For the fourth year in a row , the Young Academy is organizing, as a part of the Science Month, a series of events focused on open science. The events will take place on Tuesdays and will be entirely online, with the exception of the last one which will take place in hybrid form.
The themes will be these:
More information about each of the events can be found here.
27. September 2024
Predstavitev ravnanja z raziskovalnimi podatki in objavljanja v skladu z načeli odprte znanosti
4. April 2024
Spletni seminar SPOZNAJ: Podatkovne objave v odprti znanosti
New release of ELSST Thesaurus: enhancing data discovery within CESSDA and beyond
Prvi Arnesov podatkovni center prihodnosti bo lociran v Mariboru
Problem of social inequality between students of FSPN, RIFSPN
Predstavitev ravnanja z raziskovalnimi podatki in objavljanja v skladu z načeli odprte znanosti
Spletni seminar SPOZNAJ: Podatkovne objave v odprti znanosti
16th Annual European DDI User Conference (EDDI2024)