Current projects

Publication Year: 08. 04. 2017    Date of last inspection: 22. 04. 2024



SPOZNAJ (Support for the Implementation of Open Science Principles in Slovenia) aims to integrate the principles of open science into scientific research practices and to align the operations of twenty Slovenian public research organisations and Central Technical Library with these principles in the European Research Area. The project partners will conduct training sessions for various open science stakeholders, provide specialised training on handling FAIR and open-access research data, prepare a handbook on open science, and establish support mechanisms for open science within their respective organisations.

ADP actively participates in 4 work packages (WPs):

WP 3: Implementation of training sessions on open science practices and research sharing in accordance with the FAIR principles

WP 4: Preparation and implementation of specialized training for operating in accordance with open science principles
•    4.1 Defining the profiles of support experts and creating a competency catalogue for final recipients to operate according to open science principles
•    4.2 Development of a training program for data stewards and creation of manuals
•    4.3 Implementation of training for data stewardship

WP 5: Preparation and distribution of a manual for operating in accordance with open
science principles, with focus on research data management

WP 6: Comprehensive adjustment of operations in accordance with open science principles and evaluation of the results of the consortium partners

Duration: June 2023 – June 2026

The importance of the project for Slovenia and ADP

The project will greatly accelerate the adoption of open science practices among project partners – twenty of them are Slovenian research organisations. ADP will share its knowledge and experience related to the research data management. New learning materials, specialist training and both manuals will help with acquisition, archiving and publication of new research data in ADP, which will consolidate its position and visibility in the Slovenian professional and research community.



The OSCARS project (Open Science Clusters’ Action for Research and Society) brings together world-class European Research Infrastructures (RIs) in the ESFRI (European Strategy forum on Research Infrastructure) roadmap and beyond to foster the uptake of open science in Europe.

Such RIs are part of the five Science Clusters (Social Science and Humanities, Life Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Photon and Neutron Science, Astronomy, Nuclear and Particle Physics), which are an integral part of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative. RIs have strived to make open data easily accessible to the users and the public, by providing lasting interdisciplinary FAIR data services and working practices.

OSCARS will give an opportunity for inter-cluster cross-adoption and co-development of services. Furthermore, community-based Competence Centres will be established and will be operating, as well as virtual research environments will be deployed fostering the alignment of practices in scientific data analysis.

To support these objectives, OSCARS will launch two Open Calls (in total worth 16 million Euro) to select third parties for the development of new, innovative Open Science projects or services.

ADP actively participates in 2 work packages (WPs):

WP 1: CLOCC (CLuster Open Science Competence Centres)
•    1.1 Deploy
•    2.2 Network

WP 3: TWEE (Testing and WidEning uptakE)
•    3.1 Cooperation with projects related to EOSC, RI development and international fora
•    3.2 User engagement and coaching
•    3.3 Cooperation subtasks with EOSC stakeholders

Engagement: 6,5 PM

Duration: January 2024 – December 2027

The importance of the project for Slovenia and ADP

The project will contribute to the Slovenian RI landscape through thematically distinct Science Clusters, their capacity of creating a collaborative space and a widespread uptake of multidisciplinary Open Science practices in the different research communities. Furthermore, the research community will gain through Competence Centres (one per Science Cluster) that will be deployed to leverage the specific achievements and competencies of each cluster.
ADP will gain specific experience through the project activities, especially by collaborating in established Competence Centres and proposing its implementation in the national environment. Being part of the development of the Competence Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities Cluster will be particularly important for the ADP.



Open4UA (Open Science for Ukrainian Higher Education System) aims to advance the growth of Ukraine's knowledge-driven economy for the post-war recovery by reforming the higher education (HE) system. This will be achieved through prioritising Open Science (OS) across different levels, from National policies to individual researchers.

This is reflected in the project objectives:
•    fostering the National reform on OS for the HE system modernisation and EU integration by supporting legislation amendments based on the orchestrated National consensus,
•    introducing existing advanced approaches and mechanisms to reform research assessment (RA) to prioritise OS at the National level during state certification of higher educational institutions (HEIs) and research projects evaluation,
•    fostering the institutional reform on OS and advancing RA in HEIs through developing and piloting related toolkits.

