Vse več je pobud za usklajeno oblikovanje politik glede obveznosti zagotavljanja dostopa do raziskovalnih podatkov. Na Evropski ravni dokument Eurohorc obljublja skupno izjavo:
9. Common policy on Open Access and Permanent Access to research data
Addresses Vision point 8.
Whilst the crucial role of peer reviewed publications
in both academia and research is recognised,
there is also pressure to ensure that the results
of publicly funded research are available quickly
and publicly. Influential national and international
funding and strategy bodies are formulating their
own statements and policies. EUROHORCs
Member Organisations, which account among
them for over 18 billion Euros research funding
in Europe, will develop a joint statement on Open
Access. The formulation and adoption of such a
common policy would have an immediate, beneficial
and unifying impact.The collection of research data is a huge
investment. Permanent access to such data, if
quality controlled and in interoperable formats,
allows other researchers to use them, allows
re-analysis of, for example, long time series and
could play a role in ensuring research integrity.EUROHORCs and ESF will address how to best
promote and ensure such permanent access to
data generated with their funding.
Na to se sklicuje npr. nemška izjava Principles for the Handling of Research Data. Da ne ostane samo pri principih je skupina Svetov za podporo znanosti iz nekaj evropskih držav ustanovila koordinacijo, ki deluje pod naslovom Knowledge exchange , ki se redno srečuje ob posameznih skupnih temah tudi v okviru sekcije za raziskovalne podatke.