Our Mission

Datum objave: 08. 04. 2017    Datum zadnjega pregleda: 08. 04. 2017

The mission of digital preservation of ADP is to ensure and promote sustainable services to its designated communities for ingest, storage and access to high quality and useful research data for a variety of purposes. The ADP contains research data of interest to social science researchers dealing with problems of Slovenian society or otherwise important to Slovenian society and social sciences, regardless of geographical boundaries.


Main functions of the disciplinary data service provider ADP are:

  • Acquisition of important research data from a wide range of social sciences of interest for the study of the Slovenian society.
  • Evaluation of submitted research data and their selection for deposit. Priority will be given to research data from scientifically important studies that achieve theoretical and methodological excellence, especially longitudinal data and internationally comparable data that include data from Slovenia. Investment in the handling of research data must be proportionate to its value and usefulness for further use. 
  • Ingesting and processing research data and other documentation, together with the creation of metadata with the aim of preparing a package for long-term digital preservation (AIP) and preparation for access and further use for scientific, educational and other purposes (DIP). 
  • Long-term digital preservation.
  • Provide access to research data that enables easy and well-informed usage for variety of purposes.
  • Training researchers in the planning, handling and preparation of data for ingest in open access.
  • Actively promoting the secondary use of research data by training users and stimulating knowledge exchange between users.


  Kako citiram to stran?

Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov. LETO. Our Mission. Dostopano prek: http://adp.fdv.uni-lj.si/eng/spoznaj/adp/poslanstvo/ (DD. mesec leto).

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ADP je del Inštituta za družbene vede na Fakulteti za družbene vede. Sredstva za delovanje ADP je zagotovil ARRS v okviru infrastrukturnega programa "Mreža raziskovalnih infrastrukturnih centrov Univerze v Ljubljani." ADP je član združenja evropskih arhivov družboslovnih podatkov CESSDA. © ADP (ISSN 2385-9415) | 1997 - 2017 | arhiv.podatkov@fdv.uni-lj.si