

V20S necessities: computer STANDARD OF LIVING V20 There are different views/opinions about what one needs for a decent living. What is your opinion: What items on this list should every household in your country be able to afford? What could be renounced, what is desirable but not necessarily needed, and what is absolutely necessary?

s) computer

Value 71186 Frequency
1 could be renounced 513
2 desirable 408
3 necessary 80
9 no answer 11

Valid range from 1 to 3

V21A actual: own room V21 Now if you consider your own living conditions, what do you have or can do? What don't you have or can't do because you cannot afford it? What don't you have or do out of other reasons?

a) an apartment in which every household member has his own room

Value 72185 Frequency
1 I have or do it 794
2 I can not afford it 129
3 I don't have or don't do it out of other reasons 89
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 1 to 3

V21B actual: bath V21 Now if you consider your own living conditions, what do you have or can do? What don't you have or can't do because you cannot afford it? What don't you have or do out of other reasons?

b) WC and bath or shower in the apartment

Value 73184 Frequency
1 I have or do it 984
2 I can not afford it 21
3 I don't have or don't do it out of other reasons 7
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 1 to 3

V21C actual: garden V21 Now if you consider your own living conditions, what do you have or can do? What don't you have or can't do because you cannot afford it? What don't you have or do out of other reasons?

c) garden, balcony or terrace

Value 74183 Frequency
1 I have or do it 922
2 I can not afford it 28
3 I don't have or don't do it out of other reasons 62
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 1 to 3

V21D actual: vacation V21 Now if you consider your own living conditions, what do you have or can do? What don't you have or can't do because you cannot afford it? What don't you have or do out of other reasons?

d) one week vacational travel per year

Value 75182 Frequency
1 I have or do it 647
2 I can not afford it 182
3 I don't have or don't do it out of other reasons 183
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 1 to 3

V21E actual: newspaper V21 Now if you consider your own living conditions, what do you have or can do? What don't you have or can't do because you cannot afford it? What don't you have or do out of other reasons?

e) subscription to a newspaper

Value 76181 Frequency
1 I have or do it 711
2 I can not afford it 59
3 I don't have or don't do it out of other reasons 242
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 1 to 3

V21F actual: phone V21 Now if you consider your own living conditions, what do you have or can do? What don't you have or can't do because you cannot afford it? What don't you have or do out of other reasons?

f) phone

Value 77180 Frequency
1 I have or do it 960
2 I can not afford it 24
3 I don't have or don't do it out of other reasons 28
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 1 to 3

V21G actual: new clothes V21 Now if you consider your own living conditions, what do you have or can do? What don't you have or can't do because you cannot afford it? What don't you have or do out of other reasons?

g) to be able to buy new clothes regularly

Value 78179 Frequency
1 I have or do it 420
2 I can not afford it 227
3 I don't have or don't do it out of other reasons 364
9 no answer 1

Valid range from 1 to 3

V21H actual: replace furniture V21 Now if you consider your own living conditions, what do you have or can do? What don't you have or can't do because you cannot afford it? What don't you have or do out of other reasons?

h) to be able to replace worn-out furniture

Value 79178 Frequency
1 I have or do it 362
2 I can not afford it 266
3 I don't have or don't do it out of other reasons 384
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 1 to 3

V21I actual: cooked meal V21 Now if you consider your own living conditions, what do you have or can do? What don't you have or can't do because you cannot afford it? What don't you have or do out of other reasons?

i) to have on average one cooked meal per day

Value 80177 Frequency
1 I have or do it 998
2 I can not afford it 2
3 I don't have or don't do it out of other reasons 12
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 1 to 3

V21J actual: invite friends V21 Now if you consider your own living conditions, what do you have or can do? What don't you have or can't do because you cannot afford it? What don't you have or do out of other reasons?

j) to be able to invite friends for dinner once a month

Value 81176 Frequency
1 I have or do it 427
2 I can not afford it 164
3 I don't have or don't do it out of other reasons 421
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 1 to 3

V21K actual: take out family V21 Now if you consider your own living conditions, what do you have or can do? What don't you have or can't do because you cannot afford it? What don't you have or do out of other reasons?

k) to be able to take the family out for dinner once a month

Value 82175 Frequency
1 I have or do it 405
2 I can not afford it 171
3 I don't have or don't do it out of other reasons 436
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 1 to 3

V21L actual: car V21 Now if you consider your own living conditions, what do you have or can do? What don't you have or can't do because you cannot afford it? What don't you have or do out of other reasons?

l) car

Value 83174 Frequency
1 I have or do it 854
2 I can not afford it 77
3 I don't have or don't do it out of other reasons 81
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 1 to 3

V21M actual: television V21 Now if you consider your own living conditions, what do you have or can do? What don't you have or can't do because you cannot afford it? What don't you have or do out of other reasons?

m) television

Value 84173 Frequency
1 I have or do it 991
2 I can not afford it 6
3 I don't have or don't do it out of other reasons 15
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 1 to 3

V21N actual: washing machine V21 Now if you consider your own living conditions, what do you have or can do? What don't you have or can't do because you cannot afford it? What don't you have or do out of other reasons?

n) washing machine

Value 85172 Frequency
1 I have or do it 990
2 I can not afford it 8
3 I don't have or don't do it out of other reasons 12
9 no answer 2

Valid range from 1 to 3

V21O actual: dishwasher V21 Now if you consider your own living conditions, what do you have or can do? What don't you have or can't do because you cannot afford it? What don't you have or do out of other reasons?

o) dishwasher

Value 86171 Frequency
1 I have or do it 356
2 I can not afford it 190
3 I don't have or don't do it out of other reasons 465
9 no answer 1

Valid range from 1 to 3

V21P actual: save money V21 Now if you consider your own living conditions, what do you have or can do? What don't you have or can't do because you cannot afford it? What don't you have or do out of other reasons?

p) to be able to save at least (50 Euro)* per month

Value 87170 Frequency
1 I have or do it 559
2 I can not afford it 284
3 I don't have or don't do it out of other reasons 168
9 no answer 1

Valid range from 1 to 3

V21Q actual: private pension plan V21 Now if you consider your own living conditions, what do you have or can do? What don't you have or can't do because you cannot afford it? What don't you have or do out of other reasons?

q) private pension plan

Value 88169 Frequency
1 I have or do it 514
2 I can not afford it 125
3 I don't have or don't do it out of other reasons 372
9 no answer 1

Valid range from 1 to 3

V21R actual: video-recorder V21 Now if you consider your own living conditions, what do you have or can do? What don't you have or can't do because you cannot afford it? What don't you have or do out of other reasons?

r) video-recorder

Value 89168 Frequency
1 I have or do it 518
2 I can not afford it 130
3 I don't have or don't do it out of other reasons 363
9 no answer 1

Valid range from 1 to 3

V21S actual: computer V21 Now if you consider your own living conditions, what do you have or can do? What don't you have or can't do because you cannot afford it? What don't you have or do out of other reasons?

s) computer

Value 90167 Frequency
1 I have or do it 392
2 I can not afford it 180
3 I don't have or don't do it out of other reasons 438
9 no answer 2

Valid range from 1 to 3

V22 social class

V22 If you were asked to choose one of these five names for your social class, which would you say you belong to?

