1st Annual Conference on Digital Preservation for the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Začetek: Junij 25, 2015
Konec: Junij 26, 2015
Kraj: Dublin, Ireland
Organizator: The Digital Repository of Ireland
Conference description

The Digital Preservation for Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (DPASSH) conference is a response to the ever increasing problem of digital preservation within the arts and social science subject domain. It seeks to address the complexities of long-term digital preservation in the social and cultural realms and provide a platform for early career researchers, academics, scholars, cultural heritage and research institutions as well as libraries, archives and industry to engage and discuss the problem domain and exchange ideas on the solution.

DPASSH 2015, “Shaping our Legacy: Safeguarding the Social and Cultural Record”, is now open and submissions are invited from all sectors and perspectives (academics, researchers, students, industry, cultural heritage institutions, preservation infrastructures, etc.) for a variety of presentation formats (long or short paper and poster presentations) that critically reflect on all areas relating to digital preservation in the humanities and social sciences, arts, and cultural heritage sectors.


Registration will open in 2015. Fees for the conference cover attendance for two days including lunch, tea and coffee breaks, and a reception.

Full delegate rate: €100

Student rate: €70
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