Slovenian Public Opinion 2022/1: Mirror of Public Opinion, Family and Changing Gender Roles (ISSP 2022), Homeless people, Internet usage

01. 02. 2024

Authors of Research: Hafner-Fink, Mitja, Uhan, Samo, Filipovič Hrast, Maša, Petrovčič, Andraž, Kurdija, Slavko

Year of Research: 2022

Key words: trust; trust in institutions; life satisfaction; attitude towards democracy; social distance; values; war; war in Ukraine; coronavirus; division of roles in family; equality between genders; inequality; attitudes; attitudes towards role of women; parenthood; care for family members; solidarity; living arrangements; attitude towards homelessness; digital inequality; inequality; Internet access; use of internet; use of Internet; skills; consequences of internet use; demography

Like the previous SJM surveys, this survey was conducted in the form of a standardized social survey on the probability sample of 1001 aduls in Slovenia. The survey consists of a set of four topics – four different surveys: a) longitudinal set of standard SJM survey topics ('The Mirror of Public Opinion') and b) International Survey on Family and Gender Roles (ISSP 2022) (both as part of the SJM programme); c) module about homelessness and d) use and attitude towards new technologies (research on the consequences of Internet use in the elderly). 

'The Mirror of Public Opinion' covers the following topics: satisfaction with selected aspects of life (including self-assessment of health, assessment of the material situation of the household, personal well-being), interpersonal trust, assessment of selected social subsystems, attitude towards democracy, trust in institutions, social distance, political orientations and values. These topics belong to the standard longitudinal set of questions of the SJM survey. In addition, there are questions about current events such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. 

The International Survey on Family and Gender Roles (ISSP 2022 - Family) mostly covers questions related to gender (in)equality, such as attitudes towards women's employment, questions about the division of roles in the family, about caring for family members, about parenting, etc. 

The thematic section about homelessness measures the extent of homelessness and housing exclusion in Slovenia, i.e. the experience of sleeping on the street or in shelters, the experiences of evictions, as well as hidden homelessness. It also examines attitudes towards homeless people compared to other vulnerable groups and the role of different actors in addressing homelessness. 

The module 'Use of new technologies - Internet' is related to digital inequalities. They include three levels of the digital divide, namely (1) Internet access, (2) direct and indirect uses of the Internet, and Internet and algorithmic skills, and (3) consequences of Internet use, including knowing specific online services. Most of the questions are repeated from questionnaire on the use of new technologies in the SJM 2018/1 survey. Like other SJM surveys, this also includes a comprehensive set of demographic questions (from gender and age to household composition, employment, work situation, income etc.).

Cite the data:
Hafner Fink, M., Uhan, S., Filipovič Hrast, M., Petrovčič, A. in Kurdija, S. (2023). Slovenian Public Opinion 2022/1: Mirror of Public Opinion, Family and Changing Gender Roles (ISSP 2022), Homeless people, Internet usage [Data file]. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani = University of Ljubljana, Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov = Slovenian Social Science Data Archives. ADP - IDNo: SJM221.

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