Value 91166 Frequency
1 lower class 36
2 working class 317
3 middle class 538
4 upper middle class 78
5 upper class 2
6 none of these classes / refuse classification 0
7 do not know 0
9 no answer 41

Valid range from 1 to 7

V23 satisfaction: standard of living

V23 What is about your standard of living? I mean goods and services which one can buy like housing, cloth, food, cars, vacation, travel. How satisfied are you, overall, with your standard of living?

Value 92165 Frequency
0 completely dissatisfied 11
1 1 7
2 2 12
3 3 32
4 4 35
5 5 188
6 6 128
7 7 172
8 8 232
9 9 98
10 completely satisfied 95
99 no answer 2

Valid range from 0 to 9

V24 household income in Euro

INCOME V24 - Would you please tell me, what the monthly net income of your household is. I mean the total income of all household members, after deduction of taxes and contributions. Please do not forget additional incomes, like for instance housing or child allowances.

Value 93164 Frequency
988888 do not know [not available in Germany, Spain and Sweden] 2
999999 no answer 366
0 14
3250 1
3500 2
4000 1
4980 3
5848 0
16959 0

Valid range from 999 to 16959

V24_PPP household income in PPP (international $)

V24_ppp Houshold income in Purchasing Power Parities (international U.S. Dollar)

Value 94163 Frequency
0 14
9 1
174 1
6975 1
8684 3
5848 0
16959 0

Valid range from 9 to 16959

V24EQ equivalent household income in Euro

v24eq equivalent household income in Euro

Value 95162 Frequency
0 14
3 1
100 2
2445 1
2490 2
5848 0
16959 0

Valid range from 3 to 16959

V24EQPPP equivalent household income in PPP (international $)

V24eqppp equivalent household income in PPP (international $)

Value 96161 Frequency
0 14
5 1
174 2
4263 1
4342 2
5848 0
16959 0

Valid range from 5 to 16959

V24EQCOL quintiles of equivalent household income in country

v24eqcol quintiles of equivalent household income in country

Value 97160 Frequency
1 lowest quintile 126
2 132
3 123
4 128
5 highest quintile 132
9 n.a. 371

Valid range from 1 to 5

V24_CH Switzerland: household income in CHF

v24_ch Switzerland: household income in CHF

Value 98159 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V24_H Hungary: household income in Forint

v24_h Hungary: household income in Forint

Value 99158 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V24_SLO Slovenia: household income in thousand Tolars

v24_slo Slovenia: household income in thousand Tolars

Value 100157 Frequency
0 14
1 1
20 1
800 1
996 3
5848 0
16959 0

Valid range from 1 to 16959

V24COMBH Hungary: household income in Forint, combined

v24combh Hungary: household income in Forint, combined

Value 101156 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V24COMCH Switzerland: household income, classified

v24comch Switzerland: household income, classified

Value 102155 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V24EQ_CH Switzerland: equivalent household income in CHF

v24eq_ch Switzerland: equivalent household income in CHF

Value 103154 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V24EQ_D Germany: equivalent household income in DM

v24eq_d Germany: equivalent household income in DM

Value 104153 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V24EQ_E Spain: equivalent household income in Pesetas

v24eq_e Spain: equivalent household income in Pesetas

Value 105152 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V24EQ_H Hungary: equivalent household income in Forint

v24eq_h Hungary: equivalent household income in Forint

Value 106151 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V24EQSLO Slovenia: equivalent household income in Tolars

v24eqslo Slovenia: equivalent household income in Tolars

Value 107150 Frequency
0 14
1 1
20 2
489 1
498 2
5848 0
16959 0

Valid range from 1 to 16959

V25_D Germany: household income without estimates V25 household income, classified

v25_d Germany: household income without estimates

Value 108149 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V25_E Spain: household income, categories

v25_e Spain: household income, categories

Value 109148 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V25_H Hungary: household income, classified

v25_h Hungary: household income, classified

Value 110147 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V25MEAND Germany: household income (DM), means of categories

v25meand Germany: household income (DM), means of categories

Value 111146 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V25MEANE Spain: household income in Pesetas, means of categories

v25meane Spain: household income in Pesetas, means of categories

Value 112145 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V26 household's financial situation

V26 If you compare your household's present financial situation to that of one year ago, would you say the situation today has...

Value 113144 Frequency
1 clearly deteriorated, 65
2 deteriorated somewhat, 234
3 remained the same, 492
4 improved somewhat, 178
5 clearly improved? 36
9 no answer 7

Valid range from 1 to 5

V27 make ends meet

V27 Is your household able to make ends meet...

Value 114143 Frequency
1 with great difficulty, 46
2 with some difficulty, 302
3 fairly easily, 602
4 very easily? 26
8 do not know (only asked in Spain) 0
9 no answer 36

Valid range from 1 to 4

V28 satisfaction: household income

V28 Taking everything into account, how satisfied are you with your household income? Please use the scale from 0 to 10.

Value 115142 Frequency
0 completely dissatisfied 31
1 1 14
2 2 28
3 3 58
4 4 68
5 5 229
6 6 147
7 7 188
8 8 162
9 9 26
10 completely satisfied 49
99 no answer 12

Valid range from 0 to 10

V29 health problems

HEALTH V29 Are you hampered in your daily activities by any chronic physical or mental health problem, illness or disability?

Value 116141 Frequency
0 no 728
1 yes, to some extend 189
2 yes, severely 95
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 2

V30 medicine regularly

V30 Do you need to take medicine regularly? I mean real medicine, not vitamin pills.

Value 117140 Frequency
0 no 751
1 yes 261
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V31A anxiety: exhaustion V31 Please answer the following questions simply by saying "yes" or "no".

a) Do you often get spells of complete exhaustion or fatigue?

Value 118139 Frequency
0 no 639
1 yes 373
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V31B anxiety: depressed V31 Please answer the following questions simply by saying "yes" or "no".

b) Do you usually feel unhappy or depressed?

Value 119138 Frequency
0 no 904
1 yes 108
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V31C anxiety: tremble V31 Please answer the following questions simply by saying "yes" or "no".

c) Do you often shake or tremble?

Value 120137 Frequency
0 no 951
1 yes 61
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V31D anxiety: keyed up V31 Please answer the following questions simply by saying "yes" or "no".

d) Are you constantly keyed up and jittery?

Value 121136 Frequency
0 no 846
1 yes 166
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V31E anxiety: frightening thoughts V31 Please answer the following questions simply by saying "yes" or "no".

e) Do frightening thoughts again and again come back in your mind?

Value 122135 Frequency
0 no 931
1 yes 81
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V32 satisfaction: health

V32 Now I have some questions about your health. All in all, how satisfied are you with your health? Please use the scale from 0 to 10.

