Digital Preservation Planning: Principles, Examples and the Future with Planets.

Datum: Julij 29, 2008
Kraj: British Library Conference Centre, London
Organizator: Planets - Preservation and Long-term Access
PLANETS and the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) will be holding a joint briefing day: Digital Preservation Planning: Principles, Examples and the Future with Planets, on the 29th of July 2008, at the British Library Conference Centre, St Pancras, London.

The event will be an informal and interactive workshop allowing attendees to share knowledge and experience in digital preservation planning, setting strategy and policy plus first-hand experience of Planets tools and technology.

Attendees will also hear from DPC members about the approaches they have used in their organisations and the outcomes. There will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions and for discussion.

Planning is crucial to the process of preserving digital information and data. Planets has taken preservation planning as its research focus. From mid 2010, Planets will deliver downloadable software to help organisations plan and execute preservation activities.