Cemmap Course: New developments in econometrics (Guido Imbens and Jeffrey M.Wooldridge)

Začetek: Junij 16, 2009
Konec: Junij 18, 2009
Kraj: London
Organizator: Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice (cemmap)
In this course, modelled on the successful "what's new in econometrics" course we taught at the NBER in the summer of 2007, we will discuss developments in econometrics over the last decade and a half. The level of the course is such that it will be accessible to researchers with some background in econometrics, equivalent to the first year econometrics sequence in economics PhD programs, but there will be interesting material also for those more advanced. There will be little discussion of technical details, for which we will refer to the literature.

Rates: Public and private sector delegates: £1300.00; HE delegates: £60.00

Tutors: Guido Imbens (Harvard) - stuppard@fas.harvard.edu and Jeffrey M. Wooldridge (Michigan State University) - wooldri1@msu.edu