Value 123134 Frequency
0 completely dissatisfied 16
1 1 10
2 2 13
3 3 34
4 4 43
5 5 191
6 6 100
7 7 175
8 8 240
9 9 116
10 completely satisfied 73
99 no answer 1

Valid range from 0 to 10

V33 educational degree ISCED 1997

EDUCATION AND WORK V33 What educational degree do you have? Please tell me only the highest general educational degree you have.

Value 124133 Frequency
0 ISCED 0: pre-primary education 58
1 ISCED 1: primary education 197
2 ISCED 2: lower secondary education, general, vocational 29
3 ISCED 2A: lower secondary education, general 0
4 ISCED 3C: secondary edu., vocational 0
5 ISCED 3B: secondary edu., general, prep. for ISCED 5B 260
6 ISCED 3A: secondary edu., general, prep.for ISCED 5A 288
7 ISCED 4: post secondary, non tertiary education 30
8 ISCED 5B: first stage of tertiary edu., technical 56
9 ISCED 5A: Tertiary education, university 0
10 ISCED 5A/6: Tertiary education, university/doctorate 91
99 n.a. 3

Valid range from 0 to 10

V33_E Spain: educational degree


Value 125132 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V33_H Hungary: educational degree


Value 126131 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V33_SLO Slovenia: educational degree


Value 127130 Frequency
1 incomplete elementary school 58
2 complete elementary school 197
3 incomplete vocational or secondary school 29
4 complete 2 or 3 year vocational school 260
5 complete 4 year secondary school 288
6 incomplete college or university 30
7 complete (2 year) college degree 56
8 complete university degree or academy 91
9 n. a. 3

Valid range from 1 to 8

V33_CH Switzerland: educational degree, original variable


Value 128129 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V33A_CH Switzerland: educational degree


Value 129128 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V33A_D Germany: educational degree


Value 130127 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V33A_E Did you go to school?


Value 131126 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V33B_CH Switzerland: ISCED-classification-old version


Value 132125 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V33B_D Germany: job training / higher education (highest qualification)


Value 133124 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V33C_CH Switzerland: educational degree: ISCED-classification-1997


Value 134123 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V34 satisfaction: education

V34 How satisfied are you with your education?

Value 135122 Frequency
0 completely dissatisfied 27
1 1 13
2 2 18
3 3 44
4 4 43
5 5 179
6 6 118
7 7 154
8 8 182
9 9 89
10 completely satisfied 120
99 no answer 25

Valid range from 0 to 10

V35 employment status, respondent

V35 Now we have some questions concerning your occupation. Are you currently working for pay either

Value 136121 Frequency
1 full-time, 507
2 part-time, 14
3 or are you only occasionally employed, 19
4 are you not employed at all, 469
5 or are you in military service? 2
6 on leave (child-rearing and other reasons); only asked in Germany 0
9 no answer 1

Valid range from 1 to 6

V36 present occupational status / respondent

V36 Please classify your present occupational status

Value 137120 Frequency
1 unskilled/semi-skillworker 47
2 skilled worker/foreman 115
3 employee/civil servant, lower level 25
4 employee/civil servant, higher level 322
5 self-employed 26
6 others 4
98 does not apply 472
99 no answer 1

Valid range from 1 to 6

V36_CH Switzerland: present occupational status / respondent

V36ch Switzerland: present occupational status / respondent

Value 138119 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V36_D Germany: present occupational status / respondent

V36d Germany: present occupational status / respondent

Value 139118 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V36_H Hungary: present occupational status / respondent

V36h Hungary: present occupational status / respondent

Value 140117 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V36_SLO Slovenia: present occupational status / respondent

V36slo Slovenia: present occupational status / respondent

Value 141116 Frequency
1 unskilled worker 26
2 semi-skilled worker 21
3 skilled worker 100
4 foreman in manual work 15
5 employee (also civil servant), low qualification 25
6 employee (also civil servant), medium qualification 203
7 employee (also civil servant), high qualification 119
8 entrepreneur with employees 9
9 self-employed 7
10 free profession 4
11 farmer (also helping family members) 6
12 other 4
98 never employed 472
99 n. a. 1

Valid range from 1 to 12

V37 present job - ISCO 1988

V37 The data are recoded according to the ISCO classification. Respondent s occupation: ILO / ISCO international code

Value 142115 Frequency
9998 not employed 0
9999 no answer 0
9997 not classifiable (only CH) 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V37_E Spain: present job: CNO (Clasificacion Nacional de Ocupaciones), 1979. (A TRES DIGITOS)

V37e CNO (Clasificacion Nacional de Ocupaciones), 1979

Value 143114 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V37_SLO Slovenia: present job ISCO-88 sub-major groups

V37slo ISCO 1988 sub-major groups

Value 144113 Frequency
1 2
11 2
12 10
97 2
98 1
9998 not employed 474
9999 n.a. 3

Valid range from 1 to 98

V38 necessary education or training

V38 What type of professional education or training is usually necessary for the job that you do?

Value 145112 Frequency
1 no vocational education or particular training 58
2 no vocational education, but fairly lengthy training at the workplace 47
3 no vocational education, but certain courses 17
4 vocational training, non-university 282
5 university education 125
8 not employed 473
9 no answer 10

Valid range from 1 to 5

V39 working hours / week

V39 How many hours do you normally work per week?

Value 146111 Frequency
98 not employed 474
99 no answer 5
3 1
76 1
80 3
84 1
85 1

Valid range from 3 to 85

V39COL working hours / week, categories

V39col Working hours / week, categories

Value 147110 Frequency
1 -10 6
2 11-20 17
3 21-30 12
4 31-40 290
5 41-50 153
6 51+ 55
98 not employed 474
99 n. a. 5

Valid range from 1 to 6

V40 satisfaction: present job

V40 Taking everything into consideration, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your present job? Please use the scale from 0 to 10.

Value 148109 Frequency
0 completely dissatisfied 13
1 1 1
2 2 10
3 3 19
4 4 18
5 5 77
6 6 53
7 7 101
8 8 123
9 9 47
10 completely satisfied 74
98 not employed 473
99 no answer 3

Valid range from 0 to 10

V41 find equivalent job

V41 In case you would lose your present job, how difficult would it be to find an equivalent job?

Value 149108 Frequency
1 practically impossible 84
2 difficult 338
3 easy 110
7 does not apply (other reasons) [Spain: do not know] 0
8 not employed 477
9 no answer 3

Valid range from 1 to 3

V42 reasons for being not employed

V42 On this list you find several reasons for not being employed. What applies best to your current situation?

Value 150107 Frequency
1 retired 234
2 early retirement 34
3 permanently disabled, sick 9
4 in school, university 76
5 retraining 1
6 unemployed 41
7 homemaker 46
8 others 28
98 employed 542
99 no answer 1

Valid range from 1 to 8

V43 ever employed

V43 Have you ever been employed?

