Studying Lifestyles: Resources Past, Present and Future

Datum: Marec 9, 2009
Kraj: British Library Conference Centre, London
Organizator: UK DATA ARCHIVE
This day seminar, held at the British Library on 9 March 2009 as part of
the ESRC Festival of Science, aims to raise awareness of using existing
UK-based resources in dissertations and research projects. The day
brings together four key UK resources, which are typically not the first
port of call for students and young researchers: the Economic and Social
Data Service (ESDS), the British Library (BL), The National Archives
(TNA) and the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

The day takes the form of showcasing key resources for studying aspects
of lifestyle held by the four organisations followed by a 'How I did it'
style presentation of an engaging use case.The final session is an
interactive panel session where students can ask the panel specific
questions about their own work.

This event builds on separate training days already held at the British
Library and ESDS and utilises knowledge transfer to encourage broader
consideration of existing sources held in some of the UK's most
venerable institutions.

The day is aimed specifically at new and student researchers who are
interested in this field of study. The day will end with a guided tour
of the British Library.

The meeting is free to attend, but places are limited so booking is
essential. State your reasons for attending on the booking form, so that
your booking may be confirmed. Lunch is provided.


Evrobarometer 72.1, Revščina in socialna izključenost, socialno skrbstvo, podnebne spremembe ter nacionalni gospodarski položaj in statistika, avgust–september 2009, EC

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