We would like to invite you to join us for the second free, two-day statistical course offered as part of the COORDINATE project. The goal of COORDINATE is to mobilise the community of researchers and organisations to advance the coordinated development of the birth cohort and survey research on children's wellbeing in Europe.
The statistical course aims to provide practical knowledge on analysing longitudinal data, focusing on: longitudinal structural equation modelling, cross-lagged mediation analysis, unconditional and conditional latent growth curve analysis. Basic understanding of regression and factor analysis is required. A dataset will be provided for exercises, but participants can also use their own data. JASP (with lavaan syntax) and IBM SPSS AMOS statistical software packages will be used in the course.
The course is open to academic researchers from PhD students to full professors, policy practitioners, and other researchers or analysts working in the EU countries and associated states.
The deadline for the application submission is 19th June 2023.
To apply, click here.
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Delavnica Vozlišča RDA Slovenija o odprti znanosti na Arnesovi konferenci Mreža znanja 2024
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