Value 151106 Frequency
0 no 138
1 yes 331
8 employed 542
9 no answer 1

Valid range from 0 to 1

V44 former occupational status / respondent (presently not employed)

V44 Please classify your last occupational status. The different national categories are condensed into five common categories:

Value 152105 Frequency
1 unskilled/semi-skillworker 112
2 skilled worker/foreman 80
3 employee/civil servant, lower level 11
4 employee/ civil servant, higher level 112
5 self-employed 25
6 others 5
98 does not apply 666
99 no answer 1

Valid range from 1 to 6

V44_CH Switzerland: former occupational status / respondent (presently not employed)

V44ch Switzerland: former occupational status / respondent

Value 153104 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V44_D Germany: former occupational status / respondent (presently not employed)

V44d Germany: former occupational status / respondent

Value 154103 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V44_H Hungary: former occupational status / respondent (presently not employed)

V44h Hungary: former occupational status / respondent

Value 155102 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V44_SLO Slovenia: former occupational status / respondent (presently not employed)

V44slo Slovenia: former occupational status / respondent

Value 156101 Frequency
1 unskilled worker 65
2 semi-skilled worker 47
3 skilled worker 65
4 foreman in manual work 15
5 employee (also civil servant), low qualification 11
6 employee (also civil servant), medium qualification 70
7 employee (also civil servant), high qualification 42
8 entrepreneur with employees 3
11 farmer (also helping family members) 22
12 other 5
98 now employed or never been employed 666
99 n. a. 1

Valid range from 1 to 12

V45 last job - ISCO 1988

V45 Please name your last job.

Value 157100 Frequency
9998 not employed or never been employed 0
9999 no answer 0
9997 not classifiable (only CH) 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V45_E Spain: last job: CNO (Clasificacion Nacional de Ocupaciones), 1979. (A TRES DIGITOS)

V45e CNO (Clasificacion Nacional de Ocupaciones), 1979

Value 15899 Frequency
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V45_SLO Slovenia: last job ISCO-88 sub-major groups

V45slo ISCO 1988 sub-major groups

Value 15998 Frequency
1 1
3 1
11 2
97 113
98 4
9998 now employed or never been employed 563
9999 now answer 6

Valid range from 1 to 98

V46 unemployment last 5 years

V46 Have you ever experienced spells of unemployment during the last five years?

Value 16097 Frequency
0 no 699
1 yes 173
8 does not apply (never employed) 139
9 no answer 1

Valid range from 0 to 1

V47 how often unemployed

V47 How often have you been unemployed during the last five years?

Value 16196 Frequency
98 does not apply 780
99 no answer 68
1 134
2 17
3 4
4 2
5 5
10 1
35 1

Valid range from 1 to 35

V48 number of long-term spells

V48 In the last five years, how often have you been unemployed for more than 6 month?

Value 16295 Frequency
98 does not apply 775
99 no answer 68
0 42
1 106
2 12
3 2
5 6
8 1

Valid range from 0 to 8

V49 satisfaction: neighbourhood

PERSONAL ENVIRONMENT AND PERSONAL SAFETY V49 Overall, how satisfied are you with the neighbourhood in which you live? Please use again this scale (0-10).

Value 16394 Frequency
0 completely dissatisfied 10
1 1 3
2 2 20
3 3 27
4 4 25
5 5 121
6 6 73
7 7 129
8 8 232
9 9 149
10 completely satisfied 219
99 no answer 4

Valid range from 0 to 10

V50 safety at night

V50 How safe do you feel if you are walking around in this area at night? Do you feel

Value 16493 Frequency
1 very unsafe, 18
2 rather unsafe, 92
3 rather safe, 447
4 very safe? 411
9 no answer 44

Valid range from 1 to 4

V51A incidents: theft V51 Have you yourself during the last 12 months been subjected to any of the following incidents?

a) get things stolen

Value 16592 Frequency
0 no 942
1 yes 70
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V51B incidents: harassed V51 Have you yourself during the last 12 months been subjected to any of the following incidents?

b) be harassed or threatened

Value 16691 Frequency
0 no 965
1 yes 47
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V51C incidents: sexually molested V51 Have you yourself during the last 12 months been subjected to any of the following incidents?

c) get sexual molested

Value 16790 Frequency
0 no 1005
1 yes 7
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V51D incidents: beaten V51 Have you yourself during the last 12 months been subjected to any of the following incidents?

d) be beaten and hurt

Value 16889 Frequency
0 no 1005
1 yes 7
9 no answer 0

Valid range from 0 to 1

V52 satisfaction: public safety

V52 And now generally speaking, how satisfied are you with the public safety? Please tell me again by help of this list (0 to 10).

Value 16988 Frequency
0 completely dissatisfied 16
1 1 7
2 2 24
3 3 59
4 4 52
5 5 194
6 6 142
7 7 173
8 8 163
9 9 64
10 completely satisfied 81
99 no answer 37

Valid range from 0 to 10

V53A complaints: noise V53 Please think about the place where you live now. I mean the immediate neighbourhood of your apartment. Do you have

a) noise

Value 17087 Frequency
1 no reasons at all to complain about the following problems 335
2 not so many 392
3 some 198
4 very many 82
9 no answer 5

Valid range from 1 to 4

V53B complaints: air pollution V53 Please think about the place where you live now. I mean the immediate neighbourhood of your apartment. Do you have

b) air pollution

Value 17186 Frequency
1 no reasons at all to complain about the following problems 426
2 not so many 347
3 some 169
4 very many 55
9 no answer 15

Valid range from 1 to 4

V53C complaints: lack of recreation areas V53 Please think about the place where you live now. I mean the immediate neighbourhood of your apartment. Do you have

c) lack of access to recreation areas or greensward

Value 17285 Frequency
1 no reasons at all to complain about the following problems 657
2 not so many 175
3 some 99
4 very many 63
9 no answer 18

Valid range from 1 to 4

V53D complaints: water quality V53 Please think about the place where you live now. I mean the immediate neighbourhood of your apartment. Do you have

d) water quality

Value 17384 Frequency
1 no reasons at all to complain about the following problems 624
2 not so many 203
3 some 98
4 very many 36
9 no answer 51

Valid range from 1 to 4

V54 satisfaction: environmental situation

V54 And how satisfied are you, generally speaking, with the environmental situation in our country? Please use the scale from 0 to 10.

Value 17483 Frequency
0 completely dissatisfied 9
1 1 3
2 2 22
3 3 44
4 4 56
5 5 213
6 6 175
7 7 213
8 8 141
9 9 34
10 completely satisfied 47
99 no answer 55

Valid range from 0 to 10

V55A anomia: cannot influence INDICATORS OF SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING (GLOBAL MEASURES) V55 Now I want to read to you several statements dealing with general problems of life. Please tell me, by help of this list, if you

a) I cannot influence most of today's problems. [Hungary: everyday's problems]

Value 17582 Frequency
1 not agree at all with the statement 29
2 somewhat disagree 141
3 somewhat agree 401
4 or completely agree 376
9 no answer 65

Valid range from 1 to 4

V55B anomia: feel lonely INDICATORS OF SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING (GLOBAL MEASURES) V55 Now I want to read to you several statements dealing with general problems of life. Please tell me, by help of this list, if you

b) I often feel lonely.

