National record of functionally derelict areas in Slovenia, 2023

02. 02. 2024

Research authors: Lampič, Barbara in Rebernik, Lea

Research year: 2023

Key words: spatial planning; functionally derelict area; sustainable development; reuse; land ownership; housing conditions; housing; functionally derelict area; revitalisation


A Functionally Derelict Area (FDA) is an abandoned or underutilized area with visible effects of prior use and reduced functional value. Derelict areas can exhibit various types and degrees of depreciation based on functional, physical, environmental, social, and other criteria. The development of FDAs or the re-establishment of activities in abandoned areas is influenced by socio-economic conditions, requiring sectorally coordinated regulations and renewal measures. The implementation of the latter necessitates appropriate professional foundations and an understanding of the actual spatial conditions. The goal of establishing the FDA Database is to monitor the number, extent, and characteristics of functionally derelict areas (areas without use) in Slovenia for more effective national spatial planning. The established spatial data layer of FDAs serves as a professional basis for spatial management and sustainable resource management in Slovenia (space or land), serving national, regional, and local (municipal) levels and decision-makers. Periodic monitoring enables tracking the achievement of the goals of SRS30 (leading indicator: Average size of functionally derelict areas for the Space sector), and the data also facilitate tracking the direction of the Resolution on the Spatial Development Strategy of Slovenia 2050 (ReSPR50) - reducing the share of derelict areas within settlements. Through periodic data collection (since 2017 every 3 years) and additional fieldwork, the recording of the number and total areas of FDAs is conducted, with comparisons to the censuses of 2017 and 2020 enabling the monitoring of changes at the national level, statistical regions, municipalities, or individual FDAs. FDA data are also available in the web application: (Glej: FDO23_RP2_SL_V1_R0 !).


Cite the research: Lampič, B. and Rebernik, L. (2023). National record of functionally derelict areas in Slovenia, 2023 [Data file]. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani = University of Ljubljana, Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov = Slovenian Social Science Data Archives. ADP - IDNo: fdo23. 

Tags: 2023 nova raziskava

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