At the end of August, the COORDINATE project will be opening a new call for research grants, with which young or established researchers, analysts and others can visit participating research institutions and gain access to data from the most important European longitudinal research on children and young people.
Four of the eight host institutions (Manchester Metropolitan University, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, Centerdata, and University of Essex) will be present themselves in a short webinar on 31 August 2022, starting at 15:00. More information on the project available here, and more information about the event available here
4. April 2024
Spletni seminar SPOZNAJ: Podatkovne objave v odprti znanosti
14. March 2024
Predstavitev novega učbenika: Odprta učna gradiva z uporabo odprtih raziskovalnih podatkov
Prvi Arnesov podatkovni center prihodnosti bo lociran v Mariboru
BY-COVID Policy Brief: Open data to support European pandemic preparedness
The attitude of Slovenian society towards the immigration of EU workers, 2019, ZRS
Spletni seminar SPOZNAJ: Podatkovne objave v odprti znanosti
Predstavitev novega učbenika: Odprta učna gradiva z uporabo odprtih raziskovalnih podatkov
16th Annual European DDI User Conference (EDDI2024)