MiCREATE – Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe, 2019: Interviews with experts

24. 11. 2022

Authors of Research:  Mateja Sedmak, Barbara Gornik, Zorana Medarić, Lucija Dežan, Maja Zadel, Science and Research Centre Koper, Institute for Social Studies; Veronika Bajt, The Peace Institute

Year of Research: 2019

Keywords: migrant children, child-centred approach, education, integration, integration policies, migrations, school, childhood, inclusion, reception, educational integration, specialists


The MiCreate project (Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe) is an international project in which a comparative study in schools was conducted involving Slovenia (project coordinator), Austria, Denmark, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom, Greece and France. The project examines the integration of immigrant children into European societies and the role of educational institutions in the process of their integration. The overall object of the project is to stimulate inclusion of diverse groups of migrant children by adopting a child-centered approach to migrant children integration on educational and policy level. As part of the project, quantitative and qualitative data were collected. The present research includes qualitative data, i.e. 10 interviews with experts working in the field of integration. Interviews focus on the views and attitudes of members of the educational community regarding the integration of migrant children into the Slovenian school system and wider society, and organizing everyday school life in multicultural schools. For other qualitative data collected see ADP - IDNo: MICRES19 and for the quantitative data see ADP – IDNo: MICREO21, the data from other countries is available in other repositories (see the list in accompanying materials).


Sedmak, M., Gornik, B., Medarić, Z., Dežan, L., Zadel, M. and Bajt, V. (2022). MiCREATE – Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe, 2019: Interviews with experts [Data file]. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani = University of Ljubljana, Slovenian Social Science Data Archives (ADP). ADP - IDNo: MICREE19. https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_MICREE19_V1

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