ADP actively participates in 2 work packages (WPs):

WP 2: Knowledge transfer
•    2.3 Organizing training workshop on OS and advancing RA at UL
•    2.4 Co-creating recommendations for the OS/RA reforms in Ukraine

WP 5: Prioritizing OS at the institutional level
•    5.2 Organising a training workshop on the OS/RA institutional toolkit for pilot HEIs, international feedback and coordination session in UL

Duration: November 2023 – October 2026

Importance of the project for Slovenia and ADP

Slovenian partners are part of the research community. Through the mutual cooperation in the project, they will gain additional knowledge in the field of open science and research assessment, which they will transfer to the wider Slovenian research environment. The results of the project will be more easily accessible to researchers in the international environment.

Through the project, ADP will consolidate its role as a partner that is able to transfer its experience, achievements and expertise in the field of managing social science data and related services, based on open science, to others. While collaborating with other EU partners, ADP will be able to upgrade its knowledge and expertise in the field of open science data stewardship which will be intensively used in the Action Plan for Open Science projects.


Infra4NextGen (Providing research infrastructure services to support Next Generation EU) aims to build a greener, more digital and more resilient future in Europe with a focus on five key areas: Make it Green, Make it Digital, Make it Healthy, Make it Strong, and Make it Equal. Within each of these areas, the project will consolidate, harmonize and summarise existing data and services in the social sciences, and at the same time, ensure better access to them, according to the NextGenEU and youth policy topic areas.

The project will also allow young Europeans to engage with the themes of future generations in a data-led environment. Furthermore, the researchers and others will be better equipped to exploit existing and newly emerging data to help shape the future generation of the society.  

ADP actively participates in 1 work package (WP):

WP 11 – Training the next generation
•    11.1 Deliver webinar series
•    11.2 Deliver workshops
•    11.3 Deliver hackathons
•    11.4 Deliver short video series with demos, tutorials/guides, opinion pieces
•    11.5 Deliver training courses

Duration: March 2024 – February 2028

Importance of the project for Slovenia and ADP

The project will contribute to the Slovenian research infrastructure and its users through more integrated and accessible data and tools, in particular through the new CRONOS web panel. Slovenian researchers will be better trained to work with complex cross-national data, especially with those related to youth policy topics.
The project will give ADP, which is actively involved in the training of data users, researchers and young Europeans, a reputation as a partner that can transfer its achievements and expertise in managing social science data and related services to others.



The aim of the COORDINATE - COhort cOmmunity Research and Development Infrastructure Network for Access Throughout Europe project is to mobilize the community of researchers and organizations that will drive forwards the coordinated development of comparative birth cohort panel and associated survey research in Europe which focus on children’s well-being. The infrastructural community network brought together by COORDINATE will promote the harmonization of and improve access to international survey data, in particular panel survey data, in the study of children and young people’s well-being as they grow up.

The ADP actively participates in 4 work packages (WPs):

  • WP2: Ethics and privacy
  • WP8: GUIDE network development
  • WP9: Communications and marketing
  • WP11: Training and outreach [ADP lead]

Duration: April 2021 – March 2024



This proposal brings together, for the first time, Research Infrastructures (RI), Core Facilities (CF) and European universities, in a new innovative concept to transform the access and empowerment of human resources for national and international scientific facilities in Europe.

The overarching goal of RItrainPlus is to design and deliver a training programme to fulfill the competency requirements for the current and future managers of European RI and CF.

The ADP actively participates in 1 work package (WP):

WP4 Staff and knowledge exchange programme within European RIs, CFs and abroad.

  • Task 4.1 staff and knowledge exchange programme
  • Task 4.2 Development of a community of practice in governance and management of RIs

Duration: April 2021 – March 2025



BeYond-COVID (BY-COVID) is a project that aims to make data on COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) and other infectious diseases open and accessible to everyone. It is important that data, for example genetic sequence and geographical information, is not just available to scientists in laboratories but also to anyone else who can use it such as medical staff in hospitals or government officials. By making it easy for anyone in the world to find and use the data, it will enable work to prevent and treat infectious diseases to happen more quickly and efficiently. BY-COVID will integrate established national and European infrastructures including ELIXIR, BBMRI, ECRIN, PHIRI and CESSDA.

The ADP actively participates in 1 work package (WP):

WP6: Engage, train and build capacity with national and international stakeholders

  • Task 6.4: Training and capacity building support

Duration: October 2021 – September 2024

  How to cite this page?

Social Science Data Archives. YEAR. Current projects. Accessed: (DD. month year).


Labour force survey, 1998/1, SURS

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ADP is part of the Social Sciences Research Institute of the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Slovenian Research Agency provides funding of the ADP within the infrastructure program "Network of Research and Infrastructural Centres" The ADP is a member of the umbrella organization of the European Social Science Data Archives CESSDA ERIC. © ADP (ISSN 2385-9415) | 1997 - 2017 |