Value 17681 Frequency
1 not agree at all with the statement 349
2 somewhat disagree 476
3 somewhat agree 128
4 or completely agree 33
9 no answer 26

Valid range from 1 to 4

V55C anomia: do not enjoy work INDICATORS OF SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING (GLOBAL MEASURES) V55 Now I want to read to you several statements dealing with general problems of life. Please tell me, by help of this list, if you

c) I don't really enjoy my work.

Value 17780 Frequency
1 not agree at all with the statement 324
2 somewhat disagree 404
3 somewhat agree 154
4 or completely agree 51
9 no answer 79

Valid range from 1 to 4

V55D anomia: life so complicated INDICATORS OF SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING (GLOBAL MEASURES) V55 Now I want to read to you several statements dealing with general problems of life. Please tell me, by help of this list, if you

d) Life has become so complicated today that I almost can't find my way.

Value 17879 Frequency
1 not agree at all with the statement 294
2 somewhat disagree 457
3 somewhat agree 147
4 or completely agree 73
9 no answer 41

Valid range from 1 to 4

V55E anomia: very optimistic INDICATORS OF SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING (GLOBAL MEASURES) V55 Now I want to read to you several statements dealing with general problems of life. Please tell me, by help of this list, if you

e) I am very optimistic about the future.

Value 17978 Frequency
1 not agree at all with the statement 80
2 somewhat disagree 252
3 somewhat agree 411
4 or completely agree 213
9 no answer 56

Valid range from 1 to 4

V55F anomia: do things not correct INDICATORS OF SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING (GLOBAL MEASURES) V55 Now I want to read to you several statements dealing with general problems of life. Please tell me, by help of this list, if you

f) In order to get ahead nowadays you are forced to do things that are not correct.

Value 18077 Frequency
1 not agree at all with the statement 149
2 somewhat disagree 316
3 somewhat agree 307
4 or completely agree 127
9 no answer 113

Valid range from 1 to 4

V56 satisfaction: life in general

V56 What do you mean, how satisfied are you at present with your life in general?

Value 18176 Frequency
0 completely dissatisfied 8
1 1 3
2 2 6
3 3 14
4 4 23
5 5 129
6 6 90
7 7 204
8 8 291
9 9 123
10 completely satisfied 116
99 no answer 5

Valid range from 0 to 10

V57 happiness

V57 Taking all things together, how would you say things are these days - would you say you are

Value 18275 Frequency
1 very unhappy these days, 17
2 not too happy, 238
3 pretty happy, 615
4 very happy? 94
9 no answer 48

Valid range from 1 to 4

V58A realized: political participation Optional Questions QUALITY OF SOCIETY V58 What do you mean? To what degree the following freedoms, rights, lifechances and securities are realized in

a) freedom of political participation

Value 18374 Frequency
1 not at all realized 24
2 rather not realized 193
3 rather realized 363
4 fully realized 247
9 no answer 185

Valid range from 1 to 4

V58B realized: choose occupation Optional Questions QUALITY OF SOCIETY V58 What do you mean? To what degree the following freedoms, rights, lifechances and securities are realized in

b) freedom to choose for yourself your occupation

Value 18473 Frequency
1 not at all realized 71
2 rather not realized 306
3 rather realized 321
4 fully realized 223
9 no answer 91

Valid range from 1 to 4

V58C realized: protection of environment Optional Questions QUALITY OF SOCIETY V58 What do you mean? To what degree the following freedoms, rights, lifechances and securities are realized in

c) protection of environment

Value 18572 Frequency
1 not at all realized 49
2 rather not realized 495
3 rather realized 284
4 fully realized 50
9 no answer 134

Valid range from 1 to 4

V58D realized: protection of private property Optional Questions QUALITY OF SOCIETY V58 What do you mean? To what degree the following freedoms, rights, lifechances and securities are realized in

d) protection of private property

Value 18671 Frequency
1 not at all realized 43
2 rather not realized 352
3 rather realized 392
4 fully realized 85
9 no answer 140

Valid range from 1 to 4

V58E realized: just distribution of wealth Optional Questions QUALITY OF SOCIETY V58 What do you mean? To what degree the following freedoms, rights, lifechances and securities are realized in

e) just and fair distribution of wealth

Value 18770 Frequency
1 not at all realized 387
2 rather not realized 463
3 rather realized 50
4 fully realized 23
9 no answer 89

Valid range from 1 to 4

V58F realized: equality of men and women Optional Questions QUALITY OF SOCIETY V58 What do you mean? To what degree the following freedoms, rights, lifechances and securities are realized in

f) equality of men and women

Value 18869 Frequency
1 not at all realized 61
2 rather not realized 330
3 rather realized 418
4 fully realized 121
9 no answer 82

Valid range from 1 to 4

V58G realized: equality of life chances Optional Questions QUALITY OF SOCIETY V58 What do you mean? To what degree the following freedoms, rights, lifechances and securities are realized in

g) equality of life chances regardless of origin

Value 18968 Frequency
1 not at all realized 197
2 rather not realized 447
3 rather realized 199
4 fully realized 78
9 no answer 91

Valid range from 1 to 4

V58H realized: free speech Optional Questions QUALITY OF SOCIETY V58 What do you mean? To what degree the following freedoms, rights, lifechances and securities are realized in

h) freedom of free speech always and everywhere

Value 19067 Frequency
1 not at all realized 56
2 rather not realized 223
3 rather realized 415
4 fully realized 236
9 no answer 82

Valid range from 1 to 4

V58I realized: freedom of religion Optional Questions QUALITY OF SOCIETY V58 What do you mean? To what degree the following freedoms, rights, lifechances and securities are realized in

i) freedom of religion/faith

Value 19166 Frequency
1 not at all realized 9
2 rather not realized 79
3 rather realized 409
4 fully realized 419
9 no answer 96

Valid range from 1 to 4

V58J realized: protection of crime Optional Questions QUALITY OF SOCIETY V58 What do you mean? To what degree the following freedoms, rights, lifechances and securities are realized in

j) protection from crime

Value 19265 Frequency
1 not at all realized 95
2 rather not realized 504
3 rather realized 256
4 fully realized 61
9 no answer 96

Valid range from 1 to 4

V58K realized: social security Optional Questions QUALITY OF SOCIETY V58 What do you mean? To what degree the following freedoms, rights, lifechances and securities are realized in

k) social security

Value 19364 Frequency
1 not at all realized 95
2 rather not realized 451
3 rather realized 308
4 fully realized 65
9 no answer 93

Valid range from 1 to 4

V58L realized: solidarity with poor Optional Questions QUALITY OF SOCIETY V58 What do you mean? To what degree the following freedoms, rights, lifechances and securities are realized in

l) solidarity with the poor and needy

Value 19463 Frequency
1 not at all realized 145
2 rather not realized 484
3 rather realized 239
4 fully realized 52
9 no answer 92

Valid range from 1 to 4

V58M realized: chance to get a job Optional Questions QUALITY OF SOCIETY V58 What do you mean? To what degree the following freedoms, rights, lifechances and securities are realized in

m) chance to get a job [Remark: in Germany, this question was not included in the 1999 Euromodule survey, but in the larger 1998 German Welfare Survey]

Value 19562 Frequency
1 not at all realized 314
2 rather not realized 525
3 rather realized 78
4 fully realized 28
9 no answer 67

Valid range from 1 to 4

V59 young generation's standard of living

V59 What do you mean? Will today's young generation compared with their parents later have a higher, a lower or the same standard of living? [Remark: in Germany, this question was not included in the 1999 Euromodule survey, but in the larger 1998 German Welfare Survey]

Value 19661 Frequency
1 lower standard of living 324
2 same standard of living 115
3 higher standard of living 484
9 no answer 89

Valid range from 1 to 3

V60 satisfaction: social security system

V60 How satisfied are you with the health insurance, unemployment insurance, and the pension insurance fund in what is generally called the "social security system"?

