Social research and public involvement: colliding worlds? Involve and NCRM joint seminar

Datum: Sept. 26, 2008
Kraj: National Council for Voluntary Organisations, London
Organizator: The Economic and Social Research Council
This is a one day seminar for researchers, including user researchers, with an interest in
public involvement in applied social science research. The seminar will discuss the
contribution that the public can make to the research process. (e.g. users of public services,
people directly affected by applied or social policy research) . It provides an opportunity to
hear from speakers about the issues and challenges of public involvement and to discuss a
range of approaches to facilitating this process.
Speakers include Roy Sainsbury (Assistant Director SPRU, University of York), Mary Kellett
(Director Children's Research Centre, Open University), Richard O'Neill (Community
Campaigner, Gypsy Traveller, Fellow of Social Entrepreneurship) and Peter Beresford
(Director of the Centre for Citizen Participation Brunel University, Chair of Shaping Our
This seminar is free of charge. However places are limited and early completion of the
booking form is recommended. Priority will be given to researchers including user
researchers working in the social science field.
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