Psychological measures in self-regulated e-learning, 2020: Main study

15. 12. 2023

Title of Research: Psychological measures in self-regulated e-learning, 2020: Main study


Author of Research:  Depolli Steiner Katja, Komidar Luka, Pečjak Sonja, Pirc Tina, Podlesek Anja, Puklek Levpušček Melita, Gril Alenka, Bohak Ciril, Kavčič Alenka, Lesar Žiga, Marolt Matija, Pesek Matevž, Boh Podgornik Bojana, Hladnik Aleš and Peklaj Cirila


Year of Research:  2020

Key words: e-learning environment, learning scaffolds, self-regulated learning, metacognitive knowledge, cognitive strategies, metacognitive strategies, motivational strategies, motivation, learning outcomes, learning, schools, strategies, achievement,

In the framework of the ARRS project "Effectiveness of different types of learning supports in the self-regulation of e-learning (J5-9437)", in the period from September 2019 to June 2020, a study was conducted, in which pupils from 14 Slovenian schools, who attended the 9th grade of elementary school in the 2019/2020 school year, participated. The aim of the research was to investigate on the one hand, the students’ characteristics (general and specific knowledge, motivation, metacognitive knowledge, use of self-regulation, use of notes) and, on the other hand, which scaffolds (cognitive, metacognitive, and motivational) and which combination of them influence the students’ learning outcomes, since previous research in e-learning has shown that students learn differently when they learn with printed texts than with digital texts. Researchers measured the students’ individual characteristics, and then the students individually learned two learning units from the field of chemistry in everyday life using digital texts. In learning unit A, the students learned about colour perception; in learning unit B, they learned about smell perception. Based on the individual tests’ results and unit A’s learning, equal groups of students were formed, who then started learning with the learning unit B. As part of the project, a pilot study (ADP - IDNo: IRSUP19) was also carried out, in which the researchers developed and prepared all the measuring instruments, adapted teaching units and developed a computer program for monitoring learning, which were then used in this study.

The study was carried out by the authors from the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics and the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, all from the University of Ljubljana, and the Pedagogical Institute.


Cite the data:

Depolli Steiner, K., Komidar, L., Pečjak, S., Pirc, T., Podlesek, A., Puklek Levpušček, M., Gril, A., Bohak, C., Kavčič, A., Lesar, Ž., Marolt, M., Pesek, M., Boh Podgornik, B., Hladnik, A. and Peklaj, C. (2023). Psychological measures in self-regulated e-learning, 2020: Main study [Data file]. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani = University of Ljubljana, Slovenian Social Science Data Archives (ADP). ADP - IDNo: PMSEUG20.

Based on the research data, several publications were created, for example:

Kavčič A, Podlesek A, Komidar L, Hladnik A, Boh Podgornik B, Bohak C, Depolli Steiner K, Gril A, Lesar Ž, Marolt M, et al. What Can Off- and Online Measures Tell about Students’ Self-Regulation and Their Achievement While Learning Science Expository Hypertext. Sustainability. 2022; 14(9):5686.


Kavčič, A., Boh Podgornik, B., Bohak, C., Depolli Steiner, K., Gril, A., Hladnik, A., Klopčič, V., Komidar, L., Lesar, Žiga, Marolt, M., Pečjak, S., Pesek, M., Pirc, T., Podlesek, A., Puklek Levpušček, M. in Peklaj, C. 2021. E-učno okolje z oporami za samoregulacijo učenja. Uporabna informatika. 29, 1 (mar. 2021). DOI: 

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