Value 19760 Frequency
0 completely dissatisfied 0
1 1 0
2 2 0
3 3 0
4 4 0
5 5 0
6 6 0
7 7 0
8 8 0
9 9 0
10 completely satisfied 0
99 no answer 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 0 to 10

V61 satisfaction: democratic institutions

V61 Taking everything into account, how satisfied are you with the democratic institutions in our country? Please use the scale from 0 to 10.

Value 19859 Frequency
0 completely dissatisfied 37
1 1 18
2 2 53
3 3 85
4 4 91
5 5 236
6 6 165
7 7 139
8 8 44
9 9 13
10 completely satisfied 7
99 no answer 124

Valid range from 0 to 10

V62A Hungary V62 The living conditions among European countries differ quite a lot today, and we would like to get your personal evaluation. Please use these ladders, where the highest field represents very good living conditions and the lowest field stands for very bad living conditions. [In the national surveys living conditions in country> are used as the point of reference. In the harmonized data set the order of countries is coded according to the Hungarian scheme in order to ensure identical labelling of the variables.]

V62a Hungary

Value 19958 Frequency
0 very bad living conditions 0
1 1 0
2 2 0
3 3 0
4 4 0
5 5 0
6 6 0
7 7 0
8 8 0
9 9 0
10 very good living conditions 0
99 no answer 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 0 to 10

V62B Poland V62 The living conditions among European countries differ quite a lot today, and we would like to get your personal evaluation. Please use these ladders, where the highest field represents very good living conditions and the lowest field stands for very bad living conditions. [In the national surveys living conditions in country> are used as the point of reference. In the harmonized data set the order of countries is coded according to the Hungarian scheme in order to ensure identical labelling of the variables.]

V62b Poland

Value 20057 Frequency
0 very bad living conditions 0
1 1 0
2 2 0
3 3 0
4 4 0
5 5 0
6 6 0
7 7 0
8 8 0
9 9 0
10 very good living conditions 0
99 no answer 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 0 to 10

V62C France V62 The living conditions among European countries differ quite a lot today, and we would like to get your personal evaluation. Please use these ladders, where the highest field represents very good living conditions and the lowest field stands for very bad living conditions. [In the national surveys living conditions in country> are used as the point of reference. In the harmonized data set the order of countries is coded according to the Hungarian scheme in order to ensure identical labelling of the variables.]

V62c France

Value 20156 Frequency
0 very bad living conditions 0
1 1 0
2 2 0
3 3 0
4 4 0
5 5 0
6 6 0
7 7 0
8 8 0
9 9 0
10 very good living conditions 0
99 no answer 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 0 to 10

V62D Italy V62 The living conditions among European countries differ quite a lot today, and we would like to get your personal evaluation. Please use these ladders, where the highest field represents very good living conditions and the lowest field stands for very bad living conditions. [In the national surveys living conditions in country> are used as the point of reference. In the harmonized data set the order of countries is coded according to the Hungarian scheme in order to ensure identical labelling of the variables.]

V62d Italy

Value 20255 Frequency
0 very bad living conditions 0
1 1 0
2 2 0
3 3 0
4 4 0
5 5 0
6 6 0
7 7 0
8 8 0
9 9 0
10 very good living conditions 0
99 no answer 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 0 to 10

V62E Spain V62 The living conditions among European countries differ quite a lot today, and we would like to get your personal evaluation. Please use these ladders, where the highest field represents very good living conditions and the lowest field stands for very bad living conditions. [In the national surveys living conditions in country> are used as the point of reference. In the harmonized data set the order of countries is coded according to the Hungarian scheme in order to ensure identical labelling of the variables.]

V62e Spain

Value 20354 Frequency
0 very bad living conditions 0
1 1 0
2 2 0
3 3 0
4 4 0
5 5 0
6 6 0
7 7 0
8 8 0
9 9 0
10 very good living conditions 0
99 no answer 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 0 to 10

V62F Netherlands V62 The living conditions among European countries differ quite a lot today, and we would like to get your personal evaluation. Please use these ladders, where the highest field represents very good living conditions and the lowest field stands for very bad living conditions. [In the national surveys living conditions in country> are used as the point of reference. In the harmonized data set the order of countries is coded according to the Hungarian scheme in order to ensure identical labelling of the variables.]

V62f Netherlands

Value 20453 Frequency
0 very bad living conditions 0
1 1 0
2 2 0
3 3 0
4 4 0
5 5 0
6 6 0
7 7 0
8 8 0
9 9 0
10 very good living conditions 0
99 no answer 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 0 to 10

V62G Switzerland V62 The living conditions among European countries differ quite a lot today, and we would like to get your personal evaluation. Please use these ladders, where the highest field represents very good living conditions and the lowest field stands for very bad living conditions. [In the national surveys living conditions in country> are used as the point of reference. In the harmonized data set the order of countries is coded according to the Hungarian scheme in order to ensure identical labelling of the variables.]

V62g Switzerland

Value 20552 Frequency
0 very bad living conditions 0
1 1 0
2 2 0
3 3 0
4 4 0
5 5 0
6 6 0
7 7 0
8 8 0
9 9 0
10 very good living conditions 0
99 no answer 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 0 to 10

V62H Germany V62 The living conditions among European countries differ quite a lot today, and we would like to get your personal evaluation. Please use these ladders, where the highest field represents very good living conditions and the lowest field stands for very bad living conditions. [In the national surveys living conditions in country> are used as the point of reference. In the harmonized data set the order of countries is coded according to the Hungarian scheme in order to ensure identical labelling of the variables.]

V62h Germany

Value 20651 Frequency
0 very bad living conditions 0
1 1 0
2 2 0
3 3 0
4 4 0
5 5 0
6 6 0
7 7 0
8 8 0
9 9 0
10 very good living conditions 0
99 no answer 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 0 to 10

V62I Sweden V62 The living conditions among European countries differ quite a lot today, and we would like to get your personal evaluation. Please use these ladders, where the highest field represents very good living conditions and the lowest field stands for very bad living conditions. [In the national surveys living conditions in country> are used as the point of reference. In the harmonized data set the order of countries is coded according to the Hungarian scheme in order to ensure identical labelling of the variables.]

