Survey about reputation of corporate brands, 2019: Consumers' perceptions of corporate reputation for American brands

23. 04. 2020

Author of the study: Gidaković Petar and Žabkar Vesna

Year of the study: 2019

Keywords: corporate reputation; consumer perception; brand trust; competence impression; warmth impression; stereotype content model; trademarks; surveys;

Study focuses on consumer stereotypes pertaining to corporate brands and try to answer the question of how the dimensions of the corporate reputation (Customer orientation; Good employer; Social and environmental responsibility; Product and service quality, and Reliable and financially strong company) influence the perception of warmth and competence. In addition, the aim of the study is to determine whether warmth and competence perceptions act as mediators of the effects of corporate reputation dimensions on consumer trust toward corporate brands. For the purpose of testing the conceptual model, seven brands were selected (Amazon, American Airlines, Bank of America, Honda, Nestle, Papa John's at T-Mobile) because they cover a range of different industries.

Study was conducted through the 1ka web application, among USA residents over 18 years of age, who participate in the Prolific Academic online panel.

The study was carried out as part of the international research project "Monitoring consumer preferences through consumer stereotypes" (N5-0084), which aims to examine how different types of consumer stereotypes regarding brands (country of origin, typical brand buyers, brand itself) effect on consumer purchasing behavior.

More info about the research you can find in ADP Catalogue.

Gidaković, P. and Žabkar, V. (2020). Survey about reputation of corporate brands, 2019: Consumers' perceptions of corporate reputation for American brands [Data file]. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani = University of Ljubljana, Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov = Social Science Data Archives. ADP - IDNo: AUKZ19.

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