Teaching European contents in Slovenian Schools, 2018

07. 07. 2020

Author of Research: Damjan Lajh, Meta Novak in Urška Štremfel

Year of the study: 2018

Keywords: European content; European dimension; attitudes towards migrations; attitudes towards the European Union; European identity; teachers; european union; learning; teaching

In 2019 Slovenia celebrated 15th anniversary of its membership in the European Union (EU). In the same year elections to the European Parliament took place. While scientific and professional literature criticises the European Union for the presence of democratic deficit and distance from European citizens (e.g. Kratochvíl and Sychra, 2019; Papadopoulos and Piattoni, 2019). As the school environment represents an important, though not the only, environment for acquiring citizenship knowledge of the EU, these facts raise a number of research questions about learning and teaching European content in schools. The aim of the research was to analyse in depth the views of teachers on different aspects of learning and teaching European content in Slovenian schools (e.g. goals, accessibility and quality of materials and vocational training, presence in curricula and extracurricular activities) and the challenges they face. With this study, we learned more about how and which European content is taught in Slovenian schools.

Study was conducted through the 1ka web application, among primary and secondary school teachers.

More info about the research can be found in the ADP Catalogue.

Lajh, D., Novak, M. in Štremfel, U. (2020). Teaching European contents in Slovenian Schools, 2018 [Podatkovna datoteka]. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov. ADP - IDNo: EUSOLA18. https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_EUSOLA18_V1

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