V62i Sweden

Value 20750 Frequency
0 very bad living conditions 0
1 1 0
2 2 0
3 3 0
4 4 0
5 5 0
6 6 0
7 7 0
8 8 0
9 9 0
10 very good living conditions 0
99 no answer 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 0 to 10

V63A human relations: nobody cares V63 Please show how much you agree or disagree with each statement:

a) Nobody takes care of what happens to the others.

Value 20849 Frequency
1 strongly disagree 0
2 disagree 0
3 agree 0
4 strongly agree 0
9 no answer. 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 4

V63B human relations: people are selfish V63 Please show how much you agree or disagree with each statement:

b) People are usually selfish and want to misuse the other.

Value 20948 Frequency
1 strongly disagree 0
2 disagree 0
3 agree 0
4 strongly agree 0
9 no answer. 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 4

V63C human relations: mutual help to be expected V63 Please show how much you agree or disagree with each statement:

c) If I do good to somebody, I can hope he/she will treat me well similarly.

Value 21047 Frequency
1 strongly disagree 0
2 disagree 0
3 agree 0
4 strongly agree 0
9 no answer. 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 4

V64A integration: respectable occupation EXCLUSION AND INTEGRATION

V64 One may have the feeling to be integrated and included into normal social life or to be rather excluded. In your view how important are the following items for being integrated and included into social life. Are they

Value 21146 Frequency
1 unimportant 28
2 not so important 92
3 important 560
4 very important 302
9 no answer 30

Valid range from 1 to 4

V64B integration: not handicapped EXCLUSION AND INTEGRATION

b) not to be restricted or handicapped in one's working capabilities

Value 21245 Frequency
1 unimportant 21
2 not so important 90
3 important 551
4 very important 289
9 no answer 61

Valid range from 1 to 4

V64C integration: operate a computer EXCLUSION AND INTEGRATION

c) to be able to operate a computer

Value 21344 Frequency
1 unimportant 66
2 not so important 184
3 important 496
4 very important 220
9 no answer 46

Valid range from 1 to 4

V64D integration: foreign language EXCLUSION AND INTEGRATION

d) to master a foreign language

Value 21443 Frequency
1 unimportant 32
2 not so important 111
3 important 504
4 very important 337
9 no answer 28

Valid range from 1 to 4

V64E integration: driver's license EXCLUSION AND INTEGRATION

e) to have a driver's license

Value 21542 Frequency
1 unimportant 32
2 not so important 81
3 important 487
4 very important 391
9 no answer 21

Valid range from 1 to 4

V64F integration: occupational training EXCLUSION AND INTEGRATION

f) to have an occupational training

Value 21641 Frequency
1 unimportant 24
2 not so important 107
3 important 572
4 very important 261
9 no answer 48

Valid range from 1 to 4

V64G integration: having friends EXCLUSION AND INTEGRATION

g) to have friends

Value 21740 Frequency
1 unimportant 13
2 not so important 62
3 important 550
4 very important 366
9 no answer 21

Valid range from 1 to 4

V64H integration: not chronically ill EXCLUSION AND INTEGRATION

h) not to have chronic illness or handicaps

Value 21839 Frequency
1 unimportant 24
2 not so important 69
3 important 386
4 very important 512
9 no answer 21

Valid range from 1 to 4

V64I integration: own family EXCLUSION AND INTEGRATION

i) to have one's own family and children

Value 21938 Frequency
1 unimportant 66
2 not so important 206
3 important 490
4 very important 223
9 no answer 27

Valid range from 1 to 4

V64J integration: voluntary activities EXCLUSION AND INTEGRATION

j) to engage in voluntary activities

Value 22037 Frequency
1 unimportant 112
2 not so important 374
3 important 399
4 very important 77
9 no answer 50

Valid range from 1 to 4

V64K integration: political activities EXCLUSION AND INTEGRATION

k) to engage in political activities

Value 22136 Frequency
1 unimportant 284
2 not so important 427
3 important 185
4 very important 50
9 no answer 66

Valid range from 1 to 4

V64L integration: higher education EXCLUSION AND INTEGRATION

l) to have a higher education

Value 22235 Frequency
1 unimportant 34
2 not so important 80
3 important 574
4 very important 300
9 no answer 24

Valid range from 1 to 4

V64M integration: citizenship EXCLUSION AND INTEGRATION

m) to have the citizenship

Value 22334 Frequency
1 unimportant 44
2 not so important 116
3 important 465
4 very important 356
9 no answer 31

Valid range from 1 to 4

V64N integration: own income EXCLUSION AND INTEGRATION

n) to have one's own personal income [Remark: in Germany, this question was not included in the 1999 Euromodule survey, but in the larger 1998 German Welfare Survey]

Value 22433 Frequency
1 unimportant 14
2 not so important 37
3 important 427
4 very important 515
9 no answer 19

Valid range from 1 to 4

V66 parents still alive

V66 Are your parents or one of your parents still alive?

Value 22532 Frequency
0 no 0
1 yes 0
9 no answer 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 0 to 1

V67 children

V67 Do you have children?

Value 22631 Frequency
0 no 269
1 yes 742
9 no answer 1

Valid range from 0 to 1

V68A contact with parents

V68a contact with parents

Value 22730 Frequency
1 less often 0
2 several times a year 0
3 at least once a month 0
4 at least once a week 0
5 at least several times a week 0
6 daily 0
7 they/she/he live in the same household 0
8 never; only asked in Hungary 0
98 does not apply (parents not alive anymore) 0
99 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 8

V68B phone contact with parents

V68b phone contact with parents

Value 22829 Frequency
1 less often 0
2 several times a year 0
3 at least once a month 0
4 at least once a week 0
5 at least several times a week 0
6 daily 0
7 they/she/he live in the same household 0
8 never; only asked in Hungary 0
98 does not apply (parents not alive anymore) 0
99 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 8

V69A contact with children

V69a contact with children

Value 22928 Frequency
1 less often 0
2 several times a year 0
3 at least once a month 0
4 at least once a week 0
5 at least several times a week 0
6 daily 0
7 they live in the same household 0
8 never; only asked in Hungary 0
98 does not apply (no children) 0
99 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 8

V69B phone contact with children

V69b phone contact with children

Value 23027 Frequency
1 less often 0
2 several times a year 0
3 at least once a month 0
4 at least once a week 0
5 at least several times a week 0
6 daily 0
7 they live in the same household 0
8 never; only asked in Hungary 0
98 does not apply (no children) 0
99 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 8


a) further development of your income

Value 23126 Frequency
1 pessimistic about them 0
2 more pessimistic than optimistic 0
3 more optimistic than pessimistic 0
4 optimistic 0
9 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 4


b) (if employed) security of your job

Value 23225 Frequency
1 pessimistic about them 0
2 more pessimistic than optimistic 0
3 more optimistic than pessimistic 0
4 optimistic 0
9 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 4


c) development of your cost of living (clothing, rent etc.)

