Survey Data Analysis II: Introduction to Linear Regression Modelling

Začetek: Nov. 11, 2009
Konec: Nov. 13, 2009
Kraj: Southampton (UK)
Organizator: Courses In Applied Social Surveys
The course will focus on the use of statistical modelling to study association between variables, with focus on simple and multiple linear regression, where the dependent variable is a continuous variable. Topics covered will include: Covariance and correlation; Simple linear regression modelling (the dependent variable is a continuous variable); Interpreting computer output; Model checking and model selection; Multiple regression modelling (the dependent variable is a continuous variable); Handling categorical variables and interactions (as independent variables). The course will have a strong practical emphasis, with regular sessions on computers enabling participants to work through examples in SPSS for Windows.

Participants are expected to have a basic knowledge of simple statistical methods. They will previously have taken a course in introductory statistics and/or have completed Survey Data Analysis I.

£25 per day for UK-registered students. £50 per day for staff from UK academic institutions (including research centres), ESRC funded researchers and registered charity organizations. £195 per day for all other participants. The course fee includes course materials, lunches and morning and afternoon tea, but not accommodation and travel which is to be arranged by the participant.
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