Situation in nursing homes in the first wave of the Covid-19 epidemic, 2020

15. 11. 2022

Authors of Research:  Miha Lobnik, Mitja Blažič, Jelena Aleksić, Boštjan Vernik Šetinc, Janja Pečan, Nevenka Prešlekova, Matevž Kokol, Samo Novak, Žana marušič, Ana Zupan, Advocate of the Principle of Equality

Year of Research: 2020

covid-19, epidemic, discrimination, nursing homes, first wave of the epidemic


The Advocate of the Principles of Equality conducted a research on the situation in nursing homes during the first wave of the covid-19 epidemic. They were particularly interested in the aspect of human rights and protection against discrimination, as most public debates and controversies focused primarily on the health aspects of the epidemic. The aim of the survey was to gain a deeper understanding of the situation in nursing homes between March and May 2020, when nursing homes were closed for visitors for a certain time period. In addition to residents of nursing homes and their relatives or loved ones, directors and employees of the nursing homes, as well as NGOs working in the field of the protection of the rights of the elderly were also included in the survey. Each of these groups faced specific restrictions and difficulties in coping with the epidemic and related restrictive measures. The survey focused on five aspects of ensuring accessibility and quality of care in nursing homes: informing, providing protection and support service, access to treatment and quality of health care, accessibility and quality of care and other social care services, privacy, movement restrictions and the protection of rights. The data includes: (1) quantitative part (online survey with a non-representative sample of respondents) and (2) qualitative part (interviews with experts and residents of the nursing homes).


Lobnik, M., Blažič, M., Aleksić, J., Vernik Šetinc, B., Pečan, J., Prešlenkova, N., Kokol, M., Novak, S., Marušič, Ž. and Zupan, A. (2022). Situation in nursing homes in the first wave of the Covid-19 epidemic, 2020 [Data file]. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani = University of Ljubljana, Slovenian Social Science Data Archives (ADP). ADP - IDNo: DOMSTA20.

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