Value 23324 Frequency
1 pessimistic about them 0
2 more pessimistic than optimistic 0
3 more optimistic than pessimistic 0
4 optimistic 0
9 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 4


d) the environmental situation of where you live

Value 23423 Frequency
1 pessimistic about them 0
2 more pessimistic than optimistic 0
3 more optimistic than pessimistic 0
4 optimistic 0
9 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 4


e) your opportunities of political influence

Value 23522 Frequency
1 pessimistic about them 0
2 more pessimistic than optimistic 0
3 more optimistic than pessimistic 0
4 optimistic 0
9 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 4


f) your opportunities to promote in your occupational career

Value 23621 Frequency
1 pessimistic about them 0
2 more pessimistic than optimistic 0
3 more optimistic than pessimistic 0
4 optimistic 0
9 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 4

V72 optimism: personal future in general

V72 And how do you , in general, evaluate your personal future?

Value 23720 Frequency
1 pessimistic 26
2 more pessimistic than optimistic 115
3 more optimistic than pessimistic 377
4 optimistic 376
9 no answer 118

Valid range from 1 to 4

V73A importance: work V73 The areas of life which we have talked about so far might be of different importance for the well-being and satisfaction of people. Please tell me for the following areas if they are [Remark: in Germany, this question was not included in the 1999 Euromodule survey, but in the larger 1998 German Welfare Survey]

a) work

Value 23819 Frequency
1 unimportant for your well-being and satisfaction 0
2 not very important 0
3 important, 0
4 very important 0
9 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 4

V73B importance: family V73 The areas of life which we have talked about so far might be of different importance for the well-being and satisfaction of people. Please tell me for the following areas if they are [Remark: in Germany, this question was not included in the 1999 Euromodule survey, but in the larger 1998 German Welfare Survey]

b) family

Value 23918 Frequency
1 unimportant for your well-being and satisfaction 0
2 not very important 0
3 important, 0
4 very important 0
9 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 4

V73C importance: income V73 The areas of life which we have talked about so far might be of different importance for the well-being and satisfaction of people. Please tell me for the following areas if they are [Remark: in Germany, this question was not included in the 1999 Euromodule survey, but in the larger 1998 German Welfare Survey]

c) income,

Value 24017 Frequency
1 unimportant for your well-being and satisfaction 0
2 not very important 0
3 important, 0
4 very important 0
9 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 4

V73D importance: love V73 The areas of life which we have talked about so far might be of different importance for the well-being and satisfaction of people. Please tell me for the following areas if they are [Remark: in Germany, this question was not included in the 1999 Euromodule survey, but in the larger 1998 German Welfare Survey]

d) love and affection

Value 24116 Frequency
1 unimportant for your well-being and satisfaction 0
2 not very important 0
3 important, 0
4 very important 0
9 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 4

V73E importance: political influence V73 The areas of life which we have talked about so far might be of different importance for the well-being and satisfaction of people. Please tell me for the following areas if they are [Remark: in Germany, this question was not included in the 1999 Euromodule survey, but in the larger 1998 German Welfare Survey]

e) influence on political decisions

Value 24215 Frequency
1 unimportant for your well-being and satisfaction 0
2 not very important 0
3 important, 0
4 very important 0
9 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 4

V73F importance: succesful career V73 The areas of life which we have talked about so far might be of different importance for the well-being and satisfaction of people. Please tell me for the following areas if they are [Remark: in Germany, this question was not included in the 1999 Euromodule survey, but in the larger 1998 German Welfare Survey]

f) successful career

Value 24314 Frequency
1 unimportant for your well-being and satisfaction 0
2 not very important 0
3 important, 0
4 very important 0
9 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 4

V73G importance: leisure V73 The areas of life which we have talked about so far might be of different importance for the well-being and satisfaction of people. Please tell me for the following areas if they are [Remark: in Germany, this question was not included in the 1999 Euromodule survey, but in the larger 1998 German Welfare Survey]

g) leisure time

Value 24413 Frequency
1 unimportant for your well-being and satisfaction 0
2 not very important 0
3 important, 0
4 very important 0
9 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 4

V73H importance: faith V73 The areas of life which we have talked about so far might be of different importance for the well-being and satisfaction of people. Please tell me for the following areas if they are [Remark: in Germany, this question was not included in the 1999 Euromodule survey, but in the larger 1998 German Welfare Survey]

h) faith

Value 24512 Frequency
1 unimportant for your well-being and satisfaction 0
2 not very important 0
3 important, 0
4 very important 0
9 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 4

V73I importance: health V73 The areas of life which we have talked about so far might be of different importance for the well-being and satisfaction of people. Please tell me for the following areas if they are [Remark: in Germany, this question was not included in the 1999 Euromodule survey, but in the larger 1998 German Welfare Survey]

i) health

Value 24611 Frequency
1 unimportant for your well-being and satisfaction 0
2 not very important 0
3 important, 0
4 very important 0
9 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 4

V73J importance: environment V73 The areas of life which we have talked about so far might be of different importance for the well-being and satisfaction of people. Please tell me for the following areas if they are [Remark: in Germany, this question was not included in the 1999 Euromodule survey, but in the larger 1998 German Welfare Survey]

j) protection of natural environment

Value 24710 Frequency
1 unimportant for your well-being and satisfaction 0
2 not very important 0
3 important, 0
4 very important 0
9 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 4

V73K importance: protection against crime V73 The areas of life which we have talked about so far might be of different importance for the well-being and satisfaction of people. Please tell me for the following areas if they are [Remark: in Germany, this question was not included in the 1999 Euromodule survey, but in the larger 1998 German Welfare Survey]

k) protection against crime

Value 2489 Frequency
1 unimportant for your well-being and satisfaction 0
2 not very important 0
3 important, 0
4 very important 0
9 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 1 to 4

V74 course of living conditions

V74 Considering the course of your personal living conditions since 1990 up to now: What picture on this list would be most appropriate? Please give only the number. [Remark: in Germany, this question was not included in the 1999 Euromodule survey, but in the larger 1998 German Welfare Survey]

Value 2498 Frequency
9 no answer 0
0 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 999 to -999

V75A evaluation: current living conditions V75 Now we would like you to consider your general living conditions once more. On the following scheme you see a series of ladders. The highest fields of every ladder represents the best living conditions you can imagine; the lowest field represents the worst living conditions you can imagine. [Remark: in Germany, this question was not included in the 1999 Euromodule survey, but in the larger 1998 German Welfare Survey]

a) First to your current living conditions. Where, on this ladder, would you locate your current living conditions?

Value 2507 Frequency
0 worst living conditions 0
1 1 0
2 2 0
3 3 0
4 4 0
5 5 0
6 6 0
7 7 0
8 8 0
9 9 0
10 best living conditions 0
99 no answer 0
" " 1012

Valid range from 0 to 10

V75B evaluation: in five years V75 Now we would like you to consider your general living conditions once more. On the following scheme you see a series of ladders. The highest fields of every ladder represents the best living conditions you can imagine; the lowest field represents the worst living conditions you can imagine. [Remark: in Germany, this question was not included in the 1999 Euromodule survey, but in the larger 1998 German Welfare Survey]

b) What are your personal future expectations? What do you expect, where on the second ladder would you classify the life your will lead in five years from now?

Value 2516 Frequency